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22693076 No.22693076 [Reply] [Original]

Recommendations for stuff like Mishima and Bataille?

>> No.22693094


>> No.22693154


>> No.22693195

it's pretty funny how men cant stop wanting to give free sex to women and making them cum for free lol

Atheist ''men'' are really on the next level since they want and do the same thing but with their tongues.

>> No.22693686

"atheists" want blacks or pakis to do it while they sit in the closet watching through keyhole

>> No.22693722

If you don’t eat both pussy and ass you are missing out.

>> No.22693752

Antonin Artaud, Nikos Kazantzakis, Maurice Blanchot, Simone Weil, Ludwig Klages, Dylan Thomas, Octavio Paz, Ernst Junger, Emil Cioran, Fernando Pessoa, Julia Kristeva (especially her stuff on melancholy, horror, and her fiction), Clarice Lispector, Keiji Nishitani, Masao Abe, Christos Yannaras (his stuff on apophaticism), Osamu Dazai, Jean-Paul Sartre (fiction), Celine, W. G. Sebald, Kafka, Herman Hesse, Anne Carson's translations of Greek tragedy, Eka Kurniawan, Eugene Thacker, Lev Shestov, Nicholas Roerich, Alejandra Pizarnik, Rilke, Heidegger (esp. the later writings), Tennessee Williams, Beckett, Marguerite Duras, Maria Stepanova, Faulkner, Roberto Bolano, Yoko Tawada, Laszlo Krasznahorkai, Karol Wojytla's poems, George Steiner, Gary Snyder, Galway Kinnell, Jean Cocteau, Rimbaud, Mallarme, Baudelaire, Baudrillard, Debord, Bifo Berardi, Nietzsche, Dogen, Linji, Lyotard, Tomas Transtromer, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Ezra Pound.

>> No.22693755

Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, and Levinas worth throwing in there as well. Also Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. Saint Sophrony of Essex is a bit of an oddball to toss in there but his works, especially "We Shall See Him As He Is", have the same tortured ecstasy kinda thing going on.

>> No.22694289

On what? HPV?

>> No.22695147
File: 30 KB, 257x380, url(390).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks nigga, every now and then this board is redeemable

>> No.22695200

>Anne Carson's translations of Greek tragedy,
Why those translations specifically?

>> No.22696127

foul and evil, faggot behavior

>> No.22696167

Throw JG Ballard into the mix, too. Especially Crash, High Rise, and Atrocity Exhibition— but other stuff fits too. (Super-Cannes, lots of short stories.)

>> No.22696174

Those two things are really not the same and I’m tired of vile redditors memeing this filthy shit into existence. One is a sexual organ and the other is a hole where excrement is ejected from.

>> No.22696196

it's blacks that memed it, I don't even know if they actually do it or if it's a joke amongst them
>t. wigger

>> No.22696208

is that the car fucking one?

>> No.22696214

Try getting a good rimjob and then tell me it didn't give you sexual pleasure.
With your logic the cock isn't either because there's pee going out of it.

>> No.22696221

Piss is sterile. Shit is not

>> No.22696225

People into cannibalism understand eros better than you, you aren't aroused by the violence and primality of true sexuality. You're a neurotic, conditioned by niggers, porn, and lazy men who want to get pampered by a women who they're too cowardly to admit they hate. You have no vitality.

>> No.22696257

Not advocating anal or ass eating, but it is very germaine to the thread and a major topic of Bataille's work. Rather than pussy which vacillates between life and death, the anus represents a deathly cul de sac from which there is no redemption, no return.

>> No.22696294

I agree, but rimjob are low class.

>> No.22696312

Imagine her with cut and burn scars all over her arms, my lust knows no bounds.

>> No.22696637

What does the average rimjobber look like?

>> No.22696645

I was eating ass before it became a meme. It kinda pisses me off that it even is a meme. I hate the whole "Redditing" of sex.

Eating ass is fine because it's an online meme, but liking feet is le bad because... it just is!

I am pretty fit, nothing exceptional but look better than 90% of men I encounter.

>> No.22696650

Repulsive, vile.

>> No.22696652

Yeah I guess that's part of the appeal, I like the heightened state that comes from being sexually "depraved" and acting upon it.

I would like to understand, if you don't mind, your thoughts on why it's so vile.

