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22621886 No.22621886 [Reply] [Original]

Where did it all go wrong for New Atheism?

>> No.22621895

atheism is pretty much acceptable now in the west while Christianity is demonize so there really isn't a use for militant atheists. they were successful at bring atheism to the forefront

>> No.22621900
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>Where did it all go wrong
Only 5% of Brits got to church regularly. If it wasn't for immigrants it would be 2%.

Where did it all go right more like!

>> No.22621904


The seeds of new atheism are rooted in the West’s abandonment of philosophical education in order to turn out more STEM bugmen

>> No.22621907
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Much of them crashed and burned, turning into sychophants to political party ideology and revealing their demoralize selves (de-moral, morals removed (and replaced with #NewThing at #CurrentYear time)).

>> No.22622453

Why are 90% of 2000s and 10s Atheists either trannies or tranny chasers now tho?

>> No.22622458

statistically false

>> No.22622476

There are still pockets of lunatic christian fanatics like the Southern US, they didn't go away just because of wokeism being louder

>> No.22622484

Remember when atheism was about skeptism and the internet sceptics were explicitly anti tranny before the jews at silicone valley decided such content won't do

>> No.22622497

It's almost like they're afraid that atheists would of exposed the zionism of American jesus freaks so they shut it down before they could

>> No.22622501

2000s was a kind of repeat of nuclear age where tons of hopes and dreams rode on scientific age and the wonders of the future. None of these hopes materialized because instead of flying cars and portals and hyperspace drive we got trannies, immigrants, and black Ivy League students, the standards of life didn't rise, the costs of living exploded, the sex revolution destroyed any hope for an average guy to have a normal life, and culture war is on tv 24/7.

>> No.22622512

The only common belief in atheism is that there is no God/s. If that isn't the topic of conversation then there isn't really much else to glue them together as a group. Most of them value the contributions of science, but that isn't always a given, some of them discuss the origins of morals, but this also isn't a given. The practice of herding cats comes to mind.

>> No.22622525

>we got trannies, immigrants, and black Ivy League students
Thanks to ultra-liberal christians allowing them in because "it's what Jesus would do"
>the standards of life didn't rise
Thanks to the christian right
>the costs of living exploded
Thanks to christian right warmongers
>the sex revolution destroyed any hope for an average guy to have a normal life
That already happened in the 1960s with the invention of ((((((the pill))))))
>and culture war is on tv 24/7.
Started as the christan right culture war
(is. Happy Holidays vs Merry Christmas, the anti violent videogame crusade, etc...)

>> No.22622547

The schism.
Quick recap; after winning the legal battle against creationism-intelligent design in Dover and spending a lot of time slapping online creationism around there was a moment where someone realized Christianity might not be the biggest religious problem in the world and looked at Islam. Notably Sam Harris applied the same logic and arguments used about the negative influence of christfags to muslims. Despite being a raging lefty fag he endorsed a couple of right of center points like how waterboarding might be justified. Hitchens was also more critical of Islam. Other voices like Ayaan Hirsi Ali spoke out on female genital mutilation adjacent to this.
This caused the schism where about half of online atheism discovered they weren’t actually against religious excess as much as they were leftists who hated Christianity in particular. They started defending Islam, as a religion. Understandably this caused further confusion and shitting of pants as the other half of atheism started to realize their “ideological allies” were suddenly leftist islamists. The lefties immediately start screaming about nazism and Hitler to anyone who thinks Islam is bad or even just wrong. More and more discord ensues. Even the stars of new atheism split up over this. Dawkins refused to say shit because he didn’t want to be beheaded. Harris got pushed toward right wing outlets. Hitch was always somewhere in the center. The rest of them were pretty much all lefty twats first and foremost and began the purity spiral we’ve seen happen in multiple niches since.
I’m not sure if this was one of the first crazy proto-wokester takeovers but it has to be one of the first big ones. Followed the script we now know in full.

>> No.22622633

>Despite being a raging lefty fag he endorsed a couple of right of center points like how waterboarding might be justified
Harris literally talked about a preemptive nuclear strike on Islam being a valid course of action in response to martyrdom negating any potential for a cold-war like MAD scenario.

>> No.22622701
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honestly no
transgenderism was a nothingburger only talked about in /b/ trap threads and other obscure corners of the internet like tranchan
it wasn't until the right realized they needed a new minority group to shit on because hating blacks and gays was no longer a viable strategy
and in supreme irony the increased coverage of transgender issues by the right has now normalized them

>> No.22622759 [DELETED] 
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What turned you off militant atheism? For me, it was picrelated. Watching Bill Maher walk around smugkikedly and make fun of random rednecks while giving the camera Office-like smirks made me feel disgusted and I started wondering if I'm not the one, in fact, who's being cringe. (p.s. I'm not religious at the moment)

>> No.22622775

I miss him

>> No.22622786

>Bill Maher walk around smugkikedly and make fun of random rednecks
That sounds pretty based to me, s**thron white trash need to be reminded of their place as serfs/tax slaves and that they lost their little chimpout 158 years ago.

>> No.22622792

I share your opinion. As all modern/contemporary social movements, it started by hiding under a veil, in order to gain ground, adepts. In atheism's case, when the veil was ripped off, the world saw them for what they truly were - anti Christians. Then everything fell into place, piece by piece and their debunking started with pin-point accuracy focus (see for example the debunk of God delusion by that catholic priest I think it was? can't grasp his name right now, saw it first time alongside his book on this board).
When they tried to go on the defense and target other religions they got btfo monumentally either agreeing with them and being labeled WORLD WAR TWO MODERN PRUSSIAN WARRIOR or just being put in place by representatives on those religions. Then they either died or got cancelled. Everything that's left now are a bunch of old men silently screaming after they use backspace more times that a whore fucked during her life, when trying to post any comment anywhere.
The fedora faggots didn't help either, on the contrary.

>> No.22622836

I've been a fedorafag for most of my life and still dont believe trannies are real women thoughbeit.
This is a dumbass argument anyway. Does the clergy having pedophiles make you a pedophile? I doubt it.

>> No.22622863

its hilarious to me that leftist scum have to resort to using our words because their side is so utterly unfun and low energy

>> No.22622881
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Why do trannies and their simps run with this narrative that transgenderism only entered the mainstream consciousness because of Conservative bashing and not because of leftist-infested academia pushing gender-theory "research" for like 6 decades and gradually infecting universities and niche corners of the internet with their cancer, which gradually infected popular media, which is gradually infecting the rest of the world?

>> No.22622884

it's almost like every word they use has a completely different definition

>> No.22622888

False outside your limited view of the world

>> No.22622891

It just needs fresh air, needs to be more properly integrated with its Nietzschean roots.

>> No.22622892
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>> No.22622893


>> No.22622900

>hating white niggers is "leftist"
White trash use the most welfare
White trash make up the majority of White criminals and whites in prison
White trash are religious zealots just like niggers
White trash are obese just like niggers
White trash make shitty music that talks about getting drunk and cheating on your wife
White trash are MORE addicted to meth than niggers to crack

>> No.22622911

>admits it was a relatively obscure until it was picked up as a useful tool for popular media agitprop grifts
ok anon

>> No.22622923

What you're saying I'm admitting to and what the post I responded to were saying are not the same things.

>> No.22622931


Because transgender people as a demographic don't want to be noticed. They want to "pass" and be invisible entirely. Anyone in those days who was "talking" about being transgender was probably not actually transgender, and they were just talking about the politics of freedom instead. Transgender people often kept silent, at least until raids and government oppression became more tyrannical.

They don't want to be noticed, because they would just be bullied by Christians. Adult bullying. Due to the intense bullying and hatred of innocent people that the internet could bring to light, the fact that they even have to live that way at all made people angry, and when we looked at who the meanest, nastiest bullies were, it just happened to be Christians.

Jesus wept. I think Christians have it all wrong. I bet it really is good deeds, love, and kindness that get you to heaven. I bet merely believing as a path to salvation is probably a total lie, and a lot of Christians are gonna be turned away at the gates of Heaven.
> Jesus: "Yeah, we don't want your kind in here."
>Outraged Christian: "MY kind? I'm a Christian and that makes me saved! You HAVE to love me! LET ME IN!"
>Jesus: "No, you're a sadistic bully with a black heart. You will need about twenty-thousand years in purgatory before you're cleansed. You said a lot of really evil things on the internet. Did you think I didn't notice? Did you think it didn't matter?"

