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File: 178 KB, 250x406, uberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22628594 No.22628594 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand the concept of the ubermensch, as described in Nietzsche's work. Can anyone give examples from today's society of people that are the closest?

>> No.22628600

Donald Trump (PBUH)
Andrew Tate (PBUH)
Elon Musk (PBUH)
Hunter Schafer (PBUH)

>> No.22628603
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>Can anyone give examples from today's society of people that are the closest?
Liev Schreiber

>> No.22628625

Is it possible to be an ubermensch if you have a small cock?

>> No.22628627

>French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte Had A 1.5 Inch Penis

>> No.22628629

>Hunter Schafer
She cucked to non-binaries, please!

>> No.22628631

I don't like Tate too much but I gotta give credit where its due.

>> No.22628635


>> No.22628645


>> No.22628665
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>> No.22628667

The ubermensch is not a real person, he is an ideal of the enlightened man. So you'll get a lot of meme answers. Ultimately the ubermensch is the man who can defeat nihilism and find meaning and purpose in the world.

>> No.22628671

are you saying people can't approach an ideal, with some being closer than others?

>> No.22628690

You can try, but you'll always be closer to Sisyphus than the ubermensch.

>> No.22628696
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That's easy, just ignore the sub specie aeternitatis perspective. You can get any meaning from any other perspective. On a practical level it is simply doing the opposite of The Last Man, which is complicated and hard. The vast, vast majority of people are even much less than The Last Man because they are fearful cowards.

>> No.22628915

Typical Anglo lies

>> No.22628920

the homeless guy near the subway that smells like hes made of piss

>> No.22628929

Complete the revaluation of all values and then live it. Unironically Elon Musk.

>> No.22628953

Complete the revaluation of all values and then live it. Unironically Jeffrey Epstein.

>> No.22628957

Literally me.

>> No.22629007
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>I don't understand the concept of the ubermensch
ubermensch = good goy
>I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood. Mine spirit and Germany are great only because of Polish blood in our veins, i would all anti-semites get shot.
>Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo

>> No.22629012

Poles = alcoholic jews

>> No.22629019
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It was always this bad

>> No.22629060

>Can anyone give examples from today's society of people that are the closest?
icycalm, and not because he calls himself the overman. Here's why.

>lives by his own rules
>lives "off the grid"
>reads, a lot (especially philosophy)
>champions art
>good genes (aka, isn't ugly)
>hates subhumans, not Jews or women
>subhumans fear and resent him

>> No.22629065

yeah that's the thing. Would Nietzsche think Epstein was based? Was Epstein based? Or was he not based because he got caught, and had an egg-like penis?

>> No.22629072

>Would Nietzsche, lover of the arts, the intellect, and the militant grandiosity of the Roman Empire, think some loser who accomplished nothing besides fuck children was based?
I don't know, what do you think?

>> No.22629084
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>> No.22629085


creates his own objective better values (of aesthetics & spirituality & pretty much everything else) through his creativity. does not succumb or fall prey to master morality of power (as do so many others)

final answer

>> No.22629086

no one, none before, current or future. there is no guide or steps on how to do it,
but to achieve ubermensch you have to sacrifice your own finite life and energy for it and maybe in the far future when all of us are gone there may be an ubermensch

>> No.22629130

he reevaluated his morals. he ignored peasant morality?

>> No.22629146

He was also a loser retard, so it matters not.

>> No.22629149
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>> No.22629181

not a very intellectual rebuttal

>> No.22629200

Epstein was not a very intellectual man. Nietzsche made a very meaningful transition from the Greeks to the Romans and only formed the overman concept after doing so. There's no Roman in Epstein, only Greek.

>> No.22629236

To elaborate, when I say "there's only Greek," I mean that Epstein did what he wanted — but that's only half of what makes the overman the overman. Yes, the overman does what he wants, "do what thou wilt," all of that, but the concept isn't only about this for Nietzsche. There was still the structured, hierarchical component of the overman, as a being SUPERIOR TO humans and apes, as a being that contained within itself the instincts of both humans and apes, but much more than both, more refined instincts overall. There's a strong disciplinary element to the overman's character which Nietzsche repeated over and over again in his later works, especially Twilight of the Idols, The Antichrist, and in his unpublished notes around that time.

>Of what is great one must either be silent or speak with greatness. With greatness—that means cynically and with innocence.

One should imagine a Caesar with that description. A great leader, a militant leader, who coldly surveys the battlefield, optimally selects a path forward, and then takes action. Such an individual is not merely Greek; you can't simply indulge yourself and party your ass off like a Greek if you want to become that.

