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22668783 No.22668783 [Reply] [Original]

I'm legitimately scared to read him. Is he going to make me suicidally depressed?

>> No.22668785

Only if you believe in his conclusions. He can be easily refuted though.

>> No.22668800

You mean Conspiracy? There's no forbidden knowledge or anything like that in it, Ligotti readily admits that he brings nothing to the table and sardonically notes that the act of writing books is just his version of coping. In terms of content, Conspiracy is just a history of pessimist philosophy written by a guy who is much better at writing horror stories.

>> No.22668804

No, I meant the horror books. I figured they would have very vivid descriptions about how I am barely maintaining the illusion that my atoms and being haven't dissipated into the body horror of the cosmos or some such that will fuck me up. I don't want to read some gay ass antinatalist treatise.

>> No.22668811

Oh then read on, his horror books are more edgy than depressing, he's closer to Clive Barker than Lovecraft.

>> No.22668822

Okay, well fuck it then. That sounded kino. I just wanted to know if it would really get under my skin from other anons here. I have no interest in reading about gore or whatever.

>> No.22668847

>has a disease that makes him not feel any enjoyment of anything whatsoever
It always felt like he was projecting on everyone else, which is a really pathetic thing to do as a human and general, and actually dimwitted thing to do as a philosopher.

>> No.22668875

Sounds like projection to me

>> No.22668889


Be careful with his works

>> No.22668944

Anyway, life doesn't seem to be made to be enjoyed. The default state of it is suffering. There must be a constant effort so that bad things do not hurt you

>> No.22668956

Lol christcuck shivers at the slightest thought of fatalism

>> No.22668974

It also requires or necessitates blood sacrifices, every day. This place is like the worst of hells, if people really want to be scared they should simply try to observe very carefully the things that happen in the world, I say they should try because it is impossible to see everything without going crazy, traumatized, depressed, etc It's like trying to look at the sun.

>> No.22668995

Nah man. Just don't read conspiracy agains the human race until after you read the stories that have the character writing it and realize that, though it was a therapeutic endeavor for Ligotti to flesh out and publish those ideas, he himself doesn't fully believe its not a fiction of the type of person trapped in the same horror his other fictional characters are in.

>> No.22669024

To add to this also read "masquerade of a dead sword: a tragedy" and "notes on the writing of horror: a story" to realize that using styles of writing that are outside of the usual fare for story telling is something he does to convey his fictions in a more original way, and thats all that conspiracy is. A fiction about a person suffering the fate of his other tsalal story characters but in the form of a philosophical treatise.

>> No.22669050

i read a couple of his stories on halloween for the first time and they were pretty tame. the first one was kind of silly but The Red Tower was pretty cool.

>> No.22669115

Is the christcuck in the room with us?

>> No.22669120

Why should we appraise the people having a positive experience over those having a negative one? And what does that have to do with generating entirely new people?

>> No.22669231

Any nihilist gets self-refuted each passing second he doesn't kill himself

>> No.22669241
File: 115 KB, 1500x844, Inigo_Montoya-56afa47a3df78cf772c70554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22669250

Why should he kill himself?

>> No.22669253

Any christcuck gets self-refuted each passing second he doesn't kill himself
>b-but le god says suicide bad
Did I say suicide? Oh no, I'm saying you have to go out there and fight, of which there is plenty, to your dying breath. Corrupt, wicked people are everywhere, on the streets, in your government, stealing and killing and promoting atheistic degeneracy. Surely, an honest to God christian would be outraged by the state of the world, pick up a weapon of choice and smite the heathens. Surely he would have no reason to fear death since upon dying gloriously to police he shall be transported to paradise to live in eternal bliss forever.
So, go on. Fight evil. Fight evil right now, bitch, or you're not a christian. You just wear christianity like a fashion brand. You're a woman, basically.

>> No.22669261

You know what? You are right. Thanks for waking me up anon. Im off to be a good christcuck now. Totally unrelated but what is your street address. I want to send you a care package for being such a swell goy.

>> No.22669289

Did you lose the playbook, gnostic pussy? You're supposed to call me a glowie and take a double dose of copium to carry on with your sad, unchristian life. You are a religious tranny. Just like men who pretend to be women, you are a gnostic pretending to be christian.

