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22644102 No.22644102 [Reply] [Original]

Dwarf edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22636318

>> No.22644108

Friendly reminder that Bakker is KING
>Then the madness fell away. Once again it was the pure thunder of the charge. The strange camaraderie of men bent to a single, fatal purpose. Hummocks, scrub, and the bones of the Vulgar Holy War’s dead rushed beneath. The wind bled through chain links, tousled Thunyeri braids and Tydonni crests. Bright banners slapped against the sky. The heathen, wicked and foul, drew closer, ever closer. One last storm of arrows, these ones almost horizontal to the ground, punching against shield and armour. Some were struck from their saddles. Tongue tips were bitten off in the concussion of the fall. The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky. Wounded mounts danced in frothing circles nearby. The rest thundered on, over grasses, through patches of blooming milkwort waving in the wind. They couched their lances, twenty thousand men draped in great mail hauberks over thick felt, with coifs across their faces and helms that swept down to their cheeks, riding chargers caparisoned in mail or iron plates. The fear dissolved into drunken speed, into the momentum, became so mingled with exhilaration as to be indistinguishable from it. They were addicted to the charge, the Men of the Tusk. Everything focused into the glittering tip of a lance. The target nearer, nearer … The rumble of hooves and drums drowned their kinsmen’s song. They crashed through a thin screen of sumac … Saw eyes whiten in sudden terror. Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through shield, through armour. Suddenly the ground became still and solid beneath them, and the air rang with wails and shouts. Hands drew sword and axe. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky. And the Kianene fell, undone by their ferocity, crumpling beneath northern hands, dying beneath pale faces and merciless blue eyes. The heathen recoiled from the slaughter—and fled.

>> No.22644114

Bakker is DEAD
his blog is DEAD

>> No.22644124
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Still taking thoughts and valid criticisms on my story about theocratic empire and tribal confederation destroying each other with nuclear magic :^)

>> No.22644153

I don't care about any of that. Tell me more about Babygirl.

>> No.22644161 [SPOILER] 
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Me reading Red Rising.

>> No.22644181

No one cares faggot. Take your dogshit to writefag threads

>> No.22644193
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Trained from birth to be a slave-knight bodyguard for an emperor's daughter. The guy tasked with training her has been secretly teaching her forbidden esoteric combat meditation from the warrior monk order he had a falling out with.
Subconsciously loves her as a daughter, but treats her like a hardass football coach.
She grows up obedient, powerful, and affection-starved. Huge complex on her sense of femininity.
Will latch onto anyone who will give her affection and validation. This will cause problems in the future.

>> No.22644197

Am I weird if I think the short story format actually makes for better fantasy than novels? Short stories and novellas, like Conan, are usually a lot more immersive to me. Its about the adventure and not the characters, novels tend to be too character focused.

>> No.22644199

I'm an ESL but I write better than most fantasy writers.

>> No.22644203

This isn't a "story", it's labeled headshots. Fuck off.

>> No.22644209

Here's an excerpt of her introduction through the eyes of her coach-dad in a flashback.

>> No.22644217

Fair, I'm fixing to assemble something more detailed and less concise after work.

>> No.22644254

"Just wanted to grill" is a kino trope but I was brainwashed early by watermelon man, "least ready, most willing" is kinda dogshit and overplayed though.

>> No.22644266

Nice anon. I dig it. Also, do you follow any convention when creating names or do you just slap syllables together? Not a criticism just curiosity.
I agree with you completely. I hate that the genre has shifted to 700 page tetralogies. I miss the focus of shorter formats.

>> No.22644272

It's all for the purpose of destroying his smile and optimism when shit hits the fan and he is forced to take burdens he wasn't prepared for

>> No.22644291

Yes, I set rules for each of my languages so they are aesthetically consistent and distinct. Some languages have common ancestry and have features or common word roots that link them.

>> No.22644295

Reading The Call of Cthulhu really exemplified why HPL is so renowned for "tell, don't show."
The worldbuilding and foreshadowing is incredible, the story really peaks around the middle as the cult is investigated and the lore of the Old Ones is being uncovered. Then you get to the big reveal which is supposed to be a brick-shitting moment and all it is is
>"Cthulhu killed half the crew with his claws, so we rammed him with our boat and he exploded sending blood and piss everywhere."
Mountains of Madness had a better ending, where they just got a glimpse of the monster and then ran like hell.

>> No.22644349

Hither came Conan, who was from Cimmeria. He had black hair and sullen eyes, and he carried a sword. He was a thief, a reaver and a slayer who had gigantic melancolies and gigantic mirths. He came to tread the jewled thrones of the Earth under his sandaled feet.

>> No.22644374

Just started The Darkness that Cones Before. What am I in for /lit/bros?

>> No.22644391

You should leave the thread before the Sanderson-fag spoils it for you.

>> No.22644424
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Post the
>last book you read
>current book you're reading
>next book you plan to read

>> No.22644431

Lots and lots of dark cones. But...somewhere within that conical darkness there are light cones too. And these light cones, they penetrate the dark, towards the Sun, like tusks, curving, ever so phallically!

>> No.22644440

It's good, but it isn't really till all the characters are together that you get a sense of why people jerk bakker off so much, but that doesn't really happen until the last couple of chapters of book 1. It's full steam ahead from there on though, still a good book and K&C travelling across the steppe is kino.

>> No.22644442

Yeah still dogshit and overplayed

>> No.22644447

I like action Lovecraft desu because even if it isn't scary it's still a fun read.
Horror lovecraft has like a 10% hitrate and it's such a wet fart if the story doesn't land the punch like Dagon is about as interesting as an account of someone's holiday.

>> No.22644566

>last, The Urth of the New Sun
Great series, 10/10
>current, Guards! Guards!
luv me discworld
>next, either more discworld or Too Like Lightning
god i love discworld, its my guilty pleasure

>> No.22644595

Give me the craziest fantasy books you have ever read.

>> No.22644596

Why guilty pleasure? It's just good, no need to be guilty about it.

>> No.22644627

I dismissed discworld but I'm just about finished with the colour of magic and it's pretty great.

>> No.22644628

> Last (also ongoing): The Wandering Inn
Surprisingly still fun after 12 million words, and the author just came back from a break so I'm reading chapters as they come out
> Current: The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
Really not really feeling it so far, but I might read the first book until the end to see if it clicks for me. A shame I'm not enjoying it, since I really liked the character exploration at the beginning of the book. please God don't restart the discussion from last thread
> Next: Bones of the Earth
Heard good things about it, and though it's not sff, it's sff adjacent

>> No.22644643

>Post the
>last book you read
WoR dropped about 50 chapters in
I just got tried of everyone being whiny.
Ended up skipping large amouts of the book
>current book you're reading
The colours of magic
>next book you plan to read
I heard that Gene guy wrote some good books or maybe some 60s pulp sci-fi not sure yet.

