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/lit/ - Literature

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22677653 No.22677653 [Reply] [Original]

western philosophy edition

previous >>22671412

>> No.22677662

My family used to have a government appointed maid who was from Africa.

>> No.22677667


>> No.22677673

Naturalism is a shit genre

>> No.22677738

Any good secondary material on Lacan?

>> No.22677754

>These murders span nearly a century. Nineteen homicides, five occurring every thirty years since 1903, all in the Baltimore area. In each case, the liver was extracted, and presumably eaten. A trophy was taken from each victim, many of which were found in the living quarters of Eugene Tooms at 66 Exeter St. Records show that a "Eugene Tooms" has resided at that same address since 1903, the same year a man was murdered in that building. Besides the liver extraction, the most notable element connecting these cases is the undetermined point of entry. Many of the victims were found with their windows and doors locked from the inside. These elongated fingerprints, found at seven of the nineteen crime scenes, match Eugene Victor Tooms'.
>I contend that perhaps through a genetic mutation, Eugene Tooms is capable of contorting and elongating his body in order to gain access to victims, so that he may extract the livers which provide him sustenance for the hibernation period of 30 years. He needs one more victim to complete this cycle. A preliminary exam revealed abnormalities in his striated muscles and bones. His attorney blocked further study.
>"Mulder your testimony, you sounded --"
>"I don't care how it sounded, as long as it was the truth."

>> No.22677759

Wonder what will happen when boomers will die
Any thoughts?

>> No.22677768

This was a fun episode. I liked how they brought Tooms back later on.

>> No.22677857

Anyone else sound like a retard when reading out loud, how do I fix this

>> No.22677875


/lit/ for this feel

>> No.22677883

Naturally, we become the boomers

>> No.22677886


>> No.22677889


>> No.22677898

Bruce Fink has several good books on Lacan. As much as people like to joke on him though I think Zizek is a pretty good secondary on Lacan as well. He takes his liberties and jumps around the different stages of Lacan’s thought so his understanding of the the Real may change its importance in the web of his thought from chapter to chapter but he gets the overall structure quite well. I’d recommend Zizek for after you get a little acquainted with Lacan and can begin to understand what phrases like “the barred subject” or “the ideal ego vs the ego ideal” mean

>> No.22677909
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>> No.22677911

>ideal ego vs the ego ideal
isnt it how would you want to be vs self-identification with role model?

>> No.22677928

Im serious, help, at first I thoyght it was because I was reading in english but then I dod it in my native language and J sounded just as bad, am I actually retarded

>> No.22677962

Same here.
You are probably asocial like me and barely converse with other people. Just practice speaking. Or subvocalize hard. Your voice always sounds better in your head.

>> No.22678007

Sort of. Roughly, the ideal ego is what you want to become and the ego ideal is the outside perspective through which your desire is routed in order that it can become apparent to you. If you wanted to be a carpenter because your father was a carpenter then the ego ideal would be your father in that case.

>> No.22678017

I picked up from family history that when the nigger armies of Napoleon raided my European village, some women in the family gave birth to black children with wolly hair.
They were taken into the family and raised as whites.

>> No.22678024

Thanks. I still dont understand between need, demand and desire but I'm getting there.

>> No.22678027

im living in the brian wilson type lost years

>> No.22678054

/lit/ may be better read than the average normie but they are still just as delusional and living in their own little fantasies like everyone else.

>> No.22678069

i'm not suffering DTs but i'm definitely experiencing subaccute withdrawal. not enjoying it. don't like it. wish i hadn't done this to myself

>> No.22678085

C’est la vie

>> No.22678095

I matched with my philosophy professor from last year on Tinder—he messaged me but I haven’t responded yet. I’d be open to meeting up with him sometime, although our university instituted this really strict sexual misconduct policy a few months ago where all relationships between university employees and undergraduate students are forbidden, so strictly speaking it’s not allowed. I’m kind of surprised that he’s interested, because we had a number of semi-awkward interactions while I was taking his seminar. Although, in retrospect, most of that was probably him being flirtatious and I was just too much of an autist to realize it at the time.

>> No.22678101

Everything is sensorial aesthetics. It's like modernity was conceived by a committee of dandies. A whole world of sybarites.

>> No.22678109

thats gay, bro.

>> No.22678110

Beware /lit/. This is what happens when you start with the Greeks.

>> No.22678122

Lol, I’m a woman.
>inb4 YWNBAW

>> No.22678139

> uses tinder
This conversation was over before it even started.

>> No.22678147

You must be some fat ass creature if youre dating humanities professors

>> No.22678154
File: 735 KB, 1740x1058, Screenshot 2023-11-04 150236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a criminal defense lawyer
>half the day running around the court house
>exhausted by the time I leave
>get to office
>take nap
>other half of day stuck in office
>haven't been to the gym since law school
>used to go 4 times a week
>can't find the time, energy, or money to go back to a real gym
>time passes
>more sleepy, exhausted, and easily upset
>go on amazon
>buy pic related for $50 buckeroos
>comes with it's own transport case
>grips are deep and painful
>put them together
>start doing curls in the mirror in my room
>start doing over head press
>feel the tension in my muscles
>the heat from blood pumping
>all the energy I didn't know I had comes flooding in
>color is more clear
>open laptop and work on a saturday with energy instead of terror


>> No.22678171

I would say why the fuck did you become a criminal defense lawyer but having watched civil and family law melt multiple relatives into soulless mush over 30 years maybe you're better off

>> No.22678172

I mean, the vast majority of the guys I’ve been on dates with have worked in STEM in some capacity, so a humanities professor is new territory for me.

>> No.22678195

I would fuck you better though.
In fact, I would fuck you better than every guy you have had before.

>> No.22678204

I fucking hate coomers.
I resent myself for the fact of ever having fallen to such a feral level of existence and constantly relapse thinking about how my first fap could
have been prevented.
Bunch of degenerates.

>> No.22678213

>vast majority of the guys I’ve been on dates with

>> No.22678216

Welp, time for my nightly hike.
May this putrid society burn to ashes and rot in hell.

>> No.22678222

Sadly, Porn ;)

>> No.22678228

What did he say when he messaged you? Dude might not even remember that you were in his class

>> No.22678231

General question how long do you read daily nonfiction books

>> No.22678232

You are actually a degenerate for this weird idea.
You’ve been infected with it. Not trying to shame you. But people like you fall to all sorts of other degeneracies, like feet, furry or pedophilia.
Get well soon, man.

>> No.22678242

from 30 minutes to an hour.

>> No.22678276

Why would I become a degenerate if I intrinsically comprehend it's source?

>> No.22678297

Nah, he definitely remembers me. On the first day of the summer semester he had asked us all to introduce ourselves and recommend a song that we like as a sort of icebreaker. When he messaged me he said that my recommendation (“Headache” by Grouper) ended up being his favourite song of summer 2022.