>> No.22696660

Arguing with a pervert will lead to nothing but frustration.
If you're doing it because you know it's wrong and taboo, you're beyond saving

>> No.22696671

I didn't want to argue, I just wanted to see it from your point of view.

>> No.22696987

There's a difference between fa fetish obtained from some twisted real world experience and one obtained from chronic porn consumption and memes

>> No.22697117

Does Bataille even really have a connection to this whole trendy cultural sphere? I want to read Bataille as a scientist, he seems to be a rare ‘genius scientist’ type but I really don’t find his literary references and tastes interesting, it’s not grounded in anything. None of this stuff is grounded in anything and no one is trying to make it interesting it’s just a bunch of sickly social theory or whatever that really doesn’t mesh with his supposed ultra materialism. And then even the actual materialists come across as mentally ill. They don’t have that truly interesting Dostoyevsky type of materialist outlook where his interest in religion is only downwind of his sublime gambling psychology.

>you’re a neurotic
>precedes to list a bunch of insane neurotic shit
Like idk none of this stuff makes any sense

>> No.22697122

how would you even know the difference

>> No.22697125

>I want to read Bataille as a scientist, he seems to be a rare ‘genius scientist’ type
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.22697127

people are pretty open on "certain forum"

>> No.22697197

someone made a thread about Story of The Eye a while back and a lot of anons were shitting on it saying it was too pretentious and they didn't understand it but there was one good post I wanted to save but the thread got deleted. I can't even remember the exact words but it was something about the characters having sex in a field during a thunderstorm and all the other sexual scenarios having some sort of particular scientific theme that relates to the characters environment, Idk that just seemed more interesting than the Hegel, Nietzsche French social theory stuff. I want the type of real science that was described in that post. To me that was real materialism. It even lead me down the ultra materialist intellectual path I'm currently on but I just can't stand Hegel. Hegelianism is the bad part of this stuff. I want a Kantian Bataille

>> No.22697248

I see, I think that's copypasta from years ago now that I think about it

>> No.22697395

>Mishima and Bataille
where should I start with these two

>> No.22697602

I remember my 10/10 cousin taking off her pants to show me a massive scar on her thigh when I was about 12, she looked exactly like Alizée. Explains alot

>> No.22698125

that is the lamest reach i've ever heard

>> No.22698281

Pussies essentially just taste like skin, and if the bitch is on the rag they have that iron like metallic taste of blood. There really isn't anything psychologically disturbing about the taste of them.

>> No.22698307

Pussy doesnt taste like skin, it tastes like vaginal juices. The best taste there is.

Ass tastes like skin assuming it's clean.

>> No.22698314

Anti-ass-eaters really are no different than boys in grade school saying "eww girls are yucky!" Grow up. Sex is the Dionysian act par excellence, it's not the time for temperance and staying in your head thinking about how "dirty" everything is. You're a spiritual cuckold, a despiser of the body, and probably insecure because you can't let yourself go and just lose yourself in ultimate carnal pleasure. Dirty sex is basically the only avenue left for men to have a taste for this Dionysian rapture, war would be the other avenue, but that's off the table for men today, and of course the mechanical, industrial way of warfare doesn't lend itself quite to the ecstacy that must've been experienced in the old days during a cavalry charge or Vikings going berserk.
Point is, imagine being a caveman or Viking barbarian, coming home to your wife after a long day of bashing in the skulls of your enemies, and then thinking "eww I'm not gonna lick a dirty girl's ass, that's yucky!" imagine how ridiculous that Viking now looks. That's you.

>> No.22698320


>> No.22698326

Females tend to obsess about the taste of discharge and have developed a number of superstitions about it. Maybe there is a slightly different taste but on average it tastes pretty close to skin with a slightly acidic note. I do like the texture of the clit though and don't mind doing it for some time, I also like the taste of blood and don't mind that either. Sweat adds a salty note I don't mind. Sometimes if the smell is wrong I just straight up tell them to go shower or something because too much of the taste is affected by smell.

>> No.22698336

Maybe it's just our different taste buds then but I have always found pussy to taste really sweet.

I don't mind the taste of blood in general but there is something about vaginal blood that I just can't deal with. I admire you for still being able to do it.