>> No.22644649

The Iron Dragon's Daughter
VI Viral Intelligence (Don Debrandt)

>> No.22644653

I ordered the Books of the Short Sun. I will finally finish reading the Solar Cycle.
Other than the short stories, I guess.

>> No.22644660

Neuromancer. I appreciate how influential it was to the cyberpunk genre and aesthetic, but I found the pacing too frantic.
I'm focusing on my own work for the moment, looking over and editing old chapters.
The Darkness That Comes Before is due to arrive next week. I think it will be a good influence on the story I'm writing.

>> No.22644668

>last book you read
Turning Point, the second collection of interviews by Hayao Miyazaki.
>current book you're reading
Sharp Ends by Joe Abercrombie.
>next book you plan to read
War of the Flowers by Tad Williams

>> No.22644710
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babelbros I finally read it. how much did /we/ like it?

going to be hard to match the Babel series but it's a nice start. book 2 is set up nicely for higher stakes, and hopefully some more action. Iz and Warren are fine, but wouldn't mind some other character POVs.

would like to see in book 2?
visits outside the city. maybe even the Entobarrus, or the other "realms" mentioned by Felivox. reawakened political machinations with the neighboring country could be interesting. also wondering how long it's going to take for Bancroft to introduce Iz's dad

favorite magical part?
the shadow walking for me. made me think of clipping under a map in a video game and the Gloaming God is spooky

>> No.22644790

it's the slowest of the third trilogy as it takes a while for everything to get set up, in comparison books 2&3 are non-stop action. however there are some terrific bits in book 1, such as two of the main characters travelling together through the steppe and a confrontation in the court of the emperor. take care not to get spoiled (although i feel like there aren't any huge spoilers for the 1st trilogy)

>> No.22644799

In my opinion Lord Foul's Bane is mostly carried by the writing and subversion of genre conventions. The Illearth War and The Power that Preserves significantly improve everything about the characters, themes and overall narrative.

>> No.22644818

i hate deep pov
i hate deep pov
i hate deep pov

>> No.22644828
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what are some fantasy books with elevated prose? as an example of what i'm NOT looking for, i was reading the first couple of chapters of picrel and while the story was fine, the quality of the dialogue/prose felt like modern people conversing on social media, absolutely nothing transportive about it. another negative example would be Sanderson, i remember that in Mistborn there's a bit where there characters literally brainstorm on a chalkboard and the incongruity of how modernly that was written really annoyed me
what i'm looking for is stuff like Tolkien/Martin, that you might feel as if you're reading "serious" adult literature and not just YA tripe. another positive example is Bakker: even though i find his prose MUCH too purple a lot of the time, at least it feels like i'm reading an ancient epic saga
to clarify, although i *think* i'm mostly looking for an archaic "ye olde" kind of feel, i wouldn't object to "modern" prose that's actually good
>inb4 Wolfe
yeah, he's on my to-read list, i know he's very acclaimed for his prose

>> No.22644845

They all write like this now. It's called "deep point of view". They were never read to as children so they can't understand the job of the narrator. They write like the characters have movie cameras on their shoulders and the writer's just is just to transcribe what the camera "sees".

>> No.22644854

First 100ish pages are a fucking slog but try to get through it because once things start popping off it gets very very good and fast paced. The prose is dense, naming conventions are weird, multiple pov switches per chapter, very stream of conscious, etc... Bakker unforgivingly tosses a bunch of shit at you so don't feel bad for having to reread pages or even having to put it down for a sec to understand what's happening.

>> No.22644877

Steven Erikson
Stephen R Donaldson
Mervyn Peak
Jany Wurtz
Ursula LeGuin
Jack Vance
Robert E Howard
Fritz Lieber
HP Lovecraft
Mary Shelley
Robin Hobb
Matthew Stover
Greg Keyes/J Gregory Keyes

>> No.22644881

What's an example of prose you like?
captcha: 2DS0Y

>> No.22644904

Patricia McKillip

>> No.22644905

Looks retarded. Reminds me of how far we've fallen as a society. Never want to see that image again.

>> No.22644907
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>> No.22644919

NTA but my issue with it was its MCU dialogue and tone where the way speaking was very modern, everybody was quippy, and the author couldn't let a heavy moment be without immediately deflating it with a gag or a quip. Overall I liked the story, but I found its presentation. On the second book I even found myself saying "Dude, stop" aloud because his tension-deflating quips got so predicatable and annoying. I get the concept of the setting is inherently silly but goddamn it's like he had no confidence in it.

>> No.22644923

Expand on that, anon.

>> No.22644932

what the hell does deep pov even mean? google basically says "really really immersive pov", which is basically saying nothing, since you can write immersive pov w/o it sounding like a reddit short story
YTA, i was only a couple of chapters in and i could already anticipate what you describe. reminds me of Abercrombie (who he gets a pass from me) in a bad way, at least Joe can do serious if need be

>> No.22644939
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I would think deep pov means you're in the head of the character, seeing everything very subjectively from their POV.

>> No.22644943

It's your fault for reading Fags of the Wyld. I dropped that book half way in when they did that "it's time to get the band back together shit" and she left that faggot wizard that lost his bugger boi.

>> No.22644944

It does. The people in the thread are retarded.

>> No.22644956

Yeah it sounds to me like >>2264484 misread you and your actual problem is overly casual prose and dialogue that sounds too modern and ill-fitting for a medieval setting and story of epic adventure and grave stakes.

>> No.22644965

>your actual problem is overly casual prose and dialogue that sounds too modern and ill-fitting for a medieval setting and story of epic adventure and grave stakes.
well-put, that's precisely what i'm looking for (mostly). that said, fantasy with actually good modern prose would be fine as well

>> No.22644975

Cradle was a very fun marvel book series (although I still haven't read the last book. I got too into reading actual chinese cultivation stuff. I couldn't last more than a few chapters of Bastion's sequel. Fuck western authors)

>> No.22644980

Typical features:
>Third-person limited .
>There's no narrator "character".
>The reader has no knowledge that the characters don't have.
>The reader is always "shown", never "told".
>Time is non-compressible and linear. Despite being written in the past tense, the story is happening "now". The narrator is not describing something that has already happened with the benefit of hindsight.
>Conversations are never summarized. Every sentence is transcribed. Part of time being non-compressible.

Definitely relevant.

>> No.22644998

Sounds like the anti-deep pov anon wants fairytale prose which sounds... exhausting for an epic fantasy-length novel.