>> No.22678401

Nothing more cucked than an aging prof pretending to like your shitty taste in music because he's hounding after undergrad pussy

>> No.22678547

I guess he could be pretending, but the fact that he still remembered the song over a year later would suggest that he actually liked it. And he’s a final year PhD student, so not really an aging prof, lmao

>> No.22678566

i graduated law school earlier this year and just started working as a labor lawyer, already starting to feel the way you describe. sounds like the solution is lifting weights lol

>> No.22678576
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Any /lit/ alternatives for openminded discussion from knowledgeable, well-read individuals? This board went to shit five years ago. Only schizos, AI, coomers and highschoolers post here now.

>> No.22678637

Reddit was a good place for that, 2 years ago.
Now it became beyond normie by enforcement of the jannies.

>> No.22678728

Jews are bad at the humanities because they cannot leave their jewishness at the door. Even if you agree with them on a topic you can't help but think that it was just a completely coincidental alignment of their jewishness and sound criticism, a broken clock being right twice a day rather than the result of them arriving at the same conclusions through exercising their sense of reason in similar ways to you.

>> No.22678784

Hear anything strange or get sudden jolts?

>> No.22678804

I am practicing an extraordinary amount of patience right now not responding to her after she rejected me earlier this week and then yesterday posted an IG story about how she prays she finds a good husband one day.

>> No.22678814

How long has it been since you stopped drinking? How serious was your drinking problem? It can be dangerous to go through subacute withdrawal without medical supervision.

>> No.22678823

Should I vote for Trump?

>> No.22678832

Wait till we get democracy. Voting is like going out to the 7-11 for a pack of gum and coming back without having bought anything.

>> No.22678888

how does it feel knowing you have some mixed race bastard half siblings out there?

>> No.22678913

my dad doesnt have aids though.

>> No.22678927

It's nearing midnight. The last time we physically saw one another was two years ago, and I have to say my body never felt a cut so hard. I've had my foot crushed and have been punched and I've had literal nerves pulled out of teeth without anesthesia, I've been through solitude and felt unloved by my parents all my life, but I only learned what pain was when I realized you were gone for good.

I miss you a lot. More than anyone in this world. I can't believe you're still roaming around somewhere in our birth city while I'm sitting there absolutely destroyed. It doesn't mean much anymore but I love you. I never loved anyone like this and will never love again like this.

>> No.22678929

ways in which me and jeffrey dahmer are alike
>live in predominately black area
>mentally disabled
he's basically me

>> No.22678939

I'm dating a 30 year old who has a 12 year old daughter. I said I would've thought they were sisters.

>> No.22679029 [DELETED] 

i snuck into my flatmate's room to steal some of his peach schnapps while he was at work and he had this pinned next to his bed. wtf.

>> No.22679041
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i snuck into my flatmate's room to steal some of his peach schnapps while he was at work and he had this pinned next to his bed. wtf.

>> No.22679050

oh no no no

>> No.22679158

Western civilization isn't collapsing. It is DYING.

>> No.22679165
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I'm reading The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins. I'm reading a Miss Clack chapter; it makes almost wish I had an autistic Christian gf who reads books like: "Satan Under the Tea Table".

>> No.22679172

I have a maladaptive approach to socializing and connecting with others which has resulted in me largely being isolated, seen as cold and distant or hard to approach, and having very few relationships of any kind. I have a rich internal world composed of feeling-judgements of particular experiences stitched together into a semi-cohesive system of understanding and meaning, some of which is conscious and some of which is only accessible while dreaming or shortly after waking. When I sense that anyone is at risk of approaching any portion of this internal world I immediately feel a sense of danger and act to close them off, prevent access to information about myself, or actively sabotage the relationship I have with the other person to prevent such attempts in the future. Hilariously enough, I have the same urges to connect with others, to meet a nice girl and have a family, and to engage in physical and emotional intimacy that pretty much every guy has, only they continuously come into conflict with the aforementioned system.
Suicide feels really tempting sometimes. I have no friends or lover or kids or family of my own. Outside of work I have nothing. Sometimes while driving to my workplace or sitting alone in my room on the weekends everything I'm doing seems pointless, like I'm just delaying my death simply because it's expected of me. I get promoted, I miss a deadline, I buy a new PC, I beat a PR in the gym, I lie down in bed after all of it and wonder what it's all for. Sure, I can lie down and escape into my internal world for a few hours, but any time I have to engage with reality I end up having more trouble than anyone of my age and position should. It would be funny if it weren't my life.

>> No.22679176
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Reached out to the woman I broke up with about 2.5 months ago over text. Zero contact until now. She responded, not unfriendly but not affectionate either. I only wonder if the end result is more pain in the long run.

>> No.22679178

I know it shouldn't, but it amazes how God puts up with me

>> No.22679184

Western civilization died in the year 1834.

>> No.22679185

Any good porn with good philosophical leanings and themes?

>> No.22679187

Western civilisation died in 1054

>> No.22679211

making friends with miserable incels who won't cease complaining about their shitty lives made me feel a lot better about myself

>> No.22679218

I'd say for a lot people on here complaining is catharsis because they can't tell people what they say here IRL

>> No.22679222

It was probably over before it ever even started.

>> No.22679224

What was?

>> No.22679226

what sort of condition might make someone incapable of having a conversation?
one of my close friends in my gang just can't seem to do it. we can spend a whole weekend together, he knows us all like brothers. he can't do it.

>> No.22679228

A few of them I occasionally hang out with IRL, so I know when they're being real. It reminds me of how things could always be worse, but also about how much suffering just happens in our minds. Seeing it from the outside, a lot of these people are just so mentally ill.

>> No.22679284

I don't like it when Yankees just dismiss the Confederates as traitors. It seems like a real big thing with zoomers, and it makes me sad because it hurts my feelings. Secession was perfectly legal and quite frankly it still should be.
The Civil War was good for ending slavery, but it had had some really inconvenient consequences.

>> No.22679342

>4chan creates irreverent radical youth culture that skews offensive for the sake of offensive
>normalizes antisemitism and racism within this matrix
>"makes racism cool" (the pewdiepie forbidden niggerword effect)
>decennial major anti/pro-zionism crisis launches
>as always, draws upon existing antisemitic discourse at its extreme end
>but instead of it being a potpourri of pre-2010s crass skinhead shit, it's already "cool" antisemitic memes and inside jokes
>stabilized within youth counterculture so that if you buck against the memes/inside jokes, it causes a massive streisand effect
>also at a time when every normie in the world is on social media 18 hours a day and thinks and speaks in meme shit already
Historically and sociologically interesting turn of events in my opinion

>> No.22679491

Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 4 The Final Chapters Part 2

>> No.22679515

Who would have ever thought that widespread contempt/distrust for the Jews could become mainstream. Fukuyama never would have seen this coming.

>> No.22679554

bro i am so hungry but im too drunk to drive to the store

>> No.22679564

Whats ur address ill doordash you

>> No.22679570

you say that in jest but im almost hungry enough to tell you

>> No.22679609

The illegal U-turn double decker glizzy is INSANE
The concealed carry glizzy bazooka reload is CRAZY
The triple penetration glizzy bun gangbang is WILD

>> No.22679689

Are you going to let him fuck you?

