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22678068 No.22678068 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Writers?

1. Louis-Ferdinand Celine.
2. Wyndham Lewis.
3. Thomas Carlyle.
4. Ezra Pound.


he STOLE all of his ideas from Celine and turned them in to some charlatanic, American, commercial, Leftist slop for potato niggers, womeme and kikes.

James Joyce.

>> No.22678079

I have a suspicion you haven't actually read Samuel Beckett.

>> No.22678081

Very chudcellish list.

>> No.22678102

>doesnt even own a copy of apes of god

>> No.22678129

Chud memes aside, pretty upsetting that because of certain groups we are denied the Céline manuscripts and writings that have been found

>> No.22678151

I actually had a blast reading Ulysses, I believe what worsens his perception is that many cunts tried to emulate him after

>> No.22678156

What part of 'Tarr' did not tear down the cult of your ghastly potato nigger? It's like reading Csmus or some shit. Don't even start your shit. I know exactly how your cult works.

Wyndham Lewis scientifically proved Samuel Beckett was a charlatan before he even put pen to paper.

The whole cult should be torn down and his books burnt.

>> No.22678164
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Now you mention it, its obvious

>> No.22678169

And also that Lewis outed him as a charlatan in 'Tarr' and 'the Human Age'.

>> No.22678183
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>> No.22678186

Unironically Cormac Mccarthy
I kind a hate Dickens

>> No.22678212

Why do you like them?

I think Celine is like Dickens but less cringe.

>> No.22678219

I love taking massive cock in my ass

>> No.22678225

I'd go for
Philip Roth
Saul Bellow
John Ashbery
Joan Didion

Evola I guess. The dumb putz

>> No.22678233


>> No.22678240

Tarr's one of my favourite novels, but for the same reasons Murphy or Watt or Molloy are among my favourite novels. So I have literally no clue what you're talking about, and it sounds like you don't either.

>> No.22678250

I've always been a sucker for southern gothic and it seems to me that Mccarthy serves as a natural prolongation or evolution of the thing
With Bulgakov and Nabokov you know like many writers like Dickens or Dostoyevsky betray a certain narrow mindness especially with the latter who's works feel like a subtle propoganda pieces rather than the works of art and Bulgakov and Nabokov are polar opposites of that and I believe their personal flexibility a searching mind a daring mind reflects in their writing
With Jurgen the sheer apologetic stance of his is enough

>> No.22678252

Why do you like them?

>> No.22678258

*Unapologetic stance

>> No.22678269

One of the characters is literally based off James Joyce. They are also just incompatible philosophically.

Is Beckett not just the same slop as Sartre? How is he not? Why was Celine so angry at Sartre?

Is Beckett not a political Leftist?

>> No.22678270


>> No.22678281

>he STOLE all of his ideas from Celine
Can you expand on that? My impression was that Beckett was mostly influenced by Céline's syntax.

>> No.22678283

How do you compare Flaubert's anger against things 'bourgeois' with what Celine describes as 'communo-bourgeois' and also his antisemitism and racism?

>> No.22678289

Rare to see someone having a couple of contemporary(ish) american realists as their favorite authors. Do you like Updike and Mailer?

>> No.22678302

Did he not just do the same thing thematically Celine accused Sartre of of taking his cynicism but making it much more acceptable to the French, English, American and Russian establishment of Jewish 'bohemian' charlatans?

>> No.22678318

Henry Miller
DH Lawrence
Rexroth (mostly for translations)
A bunch or others…like 20 more..
Burroughs (I’ve only tried NL, to be fair)

Most books I like or at least don’t hate

>> No.22678338

Why do you like Lawrence and Nietzsche?

Why do you not like Plato and Confucius?

>> No.22678346

I like the way Roth explores the complexities of post war jewish american identity and all the post modern cleverness of his narrative structures. That and the dick jokes

>> No.22678361

I read novels for being thematically profound in how they explore ideas like nihilism and politics not really those kind of issues or stylistic nuances.

>> No.22678441

Updike great, find Mailer too much of a mixed bag. Been getting into John Cheever
Roth can do politics too, try I Married A Communist; Sabbaths Theater explores the limitations of nihilism

>> No.22678465

I always felt he’s a kindred spirit, I like his writing, and his themes. On a more specific level, I like the ever present theme in a lot of his writing of yearning for more than reality provides. The idealistic internal vs the disappointing external reality. I like his critiques of modern society. I like the duel of relationships he presents. I like how he was martyred. I like his Nietzschean philosophy
I find his writing inspiring and sometimes sublime. I like his stress on the individual and the artist, channeling disgust and and disappointment into something.
He has some great passages and lines but overall he comes off as pedantic and a sophist
I like of some of more mystic Tao stuff but the “know your role and stay in your lane to better society” is not for me. I will always dislike stuff that tells you to be a good boy and part of the collective

>> No.22678473

How was Lawrence martyred?

