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File: 25 KB, 333x500, david goggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22678621 No.22678621 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw a nigger is superior to 99% of whites

>> No.22678632

he abandoned his kids

>> No.22678633

I know nothing about this guy or his books. What's his claim to fame?

>> No.22678636

reminder that this guy is legit 87 IQ . He scored a 20 on his first ASVAB (which is an IQ test), which translates to an IQ of 87.

>> No.22678656
File: 221 KB, 324x302, bas usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the navy seals is a white world where all are WHITE regardless of race
educate yourself, you dumb nigger

>> No.22678661

What does 94 on the ASVAB translate to?

>> No.22678662

>being le heckin racist to own da friggin white chuds
it is the oddest way to shitpost
kys (you) farmer

>> No.22678668

Kek nice thread OP, there will be a lot of /pol/tard seething soon, but to be real if he was superior he wouldn't have been obese in the first place and would've just been a chad his whole life like Jocko Willink.

>> No.22678679

Seconding this. I got a 92, but was ultimately rejected from service because of multiple DUIs and cocaine possession charges. A few years later they made vaccination mandatory for enlisted so it turned out to be a blessing in disguise

>> No.22678695

Navy Seals are a gang of low IQ small time criminal deadbeats whose greatest achievement is executing a (basically staged),turkey shoot raid on a 54 year old Bin Laden to help get Obama reelected.
Paul Robeson was a black man who was genuinely the superior of 99% of contemporary white society and as a result they all conspired to ruin his life.

>> No.22678696

probably somewhere in the early-mid 120s

>> No.22678810
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I've read most of the book, he says nigger an awful lot and it is a pointless read.
Anyone know where i can get a book called
"cracking the learning code"
have tried Anna's and PDFDrive, went to the geocites link but i don't understand the
'@find <bookname>'

>> No.22678833

What was his score the second time he took it though? Perhaps he just didn't prepare at all.

>> No.22678842

Navy seals average IQ is a 120. It's more than a standard deviation and per definition not low IQ.

>> No.22678976

>Search [book name] + pdf
>Download book
>Scan for hidden Putin's

>> No.22679004
File: 3.28 MB, 320x240, ragey..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro but Yandex yields no results

>> No.22679019

a quick browse of the book's "presence" online indicates to me that it is a scamtard book. don't worry about it.

>> No.22679030

Sometimes doing the same but with the ISBN number helps

>> No.22679128
File: 34 KB, 500x483, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice but it didn't work

yeah but i'm a europoor trying to fix my financial situation so i read a lot of this type of thing. Author's ideas are interdesting and his method is based on neuroscience. But thanks for responding with your advice.

>> No.22679136

I'd just read Learning How to Learn by Barbara Oakley. much easier to find a pdf, and same shtick really. it'll be difficult to find a better book on the subject without wasting a lot of time.

>> No.22679145
File: 510 KB, 840x488, pepe-gets-excited.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks LitAnon, i will do that now, appreciate it.

>> No.22679156


>> No.22679159

125 iq

>> No.22679162

second time he got even lower
he scored 18, so again around 87 iq

>> No.22679166

Wtf so how did he get accepted.

>> No.22679168

He practiced his ass off for months just to scrape a 50 (average)

>> No.22679174

>be mentally ill
>run until you piss blood


>> No.22679188


U lied to me anon.

>> No.22679198

99% of whites have been reduced to obese domesticated zog cattle. Not a hard task

>> No.22679199

he changed his story then

>> No.22679200

Why would browns from /pol/ seethe about whites getting trashed?

>> No.22679240

Thanks anons.

>> No.22679264

oh fuck off, liar scum.

>> No.22679266
File: 239 KB, 470x474, not_fukin_happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just read 60 pages, it's for children, i was around when VHS was a thing.
Thanks anyway but there is not much sales and marketing advice!
"information does not cause transformation"

>> No.22679268

It’s just demoralization

>> No.22679275

I got a 57 on it what’s that translate to

>> No.22679278

slightly above average

>> No.22679283

so around 110 iq

>> No.22679294

idk what you expected, especially with the sales and marketing shit. read a book for that if that's what you want.