>> No.22679694

People are much keener on believing that propaganda is like being brainwashed rather than tapping into something that was already present to begin with because it robs the targets of propaganda of their agency. They have to keep believing in the idea or else they would have to accept that people rejected their ideology of their own will and chose whatever ideology the propaganda stands for because it spoke to them better, which would be equivalent to admitting defeat on fair ground, therefore discrediting the legitimacy of their own ideology.

>> No.22679718

What you wrote resonated with me, anon. Writing helps, especially when you have no one to write to, or no one you are willing to write to. On my part I won't kill myself because of various reasons but I also want to sometimes.

I had some luck in finding the right people (not family) to emulate when I was young and quickly learned that I was somewhat of a social retard. For everything that very introspective people are, we're not very lucid when it comes to doing something about our needs, and especially catching that sometimes everyone doesn't feel the same. We think too much, so it's very easy for us to misinterpret what other people think, and we overreact in response. Typically by cutting people off our lives on a whim when we open up a bit too much and realize some of our personal information can be used against us. I've been there, done that, easily more than eight times with people that were important to me at the time. We're talking about years of relationships down the drain just because my brain went full nope for shitty reasons. It took a long time to unlearn and understand why I was doing that.

Sometimes it's not paranoia but plain disinterest and just an economy of energy not to have relationships. I'm not cold, I just don't care if someone goes off grid and stop talking to me for three months, or even years. If we're the same as I think we are, this is the most defining factor in the 'why' we were fucked out the human experience. Normal people take news from each others, they talk on the phone with their relatives and friends every day/week. They don't really understand why they are doing it themselves but they are and will resent you if you're not doing the same. They will go like 'Oh, Anon hasn't been talking to me for a year. He must hate me or something,' while you're just minding your business in your inner world.

Most people are just not fucking autists or whatever freaks of society we are. On my part I needed deep relationships, but didn't have many candidates that made it past the intermediary state where I could trust them with full thoughts. Sometimes I would just immediately let go even when I got along with someone, or I'd talk too much and get scared.

But that's the thing. The more friends you'll have the easier it'll be to dilute your private thoughts, and the more comfortable you'll feel in doing so. We need to stop assuming stuff. It's always possible to become a good friend of someone. Most people can integrate new friendships and they feel good when they do it. Sometimes I just needed to force myself a bit and ask people to go out. Even if you only talked a few times, you just have to ask. Hang out two or three times and you're friends. Just never talk shit about someone who's not there and you won't feel any danger.

Anyways that's it. I just hope things will go well for you. I have people I can call friends and had girlfriends (celibate now because fuck women amirite). It's a long work.

>> No.22679847

Thanks for writing this out, anon. I'll try to keep your advice in mind.

>> No.22679877

I know that you’re just asking to be a dick, but I’ll answer anyway. I don’t know if I will, and it’s probably way too soon to even be thinking about it, plus he really doesn’t seem like the type who would try to push for sex right away. We’ve only talked back and forth a little bit so far, although he does seem pretty interested and weirdly remembered all of these details about me, like the titles of different books that he saw me reading before class and stuff that I said during his lectures.

I guess maybe I should consider it, because part of me thinks that I need to stop being such a sperg and force myself to get it over with. I felt comfortable around him, at least, and so often I get anxious and intimidated on dates and have to fight the urge to run away. He was always really nice to me and had a non-threatening presence, so maybe I’d feel safe enough to make myself actually go through with it. But maybe I shouldn’t; something about the idea of having sex for the first time with someone I don’t actually love just so I can complete some arbitrary milestone is so fucking depressing and seems wrong.

>> No.22679904

trying to make yourself is a bad idea

>> No.22679906

Should I just get a kindle? Having so many physical books is a pain.

>> No.22679923

Why do you say so? Maybe you’re right, but at this point I don’t really see an alternative.

>> No.22679948

God what a cringefest

>> No.22679951

maybe bad idea is overstating it. i really don't care how about your sex life, but if you're don't really want to do it then don't do it. there's nothing wrong with waiting for the right person or the right moment.

>> No.22680017

Tf happened to /lit/? It really sucks. Circumstances in my life meant I couldn’t use the internet for 26 months and I come back after getting a ton of reading done, and this is my welcome? No. I won’t stand for it

>> No.22680035

If you force yourself to do it you will regret it. Just wait for now, it sounds like you are still young and there will be plenty of time later on for you to figure out what you want.

>> No.22680043

I unironically have a messiah complex
>Feel like I must be the one to research rare diseases and their cures
>Feel like I must be the one to lead political movements
>Feel like I must be the one to lead the charge against climate change
How do I get rid of it

>> No.22680049

My family had a maid who showed me porn when my parents weren't around

>> No.22680066
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Blessings to the truer timelines of my world.

When something is wrong, I am reminded the truer timeline still exists.

For example all the real governments exist. I feel It’s a disrespect that I ever mistakenly gave attention to the subversives, a reflection of my own bad character

>> No.22680077
File: 71 KB, 1125x750, E07C9B48-22D2-4ADC-B1A3-4DD54F4A5695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how my artist people will improve this flag

Infinite different designs are possible,
Infinite different factions still apart of the whole.


>> No.22680088

How did you learn to overcome your awkwardness and meet women? I use similar strategies to yours when making friends and it works for me, but as soon as any girl is involved my conversation skills all go out the window.

>> No.22680089

My father has cancer, got his stomach removed and last week he had some issue with his his veins and his leg got extremely swollen and any cut could kill him since he wouldn't be able to stop bleeding
Hi had heart issues, blood pressure issues and gout
He isn't going to survive much longer, probably a few years that's it, he will most likely ignore the symptoms of something and die the next day
I'm not worried or sad, I don't really care. Everyone expects me to care and be scared, even my therapist thinks I should think something.
The whole thing makes me feel like I'm not even human, and not in a bad way, people are so strange to me, they fight and hurt each other then they make up and do it again. I always had this rule, hurt me once and you are dead to me forever, I'm not going to seek revenge or even let you know that you are dead because there is no point to that
I really don't expect much from other people but they always disappoint me, why can't they be like me? Why do they always try to manipulate me? Why do they always make demands? Don't they know that makes them miserable?

>> No.22680111

try any of them and realise you are useless at them (and everything)

>> No.22680117

it's not just /lit/, it's the whole world. What happened? it's complicated but a short answer is covid

>> No.22680120

Back from the looney bin?

>> No.22680143

Whats sort of things do you typically observe?

>> No.22680153

It's strange because 99% of the people I know would balk at the mildest criticism of Jews. Perhaps the echo chamber has made us needlessly hopeful. Or maybe it's just because I'm around overeducated white collar normies most of the time

>> No.22680160
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Day 4 of NNN and I’m so horny bros. I WILL make it

>> No.22680170

A few 4th of July’s ago some shit went down between me and my girlfriend’s dad after she came to stay with me after he took her phone

>> No.22680172

So you were in jail?

