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File: 133 KB, 1241x1236, 20231022_124023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22629408 No.22629408 [Reply] [Original]

Books on the spiritual female loneliness?

>> No.22629412

Modern women have no concept of what true loneness means.

>> No.22629434
File: 20 KB, 262x394, Loneliness_by_John_Cacioppo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loneliness is neither male nor female. It's simply the outcome of when one is surrounded by people who don't understand you. Anyone can experience it. Since this is /lit/, here's a book on this.

>University of Chicago social neuroscientist John T. Cacioppo pioneered research on the startling effects of loneliness: a sense of isolation or social rejection disrupts not only our ability to think and will power but also our immune systems, and can be as damaging as obesity or smoking.

>> No.22629517
File: 70 KB, 735x734, girl-im-so-loonely-closing-door-full-of-admirers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Memes like pic related are retarded. How do you stare at this image and not understand that being worshipped by a bunch of lackeys who just want to fuck you is not the same as having true love & understanding. The pic is meant to be ironic but yes, it's unironically tragic.

>> No.22629550

is this the rspod thread

>> No.22629593

>How do you stare at this image and not understand that being worshipped by a bunch of lackeys who just want to fuck you is not the same as having true love & understanding
Because men will never experience that? It's not hard to understand.
>Woman: surrounded by potential suitors that want to fuck you, simply choose the one that wants to be serious or have lots of casual sex in the meantime
>Man: Surrounded by nothing.

>> No.22629595

>worshipped by a bunch of lackeys who just want to fuck you is not the same as having true love & understanding

You are so delusional it's insane. God I hate women so fucking much its insane

>> No.22629605

Only shallow people want to experience that, because none of those men are about her, they just care about her holes and her womb (and how fresh and functional these still are). And yes, men can experience that too, just by having a lot of money in their bank accounts. You'll be immediately surrounded by women who don't actually care about you then.

>> No.22629613

>And yes, men can experience that too, just by having a lot of money in their bank accounts

Did you hear that incel? Just be a millionaire bro

>> No.22629615

>Only shallow people want to experience that, because none of those men are about her, they just care about her holes and her womb (and how fresh and functional these still are)
Weird assumption to make about literally every man that is interested in a woman but I'm sure we're the mentally damaged incels to you, right?
>just by having a lot of money in their bank accounts
Oh 'just' by getting a lot of money, okay, I'll try that...

>> No.22629616

>be a woman vs be a top G
Women don't know loneliness.
Where is the joker guy when you need him tb H

>> No.22629620

> men will never experience that

there you go, you did it all by yourself! you acknowledged the difference between the loneliness men and women experience :~)

>> No.22629623

>patronisation and lack of empathy towards men
gee whizz I wonder why men don't care about the dumb shit women say

>> No.22629625

Sorry you're not beautiful and charismatic nigga

>> No.22629628

Literally the only way you could come to this misunderstanding is if you believe that sex is something inherently meaningful and that if somebody can get sex it follows that their life is emotionally fulfilled. You have to be a soulless hedonist if you believe this.

>> No.22629634

>Weird assumption to make about literally every man that is interested in a woman
That's not "literally every man that is interested in a woman," give me a fucking break. The suitors in that pic are supposed to be men who don't know anything about her, yet are still trying to hand her gifts to gain her affection; what do you think they're really interested in?

Making money isn't hard as a man and you don't need to be a millionaire at all to start getting attention from that kind of woman.

>> No.22629635

I'm not going to dignify you with a serious response you dumb whore

>> No.22629641

>Making money isn't hard as a man
jesus fucking christ I wish I could go through life being as stupid as you and still manage to stay alive. It's life on tutorial mode for you ladies. I hope this is bait because if you're seriously this stupid you need to go back to school.

>> No.22629654

You're a spiritual and emotional midget because you believe that a person should be spiritually fulfilled because they have people who want to have sex with them. So many actors and celebrities end up druggies committing suicide because blind adoration from fans does not equal true connection or understanding. That you can't even comprehend this is beyond retarded.

>> No.22629656

>Literally the only way you could come to this misunderstanding is if you believe that sex is something inherently meaningful

>Exposing yourself like this
Sex is meaningful. Just because you've taken 1000 cocks and are desensitised to it doesn't mean all men feel the same. That's not even talking about the stress relieving and confidence boosting aspects of sex, and the demeaning and degrading effect long term sexual frustration will have on someone. It's something women will never ever understand because if they desperately need to just fuck someone to get it out of their system they can just open this door >>22629517 whenever they need it.

>> No.22629657

I'm a man. There are no women on this site, this is just a retarded cope from you dumb faggots.

>> No.22629658

>being a man and demoralising fellow men and keeping them down like a crab in a bucket
okay so you're the pathetic scum at the bottom of the barrel then. At least if you were a woman I would be expecting you to be vapid and myopic but you literally have no excuse, you choose to be cunt.

>> No.22629661

keep telling yourself your being lonely
has nothing to do with that shitty attitude

>> No.22629662

Your posts come off as someone who just really dislikes sexual attention, perhaps even insecure about it considering how focused you are on the matter.

Humans have sexual urges and this extends to women. The initial aspect of people we receive is the visual, which in turn garners some sexual attraction. That's the absolute basis of attraction to begin with, far and away.

No, a relationship shouldn't hinge on the sexual purely, but you just really, REALLY focus on the sexual aspect for some reason that has to come from some stupid place.

>> No.22629664

>Sex is meaningful
There you are. You've exposed yourself as a hedonistic, depraved moron. Sex is absolutely forbidden by the law of God unless it is done for the purpose of procreation within marriage.

>> No.22629666

Gaytheist cope

>> No.22629667

You've already been demoralized by the stupid faggots of /r9k/ or dipshits like Tate since you repeat their idiotic talking points about men and women. These losers are misogynists and you're lonely because you listened to them and became an unlikable misogynistic fuck like them.

>> No.22629672

>has nothing to do with that shitty attitude
your boiler plate anti-incel replies mean nothing to me. Come back when you start thinking for yourself.
>muh religioooooon
opinion discarded. next time just pretend to be a woman, it'll be much less embarrassing for you.
hahahahahaha implying I even acknowledge the existence of that gay rapist faggot. More boiler plate replies because you literally cannot fathom that someone might be defending men without being easily labeled as an incel or tate fan. Again, come back when you learn to think for yourself, and also learn to realise that some of us have empathy for other men which is why we don't sit and take your bullshit demoralisation and misandry.

>> No.22629673

Women and men are not monoliths, there are plenty of women who don't want to be whores and plenty of women who will drink their own piss on camera for money and attention.

>> No.22629675

>No, a relationship shouldn't hinge on the sexual purely, but you just really, REALLY focus on the sexual aspect for some reason
No? What the fuck are you even talking about? None of my posts are focused on sex. I'm saying the exact opposite, that understanding and emotional connection are far more relevant to the experience of loneliness and that women getting a lot of sexual attention does not in any reasonable way alleviate or prevent feelings of loneliness.

>> No.22629677

The situation as it stands is that people pretend attraction is something deeper than it actually is. Dating and attraction unironically is a marketplace. You have a certain amount of positive traits that you leverage to get someone with as many positive traits as you can. Personality is simply one of those traits.
Women aren't being swarmed by men who just want to fuck them they're being swarmed by men they consider low value. Whether those men love them or not is not relevant. They have a demand for rich handsome intelligent funny tall men that isn't being met by supply. But they refuse to "sell" themselves for less than they think they're worth. And women think they're worth a LOT.

>> No.22629686

>defending men
You can do this without attacking women, but since you do attack women in the same stroke, you're no better than /r9k/ and Tate and ought to be lumped together with them.

>> No.22629690

>spiritual female loneliness
let's be honest, the only thing stopping a woman from intimacy is her own self. i'm a guy and i can list more than a dozen times i genuinely tried to reach out to people and was disregarded/pushed away/actively made fun of.

>> No.22629694

>my stupid brain can't handle nuances between opinions
>better put them all in the same box!!!
Idiot. You have the cognitive abilities of a 13 year old. I don't 'attack women', I criticise the idea that they can possibly understand what it is like being a man - which they cannot and repeatedly prove with dumb memes like that door one.

>> No.22629696

In the modern age, being a man or a woman is equally hard, and any other opinion is retarded anti-male or anti-female bullshit.

>> No.22629706

Why can't woman use their super social skills to find a relationship they want? Are they truly soulless, or just stupid?

>> No.22629708

>being a man or a woman is equally hard
You're just baiting me now, right?

