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22667466 No.22667466 [Reply] [Original]

Can't decide if peak pretentious writing by a pseud for pseuds or one of the most important pieces of literature in recent history.

>> No.22667471

maybe its somewhere inbetween.
silly dichotomy really.

did you enjoy it?

>> No.22667475

It was honestly really good once i got past the lack of proper punctuation

>> No.22667495

I like his writing style. And while a distinct Faulkner influence is present, I find McCarthy easier to read than Faulkner.

>> No.22667619

Shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.22668498

It's honestly ridiculous how good some of the prose rolls off the tongue without punctuation

>> No.22668561

it fits the time period and the landscape

>> No.22668562

Your gay!!

>> No.22668566

to be fair this is generally symptomatic of undiagnosed ADHD which the scientific community are just starting to understand. According to the DSM-V (a sciency handbook of sorts), ADHD afflicted individuals do not get the dopamine hits that NT people get when reading books and find themselves not finishing a book or putting off tasks such as washing the dishes and ending up hyperfixating on youtube videos. this is why NT (neurotypical aka normie) people have no problem reading dryer texts and can complete mundane chores and can finish texts without effort as they are constantly stimulated and actually enjoy the tasks at hand. from what I am led to believe, NT people experience a feeling of euphoria when completing mundane tasks or reading complex texts that us ADHD people don't attain. this can be solved through medical treatments to provide our brain with the ability to live as a NT person would by supplementing prescription medication. Our ability to hyperfixate on topics is also a superpower for us as we can understand topics at a deeper level than NT's by mentally tearing it apart opposed to just knowing it at a superficial level. essentially, NT's can finish a text and barely know it at a surface level (just ask them to explain blood meridian - they generally don't understand the deeper abstract concepts), but us ND people often can't finish a book or complete our washing due to a lack of spoons, however when we actually have the executive function to complete tasks we do it far better than an NT.

>> No.22668572

it is his worst book

>> No.22668619

pseudointellectual genre fiction slop for dudebros who enjoy fargo and fightclub

>> No.22668727
File: 78 KB, 327x500, redskinss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for pseuds, if you want an actual enjoyable read in the same setting and themes then try picrel.

>> No.22668957

This, and yet it still towers over every other book published in the last 50 years

>> No.22668973

Well then literate one, what is his actual best book so that I can finally read him.

>> No.22669087

Child of God or the Border trilogy are probably the best to start with. They avoid most of the mistakes he made in Blood Meridian: much tighter structure and less of the silly cod Milton overwriting 'IN THE DARKNESS BEFORE MAN YET WAS' type stuff

>> No.22669262

This shit is only relevant in the USA and on 4chan, maybe that's a hint

>> No.22669274

>proper punctuation
it's just what real english looks like

>> No.22669330

>Waaaahhh don't insult my daddy!

>> No.22669349

There isn't much Faulkner in Blood meridian. Maybe the southern dialect in prose but that isn't exclusive to Faulkner.>>22668561

>> No.22669353

Kill yourself tard brain.

>> No.22669356

Lol. Nice cope.

>> No.22669373

I really love the aesthetics of Blood Meridian, but I don’t think there’s anything else profound about that book and I very much dislike McCarthy as a writer. To me, he comes off as a dumb person who got his hands on a thesaurus and tries to sound smart. Maybe he his smart. I don’t know. I don’t think that even matters. I think he’d agree actually. But it doesn’t matter because it’s not only that. More importantly, I think somehow he’s just been duped. Blood Meridian is not mythological. It’s not a conventionally good story. There’s basically no broader social critique or commentary. The only deeper meaning I find in that book is an expression of his own personal, yes, nihilistic, philosophy, a philosophy which I think he’s been largely tricked into accepting or stumbled on by chance and found it novel when it wasn’t. To any extent that book and his other books are an expression of that philosophy, I just find that to be disappointing. And I find a certain degree of overlap between McCarthy’s novels and the sort of pseudo-philosophy of Jordan Peterson but in reverse and I really dislike that about him, and frankly this whole intellectual/artistic moment in general. I loved Blood Meridian, until I read his other books, his essays, and listened to his interviews and noticed things about the book him and later in the book which I intensely disliked and still dislike. And I’ve also come to speculate that maybe this is a guy who has been signal boosted by people with intentions which are maybe not so good.

