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22666438 No.22666438 [Reply] [Original]

pondering edition

previous >>22659458

>> No.22666466

Out of curiosity.
Am I talking to old farts or zoomies who doompost about getting a bad grade in high school

>> No.22666474

Really struggling to come up with my next move. I know what I want to do but it’s a long shot, and it really would’ve been ideal if I did it already

>> No.22666476

I started dating, now people look at me differently, especially when I'm with my girlfriend, men look at me differently too, once a guy even tried to bump into me when I was walking with her lol, why is that, I've become a threat now?

>> No.22666486
File: 413 KB, 603x593, amerikkka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

>> No.22666487

Not necessarily a threat but you are a competitor now. It’s a sign of respect really, they see you as someone of equal hoe-pulling ability. As for the guy bumping into you idk, probably he’s just an asshole with something to prove.

>> No.22666491

You don't have a gf and you aren't a soldier

>> No.22666507

Do you think you can be a Christian Socialist?

>> No.22666548

becoming so anti semitic that it is legitimately curing my neuroticism. don't want to be like them in any way!

>> No.22666589

Not pictured: soldier on the right gets back alive

>> No.22666600

Whoever made this should be stoned to death.
Or just wait till they die out, people like this don't reproduce.

>> No.22666608

Good for you anon. They are truly evil and you are good. One day we shall defeat them.

>> No.22666634

Today I met the Cardinal-Patriarch.
Really nice fellow. :D

>> No.22666677

I dont know if Im obsessive or hysteric.

>> No.22666678

I might be misremembering but, according to one Pope's edict (maybe Pius XII), you can't be a leftist and be Christian and you'll be immediately excommunicated if you're a declared communist.

>> No.22666712

Women in Iran can get 10 years for not wearing their hijab.

>> No.22666737

I've been attempting to write a power system for a fantasy novel for some time now. I want to avoid anything too complicated, but also have it tie in to the universe itself and have a valid reason for existing aside from some harry potter tier "Fuck it we can do magic n shiet"

I've settled on a system where characters can restrict themselves in one way to gain control in another. You restrict yourself from acting with the physical world and you get mental/spiritual abilities, or you restrict your ability to reason for a strong physical skill. Likewise you can restrict yourself from affecting too much of the world for a self centered boost, or vice versa, limiting yourself to affect others. Is this too complicated or do I need more

>> No.22666791

>source: Instagram feminist infographics

>> No.22666819

the question is whether you can be a Christian and not a socialist

>> No.22666875

My antidepressants don't seem to be working anymore
Idk what to do
I feel like I don't have much time left

>> No.22666889

"anti depressant" is a misnomer

implies that depression is an irrational response to our current situation.

depression is completely rational and expected response to the modern condition

>> No.22666905

Yes, load your body with drugs because you have a "Chemical imbalance"

Your living circumstances have caused said imbalance, it's your body's way of telling you to live better. Your fix is not to do so, it is to artificially dampen what your body does for you. Like telling your body to stop feeling pain at the sensation of burning your hand on the stove. But the burn is gone right? So it must be a good thing.

This entire generation has been lied to and scammed by pharma industries. If you so much as believe that "Mental health" As it is colloquially known is a thing, you are lost. It isn't.

>> No.22666907

Ignorance made me like my name
Research made me hate my name

>> No.22666924

I've been on antidepressants since I was like 8. My parents seem to think I'm happier when I'm on them. Idk bros I'm I just feel sleepy

>> No.22666938

If I have blonde hair but black eyes, am I white? If I had blue eyes but black hair, would I be white?

>> No.22666949

I bought some hardboard furniture from the Swedish fellas and it stinks bad.

>> No.22666959

Your own damn fault. Swedes are assholes.

>> No.22666964

What is the appeal of drag, actually? I'm genuinely curious cause it seems to be quite popular.
t Finn :D

>> No.22666967

Put it outside for a few days. I do this with smelly chink stuff all the time and it works

>> No.22666970

> t Finn :D
Dumb assumption. I am a Swediar.

>> No.22666978

"Fuck it we can do magic n shiet" is objectively better than any magic system, which have way more to do with Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks than any historical practice of magic

>> No.22666989

What if you get severely disabled? Do you get insane mental abilities? To be honest you don't need to think that much about where the power comes from. In my fantasy stories people are granted powers from higher beings but it is never stated why they do this or how. In my favorite manga Dreamland, people get powers based on their inner fears and no one knows why. Gamelit on the other hand is always about system-based powers granted upon achieving certain actions, etc..

Just do your thing, tell your story and you'll be fine. Don't bother to put details in if you're not going to explore that aspect of things.

>> No.22666991

Your brain is fucked by those SSRI's.
rip anon

>> No.22666993

you would not be unjustified in violence against them

>> No.22667000

Who's down to talk about how the West is going to collapse? Will it be conquered by Russia, or will it balkanize into several states who separated from the Union? Will it fall into anarchy, or will a strong authoritarian ruler over-power the entire European parliament in an attempt to save the West? Will there be a battle between Russia and the united West, or will they fall into an inborn conflict that will devastate the continent like in the 30 years war?

>> No.22667006

drag is just gay clowns. only straight faghags like it (and only because they don't understand they are the ones being ridiculed)

99% of all drag shit being pushed now is by cishet women, especially towards kids

>> No.22667008
File: 97 KB, 640x762, races-of-the-usa-2120-v0-dx4gxc7mzfrb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it won't collapse for centuries, only get worse and even more cruel than it is now (which is a deeply depressing though)

formation of a caste system in the US is infinitely more likely than foreign invasion or internal collapse. It will eventually balkanize, but not for centuries

basically picrel, but without European Americans

>> No.22667012

What is that?

>> No.22667020

Woman who keeps gay guys around as pets, basically

>> No.22667025

You guys are just writing fanfic about the apocalypse

>> No.22667030

> it won't collapse for centuries
It IS collapsing right now. Even non-Western countries have lost their respect for the West as a whole. I'm watching East European TV right now and some university professor called England 'an old fossil from the past'.
But most Westerners don't even realize the kinds of disrespects they are getting from the other countries. Meanwhile Hungary and Poland are about to leave the European union, they take no immigrants into their countries and homosexuality is forbidden there. The only ones still continuing the Western legacy are the Swiss. Following the law even is just a legal advice and not an obligation. This is why Switzerland will still show a compact statal organization for many years to come. Spain is about to go to war with it's main rival, Catalonia. France suffers daily under rioters in it's own capital Paris. I won't even talk about England. Germany is stuck in it's own drivel. Their politics have reached Argentinian levels of social disagreement. Without social cohesion, a nation perishes.

>> No.22667031

we are on a crash course for apocalypse dumb ass. Put 13 Hiroshima's work of energy into the ocean every day for years on end and you don't expect it to have any effect? truly retarded if you believe so

>> No.22667034

Yeah you get a lot of straight girls just trying to blend into the lgbtasdf+ community. I guess it's exactly the sense of belonging to a community that they crave.

>> No.22667040

there is no "gay community". faghags deeply understand us, and only see what they want to see

>> No.22667044

Degeneracy is disgusting and horrifying yet I find the denial of life almost just as sickening. Surely there must be a middle way between the two, a marriage of flesh and spirit.

>> No.22667055

>faghags deeply understand us
Who is 'us'? Gay people, you mean?

>> No.22667057

Red-pill yourself about the enemies of the spirit.

>> No.22667060

Every time I wake up I remember that degenerates want me to have a bunch of sex and forget myself in sin. The more I penetrate the corpo territory the more I realize I won't escape unscathed. I might just become insane and go off grid.

>> No.22667062

work on your reading comprehension

>> No.22667063

I feel like being lesbian for the overwhelming majority of women who identify as such is their equivalent of being prison gay. It's something that is almost exclusively driven by a lack of other options, in their case, men they find attractive, rather than genuine preference.

>> No.22667074

I genuinely loathe my professors. they are shit quality people that make every situation significantly worse. I loathe that I have to interact with these freaks purely so I can have access to economic opportunities

starting to see the wisdom of Pol Pot

>> No.22667082

the majority are just misandrists and aren't genuinely attracted to women. Explains why bed death is the norm rather than the exception in their community. They simply are not sexually attracted to women

>> No.22667094

Do all faggot relationships end in bed death, or do they still show companionship to each other once they can't coom anymore?

>> No.22667126

i think i've developed an unhealthy obsession with church denominations and that it may be doing more harm than good to my faith. is it ok to attend a church that i don't really agree with? my church is part of UMC which lets fags marry and does other such disagreeable stuff, and my pastor doesn't actually preach anything like Wesleyanism, but i can't deny that my congregation is full of good Christians and i like the services. i'm envious of the people there who are theologically illiterate and don't care about the finer points of this or that doctrine. should i try to be more like them?

