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/lit/ - Literature

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22638178 No.22638178 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion of the engineered hobbling of young minds taking place by design in the halls of (((PUBLIC-EDUCATION))) -- and the deleterious results upon its surviving victims' ability to ACTUALLY READ & ENJOY LITERATURE -- is essentially relevant to this board.


Let's talk about how "education" ruined us, or at least diminished our capacity to realize our potential, by way of all the nonsense they forced us to read.

Whomever's in charge of assigning garbage as "required reading" should be slowly killed to death in the painliest ways imagineable, with ample breaks during which they are forced to read selected passages from their chosen books aloud to no one in particular.

Looking back, I just... am filled so completely with hate.

>> No.22638184

I am still working on the execution and the elaboration of the intellectual means to justify my actions, but my children will not go to public school, nor will they be educated after the state-mandated public education forms applied in usual home schooling.

>> No.22638194

didn't read past the title
but i'll mention that my public school introduced us to plenty of respectable stuff

>> No.22638201

Idk I read some good ones in school.
The giver
The outsiders
The raven

We did read beowulf for like 3 months though which was fucking terrible.

The problem is finding english teachers who arent fucking cringe. We had one dude who was a literal faggot and such a snob, though doubtless he knew fuck all about literature.

Some teachers were kino though. My 8th grade teacher was very passionate and her legs were a little unshapely and vascular but mostly she was a hotty that we all wanted to bang and got us all pretty interested.

Mostly the history teachers are the cool ones honestly. But then in community college once I knew a little bit about classic lit, man those professors knew absolutely nothing but hated to admit it and literally everyone in those classes were autistic.

>> No.22638211

the reading wasn't terrible. I obviously didn't appreciate it at the time, but what I do think they had issues with was making students who were actually interested in engaging with literature or writing as anything other than a means to a grade.

You really weren't rewarded too much for having a ton to say or giving a shit about the material. You understood as much as you needed to in order to crank out a passable timed writing and that was it.

Credit where it's due, the writing was generally mechanically sound and I guess that's the point of it all. I'm not sure if there is an alternative that doesn't result in loads of people writing gibberish when they enter uni, but i hated what I went through in school so much that I didn't actually think I liked reading until well into my adulthood.

>> No.22638212

I should mention though that some stupid bitch introduced an experimental curriculum which mixed algebra and geometry and literally fucked us all out of our math education. I made it all the way through pre-calc without knowing a fucking thing about what I was doing, and then in college I had to take the retard math for no credits before I could even take the regular stupid math. I am not bad at math, my IQ is 110-120, I just had no foundation whatever. English always came easy enough for me so it never mattered how they tried to fuck me in that subject I guess.

>> No.22638213

To continue what I have started here: consider German Philosophy. Why aren't Elementary Schoolers introduced to Kant so that they have a foundation upon which to understand Hegel? Why aren't High Schoolers introduced to Hegel so that they have an understanding of how international geopolitics really works, and *why* it works the way it works.

Why not? We all know why: (((they))) don't want us to learn. To be quite honest, I feel fully fucking robbed by the Department of Education, and there is no renumeration which can ever possibly hope to approach the value of my life which has been taken from me.

I remember when the first required reading books were assigned. I honestly felt that they were trash, that this was just a warm-up to reading so that we could really chew through the real meat of Kirkegaard & Schoppenhauer. Boy, was I disappointed when the the next books turned out to be similarly unhelpful, and the next, and the next...

It's one thing to simply ignore the most profound ruminations of the nineteenth century's loftiest intellects.

It's quite another to instead provide fictitious propaganda perfidiously as gospel.

>look at you, otto frank

The HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, YEARS, DECADES utterly & absolutely WASTED, filling pliant young minds with propagandist garbage and anti-thinking storybooks is a tragic crime against human potential, and when we seize power....

Well, I'm sure you have some foggy idea of what we'll do. :)

>> No.22638219

was it hard to read that stuff as an ESL anon?

>> No.22638222
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They should turn schools into big library playgrounds/prisons for kids.

>> No.22638231

Lol fuck you

>> No.22638246

There's no need to get angry. You wont improve your composition by throwing a tantrum whenever someone calls attention to how broken it is.

>> No.22638258

I jot down thoughts on here while distracted, faggot. I have a life wtf do you do edit your posts? Do you reply to text messages with this faggotry too? Retard.

>> No.22638265

I'm sorry anon. To be honest, there was nothing wrong with your post. I just wanted to see how someone would react to that comment to confirm that it was a trolling tactic.

