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22627930 No.22627930 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the Judge is just lashing out because he’s bald? Shit really ruins one’s confidence

>> No.22627981

Able killed the albino, Juan Reyes

why did Judge change his name from Reyes ?

>> No.22627999

Maybe because he wanted to be white, like most Mexicans

>> No.22628008

>who is the Rock
>who is Bull Burr
>who is Joe Rogan

>> No.22628015

The Rock is half black, black guy bald doesn’t count. MJ and Captain Sisko as prime examples.

Bill Burr is an unfunny comedian who peaked in the 2000’s and his routine has just been bitching ever since. I command you at attempt two seasons of F Is For Family

Joe Rogan is a retired MMA fighter with a shitty “lol so randum” podcast where he talks like a retard to Ecelebs.

>> No.22628017

OK, /pol/

"be white "
List examples of "be white" ?

>> No.22628029

What book are you reading ?

What book did you read before ?

What book are you going to read next ?

>> No.22628030

>who is Vin Diesel

>> No.22628035

Dickhead just talk about the book, Blood Meridian is a psych-horror/western classic and you inserting bullshit 4chan politics into this thread is a disrespect to the themes and cultural significance found within.

When I say the Judge wants to be white I’m not joking. That explains the white paint, that explains his open racism, and that explains pretty much his entire narcissistic ideology.

>> No.22628043

So "white " = paint, open racism and narcissistic ideology ?

Got it
Thanks, budbro

Le cultural significance...based, JUCO intellectual warrior.

>> No.22628044

These niggas fr got mad at this.

>> No.22628054

So ?

Your not currently reading a book ?
and you don't want to let the thread know
what you read last ?
Or what you'll read next ?

No ones Mad, brodog. Just asking.

>> No.22628062

Check out this smart guy. Jejejejgx44t8e

>> No.22628068

One second, got to call Israel to let them know their bot is malfunctioning. Ever since that deal with the Hamas it seems like the quality of their posters has really died down.

>> No.22628069

Harry Potter

>> No.22628073

The Sport Page

>> No.22628082

The Legend of Greg

>> No.22628091

Hahahaha, ya , huh , ya books haha ya

>> No.22628121

Why does everyone remember the bald part but never the part where he's grotesquely fat or the part where he looks like a giant baby

>> No.22628122

Okay, this was kind of funny at first, but the poster count isn't going up, so this is just a full on mental breakdown, probably by the Blood Meridian schizo considering it began when >>22628035 made an actually interesting observation of the Judge's character.

>> No.22628125

It’s telling that you don’t know who Vin Diesel is.

>> No.22628138

Vin Diesel = bald is sexy

>> No.22628142

The moral of Blood Meridian is that finasteride could've saved the wild west.

>> No.22628153
File: 58 KB, 1200x628, IMG_5346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dom : I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free.
>Dom : You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?
>Extra : You Tell him Dominic. Get out of here
>Dom : Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried.
[closes bonnet of car]
>Dom : Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.
[Crowd cheers in agreement]

>> No.22629088

I am almost sure Vin Diesel will be cast as Holden. Then they'll sell all BM copies with Vin Diesel on the cover. Can't wait to get mine.

>> No.22629196
File: 140 KB, 1500x1500, R (3) (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those guys sound pissed off

Well, except the rock once he got that adrenochrome Hollywood money

>> No.22629256

Was McCarthy a closeted Gnostic? He seems so absurdly materialistic but sometimes he gives these little immanations he is Deistic.

>> No.22629589

You´re reading too much into it. It is written for movies, the big swag, that moola shit, late McCarthy is all about the loot, da bling, get a hold of yourself

>> No.22630598

>"white", actually mexican
>high IQ
>eternal chaos
is judge holden the quintessential 4channer archetype?
he's a Freemason.

>> No.22630734
File: 572 KB, 563x505, rogan_short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they cast Diesel when the obvious choice is right there?

>> No.22631471

Be butthurt somewhere else, retard.