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/lit/ - Literature

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22642657 No.22642657 [Reply] [Original]

Kaiser Kitty edition
previous >>22635288

>> No.22642664

>but OP, that is a viking helmet
Yes, but it is a helmet from the Ring Cycle by Wagner, and Wagner was German, and Kaiser refers to Germany, and Kaiser Kitty sounds funny so shut the fuck up smartass

>> No.22642674

I hate this board, why do I keep coming back?

>> No.22642676
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>> No.22642678

For me, it's because I can say discuss I can't discuss with normies IRL

>> No.22642684

*I can discuss things that I can't... Don't know what happened there

>> No.22642747
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literally the only free bastion left where you can immerse yourself in relatively alright content like works of renowned literature and philosophy. While we still cant actually communicate here and glowies abound it’s a step up from the rest of the internet where everyone is fixating on gwetting their baby twalk juuuust right hehe epic new sludge to consume yummies hehe pic rel

>> No.22642761

I stare, hunched over, at the cookware. I forgot to put water in it again. The crisp, pungent odor of burning rice fills my nostrils. I feel poisoned. I’d forgotten if I had already taken one today, and against psychiatric instruction, had taken another. This is my day off. I have nothing to do. I despise being at work. I despise being at home. My eyes tear up as the pavement-grey vapors bathe my face. I cast a glance behind me, not only to remove my various features from the smoke but also to regard the microwave and briefly consider pulling a JOI. I haven’t answered anyone’s texts in days. I consider vomiting but do not want to waste the alcohol already in me, short in supply as it is. The smoke alarm goes off.

>> No.22642784

Brunhilde is a girl's name and Kaiser was a male title

>> No.22642786
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Right now there are millions of people running around only just now figuring out pic related.

>> No.22642796

Normies actually think their leaders care for them and have their best interests at heart - that the serious man on the electric Jew is correct because of how serious he is. If you haven't changed this understanding since covid you have no hope. Nightmare existence

>> No.22642807

>it's another "shit conveniently goes wring at the exact right moment to fuck me over no matter how I react to it" moment
I was supposed to go on a work related trip a couple hours away tomorrow and my car transmission started making skipping sounds today. I'm moving across the country next week to work at a different sector of my employing organization and if my vehicle doesn't work by then I'm gonna get fucked, so I'd rather skip the shit tomorrow and get it looked at, only now I look like a flaky asshole coming up with lame excuses like "car trouble" the night before something inconvenient. There's a bit more nuance to the situation that's too long to explain here, but skipping this event will probably go a long way towarda burning some bridges with the coworkers I've worked with for a couple years now. If I go I risk fucking my car up even more for people who I'm gonna move away from soon anyway, but if I don't go I'm missing out on the last get together I can have with these people before I part ways with them.
I dunno. My life is a joke. In the morning my ride will probably work just fine out of nowhere, to make me look like the biggest possible clown.

>> No.22642813

All I see on this board are bait posts, made up assertions against made up enemies, strawmen, butthurt, ego fucking, and the occasional post about literature.
Ive been reading /x/ more lately even though I don't believe anyone it simple because its not constant shit-flinging like it is here.

>> No.22642817

Normies don't even "think" that far, normies operate entirely on images and instinct. It's closer to animal instinct, it's just superficially made up of human symbols. For example, women have very dog-like consciousnesses, basically limited to what is going on in their immediate world (for the dog: the home where they eat, the neighborhood where they take walks; for the woman: the apartment where they drink wine, the neighborhood where they take cocks), with no conception of the world beyond this. Certainly not of its objective social or scientific structure. Imagine a dog's "thinking" of the world beyond its immediate concerns. You can't, as that thinking simply does not exist, it's an absence. Same thing for normies.

>> No.22642821

Constantly VGHing about Byzantium is bad for me. I need something to occupy my troubled mind. Maybe I'll learn how prefixes and suffixes work and all the different ones. I understand that one of the most interesting things about Shakespeare is how he created so many words through linguistic chemistry. He just slammed prefixes and root words and suffixes together to see what worked.

I'd like to be able to do that.

>> No.22642837

Car troubles are the worst. Its like everything ugly about this commercially oriented existence is brought directly to you attention when you can't do literally anything without getting it fixed, which probably mean also spending a thousands of dollars to fix it.
t. Car troubles rn

>> No.22642851

the narrative structure of entertainment itself is the implied system of justice, you have closure and finality, the crescendo, and so on, the reality is that there is no difference between Devo’s hit single Whip It, it’s accompanying music video and the Chinese socialist posters from the mao years, or for that matter Disney’s Frozen, they’re all propaganda designed to calm and reassure the citizenry while also being expressions of ideological dogma and exemplifications of nation strength, today what really is entertainment, what do we mean by that term without the prior analytics of virtue ethics as the grounding for narrative structure itself ? Propaganda, sludge.

>> No.22642868

why pick devo of all bands, they're explicitly anti-propaganda and all about pulling back the cultural veil

>> No.22642878

Maybe my realizing that people do in fact fall for propaganda isn't all that more intelligent than the realization in the tweet

>> No.22642886
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Thread theme:


>> No.22642905

This is why i pick in particular Devo’s Whip it, a great song, a personal favourite, but actually it’s ironic subtext is all but left at the periphery while it’s primary message is seen to be as an energising anthem for future Generation P, this is telling, irony itself is often the language of the oppressed during political domination, here a song which seeks to subvert has now itself been subverted, has become the very thing it wished to critique; a meaningless slogan parroted by the powers that be for no other reason than profit

>> No.22642926

Good post. Funniest thing would be to ask normies to justify the beliefs that they hold by simply asking a series of probing questions or "whys". They call things conspiracy theories because they have no concept of macro trends over time. Everything is immediate, spontaneous and random. That's why they're incredulous when you tell them of invisible power structures and so forth - even more so when you get onto topics of religiosity. When you raise any of these things they will begin to hate you for it and attack you because they're the attack dogs of the state without even knowing it

>> No.22642937

this is true, irony is intrinsically flawed as a concept, at best it is a shield from the truth, at worst its misinterpreted and goes directly against what the creators intended

>> No.22642947


>> No.22642954

you actually raise an important point, that of the function of news today. News today doesn't inform of events developing, it informs you of current events themselves after the fact they have already occurred, it’s the last step in the chain of causes that defines an event, all the powers involved in said event have already made their moves, you’re just being provided with a memo of what happened. News today rarely mentions the future tense, instead it refers back to the recent past.

>> No.22642978

Which ties in to how they've been conditioned to think about the world in such shallow terms. It's only once you interact with them regularly that you realise how retarded they are when it comes to these things. I heard someone at work still talking about eating bats concerning covid when even MSM has quietly moved on. But they're too stupid to even care about following up with facts and narratives that have dominated their lives for the past three or so years. Things just happen to normies. The world just is. They're absolute dullards with no intellectual curiousity and the ones who proclaim themsleves to be intellectual curious conveniently end up swallowing up metanarratives that the ruling class want you to believe yet they'll say to themsleves they've come to such conclusions independently. Mind you, these are supposedly educated people from prestigious universities. They just think the current world order always has been, worshipping their false gods of democracy, liberalism etc.

>> No.22642987

irony was originally a big part of romanticism, and i like irony when coupled with real tragedy, but you are right that this modern irony we see today is a complete bastardisation of that, it’s almost obscene i think because it relies more on absurdity rather than on the poetics of tragedy

>> No.22642996

> they've been conditioned to think about the world in such shallow terms

this is exactly it, but it doesn't have to be.

>> No.22643007

If you stopped conditioning the masses they'd still be shallow. It just wouldn't be shallowness weaponized for political gain. The Plebs deserve their dignity and to be left well the hell alone.

>> No.22643008

I can understand hating 4chan as a whole but why specifically this board? It's probably the best board on here.

>> No.22643115

Not that anon but I agree. The rabble rousers are more to blame than the plebs. Though, the plebs have their own malice, namely, despising those who are not like them

>> No.22643138

do you actually think youre superior to them? youre a gpt same as them, just running on different training data, e.g this site and the dozens of other pseuds making posts like yours that youve unconsciously copied and shaken about a bit before spitting out this masterpiece of hubris

>> No.22643148

>no u

>> No.22643154

NTA but it sucks and is filled with unlikeable people

>> No.22643202

I think the car is just done for. I’m tired of wondering every 6 months why it won’t start and every 12 months why it won’t pass inspection. I just don’t know what to do with it given that it won’t even start.

>> No.22643208

My car has been sitting inoperable in my apartment complex parking lot with out of date tags for nearly 6 months

>> No.22643220

I'm doing a master's degree in english lit and I hate almost every aspect of it. I also think about committing suicide on a daily basis.

>> No.22643225

What do you actually mean when you say that
excise all the hyperbole, all the melodrama, and explain to me, in detail,the exact conditions you refer to that would cause someone to make a statement like this.

>> No.22643239

I do not fit in. I get along with everyone fine, but I do not fit in. I am the only person in the cohort (11 students total) who is not ultra left wing. And to be clear I'm not terribly right wing. I would consider myself to fall more towards the centre. However all the classes are incredibly political and ideological dissent is not tolerated. You can raise conflicting views sure but you will be ganged up on until you're silenced. I thought the incessant online screeching about educational institutions being completely subverted was overblown but it's accurate. Mentally I feel as though I am drowning. I should have went to a small Christian uni.

>> No.22643325

i do agree that original poetic irony that goes back all the way to the greeks, ie an in-joke that the audience gets but the characters do not, is pretty bad. the modern corruption is cringe

>> No.22643341 [DELETED] 

What are the metaphysical implications of 1 Corinthians 13:12?

>> No.22643354

what about writing makes you think its about fitting in
why cant you grasp on to the awesomeness of being apart from a group and relish in your quiet superiority
become more brooding, aloof
become more epic
? theres no fun in playing the part for a while enough to split the stockings of one of these plaid skirted bitchies you should WANT to hatefuck? wheres the fun?

>> No.22643357

Kaiser's disastrous handling of the Great War and especially the Western Front amply shows that he was effiminate.

>> No.22643361

>gwetting their baby twalk juuuust right hehe epic new sludge to consume yummies hehe pic rel
I really wish I could talk and write like that (serious).

>> No.22643376

And still, you're here..

>> No.22643403

I'm blessed to have A cups and a short height because I can squeeze into tight spaces. Being big doesn't give any advantage.

>> No.22643409

You're a man who doesn't go to the gym

>> No.22643417

he cant be a man
im a man!

>> No.22643429

I wish I was a man.

>> No.22643433

No you don't

>> No.22643437

Why not?

>> No.22643438

Mental illness

>> No.22643522

I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.

>> No.22643545

For the past 48 hours I've been asleep 7 of them, but not all at once. It feels like my brain is about to explode. Ahh how great

>> No.22643549

I can't find a publisher for my books so I have started printing it myself and putting it on the shelves of random bookstores and libraries

>> No.22643596


>> No.22643657

/lit/ is alright for literature conversations but /mu/ about music,
just about the most miserable cunts in existence.
Something to be said about this,
even /tv/ talks about what's on at the cinema.