>> No.22629714
File: 74 KB, 1024x576, marcus-aurelius-quote-2-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opinion discarded. next time just pretend to be a woman, it'll be much less embarrassing for you.
You are a hedonistic moron.

What is sex? It is a momentary frenzy that usurps the mind and man's rational faculties, directing him towards the emission of semen. The purpose of this state is merely the continuation of the species and nothing else. When gratification is achieved all sexual desire fades IMMEDIATELY and one is left feeling nothing but disgust for oneself and one's partner. This is the phenomenon of "post-nut clarity" as the internet has termed it. Or, as Schopenhauer said, "Directly after copulation the devil's laughter is heard."

There is no reason to be engaging in sexual activity other than for the purpose of procreation. It is not fun, it is not meaningful, it does not bring couples closer together, it is merely a form of drunkenness which overtakes one and makes one irrationally directed towards ejaculation.

Sex does not enhance but diminishes love. For one, because after ejaculation physical attraction (eros) for one's partner absolutely fades. Second, because the vital life force inherent within man is destroyed by the emission of semen. Third, because of the nature of sex is to use, possess, dominate one's partner.

Sex has historically been bought and sold in brothels with the total indifference of capitalistic commerce. There is no meaning to it, whatsoever.

If you believe sex is meaningful, you are a monkey. Your view implies that a prostitute is the most loving and most meaningful creature in the world.

>> No.22629716

Men complain they can't find anyone women complain they can't find anyone perfect. It's obvious who is more favored here but you're not allowed to say anyone has an advantage over a white man in any area.

>> No.22629720

If you think white men are disadvantaged in the sexual market place you're just butt fucking ugly and autistic

>> No.22629722

A genuine emotional connection can't be forced and is difficult to find regardless of sex. But of course, you don't want to hear this, because you're a misogynistic fuck.

The fuck's so hard about your life anyway, faggot? Really now, get a fucking grip.

>> No.22629723

>zero reading comprehension
that explains it

>> No.22629726

>When gratification is achieved all sexual desire fades IMMEDIATELY and one is left feeling nothing but disgust for oneself and one's partner.
>Sex does not enhance but diminishes love
>Your view implies that a prostitute is the most loving and most meaningful creature in the world.
You've completely exposed yourself with this one. Either you've never had sex or you have never had good sex with somebody you care about. Ever heard of the afterglow? Moron.

>> No.22629727

There is no afterglow. This only exists for women. Are you a woman?

>> No.22629729

Men are disadvantaged in the sexual market place and I am not butt ugly or autistic.

>> No.22629732

>The fuck's so hard about your life anyway, faggot? Really now, get a fucking grip.
weak fucking ad hominem bullshit hahaha. As usual you ladies have nothing to say when it gets down to brass tacks (and don't reply saying 'akshually I'm not a lady I'm a man' because that would be wayyyy more embarassing for you)
again, exposing yourself for never having sex or never having good sex.
>you're just butt fucking ugly and autistic
wow is that the famous empathy women are known for? top kek

>> No.22629733

Lol yeah I really feel the "afterglow" when I nut on some sluts back. What a fucking faggot

>> No.22629736

>Men complain they can't find anyone
Men are retarded, and this is coming from a man. I have no problem finding women but all my male friends and coworkers do complain about this and I see what effort they put in to find someone, and they don't put in almost any.

>> No.22629740
File: 102 KB, 1200x600, twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the modern age, being a man or a woman is equally hard
>modern age
>man or woman
>equally hard
*laughs in 20mil/year*

>> No.22629741

>again, exposing yourself for never having sex or never having good sex.
You are a hedonist, and therefore have a small soul.

>> No.22629742
File: 74 KB, 1200x1200, Twemoji2_1f602.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a woman, retard.
Yeah, Indian men

>> No.22629743

>some slut
>you have never had good sex with somebody you care about

learn to read, thanks.

>> No.22629744

woman/fembrained, tomato tomatoe

>> No.22629745

Do you think the average woman is a twitch streamer? This is like showing some male e celeb with a lambo and saying see men have it easy.

>> No.22629747

Your comments mean nothing to me because I am not religious.
>I'm not a woman, retard.
Are you sure? Because you're stupid enough to be.

>> No.22629748

Nigger you just talked about sexual afterglow do you light a candle and read erotica too?

>> No.22629750

>Your comments mean nothing to me because I am not religious.
LOL, you don't have to be "religious". Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, all these pre-Christian philosophers commented on the meaningless of sex. It is something obvious to anyone with a soul who's not a monkey.

>> No.22629754

wow you're so enlightened thanks to your virginity, please teach me more about never getting laid to grow my soul

>> No.22629760
File: 243 KB, 604x777, 1679137178887952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the modern age, being a man or a woman is equally hard

>> No.22629764

This is sort of a fair criticism since a lot of my friends who complain are also kind of lazy about it. But like, in comparison to women, it's not even close. Women just decide to be in a relationship and then they are.

>> No.22629765

Something odd about a slampig like her making bank with vids. That being said, didn't it come out that lots of OF girls faked this shit? They did it so they could get other girls to sign up and get a fat bonus that way?

>> No.22629767

yes, women frequently take advantage of each other like that

>> No.22629769

You're a degenerate, that's why you think "getting laid" is love. Love is much deeper than that. Just take shrooms or something because you're clearly lost.

>> No.22629770

Even if they didn't fake it, an extremely small percentage of women making huge amounts of money whoring themselves out isn't really a comment on which gender has it easier generally. (I also believe it's women though).

>> No.22629771

>Women just decide to be in a relationship and then they are.
Women also leave relationships as often as enter them, because, guess what, being in a relationship doesn't actually mean you're gaining any form of intimacy in your life.

>> No.22629773

>Do you think the average woman is a twitch streamer?
Not necessarily. But that's not to say either that even the average woman nowadays can't pull thousands of simps via OnlyFans that idolize their tits, pussy, and asshole for 5.99.

>> No.22629775

>that idolize their tits, pussy, and asshole for 5.99
Whoa, how romantic. I'm sure those girls feel real loved.

>> No.22629778

You have to rely on make-believe to justify your opinions. As least I live in reality.
Your only reply to this will be name-calling or some appeal to reddit.

>> No.22629785

I think they just find them more disposable. Next guy will be right around the corner, so who cares?

>> No.22629792

It's certainly become easier to whore yourself out though, you don't even have to touch any of the fat greasy nerds to take their money, no STDs, no chance of assault, your body isn't getting worn out, it's risk free and consequence free.

>> No.22629793

wow it must be really hard to leave a relationship when you have ten other potential partners lined up and waiting. truly a torturous, loveless existence.

>> No.22629797

Right, they're disposable, because none of them actually care and are just there to be fed and fucked. Girls learn to treat guys like shallow entertainment because most guys provide nothing besides that.

>> No.22629800

>Girls learn to treat guys like shallow entertainment because most guys provide nothing besides that.
Do tell, what should men 'provide' that is 'more' than that?

>> No.22629805
File: 42 KB, 560x332, desire-by-epictetus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly believe being an online prostitute is a meaningful existence?

This is the problem with incels: you're failed normies. You're not superior to normies, you're just social rejects who wish you could go to parties and fuck girls and live a normie existence. Your solitude is acutely painful to you because you wish you could be part of their team, but can't due to some deficiency in character or looks.

This is why you would even think of saying something like: women have it easy because they can be prostitutes. To you, this is a fun life, and you envy them.

>> No.22629808

Intimacy, for starters.

>> No.22629811

Sure but it's just such a small pool of women who access that advantage. It's like saying a guy would have an easier time becoming rich playing professional sports than a woman would.

>> No.22629814

That's really vague and doesn't answer the question.

>> No.22629823

Basically how the whole epstein situation went lmao. Just girlbosses selling out da sisterhood.

>> No.22629828

Read more love poetry or listen to more love songs. Intimacy is about vulnerability, emotional connection, open communication — things traditionally (and wrongly) only associated with women.

>> No.22629830

This is just stupid. All comments like this just assume women are somehow infinitely more deep than men and it's not true. The average women doesn't provide more in a relationship they're just advantaged because they're the ones being chased for sex and affection.

>> No.22629835

I don't think exploiting someone for profit or pleasure is exclusive to women.

>> No.22629840

Women get dumped almost just as often for the same reason. Once again, you view things only from one side and assume everything is worse for men or every comment is being made at the expense of men when it isn't.