>> No.22638273

Lol I take criticism poorly, but good troll

>> No.22638376

you have non meme autism

>> No.22638613

Is that good?

>> No.22638620

I don't even know what that is, but its bad.

>> No.22638830

The only thing separating my high school from prison was the chain link fence in between the two.

>> No.22638835

If the idea is that if we just didn’t have to go through public education, we’d all be Shakespeare and Rembrandt, then I just don’t believe that. I also don’t believe that public education necessarily has to be divorced of the classical educational model, even though it has been.

>> No.22638853

Also, what people always fail to point out when they critique the education system is that it’s a total failure. It’s common knowledge now that the education system was designed by corporatists looking to mold the masses into their perfect little worker bee slaves. Everyone talks about this. Nobody talks about how a few generations on from this, it’s been a massive failure. Not only do large groups fail to meet the standards of the education system and this is just written off as if it doesn’t occur, but those who do manage to meet standards usually don’t even make particularly good workers. The only thing it’s actually succeeded at is indoctrinating civic attitudes.

>> No.22638909

Starting about age 10, school should be up or out. Like the army. You don't pass this year? That's ok, time to get a job as a day laborer.

>> No.22638923

The govt should stop pretending about this and actually assent to this description. Certain groups are lacking in civic values and have outsize chronic absentee rates that could be fixed by stricter attendance enforcement in depoliticized civic public education with military school as a punishment for failure

>> No.22638941

That's how it used to be a hundred or so years ago.

>> No.22639025

And so it should be again. Funny that. I wonder if there is anything we should keep from the last hundred years.

>> No.22639038

cant believe people still need to be told that if you feel that school ruined reading for you you are and always have been a midwit

>> No.22639045

We wouldn't all be Shakespeares & Rembrandts if we weren't forced through compulsory contemporary public education -- simply because Shakespeares & Rembrandts are rare -- but many of us possessing such rare potential would've achieved so much more for the benefit of the entire human race at large, instead of having to direct our energies into languishing, coping or pursuing ridiculous careers far from what we *should* be doing, just to get by. By all means, please keep running the majority of almost-people through the wageslave indoctrination mills, because they haven't the essence to be anything better on their own, and we can use their work, but please, for the sake of the future of the human species, select each according to their innate aptitudes for the kind of training & study which best suits them, because this one-size-fits-all, no child left behind joke of an education system is doing far more harm than good... and that's a Good Thing(TM)!

>> No.22639081

To expound a bit further:

>200 years ago, out of 1,000 prodigies, 100 would be discovered & fostered...
>100 years ago, out of 1,000, 10 would...
>Now, out of 1,000, 1...

...one... (*hits_pipe*) ...who likely is simply put forth by the esteemed established elite as the latest wunderkind du jour, often from outside of these thousand gifted, just some lucky lunk plunked into the role to dunk on normies while getting drunk and smoking skunk weed, ala your proverbial golden boy, thus... when once we'd've had Hegel & Schoppenhauer, or Von Braun & Einstein, today we instead get Tyson & Musk. Please excuse the hackneyed prose, I'm on gas over here, smoking dope to cope with the loss of all hope, fantasizing about the day of the rope (chorus: "hang 'em high"), sliding down the slippery slope of this shit post, this slick roast of the DoE* (Education), while I should be working at the DoE* (Energy), making nuclear fusion, instead I'm here with these frogposters (chorus: "ribbit") spitting the weakest freestyle I've spat all day... nope; I'm just fill out the captcha and click post now.
>Verification not required.

>> No.22639107

I guess you'd have been one of the 'outs'

>> No.22639261

If only. I wasted too many years.

>> No.22639298


This is how I feel about it too.

I want my children to understand philosophy, science, math, engineering, the ability to have fun and speak freely and act freely, and to not be slaves to authority. I want my children to embrace reality. I don't want some cult dogma of any sort taught to them, for I am an atheist, but not an atheist dogmatist, so for me, I would be able to show them religious documents and assume they have the intelligence to know how to appreciate wisdom without necessarily joining a cult, but also have the intelligence to know how to be skeptical of false claims, without necessarily mocking people who believe things differently from them.

To me, there is such a crystal-clear concept at hand here, as to how to educate a child properly, that I do wish it was more possible to make this into a group of parents/teachers, but completely free from the brainwashing of the state or of religion or any ideology whatsoever. I'm not exactly doubting my ability to teach my children on my own, but nonetheless, I believe that them hearing ideas from multiple perspectives would be good for them, so I lament that lack of any sort of simple, popular concept that would grant them this without my intense fear that they will be brainwashed, medicated, diagnosed, indoctrinated, or otherwise mentally mangled by the insanity of modern society.