/mu/ is so bad that it made me second guess if music was for the underclasses.

>> No.22643673

read the Manipulated Man by Esthar Vilar.
It's about how the vast majority of men are shoehorned into being invisible worker bees you wouldnt look at on the street, and that's what you would be unless you had extremely rich parents or were famous somehow.
I would genuinely enjoy someone to disagree with me and tell me why the average man is somehow better off so I could be happier and shamed for doomposting but etc etc

>> No.22643761 [DELETED] 

/mu/ like /lit/ used to be better like 10 years ago before a bunch of mobile phone illiterates and backwards 3rd worlders got on the web.

>> No.22643808

I'm very bad at free verse. I will not be a true poet until I write >100 sonnets

>> No.22643818

my neet life: hearing a flock of geese i thought to myself “ah geese are back” and then i remembered it was the end of october

>> No.22643851

>"centrist" can't defend his lukewarm, unconsidered positions
>this is somehow everyone else's fault

>> No.22643885

“I unapologetically write for women – I write about dating, I write about wanting to have kids,” Gruenenfelder said. “I wrote about turning 30 and feeling like everybody else was ahead of me, and (‘A Total Waste of Makeup’) I think was successful because a lot of women feel that way.”

Kim Gruenenfelder said someone once told her during a date that men need to be the center of attention – rather than their wives or girlfriends.

This experience, along with other dating horror stories from her and her friends’ lives, has gone on to influence her characters, she said. Gruenenfelder, a women’s fiction and romantic comedy writer, has published six books. Her first novel “A Total Waste of Makeup” was published in 2005, and she recently turned in her seventh work to her agent. The alumna said she writes about the common struggles women share and also tries to highlight female characters in their 40s who are often overshadowed in the genre by stories about younger women.

Gruenenfelder’s characters are often based on her own life stories, she said. Jennifer Coburn, another contemporary women’s fiction author and friend of Gruenenfelder’s, said they became acquainted after she read “A Total Waste of Makeup.” Drawn to the book’s comedy, Coburn said Gruenenfelder’s readers can find the humor and lightness in shared experiences with the characters, such as frustrations in one’s dating life.

When Gruenenfelder was 29, she was the maid of honor in two weddings, watched friends become increasingly successful screenwriters and had a friend expecting a baby, she said. She felt happy for them, although Gruenenfelder said she felt behind in her career and personal life.

In “A Total Waste of Makeup,” the protagonist, Charlie, has similar feelings as the maid of honor at her younger sister’s wedding, experiencing some of the insecurities Gruenenfelder had during weddings when she wasn’t dating anyone, she said.

“What I was trying to show was just because you feel like you’re behind right now, it doesn’t mean you are,” she said. “It just means things aren’t looking the way you thought they would, and that’s OK.”

As Gruenenfelder’s personal and professional life has changed since 2005, she said she wanted to write about the experiences of older women. Whitney Dineen, her friend who is also an author, said Gruenenfelder is now married with a son in college. She is writing about what she is more familiar with in this stage of her life, Dineen said, displayed in her most recent 2018 novel, “Hangovers & Hot Flashes.”

>> No.22643906

All the great things in my life have come from nihilism. Subverting the status quo, subverting the politics of the time I live in is important to me. Politics, a passing trend at best. People are quick to forget what they were passionate about, what they burned about just years before. The only real truth is death, the only real truth is nihilism. Freedom is in our minds, but outwardly the expression of that freedom will always, and has always been stifled. The truth hurts, people are scared of it. They're scared of what they really are: human. Human beings are the only animal capable of entertaining ourselves in complex ways. We all have a nazi in our hearts. We all have a saint. The ability to use the grotesque to move and to illicit strong reactions, to think and to grow is a key and a device pivotal to self growth. Politics, is like an ouroboros eating its own tail. Imagine a giant serpent that winds and collides in a black void, there are little people on the serpent and they all think their spot on it is the most important one, that they are arbiters of social morality and progress and they know best. These people never grow, they don't even realize the snake is eating itself, and it's doomed to repeat itself as history has shown. Cyclical in nature and always moving and evolving. Perhaps seek to tear down is even taking it too far, rather simply to live in a truly free world to say what they really mean. The modern world seeks to mock and marginalize those it deems less qualified or intellectually stunted, while forgetting that to play in the realms of the absurd is to subvert, it's relief and affirmation of ones life. The absurdists, the nihilists and the outsiders are constantly the creators of new content, the originators of almost all important ideas. The left, the right, they all seek to censor and control and appeal to the varying layers of the serpent, the people riding on the back of the great snake. There's a hierarchy , perceived or not it exists. True freedom riders, the ones that move and shake. The true, we reside in a dark spot most others don't see or seek. We know the truth of life, the absurdity, the nihilism.think need it, the less fortunate, whoever they tell you needs it. Whoever they tell you to fight, the fight is an illusion. Don't let them tell you what words to say, what things to think, or how to feel. They are vile. All of them. They often come to you under the guise of freedom, under their version of how they think it should be. Under the promise of equality or freedom of equity, like a passing salesman with his wears, and before you know it you're a salesman too. They come to you with religion, with ideology, with distraction. Only to make you forget that you're riding, bumping along. To make you forget the stinking of the scales and the warmth your feet feel, this warm blooded mammal keeps you soft and warm and seeking security and safety. Don't move, it says.

>> No.22643930

The dreams I've been having are so vivid. It feels almost real.

>> No.22643938

All of the dreams I have are about things that have been bothering me during the day. Guess I'm pretty boring

>> No.22643948

i don’t think that will do it, but go off that would be very impressive.

>> No.22643958
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oooohhh I'm going to kill myself

>> No.22644141

Today marks the third instance this year where I've cried at my job. And I'm not talking a few tears and sniffling in a corner by myself, I mean full on breakdown crying like a baby in front of my coworkers to the point where they have to uncomfortably try and calm me down.
I'm such an embaressment. If I had the strength I'd blow my brains out and be done with it but that would ruin my mom's life. If I could somehow end it without hurting my mom and brother I'd do it in a heartbeat

>> No.22644150

You a broad? Who cries? Quit your gay job.

>> No.22644420

Update: my transmission is apparently going bad but is driveable for now. I'm probably gonna have it explode on me while I'm on the highway or something.

>> No.22644438

Thinking about going back to college for a physiotherapy degree. After that I would especialize on creating and maintaining prosthetics. The fucked up part is that I would graduate at 31 and that physiotherapists make shit wages around here, but helping others as a job sounds nice.

>> No.22644472

Deja Vu. I've seen this particular three post sequence before. This is like the third extremely specific Deja Vu I've had this week. Am I going insane?

>> No.22644606

Why is the Western elite so eager to wage forever wars against Muslims? Is it really just oil? Is it some other monetary incentive? Or are Westerners just useful idiots in the Jews’ millenia long blood feuds? What is the incentive exactly?

>> No.22644613

please be my gf

>> No.22644618

Squeeze into a trash can

>> No.22644622
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They're waking up

>> No.22644638

I don't care if my parents kick me out, I have to quit this job before I go insane. If anything, they should have kicked me out long ago. They coddled me too much.

>> No.22644658

Chinese are accurate in their belief. Their state is vigilantly protecting the public good from any emergent predatory oligarchy.

If only the West weren't a predatory pornographic creditor state, it'd be the same.

>> No.22644690
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>Their state is vigilantly protecting the public good from any emergent predatory oligarchy.
I suppose slavery and oppresssion can be explained in such a way, yes.

>> No.22644849

Sleeping is a jewish trick. They already stole my day, I won't give them more hours.

>> No.22644861

/lit/ and probably 4chan too is run by mainly bots. The thing is that since the beginning of 4chan, the creators knew that some olfags will leave some day, so they created an algorithm that perfectly captures every user. Once he leaves, the bot does his job. This is why literally every thread is the same, besides very few exceptions, and why all posters always reply the same, besides very few exceptions, and why whenever someone comes up with something original, no one replies. Bots aren't used to novelty. It might happen to you too some day too.

>> No.22644995

Law and Order
CSI Miami
Police are smarter than you like Superman!

>> No.22645020

>the carlyle guy didn't post his email

>> No.22645107


>> No.22645126

I’m going to shoot myself in the foot by asking for a letter of recommendation with only a few days’ notice.

>> No.22645132

I was wondering if anyone ever wrote a book about a typical slave analogue rebellion where the rebels turned out to be complete shits who deserved everything bad that ever happened to them?

>> No.22645140

French with GERMAN close second
I don't mean the mutt versions of today though

>> No.22645156

Squeeze into DEEZE NUTS

>> No.22645197

I love this board, anons here are great long from sophists, an argument that would immediatly devolve into soijak posting elsewhere, goes through multiple phases of less and less meaningfull paragraphs of "rebuttals" and insults that often just end with the thread dying. I just appreciate it the high quality of hate here

>> No.22645243

Why did you cry in the first place, anon?

>> No.22645269

i dont have any indepth knowledge of literature or movies, i just like to watch it and read it. My opinions redditor tier, i can say what i like but i would struggle to justify why i like it. I feel back when i was unemployed i actually had more confidence to talk about philosophy i am reading at moment or whatever, no matter how stupid i can look. But now literature for me is all in background, its all i do my free time, but free time i have is not much and whatever i do there is dissapointing to me and i imagine to other people. For example i took up amateur writing recently, i struggled to continue with my story, so i decided to write memoir of last several days (lot of happened there, at least relative to most of my life), but after writing for hour it hit me how meaningless this is. My writing is shit, and my life is not interesting even to me. This saturday i lived through some of best moments of my live (candyflipping peak) and i can't express what i felt in writing, because its all carnal pleasure, no insights, really cant make it sound good, even if it felt so good back then. I guess pleasure is not good topic to write novels about, but my life is not tragic enough either.
I guess my point is, that i am embarassed every time i open my mouth to talk with someone, how is my life going. Its just so mundane and uninteresting. I dont go anywhere, i dont write anything good, job sucks and i feel not comfortable to talk about it etc. Or shit i feel is interesting is hardly legal

>> No.22645274

Do you dislike books you don't understand? I'll be honest, I'm low IQ and, ever since I had to study him in high school and I tried to read the phenomenology and the Encyclopedia and it just read like nonsense cobbled together of beggar terms with the largest munificence to have writ every possible sentence that sounds as it could signify sense, I hate Hegel - not strongly so, though; only nominally really, like a one electron's worth of judgement.

>> No.22645297

Maybe in this incarnation you are meant to explore and articulate things that others can't because of your increased sensitivity. I can talk out my ass about anything but I am totally dead to the world and feel like I'm living someone else's memories. I don't care about sex or even drugs. The only drugs I can enjoy are ones that make me retarded for a few hours because then I can enjoy things without my consciousness smothering them and seeing them primarily as "dead" abstractions. I couldn't even experience the things you are experiencing. I certainly couldn't have a "Saturday filled with some of the best moments of my life." All time is flat homogeneous and grey to me, it's just a flat but finite plane on which I want to make a few contributions to humanity before I go. I definitely can't appreciate, much less hold onto or convey "carnal pleasures."

