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22685816 No.22685816 [Reply] [Original]

You keep hearing about this from far right nutjobs about how the evil leftists want to subvert western values but most of the population just wants to grill and couldn't care less about politics.
also, apparently LGBT rights is a product of that and therefore we must what? take away their rights? lol

>> No.22685830

Christian values are what allowed it all to take hold, they already laid the foundation, helping those less fortunate, tolerance, equality, justice, etc.

>> No.22685862

people are tribal and need their boogeyman to rally around.

build a sensationalized culture war that is based on memes of fringe people representing the "new norm" and cry about how american values are dying unless they buy your book to learn how to spot and fight it.

>> No.22685872

It's used to paint anything prompting equity and equal dignity as sinister and ominous. Naturally, 4chuds eat it up.

>> No.22685899
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All of human history is against you. You are alone.

>> No.22685904

Bioleninism emerged from the Frankfurt School as a response to the ineffectiveness and worthlessness of a class-based analysis. As totalitarian control of society is the goal of leftists they realized that organizing plebs against the elite could never work along class lines as these power hungry idealists emerged from the wealthy themselves. They realized it would be easier to construct a coalition of low status losers completely separate from capital so that their path to power would have no collateral damage against themselves. Naturally this doesn't work as you are seeing with the fragmentation of the Democratic party that had managed to unite West-hating muslims and West-hating jewish zionists.

>> No.22685909

Hot take.

>> No.22685926

Sort of. See Carlo Lancelotti and Augusto del Noce. Augusto del Noce was 100% right.

>> No.22685939

congrats on figuring out most of humanity is literally cattle and doesn't care. The part your IQ was not high enough to figure out is that the people who actually care and want things are those who affect policy. We're currently in a state of biomass proliferation, as the elites always want more cattle, but its coming to the point the amount of worthless eaters is far outpacing productive cattle. There is a great culling coming

>> No.22685990

I think people have to realize that it’s not merely that people don’t care, but science and technology have replaced religion in the eyes of the masses in regard to the thing that gets results. It may have been the case that Roman citizens just accepted what they were told, but it’s also the case that the average Roman figured the best way to get some material thing was to pray to this or that god. Not so for us. If your daughter is in poor health, you take her to a hospital and the appeal is not to religion but to science and technology. It’s a unique trait of liberalism that allows a disconnect between science and the Christian worldview to exist. As long as science and tech work, you don’t have to ask the question of whether Christianity is necessary for the scientific worldview in the first place. You can just focus laser like on the results. Science is extremely destructive in this way and unlike any other atheism that’s ever existed.

>> No.22686015
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>evil leftists want to subvert western values

>> No.22686030

I mean I hate progressivism too but the right needs to stop relying on this cringey-ass lingo so hard.

>> No.22686052

F-false flag... MAGA dindu nuffin!!

>> No.22686054

It's basically conflict theory in sociology
bit weird why they aren't just attacking that, rather than using the term "cultural marxism", which has become way too loaded

>> No.22686060

Normies are just plain evil, right next to psychopaths. what do neurotypicals and psychopaths have in common? apathy.

>> No.22686087

A photo of people trying to prevent the Biden coup that took place is some kind of epic own?

>> No.22686094

You wouldn't get it. And this is off topic.

>> No.22686097
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>w-we weren't trying to coup!
>YOU were trying to coup!

>> No.22686100

Yeah that's what happened

>> No.22686104

Trump gave away a plot months in advance. He bragged he'd cry fraud if he lost and you donkeys clapped and cheered. Ironically, one of the few promises he kept in his whole life. Can't even say that for his wedding vows!

>> No.22686109

>You wouldn't get it.
explain anyways

>> No.22686111

Whatever trump said has no logical bearing on the demonstrably irregularities that took place. Hereistheevidence.com

>> No.22686119
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>Is Cultural Marxism real?
kind of in that you had marxists who took on board Freud and the unconscious as a structure to be considered along with and secondary to the economy in determining social relations (e.g. How do class relations "reify" themselves into cultural practices). its been irrelevant for decades.

