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22669514 No.22669514 [Reply] [Original]

Was he wrong about Russia?

>> No.22669535

'Rus' are literally a Germanic people originally. I take this from a book about Slavs written by a Slav so I see no reason to call this bias. Both the Russian archives from the epoch and several Swedish places named after them confirm this supposition.
Now, after dwelling in Russia for a rather long period of time, the Rus became Slavs too.
However, in itself, the Russian empire is a Norman creation.

>> No.22669541

sex gifs

>> No.22669545

Yet to be seen.

>> No.22669550

>Russian Empire - Founded: November 2, 1721

>> No.22669551

Yes, had Spengler seen the full extent of the the purges of the Culture bearing stratun they produced nothing but crude, materialistic dwellings with no higher volkgeist or folk-spirit.

A shame as prior to the Communist takeover Russia could of been something worthwhile.

>> No.22669553

He considered this positive. The Bolsheviks swept away the Europeanized elements so that Russia could eventually become its own civilization.

>> No.22669554

Yes. It will never be its own thing, it is western, but just a lot poorer and more violent. Huntington was also wrong on Russia since most East Europa countries joining NATO and EU deny him credibility to his thesis about Orthodox civilization. Its already invalided by Greece never on the Western side of the Cold war.

>> No.22669555

russia has always been (and still is) a shithole comprised of serfs, ruled by a tsar with iron fist

>> No.22669576

Western is a country comprised of Romans (Italy), Celts (Spain) or Germanics (Skandinavia) or two of them (Germany) or all the three (England, France).
Russia, compiled of Germanics and Slavs, and Finns, Turks, Mongols, Chinese etc. doesn't have of Western but what it has of Germanic.

>> No.22669587


>> No.22669842

Try /his/, where all the Spenglerians are. Here you'll get room temp IQ takes like

>> No.22669860

His model is strange because every culture-civilization is bordered basically by religion except the West. I don’t see why Europe, North America, and Russia can’t all correspond to one and the same culture-civilization. And if that’s the case, we can finally speculate about why many of the 21st century developments he predicted for the West seem to have occurred not in the West but in Russia.

>> No.22669868

spenglers metaphysics are incoherent when examined but thats not surprising since he was an atheist.
the europid race probably is interpretable as a single entity. just find the right unifying symbol, and make sure that checks out in informing all their cultures.

>> No.22669899

Slavs belong together with R1a curries not Westerners.

>> No.22669914

then so do germans, who are half r1a
except germans are high achievement Rs. suddenly you dont want the prestige to pass onto eastern europids, but only because youre a shortsighted idiot.

>> No.22669939

That is why i said full extent. They went beyond what could be sustained and still maintain the raw material needed to support a Culture. It also explains the current state of Russia and many of the former states.

>> No.22669965

I don’t think it’s quite right to say he was an atheist, but I can agree that his metaphysics are confusing if not outright I ignored. I think his whole thesis is that the only real metaphysics you can have are the metaphysics of history not all that unlike how scientists subscribe to a metaphysics of science, or nature.

>> No.22670121

I've been dwelling among Slavs for quite a while now and generally speaking, I wouldn't call them Easterners or Mongols at all. For the Mongol, their traits are too decent and have nothing of their grossness. For the Easterners, they are simply too white and even in the regions where the Slavs have medified the most, blue eyes and blonde hair are a common outlook while the remaining ones look like nords with black hair and dark eyes.
The thing with the Slavs is that, although white in physiognomy, although a civilized people that likes living in suburbian family houses with gardens, that eats white people food, that speaks an IE language, has nothing of the fire-like spirit that animated the Frank, nothing of the punctuality and rectitude of the mutt descendants of the Teuton and the Saxon, nothing of the strategical and military practical leadership-like thinking of the Roman. It could be said that they fully combine the undiscipledness of the Germanic with the stupidity of the Italian. In short, the Slav is an atrophied white.

