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22673804 No.22673804 [Reply] [Original]

Why Christians believe in 3 gods instead of the One Allah, the Most Merciful? Books from both an Islamic and Christian viewpoint regarding this?

>> No.22673819

>He hasn’t taken the three-pill
3 is the best number

>> No.22673850

they don't, you're just a retarded gnostic heresy

>> No.22673867

Christians don’t believe that. Multiple groups of pre-Christian Jews also believed in a divine Word of God, such as Philo of Alexandria and many groups referred to as ‘minim’ by Talmudic Jews. Targum literature is also full of mentions of the Memra of God, i.e. his Word. The Book of Daniel shows us a heavenly vision of the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man, who is received in some parts of the Second Temple era tradition as a divine redeemer and Messiah / Christ even before Christianity. The Similitudes of Enoch demonstrate this perfectly. Even after Christianity came around formally, there were rabbis who claimed that one throne in heaven was for God, the other for the Messiah. As Psalm 33:6, says “ By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.” — right here we see the Word [Logos] and the Spirit [Breath / Ruach]

>> No.22673930

Paganism corrupted Christianity. Paul was a subversive jew.
>NOOO but actually the trinity is not polytheism because... BECAUSE god actually is multiple persons because I just said he is, OK?!?!

>> No.22673966

Paul was based because he said Jews were cringe and circumcision was gross and unnatural.

>> No.22674035

>Paganism corrupted Christianity
You have it backwards.

>> No.22674096

No, I don't. We only got dysgenic left-wing ideologies after renassaince "intellectuals" decided that the superstitions of pre-Christian Europe (the sodomite gods and all of that) were valuable. A completely unnecessary endeavor, considering that greek philosophy (the best the ancient world had to offer) had already been assimilated by the scholastics.

This degenerative irrationalist tendency always has been present in Christianity though, just see how catholics worship idols. Crypto-paganism.

>> No.22674104


>> No.22674120

Always love when muzzies unflinchingly adhere to the dumbest possible stereotypes of their caveman religion, like whigging out about dogs and defending as objective truth the existence of genies and Mohammed riding to the moon on a unicorn or w/e.

>> No.22674123

Don't let my critique scare you. It's okay. Just beware: there's plenty more where that came from.

>> No.22675351

Yeah, that's why I laughed at you.

>> No.22675620

Yea, you are the dogs we are whigging out about; read between the lines

>> No.22675997

I believe the misunderstanding always comes from semantics and particular understandings from one perspective or the other.
Christians believe in one God who manifests himself throughout eternity in three forms - the Father (who is something like the person of God), the Son (who possesses both a godly and human nature) and the Holy Spirit (which is an all-encompassing omnipresent spirit and force of God) and all three are connected and inseparable. I bet nobody told you that, did they?

You could easily make the case that Muslims (and Jews) are some kind of hippies because they don't believe in a singular (quantifiable) God but a plurality which even refers to itself in plural oftentimes and has uncountable hidden names. God is a Germanic common word denoting The Father, but who are Adonai, Elohim, Hashem, Allah, Rahim, Rahman, Malik?

Notice how easy it is to turn the table based on a severe lack of information.

>> No.22676003

The Trinity is one God, silly Mohammedan

>> No.22676174
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I do not wonder that Mahomet, that sheik of perfect manners, loved cats for their urbanity and disliked dogs for their boorishness; or that cats are the favourites in the polite Latin countries whilst dogs take the lead in heavy, practical, and beer-drinking Central Europe. Watch a cat eat, and then watch a dog. The one is held in check by an inherent and inescapable daintiness, and lends a kind of grace to one of the most ungraceful of all processes. The dog, on the other hand, is wholly repulsive in his bestial and insatiate greediness; living up to his forest kinship by “wolfing” most openly and unashamedly. Returning to beauty of line—is it not significant that while many normal breeds of dogs are conspicuously and admittedly ugly, no healthy and well-developed feline of any species whatsoever is other than beautiful? There are, of course, many ugly cats; but these are always individual cases of mongrelism, malnutrition, deformity, or injury. No breed of cats in its proper condition can by any stretch of the imagination be thought of as even slightly ungraceful—a record against which must be pitted the depressing spectacle of impossibly flattened bulldogs, grotesquely elongated dachshunds, hideously shapeless and shaggy Airedales, and the like. Of course, it may be said that no aesthetic standard is other than relative—but we always work with such standards as we empirically have, and in comparing cats and dogs under the Western European aesthetic we cannot be unfair to either. If any undiscovered tribe in Thibet finds Airedales beautiful and Persian cats ugly, we will not dispute them on their own territory—but just now we are dealing with ourselves and our territory, and here the verdict would not admit of much doubt even from the most ardent kynophile. Such an one usually passes the problem off in an epigrammatic paradox, and says ‘that Snookums is so homely, he’s pretty!’ This is the childish penchant for the grotesque and tawdrily ‘cute’, which we see likewise embodied in popular cartoons, freak dolls, and all the malformed decorative trumpery of the “Billiken” or “Krazy Kat” order found in the “dens” and “cosy corners” of the would-be sophisticated cultural yokelry.

>> No.22676179

>god is one and three at the same time
absolutely retarded

>> No.22676482

Not understanding the trinity is the absolute peak of retardation
A close second is believing anything in the quruan when it literally says that it's okay and encouraged to lie as long as it spreads islam. Every single muslim is a liar and if they actually are then theyre good muslims. islam is a religion fundamentally build on deception
The fucking symbol is a moon, retards.
The symbolism the devil chose to use is so fucking obvious it looks like a shitpost

>> No.22676485


>> No.22676486

Woof woof. Time to draw…

>> No.22676488

Sounds Machiavellian

>> No.22676503

I'm not a muslim, you retarded christnigger.

>> No.22676516

posts like this make me understand how Catholics feel when i ask them about intercessory prayers of something

>> No.22676520

Muslim attempts at engaging with this topic are so shallow and stupid, it indicates that even the most intelligent among them are mindless/soulless animals.
>>god is one and three at the same time
>absolutely retarded
God is infinite. God is infinite in his abilities and possibilities. Language can barely even capture it. Your material-animal brain cannot understand what infinity entails, and therefore you make stupid meaningless statements like these, placing limits where none are needed. You refer to elementary school math like 1+1=2 and think you're saying something profound, or something that we didn't know about. Just shut up and go fight for Islam somewhere, keyboard warrior. /lit/ is a Christian board.

>> No.22676528
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>Why Christians believe in 3 gods instead of the One
They don't. Why do Muslims follow a warlord who fucked children?