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/lit/ - Literature

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22640883 No.22640883 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason I shouldn't just spend all day every day reading at the library? I have nothing to do.

>> No.22640906

libraries is a hotspot for sketchy people
I usually just browse and leave right away

>> No.22640922

not really. though one thing i will say is that I like to keep the library sacred. if i find myself goofing off on my phone I leave. Doing this makes me a lot more productive when I'm there.

>> No.22640940

This is just a fash thread that will derail into talking about homeless minorities as if they are feral animals. Anons will talk of when they 'used to be good' during the 'before times' as if it wasn't just their middle or high school library. Ancaps will come in and discuss how superior private libraries are because sunk cost sucking bezo's dick. No one will discuss the downfall of public libraries due to the systematic destruction of public spaces. Poor anons will come in thinking they are superior to the homeless and talk of how they 'have it all on an e-reader for free'.

We have had this thread a million times and we will have become very good at it.

>> No.22640946

i go to the library to charge my phone, battery and nintendo switch!

>> No.22640947

Really? I don't think I've seen any um, less than reputable, individuals at my local library before. But then I don't live in a city so maybe it's because it's not too popular a spot.

>> No.22641017

>please buy into my famine ideology
>please ignore the knife carrying hobo at the local library
>please ignore the smell and plague these jobless mentally ill retards spread via lice
lol no thx
no one wants to collectivize with you, you will never be a worker etc etc

>> No.22641018

I did this when I was unemployed. Very nice. Would recommend. Free wifi and events and shit

>> No.22641036

My library is filled with hobos and staffed with tranny workers

>> No.22641062

Libraries are a social spot where it's cool to meet intellectual people! If you see a friendly looking person at a library, go ahead and just talk to them. There's no need to be "quiet" like in the good old days.

If a person bothers to get dressed, get in their car, drive allllll the way to the library, and do more than just get a book and leave, then they're there to socialize!

The type of socializing is not dating. It's intellectual debate and becoming actual friends. There's no need to live a post-covid life without friends. This is how you meet new ones. People who deny this concept are heretics of peace and love.

>> No.22641068

Kek, I did this for half the day at one of my first desk jobs. Would say I had meetings, and then just go to the library read. Was comfy.

>> No.22641070

If you let the /lit/ miserabilists dissuade you from this good idea I will never forgive you.

>> No.22641094

>i am pathetic, socially starved retard, therefore random stranger must be too!
there exists no proof that above statement is true
your average 4/10 gets 10 'open bob' or 'hi qtie' messages a day on her clickview thing
average retard is a non virgin, has a girlfriend, kids, etc

you people are very specifically and deeply fucked in the head, and assuming a random stranger next to you is like you is statistically wrong, and doesnt want to socialize with you, especially since none of you even read any books judging by the state of this board where 0.02% of the threads are about a specific piece of literature instead of thinly veiled offtopic 80 iq gossip thread

>> No.22641099 [DELETED] 

If you're talking about this post >>22641062, they were absolutely trolling.

>> No.22641124

I'm approaching this point. I'm in my 30's, been a NEET since 15/16. I figure if I start going now I'll have an easier time adjusting to the change in lifestyle when I wind up homeless, kind of like Tom preparing for prison in Succession.

>> No.22641126

Huh? New pasta?

>> No.22641127

you can try but you'll get lonely and depressed eventually

>> No.22641332

Public libraries are pretty useful as a study space, I go pretty often so that I can clear my head and work in a more open space. There's definitely going to be homeless people hanging out there, but most (I say most because it's always a possibiliy, I've never experienced this myself and I live in a city with a lot of homeless) won't bother you.

>> No.22641431

If you ever want to get a wife and have a family you will need to find a way to make money. However if you are fine being alone for the rest of your life and you are able to make enough to provide for yourself while reading all day, then go ahead.

>> No.22641502

Not really, I do this all the time. Just sit in the "quiet room" by myself for 5 or 6 hours reading. The only annoyance is when old people also walk in and proceed to make noise because they're inconsiderate cunts.

>> No.22641513

I say go for it

>> No.22641653
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Absolutely none. Used to hang out in pic related all the time when i was homeless

>> No.22642692

You don’t need to be surrounded by books to read one…reading (for an extended time) at a library feels as silly to me as sitting down and having a meal in a grocery store.

Read at home, in a park, at a cafe, on the bus…but it sounds like you like the concept of camping in a library more than the (more modest) reality of sitting to read a single book at a time.

>> No.22642697

do you want to?

>> No.22642700

parlez-vous ?

>> No.22642714

Nigga finna get #metoo'd

>> No.22642720

Absolutely none, anon. I spent hella time at the library when I was homeless last year. It was comfy.