>> No.22669369

I threw away the playbook once confronted by your incredible insights. All I want to do is thank you properly for your inciting my righteous fury against evil.

>> No.22669940

Where do I start with Ligotti?

>> No.22670256
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This is dumb but every second the christcuck spends posting on 4chan is a second of willful rebellion against his magic jew.

>> No.22670492

>Ligotti readily admits that he brings nothing to the table and sardonically notes that the act of writing books is just his version of coping
"Accepting the preceding statements as containing some truth, or at least for the sake of moving on with the present narrative, it seems that we are zealots of Zapffe’s four plans for smothering consciousness: isolation (“Being alive is all right”), anchoring (“One Nation under God with Families, Morality, and Natural Birthrights for all”), distraction (“Better to kill time than kill oneself”), and sublimation (“I am writing a book titled The Conspiracy against the Human Race”)."

I love Ligotti humor.

>> No.22670504 [DELETED] 

Bleeding Edge really revealed the fundamentally hollow nature of his worldview. Of course, Pynchon never goes so far as to outright posit that 9/11 was a conspiracy hatched by some faction of the US government, but then, Pychon never explains the underlying nature of any of his conspiracies, preferring to leave the reader with a vague soupy murk of suspicion that leaves the moral decency of his characters in sharper relief. (His deliberate unsolvablity is part of what separates him from traditional genre writers, though I'm not frankly certain it's an asset.) Pynchon hints at a conspiracy behind the destruction of the twin towers, however, which is a) kind of insulting if you take it all seriously, but b) even if you don't, still highlights the unseriousness of Pynchon as an author.

Because here's the thing – Pynchon's conceit is bullshit. I wish there was some evil fat white man in a room somewhere dictating human events! It would mean there's a hand on the tiller, and someone has the power and incentive to keep the world humming along in its imperfect, flawed, cruel fashion. But there isn't, and no one does. Our leaders (yes, even the leaders of your disliked political party!) are not secret geniuses, nor are they being ordered around by shadowy men who are themselves secretly geniuses. It's just a bunch of arrogant, flawed, foolish men, making ill-considered decisions that don't benefit anyone because they misjudged the circumstances on the ground at the time. The US didn't go into Iraq in some secret double blind to bump up Haliburton stock, we did it because Bush had an image of himself as being the second coming of Churchill and he was too arrogant to spend some time reading up on the political history of the region he was about to invade. And we all went along with it because we were scared and angry and wanted to hit someone, especially if it actually wasn't so much us hitting someone as it was members of our all volunteer army – we got the best of both worlds, the feeling of self-righteous strength without all of that having to stumble around in the desert and get sand in our eyes.

>> No.22670538

if you were to read one book of his it could be Teatro Grottesco if only because it's his most (for a lack of a better word) mature work, in the sense it's the book where it's him unfiltered as opposed to him writing a story that paid homage to the style of Nabokov or to the style of Bruno Schulz etc which is what he mostly did in his first published works. they're still great works, so maybe something to consider exploring if you do like Teatro

>> No.22670646

His writing isn’t gory, but it’s so self-consciously trying to be LITERATURE, I found it tedious. He wants to be a mixture of people like Borges and Lovecraft, without actually doing any of the things that make them interesting. Or if he does, it’s obvious and watered down. Read actual Borges and Lovecraft, then Street Of Crocodiles (one of his favourite books) instead. Then watch a David Lynch movie.

>> No.22670785


>> No.22670855

>Then watch a David Lynch movie.

Lynch is a hack. He is all aesthetics and no substance. He purposely hide his bullshit with nonsensical bullshit. Borges, Lovecraft, Bruno and Ligotti have a philosophical layer, it's not like they're shooting shit for no reason. There's nothing that they do is convoluted dogshit. Lynch takes himself and his retarded Hollywood too seriously. Film is an interior art form because of money question. A filmmaker can never be an outsider. He needs to have million different contacts and production sets are too public. All of these writers were outsiders maybe with the exception of Borges. Lynch literally makes Hollywood films.