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File: 215 KB, 1399x2153, the new tsar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22664330 No.22664330 [Reply] [Original]

Please post books about the strongmen of history.
Why do we no longer see strong leaders in the west?

>> No.22664336

Term limits and most power to effect change resides in the legislature. In Amurica the Supreme Court is about as close as you get at the federal level.

>> No.22664393
File: 17 KB, 452x363, reactionatcomputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please post books about the strongmen of history.
>Why do we no longer see strong leaders in the west?
Your request is unrelated to your question.Strongman doesn't actually mean "strong man" or "strong leader". That you seem to confuse the two is uh... pretty telling, anon.

>> No.22664405

Implicating a former KGB and soviet intelligence agent as a tsarist is the dumbest fucking thing

>> No.22664453

Damn....I wish I lived in a failed state like Russia......

>> No.22664541

How is that dumb?
Tsar comes from "Caesar" in reference to Julius Caesar. Putin's story greatly resembles Caesar's.
Also, why say both KGB agent and soviet intelligence agent? It is redundant.

>> No.22664576
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>> No.22664720

Because the west doesn't fall for the propaganda that autarks like Putin need. Individuals in the west are educated and engage in institutions that allow them to express their political beliefs. Those same institutions don't exist in Russia, individuals in the west express their preference for effective leaders rather than ones that can engage propaganda effectively. If you aren't a strong man in the West, it's obvious, furthermore it's not what westerners want.

It tends to be low IQ individuals that fall for strong leader tropes, its largely autarkic propaganda that allows these tropes to exist in the first place. Strong leaders will not fix the economy, nor eill they guarantee good education for my children. But sub 90 IQ don't understand that. Check the correlation between IQ and authoritarian beliefs.

>> No.22664740

>Individuals in the west are educated
holy westernoid cope. the political discourse of you idiots revolves around bathrooms and genitalia

>> No.22664749


You're way too wrapped up in low Brow, low iq round the clock news if you think this is what the meta conversation in the west is. Read an academic journal or a reputable blog to understand what people with an iq over 125 actually think about. This shit has all already been solved, it's just finally spreading to the masses of seething low iq genetic trash like yourself.

>> No.22664768

>Falling for engineered ragebait in 2023

>> No.22664775
File: 40 KB, 720x405, 1_PohWOYPYrrorcRlm48b8Og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assad is without a doubt the most talented/skillfull in the past 200 years as far as strongmen go, given what he had to work with.
Wouldn't mind a decent book on him that scholar tier vs some polemic shit telling us he's a bad guy over and over and over which is obvious.
You may like Kotkin's bio of stalin OP. Book 3 is like 5 years late but its the best one out there.

>> No.22664777

>doesn't even attempt to prove me wrong, only deflects and screeches

>> No.22665761

He's not being implicated as Tsarist, he's being implicated as the Tsar himself.

>> No.22666399

Thomas Carlyle On Heroism and the Heroic.
Great man Theory of History.Look up their example and their criticisms.

>> No.22666433

The word Caesar doesn't come from the guy named Caesar, from the beginning of Rome, Caesar was the title for the head of the military corpus.

>> No.22666458

Caesar won every war though

>> No.22666479
File: 18 KB, 220x319, Napoléon_III_par_Jean_Hippolyte_Flandrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see him more like Napoleon III if we're going for the historical comparisons. Personally I think him walking into rooms looking like the boss is absurd but it can be entertaining.

>This Bonaparte, who constitutes himself chief of the lumpenproletariat, who here alone rediscovers in mass form the interests which he personally pursues, who recognizes in this scum, offal, refuse of all classes the only class upon which he can base himself unconditionally, is the real Bonaparte, the Bonaparte sans phrase. An old, crafty roué, he conceives the historical life of the nations and their performances of state as comedy in the most vulgar sense, as a masquerade in which the grand costumes, words, and postures merely serve to mask the pettiest knavery. Thus his expedition to Strasbourg, where the trained Swiss vulture played the part of the Napoleonic eagle. For his irruption into Boulogne he puts some London lackeys into French uniforms. They represent the army. In his Society of December 10 he assembles ten thousand rascals who are to play the part of the people as Nick Bottom that of the lion. At a moment when the bourgeoisie itself played the most complete comedy, but in the most serious manner in the world, without infringing any of the pedantic conditions of French dramatic etiquette, and was itself half deceived, half convinced of the solemnity of its own performance of state, the adventurer, who took the comedy as plain comedy, was bound to win. Only when he has eliminated his solemn opponent, when he himself now takes his imperial role seriously and under the Napoleonic mask imagines he is the real Napoleon, does he become the victim of his own conception of the world, the serious buffoon who no longer takes world history for a comedy but his comedy for world history ... But Bonaparte with official phrases about order, religion, family, and property in public, before the citizens, and with the secret society of the Schufterles and Spiegelbergs, the society of disorder, prostitution, and theft, behind him — that is Bonaparte himself as the original author, and the history of the Society of December 10 is his own history.
-- Marx

>> No.22666485

Those Kotkin books are absolutely fascinating and extremely detailed, couldn't rec em enough.