>> No.22622938

There's no hate like Christian love.

>> No.22622940

>Does the clergy having pedophiles make you a pedophile?
If it's a highly disproportionate amount of the demographic, then to a degree, yeah. You wouldn't be a pedophile per se, but if like 15 to 20% of priests actually were then that would make you pedo-friendly at least pedo-adjacent in the eyes of others. Most black men don't actually commit violent crimes, but that doesn't stop people from locking their doors when a black dude walks past their car at night, because high enough amount of black men DO commit violent crimes for it to become a trait that's tacitly affiliated with their demographic.

>> No.22622941
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What happened with New Atheism? I'm going to say decisive victory.

>> No.22622945

>Because transgender people as a demographic don't want to be noticed.

>> No.22622950

lmao even

>> No.22622954

>be me circa 2015, left of center
>I Am Jazz premiers
>this cannot be real
>holy shit it’s real
>holy fuck people are promoting genital mutilation of young boys
>people that share my shock and horror are now considered bigots
>my genuine concern for the welfare of this child is now labeled bigotry
no republican boogeyman required, I need only look out my window and observe

>> No.22622955

While it's true people are economically worse off now than in 2000, there has actually been a technological EXPLOSION in terms of computers, automation, and AI. There actually was the advances that were hoped for, but since they all streamline, replace, and all around decimate labor and jobs, everyone who makes their living from working is worse off economically. We live in the age of cheap electronic thrills and sugar highs, but owning property is out of the question for the majority of the populace. It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.

>> No.22622956


You talk about it "infecting" or it being "cancer," but in effect, you are simply against the American Constitution taking its true form. The actual effects of these ideas being discussed in universities only results in more freedom.

If you actually want people oppressed, silenced, and under control, then you should be the one who is oppressed, silenced, and under control.
If you want to demand how people live their lives, then I should demand how you live your life. I don't care much about "gender-theory," because I'm rather scientific and focus more on physics, chemistry, and computers, but if you want to play a game where you spit upon freedom, which apparently "gender-theory" leads to, then I should spit upon your freedom and everything you wish to do to others, everything that you want done to them, every amount of control you want, should be applied to you double. You are dangerous and malicious as evidenced by how you write your words, and talking about different ideas as "infection" or "cancer," as if somehow the fact that they convince people, makes them bad. People are convinced not of any one idea in totality, but instead to take the best parts out of a big, complex idea, and discard the things that seem silly or go too far.

And this time, you're going too far.
What you want to do to others is what should happen to you.

>> No.22622962
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>literally describes a core component to audience capture and political rhetoric using obscure minorities as pawns
proud of you anon

>> No.22622963

Dawkins has been anti-Islam very vocally and even compared woke feminists to violent jihadists.

>> No.22622984
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Here's Pew Research from 2021, the actual numbers are higher than those trend lines lol

>> No.22623009

It was the first time I witnessed an effective demoralization campaign unrolling before my eyes. The absurdity, the wanton abuse of that poor child, and its subsequent promotion as healthy and normal, incites anger inside me to this day

>> No.22623013
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Projections like this are retarded for multiple reasons. One of which being is that don't factor things like the fact that religious people have way more kids than non-religious people and also make sure their kids are more active with their faith. A weakness of atheism is that it is naturally dysgenic in that it discourages people from having children while religion not only encourages children, it's borderline mandatory in certain doctrines.

We'll see how the religious vs non-affiliated rate hold up against each other in a few decades from now. I honestly really doubt that half of America is going to be atheistic by 2060. That's just cope.

>> No.22623036

So far the numbers are actually higher than that projection. As far as children go, as information becomes more ubiquitous and young people come into contact with all religions and people with no religions, I suspect the "specialness" of their parents religion with become somewhat muted, it's hard to argue against the fact that every child born into a religious family is brought up in the religion and is taught from a young age that their family's religion is the one true and correct religion. This is the case for most religions! Thus it cannot be a sound foundation alone, and as soon as you dispense with that, the young person must survey all religions on equal footing, which leads to the conclusion that they are all curiously uniform, that they carry the hall marks of being man made. Thus they are much more likely to be non-religious or simply spiritual without the trappings of a formal religion.

>> No.22623045

Also, I'd like to see the rates of teen pregnancy, because last time I looked, highly religious areas have much higher rates of teen pregnancy (presumably due to the lack of contraceptives for young people and also the lack of proper education on avoiding pregnancy until desired). Are teen mothers likely to instill religious values into their children? I'm curious the impact this dynamic would have.

>> No.22623047
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Christianity was outgrown. While many of its injuctions were moral and correct it ceased to offer a reason why people should follow them beyond vague abstractions. Further, repeated child-sex scandals rocked every major church and Abrahamic religion to the point where it is now a popular trope.

Christians will rant and rave about how its other things, but at the ground level, this is what began everything. Also jews were permitted back in to society post WW2.

>> No.22623049
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all cults have been commodified under the true god of capital

>> No.22623062
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>simply spiritual without the trappings of a formal religion
Loud and proud. The Holy Party is thy savior, Awomxn.

Jordan Peterson had sold out lectures on the Old Testiment, repeat showings, doing global tours now. Dawkins needs Sam and an all star cast to compete.

>> No.22623071

>Is shown cold hard data by one of the most respected research organizations in existence
There are many religious people who view Peterson as an atheist because he refuses to answer whether he believes in God lol

>> No.22623075

>That's just cope.

>> No.22623108

Your data is ireelevent, as someone that is adept in statistical anaysis and travels the world studying cutures, religions, politics and genetics...I dont fucking care what dip shits put into a meme to project an idea.

My data is more robust and valid. Peterson is an example for YOU to understand the idea I am making.

>one of the most respected research organizations in existence
Fukken exactly, I found your priest....YOUR DEMI-GOD. Dont care, at all...I would thrash them. Every institution, acedemia, agency, bureau, I find rife with poltical pollution.

They find good faces with long careers to "state it on the lie" knowing by the time everyine figures it out they'll retire. Ive seen that dozens of times in the last few years. Burning reputstions to win midterms.

>There are many religious people who view Peterson as an atheist
I could invoke the authority of Vicar of Christ and call for the removal of the Pope as a heretic, whats your point?

>he refuses to answer whether he believes in God
Its not a simple answer and you expecting a yes/nonshowd you dont know enough to know how little you know, its both, and that isnt something people can understand. They want easy bibary yes or no, is or isnt...the idea that youre trying to measure for was isnt in reality but what is in reality is beyond your ability to measure.

>> No.22623118

>muh "religious people have more kids" idiocy
What's stopping little Timmy from becoming an atheist later in life after he sees his white trash dad who believes the world is 6000 years old, flat, and was created in 6 literal days shoot up meth?

>> No.22623121

look at all that frenzied cope religiousfags need

>> No.22623123

>"My data is more robust and valid."
>Doesn't share it
If you're being obtuse on purpose, good job

>> No.22623128

At the beginning, by being atheism.
Being acceptable doesn't mean it's right. Liberal democracy is the status quo now, it's accepted, and it's absolute shit.

>> No.22623137

i cant take you seriously after seeing your atrocious shotgun setup

>> No.22623139

>Liberal democracy is the status quo now, it's accepted, and it's absolute shit.
t. Pampered first worlder who has never lived under a dictator

>> No.22623143

Yes, if only we lived in a country with government with an explicit religious mandate... like all the shithole countries around the world.

>> No.22623157
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>> No.22623186

You got it the other way around tranny. It wasn't until the left needed another minority group since gay marriage was becoming legal that trannies came to the forefront. And now they're in everything because trannies thrive on attention.

>> No.22623195

Nothing went wrong, it just became redundant after the Bush years. Evangelicalism is nowhere near the same political force that it was back in the early to mid 00s and the new challengers of the liberal status quo, the chuds are not really religious, which is why lefty rhetoric shifted to playing out a neo-weimar rather than keeping on owning le fundies epic style. Also the lefty scene just radicalized way beyond their positions, new atheism is a relic of the 00s that could not be integrated into the culture wars of the current years. Just like chuds don't really care for the hopelessly toothless liberal conservatism of the post-WW2 years.