>> No.22678518

Are you being retarded on purpose you faggot? kill yourself already you autistic fuck.

>> No.22678539

Brother the internet has ruined your ability to enjoy literature.

>> No.22678549
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william gaddis
ezra pound
vladimir nabokov
cormac mccarthy
haruki murakami

>> No.22678553

I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.22678560

Is Gaddis similar thematically to Pynchon?

Why do you prefer him if so?

>> No.22678565


>> No.22678573

I have to read only the most sincere of Modernists and to me Fascism is the most sincere form of politics.

That being said I'm apolitical because contemporary society functions under postmodern principles.

>> No.22678596

Your faux-Socratic questioning is annoying and im beginning to believe these are just AI posts. But again, if you actually are just a really autistic human, please kill yourself.

>> No.22678604
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>Is Gaddis similar thematically to Pynchon?
>Why do you prefer him if so?
gaddis reads easy, i can go 30+ pages and not know it. i've not read more natural dialogue.

>> No.22678694

I was bullied at school and abused my parents. That may have something to do with what you're talking about.

>> No.22678713

I was vaccinated with the Rudolf Steiner vaccine at the Waldorf Schule I went to. I don't know if that is 'autism' but it essentially gave me a kind of intelligence which is deep but cuts me off from society.

>> No.22678718
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Why is he so ugly bros?

>> No.22678723

I hate Brecht

NTA but I think I can answer. Flaubert wasn't exactly angry at the bourgeoisie, it was rather contempt, which came from his position as an artist totally dedicated to his craft. In other words, bourgeois had no taste yet wanted to control art (for example, Mr Arnoux produces industrial art in L'éducation sentimentale). On the other had, I feel like Celine tries to emulate a more direct and spontaneous anger (which fits his prose), which he directs towards pretty much every single group. I honestly believe that his strong antisemitism was influenced by his own style of writing.

>> No.22678736

Based on what you wrote about Confucius, I can tell you've never read the Analects. It totally eluded you.

>> No.22678777

Didn't Emil regret his Fascist years?

>> No.22678803
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the saga of incoherent posts, with nonsensical replies, continues. AI or schizo? the plot thickens.

>> No.22678807

Why do you like Huysmans?

Why do you hate Brecht?

>> No.22678826

I don't understand the part about Celine.

>> No.22678846

Well you still came out of it with better taste than most people. I think you'd enjoy Beckett's Murphy - but whatever. All our to-read lists are already way too long.

>> No.22678946

>love kikes
>ate romans
Simple as

>> No.22678978

> honestly believe that his strong antisemitism was influenced by his own style of writing.
Sure, Jewish Bolshevism wasn’t even knocking on his door, with a trail of million deaths behind (material and spiritually speaking)

>> No.22678979


>> No.22678989

john ashbery is like a quaker or something. new england stock.

>> No.22679014

I can't read Latin.

>> No.22679034

boss up lil nigga

lege latine compage

>> No.22679049

Celine is a street existentialist filled with rage and Beckett is existentialist of the inner filled with quiet.

You're a faggot for comparing these two

>> No.22679087

Then explain to me, please.

>> No.22679267

Which textbook on latin would you suggest?

>> No.22679343

Wheelocks latin, Or Manuel Alvares S.J's Latin Grammar

>> No.22679485

William Blake
Comte de Lautreamont
Lev Shestov
Nikolai Gogol
Oscar Wilde, his prose bores me to tears

>> No.22679525

Why do you like Lautreamont?

I agree about Wilde.

>> No.22679541

Also why do you prefer Gogol to Tolstoy?

>> No.22679597

There's something beautiful about his dark imagination that brings me to think about Maldoror consistantly, in addition to having the most toxic wit I have ever read (case in point, the final Canto as an overt parody of the typical novels of his day). However, more than that is looking at Maldoror in conjunction with the Poesies, which are more like aphorisms than anything else. Reading them both showcases what is important about Maldoror beyond the blood and gore: Lautreamont seems to profess that literary convention should be rejected as a fetter to the imaginative mind, and in order to reject it he chose to go down the route of evil so scorned by the moralizing authors of his day and to deny the basics of plot to show the art he wanted to make in the way he wished to. Also his violent stories scratch an itch for me that nothing else in any medium of art has, there is a beauty to his cruelty in every story.
I've never read Tolstoy, I mostly read Classical lit hence the Plato, Heraclitus, and Vergil. Gogol and Pushkin are the only other Russian authors I've read, and of Pushkin only Eugene Onegin which is another personal favorite. Gogol like Lautreamont has a caustic wit that I love, especially in Dead Souls and his comedies.

>> No.22679716

Have you read de Sade?

>> No.22680565

Didn't they release two whole new books of his in French this year or last year? How much else did he write?

