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File: 165 KB, 700x591, ogre_under_the_bridge_by_vegasmike_dby7n4-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22659575 No.22659575 [Reply] [Original]

It's all Ogre Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22652157

>> No.22659586

Bakker is King

>> No.22659591

Don't ever leave me like that again.

>> No.22659695

If you want happy fantasy, then stick to trash like sanderson and jordan
If you want a world that's blacker than pitch then read bakker
>Cnaiür screamed. “Show me your mighty warriors!” His limbs fevered by all-conquering hatred, he cut them down, weak and strong alike, fighting like one mad with heartbreak, hacking shields until arms were broken, pounding figures until they stumbled and spouted plumes of blood. The advancing ranks engulfed them, but still Cnaiür and his Utemot killed and killed, until the turf beneath their feet became bloody muck, treacherous with corpses. The Nansur relented, scrambled back several paces, gaping at the Utemot chieftain. Sheathing his broadsword, Cnaiür vaulted the bodies heaped before him. He caught a wounded straggler by the throat, crushed his windpipe. Roaring, he heaved the thrashing man above his head. “I am the reaver!” he cried. “The measure of all men!” He sent the body crashing at their feet. “Is there no cock among you?” He spat, then laughed at their astonished silence. “All cunts, then.” He shook the blood from his mane, raised his broadsword anew.
The greatest fantasy writer since tolkien
>And he thought of Proyas. On the worst nights he hugged himself in the blackness of his tent, screaming and sobbing. He beat the earth with his fists, stabbed holes with his knife, then fucked them. He cursed the world. He cursed the heavens. He cursed Anasûrimbor Moënghus and his monstrous son. He thought, So be it. On the best nights he made no camp at all, but instead rode to the nearest Shigeki village, where he would kick in doors and glory in screams. On a whim, he avoided those doors marked with what he imagined was lamb’s blood. But when he found all the doors so marked, he ceased to discriminate. “Murder me!” he would roar at them. “Murder me and it stops!” Bawling men. Shrieking girls and silent women. He would take what compensation he could.

>> No.22659703

Is Bakker gay?

>> No.22659704

>If you want happy fantasy
But... i like reading stuff that makes me feel good

>> No.22659757

Bakkerbros: so the ultimate goal of the Inchoroi is to seal off the heavens so their souls cannot be eternally damned. Was their plan to destroy the world in order to rid it of man, in order to cut ultimately kill off all worshippers and the Cults? If their beef is with the Outside, why waste time with The World?

>> No.22659762

What 'stuff' is that? What (in fantasy) makes you feel good?

>> No.22659766

I didn't like Bakker, but I don't want to read happy fantasy. What do you recommend? I like realistic battles, well-thought-out worldbuilding, characters with depth and good dialogues.

>> No.22659777

>“Is there no cock among you?”
Predictable Cnaiür, always searching for cocks.

>> No.22659778

>characters with depth and good dialogues.
I am so sorry anon

>> No.22659786

Happy endings, low stakes, fun adventures, romance, etc. Not that I don't appreciate other emotions in fiction, but I just like cheery stuff more

>> No.22659798

But should I read The Aspect-Emperor if I got spoiled that the Great Ordeal ultimately fails?

>> No.22659834
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Another excerpt for anyone interested


>> No.22659857
File: 729 KB, 1200x1200, kos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interested in reading a free book, here's a PDF.


if you want to support here's an amazon link

>> No.22659889

Why don't you post it to Royal Road or something

>> No.22659903
File: 258 KB, 250x397, url(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related. It's just the right book for you.

>> No.22659906

Not him, but I already read that. Got more?

>> No.22659954
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>> No.22659957

don't put percy jackson next to those two ch*d books

>> No.22659969
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>> No.22659975

Unbelievably cringeworthy. A two-bit Conan ripoff.

>> No.22659976

did, it got 20 views

>> No.22659977

Already read.
Not a woman.

>> No.22659984

Post the RR link.

>> No.22659989

Not a man, not a woman? What are you then?

>> No.22660031

>that trilogy
>happy ending

>> No.22660036
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>> No.22660052

had to be deleted because of Amazon kindle exclusiveness. no idea what i was doing.

>> No.22660140

based lesson learner

>> No.22660150

Why aren't you shilling the book on reddit and giving out free official digital copies in exchange for amazon reviews?

>> No.22660155
File: 49 KB, 583x460, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, did you know 99% (ninety nine percent) of Royal Road viewers use mobile?

>> No.22660185

i have. they ignored me as well.

>> No.22660189
File: 94 KB, 1011x496, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, maybe their numbers are off. Really? 95% mobileposting on 4chan?

>> No.22660201

Welp. Sorry bud.

>> No.22660202

phoneposters have won

>> No.22660238
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.wrlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys! I'll check them out!
>Elf with all black eyes that have gold iris, red-brown skin, indo-persian clothes, jewelry, dark violet hair, dark, dark skin, long face, illustration by Yoshitaka Amano, illustration by Olivier Ledroit, illustration by Peter Chung
This proompt is by no means consistent, but most of the time I get pretty pictures

>> No.22660245
File: 55 KB, 697x637, mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel these numbers have got to be wrong, as mobile users comprise just 60% of all users on the internet. But it's still a big number, surely for Royal Road larger than the desktop contingent.

>> No.22660291

In my edgy phase I would read stuff like Baker, RI, Robin Hobb and the like. But now? All I want from fantasy is fun. Elven women harem and happy endings is all I need.

>> No.22660349
File: 6 KB, 330x135, bakkerddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker is reddit

>> No.22660362

>there is a r/4chan reddit
Uh... guys?? Is 4chan reddit??

>> No.22660366


>> No.22660404

Is this where the Bakkerspammers come from?

