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File: 586 KB, 1500x1102, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22636318 No.22636318 [Reply] [Original]

Troll edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>22627724

>> No.22636321


>> No.22636330

First for Barid Bel

>> No.22636333

Name 1 good fantasy book.

>> No.22636334

Any sci-fi where the protagonist manages his own business in space? It should be the main focus btw.

>> No.22636343


>> No.22636344

It will probably be Japanese if it does exist.

>> No.22636349
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1500, 1698108774835359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls r8 the faction and character dynamics for the story I'm writing and why

>> No.22636357


>> No.22636360

I am sexually attracted to the female character designs used in this image
But there could be more
So 9/10

>> No.22636371

Vatta's War Series fighting piracy becomes more prominent as the series goes on and I haven't finished it yet.

>> No.22636376

I suppose the cast for this story arc is a bit of a sausagefest. There are other female characters to come, especially when Communist Muad'dib's story arc is further fleshed out. She herself is female, with a grandmotherly demeanor and therapist like approach that endears herself to potential followers. I mentally read her lines in the voice of Shohreh Aghdashloo.

>> No.22636392

Are BrandoSanso works really that bad or you people just bitch too much?

>> No.22636400

Not necessarily in space, but The Draco Tavern has a MC who runs a bar catering to visiting aliens and is reasonably comfy.

>> No.22636408

Holy shit, why is dialogue in fantasy so gay and pretentious? Been trying to get into the genre but this shit is so grating. Arent there any fantasy adventures with the dialogue tone of something like Starship Troopers?

>> No.22636414

is this ai or did you pay someone to draw these for you?

>> No.22636419

>Arent there any fantasy adventures with the dialogue tone of something like Starship Troopers?
Yes, there are. No, I don't have any examples.

>> No.22636426

>female MC
Into the trash it goes

>> No.22636427

I tried Mistborn and dropped it, didn't like it.
But I'm at a stage where most fantasy novels will not be able to satisfy me, at least not in full. Probably should actually write my own fantasy.

>> No.22636440

ai slop via bing

>> No.22636441

Book 4, Chapter 28, is the first time Perrin has a nice thing to say to Hopper. Their bond is very odd, because it's mainly just Perrin demanding to know what's happening, and Hopper not explaining anything and saying things are too dangerous. Which just frustrated Perrin and makes him demand answers more.
Earlier, there were mentions wolves guarding Perrin's dreams. Whatever THAT means. It didn't sound particularly affectionate or friendly. The wolves are just kind of there. That's all we know. Perrin never really talks to Hopper. It makes me wonder why the wolf even bothers with him.

>> No.22636447

Spoonfeed me, faggot.

>> No.22636448

It's more of a joke about how the first character conducts himself with "protagonist energy" but the second character fits a more classic definition of protagonist, but in truth it is an ensemble cast with no true "MC". But of the characters depicted, the one shaping up to have the most consequential character arc and hero's journey is babygirl.

>> No.22636452

Mistborn is the only book of his I dropped due to bad writing. For the others, they're decent stories told in way too many words. You could cut his books down by 25-50%, and not of value would be lost. He also has a tendency to over explain. Ensuring even the dumbest reader can comprehend all the subtext. I can't say is works are "bad". But I refuse to read more, and want my time back.

>> No.22636469

I like it very much.
His stories do have a mold though and after a few books you generally know what to expect from any given story. Not Dan Brown level, but it's there.

>> No.22636473

Start with David Gemmell's Legend

>> No.22636483

Black company

>> No.22636517

can anyone else access the mega folder? I can't seem to access it as of now

>> No.22636547

Try desktop mode

>> No.22636556


>> No.22636574


Think it's broken. Tried, but even on desktop mode it only shows please wait, pending forever.

>> No.22636587

The url should redirect since that specific folder doesn't exist any longer, because I deleted it during reorganization because it was a lot simpler for me. The OP hasn't been updated. You'll need javascript and whatever else enabled. There may be other problems on your end.

Once again I will post the links.
https://mega.nz/folder/kj5hWI6J#0cyw0-ZdvZKOJW3fPI6RfQ is the main folder and what it should redirect to.

https://mega.nz/folder/kj5hWI6J#0cyw0-ZdvZKOJW3fPI6RfQ/folder/4rAmSZxb is the current folder for sff books.

https://mega.nz/folder/kj5hWI6J#0cyw0-ZdvZKOJW3fPI6RfQ/folder/syhUEZyS is the zboards /lit/ folder which has some non-rec sffg stuff and other lit stuff. It's possible I should just combine it all together, but I don't know.

>> No.22636607

Could also try a direct link to the sff books folder that I just made. I don't know why the url is so different. Other than that, probably some problem on your end because it works fine for me on mobile well. Maybe try a different browser or whatever else to figure out the specific problem.

>> No.22636608

Thanks it's fine now I have no idea why

>> No.22636697


First trilogy is passable but feels like it reshashes a lot of shit you see in standard YA dystopia novels. Fairly sure he's just milking it now and using a ghostwriter while he rolls in the dough, same with Stephen King, etc.

>> No.22636731

if none of them are faggots, this looks good. i agree with the other anon about a female MC, which is gay in its own right.

>> No.22636740

No, Sanderson has hypergraphia, as have various other authors.

>> No.22636742

There are three faggots in that pic ;^)
I feel very secure about their places in the narrative.

>> No.22636754

Literally this

>> No.22636757

>Book 4, Chapter 28, is the first time Perrin has a nice thing to say to Hopper. Their bond is very odd, because it's mainly just Perrin demanding to know what's happening, and Hopper not explaining anything and saying things are too dangerous. Which just frustrated Perrin and makes him demand answers more.
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.22636771

Just going on his books alone the hate is undeserved as he is just extremely mundane, your standard write-by-numbers crap that gets churned out of every writers workshop.
However he really came to dominance by finishing the Wheel of Time novels, which brought him a lot of attention that I honestly don't think he would have received otherwise as he was able to transfer a lot of that audience over to his own works from WoT.

Secondly, he has become the face of the "Hard Magic System" trend.
Regarding this I do not believe the hate he gets is because of his preferred method of writing magic, rather it is because so many people have adopted it as a way of judging a book's quality which is something is never actually intended but the blame finds its way back to him anyway.

>> No.22636782

Wheel of time

>> No.22636791

How did he get the privilege of finishing WoT if he hadn't made a name for himself ?

>> No.22636811

His wife chose him after being sent an eulogy he had written for Jordan by one of their editors from what I remember. He talks about it in an interview.

>> No.22636812

Mistborn was a big hit on release and Robert Jordan's wife liked it.

>> No.22636820

Haha, thanks, I have just added it to my Do Not Read list

>> No.22636828

The Bible

>> No.22636845
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This must’ve been you after posting that

>> No.22636849
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Daily reminder to read the Mask of the Sorcerer. The best middle eastern inspired fantasy since literally one thousand and one nights.

>> No.22636854

I was unironically laughing to myself

>> No.22636855

Unironically I think this saved me from trooning out. I vehemently opposed watching a show, reading a book or playing a game where the protagonist wasn’t male because I often self inserted into the protagonist. God bless

>> No.22636861

That's uh... That's something bro. I just wanted to write a protagonistic character who didn't solve her problems with magic or violence.

>> No.22636864

I mean go ahead, I’m not saying it’s bad.

>> No.22636938

It was okay.

