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22655932 No.22655932 [Reply] [Original]

why do women do this?

>> No.22655938

In this case, quite literally to be seen in a better light.

>> No.22655966

Women are parasites

>> No.22656059

They have to fight against the patriarchy, and they need to prove the woman's perspective is better than the man's. Women also aren't creators. This is why women write so much fanfiction.

>> No.22656077

Women can’t emphasize with Winston because he’s clearly not them, so they “adjust” the work to suit them.

>> No.22656124

If I remember correctly Julia is specifically employed to catch men like Winston. Like her job is to sexually attract men and then say shit like "fuck the party" to see if the men go along with it. Then she turns them over once she is sure they are against the party.
So why are women wanting a shitty fanfic from the villain's perspective? My guess is they are mad the woman is a villain and are trying to reclaim her image to make her sympathetic. I guarantee 100% a plotline of this new novel is Julia is forced to do it because the party is holding her son/daughter hostage.

>> No.22656130

>So “Julia” considers just how such a young woman might really behave. As Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” has made plain, totalitarianism inevitably hits women of childbearing age in ways it doesn’t hit men. And Newman knows the dystopian terrain well. Last year, she published “The Men,” a novel in which everyone with a Y chromosome mysteriously vanishes.
Glad to see the author of this book isn't some whacky feminist haha

>> No.22656146

They resent the fact that nature made them weaker and dumber

>> No.22656158

And feminists rejected her because The Men ignores transwomen in its concept. Clown world.

>> No.22656162

Julia does actually hate the party in the book, despite being involved in many of it’s functions, to the point where she gets lobotomized after confessing her crimes.

Wanting to reclaim her image means that they empathize with her, or want to empathize with her.

>> No.22656166

Damn but not unexpected

>> No.22656185

I get that we can't stop women from writing fanfic and from trying to grab onto the coattails famous writers, but I'm extremely disappointed that a mainstream publisher published this and that Orwell's estate approved of this.

>> No.22656196

Ehh publishers are lazy, the author of twilight basically rewrote the same story everytime and got it published. Even her genderswapped twilight.
Actual fanfic from a work that's still pretty recent is a bit jarring yea, it's not as if it's about the trojan war or something.

>> No.22656209
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I looked the book up and the first results were the guardian, wapo and NYT. I checked the wapo article and it was full of gems like this
>Last year, she published “The Men,” a novel in which everyone with a Y chromosome mysteriously vanishes.
Has this bitch ever had an original thought in her life?

>> No.22656222

Well, no shit.

This is all just grandstanding, book’s probably gonna bomb hard, but there’s gonna be people who still buy it. You aren’t wrong though, Orwell’s spinning in his grave.

>> No.22656246

Lol you should look up her biography. It's not all the same buuuuuutttt yea....
>Her fourth novel, The Heavens (2019), published by Grove Atlantic, tells the story of a woman who lives in the early twenty-first century, but who returns every night in dreams to Elizabethan England, where she lives as Emilia Lanier, a Jewish poet whose circle of acquaintances includes an obscure poet named William Shakespeare.

>> No.22656296

Why ? Julia is an important character in 1984, why rewrite it ?

>> No.22656341

>as Newman points out, “people are re-examining his legacy” in light of the MeToo movement – it seemed inevitable that somebody would produce a feminist take on Nineteen Eighty-Four, with or without the estate’s approval, so “I think they had decided almost that time had run out on not doing it.”
>There are all these questions that Orwell sets up and never answers,” says Newman, who set out to plug those gaps. “How Julia gets goods on the black market; her other love affairs - she never says who they were with or how she got away with them, or whether this is considered normal in their world. I wanted to know more about her time writing pornography for the Party: you really want to know what that pornography is like, and Orwell does not tell you.”
>Newman is full of admiration for Orwell’s world-building and moral courage, but equally forthright about the less appealing aspects of his novel. “When I first read it, I was p----d off by the treatment of the Julia character. I think people forget that Winston fantasises about killing her on two occasions.”
>There is also plenty of detail about Julia’s sex life, and the transgressive nature of the trysts: one lover “liked to fart after sex, loud and long… and say, ‘That to the Inner Party.’”
>And my book doesn’t contradict anything in his – but it was a political project and there were some aspects of his world he wasn’t that interested in
She just wants to focus on the things Orwell forgot to mention okay, like her sex life

