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22648221 No.22648221 [Reply] [Original]

NaNo Joiner Edition



/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

It's almost National Novel Writing Month and basically everyone is in the discord server. Go ahead and join if you haven't. The prize shall be revealed soon!


>> No.22648333

I’m excited for NaNo

>> No.22648435

Does my diary count?

>> No.22648466


>> No.22648620

God give me the strength to write my first ever novel while doing college classes at the same time

>> No.22648654


>> No.22648660

What’s up?

>> No.22648677

Not much

>> No.22648694

Why do you say Yikes?

>> No.22648695

I like in principle the idea of getting writers to write more, but in reality NaNoWriMo is such a Reddit garbage dump of delusion. The whole thing is so fucking gay. You should not need a "community" or an "event" to get you to write more. You need to have the self-discipline in the first place. No, I don't need to hear advice on how to write a realistic heckin transbian polycule. Fuck off.

>> No.22648778

You'll understand in about 10 years when you look back

>> No.22648838

So…I’m not supposed to write a novel? That’s just some kind of youthful indiscretion?

>> No.22648874

I promise you have nothing worth writing about kid.

>> No.22648877

>You should not need a "community" or an "event" to get you to write more. You need to have the self-discipline in the first place

If a community instantiates self-discipline in you, so what? Human beings are competitive by nature. Very few (including you) will write ~1600 words a day for a month purely on the basis of some primordial motivation that comes from no external source. Grow up.

>> No.22648883

The nice thing is that you can’t stop me from writing my novel, no matter how much thinking about it makes you angry. You can cope, seethe, and get back to shitting out generic litfic about how capitalism is like, so oppressive, man.

>> No.22648913

kek, thanks for underscoring my contention. You should focus on reading and growing up a bit

>> No.22648931

>dude trust me bro no one has self discipline we need this heckin reddit community!
You either write or you don't. Posturing is posturing, not writing. I'm sure this has inspired some tranny to dump out a fifty-thousand something word novel of pure YA fantasy slop so if you want more of that then that's great. But if any writer is or was seriously working on a novel they do so independently of this. It's a game, a social club. If you can't see it I really don't know what to tell you.

>> No.22648960

The great writers of history almost invariably had extensive circles of friends and acquaintances with whom they shared writing and ideas, and used each other’s as inspiration. Kafka, C.S. Lewis, Dostoyevsky. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein because her writing circle suggested that they all write ghost stories. The list goes on and on. You are not special for pretending that you are an island who stands apart from every other writer. If all you can say about Nanowrimo is that you think it’s “Reddit”, then you have no case at all.

>> No.22649006

>these terminally online retards whose only motivation to write consists of an annual "quirky" event are just like the greats
Read my original post, it's a garbage dump of delusion. You haven't done a great job of convincing me otherwise.

>> No.22649023

You can’t convince somebody who has closed their mind in advance. You’ve never written a novel in your life, I guarantee it.

>> No.22649147

If you don't write slowly and alone, you are a bad writer. Heh, guess I win this argument ;)

>> No.22649281

I have literally written two. How many have you written?

>> No.22649303

I’m writing my first one in November! :)

>> No.22649311

If that's true then good for you. But if you don't finish by the end of the month that doesn't mean you should give up on it. Try to write every day.

>> No.22649348

nobody in this thread has written a novel worth reading

>> No.22649352

You the faggy college kid? lol

>> No.22649380

I am the college student who’s going to write a novel before you ever do, yes :)

>> No.22649384

lol to be young again

>> No.22649393

:) I’m glad that you’re continually seething about me. Keep seething, you decrepit old faggot.

>> No.22649450


>> No.22649499

The best writers were people who had real life experience. Just take the warning before embarassing yourself by trying to pen some drivel in college and showing it to people.

>> No.22649506

“Warning” is cute. As though you know my proficiency in writing. I’m a great writer.

>> No.22649512

Yeah, your emotionally charged posts sure are riveting

>> No.22649516

You’re the one seething about me, faggot. Nobody loves you.

>> No.22649522

Lol you could be the best wordsmith on earth and you'll still write a boring novel because you're like 18. Have you even had sex? I don't mean that in a bad way, but unless you're 1 in a million like John Kennedy Toole you're almost certainly wasting your time trying to write a novel while still in college. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

>> No.22649524

Jesus fucking Christ, get a room you two.

>> No.22649526

>wow, you want to engage in acts of creation? HAVE SEX INCEL

>> No.22649529

All I did was declare my intention to write a novel, and this faggot is flaming me over it. Blame him.

>> No.22649535

See, the fact you don't get what I'm saying is proof nobody is going to want to read your novel.

>> No.22649542

Cry more at the fact that you wasted your life and took up writing too late to become any good at it.

>> No.22649546

Don't listen to that jackass anon.