>> No.22636973

Just finished Moby Dick and was considering Malazan or infinite Jest. Rec Malazan for now?

>> No.22636991


>> No.22637074

Ok, can you tell a little bit more, I haven't read anything inspired by the middle east lately.

>> No.22637093

Stop saying unironically, it's not a word.

>> No.22637096

unironically this

>> No.22637101

Language is unironically fluid and you can unironically synthesize a word if its meaning is unironically easy to infer, which is the case for unironically.

>> No.22637104

It's high lander with towel wizards but also has a magic school for 2 or 3 chapters that are much better than any harry potter magic school bullshit.
Also it's standalone which I very much like though there are a few short stories set in the world he wrote after. It's all masterfully written and each chapter feels like a self contained story on it's own almost with many memorable moments.

>> No.22637110

recommend me 1 book

>> No.22637137

The Qur'an alhamdulillah

>> No.22637160

Name one book you didn't

>> No.22637177
File: 52 KB, 158x165, robin hobb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she hate men being happy?

>> No.22637179

Book of the New Sun

>> No.22637295

you guys want to read my book? It's not like it's getting any traction anywhere.


If you have a buck, filthy rich, or want to use my book as toilet paper, by all means its there on amazon.

>> No.22637299

>not a single review

>> No.22637339

I even bought ads. Oh well free book.

>> No.22637340

>Daily reminder to read the Mask of the Sorcerer.
But I already read it anon. And it was great.

>> No.22637342

I stopped reading right there

>> No.22637346

You're supposed to get friends and redditors to read it and drop reviews on your page on release day to get picked up by the algorithm. Now you'll be buried forever.

>> No.22637356

Thanks anons. I'll read both and report which one was the better.

>> No.22637357

>Adah undertakes a mission to seek out her
Stopped reading there.

>K.K. Wing travels the world seeking inspiration for his stories. From grand mountain ranges, to the dirtiest bars, there's a story lurking. What was once a dabble and dream has blossomed into an engaging hobby.
Yeah, and all you could come up with after your travels is a shitty female mc and some shitty coomer fantasy. Kys

Also twitter and instagram links are broken. How do you expect other coomers, incels and orbiters engage with you when all of your social media profiles don't even work

>> No.22637367
File: 287 KB, 1170x1001, russian bosshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more russian bossholes

>> No.22637369
File: 3.83 MB, 3262x2192, tanith lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when you are done, read Brian McNaughton Throne of Bones.

I wish there were more fantasy horror like Schweitzer, McNaughton, CAS, and Leiber.

My gf gave me a Tanith Lee book for my birthday, so we'll see how that goes.

>> No.22637370

This is me
I will read your book too, the cover looks cute. I can't buy it cause I'm destitute and it's gonna take a while, but a reader is a reader.

>> No.22637373

Do women fucking really

>> No.22637375

That review sounds like the genre should be non-fiction?

>> No.22637384
File: 345 KB, 2507x428, best sellers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you're up against

>> No.22637398
File: 862 KB, 1059x856, whitey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually this is what you're up against, wytboi

>> No.22637404

I can't complain because I read a lot of erotica and harem

>> No.22637409

If you really want to read my other book...

>> No.22637448

>not fantasy
>chink shit
no thanks

>> No.22637449

Is it fine for me to ask for horror recs here?

I want to read fiction about occultism, sorcery or witchcraft but written by an author that really practiced it. Any recs? I prefer short story compilation/anthology format but novels are ok too.

>> No.22637467

Chinkshit and fantasy: My House of Horrors (the early chapters are really fucking creepy), Lord of Mysteries (shit gets really fucking weird in later volumes).

>> No.22637473

You're breaking the Kindle Unlimited terms by posting that here.

>> No.22637492

I'm actually not the author. I pirated his book to share it with /sffg/. Sue me if you want Bezos you kike

>> No.22637514

Revival by S King

Not fantasy

>> No.22637541

are these authors occultists?

>> No.22637578

The chinks are not occultists

>> No.22637590

I don't think King is (maybe he is some secret kabbalah jew member who knows)

>> No.22637605

Alan Moore and Grant Morrison are the obvious 2 I can think of who actually play around with magic bullshit but both are obviously mainly comics.
Also Rachel Pollack, she's a pretty major 'non-fiction' writer in the Tarot world writing what's probably the most influential modern book on it and she's done fiction too. Read one of her short stories once and it was good, like the other two she's also done comics (followed Morrison on Doom Patrol)
(Also not sure how interesting occultism actually is for horror, masons are really boring irl)

>> No.22637609

Forgot to add that I don't think Pollack wrote horror but I don't know too much about their body of work.

You're much better off just reading someone who's researched it a bit vs an actual 'practioner', it's a pretty easy subject to research so most stories with it will be as well researched as anything you get from a hobbyist anyway.

>> No.22637739

actually read this, it was 60 pages so I said why not, that shit had great world building but shit story and weird ass fetishes, but the world building was so good it surprised me

>> No.22637745

The City of Dreaming Books

>> No.22637752

Niels Klim's Subterranean Voyage

>> No.22637773
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So I was scrolling through facebook earlier and I found this. It's a subscription service that sends you vintage sci-fi and fantasy books. Anybody used it?

>> No.22637783

He's the shonen manga / MCU equivilent to the fantasy book genre.
If you go into his books expecting neat worldbuilding and fleshed out magic systems with action you can see in your head, he ranges from okay to pretty great.
If you go into his books expecting smart character arcs and thoughtful themes with deep prose, then you won't make it past the first chapter of any of his books.

I've read his entire Cosmere saga at this point and while you can see the arcs before they happen, outside of one or two books they're all interesting enough to keep going and wanting more. After the three cosmere secret projects I'm legitimately looking forward to what he's going to do with the back half of Stormlight, and Mistborn era 3+. The Sunlit Man makes it really seem like the main civilizations/planets of the Cosmere are at war with one another which is an interesting take I'm curious to see how it all plays out.

But I also love schlock and consume it near endlessly, so don't take my word for anything worth value.

>> No.22637875

>It's a Cnaiur chapter

I'd take an Esmenet chapter over those first one with the battle scene was fun but they get progressively boring

>> No.22637998

Cnaiur vs Khal Drogo

Both are dumb brute nomadic warlord horse people who wins if they duke it out. Just the two of them going at it Cnair isn't allowed backup from the Scylvandi and Drogo isn't allowed any help from the Dothraki that is there only handicap.

>> No.22638006

I got Brandon Sanderson'd hard
>read Stormlight books
>see references to Thaidakar as some dude who projects his avatar and has a history with Wit
>see more of him from Gavilar POV prologue for SA5
>hyped to read more about him as I find out he's Kelsier from Mistborn
>start Mistborn
>loved Kelsier and the crew and his fight scene with hazekillers and everything else
>he fucking dies halfway through the book and it becomes a YA grrl story with her stupid boyfriend Venture
>drop the series after I find out Kelsier basically speedruns his shift into Thaidakar
man wtf. How is Mistborn talked about so much if Kelsier gets replaced with Vin? She's ok but fuck, he might as well be a throwaway baddie when it comes to SA5 and all the big threats given by Mraize to Shallan.

>> No.22638027
File: 109 KB, 338x638, 456afdfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw someone mention this in the last thread, and I had to bring it up again. The City of Dreaming Books is one of the coziest, best reads of all time. Anyone who disagrees has no soul.