>> No.22629841

tons of men offer that, it just comes back to the fact that women are drawn towards the top % of men that have options so are unwilling to show those things but if I say that you will just call me an incel. But a HUGE amount of men offer intimacy like that, just take a couple of minutes to read up on male experience in relationships and you will see many many men offer intimacy and receive none in return.
Of course not, but women pretend they're all part of one big sisterhood but frequently stab each other in the backs

>> No.22629844

>This is the problem with incels: you're failed normies. You're not superior to normies, you're just social rejects who wish you could go to parties and fuck girls and live a normie existence.

Do incels even deny this...? Yes, I wish I wasn't horrifically mentally ill lol.

>> No.22629846

>But a HUGE amount of men offer intimacy like that

>> No.22629852
File: 3.63 MB, 498x280, 8858499393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female loneliness

>> No.22629856

and there's that famous empathy for men again. I accept your concession.

>> No.22629865

I don't believe what you believe in general. I think men and women both want and provide intimacy but women are just super advantaged in the sexual marketplace which makes them see relationships as more disposable. I don't believe in love as a spiritual concept though, which most people do even if only subconsciously.

>> No.22629869

>I wish I wasn't horrifically mentally ill lol.
You aren't, you're an asshole. Don't blame some bogus illness for behavior you have complete control over

>> No.22629872

>Do you honestly believe being an online prostitute is a meaningful existence?
No. No sane person would think so.
>you're just social rejects who wish you could go to parties and fuck girls and live a normie existence
Not really. Maybe I did share such perceptions when I was 18-20, though I'm well past them now. Life is more than just partying, mating with women, and living a 'normie life' after all.
>To you, this is a fun life, and you envy them.
I'm not sure what exactly is making you formulate these projections, but there's nothing envious–or 'fun' as you call it–about whoring yourself on online communities in front of horny men for the sake of making a quick buck or two.

>> No.22629875
File: 8 KB, 327x154, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do incels even deny this...? Yes, I wish I wasn't horrifically mentally ill lol.
And you can't even see your own inferiority.

>> No.22629876

You're a crab in a bucket. I bet you bitch about your male friends behind their back to impress women.

>> No.22629877

im not booking this i just work here

>> No.22629878

You literally have no idea whether I'm mentally ill or not. Which I am. I have a really severe anxiety disorder and if you don't believe in anxiety disorders than I guess I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.22629881

No lack of empathy for men coming from me. In fact, it's the opposite. I know how men feel and I know the majority of them are retarded when it comes to matters of intimacy. They don't show true vulnerability, don't really put themselves out there for their girls. They become very quickly complacent in relationships. A lot of them don't know how to fuck, they're very mechanical and cumbersome in bed. When things get hard, they shut out girls and go cold, or they let girls walk all over them, which is the same thing as putting emotional distance between you and her. Many think they can fix every problem with an expensive meal or gift, or by building more muscle. They don't stand up for themselves and demand their girls improve themselves while simultaneously improving themselves for her, the relationship, and the family the two of you are working on establishing. And, lastly, they don't dump girls when they're supposed to, forcing the girl to take action, which is one of the most insulting things you can do to your partner, because it shows that you care so little about the relationship that you'll just keep hanging out next to its rotting corpse.

>> No.22629887

I don't hate whores because I envy them. I pity them in the same way I pity gypsies. When someone criticizes a state, and a state of society, that enables whores and gypsies to proliferate, it isn't out of envy for whores and gypsies. The idea that the only reason one could possibly have for despising something is envy is a liberal neurosis. Human beings naturally despise filth and evil and those that enable them.

>> No.22629889

If you think being an online prostitute isn't a meaningful existence why would you use that as proof that women have it easy.

>> No.22629891

I offer my friends support in all their romantic endeavors and bring up cool stuff they've done around their girlfriends.

>> No.22629900

Don't listen to him, anon. Anxiety is a fucker and he just wants to keep other men down to elevate himself.
[citation needed]
those are some wild generalisations to put on all men that have ever been in a relationship. So every single relationship has had these issues? No man has ever tried to solve a problem with his woman beyond 'buying something' or 'building muscle'? No men stand up for themselves? Majority of them don't know how to have sex? I stand by my statement - you lack empathy and more than that, you lack the ability to see men as individuals.
And then you come on here and shit all over men who are at the end of their rope romantically? So fucking noble, please teach me to be like you.

>> No.22629904

You are not tracking the conversation.

The person whom I responded to claimed that women's life is easy because they can "just go be onlyfans whores". As if that's a viable choice morally. As if that's not utterly debasing one's moral worth.

The only way someone would see this as a good option for women is if they themselves are failed normies who see no issue with sexual promiscuity, pornography, or any other vile social poison (which my interlocutor admitted, he thinks sex is meaningful in itself). If they were on the other end of the stick they'd be claiming "sex work is real work".

>> No.22629918

Thanks for summing up my own thoughts on this subject so well.
>end of their rope romantically
I'd advise you to talk to your friends about romantic subjects instead of people on 4chan.org.

>> No.22629920
File: 2.69 MB, 561x900, 1697219038364753.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men and women have different threshold for loneliness. Men obviously have a bigger one since we're naturally and socially more individualistic while women are more collective. It's hard to understand as a man since we're extremely different from women but imagine if having a single friend as a man equates to having 5 friends as a woman. that means that a girl with 15 people constantly messaging her would be having 3 people for men which isn't too much

>> No.22629924

The conversation just needs to be taken to a higher plane with more parameters. Women will always take the path of least resistance. A woman's life is always basically hedonically motivated and oriented. In a society with no male moral structures to guide her, a woman will inevitably fall into some kind of whoring. But they will also "enjoy" this. At a subordinate, exoteric level, it's not that odd to say "women really live life on easy mode." It's only at a higher, esoteric level accessible only to people with IQs over 110 that moral and metaphysical critiques become relevant. We're obviously at that level on /lit/ where the average IQ is 165, but there is still utility in maintaining the exoteric level, for example in persuading normies that letting parasite whores run rampant in their societies is a terrible idea. At the exoteric, normie level, it is actually moderately persuasive to point out that men are working ten times as hard for one tenth of the enjoyment a random e-whore gets simply by leeching money from hard-working men.

In a total vision of society, all levels of the whore problem reveal themselves to be interrelated holistically like aspects of Indra's gem.

>> No.22629927

>Me out loud, for the boys: "Hahaha hell yeah look at that ass am I right lads"
>Me internally: "Those socks have heel and toe marks indicating she's been wearing them for a long time, that is hot"

>> No.22629929

>I'd advise you to talk to your friends about romantic subjects instead of people on 4chan.org.
I do. I am trying to explain to you that this stuff isn't exclusive to 'incels' 'tate fans' or whatever other dumb twitter box you need to put struggling men into to justify your unempathetic takes. But you won't listen because then you have to admit, just maybe, you were wrong about something.

>> No.22629931

Because at the end of the day women live easier lives than men no matter how average-looking they may be. A woman doesn't essentially have to be an online prostitute to achieve said simpler lifestyle since she ultimately has the social, sexual prowess to extract resources with little to no effort.

>> No.22629935

The only website I use besides this one is cumtown.org. Quit being such a fucking pussy.

>> No.22629942

>those are some wild generalisations to put on all men
None of them were put on all men and therefore weren't generalizations. Can't you read?

>> No.22629953

>q-q-q-uit being such a fucking pussy
you have nothing to say. You know you are incorrect, relying on childish generalisations, purposefully putting other men down, appealing to an anti-male narrative that hurts everyone in the long run and the best you've got is 'um stop being a pussy, guy'. You have nothing.
>men do X
>they do Y
>when things get hard, they...
>and lastly, they....
you're clearly trying to talk about all men. Can't you write?

>> No.22629956

women are normalfag central, they can easily find other normie women and men, that's why they bounce from relationship to relationship

>> No.22629958

>the majority of them
>a lot of them
Yep, I'm clearly talking about all men there.

>> No.22629961
File: 155 KB, 1024x1024, avatar-fagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"some people have hard lives, some people have lives much easier appearing than others"


>> No.22629967

I hate this image, kys

>> No.22629974

'majority' implies a pretty large fucking part of half the world's population but yeah you're clearlyyyy accounting for individuality, right? Just keep shitting on men I'm sure the women will be really impressed with how hard you fight for them.
>/threads his own post
you're the worst of the lot.

>> No.22629975

>'majority' implies a pretty large fucking part
Right, but it doesn't imply all, now fuck off retard.

>> No.22629977
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, sicklove20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of women hate normies too, but they are even bigger outcasts if they don't play along, where as men are better adjusted for being social outcasts as we can do manual labour jobs to live while women have to prostitute themselves.

Most people have difficult lives, just because the 0.01% appear to cruise through life, doesn't mean they do.

>> No.22629980

Okay, so, in % form, tell me how many men you are talking about mr smarty pants.