>> No.22660532


>> No.22660542


>> No.22660576

It's never explained why or how they know this but according to that ancient dragon they have to reduce the world population to 144k and that will close the world to the outside

>> No.22660591

>seal off the heavens so their souls cannot be eternally damned. Was their plan to destroy the world in order to rid it of man, in order to cut ultimately kill off all worshippers and the Cults? If their beef is with the Outside, why waste time with The World?

>> No.22660646

Why do you like to ruin things for others? Please grow up.

>> No.22660650

No God when

>> No.22660654

Why do you samefag all the time? Grow up.

>> No.22660723
File: 327 KB, 1400x2100, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you start out with a book as promising and interesting as TWoK only for the sequels to go to absolute bloated shit?

>> No.22660742

Just canceled my order of the Darkness That Comes Before because of you. I was eager to dig into some philosophical world-building fantasy, but now the thought of it has been tainted with images of you spamming the same non-discussion posts every thread.

>> No.22660774

Even if this were actually true I would not care at all.

>> No.22660794

The cover of this book is cool, but SA is such ass

>> No.22660801

He states that he started padding his books to increase audiobook sales since audiofags want to spend their credits on longer books. Classic Sandersonism of business over art.

>> No.22660804

Oh I get it now, all the people saying that Bakker is great are joking.

>> No.22660813


>> No.22660995

my RR usage is probably like 80% mobile but it's because I occasionally try stuff out by reading it on mobile whilst I'm killing time when out and about
if I'm actually reading anything on there consistently I convert it to an epub and stick it on my kindle. I don't get people who read for extended amounts of time on their phones or even in a web browser.

>> No.22661007

I only read the first two Stormlight books but the only part of it that's stuck with me at all is the bridge crew. Once it opened up into more standard epic fantasy it started to lose my interest.
But I don't like epic fantasy in general so I dunno how pertinent of a criticism that is.

>> No.22661024

>if I'm actually reading anything on there consistently I convert it to an epub and stick it on my kindle. I don't get people who read for extended amounts of time on their phones or even in a web browser.
web2epub is truly heavensent but i only follow one RR story now

>> No.22661049

Derivative goyslop marketed to normies and sõy faggots who circle jerk this shit to death on Reddit and JewTube. Horribly amateur prose and Marvel-tier dialogue. Why is this slop even discussed here?

>> No.22661075

Because it's overwhelmingly enjoyed by the posters.

>> No.22661080

Despite his books' quality, Brandon Sanderson commands a double-digit percentage of the fantasy publishing market. He's the most successful fantasy novelist ever unless you count JK Rowling, and he'll probably remain that way for the rest of our lives.

>> No.22661109

The only thing double digit Sanderson commands is his IQ.

>> No.22661130

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Zoomers are so fucking dumb it's unreal. Can't you make an argument without using "slop" every other word? What even is "marvel-tier dialogue"?

>> No.22661174
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>> No.22661253

>Can't you make an argument without using "slop" every other word?
They've forgotten how to. They rely on what is essentially verbal shorthand for everything outside of schoolwork, so when they graduate high-school and reddit (they were banned "for no reason" and now they came here because they fell for the whole "4chan has no moderation" thing) and end up here, all of their bad habits are cemented to the point where they can't even express themselves without memes and buzzwords anymore.

>> No.22661276
File: 452 KB, 2016x792, 16867561578187411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished them and made this

>> No.22661288

it's just how ESL's communicate online. It's easier than learning words with a real life use.

>> No.22661302

I haven't read any of the series yet, but this made me interested in it even more.

>> No.22661305

stick to >>>/a/nal

>> No.22661512

Another case of editorial immunity and pacing being detriments. At his best Sanderson is a journeyman writer who's tapped into the need to systematize fantasy, fittingly he is that man who can't write a birthday card without a worksheet. Early success parleyed into market share. Market share transitioned into him increasing output beyond his old pace. I think at one novel and a short story or two a year he was already not doing too many revisions. I know there's always the beta readers and the ARCs, but his pace seems to strip away the planning phase something awful.

Where does this leave us? Well he can put a lot of effort into creating a freshman entry. After all where does most of the world building happen in any given series? Frontloaded of course, and TWOK delivers on that. But then you run into Sanderson's captivity to a formula. Every character must have an internal and external conflict even if it doesn't really make sense. Kaladan's arc is over, as a character a wiser author would backseat him or at take a bow until there's something else you can do with him. Shallan transmogrifies into a monstrosity. The world ticks along beautifully but every name in it is stuck in a groundhog's day of a morality play. Can Kaladan protect everyone? Even people he doesn't like? Find out again, and again, and again. Combine that with the expanded universe folly and you have elements that might be interesting in TWOK spun out into side stories and apocrypha and you have a husk of a series after the first major entry.

>> No.22661551
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>> No.22661617

Why does Urban Fantasy always have to get so sexually weird?

>> No.22661648

It's written for sexually weird people.

>> No.22661655

Who would you say are the most influential fantasists of the 21st century so far, for better or worse? I love Bakker but don't think his popularity has progressed beyond a cult following as of yet

>> No.22661687
File: 530 KB, 950x985, 1698643617237351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not tolerate Sanderson slander.

>> No.22661747

Big fan of reddit personally

>> No.22661860
File: 1.64 MB, 1695x2498, 9780241651346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/ is not ready for its release in 5 days

>> No.22661891

I watched Star Wars after reading the first two volumes of the Inheritance series. I have never seen such blatant plagiarism before or since. Even the swords were colored like lightsabers. I still have a bit of nostalgia because I started reading fantasy with Eragon.