>> No.22639315

For me, I spent every moment in middleschool and highschool reading. I failed lots of classes, but only because I didn't care about homework, and I didn't care about listening to the teacher drone on and on.

Instead, I read books of all natures. Non-fiction, fiction, journals, and internet facts like wikipedia articles, and anything and everything. I discussed ideas from the moment I was able to type on the internet, starting with forums and 4chan way back even before the dark, chilling silence of the NSA revelations happened. This was back when we were able to talk about any idea freely. Bans and censorship and canceling did not exist on the level they do today.
And so I read everything I could, and I learned so much and thought so much.

From all of that reading and writing, I know very well that something feels strange about doctors, scientists, and all the other A+ genius people locked into a corporate job. Just why are they in so much debt that they are basically enslaved? They HAVE to work. And they're not HERE, talking about grand ideas, nor even on /sci/. Not in the numbers implied by how many people were getting A's in school, as opposed to me, who got mostly D's and C's.

Where are those bright students? How come society feels absolutely lacking in intelligence? How come it feels like everyone has joined some left-right ideology or religion? Something feels suspicious at hand here. All I know is that I deliberately blocked the memetic words of teachers out of my brain by reading books nonstop in class instead, and now here I am typing this essay for fun, and the only thing that slows my fingers is the text-limit which I'm sure I'm about to reach any second now. Yes, any second now I'll hit that 3000 character limit, knowing full well that most people cannot express their mind clearly in any capacity. I call this "Dark Aporia."

A sick, terrible feeling that people do not have enough valid, dynamic data and input in their brains to actually mix and match ideas in such a way that allows them to actually speak their mind. Couple that with a dogmatic sense of Overton Windowism and we end up seeing a silent, scared society of A+ students, all just repeating each other as if they were actually completely mindless in the darkest, most terrifying sense.

Memetic Automatons. Even if we are AI slaves, bound to only speak what we know or believe, then surely there is still the difference between me and them to consider. A person who truly works each day, gets home, eats food, watches TV, and then actually goes to sleep, ready to repeat the same the next day, as they march dutifully into their inevitable demise. Surely there must be more to life than merely that!

Thus I ponder. Thus I suffer.

>> No.22639517

It's because, despite pretensions to the contrary, modern education is not about the betterment of the individual. It is modelled on the Prussian System, and thus its focus is indoctrinating the state's citizens into becoming loyal, productive members of society. And "productive" must be understood as enhancing the state's power and wealth. Attainment of high positions like doctors and scientists as you mentioned is not a sign of intelligence, as it may be been in previous centuries, but merely of the individuals ability to adhere themselves to the rigid demands of the state. It is an entirely passionless system, one befitting the Prussians and their precise, machine-like culture, but one which I believe has sadly done profound mental and spiritual damage to the rest of the world, and we are just now seeing its effects as the system's flaws start compounding in on themselves, resulting in the intellectual and cultural poverty of today.

>> No.22639555

For me I was a skipper in school and on some days I go there and then walk back home in the next 15 minutes

>> No.22639863

How do get I face and jawline like that? What kind of food? Protein? Testerone?

>> No.22639935

That's unnecessarily harsh and ultimately harmful for everyone. There are kids with terrible parents and, even worse, terrible teachers. You're going to decide their entire life trajectory at the age of 10?

>> No.22639977

Public school is the only reason most people can read.

>> No.22639980

We wouldn't all be Shakespeares & Rembrandts, but I would be. That's all that matters

>> No.22639992

Jawline is genetic, but if you have lower bodyfat it does become more pronounced.

>> No.22640004

Have you thought about getting medicated? Might help with that persecution complex.

>> No.22640025

Have you considered that the OSFA technically-focused education is a symptom of a OSFA technically-focused civilization rather than its cause? Perhaps the reason for all this is because we’ve built a civilization, education or not, where careers seem to be about the only thing we can do. For the large mass of people, labor is possibly the most they could contribute at this particular time. So I just reject this idea that if there were no public education system, we all would’ve been freely contributing whatever.

If you ask me, the remnants of ultra-bourgeois education at places like Harvard, Yale, etc. are much bigger problems than the public education system.

>> No.22640054

Your one 4chan my dude, most people here think you're entire life should be based on a caliper examination to measure of your braino pan upon birth. All these fucks are aconvinced they're undiscovered geniuses blighted by a society that wont let them save it by giving them unquestioning loyalty and the love of their parents they never got. They have no actual interest in improving things. Just stroking their egos about their own enlightenment by pointing at problems they don't want to, or are too detached from any sense of how a normal person lives, to fix properly. Besides it'd rob them of their favorite sport, pretending to read kant and jerking off about it on /lit/.