>> No.22669376


>> No.22669382

The USA is the most relevant country though, which works in the book's favor.

>> No.22669384

Okay? Well, the only non-American shit young people care about is Japanese manga and beyond that, nothing from Europe is remotely relevant. Even Knausgard and Houllebecq are well-known largely because they were read by Americans.

>> No.22669406
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>is this pretentious dogshit that’s just distracting me from misery with my own desire for self importance
>or is this insightful and meaningful
All my favorite art is like this. Just rewatched pic related and that’s exactly how I felt, couldn’t decide if it was visual poetry of the highest order or a douchey but well shot perfume commercial.

>> No.22669411

Movies aren’t art, and McCarthy was quite obviously influenced by film. So it makes sense that all your favorite art is like this because your favorite art is not art.

>> No.22669431

I think you are just annoyed at your inability to find the deeper meaning in his books. To classify McCarthy as nihilistic after reading his other books would require a dumb person and that is very much possible as a smart person can totally feel dumb to others who just aren't on his wavelength.
>Blood Meridian is not mythological. It’s not a conventionally good story. There’s basically no broader social critique or commentary. The only deeper meaning I find in that book is an expression of his own personal, yes, nihilistic, philosophy
That's a very young boy's idea of artistic importance. Social commentary? Wtf! You don't seem very artistically educated.

Veeren bell wrote a book on really early McCarthy in 1988 and I think it is a good dip into his works because he can be very obscure in his themes or meaning if you don't already have a sense for it.

>> No.22669438

You are retarded.

>> No.22669444

Cry harder shithead

>> No.22669455

>we do it far better than an NT
You're not guaranteed to be better at understanding shit than most people when you manage to finally sit down and read a book. That's not how it works. Believe it or not, most normal people are also capable of deeply focusing and analyzing things.

>> No.22669460

The other guy said it a little harsher but I agree with his sentiment.. you got weird metrics for art my man.
>social commentary
Who gives a fuck, humans are social creatures but they’re also individuals. There’s value in art that does nothing except explain a feeling one might have in a relatable or interesting way.
>is he smart or isn’t he, is the world smart or isn’t it?
You say it’s not meaningful in this context but I don’t see how it’s meaningful in any context. Who gives a shit how “smart” the artist or the work is?
>the only deeper meaning is his own philosophy
What makes it deep? And who even cares if it’s deep? Meaningful things are often not very deep at all. And meaningful things often don’t have a point either. A poem about a particular feeling one might have after a breakup isn’t “deep” and there might not be any greater point or “social commentary” to figure out and post on Reddit… but it can still be a very good or even great poem.

>> No.22669469

But most people can't think outside the cliched forms like labelling anything that doesn't profess collegiate optimism in your face to be nihilistic. Just read the Goodreads' reviews of this book. The problem is cognitive. They can't hope to see many things that some more artistically inclined tend to see. Blood Meridian is a prime example of a book that operates in that liminal space.

>> No.22669529

There's a line about ribbons of purple lighting slashing in the dark that makes me horny every time I remember it.

>> No.22669563

I loved when the lightning reflected off of Judge's pistol and blinded everyone in the landscape.

>> No.22669580
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It is kino of the highest order and if you don't like it you are ironically a pseud yourself.

>Crouched under their hats
they seemed fugitives on some grander scale, like beings for
whom the sun hungered

>> No.22669716
File: 203 KB, 500x750, Blood Meridian kid in the desert by Yiran Jia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read almost everything published by McCarthy and I can say with near certainty that there is no support for nihilism in his work. He does nothing to sugar coat the evil in the world which I think lends itself to the idea that he is saying nothing has meaning, but when you look deeper you can see that he is constantly arguing humans should resist these evils, even if it leads to no material, worldly payoff. The kid is a prime example of that. Happy to hear more of your thoughts about what makes you feel otherwise.

>> No.22669731


This might be relevant to the thread. I suspect a dislike for the book might have something to do with a reader's preference for story categories; as in they might like a certain type of progression of the narrative in their books. Even books said to be without any overarching narrative fall within the scope of story structures. This guy isn't going to be a great writer but he does inadvertently explain why some will just not find the book satisfying. As someone said, McCarthy seems consciously opposed to repeating categorical forms. If he subverted them repeatedly, he might have been called a postmodernist. Some people are troubled by the fact that there isn't any easy explanation for the book to be the way it is.