What "culture wars" pundits and good ole' Ted refers to as "cultural marxism" is a bit more muddled. It largely stems from the explosion of AM talk radio conspiracy theorists in the 90's after Reagan deregulated the Federal Communications Commission (Paul Weyrich, Pat Buchanan and William Lind were all involved).
After the fall of the berlin wall mainstream leftwing parties in Europe and America resolutely moved towards the centre ground and alienated their left-wing members. It became a bit silly referring to characters like Clinton or Blair as "communists", "socialists" or "marxists". Not one to waste 4 decades of propaganda tropes, right wing pundits decided to re-apply them to the boom in idendity politics and the alphabet people in western societies.......which is much more based on liberalism than marxism (individualism, idealism, universalism, anti-essentialism are an anathema to marxism but prominent ideas in SJW stuff).
The weird bit was when the troons etc started to self-identify as marxists. weird feedback loop!!

The entirety of rightwing online pundits are influenced by their precursors on 90's AM radio both in style and money so it stands to reason that they would sing from the songbook. But if you actually want to understand the surge in identity based politics marx, the frankfurt school, gramsci, marcuse etc etc wont help you much. They haven't had the impact on contemporary "progressive" politics that most in the right imagine.

>> No.22686130

>bro look at my facebook shitscribbles!!
It's no small wonder why the only lawyers willing to go along with Trump on this were a parade of incompetent clowns.

>> No.22686160

Facebook? And yes, the only lawyers willing to risk their careers and livelihoods for a moron like trump are retarded. Doesn't change the fact the election was stolen. Our elections have been insecure for decades. Quite obviously every election that ever has and ever will take place faces malign influence.

Election security used to be a bipartisan issue. In 2019 dem senators including Amy Klobuchar penned a letter criticizing the very same dominion software for the very same reasons that would rear in the 2020 post election circus. See: https://www.klobuchar.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2019/3/senators-demand-to-know-why-election-vendors-still-sell-voting-machines-with-known-vulnerabilities

But you wouldn't know about that because you're a low info retard who participates in political discussions like a sassy sportsfan

>> No.22686163

>wont help you much
I know this is a garbage thread filled with disingenuous questions, but allow me to try and ask a sincere one.
Where would you go to find out the real cause of all of the DEI/identity politics stuff?

>> No.22686167

Pull out your wallet and look at a dollar

>> No.22686173

I dont know what you mean.

>> No.22686175

>my evidence that the election was stolen is that it COULD have been stolen!
This has never, in mankind's 8000 years of civilisation, been a compelling argument for a fact. You can cope all you want.

>> No.22686180

Its perfectly legal to go and collect ballots from people and deliver them to boxes outside of Wal-Mart.
Every country in the civilized world does this. Get with the times chud.

>> No.22686182

You might have a point were it not for the fact that the post hoc statistical analyses confirm exactly what was feared across the aisles

>> No.22686196

They love complaining that every other civilized nation in the world has universal health care, etc. Every other nation has voter ID laws, too. How about we start with them.

Oh, I forgot, its racist to ask that niggers participate in the rudiments of civilization

>> No.22686197

no, these people are not Marxists in any meaningful sense, what is real is peak oil

>> No.22686219

It's not really real, no. Marxism itself got it wrong about Capitalism, so if they begin from that point they're already wrong as to the actual ills as to their causes. Only Stalin actually understood that capitalism was better recognized as uncontrollable anarchism or chaos of a state-eating itself;Marx and co., desired to pretend that the trainwrecks produced by capitalism were all intended as to their outcomes - despite nobody at any point being in charge to control it.

Later on the western socialists got hijacked when they got popular and now these various things we're sick of hearing about are all public relations pieces; the corporation destroying rainforests tells you all day long about how it's green, the slave owner declares you a racist, the genocidal war mongering targeting civilians declares they're fighting barbarism and evil and makes up stories to justify collateral damage.