>> No.22680186

My mother has really poor self esteem / self loathing. She spends all her time alone online seems miserable and starved for attention. She seems to feel unlovable. I feel sorry but there's little i can do.
I can tell she feels this frustration she hasn't accomplished anything serious in life. She has been writing the same book for twenty or more years and will never finish. Though I would never tell her, the writing is pretty bad. And she seems to know that judging by her insecurity and self loathing. I just want to tell her that i don't care what she has or hasn't accomplished, that I love her either way.
There's nothing I really can say realistically.

>> No.22680195

How do you do something for 20 years and not improve? Tell her to read some better shit and figure out why it works. This writing shit isn't hard, anyone can give the fake impression of charisma or intelligence with enough preparation and then throw it onto paper.

>> No.22680208

Was making a cheesecake and mom opened the tin too early after I took it out of the oven and before I put in the fridge to set so now theres a massive crack in the middle :/

>> No.22680225

My brother lives in the South, and I live in the North.

>> No.22680237
File: 17 KB, 431x500, rising sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling fantastic rn, my 2 cats came back healthy from the vet, my piano and drawing skills have gotten tons more advanced, and I was able to buy my folks a nice dinner

>> No.22680269

do you guys compare your nigger populations?

>> No.22680293

>i don't train my body
>i'm so tired all the time! too tired to train!
what do you think muscles are designed to do, exactly?

>> No.22680297

>climate change
Hahahahaha ohnononono

>> No.22680315
File: 114 KB, 869x1024, 1000002197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but here's a good rule: if you're talking to a girl you think is attractive, just imagine her shitting her pants. This isn't some scat fetish, and if you're into that seek help before trying to meet any nice girls, but it's a way to mentally level playing field. When you look at her pre-shid pants, she's a goddess, unattainable, you feel like you'll never say the right thing (whatever that is). But once she has a big turd roosting in her underoos, suddenly she's not such a threat. You talk to her casually, calmly. You don't have shit in your pants, you have the upper hand. I use this method whenever I feel at a disadvantage in conversation or meeting. Dates, job interviews, etc.
You always feel more powerful when taking to someone with poo in their pants and your own underwears are clean.
Good luck out there.

>> No.22680327

Deng Hsu is a chinese name

>> No.22680367

Cracks happen, use either whipped cream or syrup and nobody will notice
I'm down to my last slice, backed Oreos inside, the Oreos became one single unified layer of Oreo, maybe I should have frozen them or something
It tastes good but it's wierd

>> No.22680380

huh, I dont get it.

>> No.22680386
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Of all the places, I never thought hentai/ doujins would be the place where people actually hold extremely high standards when it comes to properly translating works. Seeing people get absolutely livid about sub par translations in the comment sections of sadpanda, writing paragraphs on paragraphs on every mistake is a sight to behold.

>> No.22680403

I plan on putting raspberries all over the top so it should cover it.
>I'm down to my last slice, backed Oreos inside, the Oreos became one single unified layer of Oreo
Strange, maybe crush them up so they're more dispersed?

>> No.22680415

I noticed this girl started having a wet mouth sound while speaking as she was talking about masturbation with me, but she didn't have that before or after. Is this a sign of something?

>> No.22680417
File: 85 KB, 1080x1168, 08053049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out today that there's a subreddit called r/fuckingfascists, where liberal/leftist redditors fantasize about being either dominated or cucked by far-right leaning men. It was created last year, it has around 44k members now, surprised by the amount of women and trannies in the comments.
What the fuck did redditors mean by this?

>> No.22680425

Congrats on uncovering a devastating insight into female psychology

>> No.22680431


>> No.22680436

I think I need a break from the booze, just for the sake of my emotional regulation. The problem is I get so fucking bored on the weekends if I'm not drinking with my buddies.

>> No.22680440

No. Just continue your normal conversation about masturbation with her.

>> No.22680443

Took two tabs of acid last night and while I wouldnt say I had a bad trip I definitely don't feel the good vibes and buzz that I have following acid trips in the past. The trip wasn't bad it was mostly just annoying and now I feel like trash. Add that to the list of things to quit I guess.

>> No.22680444


Back when I was a kid that episode was one of the few X-Files VHS tapes that my local library had. That, and the episode with the weird nano-bot slime thing from Russia.

>> No.22680447

explain the trannies over there then

>> No.22680448

We were talking about it because of NNN.

>> No.22680452

were you talking about each others experience during that month?

>> No.22680453


>> No.22680455

Same issue? Mental illness

>> No.22680456

She wanted me to participate with her, and if we both failed she's going to come up with some punishment.

>> No.22680458


Yes. I've had mine for 13 years now, and it's still working fine. It's hard to convince myself to buy physical books anymore, as I don't want to pay double the price of an ebook and wait the week and a half to have the package arrive.

>> No.22680485

wtf bro. you shouldn't need to ask about "signs" here. are you actually autistic?

>> No.22680494

>are you actually autistic?
Yes. But I was wondering about the salvation thing. Was she salivating because of arousal?

>> No.22680496

I officially became a sugar daddy today. My baby is kinda mid, but whatever. I did all the math and the arrangement should be cheaper than when I actually had a gf and a lot less gay drama.

>> No.22680502

>the salvation thing
Yes. Tell her she needs Jesus.

>> No.22680507

This but unironically

>> No.22680525

got laid off recently and feeling pretty shitty about it. Like it was my fault or something

>> No.22680528

Thanks for blogposting boogie

>> No.22680537

It's not your fault.

>> No.22680546

Was it your fault?

>> No.22680617

i think that in another lite i must have been a great whore, since i have these intense sexual fantasies even without exposure to pornography. and yet, here i am burdened with the knowledge that if i act on even a fraction of these things in actuality the shame and guilt of it all would break me. would a lifetime of strict celibate observation redeem such a lustful soul? i must believe so if there is any hope

>> No.22680629

Why would you feel shame and guilt over having normal sex?

>> No.22680633

it's anything but nornal

>> No.22680650

Are those fantasies very perverted?

>> No.22680671


>> No.22680678

My faggot neighbour's nigger dog just woke me up because it just barks randomly even if there's nothing on the street. I slept 6 hours. I really want to just blow that fat retarded senile beast's head off

>> No.22680687

Solve the problem it by slipping it a “treat” laced with a healthy dose of rat poison

>> No.22681038

help, i can't stop thinking about sex even though i stopped watched porn

>> No.22681061

you can"t

>> No.22681184

You know what you are? You're my little pumpkin. A pumpkin I'd like to carve into something even more beautiful. Give you a face that only I can love, a face that scares away the little pests and rodents.I'll carve you into my liking.

>> No.22681205

have you tried jerking off?

>> No.22681246

After every sleepless night I spend the next day worrying I'm goinna have a heart attack.

>> No.22681259

I sink my knife into your skull and pull out everything inside. Once hollow I'll place my own light inside of you and only then will you shine. Lighting up these dark autumn nights.

>> No.22681281

Feed that little shit antifreeze. Its a slow painful death.

>> No.22681325

I drink to run away from boredom
I masturbate to run away from boredom
I eat to run away from boredom

>> No.22681333

You should try getting into actual running.

>> No.22681364

I'm still too fat for that.