>> No.22649568

Just doubling down on your immaturity kek. I wrote plenty in college, none of it was worth reading. Post a sample of your work.

>> No.22649573

I won’t. I don’t let people get to me. Especially people like that.

>> No.22649666

Good! So what's your novel going to be about big boy?

>> No.22649670

> I won't let better men impart their wisdom unto me
many such cases

>> No.22649769

I wouldn't call your autistic tantrum here "wisdom"

>> No.22649775

If you had wisdom to impart you wouldn't be such a loser

>> No.22650043


>> No.22650052

i walked her out to see the make of things how they passed through her. her plast and clothes had been stamped into sieves, parted and filled at regular junctures by lineer terrors, abridging their forms and forth to turn Ws into ls and Ms into vs. This mesh had the knows to stall somewhere between me and my surroundings, so that gardens and lookbooks and steamed sheets bellowed out from its pores. seeing the world through her was epiphanic, she painted the corner of every room that came through her, dotting the crowns with lavender doe eyes and marmalade ducktails, middle school chucks (she hadnt grown many inches since) were her face to me, and declining myself into their tread i found pickled memories studded along the escarpment, making ducky little assurances to the tread wall they might have left a fridge on, a curtain untucked or else, that were flicked off as lint from a coattop, by threats of prize desserts and uneven trivago teams. I saw those abandonments vivesected, strewn between curled spikes, diagonally rusting across a flat metal hallway, her little mid life moments, hanging there creased open like the garish streaks in the bodies social armor left hammering drunkenly as one whos trying to hold too many conversations at once. Pouring into the gashes- air, foaming with the history of hawked shoulder turns, broad-leafed ahems, the dizzying juices of laughter made ubruptly to signal the transition of subjects.
The crush of history made to fit interlocking with sensation, the uncontrolled blush of pearlish bold experience jawing into your skull and shaking it about what and how, insecting little bells of perfume to go off at certain telemetries in your head, each plushing and squirming until finish as squid dunked in bp tomato soup.

>> No.22650835

I'm assuming this is the college kids prose. You should submit it to a writing contest you can be humbled by not making it to the short list

>> No.22651110

It is not my prose.

>> No.22651440

itt: lady HR office arguments

>> No.22651502

Does anyone else just not have any ideas? I want to write, but I just don't have anything that I want to write about.

>> No.22651513

Sort of. I start writing and realize that my ideas are too half baked. Then I worry they won't have the resonance I want by the time I flesh them out.

>> No.22651518

Starting writing is good at least. I just never seem to start.

>> No.22651530

im gonna write a gundam fanfic.

>> No.22651829


>> No.22651837

Do an isekai gundam fanfic. with a harem!

>> No.22651928
File: 1.35 MB, 498x498, Armydildo Pat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished (the first draft of) my 15th volume!

>> No.22652870

I think I will take the plunge into writing RR Isekaislop. Wish me luck anons, for I hope to either build up my self-discipline so that I may write everyday, or otherwise become addicted to writing so that I will write everyday.

>> No.22654200

Is it really writing is no one reads it but you?

>> No.22654332

NTA, but the idea that you shouldn't write because you're young or lack life experience is ridiculous. Everyone has to start somewhere and someone who's been writing 10 years, improving their craft, will likely be in a better position than someone who just starts out at thirty and has to learn everything from scratch. Most people's first books are shit and get trunked, but they're a learning experience.

>> No.22654443

Lmao where did I say not to write? its the expectation that any of it would be novel-worthy that's laughable

>> No.22654514

You literally told him this>>22648874 and like I said, it's a learning experience. If the guy wants to write a novel, I don't see why you've got to go out of your way to demotivate him. Like most writers, he'll probably look back on it later and realize how amateur it is or work hard on revising it to bring it up to his current standards.

>> No.22654703

Actually I'm doing him a favor but obviously you're both too fucking immature as writers to actually recognize it, go figure, this is a fucking 4chan thread after all.

>> No.22654721

He's right, the guy prpbably has nothing to say he really going to write their first novel in their first year of college? It's obnoxiously niave

>> No.22655025

Any Nanowrimo chads need a cheap editor?

>> No.22655601

Stephen Rush here, author of beloved /lit/ classic Zombie Pandemic. I am holding the annual Halloween giveaway for my novel inspired by F Gardner.
Get your copy here:


>> No.22655623

Stay mad. Keep seething. I’ll write two novels just to spite you :)

>> No.22655674

If you had a novel in you you'd have already written it.

>> No.22655731

Stay mad. Stay mad. Stay. Mad.

>> No.22656830

>Still on 4chan
>Still hasn't said a single compelling thing all thread
yeah, "writer"

>> No.22656851

Since the discord seems like a lost cause, I’ll ask here: I want to write both in my mother tongue and English - should I split my substack and socials in two and keep the languages separate or am I overthinking this whole thing already? Maybe this is something I should decide on when I see where my audience lies.