A good way to look at it is that the complaints or grievances begin from a position of truth; e.g. the water pipe has burst, then they enter into a period of inaction; "why is nobody fixing the water pipe?" which is anarchism, and -THEN- the complaints become louder and are redirected onto other things (usually expansionist or reductionist) by behavioral psychologists; but people would never have time for the propaganda in the first place if the original grievance was resolved. Why can't the original grievance be resolved? Anarchism, Chaos and the Criminals who want to keep it that way; all anti-statists.

>> No.22686224

One thing I find funny is how different words can have amorphous meanings while others are ironclad. Chud? No one really knows how to describe it so it can be pointed at anyone. Marxist? Clearly difined without any room for interpretation and by the way they dont exist anymore chud.

>> No.22686235

a mother grieving over her child is a marxist for being angry with the politicians in the same way that you're a nazi for being angry with the politicians.

it's not really real, it's negative association (libel, slander, charcter assault, ad hom) used to legitimate you in the eyes of other people, conducted by propagandists from intelligence outfits posing as journalists.

>> No.22686240

Not only that, but those who don't must wail and gnash their teeth. Also see what Jesus says about whether rich men can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

>> No.22686242

>far right nutjobs
You hear it from people who used to be considered moderates. Seems like you're filtered because of personal political bias.

>> No.22686268


Did you do it?
Look at a dollar. Just look at it and read what's printed on it. Transgender people didn't start it. They're just a noticeable demographic.

>> No.22686271

wailing and gnashing their teeth impotently is the culture of the slaves, this doesn't happen anymore when the mongols sweep in and butcher the royal guard and his conscript army and end the thing.

>> No.22686282

>a noticeable demographic
well that's not true to start with.

>the dollar
oh geez, washington and eisenhower both warned you about the press and the MIC; thse things happen to your country and the world because you'd rather put billiard balls into your rectum than work a farm.

>> No.22686286

While I do infact enjoy /x/ more than /lit/ these days, I am certain we are on the literature board
All I can do is interpret what you are saying and i'd rather you just say it in your own words.

>> No.22686304
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Marxism's been dead for 40 years. Capitalism, individualism, liberalism and democracy won. Even the eastern despots gave up on communism

>> No.22686322
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why are there never troons, fags, non-binary people, queesrs, BLM fags etc in communist or former communist countries.? They only turn up in Liberal Democracies.
let me guess. The east infiltrated our media and education system to sew these ideas into the heads of our children.

>> No.22686332

Do tankies really not consider socialism an offshoot of liberalism?

>> No.22686334

Populism is on the rise.

>> No.22686340

This thread affirms my understanding that excessive "theory" only rots the mind.

>> No.22686346

America is too uncultured even for marxist evil leftist nutjob brainwashing

Checkmate, Ruskie Juden

Your fancy tard wrangling is just tard wrangling

The CIA supported Jackson Pollock the painter of literal paint slop because it was nonideological NOISE

>> No.22686368

And naturally every election analyst and lawyer worth their salt was foaming at the mouth to make history as the guy who uncovered a damning conspiracy to rig a presidential election.
What? You mean they didn't? You mean to tell me the only ones sounding the alarms were delusional retards and grifters promising to release the kraken every two weeks? Didn't these savvy election lawyers have access to your evidence website link?? How could they drop the ball when all these brave patriots and Qberts were working tirelessly to make such an implementable case??