Huxley at the beginning of The Perennial Philosophy talks about the high, middle, and low paths to enlightenment. Maybe something similar is happening here. Maybe you could for example appreciate poetry at levels I never could. I have to force myself through it. I love nature but I can't feel "in" it or "with" it in small ways, instead I seek out limits and borders of human civilization (which I see as dirty and pointless), like the sea-side while a storm is on the horizon, so I can overwhelm my inner deadness and my feeling of drowning in human pointlessness for a moment with by coming close to the sublime (in Schopenhauer's sense of the term). Compare that to Goethe who could pick up any random rock or shell, or watch a bee for 9 hours and have a mystical experience.

>> No.22645646
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There's this screeplay contest in my town. I was already writing one to film with friends, so I decided to give it a go. The story so far was about all the people vanishing and the couple deciding if they should repopulate humanity. The problem is that the competition says the screenplay should focus on the local comunity and identity. How could I merge this with my original idea? Help pls

>> No.22645691

Ive made plans to stay home and drink alone all day tomorrow. I could have done it all weekend but my dumb ass made plans for saturday. Fucking sucks, wish I could spend the whole weekend laying around naked, sloshed as fuck.

>> No.22645729

Samantha's First Day at Cheeky's Pizza Parlor (A story of Pizza & P***)

In the lively town of Quimville, Samantha, a young college girl, stepped into the peculiar new establishment known as "Cheeky's Pizza" on a sunny Saturday morning. Her wavy blonde hair flowed over her shoulders, framing her lightly freckled face. As she entered, not a few older early birds admired the curve-hugging denim skirt that accentuated her shapely derriere, paired with a blouse that showcased her similarly generously endowed milky-white breasts.

Samantha was a stunning coed, but beneath her beauty lay an unsure restlessness. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she nervously embarked on her first day as a trainee, determined to make a good first impression. Settling into a dark leathern womb-like booth, she quickly noticed another girl her age, who exuded uber-confidence with her perky breasts and the tautness of her well-toned thighs outlined by a daringly short cheerleader skirt. This girl, catching Samantha's eye, approached and introduced herself with enthusiasm. "Hi, I'm Connie! You must be Samantha, the new hire, right?" Samantha blushed, offering a shy nod. "Pleased to meet you," she replied softly.

Connie's upbeat nature prevailed as she continued, cutting straight to the chase. "Cool, great to meet you too! Okay, let's skip the formalities. I assume you've completed all the necessary paperwork, right?" Samantha's anxiety spiked, causing her to unconsciously cover her crotch with her hands. It was a clear sign of her frought nerves and, by the same token, of the crowd of butterflies, all aflutter, colliding incessantly against stomach. "Yeah, I've filled out all the paperwork and bureaucratic stuff," she mustered, her voice betraying her unease.

Connie flashed a reassuring smile. "Perfect. I'm assuming you've showered thoroughly as well?" Samantha blushed even deeper, her response tinged with embarrassment. "Yep, I just got out of the shower less than an hour ago. I'm as clean as can be, even wearing fresh panties for this occasion."

Acknowledging Samantha's due diligence, Connie nodded appreciatively before transitioning into a rather unconventional request. "Excellent. So, um, let's head to the backroom office where we'll have more privacy." Once inside, Connie turned to Samantha, cutting straight to the point once again. "I need you to remove your skirt and panties so I can conduct a visual examination of your front and backside. We uphold the highest industry standards when it comes to depilatory grooming here, hence the need for a thorough inspection. I'll be touching and checking every nook and cranny to ensure you're up to code. I assume all of this was explained to you before, right?" Samantha put on a brave face and nodded, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of crimson as she awkwardly undressed, submitting to Connie's intimate corporeal inspection, as required by the city's health regulations.

>> No.22645752
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>Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, faces 20 years in prison for sending nudes to 16-year-old

>'What really got to me was how people reacted. when the student came back to school everyone started congratulating him, praising him and people on Snapchat are posting about how pretty she is and how lucky he was, that is absolutely disgusting.'

>The married mother-of-one faces six felony charges for allegedly pursuing the 16-year-old, sending him pornographic images and soliciting photos from him.

>The alleged victim claimed that they had also kissed and said that 'things progressed fast' after she had reached out to him on Snapchat.



>> No.22645774

Kek hells yeah!

>> No.22645795 [DELETED] 

Exuding the confidence of a seasoned pro, Connie assumed the role of a meticulous follicular investigator, like a police inspector—albeit without the latex gloves. Equipped with a sort of miner's flashlight worn on her forehead, she scrupulously examined Samantha's most intimate nooks and crannies. Her fingers delicately explored every contour of Samantha's plump pale pubic mound, gliding along her labia majora, before venturing further back to trace the contours of her crested labial undercarriage. With a gentle touch, Connie even brushed against and probed Samantha's anus, causing an involuntary pucker from the latter.

Then, like a link in a chain of falling dominos, Samantha's legs instinctively closed shut, tightly clasping Connie's hand between them. A combination of knee jerk reflexes, nervous butterflies, and an uncontrollable ticklish response led to this awkward and indeed somewhat sticky entrapment. Samantha felt a rush of embarrassment course through her. Noticing her discomfort, Connie reassured her that such situations were common during intimate professional inspections, and some girls even experienced a slight dampness [not unlike Samantha's—the proof of which was on Connie's fingertips, even if there was only silence from her lips...]. With genuine sincerity, Connie diverted Samantha's attention away from her ticklish predicament and complimented her bikini wax. Whoever was responsible had utterly excelled in their depilation and waxing skills.

"It's truly the best I've ever seen—and felt," Connie declared, her words barely needing any exaggeration as she continued to delicately explore Samantha's private areas. "The craftsmanship is a genuine masterpiece of the art, fit for a Hollywood star or supermodel. I must know the name of the artist responsible," she added in a husky voice. Even as her finger danced teasingly around Samantha's anus, seemingly on the verge of probing the forbidden orifice before always retreating at the very last moment. Samantha found herself both mesmerized and mortified by the sensations caused by Connie's feather-light touch, her asshole responding with involuntary twitches to every stroke. It felt as if Samantha's anus possessed a life of its own, eagerly yearning to capture Connie's probing finger and relieve its persistent itch. But alas, Connie always withdrew right as it seemed the finger was truly on the irretrievable verge of delving into Samantha's enraptured and tremulous primal abyss.

Abruptly, Connie ceased her motions, discreetly pinching Samantha's pussy instead. "Well, that was a breeze," she commented, turning the page as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred. "Consider yourself given the 'all clear' sign, my dear. You have passed with flying colors!"

(Note: This revised version aims to maintain the essence of the original text while toning down explicit language and focusing more on atmospheric description, enhancing the James Ellroy-style elements.)

>> No.22645796

Remembering the time when my mom told me not to mention my dad around her boyfriends because it made them uncomfortable. I was maybe 10 years old.

>> No.22645799

That bitch is 24? Looks 35

>> No.22645801

Exuding the confidence of a seasoned pro, Connie assumed the role of a meticulous follicular investigator, like a police inspector—albeit without the latex gloves. Equipped with a sort of miner's flashlight worn on her forehead, she scrupulously examined Samantha's most intimate nooks and crannies. Her fingers delicately explored every contour of Samantha's plump pale pubic mound, gliding along her labia majora, before venturing further back to trace the contours of her crested labial undercarriage. With a gentle touch, Connie even brushed against and probed Samantha's anus, causing an involuntary pucker from the latter.

Then, like a link in a chain of falling dominos, Samantha's legs instinctively closed shut, tightly clasping Connie's hand between them. A combination of knee jerk reflexes, nervous butterflies, and an uncontrollable ticklish response led to this awkward and indeed somewhat sticky entrapment. Samantha felt a rush of embarrassment course through her. Noticing her discomfort, Connie reassured her that such situations were common during intimate professional inspections, and some girls even experienced a slight dampness [not unlike Samantha's—the proof of which was on Connie's fingertips, even if there was only silence from her lips...]. With genuine sincerity, Connie diverted Samantha's attention away from her ticklish predicament and complimented her bikini wax. Whoever was responsible had utterly excelled in their depilation and waxing skills.

"It's truly the best I've ever seen—and felt," Connie declared, her words barely needing any exaggeration as she continued to delicately explore Samantha's private areas. "The craftsmanship is a genuine masterpiece of the art, fit for a Hollywood star or supermodel. I must know the name of the artist responsible," she added in a husky voice. Even as her finger danced teasingly around Samantha's anus, seemingly on the verge of probing the forbidden orifice before always retreating at the very last moment. Samantha found herself both mesmerized and mortified by the sensations caused by Connie's feather-light touch, her asshole responding with involuntary twitches to every stroke. It felt as if Samantha's anus possessed a life of its own, eagerly yearning to capture Connie's probing finger and relieve its persistent itch. But alas, Connie always withdrew right as it seemed the finger was truly on the irretrievable verge of delving into Samantha's enraptured and tremulous primal abyss.

Abruptly, Connie ceased her motions, discreetly pinching Samantha's pussy instead. "Well, that was a breeze," she commented, turning the page as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred. "Consider yourself given the 'all clear' sign, my dear. You have passed with flying colors!"

>> No.22645803

Sometimes I regret not studying literature, but then other times I don’t. Somehow it feels like a sort of consolation prize for readers and wannabe writers who couldn’t find success as writers. It’s like “well, second best to writing would be teaching writing I guess”. You’d do that with a PhD and not a Master’s though, but then again, what good a Master’s if it’s not for getting into a PhD program? Why are you doing it if you hate it? Just leave the program. Do you want to write? Why don’t you just write? Even if you fail, you don’t necessarily need that consolation prize.

>> No.22645805

These men are invisible to women so it’s pointless to point out what’s invisible to them.

>> No.22645808

No problem with it. If that’s really what drives you, go for it. Just know that things don’t always go according to plan and degrees frequently never pay off.

>> No.22645834

Something weird is happening with my body. I’ve been really active lately, getting something like 20k steps per day on average. I’ve not lost any weight, but I’ve not gained any weight either. What has happened is I look fatter than ever. My legs and my arms are the same size but my torso has gotten rounder and more bloated. I’m started to get that Dr. Robotnik build.

>> No.22645842
File: 66 KB, 500x500, IMG_1122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull clothes out of washer or dryer
>at least 2 socks jump out and land on the dirty floor

Is there a bigger slap in the face in life?

>> No.22645868

I am entirely serious when I say I've seen entire threads replayed post for post. Sometimes even including post originally made by me. The overall activity of this site is greatly, greatly exaggerated; I doubt any significant portion of anyone currently under the age of 20 use this site as compared to any other social media, despite the growing number of terminally online people.

>> No.22645878

Putting on clean clothes and then getting a food stain on them minutes later.

