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/lit/ - Literature

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22689836 No.22689836 [Reply] [Original]

>The novelist Bret Easton Ellis annoyed young people in an interview this week. “I mean, what is millennial culture?” he asked. “There’s no writing. They don’t care about literature. None of them reads books.” The only culture they have, he said, is “cancel culture”. But what is that?

Is he wrong? Really? 'None of them even read and the only culture they have is cancel culture' is hilarious. I wish he would've just gone into further detail about how shit millennial writing is, though, like how no matter the story, they write themselves into the story because it's all they know how to do or how they lean heavy on "Aw shit, stuff is getting heavy! quick, do a halfassed quip/skit!" or how pretty cheerleaders are always the villains (while Chad always shacks up with the authorial self-insert who "doesn't know how beautiful she REALLY is") or how every millennial's attempt at writing an alternative boils down to "world sucks 'cause Stacy no give me coochie" or whatever. I swear, millennials are a glorified speed bump and nobody will remember them fifty to a hundred years from now. Maybe if they stopped shooting up schools and bowling alleys (Aubrey Hale and Robert Card was a millennial), they'd make something meaningful?

>> No.22689867

I would point out that he was a trust-fund kid with an elite education, an actual homosexual, and is most famous for a degenerate psychopath novel which lampooned the degeneracy and depravity of his own generation and their total sabotage of any vestige of culture left so he’s wrong to blame millenials and only millenials for not inheriting the farm that he and his contemporaries sold off decades ago so they could have comfy little careers talking at universities like he’s doing now, but he’s basically right that millenials have no culture. A real culture would’ve put him against the wall by now.

>> No.22689987

> while Chad always shacks up with the authorial self-insert who "doesn't know how beautiful she REALLY is") or how every millennial's attempt at writing an alternative boils down to "world sucks 'cause Stacy no give me coochie" or whatever
You wrote this, not Bret.

>> No.22690054
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>boomer yells at clouds

>> No.22690059

>Homosexual one-hit wonder has-been yells at younger people for whatever reason

>> No.22690095

cancel culture isnt real. Its effected like 3 people at most

>> No.22690146

Most of this is untrue. He did not have a trust fund, ever; he was educated at Bennington College, which is neither elite nor even especially prestigious; and the moralist critiques offered by American Psycho were not generationally specific as anyone with any understanding of capitalism should understand. And he might be gay but he's had far fewer relationships than most straights, all of two in more than 30 years, both committed, exclusive, and long-term.

If it's true that Millennials don't read, I would argue it's for the same reasons previous generations did: we're often products of circumstance. No other generation has been inundated with the anti-intellectual distractions they have.

>> No.22690152

> he might be gay but he's had far fewer relationships than most straights
A fag’s a fag. You think you did something lol

>> No.22690156


>> No.22690165

At least he can be who he is in public. You have to hide here like the cockroach you are.

Super-cool evasion on getting blown out on all the substantive stuff, though. Also, ultra-mega-cool attempt to link a non-relevant human sexuality issue with a bunch of other things which would've been substantive if they had been true. I'm gonna go ahead and guess you slonk raw eggs. Am I right, based bro?

>> No.22690172

>All of these boomers have a moral flaw that wouldnt have happened if they were born as their children and they never existed!
I hate this generation war retardation, it doesnt even make any fucking sense, millenials are mostly just poorer boomers

>> No.22690190

Did I hit a nerve, Bret? You seemed to be pretty pissed someone called you a fag. You are a fag and not even a particularly interesting one. Hiding? Eating eggs? What pathetic boogeymen lol

>> No.22690206

Yeah, totally. Thanks for spelling my name right as well as confirming my speculations correct, you fucking nobody.

>> No.22690233

What speculations, Bret? You haven’t been right about anything in your life. Wallace was right about you.

>> No.22690353

Jay? Donna? ..

>> No.22690361

Is this actually Bret in this thread?
I somehow wouldn't be surprised if he browses 4chan

>> No.22690363

Of course people born in the 80s read, you dimwits. And stop claiming that the majority of the population of this board (YOU) isn't made up of millennials.

>> No.22690390

He browses 4chan, yes. Some time in 2018 he did an anonymous AMA.

>> No.22690417

His father was a wealthy property developer who built and sold skyscrapers, Bennington is a prestigious LAC. Spare me the capitalism spew and defense of homosexuals. There’s one generation known for Wall Street hyper-capitalism and snorting coke off gay dicks in meatpacking district nightclubs. This fag is a spoiled degenerate just as a matter of fact.