>> No.22686369
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I've been listening to NPR since I was a wee lad, literally at all times it's what my parents had on the radio. In grade school NPR on my homes (ancient) in-room radio system blasted NPR to wake me up every single morning and then we listened to it while driving to school - so I've heard countless in depth stories about how poverty and obesity are linked in large part due to the inability to make a home cooked meal when you're working super long hours in labor heavy jobs.

this week they aired an entire segment, I think maybe All Things Considered, about a study focusing on the home cooked meal gender gap and how oppressed women were for making twice as many home cooked meals. literally the only scientist they interviewed on this matter has this to say about why "I think men are just lazy".

a thing that NPR has repeatedly cited as a sign of privilege for decades at this point (I grad highschool in early 2010s) is now, against all other reporting, rewritten as a sign of oppression because literally any work women do outside of a capitalist workspace is patriarchal oppression according to scientists and NPR journalists.

the entire story was about how this gender gap was just like the gender pay gap and how men had a lot of work to do because they were obviously being lazy by not making more home cooked meals like (stay at home mom) women.

literally a story about women being societally privileged becomes warped and used to attack Men not just by NPR but also by our Academic institutions and the scientists who did the study and claimed it proved oppression DESPITE BLATANTLY PROVING WOMEN ARE, SOCIETALLY, MORE PRIVILEGED THAN MEN.

and you want to sit here and talk about what is Woke and where is Woke? it's everywhere and if you can't see it you're a heavily crazed cult member

>> No.22686370

In a cold war framework, sure, but then that's garbage because all imperial or monarchies with central palace-manor-villa economies resemble communism for all time.

what never existed to begin with couldn't die.

>> No.22686388
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can't tell if troll or victim of the American public education system.

The main difference is that liberalism prioritises the individual over the collective, socialism does not. Liberalism emphasises individual liberty, universal rights, limited government intervention in the economy, and free-market capitalism as the means to promote personal freedom and economic prosperity. Socialism advocates for collective ownership and control of the means of production, seeking to reduce economic inequality through wealth redistribution and government involvement in various aspects of the economy. They both want to change society for the better but have fundamentally different approaches. Liberalism favours a more laissez-faire approach and socialism advocates for greater government intervention and wealth redistribution.

most of contemporary liberal democratic politics entails liberal democratic parties (like the republicans AND democrats) arguing over which part of liberalism they think is most important.

adam smith, john stuart mill, Thomas paine, Charles de Montesquieu, Thomas Paine = liberalism

MArx, Charles Fourier, robert owen, Henri de Saint-Simon = Socialism

>> No.22686395

>a thing that NPR has repeatedly cited as a sign of privilege for decades at this point (I grad highschool in early 2010s) is now, against all other reporting, rewritten as a sign of oppression because literally any work women do outside of a capitalist workspace is patriarchal oppression
this is a very good point.. technically the entire corporate-left is capitalism on steroids; it's not surprising nobody can articulate that because they'd be called a communist ha

>> No.22686396

Another example were a post starts off with a reasonable appearance then slides into deranged lunacy.

>> No.22686405

You still have not explained the thing about the dollar bill. I refuse to interpret.

>> No.22686417

Oh what a boring and uninformed lens. Everyone already knows the election was rigged, theres nothing to uncover. Dems pointed it out before the election even took place. Theres not a credible security expert in the world who thinks electronic voting is a good idea, never has been. Reflections on trusting trust is standard fare for ever CS undergrad to read, and it's only a few pages.

This isnt even the first time the US presidential election was stolen; the mob openly bragged about securing it for JFK back in the day. I even remember my middle school history textbook having a paragraph about Boss Tweed for christ sakes--you just live in an alternate reality.

It's like asking why nobody ever turned in Jimmy Saville all those years--it's called an open secret.

Not to mention, if you step too out of line your son will die in a fiery car crash the day after you announce an audit (like in GA)

>> No.22686420

that wasn't me, fromage, I told you that your mason conspiracy stuff is retarded and steered you back to reality; sadly you broke away from my grip and pulled your underpants down.

>> No.22686445

Didn't socialist want to bring a technical "engineering" approach to society? That if every variable in human life were to be optimized by scientists, that a better way of life would develop?
Tankies never talk about this. It's always collective ownership and capitalist oppression.