>> No.22638070

Drogo was just a regular fag who got rekt by STDs. Cnaiur is most likely the strongest human in the world (Kellhus is not human) with massive killcount, most of it done in one vs many situations

>> No.22638098

Gotta read The Secret History.

>> No.22638121

>How is Mistborn talked about so much if Kelsier gets replaced with Vin?
Because the side characters are good, and because the ending of book 3 is considered one of his best endings.
Also like the other anon said, you gotta read Secret History, it's like 150 pages of nothing but what kelseir gets up to after he dies.

>> No.22638180

This actually seems pretty cool

>> No.22638197

The reveal at the end of
>Return to the Whorl
Was awesome.

>> No.22638220
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>> No.22638251
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Here's a riddle for you sffg anons..

Sometimes there are occasions where I cannot read, for instance; doing dishes, riding the train, lifting weights.

On these occasions I like to listen to a radio show or a podcast, but I've run out of material. I hate most podcasts is the problem. Usually the stuff I like is interviews with my favorite authors, but those too are run dry.

Can anybody recommend a decent podcast? Doesn't even have to be sffg-related.

>> No.22638321


>> No.22638412
File: 20 KB, 241x411, LostTales1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the History of Middle-Earth actually about? I read all the book when I was young, but kind of didn't understand what it was for a little bit. After a few books, I read the Silmarillion, and then I got that it was mostly various drafts of that, and LotR later on. But the first book opened with a guy named Elfwine coming to a village, seemed like an original story. What was that, how did that fit in?

>> No.22638460

Listen to the archives of the Tom Leykis Show. From when it was on the radio. Podcasts today are just lazy radio shows. SO listen to radio.
There used to be a website that pretty much every episode. But I can't find it now. Still, there is another archive readibly available. Doesn't seem as complete as the other site, but it still had a lot of episodes.
Just click around. I recommend starting early. Seems this archive only goes as far back as 2004. But Tom was in his prime at that time, so it's a good place to start.

The Tom Leykis Show typically starts with Tom monologuing on this topic or that. Followed by phonecalls from listeners weighing it. I can't explain why it's good, Tom just has a certain energy, and talks about certain topics. You have to listen to understand.

>> No.22638509

Should've seen it coming since Exodus.

>> No.22638526

Not fiction but check out The Occult by Colin Wilson

>> No.22638554
File: 826 KB, 1674x2560, 4b288e12-2cfa-41c3-bb43-a7d1542827db-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the sequels as good?

And what was up with the dogs stuff? I mean even bakkers gay shit was somehow tolerable in context, but the sheer degeneracy in vurt, holy literal shit

>> No.22638558

Not that reveal, the other big one. The one you mean was kinda obvious.

>> No.22638587
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What are the top, say, 3 books (novels or short story anthologies) by the following authors:
>William Gibson
>Philip K Dick
>Gene Wolf
>Harlan Ellison

>> No.22638591

too many to list for Dick

>> No.22638601

It should be now because the books are available and one can read Blue inmediatly after finishing the Long Sun but i doubt it was the case when the books were first released.

>> No.22638628
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Looking to write a superhero litrpg. But I can’t figure out a way to incorporate stats and leveling in a way that makes sense in-universe. Help me out /lit/. Why do stats exist in a superhero world? How and why are people allow to see and change their stats?

>> No.22638658

Some ultra-powered god-level being altered reality to be that way because he was bored.

>> No.22638666

Appreciate the help. But that seems kind of bland. It is that way because someone made it that way doesn’t have a lot of dramatic potential.

>> No.22638668

Read Super Supportive to see how it's done and then give up because there's no fucking way you're getting close to that

>> No.22638675


>> No.22638678

How are stats and levels handled there? What makes them interesting?

>> No.22638720

Ties the whole thing to an alien magic system, the system is basically just how it gets simplified for their client planets.
In a way it makes it being a system novel kinda pointless because it's used as little as possible (also for plot reasons the protagonist is only using one skill so there's been maybe 5 stat screens in 90 chapters) but it's the only attempt I've seen to explore why a system would exist that actually makes it plausible.
Even though it really doesn't focus much on the system or on the superhero aspect so far it's been top of royalroad since it gained a following so that's what you're competing against unless the author burns out and gives up by the time you're done.

>> No.22638732

Interesting idea. I’m not really trying to compete with anyone. Just like working on my writing and getting it out regularly. I’d be happy if ten people read it.

Since you obviously like supers litrpg stuff, what do you think about a symbiote that attaches to a host and can be used to boost stats and level up abilities? This wouldn’t be an alien symbiote, for what it’s worth. I’m thinking something that leans more toward horror and paranormal supers stuff.

>> No.22638740

Super Supportive is awful. It's just another copy and pasted series where the protagonist is a wet towel with mommy issues and cries a lot, only this time with a vague superhero coat of paint.

>> No.22638789

Bakker is king.

>> No.22638798


Got a feeling Cnair would wreck him in combat then try to fuck him and catch some sort of STD ultimately dying so it'd end in a pyrrich victory


Ian BrandoAnderson

>> No.22638804

Should i read The Aspect-Emperor if i got spoiled that the Great Ordeal ultimately fails?

>> No.22638813

why would you spoil for the rest of us

>> No.22638817
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I finished Tales of the Dying Earth but didn't really care for it much. Found it to be a lot like Lankhmar, I appreciate it for what it is but nothing really griped me. I've yet to find anyone better than Howard at this kind of fantasy. Please send nonmeme recs

>> No.22638832

Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane.

>> No.22638833
File: 133 KB, 1080x888, 169809117569193813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Wizard Knight

>> No.22638841

I'm going to assume you've heard of Kane and Clark Ashton Smith, so I'll throw out an OG who was actually the prototype for Robert E. Howard: Harold Lamb. He tended to write historical fiction versus Howard's fantastical pre-history, but its all there. Swords of the West is a great collection of Crusader adeventures as desperate yet holy men from the West burn into the Orient. Or the Khlit the Cossack stories, which I think are the most direct precedent to Conan out there.

>> No.22638858

>aislop promo art
That's gonna be a no.

>> No.22638861

Yes, obviously.

>> No.22638862

Arthur Machen was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn I believe, and he is certainly one of the GOATs of the genre.

>> No.22638865

Downloaded it.

>> No.22638867
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Recommend me some books like Attack on Titan.
No I don't mean books with shit endings.
Stories that include,
>a thriller atmosphere with a focus on mystery and conflict
>worldbuilding that isn't boilerplate scifi or fantasy
>a large cast of characters which get decent development, with conflict among them
>a strong sense of drama and building characters at pivotal moments
>strategic and political maneuvering
>some scifi or fantasy elements, but not ones which direct the core of the story solely by their existence
>a main conflict that is intractable
I've been recommended The Book of the New Sun series before, but I don't know whether that's just a meme or if it's actually in this vein.

>> No.22638870
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Trying to find a somewhat old fantasy book where there is an order of these nun-like characters with goofy hats dressed in all white. I think the protag is female. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.22638873

For me?

It's LitRPG, webnovels, and isekai.

>> No.22638888

Btw I think the hats look almost like smurf hats If I'm remembering the art correctly.

>> No.22638919

Unfortunately he only wrote ghost stories AFAIK

>> No.22638921

Exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. I liked Howard's historical stuff.