>> No.22666493

didn’t putin try to get Russia to join NATO prior to all of the additional backstabbing from the west? he’s obviously playing that role because the west is an existential threat to Russia, not because of “low iq Russians”

>> No.22666525
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>he’s obviously playing that role because the west is an existential threat to Russia, not because of “low iq Russians”
It's not Russians, it's the leaders who are driven by a sense of insecurity when measured up against the West, or just more powerful, better organized and more competent societies in that area. Russian rulers have often sensed their own regimes are relatively backwards and fragile, or half-completed. The Russian Federation that appeared in the 1990s is like a new country that was supposed to be a big stadium but it's still mostly just the foundation and it's hard to know who stole the budget. If Putin had left office in 2008 instead of coming back after Medvedev his legacy would've probably been a lot better than where he's headed now.

>> No.22666582 [DELETED] 
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>Because the west doesn't fall for the propaganda that autarks like Putin need. Individuals in the west are educated and engage in institutions that allow them to express their political beliefs.

Nigger bitte, halt deine scheiss Fresse

>> No.22666754

Are you sure? Caesar as emperor is GJC's direct legacy, and I've never seen anything suggesting modern caesar-derivatives are from elsewhere. I'd really like to know what you're getting that from, I love this word.

>> No.22666790

It will never not be funny how assblasted Marx was about Napoleon III.

>> No.22666794
File: 550 KB, 460x681, John-B-Firth-Augustus-Caesar-460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an excellent thread and excellent question. Has it shifted to the East?

I am currently studying Caesar Augustus and posting resources online if anyone wants to join in on the fun.

Augustus Caesar and the Organization of the Empire of Rome
full book: https://respbooks.com/John-B-Firth/Augustus-Caesar

currently working on an audio book for this...first two chapters up and the rest to follow

Of course we know that Caesar was in the West and Antony & Cleopatra in the East.

>> No.22666805
File: 534 KB, 460x681, E-S-Shuckburgh-Augustus-460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one...

Augustus: The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire

>> No.22666852

The West's democratic institutions are too strong for strongman-type leaders. Donald Trump tried that bit and spent his entire term vocally frustrated by the limits on his power.

>> No.22666854

Well, it seems like I confounded Caesar with Celtic Embratur, wich turned to Imperator among the Romans.

>> No.22666934

Based sef-audio narrator anon, may you not be discouraged on what ye art doing and may you continue in this work.

>> No.22667786


Let's all work toward it brother. There is definitely a lot of work to do.

>> No.22667890

surely, you meant to write "autocrat", you massive dimwit? so much for le enlightened western liberal who's superior to backward easterners because he won't fall for "autarks".

>> No.22668144

What even is a "strongman" really? It's another buzzword liberal pundits and "think" tank scum throw around for people they don't like, just like accelerationist, jihadi, extremist and, my personal favorite, radicalization. American liberals (and conservatives too) are in complete denial of the reality that America is a totalitarian dystopia where individality and creativity are crushed by corporate industrialism, technocratic bureacuracy, and the hollywood culture industry. The genius of America's totalitarianism is they don't keep one man at the top like the Russians. Instead we have an illusion of choice between two parties that are virtually identical on the issues that matter. Remember, the same people bitching about strongmen in foreign countries are the same lying media that convinced us Iraq had WMDs or OBL was fucking bitches in Jalalabad. All of it was lies.

>> No.22668302

A strongman is a type of authoritarian political leader, who typically cultivates a cult of personality around an image of machismo, strength, and a militaristic "iron hand" type of rule. Examples include but are not limited to Benito Mussolini, Josef Stalin, Idi Amin, Muammar Gaddafi, Mao Zedong, Saddam Hussein, Josip Tito, of course Vladimir Putin, and so on. Recep Erdogan and Viktor Orban have also been accused of eroding their nations' democratic institutions in an attempt to become strongman dictators. Donald Trump has been accused of using the same rhetoric and cult of personality tactics employed by strongman dictators.
Your opinion of the United States and the media is irrelevant to the fact that strongman has a pretty unambiguous definition.

>> No.22668303
File: 16 KB, 321x432, T. Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hero lectures.

>> No.22668351

Typical of a libshitter not being able to use context and think for themselves for a second, what an epic gotcha. Do you feel like you did something?

>> No.22668358
File: 11 KB, 390x470, tearingup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mad at me because you fell for the strongman = strong man meme lmao
Seriously, how embarrassing.

>> No.22668363

Being strong is when you become a woman

>> No.22668364

Eternal glory to Comrade Marshal Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and the great Soviet Peoples.

>> No.22668368
File: 28 KB, 680x668, 9a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-shut up tranny! strongman leaders are t-totally based! s-s-stop laughing at me or I'll... or I'll...!

>> No.22668379

>i am immune to propaganda

>> No.22668380

Being strong means taking a knee and empowering women and minorities
#fight #acab #oneworld

>> No.22668413

I enjoyed reading Third World To First by Lee Kuan Yew.

>> No.22668649
File: 469 KB, 720x720, 1695585147180906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>individuals in the west express their preference for effective leaders rather than ones that can engage propaganda effectively.

>> No.22668893

I'm reading America after Trump - The Unhealing by Shulamit-Adina Rosenwasser-Pomerantz, a gripping account of America's descent intro a post-fascist dystopia.