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22647190 No.22647190 [Reply] [Original]

>open any random letter from the American founding fathers
>it's endlessly interesting and articulate
>was never once exposed to any of this in school or public life
>realize this is what the great men of history were like and you are utterly othered from them
The realization of mediocrity is the most /lit/ feel.

>> No.22647269

>atheist bugs still idolize ''the founding fathers''

Look let's be truthful. the historical fact is that american have no history, no culture. America is just a country for the british bourgeois tax evaders to base society on GDP kek

It's pathetic that all americans have in their shitty life is the romanticisation of bourgeois democracy

>> No.22647276

Becoming aware that the public school system is an industrial revolution hangover whose focus is obedience to thr point of ringing bells to get people to relocate while they become "employable" is a high school level realization. The masses have never had access to schooling that cultivates higher thought at scale, let alone wanted it. For many the desire for material wealth or even just a job is more attractive than engaging with higher thought or contextualizing yourself in the arc of history. I often hear this suspicion that the elites are putting one over on the masses by teaching them in this way but I really feel like it's the other way around.

>> No.22647284

Yasss queen slay!!!

>> No.22647340

Public schooling is the primary method for destroying any chance of non-automated thinking, speaking, doing, but it’s not just the public school system which does this. We live in a culture where being a highly technical automaton is a virtue. This is a culture that has no use for poetry, for art, even for religion, and the most humanistic pursuits it finds worthy of taking up are economics and law, and and for the sole purpose of maximizing utility and control beyond what’s minimally required for human flourishing by the way. It’s a civilization of programmers, spreadsheet jockeys, scientific dogma repeaters, civic activists, and low IQ degenerates who are incapable of being molded into any technically productive and law-abiding drone in any way and so instead are abandoned to become a sort of internal proletariat with a culture of failure and underachieving. That’s the problem. This civilization worships economy and technology, and nothing else. The human person has been totally forgotten, and the purpose of not just education but the whole of culture is to create economic and technical feats. Education is just made to fit that end.

>> No.22647342

It’s funny. I remember being 20 and reading Evola for the first time, but I had actually read some other stuff as well so I wasn’t this much of a retarded /pol/brain.

>> No.22647421

No, the simple fact is that the majority of people are just dumb. If you were in honors classes and AP all throughout high school and then went to a good college you might still be naive enough to think everyone is capable of greatness because you've only been exposed to people with potential. I was this way and even I know that view is retarded.
If you've ever been in the regular kid classes, if you've ever tutored children, if you've ever been around kids in school who weren't literal prodigies, you would realize how absolutely misguided this sentiment is.
It is a miracle we can even get kids to pass high school and become semi functional members of society, and even that is going rapidly down these days.
They're letting kids pass high school these days WITHOUT EVEN BEING ABLE TO READ and you want to try to make these same retards philosopher kings?? I sincerely ask you guys to just try to volunteer as a tutor at your local school and see for yourself the state of the average student in schools that try their hardest just to get them to do the bare minimum.
People who grow up to be smart and able citizens, making 6 figures, working in a challenging field etc. are the product of both an able child and parents who sacrifice so much to ensure they are raised right. Most kids these days barely interact with their parents and when they do it's not in a mentally stimulating way like parents of prodigy kids.

>> No.22647474

most people are dumb AND public education is designed to make them dumber. there's nothing mutually exclusive about these statements.

>> No.22647494

No, while public education is far from perfect, it does attempt to make the base retard that is the modern American learn something of use. If you tried to teach the average American whose parents put no effort into raising them (partially because they can't afford to keep a roof over their heads if they don't both work long hours) like how Benjamin Franklin was taught or John Adams you would end up with a population of failed philosophers who also can't do basic jobs.
I implore you, go see for yourself the state of American youth today. Go to a school and volunteer and try to teach them anything beyond the bare minimum. The average American literally cannot comprehend the kinds of entry level philosophical concepts being thrown around in this thread.
That's why redditors (midwits) who begin to understand these things (the kind of people who watch YouTube essays) think of themselves as so smart, because compared to the average person you see on a regular day they are "smarter" but on the overall scale they are midwits.