>> No.22638943

He's doubling down on his antics because it got him a small amount of the attention he craves a few threads ago.

>> No.22638961

Hard to believe "intentional spoiler" isn't a reportable offense on here like it is on /a/

>> No.22638983
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22638986

bakkerspam hasn't been particular stronger or weaker over the past several threads

>> No.22638988
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22639002


>> No.22639026

incoherent american isekai slop

>> No.22639029

I wouldn't say Book of the New Sun is in the vein of SnK but you should read it anyway.
Otherwise, just read Moorcock's Eternal Champion, like 90% of the part of SnK you like was stripped from that book in the first place.

>> No.22639030
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>Moorcock's Eternal Champion
I know, but isn't that more of a high fantasy setting? I agree that it's close though.

>> No.22639033
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>Looking to write a superhero litrpg.

>> No.22639037

>but isn't that more of a high fantasy setting?
It's really according to how you interpret it, it isn't as airy as say Lord of the Rings but it also isn't as definitively more than HF like BotNS is. I believe most of Moorcock's stuff is considered "speculative fiction" like SnK, but is kinda pigeonholed in illustration and remembrance because of the time they were released and the works they'd go on to influence.

>> No.22639055

>I've yet to find anyone better than Howard at this kind of fantasy.
Comparing Howard to Vance is like comparing Primal to Tigtone

>> No.22639068

I wouldn't call it spam, just intentionally spoiling plots for people because he craves (You)s

>> No.22639127

Why didn't Brando smut up Shallan's chapters? They would be more tolerable if she was fucking her men as Veil and flashing her safehand in public 24/7. I coom to these fantasies daily

>> No.22639132

Why is science fiction so much better done on film than in literature?

>> No.22639141

Because you have ADHD

>> No.22639182

I just read Paladin of Souls, great book. Though it didn't hook me as much as The Curse of Chalion, it still delivered. Gonna start reading the Penric stories now.
Also, has anyone read any of the fantasy books by Vox Day (A throne of bones)? It seems like an interesting universe, but I can't really trust any of the reviews, since it seems like it's just support or condemnation based on him being a chud.

>> No.22639290

I've never read anything by Vox Day, based purely on the fact that the covers, and the author name Vox Day made me immediately assume it was cringe Hugo bait.
Have fun with the Penric series, it's short, but very charming.

>> No.22639436

Imagine going out in the warcamps at night sucking on your exposed safehand and wearing a sheer havah that's got slits up to your waist fuck yeah shallan you slut get ganfbanged

>> No.22639440
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sandersonfans were a mistake

>> No.22639470


>> No.22639528

Shallan got out from her bath naked and dripping wet as she Lightweaved the illusion of Veil's clothing on her body. She took a near dun sphere and walked out moments before a highstorm was scheduled to come. "I wonder if I can make it to an uninhabited shelter before my sphere goes dun and everyone sees me naked and wet". As she walked out she saw two Alethi guards getting drunk and laughing by their outpost, and Shallan's cunt dripped awesomely at the opportunity before her. She willed herself to draw in the sphere and made it dun before exhaling her reserves wholly, instantly appearing naked and wet before the stunned guards. She beckoned them with her exposed safehand as she went inside the guard outpost, ready for the fuck of her life.

>> No.22639719

How are these books? They look interesting though I'm always skeptical of "young adult" novels

>> No.22639721
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Forgot pic

>> No.22639796

They aren't even young adult, technically it's a kid series. Although one that's pretty brutal and don't say away from gruesome deaths. Still if you like dragons I would recommend it. It's a fun quick read. More so the first Act (first five books), the second Arc imo is a bit worse and I don't care for the third one since it takes place on different continent. People say that Darkstalker stand-alone spin-off is really great and the best in the series, but I haven't read it.

>> No.22639799

>deviant art

idk man, if that doesn't repulse you instinctively then my guess is you are the target audience and you don't need to bother asking

>> No.22639829
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Is Hyperion series big enough literary deal to trouble myself (ESL) looking for originals, or should I just not bother and get translation?

>> No.22639843
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What's your favourite "technically isekai"?
Mine is Spellsinger. Read it first when I was like 12. Didn't understand all the jokes back then. Reread when I was 20, really enjoyable once again. I liked the spider people of the second book. Sadly, the old copies I found in my dad's library of 70s and 80s scifi and fantasy books ahs been scattered through ebay by now. Might rebuy them one day.

>> No.22639851

Not sure what exactly do you mean by "big enough literary deal", in terms of academic achievement the first novel is definitely a modern classic and one of the most celebrated science fiction books ever, you won't find a top 100 list that doesn't include it.

>> No.22639872
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>> No.22639875

It's really just a question of whether I miss out on some fantastic prose that otherwise gets lost in translation, or is it more that ideas in it are amazing and prose is likely no biggie. Though judging from your post it seems like snooping for originals is the way to go.

>> No.22639921

>starring Thad Castle
I'd watch it. I bet he'd be great cast as a knight in general

>> No.22639928

Because nobody who can write well wastes their time writing sci fi. Meanwhile plenty of talented directors know that sci fi is a good avenue for visual spectacle.

>> No.22639937

Either The Eternal Champion or The Wizard Knight

>> No.22639941

The Wizard Knight is Gene's ugly duckling desu

>> No.22639951

next you'll say
> incoherent american isekai slop

>> No.22639959
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They're more readable than some of the drivel that gets posted here, but that doesn't mean it's anything more than lowest common denominator slop

>> No.22639966

>Because nobody who can write well wastes their time writing sci fi.
And what do they write?

>> No.22639967

What in the fuck is going on in this picture?

>> No.22639972

Guy molested little girl but she's been around the block before so she's unimpressed with his molestation skills and shames him for it.

>> No.22639976

Simmons prose is unremarkable, you're very much reading it for the ideas/mystery

>> No.22639978

How emasculating

>> No.22639981

No, it really just don't come even close to being as good as BotNS for example

>> No.22640016

Apart from Nolan they've all shit the bed in recent years. Just look at Dune's ugly visuals.

>> No.22640019

>finally reading Elric

First book was cool but Elric is kind of a retard.

>> No.22640022

The Mistborn ser-
>some scifi or fantasy elements, but not ones which direct the core of the story solely by their existence
Ah, well

>> No.22640023

Contemporary diaspora fiction written by asian american woman. BIPOC socio-racial deconstructive commentaries on the Neo-colonial framework utilised by western countries. Vampire billionaire werewolf porn-romances. David Foster Wallace pastiches involving limpwristed reactionary post-postmodernism criticisms that are blisteringly apparent to anyone with half a brain.

Everything else is not allowed to be published, and won't be for at least another 20 years. We will find out what the good writers are writing about then.

>> No.22640032

It is impossible for a woman to not write feminist ideas in their fantasy. Impossible. Why is that?

>> No.22640037

It is genuinely fascinating how people squeal so much about 'originality' but shy away from anything remotely interesting because it doesn't fulfill the necessary laundry list of tropes for a particular genre.

>> No.22640041

Cover is certainly kino, reminds me a bit of Myth series, in a way.
>Contemporary diaspora fiction written by asian american woman. BIPOC socio-racial deconstructive commentaries on the Neo-colonial framework utilised by western countries.
These don't sound worthily or even popular, despite the ideological push, but perhaps if writer is just in for the money and gets financed by certain groups then I could see it it being "worthwhile".
>Vampire billionaire werewolf porn-romances.
Popular smut for women, I would have to admit.
>David Foster Wallace pastiches involving limpwristed reactionary post-postmodernism criticisms that are blisteringly apparent to anyone with half a brain.
Feels like that was popular decades ago, not as much anymore, but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.22640043

Sanderson is right wing and no one cares about his books having Aesop's fables tier storytelling.