>> No.22630627
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The Ubermensch is a new superior race to be created via eugenics. It is a misreading to say that you are supposed to transform yourself into an Ubermensch is a misreading. The point of the Ubermensch is to give humanity a new goal to replace union with God and other false religious hopes. Breeding a real godlike race will replace indulging in otherwordly fantasies.

Read this starting with "Nietzsche’s Philosophical Concept of Superhumans" on page 757 to get redpilled:

>> No.22630639


>> No.22630953
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>Andrew Tate (PBUH)
>Elon Musk (PBUH)
>Hunter Schafer (PBUH)

>> No.22631478

There are no living ubermensch.

>> No.22631849

The ubermensch is a man without flaw, without vices, only virtues, a perfect man, so by definition he does not exist. He is something to strive for.

>> No.22631857
File: 861 KB, 2166x2560, versailles-1st-version-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just Napoleon.

When are you people going to realize that all your supposedly brilliant philosophers and aesthetes of the 19th Century were doing nothing more than craving Napoleon's cock? Nietzsche, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, Kierkegaard, all their concepts and ideas can literally just be boiled down to, "Napoleon is cool as shit, how do I interpret this philosophically?".

This is why Carlyle and his Great Man Theory of History is the only rational thing to come out of the 19th Century, because Carlyle didn't bother wasting time with trying to sublimate Napoleon into some other idea or concept.

>> No.22631982

>10 years of rule
Truly, a genius

>> No.22631999

best answer ITT. Though a bit of a loose cannon, he's risen above his birth and circumstances and is at least heading in the direction of the overman, upwards and beyond. Does he have any kids? Are they following the upward trend? If not, he's failed.
Sadly, he's better than any white man I can think of. The ones who are great in some way always seem to have at least one failure point that would disqualify them from being the next step towards the overman. They always have some area where they're worse than their circumstances or degenerate some way and never raise their kids right.
I think raising your next generation right is the most neglected requirement for moving towards the overman. Why do even seemingly successful men not seem to give a shit about their progeny? Why don't they plan for the next generation? We should ideally be planning thousands of years in the future.
Epstein was based in that he was trying to make a super race by selectively breeding with the most beautiful and high IQ/academically successful girls he could find. Simply thinking about eugenic breeding put him head and shoulders above the mass of men.

>> No.22632000

based and dare I say it redpilled

>> No.22632005

What did Napoleon do to change Europe? All he did was larp as Charlemagne, and use Frederick the Great's military tactics on top of that.

>> No.22632017

Bibi, gorl!

>> No.22632037

>Hunter Schafer
Unironically has my respect. He was dealt the shit hand in life (being born a man) and turned that right around. It's something a Last Man couldn't have done.

>> No.22632042

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>> No.22632060
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Anybody could've done what Napoleon had done. If it wasn't Napoleon, then it would be somebody else that worked closely in his circle.. In the end it is about being lucky. Napoleon's legacy ultimately boils down to either being the equivalent of a male Madonna or the hero for progressive liberals that still see their fight against old superstitions like the church and aristocracy..

>> No.22632139


>> No.22632146


the ubermensch is the idea to better yourself and persist in a permanent state of creating an recreating yourself. it is a carrot on a stick in the most optimistic possible way, unreachable but must be pursued at all times.

this is entry level philosophy in high school btw.

>> No.22632187

How do people not get that the ubermensch is just the inversion of the Christian messiah. That's it really. It's just Nietzsche being an ironic edgelord, taking and inverting all the attributes of Christ.
Christ preached universal salvation, whereas the ubermensch is exclusive and exclusionary. Separate, above the world of men rather than like Christ who sacrificed himself for all men.
Christ values meekness, self-sacrifice, but the ubermensch by contrast seizes, attains by conquest.
It really is that simple. It's a representation of his anti-Christian and anti-egalitarian ideal.

>> No.22632213


And wow, this is what a cultist sounds like. Pop your little bubble, cultist. Just think of how weird you sound to anyone not in your specific cult.

>> No.22632219

A nigger can't be the overman. Impossible.

>> No.22632237


They actually can.

Each species can have their own form of overman. Cat, dog, bear, fish, hawk, all of them. And even trees and flowers can have one of their kind born that outshines all others.

