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22646736 No.22646736 [Reply] [Original]

Was planning to start reading Plato and picked img related, anything I should know before I start?

>> No.22646740

be prepared for him to for on a 4 chapter long tangent just to give a lack-luster, proto-totalitarian answer on what justice is and should be

>> No.22646748

i would read the Euthyphro or apology first
the republic is a bad intro imo, also kind of overrated

>> No.22646766

spoken like a true hylic

>> No.22646777

nah, it's whimsical as fuck
and even if you're partial to it, straight up retarded to give someone the republic as their first plato
so to conclude, you're fucking stupid kek

>> No.22646796

watch your mouth. you don't know who you're messing with

>> No.22646815

jerome in the house
watch your mouth

>> No.22646863
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It’s hard to handle The Republic if you are a prepubescent or mentally retarded, I concur. Anyone else should have no trouble starting there even if it’s not the actual beginning of the Platonic corpus in Thrasyllan reading order or in the Academy’s reading order. Tl;Dr- you can read it by itself so long as your Iq is above room temperature

>> No.22646867

You picked the best one to start with.

>> No.22646874

No, he didn’t but it’s not going to kill him like >>22646777 implies.

>> No.22646878

lel your post stinks of midwit
can you even read greek?

>> No.22646887

Yes, I can phonetically pronounce the words so it is a half truth. Regardless, anyone can read the Republic on their own and get it. The Thrasyllan order is for those seriously diving into Plato and who intend to read the full Corpus.

>> No.22646891
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I started with the Republic, and it's fucking easy to understand. I had just gotten into reading, and reading the Republic was fucking fun. I guess STEMchads win again?

>> No.22646889

Where did I imply that it's 'hard' to read the republic, retard? it's not the BEST introduction to plato, learn to fucking read

>> No.22646896

“Straight up retarded” it is not. He can read it by itself just fine.

>> No.22646897

I originally wrote that it wasn't the best intro to plato IMO, then some retard took issue with it, similar to what you're doing here
autism check

>> No.22646900

Okay. It’s still not straight up retarded for OP to read the book on its own and then return to other Platonic dialogues should he want. You suggest the trial dialogues so I just assumed you were pushing the Thrasyllan order.

>> No.22646902

Yeah - if that's the only plato op has got it's fine, but recommending people SPECIFICALLY read the republic as first plato is a weird ass choice, which is what I fucking wrote

>> No.22646905

Only one person has recommended some pre-republic material. The recommendation has no bearing on reading the Republic first. If you filtered platelets just want to be contrarian then so be it, OP still picked the best one to start with.

>> No.22646908

I would disagree there too, to an extent. The traditional starting place is usually in the trial dialogues or aporia dialogues but the Republic is the best sum total of Platonic thought. You should get a better grounding of what Platonism is from the Republic than from any of the traditional starting places. If the Republic is too much then recommending other dialogues isn’t going to help the person be not retarded. Kek

>> No.22646912

Technically, if you want to go by Thrasyllus you have to read “Clitophon” before the Republic because it is a shorter work about justice. See group eight.


>> No.22646915

you actually have autism
dude no one at oxbridge or ivy leagues autistically goes by those lists

>> No.22646922

But I said what you’re saying. If you are a layman reading Plato you can jump into the Republic. If you intend to read his entire corpus you do the Thrasyllus order. I’m backing up the point you made. I don’t even know what we’re fighting over anymore.

>> No.22646986

Just don't read it on a subway.

>> No.22646994

It was Parmenides the guy was reading in that green text. It’s funnier because that is a much more rigorous dialogue.

>> No.22646995
File: 40 KB, 720x671, Plato not intellectual subway stry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22647508

One of the GOAT posts, no doubt.

>> No.22647709

It’s a joke you tards
>“I know only that I know nothing”

>> No.22648197

Yea, peak dimwit. You act as if there is something arcane about The Republic. There is nothing in it that is so alien compared to the other dialogues which you recommend. If anything, it is the most comprehensive dialogue. But you know, you can keep pretending like you're not fucking stupid and like you're NGMI

>> No.22648509

You should read Plato works in chronological order to understand Republic however Penguin editions come with decent introductions. You might be able to appreciate most of it if you read the introduction first.

>> No.22648550

Get bloom's translation.

>> No.22648588