>> No.22640046

>Sanderson is right wing

>> No.22640048

Sanderson has said on many occasions that he's a liberal democrat.

>> No.22640050

>have science fantasy book with sequel in works
>want to publish but I'm not sure if I want to bother with traditional
is web-novel route still good or am I better off just throwing it on Amazon? It's Guns and Sorcery with a significant romantic subplot.

>> No.22640059

Judge a man by his actions, he's a turbo Mormon and not a le edgy activist stinky hippie like Rothfuss or Lynch.

>> No.22640107

Both have its own drawbacks, but... Going the Amazon route without a following is a very big risk. Start with royal road or scribble hub, see if your novel can get some attention and use social media in your favor. In the worst case your novel sucks and no one reads, but you won't have to deal with Amazon bureaucracy

>> No.22640116

Is getting a decent readership on these sites actually viable if the story isn't isekai/wuxia shit? That's all I see on RR.

>> No.22640134

The guy doing The Nature of Predators is getting 6k a month on Patreon and he started that shit on reddit.

>> No.22640137

It really depends on your luck and if people enjoy your novel. You can also use bait and switch to get attention from the LitRPG crowd, trade reviews and advertise. Like traditional publishing, it's unlikely that you will succeed in your first try, but doing nothing is a guaranteed failure.

>> No.22640139

I'm one of Cantos' biggest fans (been reading the entire series several times over in multiple languages for 15 years) and I'll admit that the prose is not among its strong points. Simmons is ...fine I guess. His writing is very traditional, fine-tuned and academic. He's better at it than all golden age sci-fi STEM writers like Asimov, Heinlein, or Clarke. But don't go in expecting to be mind-blown by every sentence, Hyperion is great for its story and imaginative richness.

>> No.22640151

Fair enough, thanks guys I'll give it a shot. I feel like I can handle this. Will keep you updated :)

>> No.22640289
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books about meeting ayys for the first time
but they're digital rather than biological?

>> No.22640311
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I just finished Yumi and The Nightmare Painter and it's really an entertaining read, though I'm still confused over some of the details after the twist reveal. I really like the switching roles scenes where we get to see both of the protagonist explore their counterparts role in their own world, though it's a shame it's not really explored more in detail. I'd certainly prefer reading more of Yumi and Nikaro wacky hijinks in navigating their lives compared to some of the meta backgrounds lore, espescially when I don't follow Brandon Sanderson's other works religiously. I felt like a solid 10-20% of the book would make more sense if I had read his other works, but it didn't detract that much from the experience. I also liked the oriental feel of the setting, and the artworks and illustrations interspersed between are absolutely gorgeous. Overall, I had fun reading the book and that's what important.

>> No.22640315

But will space abbos be sniff spaceship petrol?

>> No.22640429

2001 A Space Odyssey

>> No.22640526
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>> No.22640540

Why do you always post this every thread with no further comment or discussion prompt? Every time I see it, I grow less curious and more annoyed.

>> No.22640556

I like the novel

>> No.22640583

How do you feel about the Endymion books? I just finished Fall myself and I am on the shelf about picking them up, I either hear people loving them or hating them to the point they regret ever reading them.

>> No.22640599

And yet you haven't uttered a word about it.

>> No.22640608

They're more straightforward, instead of a space opera with tangled narrative its a planet-hopping adventure that takes obvious inspiration from Terminator franchise. Worth reading because it expands the universe massively beyond planet Hyperion.

>> No.22640615

Bakker is KING
>Then the madness fell away. Once again it was the pure thunder of the charge. The strange camaraderie of men bent to a single, fatal purpose. Hummocks, scrub, and the bones of the Vulgar Holy War’s dead rushed beneath. The wind bled through chain links, tousled Thunyeri braids and Tydonni crests. Bright banners slapped against the sky. The heathen, wicked and foul, drew closer, ever closer. One last storm of arrows, these ones almost horizontal to the ground, punching against shield and armour. Some were struck from their saddles. Tongue tips were bitten off in the concussion of the fall. The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky. Wounded mounts danced in frothing circles nearby. The rest thundered on, over grasses, through patches of blooming milkwort waving in the wind. They couched their lances, twenty thousand men draped in great mail hauberks over thick felt, with coifs across their faces and helms that swept down to their cheeks, riding chargers caparisoned in mail or iron plates. The fear dissolved into drunken speed, into the momentum, became so mingled with exhilaration as to be indistinguishable from it. They were addicted to the charge, the Men of the Tusk. Everything focused into the glittering tip of a lance. The target nearer, nearer … The rumble of hooves and drums drowned their kinsmen’s song. They crashed through a thin screen of sumac … Saw eyes whiten in sudden terror. Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through shield, through armour. Suddenly the ground became still and solid beneath them, and the air rang with wails and shouts. Hands drew sword and axe. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky. And the Kianene fell, undone by their ferocity, crumpling beneath northern hands, dying beneath pale faces and merciless blue eyes. The heathen recoiled from the slaughter—and fled.

>> No.22640673

Nobody cares if somethings original or not, they just care about it being good.

>> No.22640676
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>> No.22640751

>like book so much you call it a film every single thread
newfags are so embarrassing

>> No.22640765


>> No.22640932

>that chapter where Dalinar lounges at the balcony with Navani who is wearing a sheer havah that slips from her shoulder and shows off her tits
>she's got her safehand unclothed as well
Jesus, Brandon likes his MILFs

>> No.22641013

Any Malazan readers here, are the Ian C. Esselmont books important for a first time read or should I not bother with them?

>> No.22641021

read three chapters, not great, not bad. At least it's not isekai and the setting isn't sword and board with dragons, elves, and dwarfs and other GOT copies.

>> No.22641047

GOT doesn't have elves or (racial) dwarves.

>> No.22641067

This, they only have humans who self identify as dwarfs.

>> No.22641085

The dude had literal dwarfism...

>> No.22641107

true dwarvism has never been tried

>> No.22641117

i meant GOT as in trying to have different perspectives, random political crap, some ancient evil rising etc.

>> No.22641175
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>mfw true dwarfism actually has been tried and that crusty old coomer Gurm was the only one brave enough to do it

>> No.22641183

Literally the story I'm currently writing

>> No.22641187
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>unique and innovative style
>ridiculous work ethic and output
>hot Stacey wife who is also his Muse and he frequently collaborates with
>into body building so his physical form is immaculate
Name a bigger chad in the fantasy sphere.

>> No.22641246

I don't even know who she is

>> No.22641352

reading the prologue of Lord of Chaos.
This Andor subplot with Gawyn/Morgaise/Rand is reaching anime level misunderstandings.
I'm almost expecting Rand to apologize for Morgaise and either Gawyn or Elayne to consider it a confession of murder

>> No.22641366

>female MC
I don't read anything written by women or trannies

>> No.22641372
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>> No.22641395

Cool deal. Since I am neither and it's a mostly-male ensemble cast, how many copies am I putting you down for ;^)

>> No.22641417


>> No.22641432

Congrats on becoming illiterate due to rage. The Astounding Award is not a Hugo.