>> No.22681371

I drink because I get violently ill if I don't

>> No.22681386

getting shakes?

>> No.22681405

Nigga if you havent had a seizure you aint an alky

>> No.22681454

What am I missing on this Gardner shit?

>> No.22681494

idk i've hallucinated and hyperventilated from withdrawal. there's such a thing as "subaccute" withdrawal, which isn't DT's, but it isn't a walk in the park either. and i might just have a high seizure threshold

>> No.22681497

I'm going to church now. See you guys later.

>> No.22681509

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. How the fuck do I keep focused while reading? I wanna read a bunch of shit but then I just can't keep my attention. I wanna read 1000 page book for once.

>> No.22681517

Take your meds(Vyvanse) zooomer.

>> No.22681523

I wish I was a shota that got some special services from a maid. One of my favorite H-games, ToraToriToru, is about that scenario.

>> No.22681540

>twitter screenshot
>has had a gf
this place really has become normalfag central, huh.
moot/mods should've allowed gore and loli to be spammed on all boards to keep faggots out, now this website is forever ruined

>> No.22681610

how long does a relapse have to persist before i go back to rehab? it's been a week, i think

>> No.22681786

Maybe that anon just has shit taste and his mother's novel is actually really good.

>> No.22681796

he had 140IQ

>> No.22681807

99% of my posts on this board are me trying to prove i'm smart to no one at all

>> No.22681809

they say that shit about every serial killer but low empathy is actually correlated with low IQ

>> No.22681825

Not everyone with low empathy is a serial killer though. All serial killers can have high iq and what you said could still hold true, there are simply the exceptions that dont match the correlation which im sure is not 1

>> No.22681831

Good, that’s better than all the polshit and r9kshit on this board

>> No.22681836

this site is just me blogging at you against your will

>> No.22681837

It’s like Blacked for libs

People get turned on by the idea of being conquered by their enemies

>> No.22681842

My family acts like white trash, and my extended family is white trash. That really bothers me. It also bothers me to think about who I am and where I come from, and wonder if I’ll ever really rise out of that to the utmost degree possible. I have lofty ambitions. I don’t want to get closed out.

>> No.22681898

yea, it's a disadvantage for sure. make sure you read and stay productive

>> No.22681911

Must suck being a self hating white nigger.

>> No.22681921

Hold me baby. Let's dance Sunday.

>> No.22681978

Hey, guys. I'm back from church.

>> No.22681997

how much have you been drinking since?

>> No.22681998

Did you confess and take comunion.

>> No.22682026
File: 78 KB, 559x380, weedamari sketchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time I have sex and am not threatened, demeaned, or physically hurt by my partner/s, my brain is scattered. When I have sex like this, when they suck my dick as I try to bear with the discomfort and think of how I should be reacting, when they fuck me without hurting me and we are just two ugly and soulless bodies humping and I am not set free. They don't understand and we are unconnected nothings, it hurts in the bad way. Something less than human inside of me is baiting some poor sucker into thinking that we are sharing a beautiful moment together, or maybe worse, we can clearly see in each other's eyes that we aren’t connecting, that it isn't very nice at all, but we still carry on with the performance. They fuck me while my mind is elsewhere. Hopefully they’re hitting it from behind, my cock is definitely limp, it probably hurts, but not in the right way.. Then I sit up on the ceiling looking down at the body of whatever I am tangled up with the body of whatever they are from above.

This feels like a great sin. Remember, current me is very fixated on the vague idea of some kind of complete understanding as the ultimate desire! How could I be so heartless as to fool a woman into thinking she's achieved that with me? How could sex so mid be anything but a sick sad mockery of that understanding. Why am I so convinced pain is the thing that's missing?

Because when they grab my roommate’s knife off the wall to pace around the tiny living room telling me how exactly they’ll put me down my heart screams. When they hold my hand over the hot stove for as long as I can take it, when they put out cigarettes on my tongue, I’m in love. When they call me stupid my body practically screams for them to fuck me. When they makes fun of the sickly, flat chest I have from a lifetime eating disorder, it upsets me for weeks and I begin regularly, sincerely thanking them for owning me. I guess it's never really a they, it's always a she. It’s probably impossible for me to fall in love with a woman who can’t bully me. Maybe sex is one of the only ways I’ve ever felt understood. When the stars align, a hot girl calls me a stupid dog and fucks me until I feel drunk, we slip into a deep, instinctual connection where we can give and receive exactly what we want without great effort. In accomplishing this, we are seeing each other (in only one facet of our whole selves,, duh!!!) we are understanding each other exactly as we are. For me, this just doesn’t seem to happen unless a girl can hurt me. Thanks, pain! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ‧+

>> No.22682036

sorry id didn't dd mean to leave typos in it. working on self-lore doc.

>> No.22682057

I read, but I don’t even know what it means to be productive anymore. I feel stuck in a shitty job after blowing my chance at a better one years ago.

>> No.22682072

Am I being a pussy if I am mad at my friends who have forgot it's my birthday today? Like these are my close friends who I hang out with every week. And none of them remembered to congratulate me even though I mentioned it was my brithday about 4 days ago. The thing is they are dumb fuckers who act like cavemen so I know it is not intentional, but being a sensitive guy this makes me rage.

>> No.22682075

No, yes. I went to get some chili with my grandma after church.

>> No.22682086

what would you do with your life if there were no screens?

>> No.22682095

Hunt deer and get a wife who gathers berries.

>> No.22682107

I think that depends on a person. I personally do get mad because if you cant even remember friends birthday and even write a lazy congratulations in 20 seconds then you clearly do not care.

>> No.22682114

If you’re expecting them to apologize and wish you a happy birthday, don’t. They’re just going to call you a faggot for being upset.

>> No.22682115

Yeah, but I feel this is most men. Like even though I am a man, I still feel most men don't care about relationships or remember imoprtant stuff. Male friendships especially when talking about a larger group of friends mean they won't care much.

>> No.22682122

Oh I am not going to bitch and cry to them because they didn't wish me happy birthday, it just confirms my suspicions that they don't give 2 shits about me.

>> No.22682123

Why even bother writing? Nobody’s going to read and those that do won’t care and those that do will just it sucks and those that compliment it will just be lying.

>> No.22682129

This is true, but I don’t think it’s natural.
They are just terrified of being branded a faggot.

>> No.22682130

Why even bother not writing? Nobody's going to care that you're not writing.

>> No.22682160

Probably be a more productive writer

We don’t have to understand ourselves as people of this time. We can understand ourselves as people of this time and of all time. If we can’t write for this time, we can write for all time.

>> No.22682169

Not cool little anon. You shouldnt accept communion when you know you arent in a state of grace.

>> No.22682186

You get those heart palpitations after a lack of sleep, too?

>> No.22682283

i mean productive towards what you want to do. if that's drinking beer and watching TV, just make sure you can sustain that indefinitely.
just make sure you dont wake up one day and wish you were doing something else

>> No.22682355

I’m already at that point, I think. I have clear things I want to do, but I have a hard time figuring out how to get to that point. I think this is a common sentiment these days probably because of education credential requirements.

