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/lit/ - Literature

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22631000 No.22631000 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite Christian books?

>> No.22631027

The Bible

>> No.22631039

King James Bible

>> No.22631163

Paul's letter to the Romans
Luke's Gospel
John's Gospel

>> No.22631174
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No such thing as Christian books son. Just you, Jesus, the Bible and a lot of (((Christian))) authors who pretend they're the bible 2.0, Jesus 2.0 or you 2.0.

Try Agatha Christie. She had a way with words too. Not spectacular ways, but still ways. Just like Jesus 1.0.

>> No.22631228

American Pilgrim by Roosh V

>> No.22631241
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Pilgrim's Progress

I remember my dad reading it to me before I was even in kindergarten. It continues to bring me warm memories to this day.

>> No.22631248
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When Prophecy Fails, Leon Festinger

>> No.22631251

Gospel of John
The rest of the Bible

>> No.22631252

I read somewhere that John Maus recommended someone read Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton and Theology of the Body, which are a series of lectures given by Pope John Paul II.
They're on my list.

>> No.22632008

Pistis Sophia

>> No.22632015

Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis

>> No.22632035

My Pastor and I have read/are reading:
Orthodoxy by Chesterton (this is actually a very engaging book and not dry at all)
The Screwtape Letters (short, a classic)
Mere Christanity
30 days to understanding the bible
The Everlasting Man (also Chesterton)
Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus

>> No.22632133

John ofc what else could it be?

>> No.22632278

Um, that Updike series?

>> No.22632285

the way of the pilgrim

>> No.22632290

Antichrist by Nietzsche

>> No.22632296


>> No.22632470

Get into Victorian literature, most of it is Christian literature

>> No.22632500
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whats the best version of the bible
i want accuracy, i have heard esv is good

>> No.22632507
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>> No.22632939

OSB, BSB, get a better chart of the formal equivalence ones and pick from that.
NASB takes a few "liberties" in the sense of purposefully changing some bits.

>> No.22632942

How's that book? Is it pretty good?

>> No.22633273
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no mention?

>> No.22633500

Excellent. It's historical and christian, though not explicit, in many regards. As such it begins before middle-earth was created. It covers the first age and very briefly the second, which has a separate book. After the preface is a letter to his friend which states the story is "mainly concerned with Fall, Mortality, and the Machine." To add to this, he writes that the Fall "may become possessive, clinging to the things made as its own, the sub-creator wishes to be the Lord and God of his private creation. He will rebel against the laws of the Creator — especially against mortality. Both of these (alone or together) will lead to the desire for Power, for making the will more quickly effective, - and so to the Machine (or Magic)." It does read like a tragedy, for sin is plenty, but salvation does come in the end.

>> No.22633939

Summa Theologica
and most of Chrysostom’s works

>> No.22633949

Not Christian

>> No.22633965

The Bible, of course..
Interior Castle
The Spiritual Combat
The Fire of Love
Fear and Trembling

>> No.22633974

RSV2CE (the Ignatius bible), KJV, NKJV, NABRE except the footnotes

>> No.22634005

Definitely James. Zero fluff, all crunch, puts every hypochristian in the biz on blast. but really, as long as your answer is biblical, you're probably fine. The rest of y'all deffo gonna go to hell.

>> No.22634056

Christie Yan
Christy Ann
Chris T. Ann

>> No.22634066

Who such a unique last name. I definitely know who this is

>> No.22634905

You will never be a real Pagan. you have no goats, you have no hammers, you have no clans. You are a delusional man twisted by atheism and satan into a mockery of Christ's perfection

All the "worship" you do is two-faced and a farce. Behind your back people mock you. Your gods would be disgusted and ashamed of you, your "friends" laugh at your lackluster faith at Sunday school.

Priests are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of theology have allowed man to sniff out heretics with incredible efficiency. Even Pagans who "are faithful" look bizarre and unnatural to Christians. Your body mass index is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a Christian to convert, he'll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a look at your moldy, stinky drinking horn collection.
You will never be faithful. You wrench out a fake "Hail Odin" every single morning and tell yourself "I will awaken in Valhalla", but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear - You'll buy a rosary, wear nice clothes, go to church and ask God for forgiveness of your sins. Your parents will find you, happy and relieved that their child has finally grown up and realized the truth. They'll embrace you with love and faith in God, and every angel for the rest of eternity will know another soul has been saved. Your hate will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your anger is a closeted skeleton that is finally buried.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. And you will turn back.

>> No.22635266

which is the better formal equivalence chart then

>> No.22635269

The Imitation of Christ is the GOAT

>> No.22635270

The Space Trilogy

>> No.22635277

The Epistle of James you doof

>> No.22635329

What’s Updike?

>> No.22635331

The Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.22635370
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The Holy Bible, a metrical Psalter, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism are all you need.

>> No.22635426

On the Morning of Christ's Nativity by John Milton

>> No.22635612

Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dhouay Rheims

>> No.22635658

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

>> No.22635667


>> No.22635669

I'm not a Christian because I'm not a woman or a spic faggot.