>> No.22623214


>Door-to-door missionaries
>Church on every street-corner
>Christians on every forum trying to sell their religion
>Children are groomed from birth into Christianity
>And genitally mutilated by Christianity/Islam/Judaism in the form of circumcision
>Evangelicalism literally exists
>Christian lobbyists exist to push their religious laws on everyone
>"Wahhhhh troons just want attention, no, everyone look at ME instead! jesus jesus I hate every demographic except mine, everyone look at me! stop looking at the troons wahhhh I want attention again! god is real and you'll go to hell if you don't do as I want!"

>> No.22623216
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>lie by LARPing a smug victory
CHECKMATE. You supplant your ego onto me as the strawman you can defeat...because you see me as invincible and you as feeble, attack the mirror...the only thing you truly hate.

>Doesn't share it
Do the honework, find it, extrapolate the data from the source.
Youre expecting spoon feeding...its on your desk, why cant you see it?
>being obtuse
Youre obtused. Fix your perspective to reality.
t.Professor of Theology and Methematics

Literally tactically sound and superior to anything you have, it was balanced at near center...whatever you have it trash and you know it...God, out of all fo my gun that is the one I liked the most, the cheapest one, crap optic but everything else was tight, ready to do. That bandoleer, every type of round for every situation. Hot damn, that autistic multitool is the shit.

Youre not tactician, you have not mastered ground.

>> No.22623232

> You supplant your ego onto me as the strawman you can defeat...because you see me as invincible and you as feeble, attack the mirror...the only thing you truly hate.
weapons grade copium

>> No.22623235

> Because transgender people as a demographic don't want to be noticed.
Some of the best bait I've ever seen. Have (you).

>> No.22623237

But, Anon, in the US you do....YOU DO.

>Papal infallability.
>Heresy laws.
>Minority persecutions.
>Enforced through violence.
You do...you just cant see it because youre a member of the "Obviously its just RIGHT cult."

t.Cultist, PhD (Psychology & Cognition)

>> No.22623244
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Damnit, forgot the pic, its important.

>weapons grade copium

>> No.22623245

Your reddit spacing gives you away tranny. Christians have to manually go door to door while trannies inject themselves into every piece of media and whine about on twitter 24/7. At least you're a self solving problem when you kill yourself or mutilate yourself while normals will keep reproducing.

>> No.22623248 [DELETED] 

Oh, no, not a dictator!
Maybe examine first why the shithole countries around the world are shitholes in the first place, anon. One step at a time, you'll figure it out.

>> No.22623256

>Christians have to manually go door to door
Yeah, and at best they get told to fuck off. At worst they get a gun in their face. Proselytizing doesn't work among a first world educated populace, this isn't Africa.

>> No.22623258 [DELETED] 

I dislike liberal democracies, therefore I want a dictator. Flawless logic there, anon.
Maybe examine first why those countries are shitholes in the firs time. One step at a time, you'll figure it out. It's not because of religion, by the way.

>> No.22623260

okay this is going to around and around and around and make no progress whatsoever (like religion itself) so I'll let you reply to this last one if you want and we'll both move on


>> No.22623263

I saw your original post
You can't fool me

>> No.22623267

Too bad you can't tell the tranny psyop to fuck off from the media.

>> No.22623272

Lol just turn off the TV nigga

>> No.22623274
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I think the New Atheism thing was more of a collapse of Mainline and Evangelical Protestantism, and that rot began in the 1960s. The New Atheists just knocked over what was already a teetering structure. Catholicism and Charismarics in particular haven't been hit nearly as bad. Catholics are going to be the largeat group of Christians in the United States in a decade or two which is wild to think about.

I'm not an atheist but I do feel bad for how quickly they got dropped. For all the work they did spearheading atheism they didn't get much to show for it.

>> No.22623277

You got btfo that bad huh?

>> No.22623290
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>this is going to around and around and around and make no progress whatsoever
Yep. Memebr of a Cult you didnt even know you were inducted in.

You were softly inducted over the course of your lifetime, it was known where you would be before you were born, its been in the works your entire life...you simply think of it as your personal discovery...but its been waiting for you.

Youre surrounded by cults, its what CULTure is made of, you are just so used to them you think its a "them not me" thing because of the idea that being in a cult is a negative in your mind, you were trained to think this way.

>> No.22623306

I mean if he’s a christcuck that’s one thing, but I don’t think it’s fair to call all religious people members of a cult, though it it’s right in the edge.

>> No.22623308

>how quickly they got dropped
I was even a fan of them many years ago, even Sam, I was young but open minded. Rational, logical, science based, but new information arrived and they couldnt accept changing course (Pride, Ego, Arrogance of being in a position of Authority.)

Even when I was a hyper-pure-atheist I still visited a church a number of times for service, I enjoyed it. Community, solemness, mystery, zeal. I didnt understand all of it but the people were nice and it was a family place, I came from ghettos and bad areas.

>> No.22623345


>> No.22623351

Take your meds

>> No.22623356

Nah, he is in a different cult, but I do call all of them cults.
"Wherever two or three people gather...a cult is formed."
Cults and cults and cults.

>> No.22623370
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The ultimate "I consneed."
Damn right, you do....

Do not test my faith, good sir!

>> No.22623384

>hanks to ultra-liberal christians allowing them i
yeah faggot im sure conservatives are known for their support of border dissolution
>Thanks to the christian right
due to the above
>Thanks to christian right warmongers
>Started as the christan right culture war
none of that made life worse for people nearly to the extent that land acknowledgements and trannoid acceptance degrade the human spirit and DIE initiatives are literally dysgenic

TLDR leftist cope

>> No.22623407

nothing went wrong, it's the de-facto position of the West nowadays. as someone who fell down that rabbit hole when i was twelve years old it made me realize these same people with their apparent critical thinking skills would be like any other person at any given time in history, there's zero originality amongst those people in that picture. i'm not saying that atheism is somehow wrong, but that their arguments are ultimately trite.

this whole thing was a patriot act war on terror era psyop; a psyop just like everything propped up online since.

>> No.22623408

> I came from ghettos and bad areas.
I can tell. You're a namefag.

>> No.22623411
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>I can tell.
Your Cult: trash.
My Cult: meta-reality.

>> No.22623566

Now show me a graph of education and average intelligence levels per state

>> No.22623574
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>It's almost like they're afraid that atheists would of exposed the zionism of American jesus freaks
The hell are you talking about? Hitchens was a hardcore zionist. Harris and Krauss were jews. Atheism as a movement is dominated by jewish figureheads with the singular objective of undermining western Christian culture, and it's been this way since Heinreich Heine.
Even lesser atheist bloggers were defending jews in the 2010s.
>Remember when atheism was about skeptism and the internet sceptics were explicitly anti tranny before the jews at silicone valley decided such content won't do
lol, no. Even the "based, right wing" libertarian atheists like Penn Jillette and Adam Carolla were fag-enablers back in the 2000s.

>> No.22623583
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>wrongly agreed

>> No.22623584
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>> No.22623597

>Evangelicalism is nowhere near the same political force that it was back in the early to mid 00s
Debatable. Trump owes a lot of his popularity to Evangelical backing.
>and the new challengers of the liberal status quo, the chuds are not really religious,
All the chuds who actually threaten the liberal status quo are religious. Non-religious chuds are too busy simping for gay jews like BAP to be of any consequence.
>which is why lefty rhetoric shifted to playing out a neo-weimar rather than keeping on owning le fundies epic style.
They were pusing weimar shit with fag marriage back in 2003 at least. The narrative has consistently about how the evil evangelicals want to round up and murder the poor defenseless queers.

>> No.22623602
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>Christian fanatics" are the only reason this county hasn't totally collapsed yet.

>> No.22623609
File: 242 KB, 718x524, 2023-10-21_07.18.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Practicing Christian, religiously Atheist.
HEY....she's trying, ok?!


>> No.22623616

Haven't watched the vidoe but looks like she went to Dawkins rout of being a "cultural Christian" because atheism creates a cultural void.

>> No.22623627

atheists just don't have children it is a genetic dead end ideology

>> No.22623629

and despite all that, it's still much, much safer to live around poor whites than poor niggers

>> No.22623641 [DELETED] 

>Attention seeker seeks attention
Imagine my SHOCK

>> No.22623678

>Implying New Atheism had anything to do with that

>> No.22623750
File: 13 KB, 220x275, Richard_Dawkins_Cooper_Union_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I think there are always paths not taken but if a different path is taken, I think there is a magnetic pull. There is a sort of something that pulls you back to the pathway having taken a fork in the road."

