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22631287 No.22631287 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start with ecofascism? Any charts? Book recs? Scholars to study?

I'm tired of what humanity is doing to the earth, our overt specieism, and the fact most humans are never going to do anything about it unless forced to by government. That's why I became an ecofascist. Any like minded souls out there?

>> No.22631299

Why do you need an ideology to justify your sentiments? Why do you need to 'become' anything? Sounds pointless desu

>> No.22631306

If you got your wish and an eco-minded fascist government came to power, would you accept trespasses against your freedoms or even class of citizenship if it were justified as being for the greater good of the environment?

>> No.22631317
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Here you go, anon. Read them in good health.

>> No.22631329

Yes. Why should human life/values trump animal/plant life? It shouldn't.

Cheers. Some of these look great.

>> No.22631331

>No Elull
into the trash it goes

>> No.22631332

Nothing humanity can do will be noticable in a hundred million years. Who cares what they do with their tiny erg of time.

>> No.22631358
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>Nothing humanity can do will be noticable in a hundred million years
The current mass-extinction event will absolutely be noticeable, obviously in the fossil record but also it's subsequent impact on future species. The climate may have recovered from our impacts by then but this isn't guaranteed if we cross certain tipping points.
Whether or not something abhorrent will still be relevant in 100 million years is an utterly retarded argument for inaction anyway, not sure why I even replied.

>> No.22631362

Fuck I made a grammatical error brb just gonna go kms

>> No.22631370

Are the ice caps going to finally melt? Been waiting a long time.

>> No.22631377
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Ooo, a mass extinction. So what that will be like the hundredth one? The sixth massive one, if it even is. Which 90% of the species seems pretty unlikely anyway.

>The climate recovered
That's not even a thing. The climate just moves around all the time. The main thing that affects it is the movement of the continents. I didn't realize humans were moving around continents. Oh they aren't? Their raising the temperature to slightly closer to the historic average? Heaven forfend!

Chill out

>> No.22631550

>the left's plan to...

i hate shitforbrains neoliberals so much it's unreal

>> No.22631558

>no Linkola
who fucking made this

>> No.22631581

You didn't think somebody was going to write a book proudly exclaiming the virtues of eco-fascism, did you? No, it is only used to criticize any promotion of environmentally-conscious policy that inconveniences a middle class boomer.

>> No.22631781

>Why should human life/values trump animal/plant life? It shouldn't.
this is pure feels. why does anything matter? go establish that rationally and come back when you're done.

>> No.22631937

>why does anything matter
This is the crux of your argument, because you're emotionally stunted.

>> No.22632096

Pentti Linkola - Can Life Prevail?

>> No.22632111

What i dont get is, even if they dont think climate change is real, how can they look at factories pouring out smoke or dumping waste into rivers and think yeah this is fine

>> No.22632361

You'll probably have to sort things out depending on what you're truly looking for but I'll drop some charts I've saved over the years

>> No.22632363
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>> No.22632366
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>> No.22632368
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>> No.22632371

There is an inorganic element to both sides of the “climate debate” in modern America. Many liberals are focused exclusively on pushing dumb green policies that don’t actually do anything and just inconvenience the little guy. Right leaning people react to the obvious impotence of the policies, but their media just claims pollution, climate warming, etc is a total non-issue at all.

>> No.22632374
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>> No.22632908

Your whole philosophy is what? I like pretty plants and human suffering is important?

>> No.22633062

Yes, femoids are stupid, we know.

>> No.22633069
File: 1.33 MB, 500x500, THE_REDUX_NIGGER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"He uses word like "femoid""

>> No.22633077

>He uses w*men to illustrate the point.