>> No.22667144

I fully embraced the protestantic priestdom of all believers and on Sunday I just read the book on my own, say some prayers and philosophize about religion. A grand-father of mine has long red-pilled me about churches and priests. 'They lick dogs and each other', he said repeatedly.

>> No.22667146

work on your writing comprehensibility

>> No.22667162


>> No.22667218

Good question. The thing is, the system is about your desire to shape the world or yourself in some plausible way. If someone else breaks your legs, you get nothing. If you make the choice to never use your legs, that is a self restricting pact that gains you a power.

These pacts can be as basic as "I refuse to eat anything with peanut butter" As a physical constraint for a mental power. That mental power is going to be incredibly weak compared to someone who makes the choice to live a live without taste at all. The point is, both of these characters made the choice.

The idea behind the whole system is that if you want to cause any discernable change in the world you need to first visualize how you want to change it, and then set restrictions on how you will go about it. Everyone who has a will to change things has some measure of power, but you only start becoming a big league force when you impose restrictions on yourself or the world around you in order to amp them.

This obviously brings about the problem of "Well what if someone breaks this internal pact" And again, it depends on intentionality. If you made a pact to never harm people physically and you bump someone in a crowd and bruise them, you don't just lose your powers or die, but if you willingly kill someone in spite of your own pact, yeah you're fucked.

>> No.22667229

Most zoomers have graduated from high school

>> No.22667237

But at what cost

>> No.22667241

Flesh it out more but don't do it ham fistedly in the telling of your story. If it's going to get any more comprehensive and it probably should, reveal it as necessary, telling the reader all of the rules out of the gate removes a great deal of suspense. Be vague and have your characters unravel this system as they progress through the story so it's as much of a shock to them as to the reader when someone has a given power but it turns out they're bound to never leave their town because of it, or if you've ever seen Hunter x Hunter, what Kurapika restricts his powers to only be used against a 12 person rogue group by vow of death if he should ever use them against someone else.

>> No.22667242

Christians are called out of the world and are informed of the vanity that is human government. Being a political christian is an oxymoron

>> No.22667244

Most Europeans converted from paganism to Christianity due to political reasons though, but this is a pill no one even conceives even hypothetically

>> No.22667248

>seems to be quite popular.
Thats a media illusion. It's not popular at all

>> No.22667252

The west will just lose hegemony, become much poorer, and more corrupt. There wont be a great partitioning or anything.

>> No.22667258

I have a professor who is super into virtue ethics but is also a single mom. Doesnt add up

>> No.22667259

That doesnt contradict what I said

>> No.22667275

You don't think people will just leave the liberal state once it doesn't benefit them anymore in any way?
Your argument can be refuted without an argument.

>> No.22667277

I'm 24 and live alone.
Didn't imagine it going this way when I was 10.

>> No.22667283

I don't cough because I smoke.
I smoke because I cough.

>> No.22667304

For years now I've been stuck brooding about the same thing. I was 18, went to college, lived on the campus, and had a nightmare of a time. I couldnt make friends, everyone treated me like shit, I ended up totally alone and going insane and dropping out. The worst part is that I didnt even want to go to that university. My family made me go because it has a brand name they like. When I was obviously struggling and even asking my family for alternatives I was basically spit in the face. My dad told me he'd disown me and kick me to the curb and that I must be a freak for not having a good time. And this one year has totally upended my life since. That was 6 years ago and I'm still struggling to recover. Granted, the pandemic happening shortly after worsened the situation. But here I am, 24, still working on my undergrad, no career, limited social life, and a lingering anxiety. I used to never have social anxiety before going there. I've been a nervous wreck ever since. I used to be a great speaker. Now I stutter through half my sentences. And all I can ever do is think about how shallow and unhappy my life is since then. I want to go back be a normie. I'm stuck being this person now.

>> No.22667313

Just quit school and do whatever.

>> No.22667318

I quit school when the pandemic happened. Tried working full time. Everything was a dead end. I was stuck doing shitty labor jobs for less than mininum wage. Figured finishing my degree might give a step up in the economy and some closure on the experience. All it's really done is enhance my regrets

>> No.22667321

Yeah whatever.

>> No.22667328

These college professors are exploiting the shit out of you. I wouldn't take such kind of disrespect.

>> No.22667345

I looked up my professors salaries. Some make good money, like 150k anually. Others are barely making 35k. Weird disparity there.

>> No.22667351

To what professors are you assigned to?

>> No.22667376

I'll withhold their private info.

>> No.22667400

I mean what are their wages.

>> No.22667406

I told you bro. The tenured professors are at about 150k. The "lecturers" are only about 35k. The distinction isn't regarding the subjects they teach

>> No.22667411

Are you more at lecturers or more at tenured?

>> No.22667415

No matter how much I drink tonight, it won't be enough.

>> No.22667444

enough for whaat

>> No.22667446

do indian and chinese people find western philosophy and religion as incomprehensible as i find their philosophy and religion?

>> No.22667450

Enough to kill the pain of existence.
They barely bother with that stuff anymore. In antiquity, there was contact between the Greeks and the Hindus. After that the reports suddenly end. Meanwhile Chinese people are too dogmatic to discuss stuff. Abiding to tradition because it is traditional.

>> No.22667479

Bubububububuuuuuuuuuuuuu you have to always bring your phone with your self bhaa bhaa bhaa oink oink otherwise we might get worried bhaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I hate this slavery.

>> No.22667510

What happened?

>> No.22667522

neat, good for you
consider asking a mental health professional

>> No.22667531


>> No.22667543

Trust me it isn't. I got my BBA right when Covid happened. Thought I dodged a bullet. Nobody hired me. Nobody wanted someone fresh out of school. I went for the no nonsense business degree and nobody is hiring. Your parents are probably like mine, they buy into boomer retard propaganda that all you have to do is get muh fancy piece of paper that says you suffered in expensive courses for a few years and businesses will climb over spikes to hire you. They won't. Boomers fetishize a university experience that no longer exists and poison the mind of their kids with visions of unrealistic success. They probably won't have a house to hand off to you when they die either. Mine won't. This shit is leased, the government owns this fucking house and they think that because I was an honors student in high school that I can get some faggoty comp sci degree and haul them out of their own mistakes.

Well fuck em. I'm doing my schoolwork half heartedly, plan on getting a job wherever I can find in the near future and just banking money. If they think learning how to define a float in python means SHIT to the real world they can fuck themselves. They don't understand my interests, they never tried to push me to do anything I liked when I was a kid, so I'll do it myself.

>> No.22667592

Why are you talking to me like that? Is there something wrong with you?

>> No.22667596
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>make peepee on a canvas
>call it fine art
>it sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars

Why is contemporary art like this

>> No.22667606
File: 479 KB, 1080x1328, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book should I read to learn how to sell my cumrags to billionaires?

>> No.22667640

>open blinds
>only see concrete everywhere
>no trees in sight
>dirty and broken windows
>cracked crusty paint falling off the houses' walls
>old acrylic billboards with blurry logos of companies that no longer exist, decolored by time
>everything is tinted orange and yellow by the smog-defused light of a merciless sun
>intense dry heat 12 hours every day
>by night the heat lingers because so much of it has been trapped in the concrete during the day
>neighbors start getting home from their jobs
>the sounds of shouting, hood music, barks and stuff crashing starts filling the air
>I start falling asleep to the rhythm of the cacophony that surrounds me, only some rgb lights reveal the contour of my body laying on a bed
>g-god, are you there? I...d-don't know if I want to wake up tomorrow...

>> No.22667656

Demoralization. Wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.22667658

I’m getting a lot of blowback at my job because I’ve raised ethical concerns about some things that are going on.

>> No.22667663

Even if that’s true, the current right is backing itself into a demographic corner by simping for 3rd worlders

>> No.22667699

I wonder how many jewish women fantasize about nazis...

>> No.22667702

It’s a really common thing now because while on one hand, college has been elevated to this basic filter where you can’t even be an army officer without a BA or teach high school without an MA, the colleges themselves have gotten more and more ridiculous, more and more negligent, and most importantly, more and more neglectful or outright hostile to the people it can’t transform into good little torch bearers for whatever gay professionalism cause they expect their students to take up. Quite frankly, we live in a mad society and if you have a really good time as an undergrad student, there’s probably something wrong with you. There’s a good chance you’re an either a sheep, a dysgenic freak, or a little study bug social climber which isn’t so bad in itself but is obviously pretty gay. If anything, you should be proud that you couldn’t fit through the fag processor. 24 and working on your undergrad is no problem at all as long you know these schools are nothing more than a necessary credential service. You’re just coping with the fact that you probably really stumbled hard for the first time in your life. So what I would recommend you do is first of all try to figure out if you went wrong, where you went wrong, and learn from that and then you need to just resolve to figure out what you actually want to do with your life and set out to do it. If at 25 you can have even the slightest conviction about who you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going, you know, what is actually worth doing with your life, you will be so far ahead of all of your peers it won’t even be funny. This was a gift, and you just need to understand it as one.