This nigga Dawkins is gonna convert before 2030. Somebody screenshot this comment because it's going to happen.

>> No.22623766

cant imagine a life outside of your cult huh?

>> No.22623774
File: 300 KB, 719x602, 2023-06-11_18.26.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think there is a magnetic pull.
Cheeky bastard...he thinks this is a fucking game...toying with me like this.

Youre not coy, Dawkins! This isnt cute anymore!

>> No.22623837

Of course evangelicals would remain the core demographic of republicans but it is absolutely not debatable that their political zenith is past them.

Your point about religious chuds, however, is very debatable. The tradcath renaissance is also a thing of the past, especially since Francis has been pursuing an increasingly modernist policy. All the chuddish figures that reached the mainstream like Spengler, Mishima, Jünger, etc. are secular in character rather than promoting ultramontanist catholic thought, nobody cares about sedevacantist catholics either. Whether neopagans will manage to break through as well is still yet to be seen as of now, however.

I think you misunderstood what I meant by neo-weimar. I didn't mean libs apologizing for the weimar period, they have been doing that since forever, but that in its fundamental character the narrative of the current culture wars is a lot more of a radical right vs. radical left kind of narrative than a religious vs. secular one. Especially considering that outside of the USA the christian mainstream has without a doubt decided to bet on the libs rather than the chuds in this conflict, pro-chud christians are a tiny minority in contrast to the majority that is pro-immigration, pro-homosexual, pro-feminist and pro-female priests, etc.

>> No.22623840

Jewish psyop that’s already dialing outside of Ipa drinking fat millneials

>> No.22623844

Yeah man life has never been better in the Uk

>> No.22623845

Well that would be strange seeing as a significant proportion of atheists from back then are now right wing conservatives or trad christian larpers

>> No.22623846

Really I think people on 4chan have a very distorted view of how the secular public and church-going catholics see Francis. To them he's the long-awaited Peter the Great of the church who will drag the church into modernity no matter the cost or no matter how much traditionalists will kick and cry and scream about his policies, he is not controversial in the slightest bit among either libs or church-going catholics, he's the most popular pope since John Paul II, if anything.

>> No.22623850

It's funny because Richard Dawkins has been saying cultural christian shit for a very long time now yet people seem to have just missed that for some strange reason?

>> No.22623855
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Catholicism being unaffected shows how political it was. A Jewish championed movement aimed at right wing Christianity

>> No.22623868
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>it is absolutely not debatable that their political zenith is past them.
Is it? They're the ones keeping Trump in the running, and the news media is always fretting about "Christian nationalists".
>The tradcath renaissance is also a thing of the past, especially since Francis has been pursuing an increasingly modernist policy.
And thanks to that there's a sedevacantist and SSPX boom., which is certainly more of a threat than BAP or whatever other gay gay happens to be in vogue with a certain crowd right now.
> All the chuddish figures that reached the mainstream like Spengler, Mishima, Jünger, etc. are secular in character
Yeah, that's why they're allowed to reach the mainstream. Some slanty-eyed fruit and a crypto-jew like Spengler who fetishize eastern mysticism like the CIA has been doing since the 60s aren't threats to the system.
the narrative of the current culture wars is a lot more of a radical right vs. radical left kind of narrative than a religious vs. secular one.
The secular narrative is part of the "progressive" package. Did you miss all the hand-wringing about Russia and Hungary representing a threat to secular European democracy?
>pro-chud christians are a tiny minority in contrast to the majority that is pro-immigration, pro-homosexual, pro-feminist and pro-female priests, etc.
Are you actually fucking stupid?
>To them he's the long-awaited Peter the Great of the church who will drag the church into modernity no matter the cost or no matter how much traditionalists will kick and cry and scream about his policies
Every single "church-going Catholic" I interact with thinks Francis is either an idiot or an anti-pope. The only "catholics" who like him are non-practicing liberal columnists.

>> No.22623870

He’s already converted privately. Hsi comments are all coherent when you see he realizes the terrible blowback and destruction his movement caused his country and Europe and in a way his own love of science.

Relgiious tolerance and secularism just opened the doors for thirdies to get in and shit all over European cukture.

He knows it. He was stuck in the 60s fighting his gran and now he’s got Muhammad on very street corner in London instead of a secular science land

>> No.22623873
File: 94 KB, 582x356, gaytheism3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God isn't real
>And neither is gender.

>> No.22623879

the movement collapsed. half became troons, the other half are blogging about genetics and IQ now

>> No.22623889

Do you follow at all what catholicism or lutheranism is like in Germany, or what the Church of England is like? Chuddy christianity is not mainstream at all and at this point christians are practically indistinguishable from libs in terms of politics.

>> No.22623891

nothing that weren't already wrong with old atheism

>> No.22623897
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Found your problem. But even there the bulk of church-goers are more politically conservative than the general population.

>> No.22623998

I’d just say it’s a historical fact the church’s were infiltrated by Marxists in the 70s and the Protestant church’s were easy to break down and the Catholic chrich was harder.
What will these institutions be like post boomer leadership?

Look at Russia. 69% Christian up 10% in a decade

>> No.22624133

If you're without God, vodka, or both in Russia right now, suicide is the only real alternative, so the increase in piety is unsurprising.

>> No.22624144

Unfortunately, atheism is only less popular than it was 10 or 20 years ago because it’s been supplanted by ridiculous new age delusions and fantasies and not by traditional religion. That said, thinking people have obviously realized that emperor has no clothes because new atheism was always based on ignorance.

>> No.22624145

The Russian Orthodox Church is boosted by the Russian state.

Takeaway: most people are sheep, for worse or for better.

>> No.22624152


It was a grift

>> No.22624174
File: 47 KB, 800x559, GJWZVK6NGYFUPVFEUP3RN47XBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt just lose a friend that day...I gained an enemy.

>> No.22624727
File: 29 KB, 373x521, 1685258770582214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An enemy that numbers time in millennia with a cultural basis that goes back to preliterate man and symbolism rooted in primordial hominids appears!
>[(You)--Choose your fighter]!
a) Richard Dawkins: rat-faced evolutionary biologist who popularized the word meme (secret weapon: Scientism; weakness: Kafka)
b) Sam Harris: midwit who solved the problem of induction (secret weapon: meditation; weakness: complex thought)
c) Christopher Hitchens: reformed commie/former fag with great talent for rhetoric (secret weapon: alcoholic snark (aka Hitchslap); weakness: Neoconservatism)
d) Daniel Dennett: Saturday morning philosopher (secret weapon: midwit empowerment (aka Reddit); weakness: phenomenology)
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy isn't 4 and is unimpressed you don't believe in Santa. Attack is ineffective.]
[Counter attack: nuance. Even myth is meaningful in a way not reducible to materialism. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: SCIENCE THOUGH!
[Counter attack: nuance. Enemy brings up the history of science and its complex relationship and continuing interplay with religion. Attack is ineffective.]
>(You) choose: FEDORA TIP!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>(You) choose: NO YOU!
[Counter attack: enemy is laughing.]
>[(You) have fainted.]

>> No.22624924

that one reddit comment destroyed all atheist movements for next 100 years at the very least

>> No.22625050

How do you explain contemporary western atheism if it was a Christian hegemony for centuries only some 30 years ago?
>atheists are just edgy kids rebelling against mom
>also religion is an inherited trait
This falls apart if you only think about it for more than 15 seconds.

>> No.22625060

Tbh I wouldnt go to church either if I was raised to associate christianity to anglicanism (which is possibly the dumbest and most evidently fake major denomination you can find in Europe)

>> No.22625097

I mean yes. But gaytheism had the full and total and violent support of the state for 100 years.

That’s a crazy stat, that 70% of Russians are now orthodox by self identification (roughly) when it was illegal, ‘dangerous’ and mocked 30 years ago.

It makes you wonder who’s pushing and mocking gaytheism now. Becuase I agree. The bourgeois mass will just follow along with the tv or state.

If the tv owners or the zeitgeist changes christianity will be back and quickly

>> No.22625128

Last Easter Biden literally posted on twitter praising Jesus' resurrection. You faggots always harpbon about how media is brainwashing the masses into atheism, but literally where is any example of this sentiment? I've never in my life had a TV program boldly declare "GOD IS DEAD" to me as a viewer.