Those who love the book, on the other hand, seem to regard it as one of the book's strengths, because it keeps the work endlessly interpretable.

>> No.22669741

>the book doesn’t make sense
And that’s what’s so great about it! Jej.

>> No.22669744

>no I’m special!
>I’m not a loser in special!! I understand things so much more than others
This is so embarrassing to read mate

>> No.22669748

That's not what I meant. Read the essay. The narrative is very simple, it is not possible for it not make sense. Everything else that lies beneath is where the guy delves into. How stories themselves proceed from the persepctive of someone analyzing the construction of the story rather than the story itself.

>> No.22669751


>> No.22669752

>according to the DSM-V

>> No.22669758

You can cope all you want, it's just the truth. You won't understand it because you aren't a reader.

>> No.22669762

Life doesn’t make sense

>> No.22669764

>Read the essay.
Fuck no, I don’t need someone else to tell me how to feel about a book.

>> No.22669771

Okay. Close mindedness is the death of art.

>> No.22669772

>you don’t get how special I am!
>because you’re not a reader
You don’t know me though. You gonna do the online psychoanalysis next? Or appeal to “you need better reading comprehension”? Which is it I’m working on my redditor bingo card

>> No.22669778

That’s why it’s imperative for art to - so we can make sense of something. If it doesn’t we’re left with these types of threads that seem to happen all the time that consist of:
>you didn’t get it
>there’s nothing to get
>if you think that way then you certainly wouldn’t get it kek
>fuck off pseud
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.22669779

I disagree. For me it’s the death of the artist.

>> No.22669782

I can tell from people's opinions. You won't believe how much of a stock character most of you are, which is also an explanation for holding said opinions.
>I’m working on my redditor bingo card
You should stay there.

>> No.22669784

Same thing.

>> No.22669785

Yea ok. Your ADHD gives you special powers of understanding that normies can't comprehend.

>> No.22669786

I see your problem. You are still stuck in the 1850s sensibility wise. You don't register what's great about the new ones.

>> No.22669787
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>> No.22669792

Fuck off pseud.

>> No.22669793

Say whatever. You are just annoyed at being found out to be not as smart you thought you were. All such people blame others for their lack of intelligence.

>> No.22669800

I knew I was talking to an 18 year old. You are like a stock newfag character who just discovered this place after wasting time thinking video games were art or something.

>> No.22669801

Yeah bro you're really unique and way above those normies. You're definitely not a downie adjacent retard that thinks being unable to do the washing up gives him special insights into BM

>> No.22669807

It's the truth. Art doesn't give life any meaning beyond the choice that people can believe in a further delusion for the rest of it. You don't live outside of your head and all the meaning you find is also in your head.

>> No.22669812


>> No.22669814

I'm dumb because I disagree with your idea that ADHD automatically gives you the ability to understand things more deeply than people who don't have it? It's just a dumb statement, and now you're saying that I've been found out as dumb? What exactly in this exchange revealed anything about my intelligence?
It seems like you're just name-calling because you're mad. I could be a fucking retard or I could be a genius, but there's literally nothing in this conversation that would make you able to make that assessment yet.

>> No.22669815

Just say “filtered” plx.

>> No.22669817

You are pretty butthurt about this. Did some smart, well read person clown you for having low IQ opinions about something you clearly don't understand? Seems like it.

>> No.22669830

>I could be a fucking retard or I could be a genius, but there's literally nothing in this conversation that would make you able to make that assessment yet
Lol. I am not name calling. The fact that you are so oblivious to how your response gives away your cookie cutter opinions and typical "i am very articulate" 18 year old personality is itself a pretty big giveaway. Even this post is trying to sound smart by arguing semantics (" welllll i didn't say anything that would give away my intelligence""") without saying anything. Your tone and opinion gives away your intelligence. I have met many an 18 year old smartasses who talked the same way with the same arguments.

>> No.22669835

Your attitude is anti-art yet you want to argue what it is?

>> No.22669838

Yes someone who admitted to having a genuine mental disability and who is unable to do the dishes (who is also supersmart and well read xd) just clowned on me for calling their embarrassing opinion embarrassing.
You do not have a superpower you are disabled.

>> No.22669841

But ADHD is not a guarantee of deep focus and understanding that's somehow unattainable by people without it. It's just wrong.