>> No.22667709

BBA is a worthless degree, dude. What does some 22 year old fuckwit know about business administration? Nothing. You got a degree that implied no skills, no real training, or education and is just generally undesirable. I’m sorry to tell you this because I know it’s tough to realize, but you got scammed into a particularly shitty degree. Don’t let them fool you twice.

>> No.22667743

Not that anon but as someone who had this realization 2 years ago at 24 and started working towards my own personal projects I always told myself this and worried it was cope. Didn't feel like cope, didn't look like it when I saw people in my shoes genuinely worried about what to do, severed ties with family , no career options etc.

I at 26 know I want to write fiction, I am on good terms with my family and don't mind working some shit jobs to accrue money and doing odd jobs around here and there. I have a reasonable side hustle that keeps me fit and is a nice 400 dollar a month cash injection.

Not planning on it. Just confirming a suspicion that all these degrees are likewise. I had the money to spend on a term and I spend most of the time in the library writing out my own personal projects. My comp sci prof is a 4'9 they/them freak who comes to teach wearing a literal tranny flag shirt every day. I do not plan to pursue a degree but it keeps me in good standing, is a nice tax write off and its cheap enough due to my location. I spend more engaging in productive personal work than studying.

>> No.22667759

I wonder if its proportional to the number of nazis who fantasize about jewish women.

>> No.22667800
File: 3.36 MB, 3120x3762, IMG_20231102_012627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm useless. At this point I'm just existing to wagecuck for my bosses. I have no one to protect (not that anyone wants my protection), no drive to exist, nothing. I look around my apartment (picrel) and I see nothing. A notification pops up and it's just Snapchat reminding how exciting my life used to be five years ago. I don't create, support, or love anything. I am part of the idiotic consumer mass and that's all there is to say about my life. An average John, a rando, and nothing more. Except even the average John has something to live for and a smudge of self respect and I lack both of these so I'm not even that. I don't feel the need to be something else. If life was a race, I'm a guy running on the wrong track and wearing the wrong jersey. Billions of years and a billions of billions upon billions of billions of nanoscopic events piling up to result in the existence of someone who will never appear in any books, nor be reminded by anyone. As your eyes scan over these lines, your brain is probably searching for something familiar but there is nothing to be found, I assure you. For all I'm worth I might as well be an ant and even an ant is working for something greater.

Life doesn't even suck in these conditions. I know I'm just passing by. My family is nonexistent. I'm an extra no one cares about. Anyone can do better.

>> No.22667812

What kind of work do you do? Finding a career you’re passionate about could give you a sense of purpose

>> No.22667834

The boredom will eventually make gay pieces of advice like >>22667812 actually mean something of significance to you.

>> No.22667849

I work in healthcare. It's a non-medical profession although my work has impact on how we cure diseases.

At the end of the day I go home and that's it.
They always think wagecucking is the answer because they have people or goals they wagecuck for.

>> No.22667858

I bite the dead skin from my bottom lip like someone shoveling snow from a driveway, and it leaves my bottom lip all sore and sensitive and blood red and it looks like a poisonous caterpillar, and I don’t know why I keep doing it, but I keep doing it, kinda like how I keep taking amphetamines and breath, and I don’t know what I’m breathing for but I’m doing it anyway, and I guess it’s sorta like an ambient process, sorta like natural or something, like how the breeze blows over hillsides, like it just happens and no one really questions it, and it’s just a fact of life, and I wish I could stop all of this – stop breathing and biting my lip and eating amphetamines –, but I guess I just can’t, and like maybe I need to get drunk at the day’s end to cope with it, to lull myself asleep, because Lord knows the night won’t put me to sleep, Lord knows the night won’t tuck me in under its big black and starry blanket, and Lord knows I need to drink in order to keep up with His creation, and Lord knows I need to be drunk in order to tolerate His world, His breath, His blood in my lips, His breeze over His hillsides. . . .

>> No.22667868

I can sympathize. I work in education, which I like, but if you’re not a professor you’re just a wage cuck. The worst part is that you can’t really go back and start over. You get kind of siloed into what you’ve done.

>> No.22667891

You seem insightful enough. Are you a dependable worker?

>> No.22667892
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1392274963608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shave balls and dick
>2 days later
>worst itchiness ever in my life
>sharp ballhairs stab my ballskin and thighs and everywhere else
>entire crotch and thighs region itching like mad
>get home
>grab large bristle hand broom
>broom my balls and dick
>my actual face.jpg
better than any orgasm i've ever had in my life x10

>> No.22667939

Why shave? I havent shaved my cock or balls in 10 years

>> No.22667981

Tfw you realize thrasymachus was right all along

>> No.22667987

i'm getting addicted to going to institutions. living in the world SUCKS. might check myself into tard jail again.

>> No.22667989

i am ashamed to say this but.. i have been getting laid

>> No.22667995


>> No.22667997

Do you need to shave for that?

>> No.22667999
File: 33 KB, 400x400, ZHnhY62n_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have any friends, and whenever I call one of the few people I know, I feel like I'm just being a pest and annoying them, especially since I'm always the one to call them and they never call me, sometimes not picking up and never calling back. Whenever a major holiday like Halloween comes around things feel twice as bad since I know they're going to parties while I'm stuck at home editing my novel, never being invited. The thing is, I usually feel better when I don't call or talk to anyone, locking myself in my room, but when I make an effort, I just end up feeling worse than if I didn't, especially if they don't pick up.

>> No.22668011

I hope I did enough. I hope I was the person everyone needed me to be. I hope the decisions I made were the right ones despite the limited information available to me at the time. I hope the people I served as an authority figure to will go on to better things. I hope the times I failed and the times I chose poorly and the times I acted without enough information didn't hurt or burden anyone too much. I hope I wasn't a burden very often. I hope the ways in which I influence others without my knowledge outweigh the harm I have done to others. I hope the people I've hurt can come to forgive me but if they don't I hope they live better without me around. I hope I can learn from my mistakes this time around. I hope I can one day do better. I hope there is some purpose for which my life can be spent which will outweigh all the wrong I've done. I hope I can meet someone who can love me instead of seeing me as a tool but I'm not expecting to. I hope I can one day look at all the selfishness and foolish pride and laugh at myself.

>> No.22668015
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What is your biggest romantic fantasy?

>> No.22668025
File: 34 KB, 580x563, mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two slices of sourdough in the air fryer, 400F for 3 minutes, two kinds of ham, swiss cheese, diced red onions, mustard, mayo, slice tomato, lettuce, olive oil and a bit of vinegar

>> No.22668031

Wagecucking in clinical trials?

>> No.22668059

Taco bell sounds better

>> No.22668061
File: 62 KB, 390x502, gauguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep going around the same circles. It pains me to think I won't ever get out of this. My life is, at this point, a sequence of everlasting daydreams. I cannot fathom to face the "real world."

I've been reading Rilke's Book of hours in a nice bilingual edition I borrowed from the university library. I will always go back to him.

Too many to count. Maybe the biggest one is encountering love at first sight, and somehow knowing that everything I had dreamed about turned out to be true, real, a vision of a life to be lived. I used to imagine that it would happen in front of a bridge or some public place, making it even more unlikely to happen in real life. That's maybe the most recurrent one, but I have a bunch of some other equally delusional fantasies.

>> No.22668075

This is a serious contradiction within me which I must deal with.

There is a group of people which have historically and presently mistreated my people, violently so. Now a part of me believes that it would be right and just to forgive and try to move on and establish peaceful/brotherly relations with said people. That I believe is the morally correct path and the mentally healthy path.

Another part of me desperately wishes for their suffering and misery. Perhaps it is my true nature, because no matter how much I remind myself of the immoral nature of praying for someone else’s pain, I find myself drawn to doing so anyway.

But when I see examples of my enemy group suffering, it doesn’t make me feel happy. I watched a video of a man belonging to this whose daughter was murdered. He was crying and felt bad for him, really bad for him. I have no doubt that if the situation was reversed he would laugh at my misery, and I *still* felt bad for him. There is an ultimate evolutionary failure in me, because I feel bad for those who hurt me. But taking steps to overcome that impulse seems inhumane as well. I don’t know if soups are real but trying to be happy at such things is corrosive to my soul.

So here I am, a man who wants revenge and wishes he didn’t. What a situation.

>> No.22668076

Why do you think people see you as a tool?

>> No.22668089

I consist of a long wooden pole attatched to a sharp metal object at one end. I usually lean in a shed and am known for working in dirt.