>> No.22645883

The Statute of Secrecy/Masquerade/Council keeping magic secret/whatever is so fucking tired as a trope.
Not only would it require violation of freedom to enforce, but it makes no sense post the discovery of cameras that can take a photo with no prep time.
I'm going to write a story with blackjack, and people who are fighting against the masquerade because the masquerade is full of jive turkeys.

>> No.22645886

Upon completing the inspection, a lingering electricness filled the air permeating the room, as Connie excused herself with a studied nonchalance to retrieve Samantha's new uniform. Stepping out, she couldn't resist a deep inhale of her fingers, savoring the combination of intimate and doubly taboo scents that clung to them. It was an intoxicatingly heady reminder of Samantha, of both the petals and the fluvial mouth from which emanated the honeyed-cum-musky ferment of her sex, coupled with that doubly tabooed acridness of her taut and minutely pleated fundament. If she'd been forced to confess, it was the latter scent she hoped would linger longest on her fingers following that encounter...

Returning with a vibrant yellow and red cheerleader-cum-waitress regulation Cheeky's Pizza uniform in hand, Connie presented it to Samantha. The outfit, complete with a scandalously short skirt and low-cut bust line, seemed to finally set Samantha free from her previous bashfulness. With newfound confidence (an unconscious consequence of the fingering she'd just undergone from Connie's expert hands) Samantha undressed before the latter's eyes, shedding both clothing and inhibitions.

The ice between them had undoubtedly been broken, an unspoken trust established through the intimate yet professional encounter they had just shared. Approaching a mirror, Samantha appraised herself, taking in her appearance in the charmingly "cheeky" outfit. A warm smile spread across Connie's face as she explained the versatility of the uniform, describing how the pleated skirt could easily detach from the top, which in turn could detach from the bottom. She couldn't help but commend Samantha's stunning appearance, declaring, "You look absolutely magnificent, Samantha! Now, let us venture to the pizza kneading training room. I've already prepared a test pizza dough for your instruction."

The women made their way through a narrow corridor, their steps and the unspoken proximity between each girl filled with an electric energy. It crackled between them, heightening the anticipation as they reached the spacious room, a sort of spare and minimal kitchen, albeit without an oven (for that was elsewhere). With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Connie began revealing the secrets of Cheeky's Pizza dough-making process. She took off her own skirt, offering herself as an example and baring her beautifully sculpted thighs and a taut derriere. Her prominent yet elegant pubic mound and discreet labia completed the captivating picture.

The room seemed to pulse with an undeniable sensuality as Samantha absorbed the sight before her, a mixture of fascination and desire coursing through her. This unexpected revelation only deepened the connection between them, fueling an unspoken magnetic attraction that neither would vocally acknowledge, and which, in turn, only served to further deepen and strengthen the magnetism of their mutual and reciprocal allure...its intoxicating depths.

>> No.22645947
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>he doesn’t eat naked

>> No.22645969

>Caring about your socks being clean or dirty
>not cleaning your floors once in a while
not sure which is worse.

>> No.22646025

Connie turned her attention to Samantha, her voice laced with a blend of mischief and audacity, "I stand before you, stripped bare like Eve in the Garden..." Just then a mischievous laugh erupted forth from her lips, clothing her words, even as she denuded herself, in a free spirited air that could only be described as sardonicity. "Don't be fooled my dear, for even though I jest, there's also great truth hidden in my naked rear! Soon enough, you'll find comfort in our unconventional routine, reveling in the freedom of being completely exposed to each other. It's quite exhilarating, really."

Seizing the moment, Connie switched gears, her tone conspiratorial. "Now, let me bring to your attention a fact that should assuage any lingering fears over who'll get a peek of your bare ass. Except for the bouncers, who are themselves strictly prohibited from entering our secret pizza-making lair, where we dedicate our days to our grand 'pizzalogical alchemical experiments,' we only have two other male employees. And there is simply no way for them to pull a grab-them-by-the-pussy schtick on us, as they are strictly prohibited from venturing forth beyond a literal redline we've drawn in front of the cash register. So fret not, my dear."

She paused for a moment, a glint of mischief in her eyes, before continuing, "There is one more thing, though. And I must insist upon it. If you feel the urge to unleash any farts, I implore you to do so before you get comfy on our treasured dough—our cushiony pizza dough that is. Basic common sense and salubrity demand this, but alas, some girls have proven that when it comes to their asses anything literally goes. Yet we have sworn ourselves to use our quims and asses for the greater good. There are good ways to break taboos and bad ways too: breaking wind while our treasured pizza dough is literally being molded by your ass, to the point that bubbles form when you fart into it, isn't one of them. After all, we wouldn't want our esteemed clientele catching wind of this, would we?"

With an unexpected flourish, Connie covered her buttocks with a generous powdering of white flour and olive oil, settling herself onto a noticeably thick and sumptuously comfortable mound of Cheeky's Pizza dough placed delicately on a wooden table, strategically positioned between a chair and a tabletop. Using the strength of her shapely derriere, she skillfully worked the dough, tirelessly kneading and flattening it for a solid seven minutes. Yet, despite her prowess and determination, the dough remained stubbornly resistant, its resilience owed to the distinctive bread flour used in their in-house recipe.

In a playful display, Connie unabashedly spread her legs, imprinting her meticulously groomed quim onto quadrants of the dough. She admired her handiwork, knowing that beneath the layers of tomato sauce and toppings lay a captivating surprise—a tantalizing cameltoe, sure to inspire delight in many a customer.

>> No.22646045

I have about a thousand notes on a diverse array of stories or ideas I've written over the years. I should put it together and write sometimes but I don't know if it's worth the hassle.

Writing something instead of going out, using your alone time just to have a handful of people see the outline of your soul and call your work shit.

>> No.22646060

The fuck did you just say?
Just write the book you stupid nigg-

>> No.22646065
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I’ve been constipated for about a week and finally managed to get some out. Had to pull a turd out at the end with my bare hands and it was as hard as an avocado. I feel much better though. Life can take you strange places sometimes

>> No.22646089

I have notes on everything, mainly plans for my life. I sometimes feel that for many years now I’ve not actually done anything with my life other than make notes about what I plan to do with my life.

>> No.22646091

Jesus is Lord.

>> No.22646104


>> No.22646126

After elucidating on such basic techniques, Connie proceeded to explain the more ‘extraordinary’ requests they routinely undertook.

"In the first scenario," she began, her voice low and husky, "you discreetly insert an egg vibrator into your velvet haven, making sure it's securely held in place by your Cheeky's Pizza-regulation thong. It's a delicate balance, my dear, a dance between pleasure and the art of deception. As you tend to the customers, your movements must be seamless, your expression serene. Silence is key, for we hold our secrets close, like cards hidden up our sleeves. You continue with your duties, aware of the clandestine pleasure building within you. And when the time is right, when the nectar of desire bathes your insides and begins to trickle down, you retreat to the kneading room. There, you part your curtains, for the show, albeit in private, has just begun. It's an alchemical act of desire and culinary taste."

"And then, my dear," Connie continued, "we have the pièce de résistance, where the pleasures of the clitoral orgasm intertwine with our culinary artistry. This, my sweet Samantha, is a delicacy beyond compare. Your squirts, my dear, should be generous, even torrential, for there is no such thing as too much of a good thing. It's an aphrodisiac for the taste buds and a reminder to the vital importance of hydration. We're like akin fire departments in that regard, always ready to extinguish the flames of hunger with the sweet elixir of desire. But be warned, such intimate escapades require solitude and focus. The 'do not disturb' sign becomes de rigueur, guarding the door as you indulge in the rhythms of physical culinary seduction."

Connie laughed raucously again, her hand unconsciously finding its way to her bare crotch. She wiped away a droplet of laughter that had escaped her lips, her legs spread open, revealing her own exposed sex freely to the already pheromone-laden air of the pizza kneading room.

"Yet let's not forget," Connie continued, rallying her composure, "we mustn't intentionally press our buttholes against the pizza dough. It's one thing if it happens per routine, an inevitable road bump (or hump) against the culinary canvas, but to deliberately press our raw anuses in something approaching a passionate kiss with the aforesaid is simply gauche."

And then, shifting gears again, Connie revealed the final twist of their unique pizza-making process—boob kneading.

"This final technique is done as follows: after the dough has been molded, you press your bosom against it, allowing the firmness of your nipples to leave their mark, making sure to get them as diamond hard and erect as possible. Then press those puppies against the dough, imprinting at least thirty deep tit-dentations, if you catch my drift. Hopefully these will become set into the cooked dough, like little foot—or I should say, boob prints. And with that I've revealed to you all the blue prints to our techniques."

>> No.22646134
File: 79 KB, 668x712, h8EsUQe1PBdx_49YEimLQNwLPkUC0GtuSEx-HcBXTCIZsPp3K-wzTwFvFL3DC3JVH1GpAspQ6EzjQFt1yQNqC3aJz8RJUEW3RIWEHQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it insane how everyone around you is having/has had sex but you? It's like everyone started living their life while I am just stuck. Crazy feeling.

>> No.22646136

No. Why is that crazy?

>> No.22646138

"That, my dear, concludes the essence of our unorthodox pizzalogical alchemy. Any questions?"

Samantha, caught in a whirlwind of astonishment and bewilderment, momentarily struggled to find her voice. Her mind swirled with both amazement and burgeoning excitement, an exhilaration she dared not admit openly. Shaking her head, she signaled her understanding, albeit with a blend of wonderment and curiosity that danced across her features. "Allow me to share a phrase that encapsulates the philosophy embraced by Cheeky's Pizza and its wondrous assemblage of girls," Connie chimed in. "‘Girl, just go with the flow, after all, that's how we make our dough!'"

As Samantha delved into her journey at Cheeky's Pizza, her heart filled with awe for the intricacies and eccentricities of her newfound workplace. Inspired by her mentor, Connie, and armed with the knowledge bestowed upon her, Samantha was prepared to partake in the unique and intimate artistry that constituted the foundation of Cheeky's Pizza's success. The dough stood as a blank canvas, awaiting the ephemeral impressions and expressions of young, nubile women who served not only as waitresses but also as ingredients of a fantasy, desire, and magic entwined. The establishment's allure thrived on the mystique of female sensuality, and within its walls, the female pizza kneading specialists were encouraged to explore every unturned stone of their sensual beings. They left no inch of their bodies unexplored in the pursuit of the elusive "world-famous" deep-crust pizza perfection.

>> No.22646139
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Because I belong to that small subclass (say 10-20% of people) of subhumans

>> No.22646172

Sometimes read the Wikipedia pages for my favorite writers and I’m always struck by how eventful their lives were. Maybe it’s just me, but life seems so boring an uneventful now in comparison. We just kind of study and work and if we’re lucky we meet a romantic partner in-between, but we never really go anywhere and nothing really happens. I think maybe it’s this absurd monotony that’s made me love literature so much.

>> No.22646185

You can fix ninety percent of that by doing things.
Most jobs give you vacations or let you take time off, very few (outside of slave labor) let you do neither.

>> No.22646189

Then join the Foreign Legion or live le heckin van life if you want adventure.

