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/lit/ - Literature

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22634623 No.22634623 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other books banned on GoodReads? I noticed Mein Kampf and Culture of Critique are not banned. Curious isn't it?

>> No.22634663

>Curious isn't it?
not really anon its pretty normal for people to dislike bigoted or genocidal ideology

>> No.22634697
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But only fascists ban books, that's what the media says.

>> No.22634709

Tolerance Paradox ;^) Fashies lose every time.

>> No.22634719

>t. hasn't read either

To your point OP, Hunter by the same author is still up, as is Siege. I think TD was a little too popular and caught flak for the whole genre.

>> No.22634726

Please read posts on /lit/ carefully before replying.

>> No.22634826

>Tolerance Paradox ;^)
Its literally a paradox used to support segregation

>> No.22634866

Define “normal”

>> No.22634876

From segregationists. Hey, you got what you wanted :^)))

>> No.22634961

Lol, it's still there:

>> No.22635334

your fucking retarded

>> No.22635339

>Tolerance Paradox

Demonstrates that tolerance isn't a superior principle

>> No.22635341

my what?

>> No.22635345

and you play right into my hands ..... ahaha. now i am done playing with my doll . my doll get boring.

>> No.22635349

elliot rodgers' book got banned.
yeah but being banned from goodreads isn't quite the same as being banned. you won't find TD in a library, sure, but there's no problem owning, printing, or distributing copies.

>> No.22635350


dis bad boy isn't banned on goodreads

>> No.22635353

Any other books banned? Yeah the one where I bone your mom.

Got 'em.

>> No.22635360
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interestingly this one isn't either. guess it's too obscure for the mods to care.

>> No.22635371

Oh yes from the prestigious author Whitney Ryan.

>> No.22635376

You talk like a pussy.

>> No.22635420

Turner Diaries should be banned, not because it's racist but because it's so badly written.

>> No.22635451

Yet White Fragility is taught in schools.

>> No.22635461

>sure the Turner Diaries is banned from discussion on Goodreads
>and also banned from sale on Amazon, ebay, and brick and mortar bookstores like Barnes and Noble
>and if you try to sell it on these platforms you too will be banned
>and sure all major and independent publishers have agreed not to publish it anymore
>and sure the only way to get a copy is by breaking the law
>but it's not banned because you can still print an illegal copy for yourself
>(but you are forbidden from selling it to anyone online or off)
Yeah. By this logic meth and LSD are also not banned substances.

>> No.22636065

It just doesn't allow for the low effort gotcha attempt by right wingers. Tolerance of intolerance isn't true tolerance, it's complacency to intolerance and the harm of others. It's a superior principle.

>> No.22636090

Leftards don't know what the word "paradox" means.

Saying "we're pro-free speech but need to ban books we don't like" is not a "paradox". It is shameless hypocrisy.

>> No.22636120

I tried reading this but couldn't get past the first few pages. The writing is just painfully bad. Mind you, I am extremely racist.

>> No.22636128

>Tolerance yay :D
>I want to genocide all degenerates and lesser races; here is my manifesto and guidebook on how to achieve this
>No can do
Cope harder

>> No.22636152

I listened to the audiobook read by WLP and thought it was great.

>> No.22636384
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You're all going to make fun of me for saying that I didn't like the part where they systematically slaughtered their way through every last person they didn't like, up to requiring any white person who wanted to live in their new society in to bring them the severed head of a non-white, aren't you?
Why the fuck are people so fucking insane and bloodthirsty nowadays. Why can't people be fucking normal. Fuck me. Fuck!
Like, it hasn't always been this way, right?

>> No.22636388

Another brainwashed retard that thinks liberalism has put an end to strife, war and hatred.

>> No.22636424

Even Pierce himseld admitted the book was far too extreme for his tastes and was written when he was an angry young man.

>> No.22636458
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It is a mystery.

>> No.22636491
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This is especially funny these days when the left is busy downplaying literal terrorism. They march alongside people calling for the genocide of jews, spouting
slogans they claim mean state freedom but in arabic means “palestine will be arab” (eg ethnic cleansing).

All that talk about “if you march with nazis you are a nazi”, “punch nazis”, “ontological evil”, all utter bullshit. Turns out antisemitism and genocide is just fine because did you know Israel is evil? It’s the same shit Putin pulls calling the Ukraine war a “denazification” issue. Call the jews nazis and hey presto now your Hitler rhetoric is AKCHULLY leftist! Allahu akbar! It’s a miracle.

To be clear I don’t really give a shit about kikes or sandniggers, it’s just hilarious how there are no principles involved whatsoever. Who’s a nazi is entirely arbitrary and just means “you’re bad so I can do whatever I want to you”, which was supposedly the problem with nazi rhetoric. It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.22636504
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Ironically the debasement of the term Nazi is allowing actual Nazis and Fascists to entee politics. This pleases me and many others greatly.

>> No.22636823

By that logic almost no books labeled banned are actually banned because they are easily accessible in bookstores.

>> No.22636838

>anon just now realises that rightoids are soulless insects that cannot feel empathy

>> No.22637965

>We're complete hypocrites. Our hypocrisy is a "paradox".

Leftards don't know the difference between the words 'hypocrisy' and 'paradox'. It's like they're stupid or something.

Is English your first language?

>> No.22638348
File: 40 KB, 708x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wont get pulled over and arrested for possession of the turner diaries. not to mention i can check out a copy of the turner diaries from my school, its not "illegal" to own or distribute

>> No.22638947

Not what the Paradox of Tolerance says. Seriously, you'd think one of you weirdos would bother to actually read Open Society and it's Enemies instead of treating a webcomic infographic as fact.