>> No.22668094

You know that wasn't what I meant.

>> No.22668102

>I have a bunch of some other equally delusional fantasies.
Tell me about them. I want to know

>> No.22668109

Getting raped in a subway station by fat booty negresses

>> No.22668143

Having someone who's comfortable being around me and who I can give myself to.

>> No.22668147

Why can't real girls have the same personalities as cartoon girls?

>> No.22668148

I've had the experience of being the "fall guy" for others, had people take me for my trust and use it to get things that benefit them, been set up for failure or had my successes credited to others. Maybe I'm just naturally paranoid and suspicious but I get very wary in social situations, particularly at work or those involving promises.
I hope I'm not coming off as a paranoid schizophrenic here as these experiences aren't the norm for me. It's just that when they did happen they were painful enough to change my perception.

>> No.22668149

I’ve felt like this lately

>> No.22668151

>give myself to
In what way?

>> No.22668152


>> No.22668156

I feel estranged from my family.

>> No.22668157

Most people are hypocrites

>> No.22668159

It’s okay pal, I’m the same way. It’s just worse for the weeks surrounding holidays. Give it a week and you’ll be back to standard levels

>> No.22668160

Women are very touchy about men’s body hair. Seems like they just want to fuck other women

>> No.22668162

In the sense that my efforts would be for them instead of just for myself, or that I'd place their needs ahead of mine.
I dunno man, it sounds way more embarrassing when I type it out. I'm a kissless virgin if you couldn't tell.

>> No.22668163

Could be worse, I have hairs that grow like half an inch up my shaft.

>> No.22668164

It's a money laundering scheme for you know whos, look up who funds Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst. Hint: It's the same people putting miscegenation propaganda in advertising

>> No.22668165

Yeah, I can see how that could change the way you see things. It can be hard to step away from the mindset of automatically assuming that other people have bad intentions.

>> No.22668167

They grow halfway up your shaft?!

>> No.22668173

That's due to circumcision. The shaft has to now take skin from the scrotum and pubis therefore, hairiness

>> No.22668180

That I lose the sexual urge altogether

>> No.22668183

I had potato and mushroom soup and I've been blasting out the gnarliest farts all night

>> No.22668186

I can't control my imagination, I'm trying to imagine myself walking up to someone and dapping them up without pulling them in and touching our shoulders together but every time I try to imagine it, we touch our shoulders together, why the fuck can't I control my imagination?

>> No.22668205

It’s not embarrassing, we often lose grasp of the innate selflessness within us that is motivated by love. You should cherish that desire of wanting to surrender yourself to another person.
Romance does not equal sex. They are two separate phenomena. Do you have any romantic fantasies that do not involve sex?

>> No.22668216

If I don't want to be alone for ever maybe I will have to 'put some effort' into 'dating'. And yet to say either of those things feels humiliating, improper, putting something on, inauthentic. Why? I'm an adult now, early twenties, it's supposedly a normal person thing that normal people do. I don't think I could fill out hinge prompts but what's the alternative? It's my last year of university, I'm never going to be surrounded with as many attractive and intelligent people for the rest of my life. I hate even the word dating, it feels unromantic and contrived and generally something that doesn't work that well for people. But I‘ve met women whom I've liked before and who've probably liked me, to some degree, and nothing happened. I failed circumstance and wasted what could have been the happier years of my life.

>> No.22668253

Modern dating is humiliating. Dating apps are soulsucking and antisocial, it felt like I was getting spiritually raped the entire time. Whether you’re working or in school, you cannot possibly find the time to find, create, and nurture a deep, romantic and libidinal bond. I’ve also been struggling like you except I’m a bit older, which makes it even more bleak. Desolation weighs down on you hard but I don’t know what the solution is

>> No.22668259

>Romance does not equal sex
I was being a bit tongue in cheek. The extent of my romantic desires are that I'd love to have a devoted wife and kids but that's not feasible for me at the moment. Therefore right now it'd be better for me to not have a sexual urge altogether and hence the joke. Also sex and romance come as a package deal, especially in the early stages of a relationship. Sex ideally furthers or contributes to romance.

>> No.22668264

I thought I was immune to the ridiculous torture of dating apps because I didn't take them seriously and knew how fucked they were, but when I got a gf and didn't have to use them anymore I realized that even while "knowing" I was still being tortured by them without realizing it

They really are just soul-obliterators for men, there is something so inherently twisted about them. There are so few ways to interact in a dignified way. I think the only way to do it is to truly not care, even slightly, what results you get, put yourself forward as a decent dignified person, and when you do message people, impose an iron law on yourself to do it in a way that you would do even if they were another man, fully dignified and not caring whether they ghost or disengage. If you care at all you will be sucked in and humiliated, you will start to bend your personality and start begging in ways so subtle you don't even know you're doing it. You have to not care at all about what happens, and you have to impose that rigid law on yourself never to bend or worry. Even if it's your only decent match in one year and she's getting kind of distant, you have to be unwaveringly willing to just let it go.

But even then, having to message at all is inherently humiliating. They match on Bumble and say "Hi." There is no authentic, manly response to that. It's womanish chitchat. The whole app is womanish and forces you to play a womanized man. It's sickening.

>> No.22668287

My perfect job, future soulmate, best friends and future happiest moments/memories are not in my country but I unfortunately cannot live anywhere else so I just have to learn to suffer and settle for less.

>> No.22668299

My short term goal is to shed 10 pounds and work my abs so I can post nudes on fetlife asking for a dommy mommy

>> No.22668386

>you will start to bend your personality and start begging in ways so subtle you don't even know you're doing it
Extremely true

>> No.22668387
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Tfw balding at 21. Is it over for me?

>> No.22668389

Muscles benefit a bald guy like you wouldn't believe, if you're not jacked yet, you better start. Also, a beard, if you can grow one, do it.

>> No.22668390

Lmao I was just thinking about the same thing. 23 and realised I'm now Norwood 2

>> No.22668412

>constant chest pains often wake up thinking im about to have a heart attack
>little to no sleep
>get sick easily
On a scale from 1 to 10 how fucked am I?

>> No.22668417

Are you vaxxed? A lot of people around me who are vaxxed and boosted are constantly getting sick

>> No.22668428

day 1 of nofap november... i unironically think i might not make it... yet that is how i know that i am the exact type that needs to partake in it the most.

>> No.22668442

Might wanna see a doctor if this is something that's been happening for a while.

>> No.22668448

Day 2 here in Australia, I feel like this year will have its own unique challenges but I feel like it won't be much harder than previous years.

>> No.22668450


>> No.22668456


Just remember when the urges hit you that it's never worth it. You always regret it after. Horniness is an illusion. The payoff is never worth the anticipation.

>> No.22668462

In previous years I've looked at porn to satiate the urges but this year I'm trying not to at all, I got a few glances the first day but I quickly shut those down after reminding myself of what I'm trying to do.

>> No.22668474

Yeah I am though I'm not sure thats what's caused. Suspect countless sleepless nights has left some physical toll. I'm pretty positive somethings fucked with my heart. Anytime i consume anything that changes heart rate like coffee or alcohol pain gets worse and also radiates to left arm.
Also palm gets splotchy red
I kind of have the sense that any day now my heart is gonna stop suddenly when i least expect
Not gonna go to a doctor cause i feel like it's past the point of return

>> No.22668477

When did this start?

>> No.22668478

I'm reading on wikipedia about The Smart Set and I was wondering if any literature magazines like that exist these days. The death of the magazine is truly not poggers.

>> No.22668479

>Not gonna go to a doctor
What can be said except you deserve to die and you're asking for it?

>> No.22668481

Bro go to a doctor.

>> No.22668493

2 years ago though less severe, which is when coincidentally my issues with sleeping got so bad to the point where i was consistently not sleeping at all a couple days a week.
For some reason have a lot of trouble breathing sometimes when lying down
It's over

>> No.22668499

And did you get vaccinated before or after this started?

>> No.22668511

Issues started before but it's possible it contributed idk

>> No.22668516

Americans wouldn't know but if you don't shave it and just let it keep growing it will constantly get stuck between the dick skin and the head of your dick. It's painful because it pulls on the hair and it's hard to adjust without reaching into your pants and getting it unstuck by hand.

>> No.22668526
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>jannie deletes ‘‘Lit posters you recognize” thread and leaves up 2 BAP threads and several troll threads

>> No.22668609

I really suspect I may be the real life Xavier Renegade Angel. I'm only writing this because I hope that if I just say it out loud I might dispel it.

I'll put a baby in your butt some day.

>> No.22668638

Love you, daddy (father).

>> No.22668646
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My lethargy is psychological. Here's how I know this. I'm a 9-5 wage slave and Monday thru Thursday I am so tired. Just so exhausted - from the moment I wake up to the moment I to bed. But on Fridays and weekends I feel none of that exhaustion at all. I'm full of energy and I'm happy.

