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22659543 No.22659543 [Reply] [Original]

> I had to ruin Job’s life because… uhh… I had to teach him a lesson, OK?!

>> No.22659545

God is morality. He could rape your wife and kids to death and it would be moral by definition. Anyone who tries to judge God doesn't understand what God is.

>> No.22659565

He didn't say that.

>> No.22659594

why would God even need glasses lol

>> No.22659598

why would he even need eyes

>> No.22659602
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A crazed desert demon?

>> No.22659605

what worshipping jewish rabbis does to a mf

>> No.22659770

Based. Morality is downstream from power. If God exists and is omnipotent, this is true by definition.

>> No.22659791

If you'd read Job, you'd know that God's argument isn't about learning or morality at all. He just declares that he's too powerful for Job to comprehend, and that Job should shut the fuck up about it. Job does, and is rewarded. It's a parable about learning to submit.

>> No.22659795

Morality is a multi-leveled concept that emanates from the individuals, not from and exclusive "God"

>> No.22659802

Actually, Satan did that. God only agreed to it to win the bet.

>> No.22659808
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> Brooo why are you mad that I killed your wife and children? I gave you a new wife so you should be grateful brooo

>> No.22659811

>I'm a stemcel who can't into allegory

>> No.22659812

Nigga maybe read the Bible if you're going to larp as a christcuck online. G*d calls himself jealous all the time, Moses often reproaches G*d for acting fucktarded, G*d even apologizes to him once.

>> No.22659814

God's argument is "lol cope and seethe," not "you can't be mad."

>> No.22659818

This nigga submissive lmao

>> No.22659822

yea my gf pegs me nightly

>> No.22659824

Nice buzzword

>> No.22659868

When are we going to get rid of Yahweh worshipping niggers once and for all? Jews, Christians, and Muslims are all well poisoners. They are worth less than rats who eat shit off the streets of New York.

>> No.22659973

At the end of Job, Satan tells God, "okay, he didn't deny you, but that's only because he had a truly fulfilling life before I made him suffer, so he knew beforehand there must be a God, but what about someone who only knows suffering? And then God pointed out to my existence, and the bet is still going. I think God is going to lose this one, bros.

>> No.22659990

Can anyone explain the influx of atheistic /his/ threads on /lit/ today?
Also, why is /his/ so militantly atheistic?

>> No.22659997

>Can anyone explain the influx of atheistic /his/ threads on /lit/ today?
It's just really hard to keep believing. I feel like a lot of us have been believing for a really long time, but we're at the end of our rope, and we haven't seen a single sign of God yet.

>> No.22660002

the greater cannot proceed from the lesser

>> No.22660009

Because History proves that religious thought is but an animalistic reaction to environmental stimuli.

>> No.22660011

You didn't answer my question. Why are you raiding /lit/ today?

>> No.22660015

I come here everyday. /lit/bros are my only friends left.

>> No.22660017

This mfer has been reposting variations of this wojak with a single line of text at 10 minute post intervals on different boards all day for days now...

>> No.22660043

Are you implying God made a devout follower of his suffer on purpose just because he wanted to win a bet?

>> No.22660081

>people on /his/
>knowing history or humanities

>> No.22660442

Look at your own body, the greater almost always proceeds from the lesser
>B1 level english word

>> No.22660467

All memes are forced initially

>> No.22660487

For real wtf

>> No.22660592

marxist brainrot

>> No.22660593

Its literally one guy who's extremely autistic.

>> No.22660599

Fpbp, we can cope and seethe all we want but that's simply how it is.

>> No.22660609

Shut Up Bildad. Satan did a bet with God, and you will notice that God said "Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD." (using kjv to piss people off).
All of Job's problems were caused by Satan, not God. He let it happen to prove that despite all the (reasonable) bitching and moaning, Job would remain loyal to Him

>> No.22660639

christcucks proving Thrasymachus correct and destroying their own metaphysical foundation aka platonism. Christcucks are so funny, they still don't realize that they themselves are refuting and destroying christcuckery.