>> No.22645048

The narrator has an important function, compressing time and condensing exposition. It is more exhausting to read a deep pov book that's been bloated to double its ideal length because exposition can only be delivered as dialog.

>> No.22645050
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This fucking sucks

>> No.22645059
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>> No.22645060

Hmm. I thought this >>2264420 would be considered deep pov but perhaps its not.

>> No.22645065

Accidentally cut the 9

>> No.22645078

No wait, this definitely has to be deep pov.

>> No.22645104

I don't think so. A deep pov author wouldn't "tell" us that G doesn't like that stuff amd wouldn't "head hop" into the emperor to say that he does.

>> No.22645146

surprisingly good btw

>> No.22645150
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22645157

Cucking. Lots of sex and every single sez scene is a form of cucking or NTR. Characters over analyzing everything and calling eachother fools. It's very immature but has a great prose style to cover up the obsessive cuck fetish.

>> No.22645184
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>> No.22645200

doesn't Dunsany do it

>> No.22645204


>> No.22645282
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22645334
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>main character is snarky, a blabbermouth, rages at the slightest provocation and is an overall cunt
Fucking hell

>> No.22645344

Is Cirsova good?

>> No.22645361

>The narrator has an important function, compressing time and condensing exposition
This is unneeded in modern literature. There's no page limit anymore. There's no limit to the breadth an audience will read. This is why Royal Road and litRPG are the future of literature, because these do not obscure stories behind an authorial voice.

>> No.22645368

Reading a book like this does not sound fun

>> No.22645386

I recognize that card from back when I used to play MTG. I have nothing more to add.

>> No.22645438

why are progression fantasies so bad at doing actual progression?
so many of them have an op protagonist by chapter 100

>> No.22645487

Death of Grass
don't know, what do you guys recommend

>> No.22645508
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Ordered The Night Land today, what am I in for?

>> No.22645513
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can someone post the original flowchart image

>> No.22645544

Most people who read this slop really fucking hate early grind or a weak protagonist.

>> No.22645549

No-God when

>> No.22645593

What the fuck is the point of "progression" fantasy then?

>> No.22645653
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I stopped reading western slop after LOTM and RI

>> No.22645662

If you want to see what progression fantasy readers actually read, you can literally click over to Royal Road's most popular instead of learning the hot opinions of this thread's idiots.

>> No.22645664
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Here is a more detailed explanation of the main factions and characters of the current arc of the story I'm writing.

>> No.22645674
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Or, if you've got the guts, find actual data about it. If you write serial fantasy, you should use this as your desktop wallpaper.

>> No.22645697

Books with lots of female rape but no male rape?

>> No.22645720

hold still, anon, i'm reporting your ip to the police

>> No.22645723

if bakker and martin can do it other people can

>> No.22645740

>women and faggots can write about men getting raped but a guy can't read about women getting raped

>> No.22645746


>> No.22645767

>author tries to differentiate his work from the crowd but it becomes an irredeemable mess
Many such cases...

>> No.22645773

This is fucking abysmal. Noted, saved, made into my wallpaper.

>> No.22645793

It really sucks because I think the most compelling part of progression slop is the early grind/being weak part.
Actually I think a lot of people abuse steroids for the same reason. They think being strong is the goal compared to the actual goal of constant struggle against weakness.

>> No.22645794

I was wrong Cnair chapters are pretty fucking fun loved the second one where he just slaughtered everyone. His first chapter witnissing his tribe gettin brutally slain felt like it was influenced by Blood Meridian, yes?

>> No.22645811

Is Clark Ashton Smith's dark fantasy stuff any good?

>> No.22645816
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Unironically Zelazny

>> No.22645825

Where should I begin with Dunsany?

>> No.22645831

yeah read it

>> No.22645892

I will always respect Zelazny for going balls to the wall to fit in a wordplay he really, really likes.

"And then the fit hit the Shan."

>> No.22645918

>40 years?
>why not fight RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
I do enjoy Lin Ming's antics of never taking shit off anybody. Since this current book is short, I think I'll finish it before catching up to Infinite Realm.

>> No.22645923
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Is this book the first to depict trolls/orcs as they appear in Warhammer, Warcraft etc?

>> No.22646009

>last - Morningstar
Red rising series are very easy read even if they aren't the greatest writing. Paced like thrillers.
>current - Infinite Jest
Barely started so can't give an opinion
>next - thinking the 9th or 10th Wheel of Time, I dropped the series a couple of years back and I might try to push through. Might want a breezier fantasy after IJ though.

Trying to read on a fantasy - sci fi - lit/classic rotation at the moment, definitely helps me not get reading fatigue to change it up.

>> No.22646068

If not the first, its definitely the inspiration for D&D and with slight alterations, Warhammer. I'd argue Three Hearts and Three Lions is where the modern regeneration based troll came from. I'd argue that Poul Anderson was in many ways a bridge between Tolkien and modernity for defining takes on fantasy tropes in large part because the fans who set them down for us were youths during his heyday.

>> No.22646084

I'll actually argue the first depiction of Orcs a la Warhammer and Warcraft predates Tolkien! John Carter from Mars, or the Barsoom Saga as some call it, had his Green Martians. They were just one of the races but if you squint you can see the betusked Tars Tarkus as the progenitor of every noble savage orc or troll. Tolkien and even Poul Anderson tended to have them be evil to the point that it threatened Tolkien's religious views. The Green Martians however were violent, savage, brutal people but they also had a strong sense of honor. John Carter said that there are no thieves on Mars. They were also green, and while I can't find any proof of direct inspiration it feels like it can't be for nothing.

>> No.22646097

Just finished the first book of Amber. Curwin being a cunt at Eric's coronation was based but so far from what I've read I largely prefer Lord of Light, Amber is alright but it kind of feels dated here and there

>> No.22646130

I'll have to read John Carter. That's a pretty compelling case, although the noble savage aspect seems to have been pretty muted before Warcraft 3

>> No.22646210

book name?

>> No.22646218

Now what is this...
Gor books, I guess.

>> No.22646225

More like Kurwin.

>> No.22646258

It's a xianxia. By book I meant the individual book within the greater overall story. Xianxias are typically segregated into several multiple-chapter 'books'.

>> No.22646266

bro, i know how novels and chapters/volumes works, is just easy to say book for everything
just tell me the name of the novel/book where Lin Ming is from

>> No.22646290

sure, just didn't think you thought i meant a regular book when i said it was short
martial world https://www.wuxiaworld.com/novel/martial-world

>> No.22646314

>26 volumes
>2256 chapters
the longest one i read was I shall seal the heavens / Lord of the mysteries 1
gonna download the epub and give it a try

>> No.22646323

>Lord of the mysteries
How is that btw? I've seen it shilled here a few times, but never looked into it too much.