>> No.22635696


>> No.22636561

St Francois de Sales: Treatise of the love of God
Cornelius a Lapide : great commentary
Bossuet: Elevations on the Gospel
St Robert Bellarmine: Great Catechism
St Athanasius: Life of st Anthony
A more recent and autistic one by Jean-Herve Nicolas: Dogmatic Synthesis.

>> No.22636633

Can anyone recommend fiction outside of usual, Lewis, Tolkien, Greene, Dostoyevsky, O'Conner, and Tolstoy, with Christian themes but isn't Left Behind type evangelicalism?

>> No.22636964
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Beyond Human by Justin Paul Abraham
Limitless by Nancy Cohen
The Garden Within by Dr. Anita Phillips
They also have youtubes and podcasts.
I have a soft spot for anything Bill Johnson since that was the beginning of my Christian journey. I was blessed to not get trapped in the mire of pedantic "you're a sinner, try to be a good person, wait until you're dead and go to heaven" theology.
If you're going to watch sermons I recommend Joseph Prince. He is a great linguist and talks a lot about the reality of meanings in the original translations. I haven't read his books so sorry bout that anon. I should get on that myself haha.

>> No.22636968
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>> No.22636969
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Left Behind and rapture theology isn't even scriptural. It was made up by a guy who hit his head one day and somehow it got accepted as culturally authoritative.

>> No.22637004
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The Torah, the Talmud and the Tanakh

>> No.22637039

Quram (It recognises Christ as a prophet)
Julian of Norwich - Revelations on Divine Love
Giovanni Papini - Universal Judgement

>> No.22637389

This is so vast, I assume you have something specific in mind.

>> No.22637425

Paradife Loft

>> No.22637563

My favourite fantasy book is the bible since there are dragons and demons and shit. And also wizards and magic dudes that walk on water wonder why we don't have that magic these days

>> No.22637652

Life of Moses
For me, reading Way of Perfection before Interior Castle was helpful.
No one has said St John of the Cross yet, any recommendations or warnings?
As a pair, Athanasius On the Incarnation and Basil On the Holy Spirit. Very foundational. The “coronation” language in the latter was also interesting in terms of the Rosary.
+1 for Julian of Norwich. Good for mystery of the scourging, for Sacred Heart chaplet and just in general.
Secret of the Rosary for hinting at extensibility.
Meditations on the Tarot
Father Brown mysteries, early ones where he is working on Flambeau. His bio of St Francis was recommended here and is another good one.

>> No.22638052
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Confessions by St. Augustine
Anything by flannery o'connor
It's nonfiction, but give flannery o'connor a try

>> No.22638123
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The Old English poetic Genesis, Exodus, and Daniel. I was already interested in picking up Old English, but these poems put me over the edge. Here's an Excerpt from the Elder Genesis.

>... So God ordained
>In his endless imagination and sustaining strength
>That he would shape a brave new world
>Under heaven’s roof for creatures to come,
>An expanse of air and earth, sea and sky,
>A realm called paradise for a race of people
>Who would take the place of the fallen angels,
>Who rebelled against glory and were gathered up
>And expelled into darkness, hurled in the abyss,
>Where nothing existed in that unshaped space,
>That untouched time. The void was desolate,
>Dark and deep, empty and idle,
>Fruitless and fallow, unmade, unmoving.
>Resolute and righteous, God began to gaze
>Into the empty clutch of unfolding creation,
>Powering possibilities according to his plan.
>That cheerless abyss of never-ending night
>Was next to nothing till the mighty one made
>A wondrous world from the dark wasteland
>With his shaping word. The King of glory
>First created heaven and earth, laying out the land,
>Lifting up the sky. He was the boldest of builders,
>Surest of shapers, Maker unmatched.
>But the verdant sweep could not be seen—
>The plains of earth were not green with grass,
>The seas were not yet shimmering blue—
>And blackness shrouded the curve of creation.
>Then the bright spirit of heaven’s Keeper,
>Our Shaper and Sustainer, arose endowing
>Life over the deep, out of the abyss.
>The bold Lord of angels, Bestower of life,
>Commanded brightness born in the void,
>And the light shone forth as God had said,
>So his will was realized, his purpose fulfilled.
>Then the Lord triumphant, our radiant Ruler,
>Divided light from darkness over the waves,
>Separating the space into radiance and shadow.
>He called each force of creation forth
>With his wondrous word, giving each its name.
>The light he called “Day,” beautiful and bright,
>And the Lord was pleased with his first day’s work.
>His light created and constrained the shadow,
>Sometimes defining or deepening the shade,
>Sometimes dispelling it, driving it into darkness.

>> No.22639354

Paradiſe Loʃt

>> No.22640584

>somehow it got accepted as culturally authoritative.
Not really. It was promoted in the media and given lots of media publicity by the zionist movement as yet another attempt to subvert Biblical Christianity. But despite that it flopped.

>> No.22640587

Genesis A is alright. Haven't read the others.