>> No.22641462

>start reading "adventure" story
>it's slow-paced and boring

Why is this so common?

>> No.22641469

It's not worth reading except for the first story.

>> No.22641472

Give an example and what you'd change to pick up the pace and make it less boring.

>> No.22641474

Tigtone is better than Primal and Vance is better than Howard, I agree.

>> No.22641496

Something explodes, crashes or somebody points a gun or knife at somebody else within the first 1-2 pages is a good starting point. That's been a common rule in almost every action story I've liked.

>> No.22641512
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>manlets=lesser men
Fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.22641518

get back in the manlet pit
of all things to sperg about

>> No.22641526

So what you really mean is some adventure stories lack that punchy opening to draw you in. I can see that. I suspect it may be the author trying to gradually ramp up the stakes by starting out in the comfy shire so that the danger is more impactful when it happens. I myself found I was doing that in my story so I'm going to add a new chapter 1 between the prologue and current chapter 1 to give the opening a bit more bite before introducing our characters in the safe and cozy "shire" before shit hits the fan

>> No.22641550

Thoughts on the dungeon core 'genre'?

>> No.22641551

Yes. It doesn't have to be a violent opening, that's just one trick that works for me. I also like picaresque situations, where there's a funny conversation or somebody's getting scammed. I just hate long *boring* dialogs or long pages of descriptions where little happens.

>> No.22641555

Is "dungeon core" like "dungeon punk"? If so then I hate it.

>> No.22641561

The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
A Scanner Darkly
Game Players of Titan
Book of the New Sun
The Death of Dr Island
The Deathbird
I Have No Mouth

>> No.22641567

Cnaiur would destroy Drogo because Cnaiur is not just a dumb brute he is extremely intelligent and powered by plutonium grade hate Drogos got no chance

>> No.22641568

No, dungeon core is where the dungeon itself is the protagonist.

>> No.22641571

Second Apocalypse

>> No.22641574

Sounds deconstructionist and insincere and gay.

>> No.22641588

>look mom, three random accents on a single name, I'm fantasying!
into the trash it goes

>> No.22641589

Post examples and I will read and report back.

>> No.22641601

this was without a doubt written by a white man

>> No.22641615

It gets better, some of my characters have names that stack three diacretics on one letter!

>> No.22641620

I'll just pull two of the more popular ones.
Dungeon Born

>> No.22641627
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Is this series any good if I'm looking for some light audio-books I can listen do while driving from site to site during work? The description and reviews make me think it could either be the coolest or cringiest thing I've read. I enjoy Discworld if that helps.

>> No.22641654

>How is it possible to be given the most incredible premises, the most heart-pounding situations, and then end up writing unreadable slog? This is not a rhetorical question without a clear target. I’m thinking about fantasy fiction here—or, at least, what is usually known as heroic fantasy.

>What’s the simplest, most over-used story in heroic fantasy, the sort that many magazines actually tell you to not send because they won’t even read it? Something with orcs or elfs, with the characters meeting in a tavern, perhaps something based on your RPG campaign? That’s the standard, first-level quest, for those in gaming. So, what would be the real-world equivalent of that, and would it be equally boring?

>Now, we don’t have orcs in real life, but we have enough monsters in human skin so I’m sure I can find an apt analogy. What would be the equivalent of unproductive, parasitic, ugly, smelly, psychotic murderers terrorizing the land and plundering everything, with a fondness for torture, killing and raping everything that moves (from where do you think all those half-orcs come?) with a malevolence so great it’s almost comical. Well… it may be a bit unfair, but I guess ISIS militias can work as a stand-in.

>So, to follow the analogy… Our adventurers would most likely be farm boys, bored to tears with their life and craving for adventure and glory. So these four dudes meet at a bar, and while completely drunk, someone says, “Ey, did you know that over there in Syria those psychos have a shitton of loot from all the people they have murdered? Man, we should go there and relieve them of their shit.” And everybody laughs—until they don’t, and they all say, “Yeah, maybe we should.” So they buy tickets to Syria, buy some second-hand Kalashnikovs and rations from a smuggler, and start to shoot jihadis and loot their stuff because… why not.

>That’s the closest real-world equivalent of going off to kill some orcs for fun and profit. So… why would anybody NOT want to read that story? How can you possibly make that boring?

>> No.22641693
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Should i start Mistborn or Stormlight Archives first? theres any special order i need to follow or can i go mistborn 1-7 fuck it?

>> No.22641733

Just read The Way of Kings and Warbreaker and be done with Sanderson. Those are the only decent books he's ever written.

>> No.22641739

For simplicity's sake I'd just go with chronological release order. I read Way of Kings, then all of Mistborn arc 1, now I'm on words of radiance, but something tells me that's not optimal

>> No.22641742
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>Because the side characters are good

>> No.22641743

Ignore all Sandersoi posters

>> No.22641758

What does it matter? The books are dead simple so even an idiot can grasp what's happening because everything is explained patronizingly in a repetitive manner. Nothing whatsoever matters about reading order here. there's no really strong ties between any of this whole cosmere "universe" bullshit, it's just a loose string of associations with no real significant plot for the sake of franchise baiting dumb nerds that get excited when they catch a reference even if there's no deeper meaning to anything.

>> No.22641774

Do you need to talk to somebody about something, man?

>> No.22641932

The only one I ever found remotely interesting was Demesne - the twist in this statement is that Demesne really isn't a dungeon core story, despite a dungeon core being a central element of worldbuilding.

>> No.22641961

It's the worst shit imaginable. There is literally LITERALLY nothing less interesting than base building autism. And it is lure, distilled autism. And dingeon core series are literally just an excuse to be autistic about base building.

Over the years i have noticed that how interesting a series is usially correlates heavily with how much the protagonist travels. Less travelling means less interesting. Dungeon core series have protagonists who literally cannot leave, so they are the least interesting.

>> No.22641973

I started Stormlight first then went back to Mistborn, and it read like YA garbage compared to SA. My reading experience of Way of Kings followed up immediately by Words of Radiance is all I'll recommend from Sanderson, a solid 10/10. Everything before and after I would not recommend.

>> No.22641981

read Free Live Free if you want to see actual bad wolfe

>> No.22642010

I've yet to find one that is even interesting
Demense is fun even if Lori being ridiculously narcissistic gets old after a while but yeah it's not a dungeon story it's a frontier town story.

>> No.22642023

Mistborn 1-3 + Secret Story first.
Dont bother with W&W unless you have Sanderson brainrot.

>> No.22642039

I actually liked that Lori is a horribly flawed character. But yeah, Demesne being a frontier town story is what makes it good. Dungeon core stories suck donkey ass by themselves. The other one I just remembered I enjoyed was Blue Core, but that's a kingdom building/grand epic (with dash of kinky tentacle porn), the "dungeon core" shit gets pushed to the side rather quickly.

>> No.22642062
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so i was re-reading the bit in TFT where Kellhus meets Moenghus and i must be retarded, because the last time it went over my head, but was Moenghus actually considering allying himself with the Consult? it seems to just be Kellhus considering the possibilities and ultimately deciding that it's too great of a risk, hence terminating Moenghus, but do you think this was actually the case?
>When you learn of the damnation that awaits you, when you come to believe, you will be no different from the Inchoroi. As Dûnyain, you will be compelled to master the consequences of your wickedness. Like the Consult, you will come to see tyranny in what is holy … And you will war as they war
this begs then the question of why Kellhus should war against the Consult, since the logical thing to do (assuming the Consult are right) would be to join them in their task. if Aspect-Emperor answers, then please don't spoil it, just started reading it

>> No.22642120

Explain dungeon core. Is it just katamari cultivation or what?