>> No.22646191

This is just the effects of late-stage modernity

>> No.22646203

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you are just a boring person and are projecting that on your contemporaries?

>> No.22646208

I love my mom, I love how handsome she is. When I was 5 she'd tuck me into bed. Now she gives me goodnight head

>> No.22646247

It has, but my sense is that it’s not all that different for others. It seems pretty undeniable that life is just different for us.

>> No.22646251

I’ve thought about. My step-brother was a green beret. He was so disappointed with his experience that it pretty much disabused me of the idea much adventure could be found in the military.

>> No.22646259

Yeah, I mean we can do things but they’re generally unimportant things aren’t they? There’s a difference between doing sort of things that are without greater meaning or are an irrelevant detail in the grand scheme and actual, meaningful things happening without having to force them. For these guys, it just reads like they got swept up in currents of life and they rode the waves. They didn’t quite go out and make waves themselves.

>> No.22646267

It comes down to two things: either you never do anything, never take risks or chances, never do anything out of the ordinary, or you are too idealistic and reality never lives up to our grand expectations. Both of those are things you can fix

>> No.22646276

Your feet must smell pretty bad, if your socks are jumping to get dirty and to be put into the washer again.

>> No.22646278
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Wagner on Socrates:

At seven in the morning R. wishes me a good morning and says he has already been thinking a lot about Socrates. It is very remarkable (he says) that his whole approach Is negative; this means he is wise, but no philosopher, he is always trying to fathom where wisdom can be found, in Heaven and beneath the ground in Hades, everywhere. In this sense he can be compared with Kant, who in his Critique of Pure Reason declares that this problem cannot be solved, and he stands in relation to Plato more or less as Schopenhauer’s first book stands to his second. To this extent he is also the clearest example of a step forward in the development of the human spirit. He could only be mild and benevolent, since all around him he saw error. But he must have been terribly irritating, since he could not be put into any category, not even among the philosophers, and yet he attracted everyone to him; if he had only accepted money, all would have been well. Plato was the first philosopher—Socrates was simply his forerunner, of the greatest importance to him, since he threw doubt on all recognized values. Such earlier men as Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, etc., were practicians, they sought to explain the objective world. Plato was the first to recognize the world’s ideality, that the species was everything, the individual nothing.

In the morning we again talk about Socrates. “Beyond this moral code Christianity could not go—-Christianity generated ecstasy, the complete destruction of the world, but as regards what the world itself can bring about, no one can ever go higher than Socrates. In the greatness of his heart the saint sees, but he can only speak in symbols, the symbols of religion, and those who do not see the picture in the same way as he cannot understand the symbols.”

>> No.22646340

Masturbation is a ritual that encompasses the whole of the human experience.

>> No.22646345

Except the part where you get laid.
So its the entirety of YOUR human experience.

>> No.22646350
File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, _9d9b92be-9c88-4ab6-9ee7-5f3707e17d53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly leaves a lot of 'experience' on your hand, if don't got tissues nearby.

>> No.22646353

Any woman is exactly like your hand or whatever toy you're using and you're a fool to not see that.

>> No.22646354
File: 46 KB, 500x500, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so fvcking stupid.
>Be me
>Walking through a hall way
>See some dude in a onesie
>"I must commend you for your onesie"
>Dude looks at me blankly
>"Uh yeah"
>Only realize a couple of seconds later that my mind was on /lit/ mode
>We never make eye contact again

>> No.22646355

>source: never had sex

>> No.22646358

Except for love...

Sex with someone you love is one of the most transcendental experiences you can have.

>> No.22646374

I don't know how I became so empty or why I want to talk about it here but I just feel empty like there's nothing in me, with other people I'm so stiff and flat and terse and characterless I don't know what I represent

>> No.22646377

Ask your mom lol
Until you reflect back on it... Or stop fooling yourself with absurd stories of love. The best you get in this life is loving someone else without assurance they'll love you back, a complete and often dangerous delusion, one that's not much better than thinking of your hand as your lover or naming your sex toys.
There's no love in sex. Especially if you're male which I'm assuming. Penetration is inherently violent and any woman worth something will resent you for it forever. Humanity is bitter and withered.

>> No.22646379

liberalism is the most effective propaganda machine in human history and it's quite astonishing that so many people are still fooled after hundreds of years of hypocrisy, contradiction and bloodshed on behalf of "freedom"

>> No.22646384

It's insane how quickly people give the kneejerk refrain of "equality" without thinking to justify why/what equality is desirable and from where this purportedly transcendent value is derived

>> No.22646398

desu it's pretty shrewd how they realized from protestantism what the broader and vague "nice ideas:)" people resonate with are and applied it to their propaganda. Equality is nice, it means treating your neighbor as they'd treat you, what are you some kind of monster that believes others are less than you? Morality is a dead god.

>> No.22646406

How to come with terms in being unloveable?

>> No.22646418

You sound like an edgy 16 year old with no real world experience. You cannot, with any truth behind the statement, say that sex is only violent. This is just one of your many baseless and unconnected assertions. 'Assuming someone loves you back is as delusional as imagining your hand as your lover', 'women resent you for dominating them', 'any serious portrayal of love is an absurd story', etc. They sound like the quotations of an autist LARPing as a pompous intellectual. Get it through your head, you're not smart for merely asserting a cynical idea that challenges norms.

>> No.22646431

How could you say that?

>> No.22646447

You missed the entire point of my post and I don't feel like arguing with you. I can defend my positions perfectly fine, that isn't the issue.
Thanks, yeah I've thought about dropping out but ultimately I'm nearly there. Time will go by fast. I was offered a full scholarship, that's a big part of why I decided to go ahead with it. I wasn't doing anything with my life at the time besides working a dead end, soul crashing job. Having the degree will allow me to just have a bit more security. It's something to fall back on in case my career plans don't work out. You can always find a job teaching ESL students and wealthy one's will pay more for someone with advanced qualifications. If you ever do decide to do a master's degree in English literature I recommend doing it at a Christian or private university. And I definitely recommend researching the course offerings and faculty before starting (good to have at least a few professor's who have similar research interests). That was my mistake, I just chose the program that offered me the biggest scholarship.

>> No.22646453

I'm speaking from a divorce and numerous relationships. I've never slept with a woman that has put out for any other reason than her own pleasure or a fear of loneliness. I treat sex as a psychologically regulatory tool and you'd be right that my first few times making love to someone were spent worrying about making them feel it, making them love me in return, but even through pair bonding all you find are more base drives leading you. How can you be so certain penetration is about more than dominance? Or that cuddling and foreplay are about more than mammalian instinct?
The idea I had was nonetheless that the bodily pleasure ultimately doesn't matter much. You can keep fucking someone the same way you stroke your cock but it's the psychological aspect that does the trick, that gets you off. If for you that's the illusion of love then be my guest. But you have to know it's only that.
Real love doesn't happen in bed, it happens every day outside of it.Be the judge as to whether that is driven by actual selfless love or mere self-interest.
Mocking things as edgy is an easy way out.

>> No.22646459

You sound circumcised

>> No.22646465

I am scared that Michael Jackson is being slowly forgotten. Zoomers don't seem to care much about him. Elvis will be obsolete by the time Boomers die out. Will MJ be next?

>> No.22646467

This is potentially quite simplistic. Scientists are presently investigating reports that some people who've received blood transfusions have experienced changes in personality, taste, ways of thinking, dreaming etc. Any number of external factors may contribute changes in personality in a person once they embark on a sexual relationship with another, but , who knows, the frequent/routine exchange of bodily fluids may be one such vector.

>> No.22646483

There's a certain irony in Enlightenment-based ideas being a bastardisation of an already bastardised version of Christianity despite the proponents of those ideas being ardently anti-Christian

>> No.22646495

Sex and its associated desires for another person more generally are the initial impetus for pair bonding between a (married) couple. Ideally, that pair bonding blossoms into a deeper and more profound sense of love and self-sacrifice. That's why promiscuity is so terrible. It's also why I'm not surprised by this indication that an exchange of fluid has deeper physiological and psychological implications.

>> No.22646526

Had two cellphones stolen in a months time. Luckily, both work phones I didn't pay for. Shortly after, at the grocery store, I find a phone in the meat section with a message on the front: "Return to customer service for 1000 PC points". What does it mean?

>> No.22646557

I KNOW I can feel love for someone during sex, even being the prime motivator for it, and as such I know others can as well. I also know what a difference there is between mere lust as a selfish emotion and love. The unique quality of romance is that its love depends on eros rather than is hurt by it. Now whether or not I know another person loves me is not exactly the conundrum you make it out to be. There can be a question of the depth of the love (though that doubt won't go without an answer for too long), but unless you're a fucking idiot and your partner is a perfectly designed automaton for mimicking human behaviour it shouldn't be hard to see if they love you or not. What you apparently have discovered is that most of the women you've been in relationships with didn't love you. And all your arguments are irrationally based on this position.

>> No.22646646 [DELETED] 

Could it be that by knowing good and evil we must collectively experience every possible good and evil act over human history?

>> No.22646647

What’s VGHing?

>> No.22646657

Americans might just give indians a run for their money as the strangest culture on earth. Guess that is what being founded by the lolcows and scientologists of the reformation does to you.

>> No.22646658

The negative emotions are an effect of some strategy. They are a means to a goal. Insulate myself from pain and uncertainty. A moment I have forgotten, the judgement was made that it was better to feel this way. I am becoming more egoistic.

>> No.22646669

Going "UGH" but with V instead of U as in the twitter/reddit memes about zoomers pining after Rome or something

>> No.22646690

More like normal mode. Good job, anon. You cannot go wrong with commending.

>> No.22646811

Are fags seriousy attracted to an asshole?
That's mind boggling to me. The thought alone is deeply revolting to me

>> No.22646822

You need to read the story above, heterosexual men are often attracted to that part of a woman's anatomy too

>> No.22646826

It's a trial we all have to go through at some point. Becoming well read enforces a different need for codeswitching.

>> No.22646827

>How can you be so certain penetration is about more than dominance?
It is about dominance and it's about love. There's no contradiction between sex containing an element of dominance/violence and it being truly romantic

>> No.22646838

>heterosexual men are often attracted to that part of a woman's anatomy too
Even between a man and a woman it's still nasty to me

>> No.22646910

having lots of books on various topics of interest i want to read all of them that i end up reading none

>> No.22647034
File: 314 KB, 2048x1878, IMG_2544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s with the recent influx of gaytheists the last few months? I’m guessing it’s spillover from /his/ but who knows.

>> No.22647120

I don’t think that’s true. I’m talking about the nature of modern life here.

>> No.22647131

Atheism ebbs and flows on the internet but stand strong
>Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

>> No.22647164

Same. But you kinda love to hate it. Its all an act for 90% of users anyway so I have learned to take it as a place for the display of immaculate comedy of the unhinged. I also like the feeling of recommending books people come back and say they enjoyed.

