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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.32 MB, 1090x1090, IMG_3853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22689105 No.22689105 [Reply] [Original]

The childless woman does not have a developed sense of motherhood. Because of that, she does not care and even hates the men around her.
The childless woman will vote for policies that do not benefit the men (half of her nation) at all. She will vote for policies that instead cucks her own men, lets thousands of invaders into her country, and then gives handouts to those invaders, who will eventually kill the men around her. To her, all the better, no? She will simply be surrounded by stronger men — the invaders who will eventually rape her.
After a woman has a little boy, she will finally have a stake in society, she has some reason to make the world around her better.
A childless woman with a vote in her hand is an apocalyptic danger.

>> No.22689107

yeah duh. How is this /lit/ though

>> No.22689110

Wrong. Nuns used to perform important social roles: taking care of orphans, teaching in schools etc

>> No.22689112

Blackpill: women with boys can act like this too.

>> No.22689124

This is an excerpt from On the Freedom of the Will

>> No.22689186

Cool story, skin. Anyway, what's up with incels and their affinity for ai slop?

>> No.22689208

Freud's devouring mother.
Gad Saad noted that there's a white American lady who adopted two orphan boys out of Africa, and they both "turned out" to be the only mtfs on the continent.

>> No.22689214

Mothers vote against their interest too. Probably even worse because they see their sons as robbers of their youth and opportunities (I could've been a party slut...). The solution is that women simply shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.22689236

The shrill squealing of society's leftover failures is a thing to behold.

>> No.22689327

Which one?

>> No.22689382


>> No.22689402

This is abstract digital art made by a real artist. AIchads absolutely mind broke you.

>> No.22689439

There are several
Cite your sources

>> No.22689445

Link the artist

>> No.22689447

Dude, women don't hate men. They just hate you.

>> No.22689467
File: 122 KB, 1080x1065, FGpxflXWQAUr4VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post tits or fuck off, whore.

>> No.22689471

Incels are conservatives. Conservatives hate creativity. AI art standardizes and commodifies and measures creativity in such a way that the destructive forces of violence that spawn from it can be controlled and subdued. Fascists are the same except the like the violence.

>> No.22689478

> Conservatives hate creativity
We have seen what art became under government of the libshits

>> No.22689488

This is exactly my point. You hate it all and can come up with nothing but trite reductive signifiers in response to my post. You can't even muster the effort to elaborate. SAD.

>> No.22689493

Not an endless rehash of muh marble statues and impressionist paintings. VGH!

>> No.22689499
File: 447 KB, 500x551, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22689502

People have kids younger and have more kids if stable, quality employment and housing is available.

>> No.22689505

>posts symbol image as reaction

>> No.22689513

>furthers point by posting template image
Do conservatives really? Of course they do

>> No.22689528

mindbroken sametranny

>> No.22689535

You're on a literature board, anon. Every book worth reading was written by a conservative.

>> No.22689536
File: 166 KB, 1290x325, IMG_9568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you speak in real words? Did /pol/ ruin your ability to articulate concepts in your brain?

>> No.22689579

>sametranny amerimutt uses different devices to project his (male) retarded politics on people from civilised countries

>> No.22689779
File: 2.79 MB, 476x480, 1697300012191776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/

>> No.22690313

Nuns are an exception, they are required adhere to a religious doctrine, very tightly controlled, it's a very very unique situation. When it comes to just childless women in the wild, I don't think OP is wrong. Biologically, women were designed to attract male attention, become pregnant and have as many children as their bodies could produce whether they survive that or not, and many didn't. That's literally their whole purpose. Everything about their existence is strictly designed for raising children. If they don't have children those instincts are still there and they get repurposed and cause chaos. This is why women walk around acting like Karens and try to correct everyone and are incredibly annoying and get politically active and vote for insane shit that makes no sense. What these instincts are meant for is in policing their own children and caring for them. Instead this is applied to their husbands or boyfriends and they become insanely controlling, involved in local and political shit. With nuns the instinct is specifically redirected to charitable tasks, with women in the wild it's just total chaos. Like the difference between a carefully controlled garden and weeds surrounded by trash in some shithole inner city.

>> No.22690350

Why don't you have a woman then to have children?

>> No.22690354

I SUPPORT more women being CHILDLESS because I WANT society to COLLAPSE and ENDLESS SUFFERING otherwise I cannot be ENTERTAINED

>> No.22690369