>> No.22625185

>the abrahamic cries out in pain as he strikes you
the christian doesn't fall far from the jew

>> No.22625215
File: 1.64 MB, 1379x925, Muslims against LGBT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of atheists are culturally Christian, practice Christian customs, attitudes, and morals, and often chastise Christians for "not living up to their own values," being "hypocrites," and being "not very Christlike" in their behavior. Atheism is essentially a liberal denomination of Christianity at this point, and as more Conservative Muslims and Hindus move to Western countries, this becomes way more evident.

>> No.22625295

Atheism doesn't entail any philosophy except the denial of supernatural entities that govern reality. And if anything christianity is just a theistic sect of liberalism because literally of Christian morality today is the same as it was even 200 years ago, much less 2 millenia.

>> No.22625298


Nobody watches that shit.
Go watch any mainstream fucking tv show. Not a Whiff of religion anywhere unless it’s ‘spotlight’ and some priest is abusing a kid or minority woman.

There is 10000% An anti Christian agenda from a certain powerful minority and I dare suggest they were also in charge when the Bolsheviks banned Christianity in Russia.

Go read Promised Land by Mary Antin. It’s a penguin Classic.


If you want real perspective on what Jews actually think about Christianity.

If you are just a gaytheist zealot then you don’t read anyway and I don’t have a YouTube summary I can send you or any ‘hitchslap’ videos that explain it, sorry.

And don’t be coy. Look at game of thrones. There’s magic and zombies and dragons and Tyrion is still pushed as loving fags and not believing in Gods.
He’s the ‘smart’ character.
The high sparrow is the abusive power hungry charlatan that abuses the poor woman and is a clear and obvious representation of the pope.

Even shit like Kingdom of Heaven about the crusades? The main character protagonist is an atheist (in the era of Dante no less) and the bad guys are Christian.
You’re just oblivious if you don’t see the editorial slant of the executives and producers in nearly everything.
I’ve seen it in the walking dead, marvel shit, every nbc show since the 90s.

Modern nu atheism is empty of any intellectual merit. And that’s not an issue because it’s not an intellectual movement. It’s not like Tyrion is discussing Hume.

It’s a political idea aimed at making the world safe for Jewish minorities. Read Poppper’s open society.

I also want to add that this isn’t /pol/ shit. I’ve cited two classic books by Jewish authors.
No conspiracy. It’s just their own words and ideas. Even if you think I’m wrong you’ll be better off considering their views because if you were in their shoes you’d maybe agree with them.

>> No.22625300

Everything you said is wrong fag, I can’t believe people like you even post here

>> No.22625305

This. Thus spake zerathustra

>> No.22625311

>Go watch any mainstream fucking tv show. Not a Whiff of religion anywhere unless it’s ‘spotlight’ and some priest is abusing a kid or minority woman.
So if you're not actively praising God, it's jewish propaganda? You faggots are literally just becoming SJWs.
>this videogame doesn't have women in it. The misogyny of the industry is undeniable!

>> No.22625316

Kingdom of Heaven isn't anti-christian, it's only exploring the hypocrisy of warfare done in the name of Christ.
Irrelevant to the core tenants of Jesus' sermons.

>> No.22625320

In what way?

>> No.22625598

Being raised under two parents from two different cultural backgrounds red pilled me harder than any western atheist could have. All religion is dogshit, especially Abraham religion is putrid. Greek mythology is based because they aren’t a bunch of pussies, some paganism seems alright, Buddhism is a little gay but far superior to Abraham chimp out culture.

>> No.22625610

It’ll never not be funny how much Game of Thrones makes christcucks seethe

>> No.22625613

Funny, Christianity demonized. Atheists shouldn't believe in such things.

>> No.22625854

Never heard that one. But he’s so prone to thought experiments I don’t doubt it. Regardless his positions on the whole hav consistently been left with these hawkish anti Islam statements aside. At least by the standards of ~2008.

>> No.22625861

Proto metoo moment.

>> No.22625885

>woman in power abuses it and falls from grace
>man returns from the dead to save humanity
Sure, bud...sure...

>> No.22625889
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Meant for him.
: /

>> No.22625970

>more than a million of human beings going to the church that only exists to legitimize the excuse that is Br*tish monarchy
It really says a lot.

>> No.22625995


HBO and D&D were running the show. Makes one think

>> No.22626708

>Where did it all go wrong for New Atheism?

While at first, Atheist authors and general content creators sought to "Educate" readers and viewers of discrepancies in religion (Literally only Christianity). It quickly turned to them brow beating just as harshly as the people they criticized.

>> No.22626753

Nothing went wrong all of those men sold millions of books and got rich and this is what makes lit seethe most of all

>> No.22626832
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>Nothing went wrong

>> No.22626886

Hmmm but if you stopped this graph in the late 80s and projected from there everyone would now be Protestant and there would be no Catholics

>> No.22626923

Which one we talking about?

>> No.22626983

NTA but my guess is the "at this moment I am euphoric blah blah not because of false God blah blah enlightened by my own intelligence." Atheism is a religion people join in order to seem smarter.

>> No.22627121

>Nooooooo you can't bring young women to your private island and have sex with them nooooooooo
Epstein is a big pleb filter

>> No.22627270

Someone wrote a book called the Transgender Industrial Complex documenting this over the last 100 years but of course it's been removed from Amazon and other e-stores.

>> No.22627359

The current numbers of atheists is actually higher than the projection>>22622984

>> No.22627561

Shit bait. Stick to calling God "sky-daddy" and trying to impress others that you're an adult who doesn't believe in Santa Claus.

>> No.22627614

Sam Harris is absolute garbage. There are thousands of examples around the internet of him being an hypocrite, having double standards, and gaslighting the general audience.
I'm sure the guy is a gatekeeper of some sort

>> No.22627626

Why not? Not believing in a humanlike god doesn't make you non spiritual

>> No.22627690
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>internet/social media becomes a widespread thing
>first fad is a version of atheism that trains retards that being cynical/condescending is a substitute for thoughtfulness/wisdom
>gives birth to the "OWNS/DESTROYS" genre by which morons live vicariously through the "intellects" of others
>promotes shit like Scientism and deludes people into believing their worldview solves reality by being based on facts/logic alone with no subjectivity (i.e. anyone disagreeing with them is automatically dumb because the facts/logic are simple--fedoras lack the self-awareness to see how this is contradictory to the idea being an atheist means smart)
New Atheism wrecked a generation and helped close the door on the internet being the modern equivalent of a library/salon. We have no idea just how much the "four horsemen" ruined.

>> No.22627703

Krauss is anti-tranny, hes not that bad.

>> No.22627710

Yeah, millionaire men with lawyers on retainer "unalive" themselves for fucking college girls.

Haha, youre right...he *is* a pleb filter and you suspended basic logic, the filter...clap....clap....clap....

>> No.22627787

There's a pretty old video where a bunch of them gang up on "Joan" Roughgarden at a Q&A. I think it's Dawkins, Harris, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. It used to be on YouTube but it's from the time when videos could only be <10mins so it might be tricky to find. Pretty funny stuff.

>> No.22627795

That's part of it (maybe it's video #20 on that channel because it starts with Dawkins arguing with "her" from the crowd...that video starts with him coming down to sit beside "her" after interrupting a few times).

Basically, Roughgarden's claim to fame is the argument that fags serve the evolutionary purpose of taking care of other people's kids. (Always with the kids ...)

>> No.22627863
File: 106 KB, 970x1344, 1691554709439128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Atheism went wrong because it defined itself as a reaction to theism instead of advancing a naturalistic spirituality based on the dynamic and interconnected nature of reality, and promoting curiosity and creativity as sacred impulses.


>> No.22627875

My two most disliked atheist tards right now are Matt Dilllahunty and TJump. Two arrogant, egotistical clowns with rabid fanbases of tards.

>> No.22627887
File: 26 KB, 640x480, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody bothered to point out that the reason New Atheism got ruined is because they won, and the result was fucking terrible?

Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, etc. literally got everything they wanted. Christianity was discredited, Evangelicalism in particular was made a laughingstock, atheism became the acceptable default mode of the West.

And the result? The result wasn't enlightenment, or euphoria, or a greater, more noble society. The result is that everybody became a fat, tattoo-covered druggie slowly medicating themselves into numbness and collapse. The New Atheists got everything they wanted but the glorious future they thought would be the result wasn't the result, the result was the Western world becoming an open sewer.