>> No.22646330

it's fun, seems to get better as it progresses. definitely has its highs and lows but the highs have been better where I am now (1700s lol)
MC literally starts out punching a tree all day and taking his meager funds to buy medicinal herbs so he can do it again the next day, to increase his cultivation, before stumbling upon his lucky chance(TM)

>> No.22646333

pretty good imo, book/volume 1-2 feels slow to some people bc the author is explaining the world/mechanics/systems but is great
mc is smart, theres no romance girlfriend/wife bullshit etc

>> No.22646356


Egan lays things out pretty reasonably.

>> No.22646404

Darrow is for Cassius

>> No.22646413

>The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie, it was whatever, 7/10
>Practical Guide to Evil reread
>picking up Pale Lights from where I left off

>> No.22646436
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>> No.22646464

I always thought this series would be about cultivators fighting the zerg but it's not. Oh well.

>> No.22646477

Just realised that the dragon in the Wheel of Time is a reference to the demiurge and the final scene is Rand coming fully into his power over physical reality. No idea how I didn't see this before.

>> No.22646513

Rand is Tiwaz (Tyr), lord of War who loses a hand to a "wolf". Mat is Hangatyr (Odin), the hanged man's god, who hangs from the tree of life for nine days in exchange for wisdom, guided by two Ravens. Perrin is Thor for obvious reasons.

>> No.22646540
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give the main girl a fat ass and i will read your book

>> No.22646546

The noble savage is such a ubiquitous archetype in fiction and has been for so long that it's hard to say how influential Burroughs' green Martians were on later fantasy savages. It's an interesting thought though.

>> No.22646588

Noble savages are not found in real life. IRL primitive tribes are all violent, extremely stupid maniacs. The entire trope exists to help liberal westoids to cope with the guilt of their colonial past by imagining that natives or african tribals akshually have rich cultures and open minds

>> No.22646591

Didn't read but I will say worldbuilding material is almost worthless. It is extremely easy to spend hours coming up with characters, histories, places, and historical events, but what takes actual dedication is producing good writing from that. People do not give a shit about worldbuilding unless they're actually invested in the story that takes place in that world, so throwing it in people's faces won't drum up much interest.

>> No.22646645
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Here's mine. I don't have names for any of these people and I don't know if they even need any.

>> No.22646650


>> No.22646652

I like this. They're comfy

>> No.22646654

Funny guy is literally just Thomas Pynchon

>> No.22646928
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It's not that the short story format is better per se, I prefer it myself, but there are very few incentives for brevity. Publishers like having long ass series so they can get repeat business from suckers and the popularity of key fantasy series means there is no shortage of pretenders hoping to sell their own wastes of paper

>> No.22646958

>The War Eternal: Cold Ashes Risen
>Paridise -1

>> No.22646978
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_4660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it isn't a novel, but does anyone have any recommendations for fantasy novels that would mirror the Ivalice series in tone and aesthetics? I've been on a binge lately and the crafting of the world is just masterful, and I love the "progression" of each work from an era of relative technological advancement to completely low-fantasy grunge-ness, where even the simplest tech is basically magical to the characters.
I think it goes without saying the complexity of the narrative is also important.

>> No.22647066

I'm 100+ pages into writing it. I even posted an excerpt from one of the chapters.

>> No.22647077

i started the travelling inn and it is not good. one might call it "shit"
does it get better?

>> No.22647101

It gets longer

>> No.22647133

it eventually changes from bad slice of life to bad political fantasy

>> No.22647188

Are they just referred to as "funny guy", etc in the story?

>> No.22647189

No, I haven't written the frame narrative yet so they don't appear. I've just been working on the stories they wrote. Reckon I'll have to come up with names at some point

>> No.22647205

I can't believe this is his first proper story's (as in published in Weird Tales) opening... So very based.
>I am writing this under an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more. Penniless, and at the end of my supply of the drug which alone makes life endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall cast myself from this garret window into the squalid street below. Do not think from my slavery to morphine that I am a weakling or a degenerate. When you have read these hastily scrawled pages you may guess, though never fully realise, why it is that I must have forgetfulness or death.

>> No.22647217
File: 239 KB, 1954x1533, 20231027_223127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these interesting looking Hyperion covers today

>> No.22647219

Based... Based. Thumbs up. Impressive.

>> No.22647405


>> No.22647442

It's better than that

>> No.22647446

Bakker was euthanized by the Canadian medical association after being mistaken for a homeless person due to his dissheveled looks, sorry

>> No.22647557

The noble savage as a trope goes all the way back to Tacitus. Projecting virtues onto primitives that they may or may not really possess in order to use them as a rhetorical tool for critiquing the writer's own society, or in some cases just to make the primitives more interesting for the readers, is a very old and persistent tic among writers.

>> No.22647573

Reminder The Night Land is the /sffg/ equivalent to Shingeki No Kyojin it's either that or Berserk

>> No.22647581

>comparing SnK with Berserk in any facet
kill yourself newfag

>> No.22647633

incredible work to make a post where none of the 4 possible comparisons make any sense

>> No.22647670

None of these three things resemble one another, what a random comparison

>> No.22647672

Can't read well, especially not with drunken horrors down the street, but Lovecraft should be read aloud.

>> No.22647703

holy shit you ABOMINABLE NIGGER kill yourself and stop infesting every other board with your NIGGERDOM

>> No.22647712

aw whoops I don't remember how to crossboard link an individual post, we'll see if this works

>> No.22647728

>shit influences our choices bro
>that means we don't have free-will
retards mistaking free-will for freedom-of-choice since day one

>> No.22647790

What do you think is the worst thing they could possibly do in a Prince of Nothing TV adaptation if it ever got one? Outside of condensing the story since they'd need to do that a lot, I'd say giving more focus to Esement which I think they would do somehow.

>> No.22647801

Ask /tv/. I haven't watched television in about a decade, and only watch movies at the cinema a handful of times per year.

>> No.22647858
File: 89 KB, 218x285, jamesmoore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to library to return book
>browse the sci-fi/fantasy section
>come across "Fallen Gods" cover art is very evocative of Dark Souls etc.
>see that its the sequel to a series and the 1st book isnt in the library, but made a note of it
>come home and look up the author
>this is his picture

lmao I feel like I gotta read this schlock now

>> No.22647871

>not reading the official Dark Souls(TM) novel

>> No.22647879

make it

>> No.22647890

does such a tome exist?

>> No.22647896

Make it a pozzed sjw garbage.

>> No.22647899

https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Souls-Vindication-Michael-Stackpole/dp/1975360885 It's mostly a regular fantasy novel, don't get your hopes up.