>> No.22669855

Please stop anon, this is nonsense. You say filtered, we reach an impasse, shake hands and go >our seperate ways.
*extends hand sincerely*

>> No.22669857

And I'm not dumb for simply saying that :D It's such a strange leap for a supposedly super smart person to be anything other than pointless name-calling. t. >>22669841

>> No.22669859

>namecalling the other guy to begin with
>"i think you are just namecalling because you are mad"
Yup you are dumber than a retard. Look how mad you are. You keep spamming delusional bs because it makes you insecure that your few braincells are unable to parse some words in order. Take your adhd fantasy away with you to the asylum. Some retard thinking that people disagreeing with his retarded opinions is sign of adhd is the true sign of mental retardation. Yet the retard wonders why anyone would think that he is retarded.
The inability to follow such simple logic is the 2nd sign of retardation.

>> No.22669871

You are dumber than a person with adhd. The post never said anything to the like. You are so fucking stupid that ypu are projecting your insecufity of potentially having adhd onto others because it explains your low intelligence when it comes to reading. Inexplicably, adhd is sign of super smartness even though it was never said in the thread, not even ironically. That's the sign that you are a fucking retard. Need more proof?

>> No.22669873

Yes, it did: >>22668566

>> No.22669875

You are obviously insecure about your intelligence and because you are a diagnosed retard. I would also be insecure if I were you so I'm not holding it against you. Please just stop sperging out, I don't think you realise how humiliating it is.
I'm nta btw, there are multiple people calling you retarded.

>> No.22669878

I think you're confused.

>> No.22669883

That guy lost his own plot and you are an idiot who fixated on that same bs for the whole thread because it made your ass sore for some reason.

>> No.22669894

I just disagree with his post, and that's the only thing I've been saying. What's your issue with that exactly?

>> No.22669896
File: 129 KB, 1024x1024, 1633192258952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup the retard got butthurt at the namecalling. 18 year old retards do that.
Pic related is you, retard
>not that anon
Lol. Try convincing someone else, retard. You might be too retarded for it but most people can distinguish writing styles. Not a difficulty in your case any way because you are the only clinically retarded person here.

>> No.22669902

Then talk to him. Why are you spamming the thread? It clearly bothers you more than just a disagreement.

>> No.22669903

But I'm retarded too.

>> No.22669909

>but most people can distinguish writing styles
I'm actually howling at this because I'm genuinely not the other guy. ADHD clairvoyance at work lmao

>> No.22669910

I thought I was talking to him, because someone kept responding. Why did you respond to me at all if not to defend the only fucking thing that I disagreed with lmao? What was your point?

>> No.22669917

You argued that normie people are equally good at analyzing things which is false.

>> No.22669926

>on the phone
>on the pc
>"i am a different guy"

>> No.22669952

People with ADHD often hyperfocus on things, but normies can do that as well. Maybe on average people with ADHD are better at analyzing things, but that post implied that normies are intellectually basically beyond saving, and that ADHD is a silver bullet.
Tardo, I think you thought you were responding to me, but it literally is some other guy

>> No.22669964

I was never talking about adhd people. I am talking about people who are more artistically inclined and in normie sense are somewhat crazy and weird. A normie person 100% won't get anywhere near a guy who has that type of sensibility. That's why writers are born not made, and to some degree readers are too.

I am not knowledgable about adhd giving you greater powers of association but there have been weirder discoveries in science so to be completely opposed to the idea is pretty normalfaggy too.

>> No.22669969

No, you are just a retard.

>> No.22669975
File: 299 KB, 538x576, 1Ug8rLK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, we're not talking about the same things and I don't know why you responded to me in the first place, whenever you did so. I'm closing this retarded thread now.

>> No.22670120

Anon read the book and the book read unto his creosote soul and he took his hand upon the phone like a primitive ape wielding a club and so did he make a thread of inflammatory jalapeno as Andromeda shone over the man like the lamp of a mosque burning oil and the oil is burned now in the yellow silicate oceans of dusted rock primordial and ancient like the stars themselves which shine a nebulous dry light born when the fields were walked by great dragons on which the judge did place a peculiar interest as they walked long before his eyes were open and he did not stand such an affront to his knowledge of the world above and the world below and the skies of astral water which had now begun to rain a rain of empyrean blood on the phone of the man. Its them injun niggers fault the man thought and so he spat.