>> No.22661895

Imagine getting to be there

>> No.22661905

I am ashamed but I’ve begun to realise I may be a part of the audience for the history of middle earth
I hope gormenghast and dracula (which I’m reading now) will help me escape Tolkien’s clutches

>> No.22661975

Best part is that star wars ripped off the Hidden Fortress. Art is cyclical.

>> No.22661990

Where could i find some of the Halo books, asking for a friend of course

>> No.22662015

it's a girl genre

>> No.22662127
File: 990 KB, 688x864, Shallan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Shallan

>> No.22662157

Like all of Sanderson's creations, she has no sexual organs and reproduces by praying until the stork drops off a new baby. Sorry about that!

>> No.22662170

She has a mouth

>> No.22662194

According to the Second Apocalypse wiki, there is more than one Encyclopaedic Glossary. Are they all included in The Unholy Consult as appendices?

>> No.22662201

Wait.... So Sanderson was based all this time?

>> No.22662212

Yeah. They also contain the short stories The False Sun and Four Revelations.

>> No.22662243

It's painted on.

>> No.22662270
File: 83 KB, 595x992, FY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books where the protagonist doesn't think about morality or about justifying himself to the reader and instead follows his dreams/ambitions to the fullest?

>> No.22662292

the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.22662294

Extremely based

>> No.22662305

Based but I already read that.

>> No.22662493

Are we now pretending Sanderson doesn't write sex or violence because he's le mormon or something?

>> No.22662517

Where is it suggested in this thread that Sanderson doesn't write violence?

>> No.22662535
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22662548

That's not even worth replying to.

>> No.22662555

Mormon? More like more on my dick

>> No.22662587
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22662665

ESL moment

>> No.22662692

>deliberately make their own lives hell
>follow a faith where they're willing pawns for a cabal of degenerates seeking to end the world for no good reason
>obsessed with gaysex despite hating gays
The Scylvendi are basically Russians.

>> No.22662699

>female protagonist

>> No.22662712


>> No.22662715

man I never did finish eragon. didn't this guy died? or did he get redeemed at the end?

>> No.22662717

The main character in that link was a fella, anon.

>> No.22662740

If you don't like Vance then I don't like you.

>> No.22662742

I didn't read the link. I used my intuition and your image to determine that the slave girl is the mary sue protagonist and basically, you're fucking gay

>> No.22662759

Western cuckold authors will never write anything like that.

>> No.22662762

>didn't read
Yeah we could tell. That image is clearly of an ensemble cast as well.

>> No.22662763

While she does have an eventful character arc outlined, you are wrong in that she does not fulfill the criteria of a mary sue. I'm curious what your definition of a mary sue is and what you predict her story arc would look like, since you appear so cocksure.

>> No.22662785

>read cuckshit
Maybe try reading something that's not cuckshit then, faggot.

>> No.22662804

they're not actually complaining about cuckolding in books, they're moaning that western fantasy isn't entirely juvenile power fantasies like RI

>> No.22662834
File: 125 KB, 280x347, sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what your definition of a mary sue is
picrel is 140% a mary sue. the definition is whatever it needs to be for this self-evident statement to be true.
>muh humble origins
>everybody loves her for some reason
>secretly she's the strongest

you can however redeem your book by having hot imuoto sex between the royals.

>> No.22662844

I thought it was Dune. You replied to the wrong person.

>> No.22662853

>everybody loves her for some reason
>secretly she's the strongest
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. She's at the bottom of the social ladder and is treated as such. The power she does gain is rarely, if ever used in triumph. She's actually the designated painmule of the cast.

>> No.22662865

There are several living fantasy novelists who have more sales and influence than Sanderson. If you're measuring success in some other way, then maybe, but how meaningful is that? Unclear if you're ignorant, being disingenuous, or are a delusional fanboy.

>> No.22662874

>. She's at the bottom of the social ladder
nigga read your own flavor text
>some sort of elite warrior
>the captain of the guards or whatever is simping for her
>the princess is going yuri for her

>treated as such
it's always amazing to observe what goes on in the heads of mary sue writers. you know who is at the bottom of the social ladder and gets treated as such? the slaves who stay slaves all their lives and never amount to anything. this bitch is in the top 0.0001%.

>> No.22662877

Name 3

>> No.22662881

>has a father figure and a friend so she's a mary sue
I'm not the author but holy shit you're retarded

>> No.22662882
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Picked it up at my local book store. Is it good bros?

>> No.22662897

>nigga read your own flavor text
>quotes headcanon instead of flavor text
In your brainrot, you've pigeon-holed any character that has something of note happen to them as Mary Sue. Strange how you've singled her out over the Chosen One viking boy or "extremely powerful magician"

>> No.22662912

George R.R. Martin - Game of Thrones, a single book, has had more sales than Sanderson's top 5 best selling combined. There are certainly far more authors who openly say that GRRM was their inspiration.

Sarah J. Maas sells over a million per book and has influenced an entire generation of women. She's memed on and isn't personally relevant to you, but that doesn't matter.

There are several other women who are doing better than Sanderson.

Gaiman arguably
Rothfuss could've been a contender.

>> No.22662915

Reception here is mixed trending towards "no". If you want more details let me know.

>> No.22662916

I enjoy it but the further you get into the series the worse it gets. first book is great though

>> No.22662920

>Sarah J. Maas sells over a million per book
Not him but you think Sando isn't doing this?

>> No.22662924

That’s disappointing, I was very interested in his work. Would love some details! I always appreciate others insights.

I see. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.22662934

>If you want happy fantasy
I want it to be both sad and happy.