>> No.22647911

Yeah I pulled it out of your mother's womb. I cut her open and there it was, smiling at me toothlessly. It had black eyes. Across its forehead was writ, Dark Souls. And I knew then and there, that the ashen prophesy should turn to flame. I held out my hands, clutched the book. And pulled it out, as it dropped with gory redness, and dragged an anchor after it. A horrid, foetid string with a puppet of liver-like flesh. It had its first words: "Thou art the ASYLUM demon, the one who cannot see." I opened my eyes and found I was at a desk, in a halo of bleak ghost-light. A keyboard before me. Drenched in translucent slime that stank so musky and foul. My cock was wet. Limp, shrivelled. I saw on the screen before me a Photo Booth, a selfie of myself. My head was caved in, a horrible mess of skull fragment and brain matter, blood and deathly putrescence. I was dead. And in the other tabs I saw... 4chan was open. As well as... Dark Souls wiki. I tried to move but could not. The world grew dark, cold, dreadful. No flame burned. I screamed but heard nothing...

>> No.22647949

stackpole's decent for a hack, still not gonna read it tho

>> No.22647956

So how long until Bakker needs money and releases all the short-stories in an IRL volume? God-forbid he actually finish No-God book 1

>> No.22647992

>Now what is this...
a fantasy mystery/detective novel with a husband and wife PI team, armed with magical trinkets. the setting is electrical/industrial revolution. magic (though waning due to the discovery and utility of electrohol), magical creatures, and magical realms exist. also, the wife practices a minor branch of magic, the titular Hexology

same author as the (finished) Books of Babel series, which I highly recommend if you haven't read those. that is a steampunk action-adventure
Bancroft is an excellent author imo

>> No.22647999

Do people here really not start a book series just because they don't have the first volume?

>> No.22648006

>the setting is electrical/industrial revolution. magic (though waning due to the discovery and utility of electrohol),
I am really sick of this, and people who think it's original or clever.

>> No.22648011

Any Malazan readers here?? Are the Ian C Esselmont books important for a first time read or should I not bother with them??

>> No.22648012

Is it true that the Earthsea books are chud-tier?

>> No.22648014

Hey, maybe they don't want originality.

>> No.22648015

I would never start anywhere but the beginning, no.

>> No.22648020

No they're trans-propaganda and I'm sick of talking about this. Better names for the books would be A Tranny of HRT-Sea and The Rings of ACKtuan

>> No.22648022

you gotta be funnier if you're gonna reply to yourself like this

>> No.22648037

>Kelsier is...le leader of the Ghostbloods!
>Vivienne is...le Azure hunting Vasher/Zahel!
what's wrong with branderson and leaving gayass plot points hanging in the air like this? Dont @ me with RAFO SA5 these plot points have been ongoing

>> No.22648039

newfags don't know wit

>> No.22648047

It's not a joke though. The progressive liberal disease that has spread in western literature is a serious matter.

>> No.22648049

>progressive liberal disease
you mean like an elf and a dwarf learning to bond and fight together like brothers? I had no idea old Tolky was woke.

>> No.22648057

He was woke and ziopilled.

>> No.22648063

Stackpole is a hack but he's a based hack

>> No.22648073

>elf and a dwarf learning to bond
Do you mean like cute blonde blue eyed elf girl with pointy facial features bonding with unwashed swarthy men with big bulbous noses?

>> No.22648084

No, i mean a tall voluptuous middle aged elf woman with an unwashed small curious dwarf boy

>> No.22648086

Tolky was not woke, by modern libshit standards, look at his letters, where he seethes at English being used and distorted by foreign peoples, for example.
But Tolky was a Christian, and there is a link of universalism with libshitism there.

>> No.22648095

>i mean a tall voluptuous middle aged elf woman
That is not pure elf, it sounds like a mutt

>> No.22648121

>All of the stories reinterpret the world of Earthsea. In the original trilogy, Earthsea society in general and the practice of magic in particular are dominated by men. Women can only be witches, which is the despised lowest rank of the magical world, as expressed in the proverb "Weak as women's magic, wicked as women's magic".

>> No.22648140

'Wicked' indicates that it is in some way more effective than standard magic. So I don't understand how can it be non effective (or having small effect, weak) and very effective at the same time? I guess this happens when you allow women to write fantasy.

>> No.22648145

>wtf england joined forces with france to fight germany?
>WW2 was woke!

>> No.22648246

I usually read the last book first and work backwards

>> No.22648257

kek'd just a little

>> No.22648284

I think I read it. Remove all female characters, remove all sex/sexuality/romance.

>> No.22648318

>evil or morally wrong.
Since you seemed unfamiliar with the word.

>> No.22648364

>wicked adjective (EXCELLENT)
>informal excellent

>> No.22648400

Any slashers with this feel?
>The head trip fantasies were a bit like a trophy. You know, the head is where everything is at, the brain, eyes, mouth. That’s the person. I remember being told as a kid, you cut off the head and the body dies. The body is nothing after the head is cut off . . . Well, that’s not quite true. With a girl, there is a lot left in the girl’s body without the head. Of course, the personality is gone.

>> No.22648518

Any coomer kino

>> No.22648536
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>B-but but a-a a ...a G-RL!

>> No.22648555

>Kelsier is...le leader of the Ghostbloods!
>Vivienne is...le Azure hunting Vasher/Zahel!
what's wrong with branderson and leaving gayass plot points hanging in the air like this? Dont @ me with RAFO SA5 these plot points have been ongoing

>> No.22648575

Bot is starting to malfunction

>> No.22648587
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, 9890548930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm too invested in babygirl's hero's journey and once I've emotionally and physically martyred her for 3 books worth of story arcs, I think she'll deserve to throw her sword into the ocean, settle down, and get pregnant.
Funny enough though, I didn't set out to have any romance or sex in the story. I billed it to my friends doing the alpha reading as "less horny aSoIaF", but most of them either gently suggested that many of the character dynamics I'd set up were ripe for that and not addressing it would be an elephant in the room. I did some cooking and ended up with some relationship arcs and character dynamics that I feel fit perfectly with my set themes and make the overall story more interesting than if they hadn't been there.
That just goes for the outline, though. I'm still working on figuring out a way to write these romance scenes out without giving myself Vietnam flashbacks to how cringey Paolini's romance arcs were in Inheritance.

>> No.22648625

>I'm too invested in babygirl's hero's journey and once I've emotionally and physically martyred her for 3 books worth of story arcs, I think she'll deserve to throw her sword into the ocean, settle down, and get pregnant.
Incredibly based. I'll read your book even if it's shit simply because it caters to my preferences.