>> No.22629985

>muh percentages
Do I need to repeat myself? Fuck off, retard.

>> No.22629987

Don't bother, xher is in cope mode rn

>> No.22629988

So, again, you have nothing. Keep raging at me to hide from your own stupidity and misandry.

>> No.22629989

Why do I need to provide a percentage, exactly? Also, any other made-up rules that I should be following?

>> No.22629996

where books :(

>> No.22629999

I want to know just how many men you are referring to when you say 'majority'. For some people, that's 51%, for others, it's 90%. I'm just curious how many men you are applying your misandrist views to.
As for the other made-up rules, here you go:
1. Consider men as individuals not a hivemind.
2. Use actual arguments and not twitter narratives.
3. Don't use experiences with extremely attractive men with options as evidence for the way all men behave.
4. Don't be a misandrist.

>> No.22630000

In me minge

>> No.22630011

My problem is that the incel critique of feminist society is rooted in those very same feminist principles which produced the Sexual Revolution. Their motivation is their anger at not being able to enjoy the promised fruits of this revolution, rather than any principled objection to its aims. Like the feminists, incels believe that there is an eternal war between the sexes which can never be settled; and all hope for social harmony is futile. Patriarchy for them is a mere war-aim, a self-interested subjugation of women for the purpose of securing themselves pussy.

A truly patriarchal critique based on sound traditionalist principles involves on the contrary an utmost respect for female nature, for the institution of marriage, chaste sexual morality, and the family. It involves the belief that feminine nature is fulfilled, attains its end, and is lifted into a noble status within the framework of patriarchy. But such a society must be built on religio-metaphysical principles.

>> No.22630018

Female labor is undercompensated or even fully uncompensated in nearly all societies of today, and this creates a deficiency in meaning the cascades across every aspect of their lives.

>> No.22630025
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>> No.22630026

Why do incels have so much trouble understanding that, under "strong patriarchy", they would be disposed of using any number of patriarchy's excess-male-disposal schemes?

>> No.22630030

Yes yes marxbro, everything in life is downstream of people not getting enough credit chits at the nigger factory so they can buy more happy juice.

>> No.22630036

I think in patriarchal societies there'd be a lesser chance of men being an incel. At most they'd be forced to become work obsessed hermits.
Don't get genocidal because it makes you feel better about yourself. It looks very silly.

>> No.22630041

>'woman' excitable by the idea of killing incels
never seen this one before!

>> No.22630044

What is "strong" patriarchy? Is it the 19th century when women were allowed and encouraged to do basically anything they want while having virtually no expectations other than to be someone's half decent wife and raise decent children some day, which they want to do anyway?

Have you seen what happens to women who don't find a husband and children? They go insane.

>> No.22630064

Strong patriarchy is when the imperial core is strong enough to export all of their problems to their colonies and pseudo-colonies. The further away it can send its problems, the stronger it is.

>> No.22630070

nigga WHAT are you on about

>> No.22630073


>> No.22630088

Compensation shapes the values of society. If reproduction is implicitly categorized as a luxury rather than work due to its lack of compensation, the birthrate will tank.

>> No.22630112

You're literally a gigantic fucking faggot arguing in a /lit/ thread. Sorry to burst your "male solidarity" bubble.

>> No.22630120

Congratulations on continuing to prove that there is no valid argument against me except some name calling. I accept your concession as well, lady :)

>> No.22630124

>Sorry to burst your "male solidarity" bubble
and for proving that you also lack empathy :) I accept this concession too

>> No.22630127

>this took the fembrain 30 minutes to come up with

>> No.22630131

human connection doesn't exist. all relationships are superficial and only exist as filler in a meaningless existence.

>> No.22630136
File: 53 KB, 554x554, 1696033482894243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry your mom didn't love you lil nigga

>> No.22630141

and I'm sorry that you are unable to empathise with other human beings, but not really, because it makes evil people like you incredibly easy to spot. Goodbye, lady :)

>> No.22630147

Cope however you need to bro. I am an amoral sociopath that simply hates men. You are correct about those cruel femoids.

>> No.22630161

>not one but TWO buzzwords
please realise that you are projecting these onto me but they come from your own mind. Your last 3 posts have been disingenuous, sarcastic and relying on name calling which basically means you don't have an argument anymore. Nothing you can say has any additive effect on your point of view because, as you have proven, it exhibits the same cavernous vapidity as your heart.

>> No.22630167


>> No.22630178

There's nothing I can say to you that you do not already know about yourself.

>> No.22630188

As a general rule that isn't true, but in your case it is.

>> No.22630275

you said 'it's insane' twice, opinion rejected

>> No.22630549
File: 185 KB, 750x769, IMG_5900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole intimacy thing is really the most important thing. In Bataille’s book on religion, he writes that religion is an attempt to recapture a loss of intimacy. But going from that most of us would say that religion can also be considered as the highest height of ‘art’. Dostoevsky is popular and he’s one of the most erotic artist and one of the most religious. If we are going by Weininger’s system we can also say that the artist is said to be constantly erotic. Take The Romantic Agony for instance, it charts this constant need of intimacy in the intellectual development of the Romanticist movement. Berdyaev writes that it even ‘creates the philosopher’ as one that is attempting ‘communion’ in order to escape ‘disintegration’ from the ‘pressures of being objectified’ in Solitude and Society. Communion is basically the same thing as this ‘intimacy’. The problem of men and women is the problem of the deepest significance far beyond any other problem, everything else, according to Adorno, is a type of homosexual objectification but some times it’s in a more funny kino homo erotic way. I think if you really cared about intimacy though you would be kind of a masochist beggar type like literally drinking pee especially at this point, the sadist is really more of a servant of a type of objectifying natural order, de Sade literally committed homosexual acts. Only the masochist is a true heterosexual incapable of homosexually serving objectifying forces, he instead pulls the whole universe down to his level through his stubborn religious art. This means that he’s also most likely a very bad person, because instead of sexually transgressing and become a type of elite killer citizen of the natural order he transgresses sexually against the order himself by forcing it down to his artistic condescension, but this kind of makes him bad and deserving of his treatment. According to these people you just kind of have to take it. It’s like what Schiller writes in his aesthetic description of play

>> No.22630586

Okay, but westoids can't be trusted with the concept of religion. They turn it into McChurches, death cults, and anti-culture campaigns.

>> No.22630608

you can't really be lonely as a woman short of being a freak accident. They are living in the most gynocentric time in human history and get everything on a platter

>> No.22630680

The west represents the most objectifying forces because at the same time they are the closest to true personalism by transcending passive fixations like race and focusing on more active and universal but lowest common denominator ideas that are more likely to link the most people together. Linking the most people together based on the lowest common similarities ironically created the era of the most 'individuality' and it's own problems, but that will possibly transcend to personalism and more immediate intimacy but also the era of the greatest mental responsibility, meaning people that rely on the objectifying forces like the most common people will suffer the most while the intellectual neets ascend to a psychic fiefdom of sexually transgressive play

>> No.22630778

>When gratification is achieved all sexual desire fades IMMEDIATELY and one is left feeling nothing but disgust for oneself and one's partner
You are doing it wrong. There's very few things more pleasant than cuddling after sex.

>> No.22630808

>How do you stare at this image and not understand that being worshipped by a bunch of lackeys who just want to fuck you is not the same as having true love & understanding.
You're a narcissist who dehumanizes the people who show interest in you as "lackeys" that aren't worthy of your "true love & understanding". You're a disgusting human being and it's a sad fact that most women are going down the same path.

>> No.22630866

>least batshit continental

>> No.22630897

You ever have a fat chick grab your dick at a bar?

>> No.22630904

Are you implying fat chicks are known to sexually harass drunk guys?

>> No.22630932

Maybe but there is nothing more cringe than a man crying about being lonely.

>> No.22630942

Sounds like they are just addressing issues that need facing. Don't be callously indifferent towards what people struggle with, however small it may seem to you.

>> No.22630948

The image literally shows desperate lackeys trying to burst through the door to shower her with gifts. Not to mention all the examples of men who buy women’s socks and shit. I’m not even a woman I’m just not a retard who constructs his worldview based on my own personal bitterness. You retards are so blinded by bitterness you can’t even imagine how a person with loads of fans could be lonely, as if you haven’t heard of all the celebrities who commit suicide and become druggies despite having loads of adoring lackeys who would do anything for them. It’s a really simple concept.

>> No.22630950

Shut the fuck up and die choking on a dick

>> No.22630955

>as if you haven’t heard of all the celebrities who commit suicide and become druggies despite having loads of adoring lackeys who would do anything for them. It’s a really simple concept.
It's because they fell for the burnout meme and never even tried to practice gratitude.