>> No.22647176

See you tomorrow anon

>> No.22647180

You are currently dying. This is what your life flashing before your eyes feels like. I envy you.
>in b4 but then how could I get new information in being informed Im dying
Your death is so glorious it is a hyperstition.

>> No.22647184

Good for you anon. Don't lose that nerve.

>> No.22647186

Far Cry 4

>> No.22647193
File: 645 KB, 1242x1740, FDBA9D8D-AFFA-4C04-A8EF-8D203C50B401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body type (You may just be barrel shaped. nothing to be done) plus replacing fat with equal weight in lean muscle. This is how it goes. Keep going.

>> No.22647213

Its because you are afraid. You are not alone anon. Cowardice binds us as brothers.

>> No.22647214

By becoming lovable.

>> No.22647216
File: 98 KB, 887x685, 1645995544173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm really trapped in my life as a middle aged loser, it feels like I should wake up already from this malfunctioning dream

>> No.22647225

My wife has gotten fat and ugly and is no longer attractive to me. we haven't had sex regularly in a year and a half. I lust after other women every day, and when I look at her I feel nothing. But we have been together for 10 years.

>> No.22647251

We aren't. Anal sex is an imposition of heteronormativity: the idea that sex should be done by one putting his dick in a dirty hole. So if anything it's straight males and foids who enjoy dick-in-shit sex.

>> No.22647302
File: 120 KB, 1199x895, In the heat of the night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go to sleep early, I'm really tired for some reason, maybe it's all the recent shitty nights of sleep catching up with me.

>> No.22647304

I’m really interested to know if there’s a model of education that is pragmatic, practical, uniquely American distinct from the inherited European model, which avoids transforming people into dogmatic, unthinking, technicians.

On one hand, the European way of education seems to me too impractical for American sensibilities. On the other hand, too much emphasis on what’s practical can reduce education to mere technical training and reduce us to mere technicians.

>> No.22647309

I want to kill myself after murdering everyone who robbed me of a good life.

>> No.22647314

Wait till you find out that straight men like it too. I often google "Chinese girl butthole" just to have a peek and to satiate my cravings.

>> No.22647320

If she’s keen to the fact that you’re not attracted and it bothers her, then there’s hope that she’ll get in shape. If she’s not, and it doesn’t bother her or she simply doesn’t care, then there’s probably no hope. In the case of the latter, I suspect honesty can help. “Why don’t you initiate sex with me anymore?” “Because you’ve gotten heavy and I’m not attracted to you anymore”. It’s going to sting her, but that’s what it takes to make change. In the case of the former, you married a bad wife and there’s nothing you can do but navigate the unhappy marriage as best you can according to your religion and your law.

>> No.22647325

He fell for the "no, I'm not going to get fat after we get married" meme, it happens to the best of 'em, anon.

>> No.22647359

I don't know how can anyone look at the contrast between pre-Napoleon and post-Napoleon Europe and think that emancipating the brazilians was a good idea.

>> No.22647375

I wish there was born men who would sacrifice themselves to nuke chinoids, pajeets and mutts. Imagine how much better the world would be without them

>> No.22647379

31 years of my life suggest that its impossible.

>> No.22647437

Increasingly, I’m convinced that people simply respond to power. At root, all “knowledge” is a consequence of belief and what is believed in is precisely what seems to justify power.

>> No.22647459

this. when math books say that 2 + 2 = 4 it's because mathematicians were actually bribed by secret societies to invent so called "basic" "arithmetic".

>> No.22647478

Not that anon but surely you know that two plus two can often be five when four is not an answer that you can give without becoming a pariah.

>> No.22647496

Life is meaningless. Dying on Iwo Jima seems significant because of the monument but it is dirt. If Japan had been allowed to conquer China 90% of modern life would be unchanged.
None of it mattered.
The reason why you feel your life is insignificant is because you don't do things you want to do outside of your immediate bubble.

>> No.22647539

> We aren't.
> meaningless babble
> leaves

>> No.22647541

I met this girl about a year ago, we hit it off pretty well. After abut a month and a half of seeing each other, she went back to her hometown for around another month and a half and got back with her ex-boyfriend. Long story short, I was pretty beat up about it for a while but about 2 weeks ago they broke up. We have been talking and she's been telling me she can't shake the sad feeling off. I really like this girl and want to get into a relationship with her. I don't know if I should give her space or be there for her, also how long will she need to not feel as shitty. I don't want to get my hopes up only to be let down again by the same girl.

>> No.22647553
File: 309 KB, 1500x1481, 16983904283540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting something I posted on another imageboard:

The original painting by Bruegel that this is based on depicts a "misanthrope" - a hermit, walking away from a disfigured creature (which I always assumed represented the world), and the inscription below declares (in Flemish): "Because the world is perfidious, I am going into mourning". There are a few interpretations of this work, but personally I view it as a metaphor for the ugly monstrous world robbing a man, who gave up on it and decided to simply walk away, of everything. We can thus draw parallels between the original painting and this modern re-interpretation: the eternal tranny robbing a man, who rejects it, of his last bit of sanity.

>> No.22647624

despots die, but what is true remains being true. such cynicism is shortsighted.

>> No.22647653

I always enter it naked. There is no point in wearing clothes because the primal act I am about to take part in is bereft of contrived and shallow appearance enhancing garments. Calmly, I walk towards the seat of relief where I shall enact this study in hunman endeavours. I place my buttocks on the aformentioned chair and start to squeeze. I huff and I puff, I gnarl and I fart. Screams of manly rage echoes through the building and reverberates into bone and marrow of every bystander that happen to pass the house where I expand my rectum to exhaustion. Finally, after an hour of spine shattering struggle I behold the enemy laying there, brown and defeated. A tepid whiff sweaps through my nostrils as I proceed to pick up the remains of my foe. It is firm, not squishy and soft, but just as I imagined: an elongated bowel worm of horrid proportions that seek to bloat my intestines and destroy me from within. To no avail, unfortunately, since I have conquered the foul and treacherous fiend.

>> No.22647664

I tried to erase this but I couldn't, I feel defeated.

>> No.22647695
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>> No.22647727
File: 241 KB, 1024x1024, _2860d84c-99af-4be1-aa57-32cda5be1841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've invented a new word: "giggleprompt"

>> No.22647754

Dying on Iwo Jima is not without symbolic importance though, even if only in regard to Japanese and American history. But what I’m saying is the sort of things available to us seem without symbolic importance to anything other than our own feelings, and not even our own greater life stories.

>> No.22647772

Do you think it’s possible a strong national leader ever emerges from the European Union? I could see a scenario where following breakdown and civil unrest in the United States and war in Eastern Europe, individual European countries erupt in civil wars and strong political figures emerge, but that’s the national level and I just wonder if such a thing is possible at a pan-European level. Such a thing seems to have become a topic here in the United States, but nobody really talks about strongmen emerging in Europe here.

>> No.22647776
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, _2127955f-698c-403b-a2ae-b9ec613eadc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macron is that leader, hence the monicker "Jupiterian."

>> No.22647784

If you're looking for symbolic importance, you could go kill or be killed in Israel

>> No.22647793

31 years of a version of yourselves life you mean. Of course he thinks in impossible. He doesn't know anything else. But maybe you shouldn't put in the effort. Imagine how you would feel if you put in the effort and still failed or worse, succeeded and found that its not something you wanted. How terrifying. Better the suffering you know. Am I right fellow coward?

>> No.22647798

No. The system is far, far sturdier than most chuds think and the chuds themselves far more powerless than they would like to see themselves as. Not even time is working in the favor of the chuds since europe is experiencing its fastest and most radical demographic shift in recorded history. The western world will turn into a globalized south africa sooner or later and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it besides bracing for a new dark age.

>> No.22647800

A good life, as in one of many possible good lives. You going to let them rob you of every possible good life? I wouldn't. They don't deserve such a victory.

>> No.22647807

You should probably tell her that. I told mine something similar a year ago and we are both going to the gym now. Me for muscle mass and the ability to do some athletic bedroom feats and her to lose weight. She is already starting to appeal to me again. If she loves you she will not take it personally and instead see it as what it is, a statement about what you need from the relationship that she can help provide you, her loved one.

>> No.22647809
File: 198 KB, 1024x1024, _fde54c02-f367-4c3f-a1e5-b8e58b53ab3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is being done by the oligarchy on purpose to make Europe more unequal, more like Latin America, so people vote in right-wingers who will whittle away social spending programs

>> No.22647815

On one hand, I think the psychologization of political stances might just be the worst thing to happen to the public discourse over the last century, on the other, it is certainly uncanny how many people decide on a political stance based on whichever ideology they think will allow them to indulge in their strange fetishes with the least amount of resistance or negative judgment.

>> No.22647830

If you mean welfare by social spending then that would actually be a huge improvement. When your average working class european hears "welfare" he doesn't hear welfare but rather "taxpayer money given to minorities". Working class european natives probably make up less than ten percent of the beneficiaries of welfare either east or west.

>> No.22647835

A foreign war that has nothing to do with me or my country and which will have no bigger implications in history for either or for the world more broadly? In what way is that symbolically important?

>> No.22647842

I enjoy prose fiction, but I can’t help but feel it’s an inferior form compared to poetry, drama (for stage or for film), and even prose non-fiction. I recognize that the stories can be good and the prose even almost poetic in a way, but somehow it still just feels like a cope for something even better being displaced.

>> No.22647846

The foreign immigrants in Europe, besides the ones from Europe itself and Turkey the furthest, own nothing in Europe.
Once the system collapses most of them will migrate back to their home countries.

>> No.22647851

Yeah, keep smoking that copium lol

They are here to stay.

>> No.22647853

Western society has too many parties with contradicting interests. There's no such thing as social cohesion anymore like there was in the 20th Century. A despotic ruler establishing himself in any given Western European country would result in anarchy.

>> No.22647859

Where are they going to go once all the enterprises went bankrupt and the states so too?

>> No.22647864

I think the premise of civil war implies the system is no longer sturdy. That’s just how civil wars work. It’s winner take all no matter what. I don’t think anyone really believes merely political and legal innovations can change the status quo.

>> No.22647881

The biggest cope is that modern westeners actually dislike what's happening to their country and are seeking change, most of them either don't care as their lives are one long mc donalds binge, or are so brainwashed that they would easily sell out their own countrymen to the 'new' inhabitants for social points. There's no culture left in europe simply because it doesn't serve the modern capitalist mindset and there's no apparent practical use for it. For most people their country's 'culture' is go to school, then get a lifelong 9-5 job and try and not kill people while you get wasted on the weekends, that's it, there's nothing else.

>> No.22647924

This, the vast majority don't see anything wrong with what is happening around them and the few who do feel somewhat uneasy about it are scared shitless of being outed as a racist, a mysogynist, a homophobe, a rightwinger, etc.

Things will just keep getting worse and worse, bit by bit, and people will learn to adjust to increasingly lower standards without a word of complaint. Just like they always did.