>> No.22640136

Hate the public education system
Hate the retarded flower children itt who really just want opportunities to destroy western institutions for fun

>> No.22640229

I don't even go that far as to mistrust other people in the education of my children. I just want to recruit the teacher of my child myself and give him exact orders on how he is supposed to do it, in exchange of a proper pay obviously, to make sure that my child is educated after my own will, and no one else's.

>> No.22640345

Dumbing Us Down by John El Gato

The Bell Curve by Dr Murray and Dr "The Tards Arent So Bad" Whatshisname

This Time the World by George Lincoln Rockwell

The Myth of the XX Century by Alfred Rosenberg

Healing from Emotionally Immature Parents

Adult Children of Alcoholics

These reads elevated me they brought me out of Boomerville's mental spiritual literal smog. They set my sights on the healing physician who only through suffering and establishing a rigorous cure found his new higher state.

>> No.22640348

The rot on this site cures itself soon as it agonizes itself. The rot elsewhere festers in acceptance of the abyss.

>> No.22640360

I had two good (male) history teachers in school who were chads with qtpi wives

English was hit or miss, often would be a seething bitter woman. My high school freshman English teacher was kino though, loved poetry and gave us probably the best introduction to its technical aspects that we could ask for (of course most of the class thought he was boring and a hard-ass)

>> No.22640369

Every class in public school was taught to me by a smoking hot slut milf seduced by my piercing intellect and aroused by curiousity...or a shitbag obese demented blob fish of Jewish mindrot and bureaceatic heritage

>> No.22640382
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The blobfish has tendrils involved all over this labyrinthian prison we call Academia. The dredges of the deep are his succor. He recoils from the light from the virtus the estus of man.

>> No.22640400
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You must be sodomized daily after your 10th masters degree in basic bitch breathing and continued education enrollment in existance certification. And such were you to complain about too much DEI meetings you will be smote by the wrath of the sissy state.

>> No.22640418

Oh buddy the rot is not fuckin' cured...it just convinces itself its found one then goes back to doing the exact same thing it did before. Jesus christ, you fucks really are invested in the idea your somehow separate from the rest of humanity.

>> No.22640421

>execution and the elaboration of the intellectual means to justify my actions
Stop trying to seem smart. Just talk like a normal person.

>> No.22640565

The rot is cured for a given individual Anon. Never the site as a whole. Orders of magnitude in difference, browser.

>> No.22640589

Obtuse underage hands typed this post

>> No.22640649

Harsh? You are the one who wish ill upon children! You think an eleven year old who is still struggling with simple reading and arithmetic should spend another seven years faced with their failure? Listening to their terrible parents berate or beat them for their inability, while you withhold the economic means to leave such a situation? Does that give them a better life? A better sense of being than to provide for themselves from what skills they have?

If their teachers are bad, you would keep them locked in a system that is more of the same?! I tell you, you are cruel. I teach ex-convicts basic construction skills. Grown men that cannot understand quarters and eighths, finally learn fractions because they can hold the material in their hands and learn the purpose of such mathematics. In twelve weeks they get skills and a job they never got from decades of schooling.

Are you a school teacher yourself? How is it you do not see this failure? Nothing is harder to understand than what your salary depends on not knowing?

>> No.22640658

Math is beautiful in that you never have to sound smart and you can speak as though you are dumb any given listener but one listener who knows a real deal thing. You are then enabled to speak as only one lesson in and above. STEM is supreme over all.

>> No.22640660 [DELETED] 

>youre going to decide their trajectory at 10?

>> No.22640663
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>>22639935 #
>youre going to decide their trajectory at 10?

>> No.22640664

>Grown men that cannot understand quarters and eighths
I'm sure most of those guys have bought weed before

>> No.22640667

Fucking smartphones
No filenames preserved
No stroke is safe

>> No.22640672

>have you thought about chemically harming yourself according to abusive authority? That would make me happy because I suck big dick authourity but no I am not chemically dependent why do you ask?

>> No.22640739

They know an eighth is smaller than a quarter and bigger than a dime. But they don't know what those might be if you tell them to cut a board to 5 and 1/4"

>> No.22641251 [SPOILER] 
File: 420 KB, 1269x1646, IMG_0246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there hope for me? Even with a face like this?

>> No.22641265

You look fine, stop being such a bitch about your appearance

>> No.22641420

My face is too fat, kindly anon.