>> No.22662937

It suffers from typical sci-fi author inability to flesh out characters well. If you're reading it for the actual sci-fi wackiness then its a decent overall series. I'd say the best part of the trilogy is in book two and of course the strangest techs won't present themselves until book 3. There is also a plethora of short stories in the RS universe, including its canonical ending, and two other novels in another series. Last there are two more RS novels that do not take place directly within the trilogy.

>> No.22662944

I've read Revelations Space, Galactic North, Chasm City, Diamond Dogs and Turquoise Days. The side stories have been better than the main story. Galactic North trivializes the main trilogy anyway. The Inhibitors are a bunch of senile machines who get consumed by rogue human technology. Diamond Dogs and Chasm City are great.

>> No.22662951

I begrudgingly agree for Martin. Maas is popular and has certainly been influential for her audience but I don't agree that she has any more influence than Sanderson. For instance, I don't believe for a second that her fans would turn out in record breaking numbers to fund a kickstarter to the level of Sanderson's.

Gaiman is a hasbeen and I laugh at the assertion Rothfuss has any influence at all let alone enough to rival Sanderson.

>> No.22662956

No, I don't think that. He may have a few books that sell in the million plus, but not many. Let's look at some evidence. What's more important is the relative comparison than the absolute.
Top 5 books
These may be million sellers. It drops off fast though.

Top 5
If her info at the top is to be believed, when that was written it was 12+ million at the time.
These are probably multi-million sellers.

>> No.22662960

>Sarah Mass

>> No.22662973

Your failure of imagination or unwillingness to believe is your own problem. The original statement was all-time but I limited to currently living. Who's going to argue that Sanderson is better selling and more influential than Tolkien? Others as well

>> No.22662984

Another thing is the dominance of influence that BookTok and other social media has upon the book publishing industry because of its mass popularity. Ignoring popular culture doesn't make it go away. The masses rule through their spending and their fandoms. That's how it goes.

>> No.22663004

Does anyone else like hip hop with their SFFG kino? I was really into listening to Magna Carta Holy Grail while reading Oathbringer

>> No.22663009

>hip hop

>> No.22663022

it was pretty funny the other day when a load of people on other sites realised that like 90% of what the booktok girlies read is just porn

it's like if this whole thread was the haremlit guy who everyone ignores

>> No.22663031

Sanderson is among the best selling and influential living male authors for a male audience in contemporary fantasy.
That's properly qualified.

>> No.22663037
File: 27 KB, 596x480, FB_IMG_1698770573847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do orcs really represent?

>> No.22663040

romance is the top selling genre and outsells sff (2nd highest) by at least double, well over a billion yearly
the meta is beast shifters, girls are fucked up

>> No.22663050

Yes. This is obvious by looking at the top selling fiction of the 21st century. It's romance that tends towards smut.

>> No.22663055

The latest thing I've seen them do is start putting A03 style tags on their front covers.
Like just straight up labeling it 'enemies to lovers'

>> No.22663069

That's basically what a lot of self-published seem to do as well. Got to maximize for the algorithms and search engines.

>> No.22663071


>> No.22663074

Archive Of Our Own

>> No.22663076

I don't see why you chose to put words in my mouth? And I'm hardly ignoring popular culture. You're the one limiting the definition of success and influence to sales numbers alone so I don't think I'm the one with a failure of imagination here. Maas has a massive audience of casual readers. They'll run to target to buy a book they saw on tiktok but that doesn't mean they'll stick to Maas through literally everything she does like BS's fans do. BS's fandom is both large and rabid and it's enough to enable him to do things very few authors could get away with. If you can't see how that's a measure of success then that's your own problem.

>> No.22663083

Orcposting was funny, too bad I lost my folder with that stuff.
I think they just represent evil people as Tolkien understood them. They had a bit of Mongolic look to them as well, but they were probably not meant to be an allegory.

>> No.22663088

I don't know what that is.

>> No.22663089

Reminds me of jap web novels having titles that are basically short paragraph summaries of the premise just to try to get a hook among the thousands of other similar stories.

>> No.22663096 [DELETED] 

NTA. What makes it juvenile? What do you read that isn't?

>> No.22663099

Like BookTube but on TikTok.

>> No.22663106

NTA, but I'm assuming you read it. What makes it entirely juvenile? What do you read that isn't?

>> No.22663109

I never said he wasn't successful. I said he wasn't the currently the most successful. I didn't limit it only to sales either. That's simply the easiest to present. The Kickstarters are relatively few people spending a lot of their money. You're arguing more for depth of influence rather than breadth. I have doubts about that as well. I don't have any interest in arguing against your feelings.

>> No.22663120

Recent officially published in English title: All My Neighbors are Convinced the Female Knight from My Rice Field Is My Wife

>> No.22663129
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The funniest part of this take is that you're trying to frame this character like another stronk womyn badass power fantasy and I'm explicitly writing her to be the opposite. She is physically strong, yes, but she is not empowered by that strength. Her role and her training was not something she chose and ends up only burdening her. Not in a "it's such a burden to be the hero" sense but in that it pulls her into the events of the greater story in which she rarely leaves mentally or physically unscathed. Nor is she strong in the stoic, determined sense. Much of her journey as a character is going to be about addressing the complexes that leave her vulnerable to manipulation. If you want to criticize her trope, call me a hack for invoking be low-hanging fruit of a doe-eyed sacrifice for the altar of character drama. But a mary sue, she is not.

>> No.22663142

>arguing about what's juvenile and what's not on /sffg/ of all places
lol its not worth it

>> No.22663149

>She is physically strong, yes, but she is not empowered by that strength. Her role and her training was not something she chose and ends up only burdening her

you're like someone asked ChatGPT to write the most obnoxious and generic mary sue possible.

I rest my case.

Here's a suggestion: don't center your political thriller/action fantasy plots around 17 year old girls. There's basically no way to have a 17 year old girl be a relevant character in such a setting without making her a mary sue.