>> No.22648639

Shut the fuck up

>> No.22648646

You are a shitty coomer. your entire thought process is completely intertwined with coomer thoughts, since probably the early age of growing you have known nothing else but cooming. You cannot even comprehend a mind process that has no coomer thoughts, it is a concept too foreign for you, you are not the only one, there millions if not billions of dysfunctional people like you constantly reinforcing each others defective thinking.

>> No.22648662
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, 0c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn homie, you okay? Talk a walk, clear your head.

>> No.22648681
File: 295 KB, 1280x1810, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No older women
Where are the milfs?

>> No.22648689

Including women doesn't make you a coomer no matter how many times you whine about it you freak.

>> No.22648693

My mind has never been more clear.

>> No.22648697

Why do writefags always act smug when they come here instead of >>>/wg/? Why does every general on the board attract people who lack basic fundamental communication skills?

>> No.22648701

Yes it does also anon clearly stated that there is more than just 'including women' see >>22648587

>> No.22648702

I mean if you like gilfs, I guess that's Oga and Ahma Zundaar.
But in the arc I'm writing that takes place on the other side of the continent in an area with the genetic makeup closer to India, two of the main characters are middle-aged sisters. One is a refined high society occultist, basically in Shadow Wizard Money Gang acting as a budding antagonist, and the other is an academic serving as the mentor of the arc's main character, a young archaeologist, who I want to develop over time into a rugged Indiana Jones type.

>> No.22648716

ITT trooncel talking to xerself

>> No.22648719

Finally dipped into his stories. Strange style where his vocabulary and diction are great, but the plots by contrast are pure pulp and don't offer much to think about at all.

>> No.22648727

Rape. Seriously, a lot of rape.

>> No.22648728
File: 158 KB, 939x1258, Clark_Ashton_Smith_1912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.22648729
File: 75 KB, 780x438, 985093845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to clarify I'm not including explicit depictions of sex or sexuality in my story, just that there will be the development of romantic relationships between a few characters. Like I said, I set out to make a less-horny aSoIaF. Now please, anon, take your lithium and calm down.

>> No.22648733
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, 1694321891425582m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, i will now read your book.

>> No.22648736

sci-fi and fantasy are the bottom of the barrel in literature

>> No.22648746

What have they done to Jaheira-kun....

>> No.22648761

>Kelsier is...le leader of the Ghostbloods!
>Vivienne is...le Azure hunting Vasher/Zahel!
what's wrong with branderson and leaving gayass plot points hanging in the air like this? Dont @ me with RAFO SA5 these plot points have been ongoing

>> No.22648770

Yes, you included women, and you also included romantic relationships and sexual relationships.
Standard coomer set up.

>> No.22648773

Some of the greatest and most iconic works of all time are fantasy. What you mean to say is that sci-fi and fantasy attract bottom of the barrel writers.

>> No.22648802
File: 125 KB, 269x245, shazamisvexed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homie, I'm not your therapist, I'm just trying to write some indie worldbuilding fantasy. Sort yourself out.

>> No.22648810
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They made her hotter. And her banter is still on point, her conversations with her orc son and her elf daughter calling her a hag are funny.

>> No.22648811

You are projecting. I have never equated those things (but you have now)

>> No.22648813

I want kaladin to marry and FUCK sylph

>> No.22648819

>I have never equated those things
Okay pal

>> No.22648823

That's literally what you were getting at over me having female characters and romance. Read this again and take your meds: >>22648729

>> No.22648830

That is an opinion, and that doesn't explain why some retard comes here and spews off-topic material.

>> No.22648831

As a teen, I despised romance in my fantasy. Any older, and it became clear something was missing.

>> No.22648862

>Simon realised he was still carrying Thorn. He lifted it up; it was suddenly light as a willow-wand, and seemed to sing in his hands, like a wind sawed rope. He glanced back over his shoulder: a few paces of ground was all, then empty air. One of the distant peaks hovered in the swirling mists across the chasm - white, quiet, serene. Usires save me, he wondered, why doesn't the dragon make a sound? His mind seemed to float loose inside his body. One hand stole up to Miriamele's scarf at his throat, and then he grasped the silver-wrapped hilt once more. Igjarjuk's head loomed, the gullet a black pit, the eye a blue lantern. The world seemed constructed of silence. What should he shout at the last? He remembered what Jiriki had once said of mortals, even as the frosty musk of the dragon blew down on him, a stench like sour cold earth and wet stones. "Here I am!" he cried, and brought Thorn whistling toward the baleful eye. "I am....Simon!"

Man, what an amazing climax, even if I hadn't loved the rest of the book reading it all would have been worth it just for this scene alone.

>> No.22648866

They aren't the same things, they aren't 'equal'.

>> No.22648868

>no more short stories to see what Simon is up to
fucking fat ass lazy fuck Will leaves Simon trapped in a never-to-be-continued series while raking up Cradlebucks thanks to low-IQ troglodytes and then proceeding to write another bland sci-fi series

>> No.22648869

What are you even on about? I told you I'm not writing sex in my story. Take your meds.

>> No.22648873

is there a fantasy series where you have multiple reasonable factions that are sorta working towards the same goal but are enemies or neutral between themselves?

I've been reading WoT 6 lately and although the multiple factions are fun (Morgase, whitecloaks, Elayda. Salidar) at the end of the day Rand is straight up right and everyone will either join or ignore him, or lose.

Pedron Niall is the only one besides Rand with enough insight to try to unite people to fight the Last Battle, but considering he's literally hitler besides that I doubt he'll last long

>> No.22648875

Yeah, good non coomer plot, good non coomer story and good non coomer characters

>> No.22648879

Stop wasting your time anon. That guy goes off about coomers any time someone says something about female MCs

>> No.22648880

it's opposite for me

>> No.22648881

Yes but you are writing women and you are also writing romance, right?

>> No.22648882

They're both newfags squabbling at each other.

>> No.22648897

Ah I see. What strange brainrot he has.

>> No.22648907

>be Brandon Sanderson
>have to write Way of Kings after Mistborn
>"soo I had Kelsier as the guy here? I know, I'll change it a bit to Kaladin!"
>"Three letter Vin, three letter Vin...oh I see, See, Seel! Syl! Yes!"
>"instead of mists we'll have regular storms with magic light lolol"
>"this guy's called Sazed? I'll just have someone called Szeth now"

>> No.22649028

>anon found out people may have similar names

>> No.22649030
File: 92 KB, 694x715, elden ring by grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a coincidence haha

>> No.22649040

LoTR became a timeless classic with women barely having some sort of agency btw. There's no women in the cast on hobbit too

>> No.22649041

Martin is a fucking coomer hack though, it's the universal truth

>> No.22649043

...who asked?

