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/lit/ - Literature

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2264965 No.2264965 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the most retarded opinions/statements you hear on /lit/?

I'm compiling a chart.

this is what I got so far

- joyce/his books are shitty/stupid
- literature is subjective
- e-readers are the future
- shakespeare is overrated/boring

I know I'm forgetting some but /lit/ is limitless in terms of stupidity.

>> No.2264973

Tao Lin and New Autism is the future of literature.

>> No.2264972

literature is subjective

>> No.2264976

That Murakami is worth reading.

This one is particularly idiotic.

>> No.2264981

keep 'em coming

>> No.2264982

Saying literature isn't subjective is totally moronic. Art is pretty much subjective by definition.

>> No.2264986

I really like this one whenever someone posts some books that they're reading and they don't include Twilight/Game of Thrones

"why dont you just read books that you want to not the books you feel you have to to show off to people"


"bookcases are just for showoffs"

>> No.2264987

Isn't it pretty retarded to compile a chart of "retarded opinions"? Different people like different things

>> No.2264994

This one is gold. Thanks, anon.

>> No.2264998

"Harold Bloom is a miserable old man and is stupid"

>> No.2264999

-only read non-genre classic fiction
-no one actually likes non-genre classic fiction and they just read it for intellectual cred

>> No.2265002

For the record, he does seem and come off as pretty miserable, and he is buttless, but he's an authority whether people want to admit it or not.

>> No.2265009

He's not miserable at all. He takes awful photos and he makes fun of himself for it. He farts in class. He says he never walks down the stairs without thinking of "humpty dumpty's great fall."

He is a boss.

>> No.2265012


>> No.2265013

lol damn i didnt realize bitch niggas were gonna talk shit

>> No.2265016

"anything on the Best seller list is good"

>> No.2265018

If arts aren't subjective we live in a very boring, straight forward world.

>> No.2265021

A world that would be made unboring and unstraightforward by admitting that Game of Thrones is better than War and Peace.


>> No.2265031


Think what you want, pleb. Subjectivity is the foundation of all new works of art.

>> No.2265036

moral of the story: you're all faggots.

>> No.2265040

feel like there's been a recent explosion in the usage of "pleb"/"plebeian" on /lit/

don't understand why

don't like it

marinate: liestru

>> No.2265042

Yeah. When geniuses use it. Not when faggot neckbeards make retarded claims to subjectivity to cop out of having to think of a meaningful critique.

>> No.2265044

Get the fuck back to /v/ or whatever retard board you ventured from.

>> No.2265050

I like to think I helped. I use it a lot and post a lot but I didn't have internet for like five months. I do mean a lot.

>> No.2265049

OP here

lol damn i didnt realize bitch niggas were gonna talk shit

>> No.2265052

fantasy is literature

>> No.2265066

Lololo damn nigga u funni

You guys don't get it. If you aren't a retard, even when critiquing subjective thought is still present. EVERYTHING IS SUBJECTIVE.

>> No.2265069

lol damn that wasnt even english

>> No.2265070
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- ME

>> No.2265080

I know what you mean about the use of 'pleb' turning up here. Christ, it's like being on /mu/.

It does at least provide a useful indicator that the person using the term is 14 years old and can be ignored.

>> No.2265088
File: 34 KB, 417x279, KingoftheMonsters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not miserable at all. He takes awful photos and he makes fun of himself for it. He farts in class. He says he never walks down the stairs without thinking of "humpty dumpty's great fall."

A true hero. One day I, too, will fart in class.

>> No.2265091
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THAT one.

The guy attributes a well known quote to himself = RETARDED

>> No.2266376
File: 49 KB, 441x404, digibook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ebooks are the way of the future though...
record> cassette > cd >mp3
scroll > paper > ebook, or as i like to call them digibooks!

>> No.2266388

>subjective: based on emotional appeal or personal opinion
>objective: based on factual evidence
>implying a dichotomy entailing one if not the other

absolute twaddle

>> No.2266393


It's a structure of English far beyond your basic level.

>> No.2266463
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>> No.2266470
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>> No.2266608

>You obviously suck at writing if you use a non-standard word processor.

I saw that one directed to someone who liked to use WriteMonkey (it's a distraction-free word processor, that is actually pretty useful). Someone said if he needed to use a word processor that got rid of distractions he could never write.

