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/lit/ - Literature

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22638340 No.22638340 [Reply] [Original]

Grek anons, do you know if there is an English translation of pic related? Also, is this one in modern Grek or Koine Grek? Thank. If any anons also know any other texts like this in English about so called "Epistles of Jesus", let me know pls.

>> No.22639151

This is in modern Greek. It's just some epistles between Jesus and a king. There is a charlatan politician in Greece that claims this was written by Jesus himself.
Don't waste your time on this. Find the text in English and move on.

>> No.22639272

I know a bit about the story, it's supposedly an exchange of letters between Jesus and Abgar V, but regarding the authenticity, would that mean the texts they have in Mount Athos are not genuine? Not genuine as in they were not written by Jesus himself, since the book is based from them.

>> No.22639381
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not very related to the thread, bit since OP mentions Greek: are there translations in modern Greek for Ancient Greek works? I imagined that the answer is "yes" to everything Homer, but what about Hesiod, Herodotus, poets, etc?

>> No.22639447

Yes, all major classics have been translated multiple times. You can even find obscure works translated.
The manuscript from what I know is not a forgery. It looks like an average 11th century manuscript. If it is one, it is very good and good luck proving it unless you can convince Athos monks to test the parchment, binding and ink. From what I see excerpts from these epistles are preserved on some papyri as well.

>> No.22639888

Interesting, so the manuscript is confirmed to be from the 11th century? What do the Athos monks say then, that it's a recreation of a possible letter exchange between Jesus and Abgar (if it wasn't written by Jesus himself)?

>> No.22640451

Any of you guys know a good book for learning ancient Greek?

>> No.22640488

the myth sounds a lot like we wuz kangz. i have therefore determined it to be bullshit and made up.

>> No.22640545

Go to ancient Greece.

>> No.22640955

Italian Athenaze

>> No.22640965


>> No.22640980

Np. Come to /clg/ often, I and others will answer any questions. Just stick with it and you'll be able to read real Greek soon.

>> No.22643054

>Εκδόσεις Κάδμος
Hearty kek

>> No.22643147

There are two manuscripts that preserve these epistles in Hagion Orogs:
But this text is found in many other manuscripts as well all over Europe:
Papyri that preserve these epistles:
It is considered to be a recreation of a letter exchange between Jesus and Abgar that were written by Jesus himself in the same way direct speech in the gospels is considered to be exactly what Jesus said.