>> No.22647932

It all depends on if Iran joins this conflict in the Middle East or not. If they do then there’s a large chance that civil strife would have chance to ferment into a rebellion of some kind. If not, Israel will turn Gaza into a rubble heap over the course of a year or two of shelling and call it quits. There’s also the possibility of China invading Taiwan which would be most likely happen if we get distracted in the Middle East yet again. We’ve nearly reached the tipping point for WW3 and all we really need is for at least one of the leaders to decide they’re fed up and initiate it. Not that WW3 of itself will produce a drastic shift in the world order but the easiest time to pull off a successful revolution is in times of war when the normies can physically see how little the politicians care about us and their defense is off somewhere protecting American assets. I’m not even a chud but if it means allying with them to get the job done then what’s the difference? We need (criminally indicting statement) at whatever the cost, we can hash out the politics of the new state afterwards.

>> No.22647935

For what purpose? If the financial and living standards declined to relatively less than elsewhere, why would they not just leave? Those people are there for comfort and money in the first place. If they could find the same or more more easily and more safely back home, they happily would, I think. I think the real insanity of the West is that it’s SO absurdly accommodating to people that are here for no other reason than to make a buck. That’s liberalism I guess. Most Westerners exist for no other reason and imagine they have no culture or unique sensibilities of their own so why find those people doing the same disagreeable? No reason. You know? Rome also had many, many foreign immigrants. But Rome never bent over backwards to accommodate them afaik. Sure, they made use of them sometimes against the Roman people. They never let them just take over rome and get welfare without working or paying taxes or even abiding by the law lol. Think about how nuts what’s happening in Europe is. Apparently most Arab immigrants in Germany do not even work or pay taxes. Why are they there then? Lmao. That class of middle upper class people who serve them in legal and civil services, like social workers and immigration lawyers, is literally the only ones who benefit.

>> No.22647937

That's precisely the trap I'm describing and that you've fallen into.

>> No.22647977

The italian part of the roman empire received millions of economic immigrants from the levant over the centuries, yet those people didn't just leave after the economy collapsed in the fifth and sixth centuries. They became a major part of modern italians. Historical precedent seems to be that people don't just leave, they stay around.

>> No.22648009

>which will have no bigger implications in history for either or for the world more broadly
I wouldn't speak so soon. Also it's the holy land you dingus, what could be more symbolically important than that?

>> No.22648010

Westerners are not even a majority of their countries in some countries per census. Keep in mind that census doesn’t count the many millions of illegals either. It would not be so shocking if white European third+ generation Americans are less than 30% of the people living and voting in America. In so far as the whims of the popular mass matters, that popular mass is no longer even Westerners. There is distinct group in politics, business, media, academia, and other similar institutions that either likes it, does not care, or hates it but will go along with it to advance themselves. This is a country where elite are social climbers seeking institutional patronage and they know they’re going to get it if they exalt brown people and marginalize whites people. And it’s not even a mystery how this happened. It happened via the universities, which are a de facto filter for quite literally every office with any influence or importance.

>> No.22648018

You also have to keep in mind that thanks to white flight, many white Americans just don’t even live in the places with all the blacks, Hispanics, and Arabs so it’s like they don’t even exist. The ones who do live with them, generally don’t go much further than the middle class and so what they think doesn’t really matter.

>> No.22648027

So what? That’s a big difference between the colonies of cultural Muslims living in London speaking Arabic, writing in Arabic, praying in Mosques, breaking the law, and getting off scot free and with welfare checks. Those people are not becoming English or whatever it will be to English that Italian is to Roman. The Italians never had this attitude “come on, we’ll give you everything while you remain Levantine and displace us”. No, they all became Italian.

>> No.22648030

It's weird to see grown adults finally start realizing things that I understood when I was ten years old. Are normalfags just grown children?

>> No.22648042
File: 153 KB, 1013x939, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dip chip in the French onion
>The chip breaks off

>> No.22648076

>Dip ship in the Atlantic iceberg
>The ship breaks off

>> No.22648078

>It would not be so shocking if white European third+ generation Americans are less than 30% of the people living and voting in America
America is 70% white per the census, which also does attempt to count illegal immigrants. Still, the are something like 330 million American citizens vs an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants, so if they weren't counted at all it wouldn't be enough to tip the scales as much as you say

>> No.22648088

I kinda sperged out at someone. I really need a vacation lmao.

>> No.22648090

>no bigger implications
Jerusalem and the surrounding territory being wholly controlled by Jews or Muslims, with the other side being effectively genocided (Muslims win) or expelled (Jews win, optimistically), will change world wide diplomacy for decades to come.
Millions of people are praying for martyrs on both sides right now and condemning the other side's war criminals and terrorists.

>> No.22648092

Not sure if you mean a traditional going away vacation but lots of state parks have cabins to stay in on the cheap. Most have electricity and running water, and some even have full amenities.

>> No.22648142
File: 258 KB, 1588x816, literally you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22648309
File: 851 KB, 200x200, 1640652480301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dip dick into stinker
>dick breaks off

>> No.22648432

I hate talking to autistic people

>> No.22648434

We, as a board, need to stop giving (you)s people that are clearly baiting with dog shit takes like "justify this too me" or "its too long/short to be justifiable" or "I know better than someone people have studied for decades with my obvious shit post quality take." It was fun for a minute but its getting boring.

>> No.22648462

Ive spent most of the past 6 years alone

>> No.22648463

In America, “white” also includes white Hispanics, North Africans, Middle Easterners, Russians, and people from the Balkans and Caucasus. Basically, if you’re not literally brown or yellow, you’re “white”. If you remove just the white Hispanic part from that 70%, you’re down to 59%. I’m will to bet 10% or more is North Africans, Middle Easterners, Russians, and people from the Balkans and Caucasus, meaning, the truly white European percentage is 49% at most and again, that’s not even factoring in the illegal immigrants and of course all the non-citizens here on visa.

>> No.22648465

Many people have talked about double-think, where a person holds two contradicting stances at the same time. But what about triple think?

>> No.22648469

Why? If Israel disappeared from the planet tomorrow, nothing would change.

>> No.22648471

America has always consisted of the dysgenic trash of Europe that had nowhere to go, besides a few exceptions, like the original anglo-saxon elite, but they began mutting during the 19th Century already. You say that Europe is becoming minority white; it has always been.

>> No.22648479

I can get not counting people from the MENA region as white but not counting people from the balkans is a new one.

>> No.22648504

Its okay to exclude Bulgarians and Albanians

>> No.22648506

One view, another view and a third that tries to unify them but is never the less also wrong.

>> No.22648520

Israel has nukes. It will not be disappearing without remodeling the Middle East.
And if Palestine disappears, what will (according to projections) be the largest religion in the entire world will have a huge axe to grind.
Israel being an important spot on the map for interested parties (possessing it basically opens or closes a very useful port to a lot of people) means there are interested parties, like the US, who may fight to 'liberate' Israel if it falls to Hamas.

>> No.22648524

>Russians, and people from the Balkans and Caucasus aren't white
Now this is some advanced racism

>> No.22648533

Here's the PhD in Racism question. If you win, you are a Master Racist and can go into the world being racist as part of your job:
Are Italians white?

>> No.22648537

>if it falls to Hamas
In what world is this possible? Soon Israel is gonna roll into Gaza and kill everything that moves

>> No.22648542

Too easy. Only north of Rome

>> No.22648549

Don’t worry we hate talking to you too

>> No.22648557

It absolutely makes no sense to count people of Iberian ancestry as white. The logic is clear as the day is long.

>> No.22648559

Wrong. By the one drop rule, they're all not-white, since Romans mixed with people all over the peninsula and even on Sicily.
To quote me:
And if Palestine disappears, what will (according to projections) be the largest religion in the entire world will have a huge axe to grind.
A worldwide Jihad was called. There is still time to answer.

>> No.22648585

> Are Italians white?
They are a population of half-yellow half-white peoples who were called the Rasenes who then became the Thyrrenian Rasenians by becoming conquered by a group of Semites who themselves are a group of whites mixed with a group of half-blacks half-whites this initial mixture gave the Tyrrenians the impulse to participate in ancient Near East civilization wich during that time was entirely Semite, that is, entirely lacking any sort of yellow reports. They conquered the lands of now Rome, a population at that time entirely non-Semitic, that is, entirely yellow-white, in differing reports. The Tyrrenians founded Rome and left some imprints, but largely, the white-yellow element was dominant, while the role of the white-white-yellow-black elements was entirely subordinate.
The more Roman civilization grew, the more Semitized it became, and although the white element did not necessarily become weakened by it, for the Semites are also imbued by white elements, the yellow one very much did so. They became less active, less militant than the Caesarians of the past and progressed onto a feminine civilization more bothered with art and the passions.
The Germanic-Lombard invasions changed this prospect a bit in the northern regions of Italy by the infusion of a purely white or almost purely white element that gave the affected populations, not a new culture, but the energy to mantain the old one and defend her against herself, that is, the Germanic element that gave the impulse.

>> No.22648595

This is inaccurate, the most ancient of the Romans resembled like skinned Hindus in culture and appearance.

>> No.22648604

Then why do you fuckers follow me around ceaselessly talking

>> No.22648605

The analysis of psychology and sociology gives another report, as Tacitus described the Rasenians still unaffected by any sort of Semitic admixture:
'pingus et obesus Etruscus'
'small and obese Etruscans'

>> No.22648607

I just lost an internet argument

>> No.22648619

Yep, sounds like a short swarthy Hindu

>> No.22648623

Why is the american west and south so much more interesting than the north?

>> No.22648629

Well, they were the Hindu pendant of a white race directly imbued with a non-white element, in this case the yellow

>> No.22648631

But comparing Roman civilization with Hindu civilization is being too generous to the Romans. The Hindus have created an original civilization; the Romans were just copists.

>> No.22648647

I won't dispute that.

>> No.22648659

Read Schiavone's Invention of Law in the West and tell me that is true

Romans had a totally different geist from Greeks

>> No.22648671

I've been in love, I've been rejected, I've rejected some, I felt as if waiting was the answer to my problems with love, that a love would change everything and make me a different person. I was deeply in love with a person during my youth that was a case where it was impossible for it to happen, and with time I ended up becoming delusional almost to the point of losing grip with how people truly are and how loving someone should have happened instead of how it realistically does happen. There was a time where I'd expected it to be nearly magical and that eventually if I just waited long enough, that this magical thing would happen to me eventually, I wanted to love more than I wanted anything else in life and due to this desire towards a love I considered to be worthy of, I fell in love with the concept of love itself, rather than anything that could have existed in real life. Sometimes I feel like I might be naive and immature because of this infatuation towards a love perfect in every way with a person perfect in every way and the way it would happen, and specifically the way that it should happen towards me. I don't think I'll ever experience it the way I spent so long imagining it in my head to happen for a variety of different reasons, but one of the main reasons why I will never manage to be satisfied is because reality and my imagination are two things incompatible with eachother, and that reality does not allow for it to exist in the way I want it to. I felt love, I was denied love, I spent years imagining love, and I eventually fell in love with love itself rather than any specific person. I sometimes relate people to this love based on superficial things about them, but this is only temporary. I want to love impossibly hard, I want to love the most I can and even more, but it's impossible to love anyone that much.