Towards the end of my time with my ex-girlfriend, when I knew on some level that I was going to break up with her, I started to get incredibly tired whenever we hung out. It was like I could fall asleep on the spot.

>> No.22668651

What is history? If I wanted to create an account of my experiences for historical preservation, what would I write about? From what I see most of the primary sources that historians look at are either law documents, travel journals, or accounts of war. But I do none of those. Is my life experience worthless?

>> No.22668667

I'm gonna go full authoritarian and start obsessing with order, cleanliness, obedience, submission, etc. From now on it's gonna be my whole personality.

>> No.22668669
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Future historians will have the internet dude, forget primary sources and all that other bullshit. They’ll have the content we consumed and created ourselves for ourselves. Why read a memoir about the Ukraine war when you can literally just watch GoPro videos of it and have access to daily military briefings on both sides. They will be able to live it right there next to us like it never stopped happening.

>> No.22668686

That's kinda sad we won't value writing as much. It feels dehumanizing. Maybe that's how oral people thought about writing.

>> No.22668712

One time I was in the next town over eating at a Chinese take out restaurant and this giant bee came in by the window right by where I was sitting, probably because the door was open, so I closed my to-go box and got ready to leave but before I left I went up to the front and I told the guy working the register— this nearly emaciated but kindly looking Chinese gentleman— that there was a bee by the first table I just wanted to let you know. And he looked confused so I repeated myself and then when I realized that it was a language thing I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of a bumblebee. And then he said OK. Then I left the restaurant but stayed near enough to see what would happen and he approached the spot where it was buzzing against the glass with a napkin in hand. I was worried that he would squash it but I didn't say anything and he took it in the napkin while it was still buzzing and walked on out with it clasped between two hands and lifted it up into the air in a slight bobbing motion and then the bee flew free. He walked back inside the restaurant. I walked home that day with a sense of reverence toward that man and maybe felt a bit like a little bitch.

>> No.22668762
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Discovering anarchism has been one of the best things in my life. I always felt and had anarchistic beliefs and ideas, but I never thought it was a political movement with historical revolutions.

I feel my desire for freedom justified, all within social context. That is to say, we can all be free. I can now imagine a better society.

>> No.22668767

I think talking to a girl recently out of an abusive relationship is a recipe for disaster. I know this will end bad, I hope I'm wrong.

>> No.22668825

>I hope I'm wrong.
You're not. Talking to a girl fresh out of any relationship isn't a good idea, you're just a potential rebound and shit is gonna blow up in someone's face because of it.

>> No.22668834

I tried but he didnt give any answer.

>> No.22668863

Okay you are an obsessive-hysteric.. Happy?

>> No.22668864

I beat depression, sort of

>> No.22668883

Same. How'd you beat it?

>> No.22668926

How do I cope with losing my hair
Im constantly hit on
i get called pretty alot
but its all going to be over soon
i hate buzzcuts
a man should have lots of hair

>> No.22668932

Hop on finasteride otherwise grow a beard
>t. probably headed the same way in the next few years

>> No.22668945

Wrote this before: >>22617467

Medicine is not a solution. You'll just be worrying about your hair for the rest of your life. You don't want cope perse, you want to be able to accept that it will go.
Or get a transplant but that's expensive and you'll still be doing gay shit like buying medical shampoo and dermarolling your fragile hair.

>> No.22668951
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>> No.22668958

>Medicine is not a solution
Which is why I gave the alternative of growing a beard which is what I'll probably do. I agree, there's something feminine and cope-y about hopping on fin and min for the rest of your life or at least till you don't want your hair anymore

>> No.22668969

Yeah if you're losing hair you have to at least get fit and a beard will help a lot too.
The moment I noticed my hair getting thin I started working out harder than before.

>> No.22668972

My hair's going and I just buzzed again today and felt immediately more confident. Every time I forget and grow it out a little and feel like shit because I'm so self conscious. When its buzzed it brings out my facial features and sure, people can see I'm balding but at least its not distracting. Each time I buzz I feel immediate relief and I carry myself more confidently too because I no longer have to worry about what people are thinking.

I've still got enough hair left that if I'm gonna hop on fin I better do it now, but I'm still uncertain. I have quite a rugged face, high cheek bones and sharp angles. I would look quite intimidating with no hair, but I think I'd at least still look manly. I'm late 20s for context, so I'm less depressed about it than if I were in college. Going bald in college must be rough and I feel for those guys.

>> No.22668983

I'm a filthy ESL who wants to become better at writing by reading, but I get so exhausted on analyzing the text instead of just reading it. Am I doing it wrong? How do I make reading fun again?

>> No.22668986

>I would look quite intimidating with no hair, but I think I'd at least still look manly.
Nothing wrong with looking intimidating. Women prefer manly men anyway assuming their minds haven't fried by birth control. I'm this anon >>22668958. While I have a good amount of hair at the moment my suspicion is that I'm in the very beginning of losing my hair given that I'm a Norwood 2 at 23. My dad's bald, my uncles on both sides are a mixed bag. I have prominent features so I think when the time comes I'll just buzz it and keep a short beard as I was saying before

>> No.22668990

Sounds like you're pushing yourself too hard beyond your ability. Remember that difficult English books are difficult for English readers too. Adding ESL to the mix would be a nightmare. What kind of stuff have you been reading? Maybe you need to go easier.

>> No.22669000

Yeah I know plenty of bald dudes in their late 20s / early 30s with stunningly beautiful partners. Some rock the beard some don't. The common factor between them is that they're masculine dudes with interesting personalities. There's a certain type of woman who likes that look and you only need to find one at the end of the day.

>> No.22669019
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I'm alternating between military books for research like this one, and history/fantasy novels when I need a breather.

With the history books, I'll mark and research in the meantime, meaning I'll only read 30-40 pages at a time.

With the novels either I 1) have writer mode on and can't see past the flaws in expressions, cliches, inconsistencies and such or 2) get discouraged because my prose wouldn't be as beautiful or wonderful as what I'm holding in my hands.

>> No.22669023

I agree. I think the biggest difficulty for men who are losing their hair is the fact that it has become a part of their self-perception over the years and unsurprisingly so. But like you say there's nothing stopping a man from being attractive provided he looks after himself. Retaining that air of masculinity is probably all the more refreshing for women these days anyway

>> No.22669052
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Why do they all look the exact same? Why does every single chick on dating apps look the exact same as the one I just swiped left on?

>> No.22669063

I used to have some success with dating apps then went off them for a while. Redownloaded recenrly and something I noticed that annoyed me was that they front load the hottest chicks to the front of the queue - girls I don't have 1 chance with in a million years, nor have any interest in spending any time with. Stop showing me these babes and let me see the mid chicks I actually have a shot with.

Anyway they've always been bad but they're also getting worse and worse each year - and intentionally so. Even Hinge which used to be good seems broken now. I'm hoping weve reached critical mass and people will go back to in person dating soon. Optimistic I know..

>> No.22669075

Trimmed my pubes for the first time in ages today.

>> No.22669101

I set my profile to "looking for both" because while I am a bit curious, it's also a great strategy because guys will swipe on you and it'll boost you in the algorithm and show you to more girls. I went from getting maybe 3-4 likes in a month to 6 in a week, pretty good.

>> No.22669108

luck, and some sunlight + exercise probably

>> No.22669109

Huh. I'd be worried someone I know might see me though and think I'm gay.

>> No.22669124

They'd only see you if they're also gay and I doubt they'd care if you are or try to expose you if they're also gay.

>> No.22669127

I have made many enemies in the gay community.

>> No.22669128

Can't women also see that you're cruising for cock?
That would be a turn off.

>> No.22669130

Sometimes listening to happy/upbeat music makes me sad, this song is a good example.


>> No.22669135

Well, that'll do it.
>Can't women also see that you're cruising for cock?
Like, on the apps or do you think they have a supernatural sense that allows them to tell if you want femboy bussy? Cause as far as I know, they don't have a sixth sense and they can't see if you're looking for both on dating apps, if that were the case then you'd also be able to tell if they're doing the same thing and I haven't come across that feature yet.

>> No.22669137

There might be something musically speaking that can explain that, but I don't know enough theory to be able to offer a suggestion. That song in particular reminds me of being a child and listening to the radio and feeling a kind of melancholy because you're hearing these songs that belong to a world you don't quite understand yet.

>> No.22669156

I mean a lot of deployed soldiers do get cheated on, but its mostly because they only dated their wives for 2 weeks after meeting them at the strip club before marrying them for that sweet extra cash you get for being married in the military (its close to $1000 dolors more a month or something like that). Also both guys should be fucking some hookers in one scene. The only thing keeping the woman on the left from doing what the woman on the right is doing is the threat of violence from her community. All that being said, its probably representative of about 5-10% of enlisted men.