>> No.22632433
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Nah Schopenhauer hated him, I think he said something like he was a retarded normalfag, but this one at least had the courage unlike the average cowardly normalfag.
The quote:
>Napoleon was not really worse than many, not to say most, men. He was possessed of the very ordinary egoism that seeks its welfare at the expense of others. What distinguished him was merely the greater power he had of satisfying his will, and greater intelligence, reason and courage; added to which, chance gave him a favourable scope for his operations. By means of all this he did for his egoism what a thousand other men would like to do for theirs, but cannot. Every feeble lad who by little acts of villainy gains a small advantage for himself by putting others to some disadvantage, although it may be equally small, is just as bad as Napoleon.
>Arthur Schopenhauer, On Human Nature

>> No.22633167

Not everything in the world is related to or referencing Jesus Christ. Even most nominal Christians barely think about him. Like the other anon said, please try looking outside your bubble.

>> No.22633176

Ubermensch makes his own rules and they are material and focused on life on earth.
I havnt seen him since Adolf Hitler or maybe Klaus Schwab and I don’t say that to be edgey.

Ubermensch isn’t necessarily liked

>> No.22633181

He’s not quite wrong and he’s closer to correct than you

>> No.22633191

The ubermensch is in the past. An old championic faculty, 'extreme expression of strength'.

>> No.22633200

>This 200 year old withered soft penis proves his dick was small
Dude was probably a grower is all. Justice for Napoleon.

>> No.22633222
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>> No.22633229

Um…Im gonna need a quick run down on that

>> No.22633236

British people are such dorks. You will notice that everyone who btfos them at some point gets labeled as a no nuts microdick.

>> No.22633435

So iirc the Ubermensch does not exist. He arises after the conditions are set for him to appear. The kinds of people who can create these conditions are people like ohhh idk, modern day is kinda hard to say. Maybe Elon Musk? Lame fuckin example, I know. But he is doing the space thing which is kind of Nietzschian.

>> No.22633450

Something less perfidious?

>> No.22633868

Non-responses. So you concede?

>> No.22633903

It’s just another heavenly ideal draped in the attire of this-worldliness and past on to autists with power fantasies.

>> No.22633927 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 4000x3000, Purushottam_Ramayana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Ubermensch is like the Purushottam (literally means the 'ultimate man') from Hindu philosophy. He is the embodiment of every virtue that brings him closer to the divinity within him, and farther away from his beastly side. And since he is pretty much perfection of human thought, mindset and behavior, I don't think there are any Ubermenschs in modern society.

>> No.22633929
File: 220 KB, 1092x2056, Purushottam_Ramayana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Ubermensch is like the Purushottam (literally means the 'ultimate man') from Hindu philosophy. He is the embodiment of every virtue that brings him closer to the divinity within him, and farther away from his beastly side. And since he is pretty much perfection of human thought, mindset and behavior, I don't think there are any Ubermenschs in modern society.

>> No.22633948

An Ubermensch is like the Purushottam (literally means the 'ultimate man') from Hindu philosophy. He is the embodiment of every virtue that brings him closer to the divinity within him, and farther away from his beastly side. And since he is pretty much perfection of human thought, mindset and behavior, I don't think there are any Ubermenschs in modern society.

>> No.22633959

Sirs it will not let me redeem the delete post

>> No.22633962

Son, did you just copy past my post?

>> No.22633987

An Ubermensch is like the Purushottam (literally means the 'ultimate man') from Hindu philosophy. He is the embodiment of every virtue that brings him closer to the divinity within him, and farther away from his beastly side. And since he is pretty much perfection of human thought, mindset and behavior, I don't think there are any Ubermenschs in modern society.

>> No.22633992

Mother bitch do not copy me or I will get top Indian hackers to track down and make Sukhdool Singh

>> No.22634010

Daniel Radcliffe, Justin Bieber, and that black kid from RoleModels. Y'know, the booby watcher.

>> No.22634038
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The people that are closest are those subsumed by values, arts, and technologies, but even with many generations of effort to render values unconscious (as nietzsche details in antichrist) there has been only marginal success. What we would call an ubermensch is likely 1,000s or 10,000s of years in the future, unless the process is shortcircuited by an ecstatic surplus or overproduction in one of the previously cited areas.

>> No.22634190

The ubermensch goes along with the concept of eternal return and is Nietzsches version of Jesus which is a symbol that people should strive to become. An ideal that you shoot your arrow and slowly over time humanity as a whole comes closer to achieving. With the ubermensch as a whole being a borderline mythological demigod who can create meaning and value on the same level of God.

>> No.22634420

George Santos, unironically

>> No.22634511

What a cute girlfriend

>> No.22634535

But he dies at the end.

>> No.22634626

superman vibes