>> No.22649044

You might actually lose your name if you ever read Wheel of Time. 2000 named characters and 600 of them are some variation of Sarielle

>> No.22649073

For me romance is Eowyn meeting Faramir in the House of Healing
I don't want anything more

>> No.22649081

LMAO is this real? Fucking hack
When you read Sanderson you are in fact being trained to read Jordan.

>> No.22649171


>> No.22649184

When you start reading a sentence do you start in the middle?

>> No.22649197
File: 128 KB, 1192x497, Screenshot 2023-10-28 121142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22649207

The no man can kill me reveal is done better in the movies imo

>> No.22649211

Brandon Sanderson is the absolute personification of American hypocrisy when it comes to juggling violence and sex. Just look at Rhythm of War
>Kaladin suffers endless mental agonies and breaks down thinking of killing himself
>Moash mindrapes him when he's sleeping
>Teft's corpse gets dropped like trash in front of Kal who hears Teft's skull crack from the impact
>Kal butchers fused and tries to off himself yet again
>Ishar's Frankensteinian spren shenanigans at the pavilion
>radiants getting stabbed and shot and shrugging it off

>> No.22649215

it's great, isn't it?

>> No.22649216

Puritanism is as American as it gets, buddy.

>> No.22649219

It's been a long ass time but I barely remember Dernhelm being in the ROTK film which kind of robs the moment of its impact

>> No.22649277

Yes? Why must I read about a guy inserting his penis in a woman's vagina when I could be reading about Kaladin's horrors?

>> No.22649279

Why is Warbreaker so well paced and dare I say edited, despite being standard Brandonslop? I really enjoyed reading it and I dropped all of his new secret project stuff.

>> No.22649293

>Some of the greatest and most iconic works of all time are fantasy.
enough about the bible

>> No.22649330

What about sentences?

>> No.22649410

His earlier works are definitely more soulful than his recent ones, I also recommend ones that he never published but are still available on the net:

aether of the night is a solid sando work but he will tweak it massively and publish officially later

the white sand in prose form is also a pretty good book by sando's standard, definitely more enjoyable than his recent fare

>> No.22649429

Truly popular authors inevitably decline over time. What made them popular in the first place disappears in the face of commercial factors. It's the same reason products decline in quality over time, is that Brand Sand is in this business to make as much money as possible regardless of quality.

The only way to stop this is to stop buying Brand Sand books, but good fucking luck with that.

>> No.22649498

Prose style
>One of the best out of all pulp writers
Story content

I just spoiled 80% of The Black Abbot of Puthuum.

>> No.22649527

Ashton Smith was racist? I've read a few of his stories but he never came across as someone who hates non-whites

>> No.22649532

>racism = not liking nonwhites

>> No.22649536

>Sneed = Seed and Feed
>Chuck = Suck and Fuck

>> No.22649538

He got popular and thus got enough clout to tell his editors to step off. Hence every single book in Stormlight Archive being over 1100 pages long.

>> No.22649547

Sanderson at least mentions and alludes to sex in Stormlight Archive, which is more than you could say for most of his other works where it basically doesn't exist.

>> No.22649564

Is this a newfagGPT bot?

>> No.22649584
File: 243 KB, 488x449, 1698454243786906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it city slicker.

>> No.22649617

How do we get fa/tv/irgins? Because of ASoIaF?

>> No.22649734
File: 205 KB, 667x1000, 81W86DEMYmL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to extend my warmest of thanks to whichever of you fags recommended this last thread. I've not made much of a dent in it, but so far it is delightful and charming

>> No.22649876
File: 853 KB, 1920x1080, 1686717002489785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in WoT adaptation
This is an insult to life itself.

>> No.22649892

Explain, who's that character supposed to be?

>> No.22649903
File: 117 KB, 512x512, 1687395773108817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egwene fighting ishmael. And yes it's real.

>> No.22649933

>Egwene frees herself from the adam and then fights ishmael
>Mat kneeling in the background

>> No.22649953
File: 72 KB, 780x1040, 3ee649c7-3312-4f55-a51e-4d4f7273392a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was having trouble sending Martial World to my kindle with email for some reason, got the usb and did it just like the barbarians in the ancient times
>2256 chapters
>14k pages

here we go

>> No.22649997

this is genuinely god awful. ai trash profile pics with some of the most brain dead reddit garbage blurbs under them. flagrantly referencing real life bullshit, memes, and pop culture from better, older works of fiction is a really bad sign of things to come. i mean seriously you can't come up with a single sentence, original thought or unique description to describe any of these characters? fuck it, we ball? cool wine aunt? would vote for trump? you shouldn't even be on this website seriously

>> No.22650011

that's a big font size. get some glasses or something

>> No.22650012
File: 215 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.zThfCdEoQEVb7yR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i mean seriously you can't come up with a single sentence, original thought or unique description to describe any of these characters?
Yeah, here: >>22645664

>> No.22650040
File: 4 KB, 267x189, potionseller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im using glasses
but i have 10 degrees of myopia/astigmatism

>> No.22650055

good grief, man. i hope i'm not like you one day.

>> No.22650079

I only read haremlit.
I am better than all of you. Empirically better.

>> No.22650085

I don't like haremlit because i don't like reading about women.

>> No.22650092
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>Egwene fighting Ishamael

>> No.22650095

The Broken Sword
The Deep by John Crowley

>> No.22650111

I am even better than you. I only read reverse haremlit.

>> No.22650125

I read about history, philosophy, religion and science and make up my own fantasy based on that and my own schizoid thoughts.

>> No.22650130

I only read Dragonlance and D&D novels

>> No.22650139
File: 218 KB, 1920x1080, 1683705794684055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read VNs.

>> No.22650166

I can tell you're a man of refined tastes.

>> No.22650237

If I had to give a recommendation, I'd argue for the Black Company or ASOIAF (foreverially unfinished)

>> No.22650315

I actually did this with wheel of time. I started on book 8 when it was the newest one and by a series of annoyances with the library I ended up only getting to read them in reverse order.

>> No.22650324

Several instances (including the "main" story) in Erickson's malazan fit the bill.

>> No.22650476


>> No.22650516

What did you expect, it has a female main character. It always means it's shit written by coomer and/or for coomers or, even worse, written by a woman.

>> No.22650532

Name a single non-sexual reason this is a bad thing.

>> No.22650615

You should use the send to Kindle webpage, it's better than email attachments
Use this website to fix epub errors too before sending it too
Amazon is converting epub to kfx now, so you will have most features available like better typesetting support and sync

>> No.22650635

It's hard to relate to women

>> No.22650639

A woman on her period is not exactly hero material.