>> No.22642254
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Any TWI bro got the pass for the latest chapter?
Kemono dude been slacking

>> No.22642267

I wonder if all the webnovels are one guy uploading to kemono, a bunch of the ones I read at patreon pace have had late uploads this month

>> No.22642318

>Ruslan Oryolov
>Oryolov Bratva
You had one job...

>> No.22642383

loled at the usage of the word awesomely, you have captured sandos likeness well

>> No.22642427

ICE is basically the diversity hire of malazan writers.

>> No.22642520
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Holy shit I just realized I haven't had sex since I've read permutation city and diaspora.
Why didn't anyone tell me!

>> No.22642529

well I have had sex, I have read Permuation City, and I DO have an engineering degree. suck on that, Egan!!!

>> No.22642550


>> No.22642570
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actually fuck.. do you have the original? I swear I wrote this up a couple months ago when I recommended Egan to someone.

I HAVE had sex, I swear

>> No.22642580

> Thinking about reading Thomas Covenant
> See some reviews online saying it has some problematic content
> People here insist it's great
> Start reading book
> 40 year old MC falls in love with a 16 year old
I'm not usually one to complain about 'problematic' stuff but damn that was fast

>> No.22642583

Huh, I came here to ask the same thing. Which is weird considering I've never seen anyone asking for the chapter passes here before
Amyways, is it even worth it reading the chapters as they come out? Doesn't Pirate often re-write chapters extensively within the first few days they are released?

>> No.22642585

He rapes her shortly afterward. Not statutory rape, I mean he holds her down and rapes her. He hardly acknowledges it until like 3/4 into the book where he suddenly remembers and feels bad. I only know because he took so long in addressed it that I skimmed ahead. I dropped the book immediately thereafter.

>> No.22642587

I'll +1 Mistborn first, if nothing else because it's shorter so if you hate the style you need to suffer it for less time

>> No.22642597

Can you actually prove it took place after the reading of an Egan book?
How do I cure this mindvirus I have caught?

>> No.22642602

Holy shit, and I thought him being interested in the teen was already bad. I've already not been enjoying the book thus far and almost not reading at all because of it, so if it only goes south from here I'll stop torturing myself and drop this book for something better

>> No.22642603

I am now somewhat intrigued. Tell me more.

>> No.22642608

> base building autism
> just an excuse to be autistic about base building
Holy based, any recs?

>> No.22642616

Wait, isn't there a dungeon core smut litrpg? I Think it was called Blue Core or something like that, some anon here seemed to like it/recommend it

>> No.22642620

You do you, but yeah it was pretty heinous and I'm dead serious when I mean he blows right past it afterward and doesn't even address it until much, much later when he's with a different female character and thinks about how much she reminds him of the other girl and immediately goes "Oh no! The other girl! What a terrible thing I did!" and that's about all the closure I think you get. One of the absolutely most baffling things I've seen in a fantasy book. Completely lost interest in the character and story from it.

>> No.22642637

If you want something different in terms of dialogue, then you could try Black Company, but I'm not sure if you will like it either.

>> No.22642651

but this sounds based and GeneWolfepilled though so I will give it a read now. Thanks

>> No.22642655
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>> No.22642658

Machen wrote a bunch of stuff anon. There are stories of Fae, witchcraft, and occult secret societies in his short stories quite often if I recall, not to mention proto-cosmic horror before even Lovecraft. And that’s just his horror. He has a great little book on his philosophy of literature on enchantment written as a dialogue with a hermit, and I believe he may have written something more directly about his views on mysticism though I haven’t read beyond what I’ve mentioned so far. Either way he was a deeply religious man and definitely not on a mainline Christian sense, and this tended to color his work quite a bit…

>> No.22642750
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Did any of you read the newest Monster Hunter Memoirs by Jason Cordova and Larry Correia?

>> No.22642758
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>> No.22642820

>sci-fi/horror/action novel
>has mutants similar to the ones in Nightbreed
>there's a 'chosen child' that a faction of the mutants are looking for
>there's a vigilante that's hunting the mutants
>main character is a detective trying to figure it all out
Anyone know what book I'm talking about? I read it years ago, but can't remember the name of it.

>> No.22642869
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I really didn't expect the gay orgy chapters of Reverend Insanity... kinda weird

>> No.22642895

Nevermind I found it.
No thanks to any of you.

>> No.22642901

Dresden Files?

>> No.22642908

No thanks

>> No.22643050

This happens in Curse of Chalion too. Roastoids get pissed when a 35 year old knight gets seduced and marries a 16 year old girl. I don't see why these people think this is so morally abhorent.

>> No.22643079

Storming light for sure. Mistborn isn't the main Cosmere series.

>> No.22643102

>not recommending Oathbringer for based Dalinar's ascension
>not recommending RoW for based Kaladin's fourth ideal ascension, Dalinar shenanigans with stormfather and based Ishar/Taravangian sequences

>> No.22643121

What chapter?

>> No.22643132
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It's a subplot beginning around 2090. Some gu masters are about to rape some women and a gu immortal curses them to have constant gay orgies with each other.

>> No.22643302

Are the Ultranauts' history and technological advancement ever explained in the Revelation Space universe? Everyone fears and respects them as spacefaring gods that have weapons that can easily obliterate planets and just let them do whatever.

>> No.22643419

How can you be too dumb to get thomas covenant?

>> No.22643427

Severian doesn't ever rape anyone

>> No.22643432

Brainlet detected.

>> No.22643434

I mean at most he raped Jolenta and Jolenta wasn't ""underage"" nor was it some brutal event.

>> No.22643444
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>he didn't rape anyone ever
>okay he may have raped them but it doesn't count ok?

>> No.22643449

>le Severian is le basado rapist

>> No.22643453

Bakker is KING.

>> No.22643455

She's 18 when they marry.

>> No.22643474

I see... I normally don't read RI past chapter 2000

>> No.22643537

The Shadow Rising has a noticeable increase in women complaining about men. It really isn't all that much in previous books. But I think it's this one where Robert Jordan starts to go full boomer over gender quarrels.

Also, Egwene observes that Aviendha's skin is a dark tan. Probably from being out in the sun a lot. But it's a detail that a lot of fanart doesn't get. Egwene herself is not exactly pale of skin. As people from the two rivers are not quite as pale as Rand. Rand is noticeably pale. When Rand sees Queen Morgase for the first time in book 1, They reveal his skin that wasn't touched by the sun to see how pale he is. So Egwene is darker than Rand. And then even to Egwene's eyes, Aviendha is darker still. I would like to see a sun darkened green eyed woman starring daggers at people.

>> No.22643622

I love Thomas Covenant so much, every single time you see it mentioned it's someone complaining.

>> No.22643630

Any space operas that use both melee weapons and technologically advanced weapons?

>> No.22643633

Hey anon, I think I've got the story for you! I'm writing a fantasy story about a world of all tough and tumble bara dudes. No chicks, just hard bods and hard cocks for 530 pages!