>> No.22686447

That was me. I wasn't talking about Masonic stuff I just meant dei is profitable for the powers that be. Theres financial incentive to diversity in that it decreases social cohesion which allows large financial institutions to play their games unopppsed-this has been stated in leaked Amazon internal documents, that diversity decreases unionization. Theres no grand boogeyman, it's just phenomena from money making.

Although honestly I'd also say there are a variety of Jewish groups still mad about the holocaust who see diverse societies as less threatening to the Jewish group.

>> No.22686468

this is schizophrenic fan-fiction.

>> No.22686473

That doesn't explain why schools, Universities, and local governments have DEI policies.

>> No.22686483

I had a based af professor for my basic Philosophy course. When he introduced us to the Frankfurt School, he said "they were a group of Jew-GERMAN intellectuals" lmao

>> No.22686492

>Not to mention, if you step too out of line your son will die in a fiery car crash the day after you announce an audit (like in GA)
That wasn't Kemp's son, it was his daughter's boyfriend. But go on about how informed you are. That's how much you have to stretch to try to convince yourself the only reason the only people in your camp are gibbering retards is all the smart people are too afraid of the shadow cabal assassinating their cousin's neighbor's veterinarian's roommate with an extremely common cause of death to "send a message".
The absolute irony that of accusing me of living in an alternate reality while making up a capeshit headcanon to keep from having to admit you got duped by a cartoon game show host.

>> No.22686505

Your team gud team

>> No.22686510

They dont run on money? Also they're just filled with useful idiots who use the white man as a scapegoat. Everyone wants to be an underdog

>> No.22686528

sure it does, it's basic divide and conquer; dividing the public into endless subgroups and playing them off against each other, inventing new subgroups and using their name as a means to do as you please; like whites bringing up blacks to shut up other whites, pretending to be championing for the minority whilst obviously not.

di+ver; lit. to cast aside, to divert
ad+ver; lit. to impede, to oppose, to obstruct

>That doesn't explain why schools, Universities, and local gov
they're all the civil service managers, if the problems go away they don't have a job anymore.

>> No.22686540

Slight error is a Distinction without any real difference. They killed someone close. It's been 3 years since this shit was topical. If memory serves the boyfriend was also a staffer on the campaign of the chick who was running. Just admit you wont believe anything unless its sanctioned by the press ten years after it's relevant, in which case just shut up, stop moving the goalposts for the umpteenth time, and quit pretending you're a rational actor who can be convinced through argument.

>> No.22686545

>Everyone wants to be an underdog
can't refute the abuse of this; evil people faking oppression in order to justify their abuse of others, without refuting religion as well.

christians and jews
bad news

>> No.22686559

Go back to /leftroonpol/.

>> No.22686565

I fail to see how the profit motive makes its way into schools and local governments and how this drive towards money incentivizes them all to begin DEI programs.
The town I grew up in hired a DEI officer 2 years ago, what does money have to do with this?

>> No.22686572

If you want something other than general explanations then you're going to have to provide a specific example. Link us the news article

>> No.22686578

go back to your intelligence officer and smile at what the fat man in a dress tells you to do next.

>> No.22686580

>Link us the news article
Lmao. Okay see you guys tomorrow.

>> No.22686590
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>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580
Go the fuck back.

>> No.22686591

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx talks about how capitalism will inevitably erode all borders, nations, religions and cultures so that communism will occur. In the globalized world today we can see this is happening as he predicted. Society is fundamentally broken because of liberal capitalism taking over; gender, religion, culture, community, sexuality are all disintegrating and this process is being socially enabled via "woke" ideology. It just so happens that the overwhelming majority of people who support all this stuff brand themselves as leftists and Marxists. They support the consequences of liberal capitalism BECAUSE it creates the conditions for the system imploding and leading to communism. Leftists are hyper-liberals who want to accelerate capitalism to the point of implosion and thus the dialectical step to socialism. If not, then why do Marxists universally side with institutions on LGBT, BLM, transgenderism, social justice, etc?