>> No.22630956

Your average woman is not in the position of a superstar however. Sounds like you are projecting far too much to excuse narcissistic behaviour.

>> No.22630968

So what. I’m talking about the image, which implies that it is impossible for someone to be lonely despite being surrounded by people who want to fuck them. Explaining this shit is like talking to an actual demented toddler, I’m pretty sure they have kids cartoons which explore the theme of being lonely despite being surrounded by people because you can’t connect with them. Little children can understand this stuff, but the highest IQ board on 4chan cannot.

>> No.22630972

Really interesting. I should get around to reading Bataille and Berdyaev sometime. Overall, this makes sense to me (I'm the poster of those three posts you replied to).

>This means that he’s also most likely a very bad person, because instead of sexually transgressing and become a type of elite killer citizen of the natural order he transgresses sexually against the order himself by forcing it down to his artistic condescension, but this kind of makes him bad and deserving of his treatment.
What do you mean by bad? As in socially irresponsible, harmful to society?

>It’s like what Schiller writes in his aesthetic description of play
Can you elaborate? I read this a few years ago but don't see the connection.

>> No.22630976

>explaining this shit is like talking to an actual demented toddler
>I am not bitter unlike you retards
>t. narcissist
Yea right. You do know the picture is a hyperbole right? Women don't actually have 50 dudes standing at their door trying to barge in at all times? Do you know that? Answer me.

>> No.22630979

>it is impossible for someone to be lonely despite being surrounded by people who want to fuck them
It is possible, just read the book that was posted right before that image.

>> No.22630985

Not even him but I think you don't know what you are actually replying to

>> No.22630996

Yeah I misread

>> No.22631026

Are you actually comparing the relationship of a woman and her suitors and fuckboys to that of a superstar and their fans?
That’s retarded.
A superstar would not interact with her fans for more than a few moments and has to deal with the fact that these fans are in love with the pure essence of the star’s image. She has to keep them at arms length because they dehumanize her at every turn and would not be able to find common ground with her because her whole life revolves around her stardom.
An average 7+/10 roastie equates herself to this position because of the idea that all women are queens and therefore all men are beneath her and considered lackeys. The retardation is in the confusion between the two women’s power as a roastie CAN establish a relationship and find common ground with the average “lackey” who would want to throw time, money, and some emotional vulnerability at her for, what I can only assume is mostly, sex. Maybe if the average roastie didn’t actually put out on the first date and would get off tinder and make the man work for the sex, she would retain some internal value and would therefore find meaning in relationships with men. Clearly that is lost because the woman can only see these guys as lackeys and incapable of providing her with a substantial connection because she herself is incapable of doing so with anyone.

>> No.22631049

Women who try to be intellectuals, serious artists, or worst of all, an activist. Bubbly women who like to have fun and take care of their family are one of gods greatest creation. Right now as I post this I look at some femcel posting her lame art while she wears some ugly turtleneck kek. You hate to see it.

>> No.22631083
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>Bubbly women who like to have fun and take care of their family are one of gods greatest creation


>> No.22631085

fucking hell lmao, thanks bro I needed this

>> No.22631126

>books on the spiritual female loneliness?
>if a man is lonely he should kill himself
no wonder woman is so lonely

>> No.22631190

>making money as a man isn't hard
>lovecraft was broke
>marx was broke
>blake was broke
>stirner crashed his milk cart
>barthes used his essays for cigarette paper
>machiavelli was jobbing
stop flexing and show stacks.

>> No.22631202

Writers tend to be mentally ill outcasts. They are probably the worst group of people to use as an example of anything.

>> No.22631204

The artist would be bad because he's selfish in the sense that he can only be focused on what he likes, genius can only be focused on what could be eternal by trying to gain a place for what is fruitful in the choices of his personality. For Plato, 'love' is not directed towards 'beauty' but towards the procreation of beauty, it seeks to gain immortality for victories of the mind using eroticism as it's vehicle to be the symbol of what is fruitful. The drawback is that it's a selfish projection of personal ideals that obstruct objectifying forces or empirical realities that people are attached to. At the same time, because its personal it would also be universal, this is why art can be disruptive but also accepted, as if it's universal a part of it could be also be used to objectify

>> No.22631209
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>batshit continental

meanwhile continentals
> If, then, a young friend of the true and of the beautiful were to ask me how, notwithstanding the resistance of the times, he can satisfy the noble longing of his heart, I should reply: Direct the world on which you act towards that which is good, and the measured and peaceful course of time will bring about the results. You have given it this direction if by your teaching you raise its thoughts towards the necessary and the eternal; if, by your acts or your creations, you make the necessary and the eternal the object of your leanings. The structure of error and of all that is arbitrary must fall, and it has already fallen, as soon as you are sure that it is tottering. But it is important that it should not only totter in the external but also in the internal man. Cherish triumphant truth in the modest sanctuary of your heart; give it an incarnate form through beauty, that it may not only be in the understanding that does homage to it, but that feeling may lovingly grasp its appearance. And that you may not by any chance take from external reality the model which you yourself ought to furnish, do not venture into its dangerous society before you are assured in your own heart that you have a good escort furnished by ideal nature. Live with your age, but be not its creation; labor for your contemporaries, but do for them what they need, and not what they praise. Without having shared their faults, share their punishment with a noble resignation, and bend under the yoke which they find it as painful to dispense with as to bear. By the constancy with which you will despise their good fortune, you will prove to them that it is not through cowardice that you submit to their sufferings. See them in thought such as they ought to be when you must act upon them; but see them as they are when you are tempted to act for them. Seek to owe their suffrage to their dignity; but to make them happy keep an account of their unworthiness: thus, on the one hand, the nobleness of your heart will kindle theirs, and, on the other, your end will not be reduced to nothingness by their unworthiness. The gravity of your principles will keep them off from you, but in play they will still endure them. Their taste is purer than their heart, and it is by their taste you must lay hold of this suspicious fugitive. In vain will you combat their maxims, in vain will you condemn their actions; but you can try your moulding hand on their leisure. Drive away caprice, frivolity, and coarseness from their pleasures, and you will banish them imperceptibly from their acts, and at length from their feelings. Everywhere that you meet them, surround them with great, noble, and ingenious forms; multiply around them the symbols of perfection, till appearance triumphs over reality, and art over nature

>> No.22631275

In the image, the woman is represented as intellectually vastly superior and the man as an inferior but this is actually completely voluntary loneliness. Why?
Only an overall negative value as a companion or outside factors like isolation will lead to involuntary loneliness. The woman in the image CHOOSES to be lonely here as real, important aspects of a partner are there, the most obvious being assumed nominal function of cock and balls. In this case, the woman could reveal all of her to the man and not fear rejection as great intellect would never lead to rejection.
A dog would help with loneliness if you feel like it is better to have it around than not.

Maybe trannies do live in my head rent-free but if the thought bubble on the left said something along the lines of "I have to dilate today", then the person on the left would be able to experience involuntary loneliness as the man might be expecting a functioning reproductive system.

>> No.22631297

And now that I think about it, reading about women's loneliness would actually be interesting as I could see why they feel they're involuntarily alone

>> No.22631309

True, and this is a writer-fellating board. Being good enough with money to attract whores is not the norm here. At least, not whores with all their teeth.

>> No.22631321

summed up by moral fibre
fuck immanuel kant

>> No.22631325
File: 45 KB, 800x445, 1_XJEb03sJQYynx595f0v_hA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year 2023
>anon still hasn't seen the light of reason

>> No.22631328
File: 62 KB, 782x782, 97dd1488-977f-469d-b05e-45aea2088b46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consequence free
Think again, bucko!

>> No.22631391

You have a pretty sad lifestyle if your only exposure to women is egirls

>> No.22631413

>being worshipped by a bunch of lackeys who just want to fuck you is not the same as having true love & understanding
w*men aren't capable of actual introspection, they are NPCs who cannot differentiate between fake and real love

>> No.22631468

But I actually do undergo the trials and tribulations of going outside and prostrating before a dozen queens on a daily needly basis. What have YOU done to empower women, shitlord?!

>> No.22631499

Sex is literally why every human exists. You are here because two people (or in the case of your mother, invited the Harlem Globetrotters to fill her holes) fucked. It’s not rocket science. Sex is the essence of life itself, so why do you get mad when some man wants to fill your hole with sperm?

>> No.22631504

Thanks for the comedy skit.