>> No.22679320
File: 13 KB, 238x199, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is what i was asking in my first post.
see >>22678810

>> No.22679335

>it's for children

Mate, stop being so arrogant and try to force yourself to have critical thinking. Children are humans, and we are able to learn even when we are adults. This book is valid and it's great, I'm not even the anon who recommended you.

>can't see the value of Goggins book
>can't see the value of Barbara Oakley book
>just read 60 pages in like a hour

Nigga, help yourself or ngmi

Distill the shit you read, take notes, reread, have critical thought, assume you are the stupid and the author is the smart. This hubris of your will annihilate you

>> No.22679366
File: 60 KB, 388x1024, 3_fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't say i wouldn't finish it did i?
What is the value in Goggins book?

I am trying to help myself hence asking for a book to help myself you self- righteous cunt

where do i express Hubris? Literally asking for help to find a book to help me which implies i don't know something and have no confidence/hubris you dumbest of fucks.
Get fucked you spastic.

>> No.22679374

when the fuck did you say you wanted to learn sales and marketin you spastic eurotard

>> No.22679388

>What is the value in Goggins book?
Try to think for YOURSELF

How can you improve your life conditions if you can't think? If you can't solve a problem?

>I am trying to help myself hence asking for a book to help myself you self- righteous cunt

And you are getting recommendations and dispensing them without even trying to understand the concepts the author is presenting to you. You claim to have read 60 pages of the book, how much information tou think you retained by speed reading?

Try to have critical thinking and most important, try to criticize yourself before getting all offended.

>> No.22679413
File: 663 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2023-11-05 00-59-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read Goggins book?
Must Seals disagree with what he does, the guy put himself out of action for 9 months when he did the first ultra marathon, his methods are really stupid. i found nothing in the book of any value which is why i stopped reading it.

Have you read Oakly's book?
implying i cant retain info by speed reading, what you know me?
i was simple asking for a specific book and it's you cunts that have gotten all offended and defensive.
when did i say i did or didn't understand the concepts in Oakley's book dip shit?
pic rel is a screen from her book.
fucking twat

>> No.22679423

>"look, this simple book meant for all ages and all reading levels has simple analogies and silly visuals"

If this bothers you, why do you even read books?

>> No.22679473
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2023-11-05 01-20-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>simple book meant for all ages
pic rel idiot. who is it for you retard?
tell me you haven't read the book without telling me you haven't read the book.
Why don't you shut the fuck up you no nothing fool.
The book doesn't bother me i was simply looking for something for grown ups.

>> No.22679483
File: 136 KB, 1000x1500, 81xk6jafTJL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, there is an adult version of this book. Why are you whining at me when you failed to do the two seconds of research it would take to find it?

>> No.22679519
File: 154 KB, 506x439, dark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the fuck did i say i even wanted this book?
the book you are proposing is for Math and science.
what the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension? when did i say i wanted a book about this? i didn't "fail to do the two seconds of research" I'm not looking for this book you dumb cunt or any book about Math and science.

>> No.22679528

>guessing the meaning of a book entirely from the title
>refusing to skim a summary, table of contents, or index
NGMI. Sorry Anon, people will never spoonfeed you. It's a book about learning. The title is for marketing.

>> No.22679542

giganigga never made sense to me. this is like the sequel

>> No.22679549
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x2448, 1650436686020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not looking for this book am I.
I'm not looking for spoon feeding I'm looking for a specific book. jesus fucking christ.
Let it Go, I'm not interesting in Oakley's book regardless of your opinions.

>> No.22679571

Maybe if you apply affirmative action standards

>> No.22680980
File: 209 KB, 1170x1350, 1699011935387113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bucks should be using libgen. You can find any book there in any language.

You're welcome.

>> No.22681007

kek, this is the funniest misunderstanding I've had in weeks. sorry anon, you accidentally downloaded the children's version of the book. I didn't even know there was a children's version! this whole time, I thought you were some pretentious and entitled pseud, skimming 60 pages and pretending that you gave the book a fair shot. I can see why you were able to read 60 pagres of that awful children's book so quickly LOL

>> No.22681011

anon, it's just a title. you can use it for anything you have difficulty learing. it's the best general book on learning.