>> No.22642735
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>Anons will talk of when they 'used to be good' during the 'before times'
Getting real "The 1950s were never good, no one was ever happy" vibes from this post

>> No.22642741

Do you want to sit in a library all day, or do you want to be seen as the sort of person who would sit at a library all day?

Both are fine, you do you. But it’s worth investigating which of these is motivating you (and why you feel like posting about it here).

>> No.22642781

Are you going to do some really in-depth syntopical reading, maybe with some reference books you can't check out? Otherwise, why not go home and read in your personal library? It must be less distracting and probably more comfortable.

>> No.22642814

The 1950s were good because America was riding the very peak of the tidal wave of globalist economic and cultural influence that comes from going through the largest war in history selling guns to all comers and suffering no homefront damage whatsoever. The very political and economic forces that have created the modern zero-sum global economy also created the fever dream post-war economy. Neither of these are natural or virtuous states for people to live in.

>> No.22644090

Some people get more peace at a library than at home, and unfortunately I am one of those people. All I can do until I can find a job.

>> No.22645454

What ghetto landfill do you live in where drug dealers and thieves collect at the local library? Never encountered this myself in the DMV

>> No.22645465
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>Getting real "The 1950s were never good, no one was ever happy" vibes from this post

If you talk to older people who actually lived through the era, they all say the same thing: society peaked in the early to mid 60's, then it has been all downhill from there.

>> No.22645871

This but unironically in non-quiet sections of the library, turn them into symposiums to keep them relevant in the age of libgen and sci-hub.
There's a survivor's bias as they have no way of comparing it to something like the Belle Époque, there's a reason that post-war prosperity ended as soon as Germany and Japan rebuilt and the middle east consolidated power.

>> No.22645910

if your library isn't filled up with the homeless, go for it.

>> No.22645920

Hot take, libraries have failed as public institutions and the masses cannot be coerced into literacy and education against their will without disastrous amounts of social engineering (if even then).
Shut down the libraries and give their contents over to the literati to maintain and curate.

>> No.22645931

sorry to tell you but every vet was a repressed trauma ridden basket case and the economy got taken over by the forces of evil during the 50s while people crammed their mouths with burgers and did nuclear war drills

>> No.22645955

KEEP IN MIND! That reading in a library IS still reading in PUBLIC which IS still GAY!

>> No.22646165

Anything post 1910s is bad and no one was truly happy.
The ATF (gaining more power) and Federal reserve coming into existence will be known as the two principle factors that led to 200 years of strife.

>> No.22646167

literally any relevant city in the world

>> No.22646308

I don't know what a private library is (but I'm sure Andrew Carnegie would have puke), or what most of your buzzwords mean, but hobos didn't used to be in libraries.
POOR PEOPLE LOOKING FOR WORK are who used to line up before the library opened, so they could read the Help Wanted ads in the newspaper.

That is very different than down-and-out drug addicts and weirdos monopolizing the computers so they can gamble their welfare money.

>> No.22646312

I like reading at a park, or backyard with my dog out.

>> No.22647579

the bugman cometh

>> No.22647811

I am superior to a homeless degenerate and I read everything on a tablet for free. If you see yourself on the level of the homeless, you are delusional, guilty, and deserve to join them in their shelters. Further, if you support sucking publisher and corporate penis, by all mean, return your infinitely replicable PDFs after 3 weeks.

Also, Public spaces were never good, and were always filled with shitty handmedowns to the lowest and most impoverished citizens. The only times a public space is good is when the lowly slaves of society are barred from it (a contradiction to the notion of public)

>> No.22647817

Libraries actively bar people from learning by gatekeeping digital content or refusing to upload print. All media is infinitelt accessable and libraries serve a hand in restricting it

>> No.22648806

That's the fault of copyright bullshit

>> No.22648852
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>tfw this whining gay has got me fantasizing about fascist libraries
Imagine instead of giant jagged glass penises attached to depressing concrete boxes, beautiful classical or gothic architecture. Imagine instead of tranny storytime hour and Harry Potter condom kiosks for kids, the library being a place for local scholars, antiquarians, monks, and cultural enthusiasts to promote learning and wisdom. Imagine instead of hobos pissing their pants while looking at scat porn and Chinese people eating carrots with their mouths open loud enough to rattle the cheap windowpanes, polite and well-dressed citizens.

Imagine the world we almost had and could have again.

>> No.22648916

>when the lowly slaves of society are barred from it (a contradiction to the notion of public)
Bums are basically why the "tragedy of the commons" problem exist. Start upholding rules, basic personal hygiene, and common courtesy; most of the problems of public libraries will evaporate.

>> No.22648924


>> No.22648935

It's called "broken windows" legislation

Sumptuary legislation (also known as "don't be a whore") is also good

>> No.22648939

How do you have nothing to do?

My dream in life is having no job and reading and studying all day.

>> No.22648949

Out of a job and waiting on school