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/lit/ - Literature

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22636573 No.22636573 [Reply] [Original]

I am considering rereading the series. I read them when I was in grade school and greatly enjoyed them. But, I am now concerned that they are too far below my reading level.

>> No.22636616

Read them again and find out?

>> No.22636646

I don't know what your level is, but I just recently read it for the first time and I really like it. I'm 20 years old .-.

>> No.22636657

I don't like how Voldemort loses.

>> No.22636688

>. But, I am now concerned that they are too far below my reading level.
insecure fag, fuck off

>> No.22636700

Great series, I enjoyed them over the movies given the extra context and material. for example, the fight that Ron's mother has with Bellatrix was way more violent in the book than the movie.

>> No.22636708

If you are alluding to Rowling's worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely the ghastly Harry Potter rigamarole.

>> No.22636714

The first four are fun and have a comfy atmosphere. You can enjoy them as long as you're capable of forgetting about the all-encompassing media empire and consumerist pseudo-religion based around the books.

>> No.22636783
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>> No.22636787

I am curious as to why you think this. Do you mean the method is which he loses? Or do you think that he was actually the good guy?

>> No.22636865

The movies are cringe

>> No.22636873

Always liked them but now I realize how many huge plot holes they contain.

>> No.22637028

If you like it and enjoy it then read it. If you pick up the first book and start and realize you aren't feeling it like you used to then read something else. We will only know if you tell us.

>> No.22637047

As a series it's not great. Gets way to convuluted and ruins its own world-building. It's been ages sincw I've read them too. If I ever was goung to get into them again, I think I would read the first two and then quit.

>> No.22637360

I don't find them cringe just I enjoyed the books over the movies. the movies aren't bad by a long shot but if I had to do it over again I'd most certainly read the books before watching the films

>> No.22637395 [SPOILER] 

Harry Potter is such liberal propaganda, probably one of the best lib fiction works ever. I like it despite that though. Also Voldemort and his kin are just too evil, there’s pretty much no angle to actually sympathize and understand. He’s just a total prick.

>> No.22637477

I just read the books and think this is the take you have if you only watch the movies. The books, though written roughly for the most part, set up wonderful parallels between Harry, Dumbledore, Voldemort, Snape, and even Salazar Slytherin. There's a running theme through the series about personal choice in the face of familial trauma.

JK Rowling does this and you all miss it, but East of Eden thumps you dumbasses over the head with it and there's praise for it every week.

>> No.22637495

Having recently reread them all, they are pretty kiddy till book 3/4, then after that they are perfectly suited to leisure reading for an adult. I.E. not challenging but not insulting to the intelligence either.

They are all good but the first few are truly children's books. Bu by the last one Rowling is putting Aeschylus quotes at the front of the book.

>> No.22637499

not that I believe you or even think you have a solid and sound argument but just for shits and giggles, what exactly about HP is "liberal propaganda"?

>> No.22637501

*But by

>> No.22637598

I read them as a kid and loved them. Just started rereading them and they're still great.

>> No.22637610

They’re the Cheesecake Factory of literature

>> No.22637665

I read a couple of Goosebumps books for Halloween. They were below my reading level and I still enjoyed them.

>> No.22637690

22 posts and noond has posted the pasta. I'm impressed.

Re'read them as an adult J K Rowling is an average and competent writer in basically all repects but she execls at a few things:

-Teenage dialouge and gently witty humour, she gets the funny low stakes drama of being a teenage boy right
- intriuge - they're mystersy books first and foremost and she is very good at keeping a few threads open and closing them at a time that is narratively satisfying.

They are comfy out of 10 and will take half the time of an adult book to read.

>> No.22637696

They give you diarrhea?

>> No.22637836


Great books, never read 'em

>> No.22637897

you all hate her because that's the cool thing to do given her confusing pro & anti LGBTQ stances.
Before that no one had any hate for her.
but now she's average? lol stop it
and to be clear before someone tries to spin my reply, I personally don't give a fuck about anyone's sexual preference. long as you're not touching kids or raping people and animals then do you boo-boo but it was weird to me how one moment she made Dumbledore gay then the next minute she had anti LGBTQ stances - like lady, Pick a side and stay there.
but back to my main point about fake ass woke cancel culture, everyone hates her now because its what the "cool kids" do.

>> No.22637923

>it was weird to me how one moment she made Dumbledore gay then the next minute she had anti LGBTQ stances - like lady, Pick a side and stay there.
Old liberals & new liberals.

>> No.22637956

Look I know some of the JKR hate in recent years is the result of it becoming hip to shit on her on account of her politics, but let's not pretend that's why people on fucking /lit/ don't like her.

As someone who's used twitter and read the sort of criticism thrown out by people who are just hating on her, I can assure you that this anon saying "she's pretty average but excels at a couple things that make her books fun to read" is nothing like that

>> No.22637975

only women read these books

>> No.22637977

>let's not pretend that's why people on fucking /lit/ don't like her
you mean the people who hate women for simply being born with a vagina and ovaries? those simpletons?
lets not pretend that /lit/ or 4chans common population are the ideal of free thinkers and enlightened minds. at any given time or any given board you have to sift through the bullshit or racism, prejudice, xenophobia and other low iq forms of expression before you get even an iota of beneficial postings so you can stop pissing on my leg and claiming its raining with the insinuation of your above greentext.

and for the anon you're defending, calling her average is akin to a trailer park resident calling the works of an astrophysicist "dumb".

its hate with no basis or rhyme and reason

>> No.22637986

lol fuck off

>> No.22637993

>lol fuck off
translates to
>Damnit Anon, I have no way to defend against your excellent analysis of my bullshit word salad I attempted to pass off as intelligent response.
Yea I guess I'll fuck off then, troll

>> No.22637997

>comes to 4chan to complain about racism and sexism & defend YA slop
you don't belong here

>> No.22638007

>Complains about me point out the dumb shit and instead of fixing it you would rather attack me
you're absolutely correct, I must not belong here where men hate women, other men of different ethnicities and other stupid shit just to seem cool.
that post (except the green text) is the only true thing you ever said.