>> No.22670125

>correctly predicted that bolshevism would fall to the peasant russian will 60 years before it happened
>none of his fundamental predictions about russia have been disproven so far
i dont know how he could possibly be right about anything anon

>> No.22670180

I mean, I would very much put myself in another position and say that the Slavs will continue the legacy of the West in a slightly national manner like the Germanics continued the legacy of Rome with the implementation of a few Germanic cultural elements. But there's no reason to believe that this is going to happen. Putin might be giving life to the politics of Europe, his activity might have some parallels with what, among us, until some point in the 19th or 20th Century at least, among those of us who still know their history, was called political vigour. But does this political vigour come from the Slavs themselves, or does it come from the Western colons who, first founded Russia, and then gradually streamed in until the 19th and 20th Century of our era, to perform governmental, military and educational labour for the Russian Tsar? If the former is the case, it is very much plausible that the Slavs as a whole, copying the Russian initiative, will perform with Western Europe as did the Germanics with Rome, save what is left and based about it and continue the legacy for another 1000 years to come, after wich an illusion of revolutions and progress will bring the planet back to the degeneracy it is situated in now but with perhaps slightly better technology and generally more advanced. If the former is the case, then the Western debrises of Russia, who believe themselves to be Russians, but impulsed by the genetic action of their Western ancestors, just slightly less degenerated than their contrahends in the West and, as a whole, political life in Europe and Russia won't continue for more than a Century or two, where Russia will be as degenerate as are Europe and America now.

>> No.22670235

You don’t even know what Spengler said about Russians. This reply is totally irrelevant to the OP.

>> No.22670251


Spengler's point is basically that being non-white is good because Faustian/white culture is doomed.

>> No.22670253

(And he's right I should add)

>> No.22670452

All cultures in the elevated sense of the word were founded by white people and still are white in essence. An example for this is the notion of honour. Nowhere does the notion of honour exist except where white people have penetrated. Thus, the far East Asian people are white when they talk about honour, although yellow in other reports.

>> No.22670459

He calls the Slavs part of the 'colored world'. This is straight up nonsense.

>> No.22670461

How does it feel to be retarded?

>> No.22670467

If you think being white is doom, being non-white is even more doomed. The Chinese are only around politically because they haven't forgotten what their ancient Aryan conquerors have taught them about science, politics and philosophy.

>> No.22670473

Unadulterated schizophrenia.

>> No.22670481

You want proof? The Chinese have oscillated in direct vicinity with white peoples until fairly recent eras. The Chinese archives of the 2nd Century BC relate five blonde and blue-eyed tribes next to the borders of the Celestial Empire.

>> No.22670484

You just said they conquered them, retard. Now they're just in the vicinity.

>> No.22670489

Well, the foundation of the Chinese state dates to a much earlier era, to the 2nd or 3rd Century BC.

>> No.22670491
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>> No.22670563

In the 2nd Century BC, China was more or less encircled by whites.
In the Hoang-Ho, the Yue-Tchi and the Ou-Soun. The Ou-Soun are described by the annals of the Han dynasty as a 'blonde people with red beards and blue eyes'. They counted 120 000 families.
To the West of the Ou-Soun, the Khou-te.
North of the Ou-Soun, the Ting-Ling.
Towards the Yenissei, the Kian-Kouans or Ha-kas. They were very tall, red-haired, green or blue eyed.
Finally, in today Kashgar, the Tchou-le. The Chinese describe them as 'having the long faces of horses'.
Reading from the Chou-king, composed before the 2nd milennium before our era, part one, chapter two, article 20: 'Kao Yao. The strangers excite trouble.' It must also be said that the Chinese population of that time tolerated ethnic mixing.

>> No.22670572

Chinese civilization originates in the yellow river basin close to the coast.
Thanks for ruining the thread with we wuzzing.

>> No.22670580

And Spengler was a Jew. Cohen-cidence?

I didn't even read all his poorly formatted and grammatized writing, but he knows more about it than you.

The word white is contentious though, so it's probably better to call these people noble.

>> No.22670582

He wasn't Jewish cmon.

>> No.22670587

Worst he is a real anglo

Regardless I take his take on vintage as it was real life is like people die because their faulty electronics hipster burn in their fake carey glasses

>> No.22670598

wewuz shitheadery
cite these texts in the original chinese
post their genetic footprints from millennia ago showing that these were initially from aryan conquerors, and not footprints that show typical trade route interbreedings involving sogdian brides and slaves.

>> No.22670604

while anon is a dumb wewuzzer, the yellow river basin narrative is a narrative. theres truth to it, as its the earliest recorded and archaeological validated location. but its not necessarily the original location of chinese civilization.

>> No.22670609

Bräunchen Moses, his ancestor, Jewish.