>> No.22690519

So anyone who's father wasn't a loser is a fundie? Especially given the heritability of IQ, this proposition seems untenable and ridiculous.

>> No.22690527

There's big difference between not being a loser and being a millionaire lol

>> No.22690581

>Maybe if they stopped shooting up schools and bowling alleys
>and houses of worship, and workplaces, and stores, and parades, and nightclubs, and concerts

That would be a good thing

>> No.22690959


Has this turned into an AMA? Can we ask questions about American Psycho?

>> No.22691244

>culture is books and only books
I agree that millennials are a pretty shit bunch, but Jesus that’s just such a narrow and poorly developed opinion

>> No.22691259


>> No.22691380

Your shit peaks at chapter 2 and then becomes uninteresting. Better luck next time.

>> No.22691392

Why do rich people refuse to see themselves as rich?

>> No.22691419

Rich young people fetishize being grungy poor geniuses who get discovered like it's a movie. Instead they are faggots and I hope Pol Pot comes back.

>> No.22691423

why does this board have so many raging manchild commie retards compared to the others?
Is it a r-ddit thing where they feel the need to constantly prove that they're smart because it's the only cope they have for being unpopular and weak?

>> No.22691666

if they pretend they're not rich then the notion of noblesse oblige doesn't apply

>> No.22691791

Lit tends to attract outward leftists. Most people who are outwardly political are annoying and cringe as shit. Some sort of weird complex where commies think they have a monopoly on books. I don't know why everyone cedes ground to them because they come across as smug psuedo intellectuals.

>> No.22691802

Narcissism. They want to convince themselves they are where they are thanks to hard work, when in reality it means daddy inherited granddaddy’s business.

>> No.22692240

But can anyone recommend some kino lit that exemplifies millennials and the 2010s?

>> No.22692259

Literature is being gatekept from millennials, along with jobs, housing, marriage, political power, and everything else. Why do millennials not care about literature? Because jews and LGBTQueers are running the circus.

>> No.22692384

The very existence of cancel culture is the seedbed for new literature. Good literature is always tumping some boat or the other, and the bigger the boat, the bigger the tump, and the better the book. Cancel culture is a huge boat. The problem now is that writers are writing to get along with cancel culture. Once people start writing to tump it over, things will get interesting again. Don't write to be liked the most. Write to be hated the most.

>> No.22692391

opinions on The Shards guys?

>> No.22692421

No one gives a shit about cancel culture anymore like
>noo people are xing about me in a negative way, this is terrible!
Man the fuck up

>> No.22692479

>Is he wrong
No. Millenials failed utterly at the literature game

>> No.22692613

I'm on the right way then.

>> No.22692945

What's weird about it to me is that given the writer's psychopathic calm and clear knowledge as to what to do (in the culminating scene) that BEE avoided modern structures of revealing person's of his orientation in a 'negative light' by making the killer 'himself'. This conclusion is very clear to me, although few seem willing to draw it. Also explains in a way contrary to expectations his unwillingness to write it until he felt he could, which doubles as a clear dig at the reading public at large. Despite a far less 'florid' species of delivery, the book is every bit as 'meta' as a few of his former productions, but no one seems prepared to acknowledge this in 2023.

>> No.22693298

He's wrong. We have memes, for what it's worth.

>> No.22693301
File: 167 KB, 333x355, 1683643501507692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of them reads books.” The only culture they have, he said, is “cancel culture”

>> No.22694340

He's completely correct of course. Hardly any worthwhile literature has been published since the late '90s, and even those works that qualify were by old, established authors.

>> No.22694757
File: 329 KB, 1440x1080, 1688824957267302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millennials really are an embarrassingly infantilized generation. Their culture is brand worship, deterministic materialism they do not understand and digital toys. The women are sad to look at. It's over.

>> No.22694771
File: 195 KB, 260x380, The_Shards_Bret_Easton_Ellis_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they write themselves into the story

>> No.22694845

Wtf this cover is way better than the one sold in mt cunt. Ours is the pretty neck of a pretty boy with a splash of blood, cause that's what sells here. I fucking hate living in this place, "literature" to us means porn and thrillers for middle aged women so rverything misy be pressed into rhat mold to stand a chance