>> No.22656350

The eternal femoid is eternal

>> No.22656356
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>> No.22656417

Not in 1984 that's not her job. Are you saying that's the plot of this fan book? In 1984 she did hate the party and also got tortured just as bad as Winston

>> No.22656439

>some whore at Winston's work ruins his life
>women think the story is about them

>> No.22656447

>I like crotch novels
>George Orwell wrote something that isn't a crotch novel
>why is he excluding me

>> No.22656560


You're telling me 1984 was about Orwell warning us of HR roasties the entire time. Now that is deeply prophetic.

>> No.22656603

Someone got paid to write that.

>> No.22656677

Evil cannot create, only corrupt and destroy.

>> No.22656681

>If I remember correctly
You don't.

>> No.22656700

Julia should have been 16 years old since she's written like one, but Orwell chickened out and aged her to 28 so people wont' call him a pedophile for her having sex with Winston.

>> No.22656712

That ended up being for the best though. Julia being a roastie toastie makes more sense.

>> No.22656814

>re-writes y: the last man except somehow shittier
You love to see it

>> No.22656963

Wonder if the reviewer in your pic is also just as critical of Biden, his press team, and those who puff up Biden?

>> No.22656970

>>my entire thoughts while reading 1984 were, "...but ok...what was the porn like? Tell ud about the porn!" That's why I felt this book needed to be written
L women

>> No.22657223

>I wanted to know more about her time writing pornography for the Party: you really want to know what that pornography is like, and Orwell does not tell you.”

>> No.22658748

>If I remember correctly Julia is specifically employed to catch men like Winston. Like her job is to sexually attract men and then say shit like "fuck the party" to see if the men go along with it. Then she turns them over once she is sure they are against the party.
If you are talking about the fanfic then I don't know, but in the original work that's absolutely not the case, that's close to what Winston THINKS she's doing, he thinks that's why she's following him around when in reality it's just that she had a crush on him.

>> No.22658862

>I wanted to know more about her time writing pornography for the Party: you really want to know what that pornography is like, and Orwell does not tell you.”
Is this what it's like to be a female coomer?

>> No.22658867


>> No.22658871

Holy shit, I hate women so much!

>> No.22658892

You're all wrong. The book is deliberately vague about Julia and it's never confirmed if she collaborated willingly with the party or if she got tortured too. But it's interesting that so many of you took for granted that she genuinely liked Winston and hated the party. It shows that men are naturally romantic.

>> No.22658904
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At their worst they want to go through everything a man does WITHOUT paying the same price...

>> No.22658934

women are much, much more likely to read than men, hence, the market caters for them

>> No.22658996
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Well... It its not like she could make it any worse am I rite?

>> No.22659005

*the market caters to them
Women read more sure but do they have to read such tripe lmao. A retelling of 1984 come on bro. Literature is dead.

>> No.22659024

Another instance of no knowledge being preferable to vague knowledge

>> No.22659030

Cashgrab. Only women buy new books. All you gotta do is appeal to their indoctrinated narcissism and you'll be laughing your way to the bank.

>> No.22659045

A bit like Haitians wearing the clothes of the French after brutally killing them.

>> No.22659105
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>In 1984 she did hate the party and also got tortured just as bad as Winston
I can imagine some woman writing a book where ryona, rape, and degradation is half the book, and still get accolades.

>> No.22659111

Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3 Butterfly where are you :3

>> No.22659126

The estate can’t do anything about it, the book just became public domain

>> No.22659144

The estate did "approve" it. Wouldn't be the first time an estate did that but maybe they indeed only gave it because they knew they wouldn't be able to stop this shit anyway.

>> No.22659231

Cute :3