>> No.22663150

I'm actually interested, good job.

>> No.22663156

Besides Bakker, Tolkien and Erikson, what are the most epic, grandiose fantasy sagas ever writen? I am looking for proper epic fantasy with larger than life characters. Please no chinkshit.

>> No.22663157

>he's STILL wasting time trying to placate retards in /sffg/ who short a circuit at the mention of female characters instead of writing his book

>> No.22663160

>father figure happens to be one of the top authorities in the nation
>friend happens to be one of the top authorities in the nation
>she's just a regular ole downtrodden slave girl guise

>> No.22663165

The worldbuilding is great, but the author nukes it at the end. He's since realized his mistake and started writing shit set earlier in the timeline because it's such an interesting world.

>> No.22663169

>don't center your political thriller/action fantasy plots around 17 year old girls.
I didn't. It's an ensemble cast and she has very little agency in the political thriller arc when she is a 17 year old slave. The "case" you're resting is based on your own personal headcanon. Wow, the first draft isn't even done and I have fans like you dreaming up fanfictions. I've made it, /sffg/!

>> No.22663177

She's not a regular old slave girl, she's a very specific kind with a very specific role, but she's still a slave. This is such a boost for my confidence as a writer. Apparently my pitch is so unassailable my critics have to make shit up just to criticize it!

>> No.22663191

The nuking happened before he ever published a novel. The first stuff he wrote in the setting is the earliest. It was always intended to be a mosaic setting.

>> No.22663194

Galactic North was written in '99, his third short story in the overall universe. Revelation Space #1 didn't come until a year later. And I forgot about RS #4. Meh.

>> No.22663197
File: 21 KB, 200x268, 332470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sounds cute. Btw will she end up losing her hymen? Asking for a friend.

>> No.22663214

I've read more gruesome and better-written battle scenes in "le happy fantasy"
Not mainstream, but "le happy fantasy" nonetheless

>> No.22663216

Oh so they're literally stand ins for population control-espousing kikes

>> No.22663221

Wars of Light and Shadow by Janny Wurts (last book comes out next year)
A Song of Ice and Fire (last book will not come out)

>> No.22663224

Sounds American.

>> No.22663247

stop talking about your book, fucker

>> No.22663250


>> No.22663259

I don't know, thread is about ogres

>> No.22663263
File: 517 KB, 950x1350, 915ea012b237dc426a511b435594a1d77bd46f65a98b77350216f3376043f452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of these covers have the label "hung shota" and "milf/shota" by any chance? asking for a friend

>> No.22663262

But enough about your mother.

>> No.22663264

kys coomer trash

>> No.22663265

Who would win in a swordfight, Arthur Dayne or Dassem Ultor?

>> No.22663269
File: 1.10 MB, 1242x1218, 1697780409404325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is your mother

>> No.22663281

What happened to this general? It's just mindless posting over and over again

>> No.22663283

What would you like to contribute?

>> No.22663289

Every general on the website is fucked.

>> No.22663292


>> No.22663294

It's like the same 3 people post every general and spam them ad nauseam with their nonsense

>> No.22663303

All the productive and insightful anons have migrated to r*ddit.

>> No.22663305
File: 141 KB, 688x1000, War of the Flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the nature of generals, yes. So anyway, I'm reading War of the Flowers by Tad Williams. It starts with a tragic miscarriage! Fun.

>> No.22663332

I always thought the Nebula and Hugo awards were for actual legitimately groundbreaking works of Sci-fi and Fantasy but I just checked the winners to find recommendations and... it's mostly slop. The 2015 Nebula winner was Uprooted and that shit was GIGA slop.

>> No.22663333

Every general has at least one lurking autistic/narcissistic/psychotic hall monitor who tries to say any and all discussion into what they specifically approve of.

>> No.22663339

>Nebula and Hugo awards
'gnore 'em
simple as

>> No.22663346

Pick 1 or more of the following to describe yourself:
Completely new to the thread
Inattentive casual

>> No.22663357

You can't use goodreads ratings to extrapolate sales. Maas certainly outsells Sanderson by leaps and bounds, but Stormlight is over 4 million copies based on quick googling, and Mistborn has sold over 10 million copies. That's 10 books averaging over a million each.

>> No.22663362
File: 431 KB, 919x855, 1594182766852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ending is beautiful, keep going it's worth it
i got downvoted to hell in r/fantasy because i said that not every old book is racist or misogynistic. polchuds and twitter/reddit lefties are the same.

>> No.22663364

Yeah because Joanne d'Arc never existed huh?
Such a retarded take. She wouldn't be making any actual decisions and would end up being cruelly used by everyone around her, but she very much was a relevant character. Not one with agency or even understanding of what is actually happening, but a relevant character anyway. I could provide further historical examples of various queens or women that got crowned Kings that would fit that criteria, but I won't bother.
I very much doubt anyone arguing about his not-yet-written book on 4chan of all places actually has what it takes to write anything compelling, but at least stick to non-retarded ways to bully their stupid deluded ass.

>> No.22663369

Completely new to the thread and inattentive casual I guess. I'm just getting back into reading and trying to find stuff to read but having trouble picking out anything decent. I hate almost anything people seem to like. Last book I enjoyed was Children of Time.

>> No.22663376


>> No.22663383

>go to /progfantasy on mcfuckingreddit
>learn that queer fag's first anime-into-a-book Iron Prince #2 is out
yuck disgusting
>check another thread
>someone describes a dungeon as "wholesome"

>> No.22663394

He hasn't made a single valid point in this thread, I don't think there's any getting through to him. The brainrot is terminal. Sad

>> No.22663406

>Joanne d'Arc
Bad example. She was basically a real life mary sue.