>> No.22681054

Saw a cuh reading this on the 15 tram in Warsaw between NiK and Raszyńska last week. The tram was packed and there was an old man expressively hinting at gaining the cuh's seat. The cuh remained engrossed. I felt that perhaps I had witnessed a true chad.

>> No.22682012

goggins more like goatgins

>> No.22682329

What Goggins does is as impressive as castrating yourself, try that

>> No.22682368

The seals never killed bin laden and their dumb fuck raid also exposed the air forces top pilots.

>> No.22682485

I liked the part where he plays victim and complains about wypipo being racist then immediately follows it up with how he talks about acting like a hood and getting suspended three times for fighting.

>> No.22682525

Racism isn't cool. I hope you grow up.

>> No.22682548


It's not hard to figure out
Stupidity unironically translates to resilience
Cavemen were resilient because they were literally too dumb to be weak which ironically is the only reason smart weak people can exist at all now

>> No.22682553

There are plenty of black people who outperform. They just don't get as much attention unless they are from the woke community and are women. Healthy, normal black men are not something the globohomo want.

>> No.22682564

And? I'm black and I have an IQ of 157. IQ tests do not measure all kinds of intelligence.

This makes no sense and yet perfect sense. Culture is everything. Race is nothing.

>> No.22682572

Nothing compared to Angelo Soliman, the African polyglot and respectable intellectual outpacing nearly everyone at his time.

>> No.22682575

Apply for mensa

>> No.22682633


what meaningful contribution has he made to society

>> No.22682641


>And? I'm black and I have an IQ of 157
Based on which test, and how many iterations?

>> No.22682647

A book. Also, while not being a good dad, he is present. Statistically pretty good for a black man.

>> No.22682790

I'm conflicted on him. There is definitely great virtue in overcoming one's barriers and waging war with one's own vices. But this should be applied to actually important things, and not fitness. Fitness is important just like hygiene is important, but going further than that is pathological. The athletes that are idolised in this culture are literally brain-damaged from all the concussions, riddled with injuries and steroids. They are not physically healthy people. Not sure why we have made role models out of them.

This sort of motivational content always centres around fitness because fitness requires no skill. Anyone can do it. You don't need skill to go to the gym and lift, or run. You just need grit. So people feel like they've accomplished something when in reality they've done the equivalent of brushing their teeth.

Also, I don't believe motivational content actually helps anyone. Especially not the motivational content that influencers put out. The format itself is destructive to the mind and encourages addiction to mindless scrolling. And anyone who is weak enough to need a motivational speaker is too weak to follow their guidance.

>> No.22682800

>This sort of motivational content always centres around fitness because fitness requires no skill. Anyone can do it.
Wrong. Anyone can dabble in it but most will suck at it.

>> No.22682811

>And? I'm black and I have an IQ of 157.
proof? this is like a white guy claiming 170+ iq

>> No.22682850

Fitness is absolutely an athletelet pursuit. There is nothing difficult about picking up weights. At least ballerinas require skill.

>> No.22682861

They say they’ll let people with scores like this be nuclear engineers and shit.

>> No.22682872


>> No.22682875

Forgettable tryhard, go back to r3ddit and graduate high school before coming back.

>> No.22683181


Are you Nigerian? I've met many Nigerian men who were definitely in the genius tier.

>> No.22683212

His is just the most published story like this in modern day. A small contingent of all people regardless of race are born with some screw lose that makes them like this.

You can say this same shit about tons of white athletes or war heros

>> No.22684237

Losing weight it's easy, genuinely do not understand why fat people exist, I don't care about your cope studies or whatever, literally just stop eating.
"You wouldn't get it you've been skinny all your life", true, which is why during one of my bulking phases I decided to go all out and just completely become fat to try to lose the weight after, and I did, was it hard at times? maybe, doesn't change that I still lost all the weight again in less of a year because I just persevered.

I do regret doing it tho, as losing that amount of weight so fast is extremely unhealthy.

>> No.22684268

Despite that, he’s still more successful than you. Imagine how powerful Goggins would be with an IQ of even 115-125

>> No.22684281

Why does this thread appear once a week?

>> No.22684323


>> No.22684390

in democracy a military people are dumb

>> No.22685852
File: 74 KB, 2048x2048, katti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 157. IQ

>> No.22685860

sorry but no. race differences clearly exist

t. black with iq 137

>> No.22685966

Fuck off retard. I'm a high IQ brown and racial differences are obviously real. Just look at the Minnesota adoption study. There's now genetic evidence for this.