>> No.22631508

It’s a female they’re vague by nature

>> No.22631511

You’re expecting grey area thinking from us, not gonna work

>> No.22631513


>> No.22631519

It's so gross when women pretend to be capable of true empathy. They aren't and never will be.

>> No.22631586


After a quick google this one at least seems to have put in effort and gone all out and prob hits a niche major porn studios dont.

>> No.22631588
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1697947988815307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always found it a faux pas when a woman would try and speak to me about their observations about insensitive men in their lives. They aren't capable of appraisal by anything more than the superficial. Most if not all are an inch wide and a mile deep.

>> No.22631606
File: 487 KB, 1080x2240, Florence Basedingale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florence Nightingale tried to warn us.

>> No.22631648

>Patriarchy demands that women play a game of social value seeking
>Women do
>wtf, women only care about social value seeking

>> No.22631678
File: 479 KB, 640x546, 1694486191194444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A woman's dream is to be a Chad's whore

>> No.22631680

To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature. The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will be desperate to talk to you and give you free stuff spontaneously.The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.
So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.22631748


I mean the human population has always had the goal to increase. Now it must decrease and economics are making that happen.
It’s prob gonna be worse for women desu, since they always want kids but now most won’t get them.

>> No.22631772

He actually has deep issues with men experiencing emotions and vulnerability -either his dad was absent or his mom made him hate his. It's his issues anon, not yours.

>> No.22631773

More like just have a personality that doesn't revolve around being a misanthrope bro.

>> No.22631784

They guy you're replying to is retarded but you are also very retarded. This negative view of Sex is just as misanthropic as the other anons misogyny. Sex can have meaning if both parties allow it to have meaning. The ultimate form of this is procreation.

>> No.22631806

Birth control turns women into sex objects chemically and fornication means that they are sex objects for like 10-25 years instead of the 5 years of courtship which is radically different than long term bf's.
They are profoundly lonely but largely don't understand that it's sex. Also, women trying to be gay men is adorable because they are just not capable of it.

>> No.22631816

reeks of incel in here, lads

>> No.22631846

Pathetic end to this conversation, what a waste it was to follow it through.
Unironically get help anon.

>> No.22631847

Are you sure it's not the ugly, insufferable woman looking to soothe her damaged ego

>> No.22631854
File: 589 KB, 1282x1142, IMG_3579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referring to low status male courtiers as lackeys
>guys it’s le hard for us too
A woman will never understand having literally NOONE waiting in line for them. Even beyond that, having the opposite sex actively be disgusted by them. I would tell you to imagine if every time you saw a hot guy they winced but you couldn’t. You are so far gone you don’t even consider sub7s human

>> No.22631885

Lady, you got BTFOd yesterday and now you're back trying to LARP as a man. Its time to leave.

>> No.22631887

This is why the incel to tranny pipeline exists. That and autists getting groomed

>> No.22631891

And what does women provides? You're pretty much saying that women can provide intimacy while men usually can't and that's not true, and most of them are more shallow than men as well. What women seeks in a relationship is a sense of security and protection, first and foremost, everything else is secundary

>> No.22631908

> the only website I use other than this friend simulator is another, sadder friend simulator
Damn bro you sure showed him

>> No.22632288

Both partners should provide intimacy in a relationship. Women also want security, yes, while men also want confidence. But intimacy should be coming from both sides. Many men (and also many women) fail to provide that because they fail to show true vulnerability and let their egos do the talking.

>> No.22632314

How do I stop hating women bros?

>> No.22632332

Start by treating your OCD

>> No.22632334

Beat them.

>> No.22632495

Get in a relationship with one. As that TLP ripoff said (very wisely), you can either have a problem with all women or a problem with one woman.

>> No.22632501

There is nothing more cringe than you

>> No.22632526

>get in a relationship with one

>> No.22632542

You are correct; It is impossible, you are a loser incel chud who supposedly (according to both PUA grifters and feminist theory) will never know to the female sex, either carnally or intellectually. And yet you may do it, you can go now and do it. You can literally go up and talk to her.

In other words, it is both so over and yet we are truly back.

>> No.22632547

Unironically beat them, it helps

>> No.22632549

realise that they are just using their advantage in life to offset their disadvantages
this is coming from a semi-incel. Once you realise they're just maximising their survivability as per our evolutionary programming you can start to forgive their stupidity.

>> No.22632563

fuck off foid. have kids it isn't hard for you unless you botched your first 25 years

>> No.22632582

Where can I read this TLP rip off?

>> No.22632605

But this portrayal of the situation isn't accurate. In reality many of those men are a perfectly good option but the woman perceives them as low value vermin because she thinks she's owed perfection.

>> No.22632611

I'm talking about Randy or Egg Report, whatever his name is now, he's not literally a TLP ripoff but very clearly influenced by him. He has a cool substack where he writes about Christianity in a very specific way, almost catered towards his and no doubt many other lonely men's circumstances, and it's surprisingly logical and clear. I'd give it a look through, I suppose it's more affecting for those who have grown up in less than optimal conditions e.g. children of divorce, those who have gone through trauma. I can't relate (I am so superior haha) but I'd speculate it would "speak" more to them than me. Not to rag on him, of course, if he were to publish a collected essays volume I'd buy it straight away (but then again the person who would seriously sit down to do that wouldn't be him).


>> No.22632627

You hate them because you expect them to be better than they are capable of being. Stop expecting them to be men. They are fundamentally different. They are incapable of living up to the same standards and expectations we place on men. The do not operate with logic and they lack the innate sense of justice that men have. You simply have to accept them for what they are.

>> No.22632644

I agree. Sex and companionship are not the same. Anyone who fucks regularly knows this.

>> No.22632647

oh so I can sell my soul and dignity and that is why women have it easy?
btw I agree that it's easier being a (pretty) woman because people are kind and helpful to me
however it's much easier for a man to have self respect and always will be

>> No.22632668

Yeah but they should go together. I’m not going to be your gay best friend, lady.

>> No.22632670

It only exists because female agency exists. Get rid of sexual consent and it literally stops existing overnight.

>> No.22632682

This is like saying the average man can do gay porn or transition and sell their body. Why arent you making as much money as finster anon?

>> No.22632785

Weird that you would be the one to condemn making wide sweeping statements about a certain genders emotions/mind.

>> No.22632839

So I should just accept they'll go for chad in any way possible and I'll be the betabuck at best?

>> No.22632979

Women literally run and gatekeep modern western society, play a major role in and influence politics, own the dating market and have everything cater to them at the expense of men. They also use every bit of their privilege to climb the social ladder, sadly most aren't smart enough to get good degrees like in a STEM field so they will continue screeching about patriarchy paying them less and hampering their "careers". It's IMPOSSIBLE to not hate them for what they are, that being weak, scheming, narcissistic, entitled pieces of shit although this wouldn't be that much of a problem if they didn't try taking over men's roles in society.

>> No.22632995

That’s a good reason to strip them of their “rights” if anything else

>> No.22633007


>> No.22633157

forget these words or you'll never help yourself.

>> No.22633240

Love is just time+intensity. A woman with lackeys can get love by lowering her standards 15%, choosing an orbiter at random, and refusing to leave him or allow him to leave her. That modern women are constitutionally incapable of making the sacrifices to their freedom necessary to force someone to love them in this way doesn't make the incels not resent them, because in the same position, many incels (not valuing their freedom) would succeed.
>inb4 men are the same way
Not the men that resent hot women. The split isn't really between men and women, it's between those that value love more than freedom and those that don't. Though these resentful incels commit a similar fallacy by refusing to extend their search to ugly women; those that do, thrive. The incel feels hatred because he must lower his standards farther proportionally than a hot woman, not because he's actually incapable of finding love.

>> No.22633375
File: 52 KB, 256x333, crazy-homeless-man1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a lot of potential suitors are no better than lackeys. I don't know if you realize this but behind that door are not just gentlemen, there's also a horde of homeless crackheads and malodorous low functioning autists.

But men do have people waiting in line for them. All you have to do is become prison gay and you too could make love to homeless crackheads.

>b-but I'm not gay!

If you don't want to have sex with people you're not attracted to, why do you insist women do the same?

>> No.22633467

So a guy who’s slightly less attractive than a woman’s standards is the male equivalent of being raped by literal subhumans? Quite telling of the female psyche. I had my doubts you were a woman but I’m certain now

>> No.22633469

>argument based on dehumanization
>argument based on doubting sexual orientation
>outing yourself as a sociopath again
just let it go...

>> No.22633523
File: 15 KB, 646x474, 1644136445338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired bros...