>> No.22698339

you sound like a virgin
>muh vikings

>> No.22698343

I fucked precisely a 100 girls as of last week

>> No.22698352

Yeah, taste buds also change over time, could very well be the case. Period blood is different from blood off a fresh cut wound, fresh cut tastes better and has a better texture, period blood is older tasting and the texture can vary some but that iron like taste is still there.

>> No.22698378

I think the real truth is that both are submissive acts and there's really no way around that but ass eating is probably the most degrading thing. They are putting the lowest part of their body onto your face and mouth, how you interact with people and feed yourself. Vaginal to face/mouth contact is a form of humiliation, she's using the most important part of you, the actual symbol of how you materially exist in the world, purely as a sexual object. Anus to mouth contact is just complete disregard of the person. It literally makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it

>> No.22698382

it's also hardly as pleasurable as nearly every other act

>> No.22698403

I'd say no sexual act (aside from getting pegged probably, lol) is inherently submissive or dominant. It depends the energy of the man and woman. Getting a blowjob can even be submissive if you're tied to your bed. Or it can be extremely dominant if you facefuck her. Eating ass can be submissive, if you do it from a position of humiliation and weakness, but it's also very dominant of it's part of you getting lost in the frenzy of carnal desire as part of "devouring" her. It really depends on your attitude.

>> No.22698416

Thoughts of erotic cannibalism

>> No.22698419

Who cares about sub/dom its literally just about heightening both of your pleasures.

A proper ass eater loves eating ass and gets off on doing it and therefore both of you receive sexual pleasure from it.

>> No.22698427

>Who cares about sub/dom
Says the nigga in the Bataille/MIshima thread

>> No.22698514

I came here cause of the pic as OP intended and Mishima sucks anyway.

>> No.22698546
File: 247 KB, 960x1280, 1662329235773360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mishima/Bataille thread
>all this talk of eating pussy and giving w*men pleasure they don't deserve
Weak shit. Learn to suck dick like a real man. Gay sex is the real peak of wild rapturous masculine energy akin to a medieval cavalry charge. No woman will ever give you that.

>> No.22698581

Bataille was an infamous homphobe

>> No.22698613

OK but Mishima was a homo so the thread should be bisexual if it's going to be a Mishima and Bataille thread

>> No.22698736

I agree.

>> No.22698742

very clever parody post anon but yes gays have the most degenerate filthy sex imaginable and they seem to enjoy it

>> No.22698752

literally no homos on grindr think this. Go march for Palestine.

>> No.22698908

Nah, I'm sincere

>> No.22698909

This is enough to make a man a homosexual

>> No.22699060

This was the last on topic post. Fuck you all.

>> No.22699080

Maybe dont start a thread with an image infinitely more likely to be discussed you gay faggot

>> No.22700463


>> No.22700761

churches are champions of immigration and refugee resettlement programs

>> No.22700782

There are lots of French people of Polish ancestry; France received substantial intra-European immigration in the 19th and 20th centuries, mainly from Italy, Poland, Russia, Portugal, and smaller amounts from elsewhere. Consider a recent French president—
Sarkozy was born in Paris, and is the son of Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa[note 1] (Hungarian: nagybócsai Sárközy Pál; [ˈnɒɟboːt͡ʃɒi ˈʃaːrkøzi ˈpaːl] —in some sources Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál István Ernő),[2] (5 May 1928 – 4 March 2023), a Protestant Hungarian aristocrat, and Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (12 October 1925 – 12 December 2017),[3] whose Ottoman Greek Jewish grandfather converted to Catholicism to marry Sarkozy's French Catholic maternal grandmother.[4][5]

>> No.22701231

because only virgin incels keep talking and dreaming about it

>> No.22701265

>Piss is sterile
No it's not, that's a meme.

>> No.22702316

Why can it be used to clean wounds then?

>> No.22702325

How to properly eat pussy?
I wan to eat it so good, she won't fuck another man ever again

>> No.22702339

The girls I dated who had the highest libidos never asked me to go down on them but loved sucking dick. For one it was an embarrassment thing, another it was a power dynamic thing, and the other was more satisfied by just fucking.
Don't stoop to the level of licking pussy like a dog

>> No.22702351

>she won't fuck another man ever again
Read Evola's sex book, unironically

>> No.22702366


>> No.22702604

It's gay

>> No.22702642

lmao, what a retarded point of view. Imagine being this insecure.