>> No.22670613

>cite these texts in the original chinese
now why do i say this? color in the ancient world is extremely vague, and even the greek heroes hair color can be translated anywhere from light black to brown to reddish to pale yellow.

>> No.22670619

I know but that would make him 1/8 Jewish.

>> No.22670628

if your "proof" is blurry monoglot poverty mixed with sophistry that equally could mean blacks made european civilization, its not proof at all.

>> No.22670632

Spengler is Jewish by Jewish law. He's also more genetically Jewish than some ethnically Jewish rich men.

>> No.22670635

Look up the texts of Ven-sse-kou.

>> No.22670637

You are retarded.

>> No.22670642

The foundation of the first Chinese dynasty dates to the second millennium BC.
And there is yet to be any evidence that whites.
You have clearly not read Spengler if you think Chinese culture was founded in the second century BCE. Begone, creature!

>> No.22670654

Well, in defence, that was a typo.

>> No.22670661

When in history has a black minority put swathes of whites into the cruelest form of slavery?

>> No.22670663

Holy shit shut the fuck up you sub-80IQ cave dweller.

>> No.22670669

Why are these sort of retarded replies everywhere now? Are zoomers incapable of reading? It is just one fucking retarded pol or lefty pol take, one after the other. It’s so obvious that they don’t even read.

>> No.22670672

if you made a claim, its up to you to provide actual proof of it IN THE FUCKING CONVERSATION instead of the clumsy half baked evidence you want others to find for you.

hes right you faggot

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.22670673

He never says it’s doomed. He says its fate is ultimately tragic.

>> No.22670674

Equally, it doesn't look like the whites who vicinated China during an era as recent as the 2nd Century BC were quute dominated by China, although much inferior in numbers. In the contrary. For example, the Kian-Kouans disappeared from the face of history after joining the army of Li-Ling as honored soldiers in the year 97 BC.

>> No.22670678

Cite it then. He doesn’t say this in any book or essay. I don’t think he uses the word Slav even once.

>> No.22670679

> it doesn't look like the whites who vicinated China during an era as recent as the 2nd Century BC were quute dominated by China

>> No.22670682

Whats the difference?

>> No.22670686

It doesn’t matter. It has nothing to do with Spengler. His conception of race isn’t genetic, his cultures aren’t racial, and this retarded poster objectively has nothing remotely in common culturally or otherwise with whatever Aryan may or may not have conquered ancient China with which he may or may not share an even more ancient ancestor. It has nothing to do with this author or his book.

>> No.22670690

Tragedy doesn’t necessarily mean death or extinction

>> No.22670692

Indo-Europeans inhabited the Western Mongolian steppe, Xinjiang and the Tarim basin. They didn't really penetrate into the core of the Chinese territory.

>> No.22670696

The Chinese annals report their presence. Why didn't the Chinese oppress them like they did with all the other people who formerly inhabitated the empire, like the Miao? They couldn't because the subjects they were dealing with were too white.

>> No.22670697

The civilization is doomed. That doesn't mean that the people who inhabit the geographical West will starve or be subjected to genocide.

>> No.22670698

>His conception of race isn’t genetic, his cultures aren’t racial,
theyre generally involved with race and genetics.
im not concerned about spengler rn. im more interested if that poster might actually know something interesting about aryans in china.

>> No.22670704

They lived in the steppe as nomads. The Chinese weren't very interested in those regions because they were sedentary.

>> No.22670736

The origin of the foundational Aryans of China is rather sobering. The first man, according to Chinese people, who came to China (!), and civilized the Miao, bringer of the laws and administration, founder of cities, is said to have died in the province of Ho-Nan. At the same time, ancient Vedic archives report the conquest of this very region from the South by refactoring Kshattryas.
Thus, China was founded by Indian Kshattryas, but in constant concurrence with more obscure Aryan groups from the North, could have enriched itself with a somewhat decent number of Aryan elements that fully explain the vigour and longevity of it's civilization.
These groups didn't found China. But, as can be taken from the archives, the Kian-Kouans were integrated into the army of Li-Ling in the year 97 BC. As can be seen, the influx of Aryan blood into the Chinese population was quite constant.

>> No.22670740

He said that Russia is a young civilization of its own still yet to ascend, but evidently it is neither its own thing nor is it youthful, if anything, it's just as senescent as the faustian west.