>> No.22680576
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What can I say? I know what I like.

>> No.22680695

Why do you like Don Quixote? Does he remind you of the kind of person you hate?

>> No.22680697

is celine worth if you arent generally into super bitter stuff?

>> No.22680745

Probably not. You'd probably prefer James Joyce.

>> No.22680753

What do you like about Joyce? And why do you prefer him over Beckett?

>> No.22680759

I hate Joyce. You asked for a rec.

>> No.22680774

Why do you hate Joyce? Do you believe Celine stole his ideas?

>> No.22680775

Joyce always sounded unappealing to me. too much literary wankery

>> No.22680777

Is someone hurting (You) ?

>> No.22680791

David Foster Wallace maybe?

He's not bitter and less wanking than Joyce I think.

>> No.22680805

Wyndham Lewis outed him as a charlatan and he was a political Leftist who was jealous of anyone who wasn't a faun, a woman or a Jew who he pretended were 'oppressed' and morally righteous.

>> No.22680817

Are David Foster Wallace’s books as relevant as Joyces in the current zeitgeist? Are we to believe this?

When did he say this? And to Whom?

>> No.22680962


Stop talking to yourself

>> No.22680984

Why would he? And I like Sancho more and maybe even more than that the rogue guy who trolls him with the puppet show. But based on my other favorites, you can surmise I just like metafictional wank.

>> No.22681050


>> No.22681059
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For me, it's Borges and Flaubert.

>> No.22681641

Guy Davenport

Most of the new postmodernists like de palol, krasznahorkai, sorokin etc. Most of the people andrei shills for seem to get on my bad side for some reason. Some old postmodernists as well, the likes of McElroy, Barthelme, Barth, Coover don't sit well with me.

>> No.22681712

They aren't that comparable except in prose style where Celine's influence is obvious but Beckett was also filled with rage, or atleast annoyance that true quiet of the mind isn't really possible as long as one is conscious. That's what Nohow on means.

>> No.22681717


>> No.22681932

I have not but I've meant to, just gotta find the freetime. I plan on starting with Justine and Philosophy of the Bedroom. Any reccs on other works of his in particular?

>> No.22681999

for me? it's leibniz in both categories

>> No.22682000

I tried reading Celine and well he kinda sucked. Maybe it was my translation. I can give him another shot if you give me a preferred translation.

>> No.22682005

Ezra Pound (pronounced poond)

>> No.22682534

I would say David Wallace is MORE relevant than James Joyce who is COMPLETELY irrelevant.

Was Joyce not a political Leftist?

Who reads him to validate their right to seize power in society if not fauns, women and Jews? His novel is just a kind of holy bible of Leftist control.

>> No.22682543

I'm not an expert on him but I like the film 'Salo' by Pasolini which is influenced by him.

>> No.22682549

>His novel is just a kind of holy bible of Leftist control.
I thought it was an incoherent dreamscape using multilingual puns to riff on Irish mythology?

>> No.22682558

I just find his tgemes profound not necessariky anything else about him. I read Manheim's translation but I don't know if that will galvanize you or not.

>> No.22682579

You're saying there is no political agenda in 'Ulysses'?

The riffing is itself a way of undermining Fascist rule in Ireland because he associates mythological imagery with Fascist poet-politicians like Pearse and Yeats who he was jealous of because his verse sucked.

>> No.22682642

I thought you meant Finnegans Wake
What's the agenda in Ulysses? Or do they have the same agenda?

>> No.22682725

Probably 'Ulysses' is more political. Either way it's the one Leftists use as a holy bible despite the fact they haven't read it.

>> No.22682740


Fante (John & Dan)



College was funnnnnnn

>> No.22682742

i don't hate celine but i just don't get the hype

>> No.22682792

Why does Ulysses remind of you Celine?

>> No.22682823

Funnily enough, Salo is my only experience with de Sade. I always forget his connection to the film since the setting is changed to a more contemporary time. I had to get drunk and laugh at the absurdity of the whole situation in order to get through the movie honestly.

>> No.22682835


>> No.22682847

Why do you hate Shakespeare?

>> No.22682863

I don't think he's supposed to be entertaining or intelligent.

It's just meant to be about themes of hopeless despair.

If you're not hopelessly depressed you probably won't be comforted by those themes.

>> No.22682870

It does not. Celine was an actual bohemian whereas Joyce was what Lewis calls a 'bourgeois-bohemian'.

>> No.22682917

I like it because it is a thematic exploration of Fascism.

>> No.22683977
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Denis Johnson

Cannot fucking stand Richard Ford. I couldn’t get past the first twenty pages of The Sportswriter; just completely self indulgent in the worst way. It is the antithesis of all literature I like.
Also Philip Roth can suck my ass.

>> No.22684032

I only know Beckett exist becauee people keep posting his picture as an young man and claiming that It's Stirner.