>> No.22702679

>it's pretty funny how men cant stop wanting to give free sex to women and making them cum for free lol
It's pretty funny how you think sex being only pleasurable for the woman is a problem other men share with you.

>> No.22702929

Then you should focus more on his early sutff (up to the dismissal of Acephale in 1938), as the defining feature of his later works after La Part Maudit is mostly his Hegelian awakening. Erotism is strictly a Hegelian work. Land's The Thirst For Annihilation may suite you. His reading mostly relies on Kantian Bataille.

>> No.22702975

Ban Twitter screencap threads

>> No.22703004

>mfw I get "the tap"
it's been 5 years and I still haven't recovered psychologically

>> No.22703068

I meant this to be an earnest recommendation thread, the twitter screencap was just the first fitting pic I had downloaded

>> No.22704122


>> No.22704129

Very cool list of writers you just discovered this year

>> No.22704165

>Karol Wojytla
yeah the pope is my favorite Bataillean author too

>> No.22705542

whatever, pussy licker
you woman will never see you as man

>> No.22706795

bataille is pretty catholic imo

>> No.22706802

"You are black" --Joe Biden

>> No.22706805

...on being a disgusting faggot.

>> No.22706807

>>precedes to list a bunch of insane neurotic shit
>Like idk none of this stuff makes any sense
Only a woman would react the way you do. Not him btw.

>> No.22706810

>Sex is the Dionysian act par excellence
aka "I'm a deranged faggot with intestinal parasites". Viking raiders would laugh at you for slurping up shit dingles, then fuck your wife after.

>> No.22706813

Well, cuck whites do love to call anyone who doesn't engage in their humiliation rituals "insecure" I noticed.

>> No.22706820

Don't worry, Jamal, no one is taking away your prison bussy

>> No.22706910
File: 13 KB, 236x170, panokoulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I licked pussy for the first time I watched the Panokoulu (Fuck School) episode about it to know what to do and then when I did it she was trembling and convulsing so hard that she had to beg me to stop. Then she sucked my dick. I also licked her butt because it's right there and it tastes good.

In my experience good licking is something that makes women actually crave sex and love you and they'll gladly accept getting whipped a bit before it even though they don't like it just because they like what's coming after that.

>> No.22706954

read the later and not the former

>> No.22706981
File: 80 KB, 1080x1034, learnied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theatre theorist and poltical actor
>Heidegger, Cioran, Nietzsche
modernist, existentialist and Nietzsche respectively
>a morbillion modernist fiction writers

tf do any of these people except for nietzsche have to do with mishima or Bataille? both of these thinkers are pretty indepedant and while reading their influences can help with their ideas, its not that necessary since they both have pretty unique ideas

>> No.22706987
File: 105 KB, 1013x805, PETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face side up version of the family guy death pose

>> No.22707276

Read them, you're reducing pretty varied figures into simple descriptors.

>> No.22707354

You should probably take your own advice, lil’ guy, as you have never read a single writer you just discovered and listed ITT

>> No.22707359

The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.22707371

I ate pussy and it was the best thing ever. The trick is to find a girl who is young and not fat

>> No.22707372

Indeed, the absolute state of retarded pseuds like you listing Lispector, Kazantzakis, Weil, Rimbaud, Mayakovsky, Shestov among others. as writers comparable to Mishima and Bataille.

>> No.22707379

It wasn't me who listed them

>> No.22707382


>> No.22707891

bruh lispector's GH is bataillean to the core

>> No.22708013

Dark is a tv show about two young lovers destroying everything and killing themselves to avoid getting old and loosing their passion. Idk, that seems fitting for this thread.

>> No.22709168
File: 43 KB, 655x526, 1646693766540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell has no one recommended Comte de Lautreamont? If you read him, make sure to read the Poesies after Maldoror.

>> No.22710654


>> No.22711276

Levinas is like the most boring philosopher to exist. Basically continental Raws and without that much politics.

>> No.22711726

Keiji Nishitani.

>> No.22711736

>t. Judge Holden

>> No.22711748

If you like eating ass, that's fine, but don't force it unto others with such silly notions as falsely equating it to Nietzsche's notion of Dionysian dialectic or it being the only real frontier for such ecstatic delights. There's more to pleasures of the flesh than eating ass and it has nothing to do with your stupid boyish fantasies of war and conquer that you still haven't grown out of.