>> No.22670797

>you just don't get it bro

>> No.22670806

>Some retard thinking that people disagreeing with his retarded opinions is sign of adhd is the true sign of mental retardation.
>Take your adhd fantasy away with you
What did he mean by this

>> No.22670845

You don't think Absalom, Absalom! had any influence on Blood Meridian's prose?

>> No.22671561
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>proposes a meaning of human evolution/suffering (war) under a Christian/gnostic system (fallen people theory)
>normies can't even visualize images in their heads
>normies don't even understand the violence is just the setting of the story
>normies can't even read long sentences

Of course normies are going to bitch about it. Its ironic since half the plot is about a knowledgeable being trying to educate a bunch of uneducated replaceable goons who struggle to understand what he's saying.

>> No.22671617

Isn’t even half as good as Suttree

>> No.22671714

It's a little of both, but it's probably more pseud than profound. A lot of the story's violence for the sake of violence, and suffering for the sake of suffering, but Cormac portrays scenes of slaughter with such mastery that it's hard to stop reading.

The most interesting character is obviously the one people never shut up about: Holden. However, his philosophy's so nihilistic and so immature that it essentially boils down to claiming violence is the best thing ever, since it's both high-risk and requires personal skill, and no one can really stop violence except through violence. But that's about it, just a philosophy of inexhaustible conquest and the forcing of one's will on everyone and everything else, something made more terrifying by the fact that the Judge is obviously some type of demon, perhaps even Satan himself. The Judge needs to destroy the kid because the latter refuses to subscribe to the Judge's philosophy of amoral, meaningless violence and domination, since the kid still seeks meaning and still holds on to traditional morality and basic humanity. Wanting violence is never enough, you have to want violence and still seek/have no meaning behind why you're committing the actions you're committing.

It's a good novel and it's definitely worth reading, but it doesn't have much to say that's worthwhile beyond just how much more violence the Americans and Mexicans were committing against the Native Americans than vice versa, and how it were the settlers who were doing more scalping of Natives at that time than Natives were doing of them.

The legion of horribles is an excellent scene, as are the battles (i.e. back and forth massacres) with the Yuma.

>inb4 no, YOU'RE the pseud!!!

>> No.22671715 [DELETED] 

>speaks in riddles
>nigger-tier intelligence outlaws find it difficult to understand
How ironic.

>> No.22671750
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.22671776

It's what he gets away with that's remarkable, whatever side of it you find yourself. The late work is much more moderate in that regard.

It's a concatenation of fever dreams and things that could have leapt out from them. It executes in prose what is typically reserved for verse imagery wise-- the difficulty is in parsing the typology with special attention to the Kid being 'mistaken' for a male prostitute out on the Pacific coast, and the bone collector punk just before the finale

>> No.22671807

I don't think it's just "violence for the sake of violence" if it's a novel about how horrifying violence is. And the point of the novel isn't that the Americans and Mexicans were inflicting more violence than vice versa, it's that all of this violence is innate to mankind, hence the epigraph talking about 20,000 year old skulls showing evidence of being scalped. Even if you disagree with everything I just said, I fail to see how what you say is more "pseud than profound.0"

>> No.22672307

this is clearly an NT take. it lacks the nuance and abstract thinking that the insights us ADHD people have.

>> No.22672325

>but it doesn't have much to say that's worthwhile beyond just how much more violence the Americans and Mexicans were committing against the Native Americans than vice versa, and how it were the settlers who were doing more scalping of Natives at that time than Natives were doing of them.
So it's "white man bad" slop. You could have started with that m8.

>> No.22672634

it was good
babby's first book to get mad about on /lit

>> No.22672712

Life how pepe so don't like bm are just close minded to its ambiguous style :)

>> No.22672718

>but what about le point?

>> No.22672862

>It's a good novel and it's definitely worth reading, but it doesn't have much to say that's worthwhile beyond just how much more violence the Americans and Mexicans were committing against the Native Americans than vice versa
You are a prime example of the artistically insensitive. These takes are right out of r/books.

>> No.22672876

Absalom, absalom definitely didn't have any influence on the prose. As I lay dying has more inflections of McCarthy than any other Faulkner.