>> No.2266626

Every time I thrash people throwing around the word 'subjective' when it comes to literature they run crying to objectivity and say that literature isn't a science therefore yadda yadda yadda. Hardly ever do they actually seem to stop for a moment and consider that in the many different areas of their lives they readily assent to standards and criteria (or rather, because they are more often than not totally ignorant in these matters, they assent to the judgment of authority on those standards and criteria) that are no more scientific than literature (and this increases the more cultured the individual concerned, hence I wager that it's only the least cultured that I end up arguing with, for obvious reasons).

>> No.2266629

I agree

They're probably manchildren who think Nintendo games are still good and only watch slice of life animes.

>> No.2266637
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Song of Ice and Fire is Fantasy

>> No.2266641
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any positive comments towards Steven King

>> No.2266654

He's prolific. That's about the best thing I can say about King. Quantity over quality is a good strategy in American markets.

>> No.2266657


the one thing about d&e i can support

ur still a faget b/c u lyk mawdurn whorefair doe pussie fukk git @ mie awn finehganz qwake lusr

>> No.2266663

"OP is not a faggot."

That one always gets to me.

>> No.2266666

It's the least cultured that you end up arguing with because you have no job and no friends and spending your time thus seems like a good idea due to lack of more pressing concerns.

>> No.2266668



>> No.2266669

The literary is subjective ultimately because aesthetic experience is subjective - because the beautiful is subjective. I cannot make any claim about standards of beauty; I cannot say what ought to be beautiful to you. We can certainly discuss objective standards of technique, but insofar as literature is art and concerned with the beautiful, it cannot ultimately be called objective.

>> No.2266672

>I cannot make any claim about standards of beauty; I cannot say what ought to be beautiful to you.

But I can because I am not a pussy. You fags like some stupid shit for stupid reasons.

>> No.2266674

Go to bed STEVE

>> No.2266677

objectively true

>> No.2266678

I mean in some kind of final / highest sense, beauty is deeply personal. I mean, right?

>> No.2266874

>the beautiful is subjective
All this can ultimately mean is that something is beautiful to someone, to a subject. This is not a problem, because no-one other than the mentally ill is trying to tell anyone else that anything has to be beautiful for everyone throughout all time.

>I cannot say what ought to be beautiful to you
No, and that's not a problem either because that's an ethical claim, not an aesthetic one. Aesthetics isn't about telling people what they should or shouldn't like. Frankly I don't even like talking about aesthetics itself because it gives the wrong idea about 'aesthetics' anyway.

>insofar as literature is art and concerned with the beautiful, it cannot ultimately be called objective.
Of course it can't, nor does it matter that it can't. Listen, and here I'm going to boil it down to the basics, all that appreciation is, is "welp, i like this thing here". All that critical appreciation is, is "welp, i like this thing so much, here's the things i like about it". All that aesthetic evaluation i.e. Harold Bloom & co is, is "welp, here's some stuff we like that we've spent our lives studying. if you think that's worth a damn maybe you can learn from what we love and know if you're into the same stuff we're into."

>> No.2266885

*Sigh* I want to get a PhD in aesthetics so I can be a disappointment too.

>> No.2266922

Subjectivity: excuse for lower standards.

>> No.2266932

i'm glad we agree that appreciation of literature is not ultimately objective

>> No.2266940

>i'm glad we agree that appreciation of literature is not ultimately objective
Of course, but it's not subjective either.

>> No.2266957
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Dub-quints speak the truth.
Go get a job like an adult, D&E.

>> No.2266966

Why would I want to get a job?

>> No.2266972
File: 93 KB, 500x375, more delicious than you'll ever be, fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who *wants* to get a job?
But there comes a time in every tripfag's life when it's time to say "That'll do, pig, that'll do."

>> No.2266993

Lulz at mature literary Faggots who have the indecency to act like a hipster whilst eating chips and playing video games.


>> No.2266994
File: 4 KB, 219x138, imnotfuckingaroundhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you back up right about now or I'll kick your ass up between your shoulderblades partner.

>> No.2266997
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I laughed way to hard at that Shrek reference.

>> No.2266998


Have you ever tried living in a commune

>> No.2267030

mfw, it's a Babe reference.

>> No.2267054


Holy fuck, the amount of pure douchbaggery in this post is unfathomable.