>> No.22643636

Covenant raped her though. Just held her down and raped her bloody. She spent the rest of her time with him apprehensive and sullen. It's not like "You sick pedo, she was 17 years and 364 days old!!"

>> No.22643641

I don't know anyone who had read his recent series. I'm curious to know if they are any good or not. It's also unusual for a famous fantasy writer's best series to be sci-fi.

>> No.22643661

That'll happen when a book is remarkably shitty.

>> No.22643671

That sounds like just the sort of hard gay fantasy lit I've been looking for!

>> No.22643679

star wars

>> No.22643687

Seventh Decimate was pretty good but it does pull the First Law kind of trick of making you read a prick and then revealing that they actually haven't had any character growth at the end.
Second book in the series opens up to multiple povs and is just generally better too
Also Covenant is his best series by some margin, people just pussy out way too early on it. It's like Hobb, you gotta sit through the awful shit (although in Covenant it's him being a misandrist rather than Hobb's making the protag suffer) to get to the point where it's paid off

>> No.22643710
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Dunno, but I didn't like his Wheel of Time books and now have no desire to read his other stuff.

>> No.22643714

No sexuality please, hetero sexual or homosexual. Thanks

>> No.22643721

Downloaded, will check it out.

>> No.22643755

Curved phalluses, or some say curved phalli.

>> No.22643760

I really like Covenant, especially the second trilogy, but The Gap Cycle is better.

>> No.22643762

Warbreaker is the worst book I've ever read not written by a woman or a black.

>> No.22643766

>it's him being a misandrist
Huh? Pls elaborate.

t. haven't read Covenant yet

>> No.22643803

The Gap Cycle is great. The first book is an unironic filter for almost every demographic, though. It's just 250 pages of sadistic physical and mental rape and torture. The rest of the books are still pretty sadistic, but that's when the kino starts.

>> No.22643854

He's a divorced leper who hates life and everything about it because of how he has isolated himself from society as his conditioned worsens who gets isekai'd into a fantasy world that's basically paradise. He carries on acting like the angry recluse he was on earth to the point where he even refuses to believe the fantasy world is real, him refusing to believe carries on for pretty much the entire series so you read from the perspective of a dickhead denying reality. Because he thinks it's basically a lucid dream he does awful stuff which sets the whole conflict of the series in motion.
He's also pissing and moaning about it the entire time.

>> No.22643857

I think what you mean is misanthropic. Misandrist is hatred of men specifically.

>> No.22643861

yeah that's the one, I was half asleep when I wrote the first psot

>> No.22643872

Your description is otherwise accurate, he was probably the most repulsive protagonist I've ever seen in fantasy. And I don't buy that his excuse that he raped that girl because he thought the isekai world was a dream, since throughout that entire time he kept checking himself for wounds due to guys leprosy.

>> No.22643880

> The rest of the books are still pretty sadistic
In that series Hobbs has nothing on Donaldson when it comes to shit the author puts the characters through. Every time you think it can't get worse or that the tension can't increase it does and it never stops. It keeps ramping up all the way until the end.

>> No.22643909

>, since throughout that entire time he kept checking himself for wounds due to guys leprosy.

I always interpreted the wound thing as that lucid dreaming technique where you check for something real to remind yourself you are in a dream.

>> No.22643911
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this is true

>> No.22643916

The issue I have isn't that Donaldson "puts Covenant through some shit", it's that from the get-go, Covenant is an obnoxious character to read. He's sullen and hostile yet everyone around him keeps hyping him up as the chosen one, even after he rapes the only person willing to put up with his shit. Everything before that was bad enough, I barely gave a fuck about the isekai or if he was the chosen one, but after the rape, I had no real reason to keep giving the benefit of the doubt.
>Heh, you got filtered!
Yeah from wasting my time.

>> No.22643922

>you gotta sit through the awful shit
How long is that awful shit (in Thomas Covenant's case)? Cause I might read to the end of the first book if the series starts kickin' by then, but I don't want to have to slog through 16387 chapters to get to the part where the main character is slightly less insufferable.

>> No.22643924

He was pretty clear that it was to make sure he didn't get a scratch that could get infected. Whenever he'd fall or tumble, he'd frantically check himself for wounds for fear of infection. And then raped a girl because it's all a dream nothing matters and apparently in his dreams he yearns to rape.

>> No.22643928

>filtered this hard by the tame donaldson book

>> No.22643929

rapeable face

>> No.22643935

>filtered from eating diarrhea by refusing to eat solid shit

>> No.22643936

Please stop responding to newfag crossboarders.

>> No.22643937

Take a look at the negative reviews on the Gap Into Conflict page on goodreads.That's you. A screeching numale/woman.

>> No.22643941

>unlike us real men who love sullen manchild protagonists
Settle down, Mr Tate

>> No.22643949
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Did you take a look? Was it like looking into a mirror? Seething numale babby can't handle his fiction.

>> No.22643953

I like fantasy, not incelcore.

>> No.22643955

Bakker is RAPE

>> No.22643957

You're getting filtered hard by your numale sensibilities.

>> No.22643961

Filtered from incel wish fulfillment. Somehow I'll manage to survive.
>n-no you HAVE to like my based incel protag! i-it gets better later!!

>> No.22643963

>i'm a loud and proud mental midget who gets offended, and therefore filtered by fiction
Lmao, chudette. I bet you have a soggy neovagina.

>> No.22643964

curved swords...

>> No.22643967

I sure do enjoy discussing science-fiction and fantasy.

>> No.22643968

My tastes are simply too bespoke to tolerate lesser works of fiction. Sorry you feel the need to subject yourself to such drivel. Have some self-esteem, anon.

>> No.22643979

Yes, yes. No need to explain how filtered you are over and over. Stick to Sandersoy.

>> No.22643981

Do you enjoy discussing rape in science fiction and fantasy?

>> No.22643985

>graphic seemingly unending rape and sexual torture
Oof... I'll check it out.

>> No.22643986

There are multiple scenes where the protag has his asshole mercilessly shredded in graphic detail, it's so based. You're gonna love it, anon.

>> No.22643994

>protag has his asshole mercilessly shredded
Talk about Conflict into Gap...

>> No.22643998

The rapist from the first book ends up being turned into a cyborg who has to follow a government agent's commands, and he punishes him by making him use his tongue to clean his asshole throughout several books. Very hot.

>> No.22644006

Honestly everyone gives Bakker shit for hits depictions of male rape, but Donaldson is like the Tolkien of forced assplundering.

>> No.22644012

That's some degenerate shit.
Seems so, the real grimdank.

>> No.22644028

>That's some degenerate shit.
That's nothing. The female rape victim turns into the protagonist in the following books, and she's pregnant with the rapist's child. The second rapist thinks a pregnancy's inconvenient and takes her to an alien facility in forbidden space, where they use technology to accelerate the growth of her child, immediately turning him into an adult. He looks exactly like her rapist, and has thoughts about raping his mom multiple times. In other words, the Gap Cycle is very based.

>> No.22644059

Yes, and the fact that he didn't get an infection or scratched when he normally would have is what made him believe in the unreality of the world. He couldn't move past his own ailments psychologically, he could not envision a version of himself that was not infirm and ill, and so despite the evidence before him the world had to be false rather than there be the opportunity for him to ever improve.

>> No.22644103


>> No.22644111

>Gap Cycle
More like Gape Cycle

>> No.22644115

More like Rape Cycle.

>> No.22644394

>French humor