>> No.22663411

The Stormlight Archive at 4 million is easily believable and doesn't go against what I said. Mistborn at 10 million doubtful though. Era 2 hasn't sold anywhere as well.

>> No.22663414

I read half of this recently but couldn't finish. It's way too long for what it is and the main character is an annoying moron. Starts really strong but just degrades into a fairy arguing with a retard that can't make simple deductions for the sake of story convenience.

>> No.22663421

Right up to the late 90's the Hugo/Nebula awards were great indicators of quality.

>> No.22663424

Have you personally verified that claim?

>> No.22663427

you should look into making a goodreads author account and doing a giveaway there. that will at least get you some ratings and maybe a review or two.

>> No.22663429

I would personally be sussy of anything (awards and books themselves) after 40's/50's, maybe earlier even.

>> No.22663447

Dick was writing into the 70s and worddropping niggers and regularly including batshit crazy fucked-up female characters while talking about their tits and how promiscuous they were. This thread would benefit from more Dick.

>> No.22663453

The duality of man

>> No.22663466

Should I keep reading BOTN if the first book was kinda meh to me?

>> No.22663475

No, you should instead go build a snowman.

>> No.22663477

Nobody in a hobby general all day spends enough time doing the hobby for them to have anything to talk about.
This thread went like 30 posts before there was a reply that wasn't just repeating learned phrases back and forth

>> No.22663494

Myself? Yeah. I skipped some of the 60's and 70's classics because the plots were too repetitive but the catalog of winner writers used to be top notch.

>> No.22663500

The first book is brilliant. If you didn't like it there is no reason to read the sequels.

>> No.22663503

this, they started to be shit around 2001-2005

>> No.22663541


Shows how predictable the awards have been for several years and why that is. The statistics at the end were particularly interesting.

>> No.22663628

I'm sorry but your queen Sarah J Mass is trash. And no amount of sales will change that. You are probably an american who thinks that numbers on a sheet are everything

>> No.22663651

>26/30 were women
Goddamn, no wonder nobody reads these books anymore

>> No.22663687

Started reading the new Warformed book, I wasn't expecting much, enjoyed the first one but wasn't ground breaking from me.
Holy shit never dropped a book so fast.
Opens up with the main character in a mall, simping for his girlfriend, then a character who might as well have "Rich Jock" be his only descriptor comes over to try and hit on her while belittling him. Of course his perfect, shy, tall, rich, will reject Chads advances to stand by him.

I have read machine translated chinkslop that had fewer predictable power fantasies.
Clear self insert material.

>> No.22663689

Yes, she's trash and no amount of sales will change that. That has no relevance to the discussion. I am American and I don't think numbers are everything. They're simply the easiest to present.

>> No.22663700

Woman voted for women.

>> No.22663721

You have to keep in mind that for the most part this is who the awards are for now. Anything else is dying gasps and barely holding on. This was nominated for a Hugo for Best Related Work.

>> No.22663736

Please don't come to a reading general until you develop basic reading comprehension.

>> No.22663754

Not to get too sexist, but Goodreads is overwhelmingly used by women. It's the Instagram of literature.

>> No.22663766
File: 39 KB, 300x400, 1455439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is perfect. It's a shame the later books never find the right balance between the genres presented here and don't really introduce new concepts to the saga.

>> No.22663770
File: 144 KB, 900x1200, FkS7Kl1UcAE_tVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like talking to old librarians on goodreads, they low-key kinda cute

>> No.22663771

That only makes it more representative of readership is general. How is that meant to be a rebuttal?

>> No.22663867

Why are most audiobook narrations so fucking garbage, i wanted to try WoT, prince of nothing or mistborn after finishing age of madness trilogy but man the gap in narration is too large

>> No.22663883

it pays like shit

>> No.22663923

Readership in general is not equivalent to fantasy readership in general.

>> No.22663960

both fantastic insights and a second survery I found on google have modern fantasy readership being at least 55% female

>> No.22663963

damn dude a survey you found on google that you can't even bother linking? wow gottem

>> No.22663966

you're the one making the claims here, I just checked to make sure you were just making shit up based on how you feel

>> No.22663974

Can someone tell me if Lord Dunsany included a motif of a dreamer generating reality in his slumber?

I read some of his stuff, but I can't remember

>> No.22663987

i'm not the anon you were "owning" with your imaginary survey that conveniently "proved" your side of the argument
gottem tho epic post 5 star

>> No.22663991

yes you are
you're now trying to derail the conversation because what you said didn't pass muster

>> No.22664034

new thread WHEN?

>> No.22664041

There's tons more than this that says only science fiction, particularly "hard SF" is still majority male in terms of readers and authors.



>> No.22664048

Probably 24 hours or more

>> No.22664075
File: 371 KB, 665x521, croatoan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the (potentially based) faggot who was shilling Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone in this thread some months back, I bought the books and the very first chapter, hell not even a real chapter but the bit before the prologue, slams a fucking bomb on me: you never told me this shit was Elizabethan-era isekai

>> No.22664085
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>> No.22664093

if anything it's actually not dated enough, mazers is the only word there that isn't still in common usage

>> No.22664122

This guy sounds like a huge faggot.
Not Greg Keyes, the (probably Jewish) guy who wrote that article whining about him.

>> No.22664226

just pulled up a google survey that debunked all of this

>> No.22664234

>you never told me this shit was Elizabethan-era isekai
You're probably talking about me. The prose is gonna be a like that basically the whole time. It isn't isekai though. I did have a similar thought when the name Virginia came up. My guess was far future medieval apocalypse but it's just a standard secondary world.