>> No.22682411

I realize that posh Brits signal their status with speech and manners and many Brits find that annoying, but Americans do it with the shit they buy. Patagonia fleeces, University decals, and expensive SUVs are the hallmarks of the upper middle class striver class in America.

>> No.22682540

> France
> Germany
> England

>> No.22682542

I don't care about a lot of people. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate them. I have a lot of friends. Why do you expect everyone to remember your birthday, faggot

>> No.22682576

Do any of you feel like you’re trapped or stuck or so far behind that you can’t catch up? Like you have these things to do but you just can’t? What motivates you? What gets you up?

>> No.22682580

not being a soulless piece of shit ghoul sucking the life force out of everything around me surrounded only by people as vile as me or paid lackies trying to convince myself i am somehow winning at life by acting like a monkey on top of a banana pile

>> No.22682584

Are u dizzy blud? Midwit take when English culture is peak consoomerism. Deano needs to wageslave for his shitbox house and Femi needs to sell drugs to afford his new chains. Fucking southern poof trying to talk ablut the world when he has never left the estate.

>> No.22682592

The upper class in Britain doesn’t identify each other based on what they wear and what cars they drive and what decals they have on their cars? That’s more like what deanos do. In America, it’s the upper class doing what the deanos do in Britain. They just do it all on credit.

>> No.22682595

I have to study for my test tomorrow but I can't stop playing with this bocchi character simulator. Bocchi, who is my wife, is currently in Saudi Arabia fighting against my tribes enemies.

>> No.22682607

The choice really is between communism and Nazism isn’t it? There isn’t going to be a 3rd option is there?

>> No.22682726

Few things are harder to predict than the past.

>> No.22682752

Something about the ancient near east, the days of the hittites and the babylonians is just so much more interesting than the post-islamic middle east.

>> No.22682789

The mid east is fucking thriving right now. Must suck to be a monolingual pseud.

>> No.22682801

Has anybody here taken the LSAT? what did you score first time and what did you score after practicing ? I just scored a 148 on my diagnostic and feel like a retard. I need a 160+

>> No.22682820

not while you're alive

>> No.22682821

This fascination probably comes from
1.) the Middle East being the center of the world at the time
2.) you knowing more about the Post Islamic ME than the pre Islamic ME

>> No.22682825


>> No.22682826
File: 209 KB, 538x302, 1699162439230000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing way more writing than reading lately and it's wearing me down. I'm at work on my master's thesis, I'm at work on some paid writing for a website, and I'm writing the fourth book of my large story. I'm happy to be so productive, but I literally don't have time to read I have so much to write. It's sort of wearing me down.

>> No.22682828
File: 113 KB, 500x300, 1661329453440195.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes fantasize that I'm cute twink who gets an offer from old rich guy to be his bitch boy until he dies so I will inherit all his money

>> No.22682830

Recently I had a very long dream.
I was a stone cut out of a quarry in rural France in the 9th century and I became part of the walls of a small parish chapel. Centuries passed. I saw the Mass served in splendor beyond what a village church ought to bear, heard confessions that chilled my blood, witnessed weddings, christenings, baptisms, funerals, confirmations, the priests and deacons coming and going, sudden deaths in the pews, storms, plagues, disasters, wars, famines, miracles, mercies, saw the angels standing above the doors. My body became worn, overgrown by moss, cracked and split. Around what looked like the early 20th century the chapel fell into ruin and the dream ended.

>> No.22682839

bjorn sexo

>> No.22682844

there won't be a "better 3rd option" until a certain generation of coked up sociopaths kicks the bucket, and they will hang onto their twilight with bleeding nails, kicking and screaming all the way to hell where they belong

>> No.22682858

woman delights me not

>> No.22682862

man delights not me

>> No.22682865

man delights me more than i care to admit

>> No.22682871


>> No.22682874

no u

>> No.22682899 [DELETED] 

an anime themed ramen noodle place opened in my neighborhood and it's fucking packed every day. i just checkout the menu and it looks fucking delicious. now i don't have to go to chinatown to get good ramen. getting gentrified by rich chinese has its advantages.

>> No.22682901

how long did the dream feel? was it like a movie montage or did you feel like you experienced the whole time?

>> No.22682906

>have one drink too many
>too drunk to drive to the liquor store
>have one drink too few
>too ill to drive to the liquor store

>> No.22682912

It literally felt like it was 1000 years long. Maybe the feeling of experiencing that much time was an artifact of the dream rather than a literal representation of how much subjective time I experienced but I felt very disoriented when I woke up, like I couldn't remember who I was.

>> No.22682922

Just walk nigga.

>> No.22682925

it would be like a half hour and it's unrealistic for me to walk that long in the condition i am in

>> No.22682932

Unless you are having an alcoholic seizure you are healthy enough to walk your ass to the liquor store. No having the shakes or being a fat fuck is not an excuse.

>> No.22682943

There's too many opinions.

>> No.22682956

brother i am in agony
i'm gonna try to get it delivered

>> No.22682966
File: 86 KB, 750x466, DUMloj0VQAAq9Nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will finally be free

>> No.22682975

Grass: touched
Penis: washed
Ballsack: honored (in French)

>> No.22682981

nice try boomer, you will never know what comes after you're gone and that's good, because if you knew you would piss in the well for one last fuck you like you did with everything else you touched during your life time

>> No.22682982

We will never have to work again because of universal basic income, free housing. Women will be free from work and attractive ones will be my girlfriend.

>> No.22682989

i'm torn between letting everyone know what pieces of shits they were during their lifetime as a warning example for future generations or wiping their names off of history pages so that they don't get the satisfaction of being mentioned and get to fade form the pages of history with a whimper

>> No.22683257

It's a nonfiction book about politics. Over the years i think she's realized she doesn't really know very much, that the scope and complexity of the subject is beyond her grasp.
She keeps revising it adding more and more.
I can sense the insecurity everytime the subject comes up.
I think she tortures herself over it a little but no one else really cares.
I just think she should go easy on herself and enjoy what time she has left

>> No.22683258

muh screens

>> No.22683259

I'm gonna be living in a town for 6 months for work (military related shit) and I'm looking to rent a place while I'm here with the intention of breaking my lease down the line. Should I be up front about that when I'm applying for a lease or will it give landlords a reason to deny me or add additional costs?

>> No.22683263

It is a disadvantage in certain ways, but at least you don't have to worry about high expectations.
Those born to higher class families have to deal with the implicit high expectations

>> No.22683271

The real red-pill is that 50% of the population in any given country consists of filthy thieves and criminals and that's being optimistic.

>> No.22683276

And I get it we all have certain expectations we hold our self to, but once you reach a certain old age i think you deserve to relax and take things easier.