Contempoary geopolitics look like three wizened giants slapping each other around while the third world just keeps growing every year by the millions and spilling over onto the bodies of the giants.

>> No.22670744

You are legitimately low IQ. I'd good money bet you are the same schizo who talked about his Germanic intuition the other day.

>> No.22670757

>contemporary geopolitics
Too narrow-minded. A more interesting question is which new civilizations could emerge in 100, 200 or even 500 years. Russians are still relatively nondescript and not beholden to any particular ideology.

>> No.22670769

Substantiate these claims.
>The first man, according to Chinese people, who came to China
I don't think this is a real legend. The chinks seemed to believe there was direct continuity from their gods to the Xia and then Shang dynasties.
>Thus, China was founded by Indian Kshattryas, but in constant concurrence with more obscure Aryan groups from the North, could have enriched itself with a somewhat decent number of Aryan elements that fully explain the vigour and longevity of it's civilization.
There is no genetic evidence.
>the Kian-Kouans were integrated into the army of Li-Ling in the year 97 BC
They are using barbarian auxiliaries, which clearly means the Chinese were all blonde.

>> No.22670770

This is just my two cents but I predict a bronze age collapse-esque civilizational decline the world over in the coming centuries that will result in another couple centuries of darkness and civilizational hiatus before a new axial age will dawn and the cycle begins anew. That or the planet gets so fucked up that we'll live in a perpetual world of mad max.

>> No.22670776

My schizophrenic delusions say Latin America is just entering its Merovingian period (technically, it entered it 200 years ago).
A civilization's health is not tied to any one state, the Carolingian empire collapsed, but the west lived on.

>> No.22670783

Russia to me looks like a decaying corpse rather than a butterfly in a chrysalis.

>> No.22670787

>The origin of the foundational Aryans of China is rather sobering. The first man, according to Chinese people, who came to China (!), and civilized the Miao, bringer of the laws and administration, founder of cities, is said to have died in the province of Ho-Nan. At the same time, ancient Vedic archives report the conquest of this very region from the South by refactoring Kshattryas.
>Thus, China was founded by Indian Kshattryas, but in constant concurrence with more obscure Aryan groups from the North, could have enriched itself with a somewhat decent number of Aryan elements that fully explain the vigour and longevity of it's civilization.
cite your sources nigger

>> No.22670792

And the Vedic archives provide even more proof that China was founded by Kshattryas.
'The following races of Kshattryas, by omission of the holy rites and by seeing no brahmen, have gradually sunk among men, to the lowest of the four castes. Pandracas, Odras and Dravidas, Cambojas, Vavanas and Sacas, Paradas, Pahlavas, CHINAS, Ciratas, Deradas and Chasas. All those tribes of men who have sprung from the mouth, the arm, the thigh and the foot of Brahma, but who became out-casts by having neglected their duties, are called Dasyus, or plunderers, wether they speak the language of Mleccha or that of Aryas.'
> don't think this is a real legend
It is. His name was Pan-kou. I think there's even a statue built for him.
> There is no genetic evidence
Show me the genetic tests of every single Chinese person. I'm not a mass statician, the genetics of very specific populations are required, both from today and those from the times when China was founded.
> They are using barbarian auxiliaries
Why couldn't they enslave these barbarian auxiliaries instead of putting them into the army? Were they so desperate to find soldiers? This wouldn't speak in favour of the general Chinese population. Maybe these barbarian auxiliaries were extremely talented in war? Did they fear a conflict with them? No matter how you turn or twist it, these blonde Barbarians don't appear like ignorant abbos.

>> No.22670796
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>> No.22670812

It's called being literate and common sense.

>> No.22670848

You'd think the same thing of the Frankish empire in the 900s.
And you'd be correct.
> His name was Pan-kou.
That's literally the creator deity of the world, the one that separated the earth from the heavens.
>Show me the genetic tests of every single Chinese person. I'm not a mass statician, the genetics of very specific populations are required, both from today and those from the times when China was founded.
We'd already have found outliers if they existed.
>Why couldn't they enslave these barbarian auxiliaries instead of putting them into the army?
Because they didn't want to? Not all people have an innate drive to dominate everything. If they are useful, you recruit them to fight against their kind.
>Were they so desperate to find soldiers?
No, barbarian auxiliaries are very common troops in any imperial military. They have different skill sets than your regular troops and are useful in adapting to the situation; they might also know the terrain you are campaigning in.
>Did they fear a conflict with them?
No, I won't go full chinkspammer on you. But the Chinese weren't really afraid to get into war with them.
> these blonde Barbarians don't appear like ignorant abbos.
No, they appear like savage steppe niggers.
But we weren't debating that.
You are using spellings from a billion years ago.
No one calls the Yuezhi Yue-tchi anymore.

