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22640696 No.22640696 [Reply] [Original]

So I watched around 20 videos of this dude on all major philosophers, how superior am I now to the average /lit/ard?

>> No.22640736

Name five (5) things you remember

>> No.22640752

Foucalt was gay

>> No.22640766
File: 134 KB, 462x531, Bone_Courtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His one on measure for measure is kino.

>> No.22640775
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Will the english language last another century?

>> No.22640779
File: 14 KB, 250x354, godel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't create this world our ourselves.
All philosophy is anthropocentric and erroneous (see Godel's Incompleteness Theorems and the rejection of all attempts at axiomatic/ideological/worldview completeness).
Every attempt at Philosophy is a fool's errand in apotheosis and self-salvation/damnation that ALWAYS terminates non-transcendently/Nihilistically as anthropocentrism just circularly leads to anthropocentrism.
Philosophy emerges as a reaction to Poor Theology; whether it is the Greeks with their disappointment with the Hellenistic gods or the Catholics/Aquinas after Schism with developing ADS (De-Ontologizing God to Man).
You can gauge the noetic & spiritual health of a civilization if their producing theologians instead of philosophers.

>> No.22640797

yes but at that point it will just be called ebonics

>> No.22640853

You are just repeating wittgenstein and Hegel.

>> No.22640895
File: 249 KB, 711x960, St. Gregory Palamas..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were Nominalists:
Wittgenstein in the Hyper-Existentialist route (Existence without Essence)
Hegel in the Absolutist route (The Truth ultimately arises through arbitrary dialectics).
My Faith allows for the existence of Real Saints that can commune with Truth and can communicate that with us to build actual real epistemology and ethics that lead to further divination of the self and this world. I couldn't give two shits about your's or other's incredulity; at least my method works and is frankly a lot faster to get the right answers that everyone in my life seems to enjoy/agree with.
Everything has made more sense by following correct Theology than following self-appointed petty gods of low intellect & spirit.
Hence why I come here to /lit/: to demonstrate the poverty of philosophy.

>> No.22640905

Nigga not Enough Capitalized Terms please try Harder next time you don't sound like a Faggot Retard at all

>> No.22640929

tongue My Balls faggot

>> No.22640939

Should've used tertiary. Ngmi

>> No.22640964

same predictive power as /x/
how is philosophy not pseudointellectualism again? how are you retards not endlessly gossiping about ghost story buzzwords?

honestly if you want to be superior to the average retard out there, just knowing highschool math and 2 languages should be enough at this point

>> No.22642089

godel was based, my favourite of his works is his so-called "dialectica interpretation" of heyting arithmetic

>> No.22642148

Theology is contemplative philosophy

>> No.22642171

Incomplete response. Foucalt was super-gay and had super-AIDS and was a pedo.

>> No.22642247

Not for Orthodox.
It's revealed.

>> No.22642251

I always wondered if he made headway in Leibniz's Characteristica Universalis...

>> No.22642952

Comments on philosophy videos/shorts are always cringe to me. It seems less about people discussing and more about being smug or dismissive or fanboying or projecting.
It just boggles me how people who are drawn to philosophy lack the self-awareness to realize this mentality and attitude is "anti-intellectual" or "anti-philosophical".
Or maybe I'm the one who is up his ass for thinking otherwise, I don't know.

>> No.22642961

good OP, shit thread
posts like >>22640779 >>22640964 make me wanna kms

>> No.22643882

I'm not smart enough to understand philosophy's primary texts. I tried reading On Time and Being and literally couldn't understand past page 7. I know Egg Hider is notoriously difficult but still, it's a lot easier for me to understand his points of view when explained by someone who is more fluent in the particular quirks of philosophy writing, and has enough breadth and depth of knowledge to bring in thoughts from previous philosophical works or tidbits about their lives that may be relevant

>> No.22643907

Watch Rick Roderick.