>> No.22669161

>The only thing keeping the woman on the left from doing what the woman on the right is doing is the threat of violence from her community.

>> No.22669166

>There might be something musically speaking that can explain that
Whaddya mean, friend?

>> No.22669167

Clowns that are occasionally good at practical effects. The shit that some of them pull off on later seasons of dragula is actually pretty rad effects wise.

>> No.22669172

Goon and Consoom. Its all you are good at anyway. Also pay me for the privilege worm.

>> No.22669180

Im not so sure about that. Maybe some of them. But most of them just hate men. And others are genuinely attracted to woman. Which I understand way more than men being attracted to men.

>> No.22669183

It takes effort by a man to get a woman. This is well known.
But it can take such a vast amount of work for such a minute reward
(pussy, nothing more, not exclusive)
as to not be worth it.
You do get to decide when its not worth it.
A vagina is not infinitley valuable.
You may decide it is hardly valuable.
And no, this does not make you gay.

>> No.22669185

>But most of them just hate men.
As a guy, I honestly don't blame them when you look at today's "men" it's honestly embarrassing, I understand how good cops feel.

>> No.22669197

Be honest. Because of your religious convictions, would you still let a goodfornothing anon suffer for decades? Even hellfire would probably be better than this. At least there won't be people who I know laughing at me. Everyone's nocked me. All the people. In death at least they won't mock my memory IN PUBLIC.
>in b4 don't do it. I wuv ya, anon.
You never knew me. And if you knew me, you'll join their ranks.

>> No.22669206

>I doubt they'd care if you are or try to expose you if they're also gay.
You'd be amazed

>> No.22669218

I probably would.

>> No.22669227

who says you won't be mocked in hell?

>> No.22669240

I've seen it on profiles where people say they're interested in both.
So maybe women see you cruising for bussy

>> No.22669279

>So maybe women see you cruising for bussy
You reckon that's why I've been getting so many more likes?

>> No.22669280

t. atlas

>> No.22669284

Because they want to set you up with their gay best friend?

>> No.22669304

Maybe bussy hunters are attractive to women in a weird way, who knows?

>> No.22669316

Should I let my 21 year old brother sleep in until noon and do nothing on his days off? I’m a bit upset with him regarding what he says his plans are and the progress he’s making.

>> No.22669317

niggers and trannies

>> No.22669320

Why is it such an unrealistic expectation for people to not be assholes?

>> No.22669336

Unless he's living in your house it's not up to you, it's his days off, stop being a bitch.

>> No.22669337

lack of sleep is debilitating. it's too late if he's already stayed up.

>> No.22669339

Because people are assholes. That's like asking "Why is it such an unrealistic expectation for a shark to not attack me if I swim up to it?"

>> No.22669346

No, as those are very different structures...

>> No.22669352

Increased potential for mmf threesome maybe.

>> No.22669394

He is living in my house

Yeah, so that’s a bigger issue, but I have less issue with either of these than the fact that he seems to do nothing at all with his off days. His on-days he does nothing but go to class, nap, study, and do homework. On his off days, he just plays video games and scroll TikTok all day. I think he watches VR porn too. When I was his age I was working full-time and going to school full-time and still doing extracurriculars. I had some friends, a girlfriend, I was playing intramural sports. So idk what’s going on here. He’s expressed a desire to have a particular sort of career but he’s just not even close to do what’s necessary to get to that career let alone succeed in it.

>> No.22669407

I’m sure there’s some Spenglerian reason why all of the good literature of the 21st century has come out of Latin America and I bet it’s something like their having already gone through a period of Caudilloism. At least they were brave enough to be military strongmen and not subversive lawyers and prosecutors…

>> No.22669477

>He is living in my house
It's still a dick move considering you gain nothing from doing it and it only makes his days worse considering those are rest days but sure, if you're telling the truth, do whatever you want, don't be surprised when in 15 years you wonder why he doesn't talk to you or why he's very distant with you though.

>> No.22669482

>he seems to do nothing at all with his off days.
Yeah, man, that's what you do on days off, life doesn't have to be a constant grind.

>> No.22669502

What do you mean I gain nothing? He is my brother and I want him to grow into a man. He is going to get older either way and I prefer for him not to grow into a 30 year old manchild that sleeps until noon and games and cooms all day. You’ve got issues.

To be clear, his “off days” are half of the week every week. Honestly, what is wrong with you people? It doesn’t matter if your off day is once per week or once per month. If all you do with your life is do homework and game, you are WASTING YOUR LIFE.

>> No.22669503

Don’t know why I expected sound advice from maladjusted aspiring losers.

>> No.22669510

>What do you mean I gain nothing?
What do you gain? And don't be like "I get to see him grow into my idea of a man" because realistically you gain nothing from that except for fleeting happiness.
>If all you do with your life is do homework and game, you are WASTING YOUR LIFE.
Wrong, you're learning things because you're actively studying and you're enjoying life in your off time because that's what people deserve to do. You're the one with issues, you just refuse to accept it. God forbid someone has fun in their off time.

>> No.22669527

learn how to communicate. you're like a child who skipped into a disgruntled old man. when did you stop developing mentally? early highschool?

>> No.22669532

I think you replied to the wrong one, anon.

>> No.22669539

I think you are too much of an autistic to give advice or discuss this topic or perhaps you’ve not processed some issues in your own life yet. Either way, I have nothing to gain and your asking me indicates clearly to me that you have no advice to provide. So I don’t care what you have to say anymore and I won’t answer your questions. If someone else has sincere advice, I’ll engage with them.

>> No.22669544

> no capital letters
> wrong punctuation
> poor choice of verbs
> learn how to communicate
Grow up. Stop gaming. Stop jerking off to porn. Grow up.

>> No.22669547

Either you just walked into traffic (do you not see the replies around yours, retard?), or this is your highschool-brained attempt at wit.

>> No.22669552

how long before your elite grammar fails to veil your low iq? half-way through an email?
you probably haven't had an original thought in your life.
>stop jerking off to porn
make me +
i guarantee while fucking your ugly wife you've thought of your brother. more than once. if you havent you will now. thank me later

>> No.22669559

You should help him find a hobby that gets him out of the house. Then help him out with his starting equipment, then have him fund it by himself once he gets into it.

That's how I stopped gaming all day and started martial arts.

>> No.22669570

Ran quicker than Usain bolt, holy shit, the irony of you telling other people to grow up is laughable.

>> No.22669594

>I have nothing to gain
So you're just doing it to be a dick, got it.
>10 years later
Why doesn't my brother talk to me anymore?

>> No.22669607

It's weird that failure as a concept simply doesn't exist anymore, at least here in America. There is no such thing. Everything has been successfully racketeered, cronyfied, insured, infiltrated, broken, puppeteered, or every other variation of subterfuge, subversion, or infiltration imaginable. There is no such thing as starting a business anymore nor publishing a book. These concepts are as elusive as wizards and magic towers and simply don't exist. If it isn't an animal it's a criminal, and if it isn't a criminal it's an animal. Everything is of this nature of total consumption now. Failure means less than any given spell in Harry Potter now, same as Success, completely imaginary words. Most people don't even have the faintest idea what modern language would sound like, but it has little in the way of time or space, and certainly no attainable goals or even object permanence really.

>> No.22669632

This complete collapse of meaning and consequence is at the heart of American liberty, and why most writers, actors, and creatives these days are either interested in video games, sports, or gambling. Anyone interested in the actions and reactions of a consequential environment have stowed their teepees and moved on to better game than to wander through the chemical twilight of our present reality. Fellow samefag, you just have to accept that it's a good thing and enjoy the world of possibility.

>> No.22669647

i've come to the conclusion i have zero desires. now how do i go from wanting nothing in nihilistic, depressed way to wanting nothing in a serene and peaceful way?
>inb4 schizoid
i'm not

>> No.22669680

I’ve been trying this. He said he wants to take up jiu jitsu but refuses to go to the sessions. He seems to have no initiative in anything extracurricular at all besides talking about politics, scrolling social media, and I guess jacking off. I understand where the impulse for all of this is, but he’s slowly transitioning into the stereotypical 4channel drop out male since he was dismissed from his university for low marks.

>> No.22669685

> reee you can’t want what’s best for people if it makes them uncomfortable
> Mom! Where are my trendies?!
> t. you, probably

>> No.22669690

I think first you have to understand that you don’t actually know for certain that you want nothing for your life. You have to be open to the possibility that there could be a life which is worthwhile and you just haven’t discovered it yet. Finding something is hopeless if you refuse to keep an eye open, you know?