>> No.22672887

It’s not about a declaration of support. McCarthy IS a nihilist, and that comes out in all of his work. He said flat out in his most recent interview that he “is pretty much a materialist”. The closest thing to a god that he believes in his a Neil deGrasse Tyson level understanding of quantum mechanics. That is a nihilistic worldview, and it’s the same nihilistic worldview that gives rise to a character like the judge. Or did you not realize that when McCarthy wrote the judge, he was talking about himself, and you, and everyone else?

>> No.22672891

Btw the kid does nothing but indulge in violent tendencies from start to finish.

>> No.22672895

Most novels are nothing more than social commentary. That’s a huge reason why novels get written. The rest of your reply boils down to calling me dumb, but you are naive, and uneducated.

>> No.22672898

> you’re dumb
> you’re weird
> nuh uh
High IQ rebuttals there

>> No.22672901

You are a retard who doesn't understand the difference between materialist and nihilist.

>> No.22672907

>think novels are just social commentary
>calls other people uneducated
Are you 5? Lol. There have been more books written since the jungle book you read in school.

>> No.22674175

Why don´t you fuckin spam some "Judge Holeden" thread like everyone else you ridiculous fucktard

>> No.22674182

McCorthy is cancer. The beginning of the fall

>> No.22674185

This book is objectively based and 10/10. I think people have got used to how good it is and therefore want to start to criticise it instead. It’s like left wing critical theory applied to a book. *spits*

>> No.22674238

Let´s laugh at this faggot

>> No.22674304

I stopped liking it when it got popular.

>> No.22674315

This is an actual example of an inability to grasp nuance >>22672325

>> No.22674750

So it has nothing to do with the content of the book and therefore I’m right.

>> No.22674889
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>poorfag tacs...

>> No.22676118

Thos ESL retard's whore mom sucks nigger cock. He has to cope by spamming trannies and homos

>> No.22676157

>The Judge needs to destroy the kid because the latter refuses to subscribe to the Judge's philosophy of amoral, meaningless violence and domination, since the kid still seeks meaning and still holds on to traditional morality and basic humanity. Wanting violence is never enough, you have to want violence and still seek/have no meaning behind why you're committing the actions you're committing.
He killed him because there's only room on stage for one animal

>> No.22676172

Why is it written that way, anyway?

>> No.22676253

>Can't decide if peak pretentious writing by a pseud for pseuds or one of the most important pieces of literature in recent history.

if it's between the two, then probably the former.

>> No.22676264

Redditspacing redditor is insecure

>> No.22676532
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How do you approach a character like the Judge? It seems he's supposed to represent Satan with the allusion to Satan in Paradise Lost. When he gets all philosophical I just think "damn, he's right." I'm not sure if he's meant to be a mouthpiece for Cormac, but it's like what he says is true and I can't really think of anything to say in response. Just like how the Kid sits there and doesn't have much to say in response. But at the same time you know he's evil. So how do you approach him? Am I a weak midwit for thinking the judge is right?

>> No.22676563
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>You never threatened him?
>That's right.
>The hell he never.
>I dont threaten people. I told him I'd whip his ass and that's as good as notarized

>> No.22676568

You’ve got a pretty sophomoric understanding of how these things work, anon. I hope the irony of that isn’t lost on you.

>> No.22676747

Because it's novel

>> No.22676791

How is the kid an example of that?

>> No.22676871
File: 39 KB, 451x442, 8518FE77-CC01-4E5C-B1F9-EB1A05796EF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking pencil necked faggot leftist cuck. I could literally kill you in a single punch.

>> No.22676948

When you're lost in the dark all you can see is false light
Either that or nothing at all

>> No.22676959

That's not reddit spacing you fucking new

>> No.22677003

>Newfag doesn't even know what redditspacing is
Your pretense is pathetic

>> No.22677095

You clearly don't

>> No.22677220

The judge's satanic dialogues are just the tempting of the evil in man's heart and the acknowledgement of these desires fulfilled to their fullest, the abandonment of intuition and soul for power in the world. The words of the wretched and the blind and the hurt. If you see nothing but material reality and trust your lowest senses as the entirety of that there is then the judge is indeed right. He's meant to be appealing to a darker place in yourself that dully attests it does not avert it gaze but falls for the myopia of the flesh. Live and do your worst as all men want and all men shall, the judge is a popular one and he's always dancing. But see the kid holding onto the expriest for answers and guidance a phantom of god that vanished just as he appeared for the merciful part of his heart and the value he places in the entirety of creation including its ugliness and see the man acknowledging his role whittled down by things no man should see still holding tight onto a bible he cannot read.

