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File: 187 KB, 990x1600, book-cover-To-Kill-a-Mockingbird-many-1961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22691475 No.22691475 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 3/4 of the way through and now it all makes sense. No fucking wonder schools push this nigger loving garbage down chilluns throats. Fuck I hate (((them))) so much

>> No.22691477

but anon, he dindu nuffin

>> No.22691511

Without using memespeak, tell me why you don’t like it

>> No.22691533

I think it's a well written book because I'm not bored reading it but the theme is so annoying. White guilt. Who the fuck cares.

>> No.22691715

Remember that you're not supposed to discuss To Set a Watchman

>> No.22691773
File: 18 KB, 308x308, 1511965374087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more to it than that. There's the old guy that drank coke out of a paper bag because people assumed it was alcohol and left him alone, the old lady that was mean as fuck because she wanted to die without being addicted to pain medication, and the crazy shut in that saves Scout. It's just a simple book for kids about how misleading a first impression can be and how useful a calm and rational mind is.

Of course, if you're just a complete fucking slave to one political ideology or another, even a children's book can go over your head.

>> No.22691781

The book was intended to be taught in schools for this very purpose. And outside the US as well. Incredibly frustrating when it's not your history.

>> No.22691831

And the author just had to tie that in with good ole boy who dindu nuffin

>> No.22691850

Because she's from Alabama and wrote the book 5 years after Emmet Till was beaten to death for allegedly being fresh with a white lady.

It's a product of its time that some bitch wrote because she didn't want you to do the same stupid shit she saw.

>> No.22691856

>and wrote the book 5 years after Emmet Till was beaten to death

don't try to rape people, lesson learned

>> No.22691866

Don't worry eurofren, reinforcements from Africa are otw ;)

>> No.22691882

>historical revisionism for a fucking 4chan argument

>> No.22691885

That's why diversity is retarded and nigger worship media is dangerous. they are emotional impulsive and violent and empowering them through media like this where they are felt to slighted in some way serves to destroy

>> No.22691901

It doesn't worship anyone.
Again, you're viewing a 60 year-old book through the lens of a 20 year-old faggot. It's leading you to incorrect conclusions about her intent in writing it. Context is important.

>> No.22691922

Yea I get what you're saying but that doesn't mean they haven't been using this as a weapon. Now it's evolved into, well I'm sure you are aware of what its turned into now

>> No.22691934

you shouldnt read anymore

>> No.22691941

I'm actually thinking of killing myself.

>> No.22691944
File: 84 KB, 824x579, 1549840259943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then try to use it for something else. You can't help what other people do with information. You're the king of how you process and use it yourself, though.
You can start by letting a thing speak for itself instead of letting these weird, neurotic, modern liberals tell you what the thing is about. Be better than them.

>> No.22691960

I've heard so many people here say they want Empires back but they also hate multiculturalism which is one of the defining features of an Empire (with America being the modern model of it). I don't get it lol. People should want a ethnostate not an Empire if they want no diversity or multiculturalism. Not a direct response to you just general

>> No.22691977

Yeah, public education mass assigning a book about how you‘re supposed to tolerate niggers forcing themselves on White women is pretty insidious.

>> No.22692004

No you are right I should be taking something positive from this and the theme of being calm and rational is huge especially for me. But i just saw the parallel from this book and how the media does similar things EVEN THOUGH its that wasn't the authors intent. I totally get that
I think people who want empires are in the minority

>> No.22692006

I literally just want to live in some Scandinavian village with minimum exposure to the outside world.

Know a guy who was raised by Swedish parents, isolated on a farm in the middle of rural Nebraska. Dude's just so calm and happy.
He didn't force himself on her. She was trying to sleep around on her husband because he was an angry drunk. It's honestly more plausible than a member of a practical slave class trying to force himself on an upper caste member.

>> No.22692021

We have consistent demonstration over several decades that nogs will always try to nog versus a post-hoc liberal system claim.

>> No.22692026

Reminder that Harper Lee most likely didn't write or plagiarized large sections of TKaM

>> No.22692039

Black men have always been known for their virility. The woman just wanted the nig dick. Satisfy herself physically and psychologically with the whole forbidden fruit taboo

>> No.22692622

Based and Capote-pilled.

>> No.22693725

>historical revisionism

the original accusation was a rape attempt. the black men around emmett found it credible and took action into their own hands.

>> No.22694639
File: 154 KB, 736x736, emmet till.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the black men around emmett found it credible and took action into their own hands.
Presumption of innocence exists for a reason. You can make the argument from your own camp that they were also being white knighting faggots believing everything a woman says, because "oh poor innocent and vulnerable me I can do no wrong."