>> No.22661235

His wife and children? Safe in Heaven
His house and riches? He didnt need them
God let Satan tempt him by trying to take away all of his material blessings, but Job didnt need them, all he needed was God. In that nothing was really taken at all. What came from dirt returned to dirt, and with time so did Jobs body, though his soul lived eternally in respect of what truly matters.

>> No.22661246

This. OP must be a retard not to understand this story. It's literally christianity 101 that God = GOOD, Satan = BAD.

>> No.22661254

By that logic killing newborns is good since it results in them safe in heaven

>> No.22661261

Not even Shakespeare or Leonardo liked the Church.

>> No.22661301

It is better to be dead than alive but as long as one is alive it is better to live

>> No.22661309

His wife was alive you ignominious fuck

>> No.22661312

>Everything exists because... it just does! Ok?
>Why yes, everything is literally random things happen 24/7. How do I know this is the absolute truth? lmao I just know, ok?
>it's unpleasant that means it is real! Of course hell is just a fantasy!

>> No.22661316

Interesting how this thread pops up now when we Jehovah's Witnesses are studying Job in our weekly meetings. Curious...
>verification not required

>> No.22661336

kek, so you literally don't believe morality exists, only power. This is your brain on dogma.

>> No.22661342

>Everything exists because... it just does! Ok?
>Why does God exist... he just does! Ok?

>How do I know this is the absolute truth? lmao I just know, ok?
How do I know the Bible is the absolute truth? lmao I just know, ok?

>> No.22661344

Study anthropology. Human tribes make up magical superstitions everywhere and throughout time. Religion is just a set of superstitions ignorant people still believe are true.

>> No.22661346

Because if you suffer all that and don't curse God to his face it hands a defeat to the Devil. Didn't you read the first page? Nobody gets to circumvent spiritual agony. Not even Christ. Sorry, no refunds.

>> No.22661358

When you finally become perfect and upright God pushes his chips all-in and plays you in a hand of poker. If you don't like it then maybe you should have been the one wrest creation from the void. Oh whats that? You can't even create a liquid shit? Its all done through the Lord? Thats what I thought. Go back to sleep.

>> No.22661362

That's a good reason. Adding "uhh" doesn't change that.

>> No.22661368

In his image.

>> No.22661371

That would explain why humans have eyes but why does God need eyes?

>> No.22661372

>All powerful, all knowing, supreme being
>"There is no other way to teach my creation than to subject him to misery and suffering"
>"Also I set his capacity to learn things"
Religious people just eat this up, huh?

>> No.22661383

Only thing worth reading in the Bible is Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and maybe Proverbs

>> No.22661397

Look at what God let happen to his own Son, and flesh and blood avatar on Earth and remember Christ's words "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" That moment was the real final boss of spiritual agony in the bible, and that IS the final boss and when you feel that you will wish for death but it will not come. That is spiritual agony. And if you aren't a colossal pussy you will get down on your KNEES and give GREAT THANKS unto the LORD for his sacrifice at Calvary. That YOU, a literal DEMON compared to Him, might have even an outside chance at eternal life. And if you have even one thread of redemption running through your miserable soul you will look at the Son of Man on the cross and say, I am glad it was you, and not me. And then your life will not be your own anymore.

>> No.22661404

>Once upon a time the world lived happily ever after.
Your book sucked. Glad you aren't God.

>> No.22661409

Found the sadomasochist

>> No.22661412

>Lot and his two daughters go into a cave
>Lot and his two daughters and his two grandchildren come out
If you aren't reading Genesis you are MISSING OUT to put it mildly..

>> No.22661424

easy enough to kys with relatively little pain. you don't like it? just opt out

>> No.22661429

formerly Chuck's

>> No.22661457
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>be doing Sodom and Gomorrah
>yell "yo this ni**a 'bout to copulate with his daughters!!"
>Moabites laugh
>high priest of the Ben Ammi sucks his teeth "Bless you, nephew of Abraham"
>qt virgin in the back "he cute"
>Malchizedek invites you to burn offerings at the evening rituals

>> No.22661592
File: 606 KB, 2106x1922, 30279 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22661656

Post the one of Jonah and the Whale

>> No.22661679

Islam means submission