>> No.22685976

Race differences do not exist in the sense you’re saying. Only those differences which are necessary and sufficient to distinguish the races are real race differences. If a black guy has 180IQ and the average black man has 80IQ does that mean he is no longer black? No. Blacks ON AVERAGE have lower IQ than whites but having low IQ is not necessary characteristic of being black.

>> No.22685993

This is a Ship of Theseus argument where you can take away every single quality of being black individually and ultimately show that blackness doesn't even exist beyond accidental skin colour. Why are you playing language games?

>> No.22686011

low iq is somewhat caused by being black

>> No.22686047

>the top .001% of black people are all shitposting on 4chan

>> No.22686053

>every single quality of being black
How is low IQ a quality of being black? That would imply that a high IQ black person isn't black or has failed to fully realise his blackness since he hasn't expressed all of its qualities.
>somewhat caused
Which means what? The only true thing you can say with respect to this topic is that black people are on average lower IQ than white people (or whichever other comparison you want to make). That means if you take a black person and a white person randomly it is likely, but not certain, that the white person will be higher IQ.

>> No.22686773


Nobody in their right mind would believe that blacks on average are less intelligent than whites. You are just making things up anyway becuse there is no population wide survey of black IQ. The number of people who actually take IQ tests is infinitisemaly small. You are generalizing based on a small data set.

>> No.22686822

Well it’s a statistical fact. Not to mention the mound of corroborating evidence (poor school performance, twin studies, lower wealth, lower historical achievement, higher rates of crime). These things can either be explained by “white man keeping them down” as the leftists do (which is a bad, religious explanation) or simply by pointing to the IQ stats.

>> No.22687001

Funny how we have taken many, many small surveys of black iq, and every single one shows a significant difference.

>> No.22687006

Eh whatever. I have evidence if you want it (137 guy)

>> No.22687021

There is likely a genetic component to the gap, given that it remains when black twins are adopted by white families, and that the gap increases as blacks and whites get older (this is significant because of the Wilson effect).

>> No.22687033

Very true. There is a society-wide conspiracy to make your pipo appear stupid. The fact that they hadn't invented the wheel until we found them or that the tallest building in Africa was constructed by termites, not humans, or that belief in magic and witchcraft in Africa is widespread is irrelevant and all the various medieval cultures that wrote about how stupid negroids are were simply chuds.
>correlating intelligence with weakness
Simply cope, positive genetic qualities always cluster. Smarter people are also richer, stronger, taller, etc.

>> No.22687085

How does it work? The same genes that cause someone to be black also cause them to be low IQ? Or is it just that the prevalence of low IQ genes is greater on average amongst blacks? If it’s the latter then my point stands.

>> No.22687096

from what I know both could be the case. I'm not aware of any specific low or high iq genes more common among certain races.

>> No.22687101

sorry, you're clearly not 157 IQ if simple statistical distributions evade your intellectual grasp.
>How is low IQ a quality of being black? That would imply that a high IQ black person isn't black or has failed to fully realise his blackness since he hasn't expressed all of its qualities.
you're confusing act with potential. another low IQ move. maybe it isn't inherent for blacks to be low IQ, but given their current genetic-environmental makeup, that is how they manifest themselves.

>> No.22687349

David Goggins sat there like a bitch in his little tent in Afghanistan and did nothing as the pedophiles that his military was allied to raped children in the neighboring tent. If you do nothing in the face of evil you are the lowest of the low.

>> No.22687364

Why aren't you over there helping then? KEK

>> No.22687399

Bacha Bazi is already suppressed now, the Taliban did the job that David Goggins was too weak to do himself. There is a world of distance between being on the literal other side of the planet and not going to Afghanistan to personally join the Taliban and being the guy that allows his allied child molesters to abuse kids within earshot.

>> No.22687417

Why aren't you voluteering to help the homeless RIGHT NOW? If you do nothing in the face of evil you are the lowest of the low.

>> No.22688766

Not trying to defend this black guy, but imagine giving credit to a game created by some random Jews. You are already retarded before taking the "test".