>> No.22664243

Someone point me to a good, short fantasy novel that's around 50k words. I need some inspo for nanowrimo.

>> No.22664254

The prose of what I've read so far is completely inoffensive, but the Croatan and Virginia Elizabeth Dare (named after their old queen) is hardly a coincidence

>> No.22664358

he end up banging Eragons dragon

>> No.22664373

is anyone even reading reviews of others there or is it just to get your own brainfarts out?

>> No.22664385

I know mine are being read.

>> No.22664392

sure thing tiger

>> No.22664474

what's the level of coomer content of this fantasy series? asking for myself

>> No.22664477

They consistently get a lot of likes.

>> No.22664481

Not a ton but there's a crumb here and there. I wouldn't recommend it to a coomer.

>> No.22664555

American politics unironically ruined western fantasy and especially science fiction books.

>> No.22664654
File: 949 KB, 1486x2200, k0svgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These light novel names though.

>> No.22664660
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 6190dbN5ARL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the ass always this fat on the cover? Or did the author redo it to grab more horny readers?

>> No.22664664

it's hilarious because whilst most good ones don't follow the format occasionally one web/light novel with a title like that will be good and you'll have no fucking idea if word of mouth doesn't spread

>> No.22664814

You say that as if a lot of scifi classics had not been dragged down by UK politics.

>> No.22664836

What's your favourite chapter from The Darkness that Comes Before? Mine is either where the bird shits on Xerius then he kills the bird afterwards, or when Kellhus and Cnair are talking about Moenghus while traveling through the woods together. The first Cnair chapter wasn't too bad but those two stand out as what I liked the most

>> No.22664839


>> No.22664846

the one with the gay rape

>> No.22664863

The one where the Great Ordeal failed.

>> No.22664868

Akiko fans...

>> No.22664954
File: 746 KB, 480x516, 1635727444647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.22665168

What am i looking at?

>> No.22665198

I want to write supernatural detective fiction
Apparently Bram Stoker planned to do that with Dracula
Are there any good series about a Catholic priest who goes around investigating demonic stuff in Medieval Europe?

>> No.22665218
File: 83 KB, 1242x1295, 1668093115476688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to know more about the second age
Why couldn't Tolkien have written more
I know why but God damn does it gall me

>> No.22665226

a spooky ghost
aren't you scared?

>> No.22665228

not about a priest, but have you read the Carnacki the Ghost-Finder stories by William Hope Hodgson?

>> No.22665236

Perfect anon, thanks a fucking lot
I assume the writing will be shit but based on the premise I need to read it

>> No.22665280
File: 145 KB, 1182x599, ylrfp5qy1zvb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is this?

I recently heard it was in the top 3 of r*ddit's favorite self-published novels, none of which I have heard of

>> No.22665291
File: 162 KB, 370x380, thinking anime harry potter girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The series is fine, Unsouled is very different from the rest.

>> No.22665300

Just finished Homeland
Kino. DND books are actually good and I'm looking forward to reading more.

>> No.22665305

Weebshit, LGBTshit, BIPOCshit, redditshit. This is how you win awards.

>> No.22665316

Show me a weebnovel that has won any kind of reward

>> No.22665318

It's meh as fuck for me personally. I read the first book but I don't think I will continue.
litrpgs like Dungeon crawler carl and The primal hunter are way better.

>> No.22665329
File: 31 KB, 752x438, disgusted frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>litrpgs like Dungeon crawler carl

>> No.22665369

>replying to bait

>> No.22665373
File: 112 KB, 939x1427, 1653763631735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22665376

When the run rises in the west and sets in the east.

>> No.22665383

This is unironically 1,000 times better than "BLOODSWORN: The Assassin of Lords" or whatever shit is getting pumped out from Western publishers these days.

>> No.22665385


it's not looking good

>> No.22665411

I've read some barely intelligible machine translations that I was deeply invested in and some beautiful prose I couldn't care less about. Now what?

>> No.22665548

Anon who wrote the gay homo dystopian, I hope you continue the story, it's very good even with his sometimes long drivel about nothing. Need more killing scenes.

>> No.22665581

I'm going to read the first two post Herbert Snr Dune novels that supposedly conclude the original series. I need to know how things end. I've heard they're bad, but just HOW bad?

>> No.22665583

when he's dead from diabetus and an even worse writer finishes his series for him and NO-GOD WHEN

>> No.22665633

Idk why but picturing Tulkas in my head just makes me laugh
I can't help but picture him like Tom Bombadil and having him skip around, this gigantic lumbering monstrosity moving with an unimaginable momentum, singing and laughing whilst taunting Melkor who's hiding in the shadows terrified
When he catches up with Melkor he'd grab him around the waist like they do in Greco Roman wrestling and throw him to the ground, thrusting his elbow through his stomach for good measure
Fucking Melkor man, I fucking hate Melkor
I want to know what Melkor and Ungoliant were talking about as they skittered through Valinor

>> No.22665650

You'd think that's bait, but there's thousands people out there giving money to Azarinth Healer's author.

>> No.22665655

Move on old man
It will never be finished

>> No.22665658

Just finished A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. What did I think, lit?

>> No.22665672

Dungeon crawler carl is good

>> No.22665727

it's good stuff, Lovecraft was quite fond of these stories.
it's a shame Hodgson died in WW1

>> No.22665848

You now wish to read A Deepness in the Sky

>> No.22665893

No one is finishing the series for him, you bitch, fag, I will obliterate you

>> No.22665895

>No one is finishing the series

>> No.22665907

He'll get Daniel Abraham to do it, maybe with snodgrass as co-writer/editor
Those two already do all of his other projects with him

>> No.22665955
File: 232 KB, 360x450, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he any good? i constantly see him mentioned in fantasy circles, but i haven't read a single book of his. all i know Prince of Thorns is supposedly edgy (because there's rape)

>> No.22665959

getting back into finishing the orjin chapters in TWI. it's a bit slow but i'm starting to look forward to the conclusion.
i hope pisces is involved somehow. all these mentions of the horns as well as that rumor about the bane of roshal makes me think he might be.