Have any of those fuckers ever bothered to address this? Hitchens of course is dead, but have Dawkins or Harris ever bothered to point out that they won, and the result was fucking terrible? What do they or Dennett have to say for themselves? Look at the world they've made, man, it's fucking awful.

>> No.22628112

The mass adoption of social media was always going to dumb down the internet, but to suggest that it would have been a "library/salon" if only it were filled just with bickering theists is laughable. As if the debate over whether the Pope has magic powers or not is the pinnacle of intellectual discourse! Also, the historical "salon" you reference was the very type of place where enlightenment ideas were formed and came to dominate! Intellectual discourse flourishes as soon as you set childish notions of "Heavenly Fathers" aside.

>> No.22628117

>America is fat because of Hitchens, Dawkins, and Harris
kek, do you actually believe this?

>> No.22628165

>that would make you pedo-friendly
You mean like the Vatican? They certainly didn't seem too concerned about banishing or punishing boy diddlers, did they?

>> No.22628170

>it's almost like
> t. redditor

>> No.22628175

I'm glad I'm not enough of a fag to understand this post

>> No.22628181

The decline in religious attendance is just one more sociological casualty in the technological atomization of society, kind of like the death of movie theaters and retail shopping. The dropping out of participation is happening in literally everything and yet atheists single out religious participation as some kind of victory they themselves won by posting the Epicurus jpeg over and over.

>> No.22628184

atheism I have noticed comes from a couple of groups;
Group A.) people who have lost loved ones and are angry at God for it and because their anger fuels their ignorance about how God functions they turn that lack of understanding into hatred and disbelief in God
Group B.) Edgy socially inept individuals looking to seem more wise than they are
Group C.) "Intellectuals" who put their heads so far up their own base chakra that the kundalini becomes blinded to truth and sees its own misunderstanding as some gnosis

atheism falls under its own weight of implausibility. anyone who can look at existence and assume there is no supreme intelligence or supreme intelligent system is running things is both a very stupid and dangerous person

>> No.22628194

Except it isnt the "default mode" of anywhere. Most people still identify as religious. And secularism predates whatever new atheism did.

>> No.22628203

>a godless universe is impossible because only a good could have created it
nice circular logic bub

>> No.22628214

You didn't even attempt to allow your mind to understand what you read. but I don't care about your stupidity, Anyone with an ounce of functional grey matter knows there is an intelligence greater than mankind that has constructed and maintains this reality. only a dork dweeb thinks otherwise.
>awaits google search results for "Best Atheist arguments"

>> No.22628230

Simply asserting the same thing over and over without proof is not an argument, retard. You don't even know what an argument is.

>> No.22628233

>No true argument to defend atheist belief
>preemptively stopped in using google to ease your cope
>pivots from responding with logic and instead attacks reply

>> No.22628243

>make a claim without evidence
lol what a sad angry little brainlet

>> No.22628274

still awaiting a good argument to support your atheist beliefs.

>> No.22628279

>atheist beliefs
Which are?

>> No.22628363

>I'm glad I'm not enough of a fag to understand
Good thing you prolapsed at 49 cocks.

>> No.22628368
File: 121 KB, 900x1200, Cpmn8JPUAAEcHuF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automatically starts sperging about magic his parting shot is le sky-daddy cliche

>> No.22628427

It's not my fault literally all Christians refer to God as "The Heavenly Father". It seems you are a bit touchy on just how precisely this comment hits the mark!

>> No.22628511

Does Plotinus, who posits god as the metaphysicaly ultimate reality simultaneously consider him a sky wizard when he refers to him father? In similar vein, do you avoid critique of religion by actual ahteist philosophers in favor of popular atheist literature, because you are too stupid to understand complex arguments or are you just too ignorant to know of its existence?

>> No.22628547

Nice fedora tip.

>> No.22628567


"Atheism" is a Vatican original. Note how they mostly attacked Protestantism (Christianity proper) while barely mentioning Catholic (pagan) Theology (for it is congruent and ultimately synonymous with Materialism), just the token jokes about Catholic institutional mishaps.

>> No.22628585

>filtered by a small expression with two metaphors that even savages should spontaneously understand
We are on a literature board. If you are filtered by this, how can you even possibly read Shakespeare of Baudelaire without having a heart attack every page?

They are anglos, so they attacked what we the most common around them and most annoying (and if protestfags are something, it's annoying). They also larped as the intellectual side, so it was natural to go against the blatantly anti-intellectual "Christians" like evangelicals.

>> No.22629344

>pleb uses a nametag

>> No.22629358

Atheism is cringe but religion is also cringe. What is a boy to do?

>> No.22629367

religious nihilism, a la calvin, augustine, qutb, montanus, tertullian

>> No.22629717

grow up and stop worrying about "le cringe"?

>> No.22629868

>just dont worry about it bro
Thanks anon

>> No.22629901
File: 151 KB, 449x864, Holy_card_mass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot.

>> No.22629936

begome buddhist?

>> No.22631136

Cope and seethe, and while you're at it, cry to your sky daddy

>> No.22631146

when it was overtaken by zionists

>> No.22631154

It's not a metaphor though. Go to 90+% of churches and they will say to you directly they are children of God and he is their Heavenly Father and will regard him as fulfilling the role of a father: setting what is right and wrong, punishing children who do wrong, loves and protects, is the originator of the children, and on and on. It's pure apologetic cope to try and slip out from this very plain and obvious psychological projection of God as a literal father figure in the sky. Face it, religion is no where near as complex and metaphysical as you want it to be, it's just normal people wishing they had a super cool father who was all powerful and all loving. It's LARPing in it's most quintessential form. And the fact that the intellectual theists and apologists have to neuter "God" to a kind of abstract principal of existence just goes to show how childish the concept of "The Heavenly Father" God really is and that Christianity is forever anchored in the mire of superstition and childish wish fulfillment because of it.

>> No.22631455

That's some batman and joker shit

>> No.22631461

>fat, tattoo-covered druggie slowly medicating themselves into numbness and collapse
idk what world you live in, but I live in the south and everyone here was already fat, tattooed, overmedicated... and they're still Christians now. wtf are you talking about dude the horsemen didn't win. The new age atheists didn't do shit, rednecks don't listen to Dawkins. They can't read.

>> No.22631706

Shut up the fuck you boomer religious faggot, he was right, it isn't "edgy" to not believe in supernatural fairytales. Get off your high horse and stop gaslighting people who have completely different views from you.

>> No.22631708

Hitchens died.. he was carrying it with his charisma

>> No.22631751

dumbest poster ITT, go read Nietzsche, skip the anglos, you have to be WORTHY of the death of god, you cannot go directly to atheism if you are merely spiteful toward religion otherwise you are reinventing Christianity

>> No.22632051
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>anyone who can look at existence and assume there is no supreme intelligence

You are a pattern-seeker. The problem starts with you being able to "look at" and "assume".

>a very stupid and dangerous person
No, you.

>> No.22632071

>atheists just don't have children
And 1 Corinthians 7:29, 32-34 specifically tells you not to marry/procreate.

>> No.22632089

>Where did it all go wrong for New Atheism?
"Not believing in god" is like "not liking a Harry Potter book".

It says very little about persons who are disliking. They could disagree in every other respect, and even dislike it for mutually exclusive reasons.

"Atheist" is just an infelicitous umbrella term, as, say, "pagan" ("rural" in Latin).

>> No.22632106

>Catholics are going to be the largeat group of Christians in the United States in a decade or two which is wild to think about.
The irony of the Latino-adoring atheists is that Latinos are based beyond belief and have some of the most devout Catholics in the world.

>> No.22632108

>graph of education and average intelligence
You mean the best at downloading NPC-ware? Lmfao

>> No.22632121

>Where did it all go wrong for New Atheism?
It was always wrong because New Atheism was just heretics combating heretics to implicitly dispute the Church without directly confronting Her and Her militants. I have zero idea why Protestant Christians are ever used as figureheads for Christianity but to basically illustrate how Satanic our current world order is - how many priests or bishops have TV shows? How many living Catholic priests' books are in a typical Barnes and Noble (hint: zero)? At any rate, atheism does not exist.

>> No.22632183
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, wh inquisitor (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just heretics combating heretics

>> No.22632238

Can you produce an infographic at least?