>> No.22683277

>Should I be up front about that
No, absolutely not. They will likely just not rent to you. Break your lease, but expect to lose your deposit. Sometimes you can find a 6 month lease but it's not common

>> No.22683285
File: 43 KB, 578x560, fj88ma6ac14b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real red-pill is that over 50% of the people are getting shafted by the system and the only way for them to have a life of luxury is to cheat the system or to steal from someone else

>> No.22683308

Well that's the thing, I benefit from legal protection in this case since I'd be using military orders to break the lease. At the same time, my instincts tell me that a landlord would prefer to have someone pay a regular full term lease and knowing a tenant is going to stay for half a year might be a reason to jack up rent and use an excuse to explain it.

>> No.22683309

> I'm a poor shack of shit
> t-that's why stealing from others to become rich is totally justified!

>> No.22683314

>you have less spots than you have graduates
>t-that's why nepotism is okay and the poor need to work harder!

>> No.22683320

Some people are poor because they prefer free time.
Nepotism is a good thing, you are probably an idiot if you refrain from it and you should kys

>> No.22683332

some people choose less income for free time, i can tell you that those people are not the amazon gimps or customer service guys with degrees
and you just admitted that nepotism is necessary to make it in the system hence why "cheating the system" is a thing and why stealing from others is the only option left for luxury for them
now go out there and network for that cronyism and then wonder why your company is filled with incompetent deadbeats that roll the blame downhill

>> No.22683344

> those people are not the amazon gimps or customer service guys with degrees
Maybe these people should try not being filthy subhumans? Still better than injecting heroin. Good thing these jobs are around.
> you just admitted that nepotism is necessary to make it in the system hence why "cheating the system" is a thing and why stealing from others is the only option left for luxury for them
No, that's just being a filthy criminal worth nothing except to be shot
> now go out there and network for that cronyism and then wonder why your company is filled with incompetent deadbeats that roll the blame downhill
I won't because I don't like hiring criminals

>> No.22683360

if the only constant to your company's downfall is jim then maybe jim isn't the golden goose and has instead been sacking people to wipe his own ass after every whoopsie decision of leadership he makes

>> No.22683368

Enough of the leftist babble. The fact that you defend criminality and the mafia demonstrates that a leftist is just a criminal in becoming.

>> No.22683372

what's your opinion on government bailouts on failing businesses and taxation that is used to bailout failing hedgefunds?

>> No.22683376

The mafia subverting an entire country or nation, by sending gullible lefties into the parliament

>> No.22683385

so you think it is criminal activity to use tax revenue to bailout failing businesses and degenerate gamblers of hedgefunds?
what about what is your opinion on government enforced monopoly / favoritism on a subpar company that allows them to squeeze out fair competition?

>> No.22683387

4chan kills the soul. Everyone is unkind. Everything I say I’m challenged on in the harshest possible terms. That’s not natural, especially for someone like me with a proclivity for honesty and sensitivity. I believe in some sense everybody wants recognition from the other. Even rivals. But here there is no possibility for it. I already am afraid of everybody in real life, and hide away. That’s fine. I know. It’s a baptism of fire. Iron sharpens iron. But I am starved of love. It’s ok though. I am tough as leather, and solid as steel.

>> No.22683391

Let them all fail, but that' won't ever happen. It's all just the wealthy and powerful maintaining a satus quo. To let any large companies fail is a violation of the standing rules of neoliberalism. Blah blah blah blah, you already know all this.

>> No.22683395

Depending on how criminally run a government is, the state is either dogmatic in the enforcement of classical liberalism (e. g. strict prohibition of monopolies, despite whiny ass faggots), or it tolerates the establishment of some monopolies because the emotions of some are more important than moral and societal dogmas

>> No.22683403

what's your opinion on samsung as a company based on how they operate?

>> No.22683404

It's just socialists who advocate for saving enterprises because of workers losing their jobs

>> No.22683409

i am unsure if you're mentally retarded or baiting

>> No.22683412

I don't care. That's not the point of my argument. They might be criminal, they might not be criminal. Just because someone is powerful doesn't mean he isn't criminal.

>> No.22683413

I love you, anon. Really and truly.

>> No.22683417

It's the truth unfortunately. Speaking the truth doesn't make you unpopular, but far-right wingers are the only ones who would ever be vocal about those criminal but rich enterprises to 'let then just rot'

>> No.22683418

The rich and powerful are the ones who create the laws that determine criminality. This is jurisprudence 101, anon.

>> No.22683421

Not necessarily. There's a marked difference between someone who attains wealth through work alone and someone who does it by luring middle schoolers into drugs. One is persecuted by social dogmas, the other one just does whatever is currently practical to attain money.

>> No.22683426

Get out while you can!

>> No.22683430

major city niggas will justify paying for anything rather than acknowledge they should move. you can live in any blue collar city in the US for like no money and enjoy a better quality of life than you would have in NYC/LA/portland

>> No.22683437

No one can attain wealth through work alone because wealth is determined by social relations. But also your post basically looked past what I was saying. Criminality is determined by the apparatus you are attempting to identify.

>> No.22683439

Rule number one is to NEVER stalk your ex on Instagram and I just did that. Fucking hell why am I such a retard. I knew what I was getting into. If only I could isekai myself to a world of big tittied elven girls.

>> No.22683440

Returning for what I believe is my second post in this thread, today I have only a little bit to contribute. Namely, that I am now absolutely apathetic to the goings on of the world or of the people in it. I seek to one day leave society and venture off to the steppe. Yours truly, Fyodor.

>> No.22683443

Doubtful. Hope you like exclusively talking about fantasy football and getting drunk for the rest of your life. Also, hope you don’t care about your back because there is no work here that will spare your body.
t. Lives in middle America

>> No.22683456

People actively sabotaging their own chances at life, compulsively consuming rage bait ad naseum till they can't help but assume the worst in any situation. I think back to Lacan's example of the man who suspects his wife of cheating, even if she does he can still be pathological about it.

I don't know how many of them could hope to ascend though. A lot of banal normie advice is useful to a point, but some of these guys are so terminally dull. The worst thing you can be to women is boring.

>> No.22683457

Perhaps the issue lies in your assumption that one need “talk” to the others around whom they live. To minimize one’s engagement in such vapid social interaction is actually edifying and the mark of a truly free man.

Kind regards,


>> No.22683470

> No one can attain wealth through work alone because wealth is determined by social relations
Wealth can absolutely be acquired through wealth alone, you've just been brainwashed by leftist media.
> Criminality is determined by the apparatus you are attempting to identify.
A legal apparatus is legal by merit of having ideals and it remains on power as long as it oppresses the criminal element in a society. A society run by criminals is much different to a society run by a legal apparatus. One knows no force of oppression other than violence or, they can only except power onto other the more criminal subjects they are dealing with.

>> No.22683472

>intentionally isolate yourself in an anti-intellectual backwater to kill yourself slaving over menial labour for $15/hr because that’s what a man does or something
You take after the intelligence of your namesake Mr. Karamazov



>> No.22683481 [DELETED] 

latest partiboi mix b2b with dj heartstring goes unbelievably hard

>> No.22683488

I should kill myself.

>> No.22683492

you should love yourself

>> No.22683498

Why do you think so? Don’t do it, anon.

>> No.22683503

This is a definitional discussion and you are just wanting a platform in the thread to talk. I'm here to listen, anon.