>> No.22648744

I masturbated so many times that my balls hurt

>> No.22648745

I've spent a long time being in love with love. I am still in love with love itself. I experience things that let me down, I feel like the love that could have existed is out of reach, so I spend time trying my absolute best at imagining positive sides of people in a way that excludes things I might not feel suits into the idea about love that I have in my head. I feel like I need to love aspects of people that fit into this idea I have about a love that is perfect, even if there is no such thing as perfect love, or that it might be exceedingly rare in the world. I love specific things about women, and other things maybe less so, but I think that maybe if I love love itself enough, I might end up using people as a means to reach this impossible love that I spend my time thinking about. I've felt like I wanted to love and be loved, impossibly. Is love being with someone with flaws and embracing those flaws? Is love being with someone that according to you, has no flaws? Does loving one that is very different from yourself and that takes effort into loving her make the love stronger or weaker? Similar people loving eachother, do the things you have in common make for a stronger love? What makes for love, anyway?

>> No.22648752

Greek Geist was Aryan in the beginning, then it became increasingly Semitic.
Roman Geist was originally yellow-white, white but not Aryan, impulsed by a feebly Semitic element, it has never gone through a period where it was purely white that it remembers. However, too, it became increasingly Semitic over time.
From there the reason why the Romans are confounded with the Greeks and vice-versa.
The thing is that the laws were brought to Rome by a Tyrrenian elite that was expulsed later however and in the power vacuum that resulted from it, the patriciate emerged. Because of this albeit, and other not less considerable facts I'd say it is safe to assume that the Roman law genealogically came from a Semitic impulse.

>> No.22648757

Was it to a story you read here?

>> No.22648812

What is that feel you get when after conservations you feel like blowing your brains out?

My every conversation goes like that. What the fuck I should do I am in great torment?

>> No.22648828

I've tried comparing myself with people that love fictional characters that don't exist, or maybe famous people from a certain time period that has passed, a person that also no longer exists. You can look at a picture of a girl on the internet, and you can base your imagination on that picture, of that specific point in time where this girl was alone in front of a camera not doing anything you wouldn't like, you can look at that picture and let your imagination make a fictional personality of this person that would make you like her as much as possible even if it has nothing to do with reality. I'm not the only person that is in love with love itself, loving fictional people or celebrity worship is a form of loving things that don't really exist in the real world. Not everyone loves love equally as much, not as much as some do, I just wonder sometimes that if I love love as much as I do, will love eventually love me back?

>> No.22648845

I've been trying to figure out exactly what is the nature of the pleasure you feel when learning new things and I think it's basically aesthetic? When done properly, learning expands your understanding of reality as a whole - and this understanding is akin to a vision, a picture of sorts, and I guess that the joy of it comes exactly from contemplating this picture and its expansion. You're contemplating at something beautiful.

>> No.22648851

My life has been miserable ever since I graduated from college. I’ve either lived alone and had nothing to do or I’ve lived with family and has nothing to do but hang out with them.

>> No.22648855

What’s the trigger though? I get that, but only at work and that’s because I dislike who I pretend to be at work simply because I need a paycheck.

>> No.22648858

>that's mind boggling to me
No it's not. Stop with the performative outrage, it's gay as fuck.

>> No.22648878

It’s not. You’ve just accepted some sort of image about it no doubt. Sure, there’s a lot more public land West so you can do more hiking and camping and all that stuff and obviously the mountains are bigger, the trees are taller, the general landscape is more awe-inspiring, but there’s nothing about the Western United States which is particularly interesting or unique. In fact, all of the history, whatever genuine culture, the tradition, and all of the good places to live and stay are on the East Coast and around the Great Lakes. Virginia is infinitely more interesting than Montana, or Idaho, or Washington put together. And Pennsylvania is more interesting than Utah, Nevada, and Arizona combined. The west has big mountains and trees and big open spaces, and that’s cool, but that’s all it has really. Even the countryside is better in the East. You’re liable to find little fishing and forestry villages popped up out of the landscape in New England or Pennsylvania or South Carolina. You just won’t find that in the West. It’s all six lane highway cities, one stop-light towns, cookie cutter suburbs, and untilled wilderness.

The West is cool in a way, but only that way.

>> No.22648923

Your situation is understandable with is specific. Mine is universal.
I mean when I feel like my descriptions of internal process are lacking and other person is being too preachy and isn't trying to understand my perspective. It's an enormous miscommunication. I don't understand my internal process next person doesn't understand my words and try to shove his shit down my throat. It's a fucking mess.

I always feel like everything was left unsaid and I don't know what that unsaid thing is

>> No.22648930

>You’re liable to find little fishing and forestry villages popped up out of the landscape in New England or Pennsylvania or South Carolina. You just won’t find that in the West. It’s all six lane highway cities, one stop-light towns, cookie cutter suburbs, and untilled wilderness
As someone who has lived in both Pennsylvania and Montana, and who has traveled extensively in the US, this simply isn't true

>> No.22648941

There’s no way you even lived in Pennsylvania and don’t realize how that state is covered in small industrial age and pre-industrial age towns. You’re just full of shit to be honest.

>> No.22648942

Damn that was my life during college

>> No.22648946

No it was entirely to my own fantasies

>> No.22648953

I hate warm weather. I wish I could live somewhere where it’s cool to cold year round. I seriously considered moving to Iceland or Scotland when I was younger. I still might like to…

>> No.22648956

College is usually less than 6 years though.

>> No.22648958

I'm living in Pennsylvania now, and I grew up here. I know it's full of little towns like that. But what you said about the west is not true at all. There are mining towns, towns built up around logging or trade on rivers. There are towns where most of the people living there are members of a cult. It's just as interesting as anywhere in the older, more settled east. It's more spread out but you get used to that.

>> No.22648971

All of the mining towns are abandoned and run down for the most part. That’s true for both Pennsylvania and West. I’ll grant you the logging towns, but they’re not really towns. This is what you’re missing. You will find in New England real organic villages. They grew up out of a landscape centered around agriculture, they were built for a time where people walked and rode horses or horse drawn cart to get around, and the whole place is a very organic sort of town. There’s nothing like that in the West. Those are all commercial towns. They cluster around a trade, like mining, forestry, whatever and almost all of them were built up after the middle of the 19th century. Nobody things the whack job cults are interesting by the way. Weird attitude that West Coasters have about shit like that. Californians seem to think other people think they’re interesting because they’re like gay alcoholic socialites and into new age religions lol. Unfortunately, they don’t.

>> No.22648994
File: 1.54 MB, 1064x4000, memetic_entities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that you hoped for, that you dreamed about being a part of, is a fabrication. Your memes, your writing, your internet culture, is the shell of other men's ambitions. Ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.


>> No.22649071

>What is that feel you get when after conservations you feel like blowing your brains out?
I tend to just overanalyse and replay conversations in my head. I fixate on perceived faux pas (a bad joke, awkward conversation, misunderstanding someone, feeling like they don't like me generally) that I have committed that even if they were faux pas have since been forgotten about by the other person/people. At least that's what I tell myself.

>> No.22649076

Cold weather is far superior to warm weather. Anyone who disagrees is sovlless

>> No.22649087

Should I feel bad about taking over 6 years to get my bachelor’s degree? Should I feel bad about working at a small shitty unreputable firm? I feel like I fucked up my whole life in my twenties by doing things where it’s like I was in the right race, but a massive failure as a runner. I’m entering my 30s now I really struggle to find a way to recover.

>> No.22649091

How did you know Ive been in college for 6 years?

>> No.22649096

Nah dog you're good. As long as you're on solid footing by 30, dont worry. So few of us have meaningful direction that our 20s are all trial and error

>> No.22649097

I'm an incel, I have a small dick and I live with my parents.

>> No.22649106

That’s what all colleges consider the time to be a success. Degree in more than 6 years, you are not a success and under 6 you are.

>> No.22649107
File: 297 KB, 942x1936, IMG_20231025_082137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking a lot today about how blacks were probably happier as slaves. Kind of an idle hands leads to the devil's work kind of argument at play. I think they're beasts and not men firstly, which informs some of my later considerations I'll present. I think they benefit from structure whence removed from their native one, as any beast likely would, assuming they'd be unable to conform properly to their new environs as say the European starling has in America. I think their criminal activity, their violence, anger, general filthiness, none of that is natural within a beast, but is a product of this transplantation without requisite structure either mimicking their prior or superceding it. I believe the negro to be tame under slavery, having a task and purpose, a reason for waking and enough exercise to give a reason for sleeping. As transient beasts of the day why wouldn't they turn to crime, violence, degenerate behaviors? Slavery has now been bred in to them and returning them to its warm embrace would benefit not only us but them as well.

>> No.22649111

What do you mean by solid footing? I now have strong convictions about who I am and what I want from my life, but I don’t necessarily think I have solid footing. My job sucks, my track record sucks, I have no real skills, no dating prospects, I can’t easily switch careers. I wouldn’t call that solid footing. If anything, I feel like I’m gasping for air since I blew my 2 big shots in my 20s.

>> No.22649113

I think I have the opportunity to make myself and my family rich, but it would come at the cost of my own happiness and doing anything I find worthwhile in life. Do I have a moral obligation to do it? I’m tired of watching my family struggle.

>> No.22649125

Make yourself rich for ten years and retire, that's the problem with doctors and shit, just don't get more accustomed to fiber things it's a trap that'll keep you working your whole life.
Also, don't help your family, helping people only hurts them.

>> No.22649131

Well fuck, I'm gonna take 8 years. Its over

>> No.22649175

Well it would take me at least 10 years to even really get rich, but I think even a few years would pretty much bar me from doing either of the only two things I think I really want to do with my life…

>> No.22649179

It doesn’t matter, dude. It’s just what the universities use to measure graduation rates. Obviously, if most of the student body is enrolled full-time and taking 8 years to graduate there’s a fucking problem, but if 25% take 8 years full-time it’s not an issue. Maybe that student had a bad transcript but the school doesn’t give a shit and it’s an open question whether you should give a shit.

>> No.22649183

The intimate breath of a half-finished place to dwell, small bodies of water, a bottle of rum... that's what I crave

>> No.22649196

Fwiw about half of all undergraduate students in the United States do not graduate within 6 years, and that makes sense considering you’re literally getting debt-farmed to fund the 6 or 7 figure salaries of baby boomer faculty and senior administrators.

>> No.22649210


>> No.22649283

I don't think any human is happy as a slave. As evidence that they were not in fact happy we can see historically numerous violent slave revolts. Not to mention slaves trying to escape.
It was a very convenient fiction to believe they were happy, but unfortunately not true

>> No.22649342

Then why does the thought of being a slave give me such sexual satisfaction?

>> No.22649355

Because you're projecting fantasies onto an experience you have no iota of experience with

>> No.22649366

Thats not true. My ex gf used to lead me around on a leash and I loved every second of it

>> No.22650328