>> No.22669881

get on fin

>> No.22669889

It's crazy how Jude Law is so good looking that even balding he's in the top 0.1%.

>> No.22669897

me 2, or very easy-to-meet needs/wants.
everyone expected me to do big things, and they thought i was suicidal when they saw the route i went. ~10 years later they now come to me for advice on all sorts of things
sage mode i guess

>> No.22669938

i don't want to want. i don't think that would improve my situation. i think people's wants and needs are mostly psychosomatic, acquired needs. they're pathological. certainly not something i should want

>> No.22669942
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>> No.22669951

It personally enrages me how bad a game chess is. I can't explain it. It fully deserved to be raped by simple AI. There is no strategy. When pushed to its limits it dissolves into pattern recognition and meta-heuristics for manipulating meta-patterns to give yourself a statistical edge. There is no strategy, there hasn't been any innovation in a century or more. All you do is "study" games to extract the statistically best outcome. And AI exists to do that at a trillion times the speed a human can do it. It deserved to be solved (raped).

Actually I take that back. People playing chess before 1930 still had an excuse for thinking it was a real game, with real possibilities. But after that Bobby Fischer was right.

>> No.22669956

He will thank you for it immeasurably in ten years if you even stop him from doing the sleep until noon thing. Ideally you will also get him off his fucking ass and get him to pursue his goals properly, but even if you just stop him from frittering away his best years like it's a permanent long weekend he will appreciate it.

If he smokes weed I recommend electrocuting him until he stops.

>> No.22669992
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>50% have no information in profile
>the other 50% have he same jokes, same interests as every other one
>all look the same
>same smiles, same locations, same outfits
>it's like looking at a series of human stock photos
>have detailed profile myself
>match with women
>they never comment on any of the detailed responses or interesting photos
>they always just 'like' my one 'boring normal guy' photo with no additional comment
>accept the like and match
>most never message first, even on apps where they are supposed to
>if they do, it's 'hi!' or 'how's your weekend?'
>80% ghost if you respond with 'hey how's it going' or actually describe your weekend
>the other 20% proceed to narrate the most boring ordinary day imaginable
>when you message first, you can't say 'hi!' or 'how's your weekend?' because that's boring
>but you can't pick something in their profile or photos and actually mention it, because that's trying too hard
>many ghost anyway
>learn the hard way that the best way to get dates is to have chitchat for 30 minutes and immediately ask them out
>this results in going on dozens of dates with generic-looking women with generic stock photo profiles
>with no information aside from generic hobbies and jokes every other woman also has in her profile
>with nothing in common
>the women somehow seem to like this and find it exciting
>average date is $20-60 for food, even if you split the bill (risky)
>extra for transit if you uber
>these women are in their late twenties, walled, hit a career plateau, in debt
>still act like they're spunky young women about to 'travel' all over the world (who's paying?)
when will this system collapse

>> No.22670011
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Playing new aoe2 dlc

>> No.22670014

avoid white women if you/they are a day over 30.. or 25 even.

>> No.22670020

I'm a dingus mongus filibonogus

I'm the most full of myself anyone has ever been

ask me anything I'll lay it on you like you couldn't believe

>> No.22670029

Fatslob expansion dropped?

>> No.22670031

Im probably not cut out for academia. While I understand all texts and can usually point out flaws I cant imagine myself making a 10 page long article or argument about anything basically. Not to mention I write like a grug.

>> No.22670035

I can’t give him something to do though. For example, right now he is laying on my couch scrolling social media looking like a heroin junkie and he’s been doing this now for two hours since he woke up at noon. I expect that within an hour he will go get fast food, and then go back to gaming or scrolling for the rest of the day.

>> No.22670036

you'll grow out of it

>> No.22670037

Mountain kangz expansion with Georgians and Armenians as new civs

>> No.22670048

As for pursuing his goals, he’s told them to me and I was frank with him. I said “you have to do x y and z” so he did a little bit of x, a little bit of z, no y, and he thinks that’s sufficient. I’ve told him that he’s just not even close but he doesn’t seem to get it. He thinks he is. The real problem is that he thinks all of this is fine. There’s no problem. It’s normal for him to just scroll and game your life away and expect one day things will just turn around and you’ll get what you want from life. I’m sure he’d protest and say he doesn’t believe that, but his actions suggest otherwise and I don’t quite know how to make him realize that. I don’t know how to make him realize that when I look at him laying on the couch scrolling for hours I see someone who looks a lot like a junkie.

>> No.22670051

>crave institutionalization
>go to institution
>crave freedom
i will either kill myself or vacillate between these two extremes until i die

>> No.22670066

You should just make sure you understand the stakes of what's happening there. He basically IS a heroin junkie. He is wasting and ruining his life. I know guys who spent the last 10-15 years doing what he's now doing and they are literally suicidal. Honestly you may have to beat the fuck out of him or do something where you strip him naked and abandon him in a foreign country.

Keep in mind the human mind, body, and personality are all intertwined complex processes made of nested subprocesses, so when someone creates certain habitus or modi vivendi for themselves by doing it repetitively, they are not just acquiring ONE habit, they are sending ripples throughout their entire being. His mind will atrophy in a thousand subtle ways, all his bodily processes like his endocrine and reward systems will adjust to his low-stimulation lifestyle like a cell reverting to fermentation mode in anaerobic conditions, and his personality will form around being a turd, and each of these things is a mutual stabilizer and promoter of the other two, the process is dialectical and cybernetic. You are watching a living piece of shit form on the couch right now as we speak. Even if he resolves to fix this in five or ten years, on a mental or character level for example, he will have to fight uphill against his body for example, which will not want to disburse the normal hormones and neurochemicals at the normal rates to promote healthy motivation. He will probably be a flabby blob man. Phenotype reflects ontogeny, he will become a mouth breather with slouched shoulders and not even realize on just how many levels he is actually fucked. Conversely if he gets into body building and tries to work on himself via the body, he will find that his personality is shit and his mind is retarded.

By letting him melt into a couch, probably high on weed, probably planning to play with his prick later and giggle like a little fag watching some vtube streamer whore, you are basically doing exactly the same damage as letting him experiment with fentanyl. The damage is just distributed across the whole complex system of systems that is "him."

The military is absolutely worthless and a waste of a life but it would still be better than becoming a video games youtube man who smokes weed "occasionally," AKA the default urban male.

>> No.22670070

Failure is not going to college, working a crappy job, or in the rare extreme case, not graduating high-school and being unemployed.

>> No.22670075

You can't convince a kid not to eat raw sugar from the sugar bag when he's already got it in his hands. You need to employ physical threats against your brother.

Another way to go is to be highly successful yourself and endlessly mog him from a distance so he gets jealous and wants to cultivate his own talents to keep up. But this can have the opposite effect if he decides he's the "dud brother" and you're the "good brother," so you have to be careful. Honestly I think the shortest route is just start beating him. If he's stronger than you, get help from your dad.

You should prepare for the future by swearing an oath before a notary that you will never bail him out of any money problems aside from medical ones he can't help (meaning actual serious medical shit, not mental health or junkie issues he brought on himself). Let him see the written and notarized oath so he knows he's on his own as a loser. Get your dad to endorse it. You want to head his future drug and whiny mental health problems off at the pass so he knows you will all let him die rather than support a whiner video games man in perpetuity.

>> No.22670078

Did you ever talk to God about it? I don't want to lay into you with anything, I'm just saying

>> No.22670087

>Everything has been successfully racketeered, cronyfied, insured, infiltrated, broken, puppeteered, or every other variation of subterfuge, subversion, or infiltration imaginable.
U.S is fucked beyond belief. One can individually try and make the most out of the opportunities available, but more and more U.S is broken, fragmented, and corrupt. Like flies swarming a corpse.
They'd put us into cages and milk us if they could.
Did this meta marketing group session where you're put in a group and supposed to talk about A.I.
People from every walk of life from a truck driver to an urban English teacher.
Overwhelmingly the dominant repeated theme was of mistrust ... Today you can't trust anyone not the government not corporations not the American public; everyone is out for themself.

>> No.22670103

The average highschooler in the 90s had the same levels of anxiety (measured by cortisol levels) as mental asylum patients in the 1950s. Imagine how much worse it is now. It’s hard to engage in cerebral activities when one’s brain is permanently in escape-from-this-predator mode

>> No.22670109

>The average highschooler in the 90s had the same levels of anxiety (measured by cortisol levels) as mental asylum patients in the 1950s

>> No.22670138

>The average highschooler in the 90s had the same levels of anxiety (measured by cortisol levels) as mental asylum patients in the 1950s.
This reminds me of those reaction time tests correlated with IQ that show that the average semiliterate joe schmoe in 1880 had a higher IQ than the average educated person today

I like to watch old interviews and roundtables from before the 90s, to see if I can compare the "stillness" of pre-internet consciousness with today. Even dumb people were more "level" back in the day, they could process information in a calm way and respond within their means even if their means were meager. Nowadays people with 5 PhDs seem to spill their mental spaghetti like a spastic even when answering a simple question. It's like we have too much information but no wisdom or poise.