>> No.22633638

But if we are going by Weininger's system we'd have to say that beauty is a projection of power. The person that has lower standards isn't conscious of it, they like the person that they're with and they probably have a more balanced type of brain. An 'incel' just has a more asymmetric type of brain that can only want to win and be satisfied with the highest aesthetic concepts in general. It's similar to the brain of a gambling addict and explored in Dostoevsky's The Gambler. Ivanovitch and Polina's difference in economic class means he offers nothing for her and can't buy her family of debt, she basically just makes him her personal slave and tortures him while taking bids from a French and English men. Ivanovitch eventually wins enough in roulette to buy her out but he basically completely forgets about her and becomes more obsessed with what he just pulled off, the ability to cheat everything and basically buy and win your way into another tier of life. The 'highest standard woman' would come from the best people, 'high standard woman' just means her family educated her in a specific way in order to make her a currency symbol of their greatness or upward mobility. The best women would from the richest most fruitful people. Even if she's 'rebellious' it would just show how cool and intellectual and modern they are. That's why incels have waifus, it's represented as an aesthetic concept of sublimity and symbol of the hope and fear of the gambler. The gambler doesn't even care about winning, he wants to see the moment and possibility where he can win everything at once and instantly cheat destiny or fate, he wants to see the moment exist outside of himself as proof from the outside that he deserves the highest concepts. It really means for whatever reason this incel type some how has a connection or affinity for the greatest aesthetic possibilities. But this also makes it so that 'lower standard women' aren't mentally challenging enough for an intellectually frustrated young man that's obsessed with these concepts. My son's friend is an incel and my family and I have been helping him through it

>> No.22633653

Having a foot fetish is really like being gay.

>> No.22633659

me @ virtually every woman I see after 2 days of nofap on the right

>> No.22633674

t. woman or beta choreplay cuck

>> No.22633679

I pretend to like women so they invite me to love with them rent-free
I am a feminine man and extremely lonely

>> No.22633685

If dating goes on like this will there be less people with really shitty genes (many low value women sharing a single high value man)? Because small women reduce the height of tall chads.

>> No.22633711

There will be more single mothers and regardless of genes those kids will grow up to be incels or fags from the lack of father figures.

>> No.22633756

>crackheads and people who play with their shit because they find the texture soothing are just slightly less attractive than a woman's standards

Anon, I...

>being unwilling to have sex with certain types of people is dehumanizing them

You have no room to speak if you aren't volunteering your boihole to the local homeless community/ group home for the mentally disabled.

>> No.22634159

But women only want true love and understanding from Chad...

>> No.22634677

Not even one book????? Surely one of you can think of something
Yes we do, some of us are losers without relationships too. Having people want to use your body as a fleshlight and then abandon you never caring what you say or feel will never be as great as some men like to pretend it is. For the most part that's all there ever is. Even the nicest guy will boil down to not caring what you say and just liking your body, which is more lonely than being alone, thus rendering it pointless and a waste of time to even consider entertaining.

>> No.22634727

Stop expecting them to be what they are not and never will be, and start treating them as what they actually are. The primary source of anger towards women are unrealistic expectations.

>> No.22634736


>> No.22634742

Women dont read book, you idiot. They are basically overrown children you have to coddle or they will cry and scream at you.

>> No.22634744

>beta choreplay cuck
The fuck does this mean? Are you saying only the woman should put effort into the relationship?

>> No.22634745



>> No.22634781

That will not even come close to cutting it.

>> No.22634805

I don't mind that you prefer men, I just don't know why you're telling me about it
Cute, actually

>> No.22634873

Females have very little of spiritual, that is just misguided longing for chad

>> No.22634880

NTA but while it should be an equal amount nowadays women put zero effort because they treat relationships like Girl Scout badges. So the entire responsibility falls on us to compensate.

>> No.22634915

>So the entire responsibility falls on us to compensate.
So dump the bitch.

>> No.22634944

The women that you choose to talk to, yes. If you stopped choosing the wrong types, you would not have this problem.

>> No.22634972

Men don’t actually choose the women they date, it’s up to the female. Granted if that were the case either a) you’d have a lot of rapes on your hands or b) the birthrates would skyrocket but I garner it’s would be a mix of the two. Caring about female sentimentalism is gonna be the death of humanity and that’s precisely why I wrote the pieces I did on substack.

Works only for men who have unlimited options, most men do not have this choice.

>> No.22634993

You don't think you have choices because you gave up before even trying. You're a defeatist. All men have options in the dating pool (which is global now).

>> No.22635015

Male lonliness is at an all time high. It's morphing into resentment. The deep rooted resentment carried by an entire generstion of men, especially against women, will be civilization changing

>> No.22635020

Vast majority of it is self-induced through porn, and let's face it, we all knew it was the wrong thing to watch.

>> No.22635021

I’m 41. I have had seven girlfriends and two fiancées out of them. I think I know what I’m talking about

>> No.22635024

They're choosing to be lonely though. I've never met one who wasnt being far too picky. Theyre angry and alone because they're pursuing the wrong types

>> No.22635029

The latest fad seems to be blaming every insatisfaction a man has on porn

Who started this one? Jordan Memerson?

>> No.22635034

Lonely doesnt mean single.

>> No.22635037

Porn leads to no satisfaction at all. It's a liminoid experience that wastes your time, like video games, or traveling via tourist guides. It's like taking a shit, we need to do it, but it's meaningless.

>> No.22635039

I wasn't even defending porn, but everywhere you go there is someone blaming it for everything

>> No.22635042

Either they're craving stronger deeper friendships but making no effort to initiate them themselves, or they're craving a partner that they shouldnt be

>> No.22635044

It's the defining addiction of the age thanks to the internet. It created a lot of toxic shame in young men. I guarantee you a study will eventually demonstrate that it's the leading cause of male loneliness or depression in millennials and younger.

>> No.22635046

The vast majority of people, men and women, are not lonely because they're all too lazy and stupid to make friends.

>> No.22635048

I dunno maybe make male reproductive access easier?

>> No.22635050

Well I guess that would excuse women for the nth time of having any sort of defect. The blame is solely on the men.

We can't stop winning, sisters.

>> No.22635054

The missing variable is dating apps. Porn plus dating apps. As well as many other social factors including feminism, divorce, immigration, atheism, etc.

>> No.22635060

So porn is blameless?

>> No.22635075

This needs a Spamton edit for the guy.

>> No.22635076


Dating apps and feminism are solely used by most women as an ego boost. So women aren’t blameless, per se. In fact I’d even say they’re more likely to be blamed.

>> No.22635086

kill yourself

>> No.22635126


>> No.22635212

You have no concept of what true loneliness means

>> No.22635228

She's right though
Literally just go outside and observe most men
Most men are either gross and ugly or annoying insensate redditor subhuman, and the majority are both of these things. Even the ones who look superficially decent are incels on the inside. You already know this, I know you've been around other men. You can't in all seriousness tell me that most men are hygenic and good looking and well-mannered and intelligent and thoughtful etc. - on the most part they are gross slobs. Why do men always go in to bat for each other like this i will never understand. i don't want to glamorize the degeneracy of my sex just because I'm a member of it, get real. Most people in general are worthless, men are no different.

women walk down the street do literally risk the chance of being dragged aside and molested by a literal subhuman. that's not even hyperbole it's just the truth and you know it to be so if you weren't so invested in your own social isolation

>> No.22635267

They aren't really more inadequate than women

>women walk down the street do literally risk the chance of being dragged aside and molested by a literal subhuman

They obviously don't think so considering how they behave

>> No.22635355

I believe Otto Weininger called the fear of women the fear that they have no metaphysical reality, it’s like the fear of the uncanny, how someone could look and act like a person but have no essential substance or reality, it’s one of the main sources of psychological disturbance. If there’s any cause of ‘loneliness’ it’s probably that in an increasingly cerebral age women basically can’t keep up with the demands of mental stimulation and are falling aside. It’s not the problem of women’s ego, the problem is it doesn’t cause her to develop a higher ego. Women aren’t ‘childish’ or anti-intellectual, but the disturbing apprehension persists. There’s a loss of quality and something uncannily missing. That’s one of the main causes of the tension between man and woman that motivated surrealist literature! They did all those experiments to try to get women back whatever she was missing. It’s kind of like a fun adventure visual novel in a way if you think about it. It’s like in Kanon when Makoto lost her memory, I can’t think of another character more symbolic of the soulless Undine or Wagner’s Kundry

>> No.22635441

Women are sponges and have been ruined by media

>> No.22635460

What makes you say that? You say "women" in a very broad way which suggests that they all behave the same, when they in fact do not. I get the feeling you're talking about the more provocative types who sell their body or sleep around a lot, but these types dont account for all of them. Spending enough time in a library, bookstore, or going to a convention will easily show you that. There are plenty of well mannered quiet women in this world who've done no wrong or harm to anyone, just as there are men of the same caliber. It's misguided to claim that all are the exact same and paint those who've done nothing wrong with the same damning red paint. If you are jaded because you constantly choose to pursue more volatile salacious types, then you should reflect on that. Stop turning your attention toward the ones you consider so bad. The more you do that, the more you'll convince yourself that that is all there is. You harm yourself in this way, drinking your own poison hoping it will hurt someone else.