Lotm is getting more interesting lately as well. it's still much weaker than lotm1 imo but i'm liking it more as more info about the old cast is starting to pop up.

>inb4 dirty webnovel reader

>> No.22665969

Why do you keep censoring reddit, newfag?
Newfag frogposter, are you the anon who hates the cat or the anon obsessed with inserting cuckoldry into every book you touch?
Obliterate yourself, casual GRRMfag. ASoIaF is garbage.

>> No.22665972

He's better than most at the actual writing bit. Prince of Thorns isn't bad because of the rape, it's bad because it's cartoonish while clearly trying to be taken seriously. But it's impossible to take seriously because the main character is like 13 for most of it and forcibly took over a company of bandits at are 8 ornsome shit.

>> No.22666003

You are not adding anything to the discussion.

>> No.22666005

What discussion?

>> No.22666146

Prince of Thorns isn't great but it at least offers an in-universe explanation for the edginess
I like Red Queen's War and Books of the Ancestor
Impossible Times isn't good
Not read anything else

>> No.22666195

Is reading martin important if I want to write a fantasy story?

>> No.22666209

I think the early books can be a good point of reference on how to write an ensemble cast that audiences feel more or less equally invested in, and also a point of reference on what not to do, like scale creep and writing with your dick.

>> No.22666243

Nobody named Martin invented the fantasy genre.

>> No.22666249
File: 77 KB, 841x1024, 1694804895020563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scifi awards are now a parade of idiots

>> No.22666259

Not really. Either read the first few books or skip the books and read the non-fiction history yourself to stay untainted by fatass

>> No.22666270

they've always just been mates picking each other, it's just that now it's focused around the con-circuit group of friends.

>> No.22666383

I'm not sure where I am in this post but I think I'm in it somewhere, the books were pretty good imo

>> No.22666384

Abraham has explicitly said that he won't.

>> No.22666446

And George has said he'll finish it himself but we've seen how that has turned out

>> No.22666534
File: 158 KB, 654x700, sad dino its over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's November. I should write but I'm sick. At least I've got /sffg/.

>> No.22666628
File: 519 KB, 851x471, 1648609248487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get the patrician mates back in

>> No.22666686

anyone with a worldcon membership can vote in the hugos, you'd just have to buy one without obviously being part of a ridiculous brigade like those idiots who tried to make fucking monster hunter international win awards

That's why it's the way it is because nobody who is into less commercial work is going to be interested in paying for con membership in the first place.

>> No.22666734

new thread WHEN?

>> No.22666736

How much is the membership?

>> No.22666744

$50 just to vote, $125 to actually attend

>> No.22666764

Depends on how fast the board moves or whether someone forces to the thread off your board. It's still several hours unless it's forced. Not anytime soon anyway.

>> No.22666768

I wouldn't be surprised if a publisher used to their marketing budget to buy memberships so that their books won and hoped that they'd recoup the cost from increased sales.

>> No.22666771

When we reach page 9 or 10.

>> No.22666788

It's also that relatively few read the eligible books. It's quite possible that a lot of them don't even read the books and vote for them because of who the author is or what the book is about.

>> No.22666811 [DELETED] 

I didn't really like this, but I want to see the Ramans explained.
>look up sequel
>it's written by a different nigga and is apparently more about characters than the concept

>> No.22666814
File: 128 KB, 561x900, rendezvous with rama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really like this, but I want to see the Ramans explained.
>look up sequel
>it's written by a different nigga and is apparently more about characters than the concept

>> No.22666920

>Aliens have Big Dumb Object
>Humans stare at it with religious awe.
>The end.
There's nothing to explain. And if he did, it would ruin the effect.

>> No.22666940

Avoid the sequels like a plague, they are terrible.

> I want to see the Ramans explained
One of the best part's of the book is that it remains a mystery. It's about exploration and discovery, not answers.

>> No.22667007
File: 310 KB, 1050x634, 8o7ofbdoqpxb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything good here? (SPFBO finalists)

>> No.22667045


>> No.22667084

I'd rather read royalroad slop, unironically

>> No.22667165

What the fuck in low standards and child predation is going on here?

>> No.22667266

How many votes do we need to win?

>> No.22667301

i'm looking forward to the movie

>> No.22667307

>movies after about 2012
Are you dumb?

>> No.22667326

Especially considering they already adapted at least one of Clarke's works, and that shitty Childhood's End series was so different within the first fifteen minutes that I dropped it. Why make an adaptation when you change so much around that it may as well be an original work?

>> No.22667357
File: 310 KB, 684x1024, 1698875789142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually good or is it highly rated just because a woman wrote it?

>> No.22667372

>title is "X of Y"
>publisher had to make sure the consumer knew that it was a novel by printing A NOVEL in all caps on the front cover
>female author
Of course it's not actually good,

>> No.22667378

really good writer but I dunno about that book specifically

>> No.22667403


>> No.22667435

>page 8
Resident General mental case may as be making the threads based off the immediate content.

>> No.22667468

Didn't previous thread die because no one made a new thread?

>> No.22667478

I read and wrote about it. It's okay.

>> No.22667492

Is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.22667724

English isn't my first language and the only word I didn't recognize was mazer. Wtf was that english mayor on about?

>> No.22667762
File: 3.18 MB, 3500x2333, lotus elise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simplify, add lightness.