>> No.22670172

>They'd put us into cages and milk us if they could

>> No.22670202

I told him I’m not going to allow him to live with me because I want watch him dissolve himself into a soup of internet addiction and chronic failure. Beyond that, I’m not sure what else I can do. I can’t beat him and expect not to go to prison. We live in a culture that doesn’t just allow these addictions but encourages them and if I resort to drastic measures, I pay the price by going to prison. And don’t get me wrong. I scroll. I browse 4chan. I listen to a lot of podcasts. I also work, and write, and go for hikes, and work out, and do all of these things, and when I was his age I did even more. I worked, I led extracurriculars, I played a sport. I actually tried and still fell short of my goals, but in his case, it’s like he’s not even trying. It infruriates me because nobody in my family really tries. They all kind of do the bare minimum and complain when they don’t succeed. He gets this from my parents no doubt, who were exceedingly mediocre in life, both as parents and professionals. I’m working against 21 years of bad parenting.

>> No.22670206

I think part of the problem here is that I’ve resolved to settle into a sort of mediocre life myself right now so I could be closer to family but all he sees is someone who’s comfortable and assumes that’s how it’s always been. Sometimes I wonder if I should move back to New York and make big money and never see my family but have all of them kind of at least admire me for working hard and making a lot of money…to me that feels like a fate worse than death now though…

>> No.22670221

He’s a good kid btw. He has no drug problems and I don’t expect he will have any drug problems. He doesn’t drink much, but that’s because he is barely social at all these days and I don’t drink much. Excluding the possibility that some Jewish doctor gets him hooked on Valium or Vicodin, which remains a possibility, I’m not worried about drug addiction or alcoholism. It really is the stereotypical zoomer addictions of video games, porn, and social media, and those matter mainly because I see them crippling his life. I see clearly how he’s going to totally fail to accomplish the things he wants to accomplish. He’s made some progress because a year ago he was dismissed from university and over the last year he’s lived here he’s entered community college and improved his grades with more effort, which is good. But that’s just not enough for a healthy life, let alone the life he actually wants.

>> No.22670226


>> No.22670242

Man, I knew I had to get a really high score to get into a school good enough to get me where I wanted, but I just have failed to get that high of a score. I really have to think about what I want to do now…

>> No.22670512

Bro you're a teenager. Dint worry about it

>> No.22670531
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x684, Jason_and_the_Argonauts-The First_Great_Quest_in_Greek_Mythology_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl at my workplace keeps trying to get me to read Echo and Narcissus. Is she trying to tell me something?

>> No.22670561

I’m 30 years old

>> No.22670634

When did daimon become demon? How did it come to have an evil connotation?

>> No.22670647

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22670653

To pagans it can mean any otherworldly spirit from gods to nymphs etc. Christians and Jews interpreted the spirits/gods of pagans as real but deceptive/evil beings.

>> No.22670657

They don’t mean exactly the same thing. For Christians, a demon is a being between humans and God much like an an angel, but a demon influences humans to do things we would consider evil while angels don’t. A Greek daemon was a being between humans and gods that could influence people, not unlike how gods influenced people. So for a Christian, a Greek god could conceivably be a demon whereas it couldn’t for a Greek. And for a Greek, an angel could be a daemon which it couldn’t for a Christian. These are mutually exclusive and that’s because in either case, the category which is being referred to by the word is different. This is a word concept fallacy. The word remains the same, but just because the word is the same that doesn’t mean what it refers to is the same.

>> No.22670666

For Christians, pagan gods can be real and they can be evil, but they’re not necessarily evil. You’re just not supposed to worship them because that would be idolatrous and evil is the result of human will. Demons are created beings can’t be inherently evil. They could, for example, want you to worship them and make a sacrifice to them, which would be evil, but would be evil is actually your action.

>> No.22670699

This answer is helpful as it relates to what I just read in Acts 16 - 17

>And as we were going to the place of prayer, a certain slave girl having a spirit of Python met us, who brought her masters much profit by divining.

>This woman followed after Paul and us and cried out, saying, These men are slaves of the Most High God, who announce to you a way of salvation.

>And she did this for many days. But Paul was greatly disturbed; and turning, he said to the spirit, I charge you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And it came out that very hour.

From what I'm seeing it's not explicitly stated to be evil. In fact, this daimon even recognizes God. But Paul is disturbed and casts it out.

>> No.22670786

The joke is that this system won't collapse. Your story wouldn't be happening if you had above average looks. It's not about being funny or kind or charming or having the most conversation right there—you didn't have a chance from the beginning because your looks aren't cutting it.

And the system won't collapse. Plenty of people are still having sex and none of these Tinder women care about founding a family or acting respectable. They don't give a shit about any of this because our society gave them that power. And while societies can be shaken and toppled, this one won't. People will perpetrate that culture ad infinitum because they are that culture. You are this culture too, and you know this. There is no cure for people like us except throwing everything away and converting to islam. And the govs are making sure you get afraid of islam, even if you don't know shit about it. Because they profit from it. Muslim women don't consume like western women do, and want to raise a stable family instead of wagecucking all their lives and fucking a bunch of guys, which is the opposite of the spirit of capitalism. This whole system as you call it is built upon the ignorant masses.

You'll get publicly shamed for stating there are only two genders. You will never reproduce with a woman you respect from the bottom of your heart. You will drown your sorrow in antidepressants, alcohol and other drugs. You will never truly aspire to be anything more than what you are right now, and none of your 'friends' will ever tell you to. You will be content with your divorce, and you will die alone in a hospital bed thinking 'Why did I waste so much of my lifetime chasing people who didn't chase me back? Why did I do all of this?'. There is no going back from that culture, just like there is no going back from your looks. You've been contaminated with the virus of western society and although you think this society is sick, you can't really point out your anger at anything else but a 'system' that you can't even define. The system you are talking about is the replacement of faith, goodwill and spirituality with the engines of the devil. You want a girl? Get plastic surgery. You want a wife? It's time to reconnect with your roots. How do you think your ancestors lived?

>> No.22670877

This regime and this civilization is so despicably and comically evil that if you showed it to someone alive even just a few generations ago they would not believe you. They would probably think Satan had come to dominate the earth. People are coerced into taking dangerous vaccines to make a buck. Kids are pushed into castrating themselves. It’s totally unforgivable. Imagine trying to explain this insanity to George Washington, Napoleon, or Otto von Bismarck. How can people believe in nice resolution to all of this?

>> No.22670881

What 0 pussy do to an mf

>> No.22670884

Will you ever marry a woman

>> No.22670891

Imagine living in this actual freak show and being such a subhuman that you’re still concerned with who does or doesn’t get pussy

>> No.22670963

Society is certainly a freakshow, but when you start ranting and raving about how we need to convert to islam you just become another clown in it

>> No.22671038

I texted her. I hope that I'm doing the right thing.

>> No.22671128

Thoughts on quitting your job and moving into a dirt cheap studio to do nothing but write? It’s either that I go to graduate school, give up on my hope for my life, and sell my soul.

>> No.22671276

people who still shit on Musk for dating and have 3 kids with Grimes don't realize how much they've given up on women. at some point in his life a dude realizes he'll probably never getting anything more than npc dialogue out of any of the women in his life and so he just shuts off that criteria. it then all comes down to whether she's cute and not a whore..

>> No.22671280

You read 10% of what Anon wrote and stopped reading when you got personally attacked. Literal faggotry

I hope you are not talking about your ex

Why don't you graduate first

>> No.22671286

>and not a whore
There's your problem

>> No.22671320

What did you say?

>> No.22671350

I read the whole thing. I didn't feel personally attacked at all. Anon is just another zero pussy doomer gone insane

>> No.22671388

> why don’t you graduate first
What is this even supposed to mean? What are you implying?

>> No.22671404

Losing one's sense of romanticism about women can be taken as either an act of kindness or cruelty. Kindness, because you neither project nor expect anything unrealistic from them. Cruelty, because no man can love with anywhere near the depth and fullness he did when he still had his illusions.

>> No.22671413


>> No.22671736


I'm 45. Is it too late for us?

>> No.22671739


Stop voting for the two parties. That's the only way there's going to be change.

>> No.22671745

Start voting for DEEZE NUTZ

>> No.22671799

No, dude. I don’t know why you’d even think that.

>> No.22672198

This is my life as well. I will only contribute to the machine insofar as I can earn enough money to survive while maintaining enough free time and energy to write.
I've already decided that without writing, I have nothing to live for.