>> No.22632242


Giving mud privilege without reading the text or knowing their history, original and modern, was a mistake.

Muslims are known for peace towards Muslims and cucked Bookpeople only. They are the natural enemy of atheists; the moment Nu Atheists started holding a candle for Islam it's the sign of a fifth column in the camp.

>> No.22632261

>doesn't meme
>shame instead of argue
leftist detected

>> No.22632265

being a dick about it.

>> No.22632268

>One of which being is that don't factor things like the fact that religious people have way more kids than non-religious people
Most of those kids end up growing up to be non-religious because with Internet they find out that not being molested by their dads in Bumfuck Louisiana is an actual option. Like a half of them don't even end up trooning out afterwards.

>> No.22632270

>The majority of atheists are culturally Christian, practice Christian customs, attitudes, and morals
This just means that this culture, customs, attitudes and morals are no longer Christian.

>> No.22632277

>A weakness of atheism is that it is naturally dysgenic

27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.

29 But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none;

32 But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:
33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.
34 There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.

38 So then he that giveth her in marriage doeth well; but he that giveth her not in marriage doeth better.

>> No.22632281
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Never has been >>22632277


>> No.22632395

I'd rather have trannies and gay marriage and niggers than tradition and parental control any day of the week.
seethe more.

>> No.22632545

Sounds like you had shitty parents or your country's traditions are shitty.

>> No.22632592

This fuckking cuck is clueless where based came from. Fucking genZ go play with your vape cartidge

>> No.22632700

>country's traditions are shitty.

>> No.22632776

Terminally online internet people with a belief system that does not provide core meaning or moral guidance. It's the natural end result for that type of person.

>> No.22632782

Tech was supposed to free us from work, but somehow everyone is busier than ever. Turns out tech just made it so you could bring work home with you.

>> No.22633173

Yes, this was the fatal flaw of Keynes. He wrongly thought that, as productivity increased, workers would benefit. In reality, all gains go to profit margins and stock prices, which in turn gives corporate employers MORE power to suppress wages. This trend is consistent over the past 50 years and only seems to be accelerating. When the next wave of mass automation of low skill jobs really takes over, whether it is automated driving, automated burger joints, automated docks (here on the west coast the newest cargo loading dock is built to operate at usual capacity with only 25% of the usual work force), we are in for huge social and political upheaval.

>> No.22633266

>He wrongly thought that, as productivity increased, workers would benefit.
It's less about productivity increase, and more about Veblen's 'strategic sabotage'. Oligopolies can enforce administered prices, so you'll pay no matter what. And they try to outcompete each other by differentially raising their prices higher than others, so you have an eternal stagflation.

>> No.22633274

The subversion of competition in the market is definitely a core issue here. When Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street all own massive stakes in "competing" companies, it fundamentally removes the concept of competition and leads to price fixing, inflated profits, and a type of racketeering.

>> No.22633322

Harris endorsed corporate media colluding with alphabet agencies to coverup the Biden Influence Peddling Scandal in order to make sure Trump lost the election. The line was something like "I don't care if they were covering up the dead bodies of dozens of murdered children in Biden's basement."

>> No.22633379

He made a valid point though. He was saying that at the point of the information being released (days before the election), there was no time for the information to be verified. Someone could easily have faked the entire story to swing the election, and the media reporting on this would have facilitated this. It's only in retrospect that we know it wasn't faked.

>> No.22633401

Part of the indoctrination fedoras regurgitate is the self-delusion they don't profess beliefs via their atheism (e.g. "atheism is a lack of belief" and "I don't have to justify not believing in Santa Claus" etc). It's an excuse so as to not have to justify their position in a discussion while putting all of the onus of "debate" on others. They can retreat to it and still think they've "won" through the claim that their opponent didn't prove anything (which is automatically intuited as impossible to the fedora's preset standard). There's not much point having a discussion with someone who has reverted into this loop as they're incapable of seeing it as disingenuous.

>> No.22633424
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>it's not a metaphor
NTA, religion is a language of metaphor. Fedoras stick to literalism because they're filtered and going after low-hanging fruit services the superiority complex they express through atheism.

>> No.22633459

something being a nothingburger does not make it a coverup anon

>> No.22633460

>He made a valid point though.
No he didn't. He said it's ok for unelected government officials to use the corporate media to subvert the constitutional rights of American citizens in order to control the outcome of a democratic election. He expressed TDS.
>He was saying that at the point of the information being released (days before the election), there was no time for the information to be verified.
Elements of the story already existed and the CIA/FBI knew the laptop was valid as they'd had it for almost a year (i.e. the investigations go back to 2015 and the laptop was in possession before Biden was the nominee). They intentionally seeded social media companies with a narrative directly parallel to what was verified by the laptop to as to suppress it if the story broke.
>Someone could easily have faked the entire story to swing the election, and the media reporting on this would have facilitated this.
No, see above.
>It's only in retrospect that we know it wasn't faked.
Nope. In retrospect we know that there was an intentional coverup that actively subverted the constitutional rights of American citizens to as to control public narratives during a presidential election.

>> No.22633463

Biggest political scandal in American history.

>> No.22633485
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okay magatard

>> No.22633497

You don't have to support Trump in order to see something greatly wrong with corrupt political elites being protected by unelected governmental bodies via the active subversion of constitutional rights. FYI: this is the reason a demagogue like Trump was able to rise to power in the first place.

>> No.22633533

what does hunter bidens laptop have to do with joe biden tho

>> No.22633609

New Atheism was just a brief moment within the larger, inexorable trend of religious decline since 1945. The movement was entirely the product of this general trend, it brought no new ideas to the table and I doubt it had any substantial impact on society; the accelerating slide toward secularity would have continued with or without it.
What it was was the manifestation of a generational divide between secularised Millennials and their religious Boomer parents. Because it started in the 2000s and was almost entirely an online (and therefore at the time mostly male and white) phenomenon, it took the form of edgy debate-bro, scientistic pseudo-rationalism that, despite its vaguely left wing bent, was less interested in politics than in culture and rhetorically owning and debunking Christian morons.
The cult of the so-called Four Horseman illustrates this perfectly: of the four of them, Dawkins was the only clear liberal (though he has since fallen afoul of his own side), Hitchens and Harris were both Third Way neocons, though all held to some form of secular Western chauvinism, which would increasingly alienate them from the mainstream left. Dennett was the only serious intellectual of the bunch and the only one who has mostly avoided controversy. Penn and Teller were libertarians. Rebecca Watson and P.Z. Meyers were lefties. Whatever "movement" existed tore itself apart as soon as it tried to assert any positive positions because the only thing they ever had in common was opposition to religion and a vague scientism.
Antireligious sentiment has only grown with time among younger generations but it's taken an entirely different tone. Among the new generation of militant atheists, many more of whom are now women, the scientism and rationalism has largely given way to progressive political rhetoric and weaponised therapy speak: talk of "religious trauma" and abuse, "lived experience", gender roles, homo/transphobia, "Christian nationalism", white supremacy etc.
In other words, atheists are no longer really interested in debating the truth claims of religion like the New Atheists were, but instead in using emotional and political rhetoric to persuade people. And that's proven much more impactful because it's arguably what has really been motivating disaffection with religion all along. New Atheism is simply irrelevant to most people's concerns with religion today.

>> No.22633617

Internet atheism always relied on dunking on christianity and christianity is culturally irrelevant. Other two semitic religions actually bite you back if you criticize them, and white men aren't allowed to critique major oriental crap like hinduism, buddhism, shinto etc. So they ran out of material.

>> No.22633648
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Here is the chronology
>American hegemony is unrivaled by 1991
>academia becomes super triumphant, declares end of history, believe that the West has solved everything
>9/11 happens, many hopes and dreams are crushed
>New Atheism arises as a response to 9/11, defends the Western liberal rationalist tradition against religion which they perceive as the greatest threat to the West
>War on Terror fails, America slows down propaganda against Muslims
>the West shifts gears and tries to maintain its hegemony by enforcing progressivism
>progressivism becomes so brazenly coercive that it betrays what many believe to be true liberalism
>New Atheists now look incredibly fucking stupid
>since they are just shameless shills for Western hegemony, all of the liberal rationalists declare that "wokeism" is the great new threat instead of religion
>you can now find these "true liberal" rationalist and New Atheist types posting on the Internet about how Hamas, Russia and BLM are the exact same thing
Dumbest fucking "intellectual" movement in recent years. Stooges for imperialism and nothing more.