>> No.22677250

Stop pretending retard. There is a good reason there is greentexting on 4chan. You are clearly a newfag and retarded one

>> No.22677253

>book argues (rightly) that morality is only a narrative as long as God is silent
>dumbasses are still spamming morality play interpretations of the work
Judge performing as Satan sometimes doesn't literally make him Satan.

>> No.22677254

What is he supposed to be two characters?

>> No.22677259


>> No.22677262

he's nothing to speak about, 6/10 writer with a fanbase so horribly unread, so stupid and juvenile that their literary knowledge consists solely of being forced to read of mice and men

>> No.22677269
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It's time you actually tried reading him instead of being constantly butthurt that you were made a clown for talking shit like a 5 year old.

>> No.22677292

Did you read the last paragraph before the epilogue? It quite literally spells it out.

>> No.22677300

>calling HIMSELF immortal
That neither makes him Satan nor necessarily immortal

>> No.22677318

I'm talking about the idea of the judge. Even if he's not immortal his kind is and that's the point. Take that and the dream the kid has during his surgery into consideration. Him being LITERALLY SATAN or not doesn't matter in the scope of the story...

>> No.22677934

>his kind is
What are you even talking about? There is only one judge

>> No.22678153

the crossing imo

>> No.22678196

was meant for

>> No.22678256

retard spaz lmao

>> No.22678268


>> No.22678806

Materialism is nihilistic, but I can see you have no argument and resorted to name-calling so I’ll take this W.

Nobody who has read more than 5 novels would deny that many of them are socio-political commentaries. Half of the novels in the so-called canon are exactly that. If you thought I was implying all novels are or should be a social commentary, you just have poor reading comprehension.

>> No.22678855

What’s so good about it?

>> No.22679065

Suttree is his greatest work, but Blood Meridian is still a masterpiece.

>> No.22679114

Holden is the dressed up Barbarism of man. He speaks of "Historical Law" subverting legal, spiritual, natural.
I think he is the True nature of man, and has to be rejected in order for our lives to all be better. We have to accept the "False Dance" with no true dancers

>> No.22679192

Neurotypicals are so, so jealous. Sigh.

>> No.22679195

idk about the message, but the language is beautiful

>> No.22680217

You are still fucking retarded with a taste for YA fiction, stick to that. And only a brainwashed, low intelligence christcuck could think that not believing in delusional sky man == being nihilistic. You are so fucking basic you would think Nietzsche is nihilistic after reading one page of the gay science. Such a person is criticizing lack of profundity? One who doesn't even have the basic capability of deciphering profundity? What stupidity. If you want something that fits your intelligence than read yuval noah harrari.

>> No.22680223

You are projecting your own preference for basic bitch philosophy for high schoolers (muh message and social commentary) onto the book and demand that it satisfy you. Your opinions are very normie but your expectations are that of a smart, well read person (which you are not). It's 100% a skill issue as can also be proven by the mountain of meaningful critlit on the book.

>> No.22680239

>a Neil deGrasse Tyson level understanding of quantum mechanics
And how much do you know, tough guy? Degrasse tyson is still a respected physicist. Bet both of them know far more than you. It's like a stupid elementary schooler criticizing university professors for not knowing math lol. It seems to me that you assume everything that isn't understood to you is either automatically bad or is not present there. That attitude alone spells a very dumb but annoyingly proud person who doesn't want to confront that he actually isn't intelligent at all, therefore everything that doesn't follow abc is blasphemy committed by idiots.

>> No.22680262

Why reject the true nature of man? War is here, war is always here and that’s the way it will be. It is inevitable that at some point opposing wills will clash, they will mesh and the universe will choose the greater will.

>> No.22680365

Two things make this book unreadable for a retard like me. I always wonder why half the dialogue is in spanish and he wanted to be some fancy ass fucker who was too good for quotation marks for no reason at all.

>> No.22680374

Quiet the contrary.
Movies are the closest thing to art since art.

>> No.22680484

The Glanton gang drunkenly stumbling to their next murders is what happens when you accept mans true nature. They're cut down young, killed by a group slightly more organized. they created nothing and destroyed things of value because of their nature.

>> No.22680804

>muh quotation tacs!!

Stick to anime