They found it "credible," but it was wrong. The lady even admitted she lied back in 2017, only to backpedal the fuck out of that in 2021 when she found out that she could face a murder charge for it, and then she simply ended up dying this year. If it had been dealt with within the confines of the law, as is any American citizen's right, it could have been a less tragic story than, "14 year-old beaten into a bloody, swollen pulp while he begs for his mother, God, or anyone to save him."

Oh yeah, that's the fun part. Kid was 14 and 5'4". You can't even compare it to Trayvon Martin.

>> No.22694721

Take your faggy loser fantasies somewhere else.

A woman on the brink of senility being coerced by a political environment insistent on fabricating negroid innocence is very much not proof.

>> No.22694938

Which comes back to my previous point of "presumption of innocence."
Listen and believe is for fucking retards.

>> No.22695032

So all a woman has to do is accuse a man of rape and we can go to his house and kill him? Sounds like Twitter would be a better fit for you.

>> No.22695053

>filtered by fucking harper lee
If you sincerely believe that White Guilt is what you're supposed to get out of To Kill A Mockingbird, you should kill yourself.

>> No.22695077

In a dispute between a white woman and a black man, I as a racist side with the black man.

>> No.22695298

false nigger persecution was such a common occurrence she had to write a fictitious victim fantasy drawing from no actual events

>> No.22695314

the kike journalist who interviewed her recorded the whole thing but interestingly the confession she made it up was absent from his recordings. her memoirs were released a year or two ago where she detailed the event. kys nigger lover

>> No.22695372

And they get "fresh" with thousands of ladies every year

>> No.22695379

This has been a huge discussion within right wing circles. The BAP crowd wants multi ethnic imperium while detractors want isolationist nationalism.

>> No.22695385

Did Capote write it? I know they were friends. Apparently one of the characters was modeled on him

>> No.22695393

Presumption of innocence exists to restrict government from political witch hunts.

>> No.22695448

Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.22696024

It also exists to prevent a bunch of retard vigilantes from lynching innocent people.

>> No.22696459

Ah yeah, the completely inplaysible fantasy of a nigger raping a white female. Truly something that has never happened in history.

>> No.22696479

>It's possible therefore it happened
It is sincerely unjust that someone so obviously retarded has the same rights as I do.

>> No.22696489

Happened about 20 thousand times last year in US alone.

>> No.22697218

No it doesn't

>> No.22698996

I'm sorry 8th grade is so rough for you Anon

>> No.22699037

If you compare the quality of writing between Mockingbird and Watchman it's self-evident that Lee couldn't have written Mockingbird. She never produced anything of Mockingbird's quality before or since and there've been cryptic comments made by Lee and others that either someone else wrote the story for her or she plagiarized it from an abandoned manuscript written by a friend (I think the latter is the core of the Capote theory)

>> No.22699045

>Who the fuck cares
Obviously you do

>> No.22699466
File: 445 KB, 1200x611, Race_of_Perpetrators 122016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape stats for 1994-2010 from department of justice. why must pariahs always devolve to being racist? its not a personality. and yes source is below for the lazy tards page 5. stay mad


>> No.22699472

What does "per capita" mean again?

>> No.22699503

When it’s a black thug and executed by senior members of his own community, there’s a far greater chance their suspicions were accurate.

>> No.22699509

Based and same

>> No.22699516

>black on white rapes: tens of thousands every year
>white on black rapes: …like one every three years

I love it when the limp wristed negro lovers come here, as if their pets read literature

>> No.22699626

>He doesn't know about the white hispanics

>> No.22699724

Did you see that recent scandal where tons of black rapists were listed as white

>> No.22699789

proof? who would conspire to do that?
the facts i already sourced say your pov is wrong. counterargue, learn basic math or quit crying.
sure a black person by this metric is more likely to rape than a white person. you're still far more likely to be raped by someone who is white. all i ask is for realism. white people are no holier

>> No.22699808
File: 47 KB, 869x583, IMG_20231109_231449_241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone designed some data crawler and found out that a huge proportion of black rapists were listed as white in precincts across the whole country. Here is one example. It was circulating about a month ago but alas I am not autistic and didn't save it.

>> No.22699818

You can check on these and see how so many non whites are listed as white, even though its not exaclty the same issue. Fact is, if you pull up these offender databases and look through them yourself, you'll see all kinds of blacks, MENA, and "latinos" registered as white.

>> No.22700065

Wait a minute, you're telling me that despite being only 13% of the population...

>> No.22700693

why are you all so weird