>> No.22638063

indeed, leave

>> No.22638069

not remotely true

>> No.22638075

trannies as well?

>> No.22638079

you are terminally online

>> No.22638089

seriously though, i know kids read them but if an adult man told me that he reads harry potter i'd find it weird.

>> No.22638115

Also, as someone who just finished them. Dumbledore was heavily implied to be gay and in a relationship with Grindelwald. Ive heard since that she confirmed it with movies or something, but it was always in the text

>> No.22638124

As long as they don't solely read YA what is the issue?

>> No.22638127

I liked it when I read it 20 odd years ago, probably because I was the exact target audience, is that alright?

>> No.22638130

it just seems stunted
like men who watch marvel movies, but somehow even worse & gayer

>> No.22638132

I'm sure he cares that some loser on /lit/ finds it weird

>> No.22638134

you know nothing about me, faggot

>> No.22638137

>it just seems stunted

>> No.22638143

Nigga alls im sayin is that I don't think anyone here gives a fuck what she thinks about the LGBTQ+ZFR21! community or whatever the hell they call themselves now.

>> No.22638481
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terf mommy

>> No.22638663

I’ll have to read the books

>> No.22638837

Like I said, I read them, and they were pleasantly surprising. As the other anon in the thread said, she excels at teen dialogue. It's witty but not unrealistic. She also created a ton of interesting characters that were fun to spend time with. Book 5 struggled, mainly because she drones on in a meaningless direction and reiterates what does not need reiterated, but she reels it in for book 6 (I assume an editor stepped in) and delivers the best YA book I've ever read. I read a series of unfortunate events earlier this year, and it's extremely fun to compare the two, but you can get me started on that if you want

>> No.22638847

>But, I am now concerned that they are too far below my reading level.
NPC tier approach. Harry Potter is great and still a success because it is enjoyable and confy

>> No.22638852 [SPOILER] 

I always enjoyed the films growing up so I'm sure I'll like the books. It'll also be a nice change from the mostly dark and depressing stuff I've been reading lately.

>> No.22638877
File: 349 KB, 1063x683, confy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the atmosphere in the chapters of the fist book where Harry arrives to Hogwarts and gradually gets used to his new life and new friends
>the atmosphere in the chapters of the first book with the christmas break where Hogwarts is almost empty and Ron and Harry just roam around the place
>the atmosphere in the chapters of the first book when Harry and Ron get out of bed to do shenanigans around Hogwarts at night
I thank God that I read the series when I was still a kid. I can still feel the warm confy feeling of dreaming I was at Hogwarts too doing some bad boys stuff with my wizard friends

>> No.22638879

I breezed through em in 2 months, and I've been reading heavy literature for 8 years. It was a very nice break

>> No.22638952

Read Chrestomanci, far more enjoyable, JK is just discount Diana Wynne Jones.

>> No.22638960

someone post the image

>> No.22639867

>anti LGBTQ
only the T

>> No.22640007

Read the first one and decide from there. It's very short. I read it in one night.

>> No.22640015

I just reread the series, and I didn't see any gay subtext. It seemed like they were just friends.

>> No.22640036

>it was weird to me how one moment she made Dumbledore gay then the next minute she had anti LGBTQ stances
because faggotry good except when it backfires against muh feminism. and that's why giving foids political rights remains as the biggest angloid L ever

>> No.22640224

What an absurdly ironic opinion to hold.

>> No.22640310

I dont know what to tell you, anon. It's there. Reread the letters they wrote to each other

>> No.22640586

Imagine her sucking and spitting on your balls with a POP every time she gets one of them out of her mouth. Then she just takes the two nuts in her mouth like a champ. God, I want a milf mommy so bad

>> No.22640591

Read it. I reread every 5 years or so and I enjoy them a lot. Pretty comfy read with a cool story

>> No.22640601

Well, I somewhat disagree. Voldemort's pretty shitty but the glimpses of his childhood definitely gave him a bit more depth. Though, I think the point JK was trying to make was that two people can have similar backgrounds (i.e. Harry and Voldy being orphans) and be completely different.

>> No.22640870


Those books were based. I sometimes think of the matchbook from time to time 20 years later.

>> No.22642376

Some of it is great some of it is cringe. The cringe stuff usually wasn’t in the books or just plays better in the books.

>> No.22642408

They don’t stretch their legs as much as Bloom claims they do.

>> No.22642421

do you niggers really read harry potter? are you kids?

>> No.22642740
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>ok class today we are going to learn EXACTLY the thing that harry and the gang are going to need to save the day at the end of the book
>repeat 6 times
>book 7
>ok since class exploded and harry couldn't learn the new thing to save the day just make it that his mom put a life-saving spell on him or some shit i don't know

>> No.22642879
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cant wait to see all the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry outfits

>> No.22643011
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i recently re-read most of them and was surprised at how heartfelt all the bits about his parents are, the ones in book 7 in particular (finding his mother's letter, going to GH, etc.). unironically most kids (myself included) are not in a position to appreciate this until they've lost someone they truly love. iirc Jo lost her mom early and it's obvious that has left quite the print on her. the GH chapter, the letter bit in book, and the stone bit unironically had me almost crying
>Stay close to me

>> No.22643748

It's like candy, pretty mindless. I would not reread HP unless I had a bunch of time to kill, like if I was a lighthouse operator or something