>> No.22635480

Ehh I see no point in engaging you in that, I just meant that there are a lot of "salacious" women and their existence proofs they don't perceive such threats

>> No.22635623

Pointing towards a general trend is not the same as overgeneralizing. Furthermore, women not behaving like sluts does not mean they live life constantly considering those aforementioned risks. Crazy how you're actually the one pointing to stereotypes by singling out a certain subspecies of women to blame the observable behaviour on. Someone who is afraid of being gangraped at any moment doesn't go out, simple as. But most women do, meaning they do not behave as if the risk is that high (unless at night but ehh).
Guess you can't stop dehumanizing others however. Seems inherent to you.

>> No.22635628

They're not the majority
What do you mean by going out? I assumed the person meant going outside for any reason. If the implication is that women should never leave their houses, then that's not only insane, but also would be a huge detriment to society. If women never left their homes, men could never meet them. It would be counter productive to our species. If however, we are talking about the types who go out to clubs, then yes, those women do not fear men as much as they should.

>> No.22635630

>There are plenty of well mannered quiet women in this world who've done no wrong or harm to anyone, just as there are men of the same caliber.
While earlier you said >>22635228
>Most men are either gross and ugly or annoying insensate redditor subhuman, and the majority are both of these things.
Yeah, you are broken and now trying to backtrack.

>> No.22635632

I was not that second person. If you believe there are no kind women, then I'm sorry you grew up in a strange environment

>> No.22635634

Not what I'm saying, clearly lol. Does not refute >>22635623
And yes, going out in general, women live life as if they do not get gangraped when they walk around the corner. Can you actually read? This is the second time you have shown you do not understand my replies lmao.

>> No.22635643

I'm asking what you think the solution to that should be. Where do you live, anyway? That sort of thing mainly happens in africa, or the middle east. I don't think it's fair to paint all men all over the world as mindless rape savages. Most societies women can co-exist with us just fine.

>> No.22635649

The solution to what? Gangrape not existing?
What I said was that women already go out to buy their groceries, buy books, go to the gym, go on citytrips, meet up with friends, showing they do not really consider those risks considerably high enough. Aka, they live their actual daily life behaving as if they do not care or consider those risks. It is not just slut woman, despite you trying to put the characteristic of not caring solely on them.
You cannot read, genuinely. Stop shifting the goalposts too, it doesn't suit you.

>> No.22635660

You're being a tad aggressive. If you think I am arguing with you, that is not the case. Let's calm it down a little. I think you mistook me as another poster and blurred our intentions. Whatever the case, all that I meant to point out was the anons who were reply in bad faith about women were being silly. I should hope that we do live in a world where they don't have to cower and hide, as middle eastern women do. I have to go now, so at this point if you continue to think you are being attacked or argued with, I cannot help you.

>> No.22635665

>needs to paint me as aggressive for some reason
Insane lmao. Yes, go and don't come back svp. Do learn to read.

>> No.22635684


Kissless virgin trying too hard

>> No.22635975

I love posts like this one, where anon posts an out-of-context screencap, completely changing the context of the scene in order to dupe the /r9k/ masses. It's so easy to accomplish, too, indicating just how low the IQ of said masses is.

>> No.22636088

You need to be careful believing things like this. This false grass is greener mindset is the leading cause of trooning out.

>> No.22636097

nice dubs.

But I actually am a transgender girl, and honestly, I never in any way played some "grass is greener" game. The true aspect to being transgender is entirely spiritual/psychological on a far deeper level than surface level jealousies or incel-red-pill stuff.

And if some idiot tries to be transgender just for ideological reasons, be it that they're a right-wing incel who wants revenge, or some marxist liberal who just wants to be an edgy snowflake, they'll only take intensely terrible spiritual damage for trying to fake it.

So perhaps you're right in some ways.

>> No.22636104

>spiritual female loneliness

>> No.22636165
File: 320 KB, 500x376, 1498454683085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post was definitely written by an /r9k/fag larping to rile up other /r9k/fags, which is so common at this point it has to be some kind of weird tranny fetish. A lonely woman does not have lackeys and orbiters lined up to fuck her. A lonely woman does not feel loved by everyone, she does not go to parties or enjoy life, she has no bf and no-one wants to be her bf. She's in the same boat as you.

The only thing male incels get right is lookism. All these problems melt away if you look hot, people won't find you creepy for being socially awkward or quiet if you look like a supermodel, it just makes you "shy". But if you're ugly and you're the same way, you're fucked. I've had people check with me as an adult if I'm mentally disabled because I'm shit at socializing, my mom got so worried she got me counseling as a kid because I had (and still have) no friends, I was made fun of in high school since I didn't stand up for myself and not once ever approached by anyone interested (it's not that I expect it, but it just dispells this idea that every woman gets it), I didn't go to prom because it would've just been embarrassing. The most female privilege I get is nobody assumes I'm a rapist or pedophile, of course I'm not denying it's hugely unfair when these assumptions happen to men who wouldn't hurt anyone.

Also, I'm pretty sure this image is heavily associated with a meme about a subreddit for femcels shutting down because too many men were asking them out. What actually happened was the members were being told to get raped and getting their loneliness constantly dick measured against or outright dismissed because "u have vagina, so u must have orbiters who want to fuck u". The moderators posted imgur albums full of screencaps of it.

There are guys out there who go around casually fucking women but still claim they're so ronrey because they haven't met a tradcon aryan woman to put their filthy used up STD dick inside. I've never held fucking hands with a man let alone kissed one but I'm the used up whore for having a hole with the cover still inside.

>> No.22636177

Do you have acne tho?

>> No.22636183

That has stayed into adulthood, yes.

>> No.22636184

I can't believe this trash thread is still up

>> No.22636189

How many posts until a thread gets archived?

>> No.22636191

Is it 350 posts?

>> No.22636196

>A lonely woman does not have lackeys and orbiters lined up to fuck her. A lonely woman does not feel loved by everyone, she does not go to parties or enjoy life, she has no bf and no-one wants to be her bf. She's in the same boat as you.
Source: my mom told me bro

>> No.22636198

trash thread fuck women fuck men fuck everything in between take the ayypill

>> No.22636206

People rightfully shit on /pol/ threads for being off-topic sperg factories but threads like these get a pass

>> No.22636210

trash thread, go talk about women on the other 99.9% of the internet

>> No.22636212

You should wash your face then.

>> No.22636215

It doesn't make sense normally the jannies are trigger happy with killing threads but this absolute trash heap of a thread has been up for days. I'm going to keep posting until it dies

>> No.22636222

dumb post in a dumb thread

>> No.22636225

Read books.

>> No.22636232

>just wash your face
>just take a shower
>just be confident
>just do x

>> No.22636233

New bread.

>> No.22636234


>> No.22636242


>> No.22636245

No new bread, threads like these are pure shit

>> No.22636251

No go back to literally any other board or website dumb fucking retard

>> No.22636398

>I've never held fucking hands with a man let alone kissed one but I'm the used up whore for having a hole with the cover still inside.
Not how it works.

>> No.22636468

>This trash upsets me so im gonna make sure it reaches autosage
rentfree goddamn

>> No.22636915

>a genuine emotional connection cant be forced
A genuine emotional connection requires force
In the form of 2 willing participants actively pursuing a genuine emotional connection over a significant period of time
Many women are currently having trouble finding a willing participant to pursue this endeavor who is also tall, handsome, economically attractive, physically fit, charismatic etc.
Many men are currently having trouble finding a willing participant to pursue this endeavor with them AT ALL
Women are having trouble forming a life-fulfilling connection with a man
Men are having trouble forming any sort of connection at all
Women can absolutely be lonely and the lack of genuine connection is a legitimate issue, but dont pretend that having to “settle” for a guy thats 5’11” who “only” makes $90k annually who “only” benches 200 is the same as receiving absolutely no romantic interest from anybody at all

>> No.22636931


>> No.22637254

>And women think they're worth a LOT.

Which is why I wouldnt feel bad about killing a bunch of those whores.

>> No.22637317

This made me kek