>> No.22650676

just finished lud-in-the-mist, pretty fucking good. it's so well written, and the story keeps you hooked

>> No.22650771

Won't comment on the story or worldbuilding, but the prose is somewhat solid. Better than anything one sees in /wg/. Godspeed anon.

>> No.22650958

do not listen to this poster
Amber has some of the shittest prose you'll read in all of fantasy

>> No.22650963

Was definitely a weird read. I don't know what I was expecting, but it was not what I got. I actually didn't love the 'who-done-it' type narrative, but the world was interesting and I thought her style lent itself well to the proto-magical realism she was going for. Can see that newer writers like Clarke and Gayman took a lot of inspiration from L-i-t-M

>> No.22650967

Fantasy with haunted, wistful forests/woods?

>> No.22650982

hell yeah I read it on my Kindle too. I'm the guy who was talking about MW with you.
lul I have an astigmatism (weak prescription otherwise) and read at the smallest font: 1.

>> No.22651032

right above your post

>> No.22651044

If this is all it is then there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, it’s just that the implementation is often poor

>> No.22651050

the who done it writing is what moves the plot forward though. never expected the book to turn into a detective story but it worked perfectly

what carries it is the prose though, it's just very well written book. i love that old style, makes me feel like reading dunsany again

>> No.22651089

It lacked the melancholy of Dunsany for me. I found it more humorous, also. Even if some of the most funny sections were black/morbid.

>> No.22651153

Watched Contact years ago, now finally read it. I really liked Ellie in the movie, but in the book she was such an insufferable bitch.

>> No.22651166

You obviously haven't read much.

>> No.22651264

Thanks, anon!

>> No.22651312

Yeah good prose if only you weren't such a cuck and a coomer.

>> No.22651320

I hope you get the help you need, anon.

>> No.22651336

Dunsany, Vance, Wolfe, Peake. The holy quartet of fantasy prose.

>> No.22651357

How bad is WoT when it comes to making you need to remember 100 different characters?

>> No.22651433

It gets a little messy when you're expected to remember all the Tar Valon bitches that Jordan just keeps adding more and more of, but they're all interchangeable anyway so no matter

>> No.22651461

He introduces a ton of characters but maybe 5% of them are actually vital to remember. You won't have any trouble remembering the 5% because they're the ones you'd remember naturally anyway, being so important to the story and present for most of its length. There's just a couple major characters introduced a few books in you'll have to make room for, but on the whole all the Aes Sedai, wise ones, sisters of the spear, nobles, etc that accumulate around Rand and the others are not that important to remember.

>> No.22651466

Most of the named characters that aren't worth remembering are aes sedai that only show up during Egwene chapters so feel free to not remember them.

>> No.22651485

I hope you stop being a coomer one day

>> No.22651498

If Erikson didn't write it, don't bother.

>> No.22651504

>Are the Ian C Esselmont books important for a first time read
>should I not bother with them?
Once you finish Book of the Fallen, if you want more of the characters and setting that were left out of the main story, sure. But you don't need to bother with them otherwise.

>> No.22651653
File: 116 KB, 818x1329, 1698058795193990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRRM stole the iron throne from fucking Mercedes Lackey of all people...
> Emperor held court from his Iron Throne, made from the personal weapons of all those monarchs the Emperors of the past had conquered and deposed, each glazed and guarded against rust. The throne itself was over six feet tall and four feet in width; a monolithic piece of furniture, it was so heavy that it had not been moved so much as a finger-length in centuries. Anyone looking at it could only be struck by its sheer mass—and must begin calculating just how many sword blades, axes, and lance points must have gone into the making of it.... None

>> No.22651659
File: 1.69 MB, 1944x1663, stormlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this and Word of Radiance at a flea market for 6 bucks.

What should I expect?

>> No.22651668

DBZ, unironically

>> No.22651679

Looks cool, Queen. Chuds will seethe, but keep posting about your porject

>> No.22651686

>t. illiterate

>> No.22651723

Is there any good post-apocalypse? I read the story of St. Leibowitz.

>> No.22651739

It's..... not bad?
You're actually pretty good (for /sffg standards), good job anon.

>> No.22651769

Derivative goyslop marketed to normies and nerdy onions faggots. Horrific prose and awful Marvel-tier dialogue.

>> No.22651774

>no one is ever allowed to independently have a similar idea

>> No.22651843

Why do you reddit faggots.... type like this?

>> No.22651859

>all those annotations
Woah..... he's smart!

>> No.22651886

Brittany!poster, it's your time to shine

>> No.22651889
File: 3.81 MB, 960x960, 1693460825665.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is esslemont into big butts and thick slampigs like Erikson?

>> No.22651891
File: 23 KB, 425x491, shepardpfft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but do you really need explaining the expressive nuances of that sentence? I can help you if you like, I just need to know if your confusion is due to autism or just brainrot.

>> No.22651901
File: 243 KB, 849x776, t0u_S52BAQqLVhsiWUFsPg_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right?

What I got from him was derivitive.
>anything after Beowulf, the greeks and JRRT is derivative at this point.
>horrific prose
ever read the stuff that WoTC puts out?
>Marvel-tier dialogue
for 6 bucks, I am looking for a fun read, I'll give it a shot. If it doesn't grab me within the first 100 pages, I will donate them to my local library.

>> No.22651996
File: 58 KB, 624x1280, 169813457993341159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro noted hack GRRM just so happened to have the exact same idea as Mercedes Lackey years before writing Asoiaf
>yeah bro noted hack GRRM just so happened to have the exact same idea as Tad Williams years before writing Asoiaf
>yeah bro noted hack GRRM just so happened to have the exact same idea as HP Lovecraft years before writing Asoiaf
>yeah bro noted hack GRRM just so happened to have the exact same idea as Robert E. Howard years before writing Asoiaf
Do GRRMwhores actually believe this?

>> No.22652030

>Do GRRMwhores actually believe this?
Yes they actually do. I like GRRM, but his worldbuilding is often bad and lazy.
Why did they have to butcher this adaptation? This looks worse than a xianxia show

>> No.22652063


>> No.22652109


>> No.22652128

>Do GRRMwhores actually believe this?
Yes. They are the most mentally ill of all fantasy author fandoms, including Sanderson

>> No.22652262
File: 85 KB, 420x620, redgrass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah bro noted hack GRRM just so happened to have the exact same idea as Michael Moorecock years before writing Asoiaf
You forgot this one
>what if I took this old marvel comic where conan fights elric and put it in Westros

>> No.22652263

Attention Based Bakker posters, new /sffg/ thread here >>22652157

>> No.22652412

damn these threads are fast

>> No.22652506

it's literal newfag spam every thread