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22628390 No.22628390 [Reply] [Original]

he is so cute

>> No.22628476
File: 1.14 MB, 1022x1280, nonFAT fantasy author .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Technically a book can take as long as it needs to. But if you have repeatedly given estimates to then go
>i AM working on it, o-okay?
Makes you a fat, contend, meandering, scheming, scamming, dining with whores, whoring your work to hackfrauds, feasting, consooming, blobbing, deceiving and BIBLICALLY FAT fat fuck.

Honestly, I don't know if I will read it if he does release it (like he releases his foul and acrid -being unable to fart for decades- sharts).

Meanwhile, thank god for Stephen Erikson's Malazan books, now on Deadhouse gates. 10 volumes in 12 years for the complete main series. Look at his lack of FAT!

>> No.22628577
File: 72 KB, 768x461, grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm. not very nice things to say.

>> No.22628586

>average lifespan of a male in Murika - 73 years
>GURM age: 75
Keep coping George is strong like a bvll, meanwhile Ericuckson looks like a cancer patient even though he's a decade younger

>> No.22628597

george please leave and finish the book

>> No.22628648
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Chad Architect vs Virgin Gardener

>> No.22628657

George R R Martin saw what happened when J K Rowling finished Harry Potter. She went from most famous author on earth, public readings, interviews, movie adaptations, to completely irrelevant. George knows when Game of Thrones is over it will be the same for him. No one will read his non-fantasy works, or whatever else he writed after Thrones. He will live off royalties and no one will pay any more attention to him. So George decided to procrastinate to hang onto his fame. It-s better to be hated as the guy who hasnt finished your favorite series, then to be liked as the guy who finished your favorite series and who cares what he's up to now? It makes perfect sense. So long as Thrones is unfinished he can keep getting side jobs like he did for Elden Ring. He's still relevant.

>> No.22628664


Winds and ADoS are properly both finished and he will do a David Bowie and release both just before his death.

>> No.22628808

“Slight update”
Yup still working on that book haha, I know it’s a bit late but definitely still writing, just keep your eye out for it, it’ll be around soon haha did I say that last year and the year before that and the year before that too? Oh. Well I’m still writing, busy busy bee here in my writinf cave. *loud slurping noises* Huh? Oh that’s just my… computer makes a lot of strange noises *chewing* it’s very loud in here by the computer *glasses clinking* what’s that? Oh the tv must be on. Anyway BUUURP just keep holding out for that
>would you like another slice of that cake sir
Yes, I would and give me another Pina Colada too will you? So anyway that’s my update for the year *farts* hope you wishlisted the book haha out any day now. Gotta get back to it. Byeee.

>> No.22629350
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>J K Rowling went from most famous author on earth to completely irrelevant.
Patently false. She has explicitly generated negative publicity by making MtFs seethe and still has movies and vidya of her franchise being relrased.
>when Game of Thrones is over
GoT IS over. We're talking about ASoIaF.
>he writed
It's "wrote"
>So George decided to procrastinate to hang onto his fame. It-s better to be hated as the guy who hasnt finished your favorite series, then to be liked as the guy who finished your favorite series and who cares what he's up to now?
You may be underage, but Grum isn't. He should know better by the age of 20, like, your work is what you'll be judged on, not tweeny liked/hated public drama. He's not calculating his popularity in the last leg of his FAT life. He didn't have it in him to finish it. So be it, he gave up, my problem is with his estimates and pushing the date bullshittery. He stopped caring at all.
>It makes perfect sense. So long as Thrones is unfinished he can keep getting side jobs like he did for Elden Ring. He's still relevant.
I'll just leave this as is, too funny.

>> No.22630389

I have believed this for some time, except after his death. I don't think he wants to see negative reactions to the ending. For now he is still beloved by fans that think he is going to save the ending to the series that the show screwed up.

>> No.22630995
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>> No.22632358

This is gigacope because Winds wouldn't even come close to concluding anything so there's no reason to hold back releasing it.

>> No.22633526

Winds will come out, but he'll die before ever releasing dream of spring.