Cultural Marxism is a real thing. Democrats are the real Communists.

>> No.22686593
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>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580
Take your troon politics elsewhere, preferably to >>>/pol/.

>> No.22686599

You don't have a local news paper? Not even some kind of small town blog? Some kind of .Gov site with a roster?

Who fuxking knows why. Maybe they're getting fed bux. Maybe dei is a funding stipulation. Maybe theres just one loudmouth bitch in your town who thought it was a good idea and in the current political climate nobody dares say no. Give us some details or admit you're only stringing us along with bullshit.

>> No.22686602
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>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686599
Hey nigger, fuck off.

>> No.22686603

go back to your intelligence officer and smile at what the fat man in a dress tells you to do next.

>> No.22686606
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>> No.22686607
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>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580
>>22686591 >>22686602 >>22686603 >>22686606
Fucking die.

>> No.22686612
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>> No.22686615
File: 22 KB, 750x318, 1632563492033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580
>>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606 >>22686612
Go back to whatever commietroon shithole you've come from.

>> No.22686620
File: 84 KB, 702x691, vbyLD7eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606
Reminder that you will never own the means of production you dysgenic freak.

>> No.22686627

He looks like a /pol/tard chud.

>> No.22686631
File: 99 KB, 787x879, lyanoa6rd9321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606
Funny how that works. Maybe commietroons were just projecting their genetic freakness all along.

>> No.22686637

yo're obviously an intel operative, you're replying to comments of people saying different things telling them they're niggers and troons.

you're an american jewish woman doing disinfo.

>> No.22686639
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1631577166628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606 >>22686627
Hey niggers, fuck off and discuss about your gay polishits elsewhere.

>> No.22686645
File: 139 KB, 937x1024, 1632564936861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606 >>22686627
Man commietrannies are fucking schizophrenic. Don't you have parents to leech off of?

>> No.22686646
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1920, lazy-ants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETism is justified as it is natural, found in nature. THOUGH.
you just accept your lot in life, you couldn't make it to the NEET class.
now go make me a hamburger, chud.

>> No.22686652

>refutes communism
>is told is a commie
whatever crackhead, better keeping spamming the thread - i'm sure you don't have a family who needs you today.

>> No.22686656

tradcaths and queernazis suck at making hamburgers, that's why they get replaced in mcdonalds by east asians and blacks.

>> No.22686661
File: 45 KB, 335x595, Sr2_j9KLk5dGQDAD4f8QtTDLTYLltICded7gFCD6aHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22685816 >>22685830 >>22685862 >>22685872 >>22685899 >>22685904 >>22685909 >>22685926 >>22685939 >>22685990 >>22686015 >>22686030 >>22686052 >>22686054 >>22686060 >>22686087 >>22686094 >>22686097 >>22686100 >>22686104 >>22686109 >>22686111 >>22686119 >>22686130 >>22686160 >>22686163 >>22686167 >>22686173 >>22686175 >>22686180 >>22686182 >>22686196 >>22686197 >>22686219 >>22686224 >>22686235 >>22686240 >>22686242 >>22686268 >>22686271 >>22686282 >>22686286 >>22686304 >>22686322 >>22686332 >>22686334 >>22686340 >>22686346 >>22686368 >>22686369 >>22686370 >>22686388 >>22686395 >>22686396 >>22686405 >>22686417 >>22686420 >>22686445 >>22686447 >>22686468 >>22686473 >>22686483 >>22686492 >>22686505 >>22686510 >>22686528 >>22686540 >>22686545 >>22686565 >>22686572 >>22686578 >>22686580 >>22686591 >>22686603 >>22686606 >>22686627 >>22686637
Of course gommies are lazy fucks who are just leeching off of their relatives.
you're in the wrong board dipshit. Fuck off.
Commietrannies suck at everything and are worse than niggers.

>> No.22686668

go back to israel.

>> No.22686671

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