>> No.22670862

>We'd already have found outliers if they existed.
while anon is dumb this isnt entirely true since CCP controls what information leaves china.

>> these blonde Barbarians don't appear like ignorant abbos.
anon, prove the chinese word used for their hair means yellow, and not the dark brownish color they used for horses.

>> No.22670868

Who the fuck does he mean by Kian-Kouans? He's copying it from Gobineau I think.

>> No.22670890

> That's literally the creator deity of the world, the one that separated the earth from the heavens
Pan-kou is described as the first man. He's a bit like Adam from the Bible, less a God, but with the difference that, although the first man, the Miao already inhabitated the region of now China (they are described to have been beyond primitive).
> We'd already have found outliers if they existed
You don't seem to comprehend the complexity of the problem. We are talking wether *some* kshattrya populations in India from 5000 years ago match the upper classes of the first civilized populations of Ho-Nan.
> Because they didn't want to
Then why did they need soldiers. Why did they live under an Imperial organization. You realize that any sort of serious state of size can't live without oppressing it's surroundings?
> But the Chinese weren't really afraid to get into war with them
Then why didn't they conquer them?
> No, they appear like savage steppe niggers
You seem to be confounding them with the Mongols.

>> No.22670903

The Indo-Europeans in Xinjiang and Mongolia were nomads. They would have avoided most pitched battles against standing armies. That's how Turks and Mongols conquered most of Eurasia.

>> No.22670912

The Kian-Kouans are synonym with the Sakas.
Yes, and the Chinese lived in direct vicinity with them.

>> No.22670917

>You don't seem to comprehend the complexity of the problem. We are talking wether *some* kshattrya populations in India from 5000 years ago match the upper classes of the first civilized populations of Ho-Nan.
First cite this text involved.

>> No.22670922

No, they’re not. They’re not remotely related to genetics at all. He dedicated an entire chapter to explaining how it’s precisely NOT a genetic conception of race. You are a total fraud, a midwit, a pseud, and a lying faggot who does not read.

>> No.22670930

If it’s doomed, Spengler would say it’s doomed not because of this very post-modern project but the project that runs through the whole thing from start to finish. So whatever reason you’re saying it’s doomed, he wouldn’t necessarily say that. The only things he was very pessimistic about were technology as world destroying and enslavement to big business as the result of English victory in WW2.

>> No.22670933

Care to give a counter-argument that looks at least half-way informed? Because you seem clueless about the topic. As an illiterate, you simply aren't in a position to say that my claims are invalid. I gave you plenty of sources, namely the Manava-Dharma-Sastra that cites the Chinas as a race of Kshattryas that sank to the rank of Dasyu for omitting the holy rites.

>> No.22670953

This isn't my understanding. He seemed very pessimistic to me particularly in passages about demographic decline, degradation of the proper relation of sexes etc. . He wasn't alive to witness post-modernity but he'd probably have recognized it as the necessary conclusion of Faustian civilization.

>> No.22670965

thats post vedic period shit which was just royals writing metaphysics around their egotism.
i can see why you were so afraid to name your sources until this point.

>> No.22670976

I handed them first hand. You just don't want to admit that you were obliterated by them because they basically destroyed your entire worldview.

>> No.22671115

>Try /his/, where all the Spenglerians are.
lmao /his/ is literally leftypol spamming thinking they're antagonizing anyone but themselves in a circle

>> No.22671126

A proof that these writings are fabrications, in the real sense of the word proof, is these post-Vedic texts demonize outside cultures that are clearly better than Poojeetian, including the Western, Persian, and Chinese.

You are not white. Post hand.

80% of the Spenglerians between the two boards are at his. Look at how unfocused this thread is compared to recent threads for his at desuarchive

>> No.22671135

That reading is mainly from his essays and not DotW

>> No.22671141

I mostly agree though about his sense regarding post-modernity. I think missed several things about modernity and post-modernity fwiw. I don’t think he could’ve predicted just how bad things would get because of those oversights.