>> No.22683507

I've never been able to do anything like this. I just dont have the capacity to imagine something so blatantly false when I'm really trying to engage with the person and be present with them.

>> No.22683519

I don't think I'm capable.
Plenty of reasons. I'm your typical surplus male weirdo pervert introverted possible undiagnosed schizoid 4chan loser and I've done plenty of immoral things to boot. If you knew more about me I don't doubt you would agree.

>> No.22683522

Of course one should not pursue menial labor. That type of thing kills the human spirit, it is far from edifying. Instead, one should pursue any type of work which isolates them from society’s poison and yet allows them to pursue intellectual interests. In my case, I work remotely and leave my apartment only to obtain necessities and to take walks. The latter I do only in the night or early morning, so as to avoid accidental interaction with another person. Perhaps you should try it. It is quite edifying, indeed.

Kind regards,


>> No.22683538

What immoral things have you done? I doubt it’s anything that bad.

>> No.22683576

I'd rather not say.

>> No.22683594

p. sure ur the anon who molested his sister

>> No.22683698

My first diagnostic was a 150 and my most highest attempt was a 165. I took it in October but this new proctor service really fucked me over so that ended up being a 162 but I’m aiming for a 170+. It’s the logic games that get me. I crush the other sections and then go like 3/30 on the logic games.

>> No.22683706

I tend to think that if I had a job I liked and was proud of, I’d be one of these people that works all the time. But because I hate my job and am ashamed of it, I avoid work as much as possible.

>> No.22683719

My parents are putting serious pressure on me. I’m working on my novel, I’m about 1000 pages in. It’ll be my opus. But they’re telling me either I have to get a job or move out. What do I do anons?

>> No.22683727

>It’s the logic games that get me.

Didn’t you hear? They’re removing logic games entirely next year in August, I think it’s being replaced by another section of logical reasoning. No need to worry about it unless you need to take the test before then.

>> No.22683743

Overwhelmed, scared, and stuporous...

>> No.22683751

Sir Fyodor, I believe your conceptions of the careers that are available to those that live in rural America to be mistaken. I do not lie when I say that menial labour is all that there is for the vast majority of individuals in my area of the country. Indeed, the closest one could aspire to achieve as far as intellectual labour goes would be that of a librarian or school teacher. We are bereft of careers wherein one could be surrounded by intellectual peers engaging in advanced material. I implore you to rethink your ideas of what our portion of the country has to offer in these respects.



>> No.22683757


>> No.22683777

Of course, that is entirely false. Remote work is available to every person in the country by virtue of the fact that it can be done by any person with a reliable internet connection. Intellectual peers are a myth. Only the individual and his mind is capable of thought. There is no such thing as a collective brain.



>> No.22683807

I'm having mother related issues. I saw her today for a short time, and I just felt maybe it's time to not let my old feelings of her not desiring me go. Another reason is just dumb girl stuff. Worrying about the heaviness of her depth and uncertainty of the relationship. I guess the two are fairly related.

>> No.22683927

I haven’t read anything in months…

>> No.22683939

I did hear, but I’m older and I already post-poned my apps last year.

>> No.22683959

Really unsure about what to do with my life right now. My mind is all fucked up and I need to get the fuck out of this house!

>> No.22683970

i did not expect to become a worthless junkie. i am vain and i am blind. i hate when people are unkind

>> No.22683973

work and write. choose a job that allows you time with your thoughts, doing work that isn't incredibly mentally draining. it is not as difficult as it seems

>> No.22683990

>I have a bad habit that is entirely self imposed :(

Ok. You don’t get points for admitting it. Go fix it, retard. Go read something or don’t cry here about your own life decisions.

>> No.22683998

I’m an idiot savant. I fuck up everything except writing. I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to work

>> No.22684014

Jesus. What a night. I met this girl I studied with in Catholic high school who's a real mess. Through her, I met a guy who's a runner at a drug joint. Never met someone from the criminal underworld before.

I want to help this girl, yet, at the same time, I want to fuck her, hell, I would be willing to date her. What a mess.

But I definitely learned a lot, and all before 11pm. What a night.

>> No.22684019

>I want to fuck her

Fuck off, fucking sex addict normie freak. Go on TikTok and post about getting some mufuggin pooosay, instead of shitting up a literary board with this kind of degenerate fucking filth. You’re genuinely lower than a fucking worm.

>> No.22684025

time flies like an arrow
fruit flies like a banana

>> No.22684031

Hahahahahahaha. Dude, sexuality is a part of being human. There are states superior to the human, yeah, but I have heard there is something analogous to sex in them also.

Like, there is something like sex in Heaven, but it's just better.

>> No.22684040

I gave up on some partly-read books that didn't excite me so now I'm not reading anything. Maybe I should keep it this way for a while.

>> No.22684048

Heaven doesn’t exist, and sex is a fucking disgusting, degenerate activity that normies with social capital use as a bludgeon against people with BRAINS. Fuck you, little pissant. How fucking dare you, after all I’ve been through, come to my fucking board and post this fucking degenerate shit? Fuck. You. Go get some mofuggin poosay, low IQ spirit nigger.

>> No.22684083

>Dude, sexuality is a part of being human.
Yes and that is why it is evil

>> No.22684090

well, maybe think of it this way: you may struggle greatly, you may experience extreme hardship which is disproportionately challenging to overcome, compared to the experience of others.
for any writer worth his salt, this sort of experience is invaluable. for authors, most any life experience - especially those unsavory - is valuable. may your blood be let and your spirit sapped, that your ink be enriched and your soul emboldened. good luck, anon

>> No.22684104

>I want to help this girl, yet, at the same time, I want to fuck her, hell, I would be willing to date her. What a mess.

As the age old adage goes, don't stick your dick into crazy. Don't do something which you'll regret.
Once you get with a freak, the more extreme fetishes you'll seek

>> No.22684128

> Heaven doesn't exist
> Sex is degenerate

What the fuck kind of trip are you on, this makes no sense.

>> No.22684133

You know, I know this guy who tries to sell me Krishna as the superior manifestation of God, because Krishna was a complete personality, who was a lover, philosopher, warrior, among many other things.

Definitely, Jesus and Buddha seem very incomplete, unbalanced, relative to him, so maybe he's onto something.

>> No.22684140

Ok, you don’t think it makes sense. You’re probably a normie, and I hate normies. So you can fuck off.

>> No.22684196

>gets English degree
>must now face the forever humiliation ritual of admitting you got your degree in English whenever asked
Such is life

>> No.22684199

>Definitely, Jesus and Buddha seem very incomplete, unbalanced, relative to him
Yes and that is why they are superior. Or rather superior in their inferiority

>> No.22684401

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.22684994

Was it a decent school?

>> No.22685169

Is it me or are there no good careers out there?

>> No.22685196

There are, but you have to have a brain, you need to be able to focus, and you must make an effort. So 99.9% of 4channers are excluded.

>> No.22685221

>nano-bot slime
Tunguska/Terma. Probably my favourite double bill episode. Love that show. And mulder is my hero. Miss that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.