>> No.22633697

I never understood the absurd significance attributed to 9/11, like seriously nigga some planes crashed in a building, stop acting like entirety of USA went catatonic for years and 50% of the country suicided. Most people didnt give much of a fuck

>> No.22633716

>Hamas, Russia and BLM are the exact same thing

James Lindsay would never call out Russia because he knows his audience of chuds are all closet Putin simps who are dedicated to mindlessly opposing whatever the current thing is.

>> No.22633784

Particularly amusing right now is how all of these people and mainstream conservatives are having a meltdown over anti-Semitism, going so far as to fire people from their jobs for supporting Palestine (same people that bitch and moan about cancel culture I might add). I guess whining about self-victimization and social prejudices applies to all other groups except Jews, funny how that works. They have no principles or insight other than Thing I Like = Good

>> No.22633810

babbys first exposure to intersectionality

>> No.22633857

You honestly think Joe is so dumb that he had no idea what Hunter was doing and don't think there's a moral hazard in flying him around on the taxpayer dime so he can make business deals that enriched the family with hostile foreign governments? Even if you ignore the fact there's hard evidence of money going back to Joe via Hunter paying various property bills, the fact Hunter expressly stating he kicks 10% of his income to Joe, the fact they had a bag man to distance themselves from income, the fact there's communications referring to Joe being paranoid and to not refer to him directly in emails, setting up a maze of shell companies to intentionally impede any potential investigations, the fact Joe used alias emails that fed Hunter information about his government related activities (aside, there's one where Hunter asks Joe to appoint a person who paid the Biden family $$ and Joe telling Hunter to handle it over the phone)...even if you ignore all that (and things I'm leaving out) that's a pretty hard sell.

At best Sam Harris and yourself aren't doing your due diligence in looking into these things which you can easily find via various prary source documents and the congressional testimony of FBI/IRS whistleblowers who came forward because their investigations were being impeded by higher ups.

>> No.22634129

Again, set foot in a church and try to spin this BS. The overwhelmingly vast majority of believers mean Heavenly Father, not some abstract principle of existence. They mean a literal personhood who cares for and protects them like a father, who punishes bad behavior like a father, who wants the best for them and to have a relationship with them like a father. I don't understand how you could possible be a part of any church and not notice this. Yet another aspect of religion apologists have to pretend doesn't exist because otherwise they would be forced to acknowledge that the fundamental base of religion is absurd and childish, so they have to simultaneously distance themselves from the actual adherents of religion while also defending that same religion. I sometimes wonder whether this kind of pathetic apologist actually realizes they are being dishonest or if they are literally too dumb and unselfaware to notice.

>> No.22634231

>Again, set foot in a church and try to spin this BS.
I'm sure more than just a few religious believers would be interested in the subject matter covered in that picture/post. Priests/ministers/reverends are already familiar with it.
>The overwhelmingly vast majority of believers mean Heavenly Father, not some abstract principle of existence.
Again, fedora tippers just want to go after low-hanging fruit and adhere to literalism for that purpose. It's also indicative of the fact they're strongly opinionated about subject matter upon which they're largely uneducated; this is ironic given the professed values of the skeptic movement by which they're heavily influenced.
>blah blah blah
You engage with something at the level you're capable of engaging with it. That's what the other anon was alluding to when he made fun of you for demanding everyone discuss things in terms of literalism while scoffing at the multilayered interpretation of language.

The sad truth is people subscribe to ideological atheism because they think it makes them smarter than others. The New Atheist movement taught them cynicism is a substitute for wisdom and low-level ridicule is the same as thoughtful understanding.

>> No.22634287

>strongly opinionated about subject matter upon which they're largely uneducated
so are you if you think church ladies believe in Plato's God and not the anthropomorphic one

>> No.22634416
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I think the data shows otherwise. Large numbers of Christians do not take the idea of personal divinity all that seriously, and the ones that do tend to have views quite divergent from those of stereotypical Medieval theology.

>Plato's God
Which one? At minimum there's 14, between the Demiurge who is Zeus, the other 11 Olympians, Asclepius, and the World Soul.

>> No.22634466

>>Plato's God
>Which one?
the fact that you have to ask means there is no need to continue this conversation, you aren't "serious" about theology in any intellectual way, you are posturing out of embarassment that your hatred for secular liberals like your parents has driven you into the arms of literal retards as culture war allies, an alliance that is so foreign to you that you need to use Facts and Logic and Statistics to make yourself feel better... ugh where did you learn that from... you would have been a fedora 15 years ago if you hadn't been picking your nose at the time

>> No.22634559

>I'm only capable of engaging with low-hanging fruit
I'd bet good money they have a deeper understanding of what it is to be religious than yourself.
Kek, you scared him off. (>>22634466: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE")

>> No.22634572

>>War on Terror fails, America slows down propaganda against Muslims
s not just the war on terror failing, but wealthy gulf Arabs more or less buying out the entire western elite class.

>> No.22634590

No philosophy or movement based on a negative axiom can ever develop into anything new. That seems pretty self-evident; the new atheists can at best push for material secularism to the degree that scientific materialism succeeds at encompassing every aspect of human nature.
Materialism and science have finally hit the point where their failures to address human experience are being felt, and so people are turning away from the atheists and their negative axioms.

>> No.22634604

Chef's kiss.


>> No.22634849

>christianity is just a metaphor it's not really about entering into a literal covenant with a volcano demon's immortal son for the reward of eternal life it's about affirming aristotelian first principles to defeat postmodernism
the god you are playing games with here is supposed to be the meanest, nastiest, jealous, and most lawyerly spitemonger whose ever been dreamt up... and you think the lord won't know his own?

>> No.22635056
File: 125 KB, 843x685, 1685258831241313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheists are titans of intellect
>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
>atheists stand for free-thinking
>[but demand you adhere to Scientism]
>atheists are champions of reason
>[but have strong opinions about things of which they're uneducated]
>atheists are anti-dogmatic
>[but insist you interpret scripture solely according to their half-baked ideas of it]
Atheism is an intelligence LARP that retards indoctrinate themselves into. Being an atheist is ridiculously easy; their main weak point is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down. Reminder that the legacy of New Atheism is pic-related: homosexual rape/cuck furry fetish cartoons.

>> No.22635063

lol at that image

>> No.22635131

The New Atheist movement was more a symptom of secularization than a cause, and was always a pseudointellectual shallow circlejerk (a large minority like Harris Hitchens and Ayaan being hawks, peddling War on Terror/counterjihad/Clash of Civilizations crap,scientism, shit understanding of philosophy, politics, history, and sociology, and the notion that atheism is equal to greater intelligence.)
With the Bush era over, the main issues that drove the movement into prominence (Islamism/Evangelical Christians) began to fall out of the spotlight. The splintering was inevitable because New Atheism is a hollow movement philosophy wise and its followers had little in common with each other outside hating Islam and Christianity.
With Elevatorgate (as well as Gamergate and the refugee crisis) the anti-woke NA faction were driven by anti-woke sentiment and anti-Muslim hatred and mostly (outside a minority of liberal centrists like Harris and dawkins) embraced the right wing, the woke NA faction more in favor of opposing the Western right wing. The anti-woke faction helped give birth to the modern culture war right wing , woke faction helped give birth to modern wokeness.
New Atheists types whether they be woke or anti-woke tend to hate Islam. Aron-ra Dillahunty, and PZ Myers are woke yet bash it. Carrier outright claimed Muhammad did not exist. Woke types that bastardize non-Christian faiths (like claiming Muhammad or the Buddha were feminists) are effectively apostates from New Atheism if they ever were part of it.
Christianity in the West and elsewhere committed suicide by aligning with secular Enlightenment liberalism (whether it be in liberal or conservative form). Its not surprising that Islamists are trying their best to avoid this kind of liberalization.
A lot of anti woke folk of New Atheist (like Douglas Murray) background see the castrated,dying "cultural Christianity" as a bulwark to save the secular West from Muslims and wokeness. Part of the reason Jordan Peterson got popular with a lot of anti-wokes of New Atheist background, and why the anti-woke faction of NA mostly went right wing (and occasionally far-right stuff like race realist shtick).

>> No.22635146

good first part not good conclusion
conservative evangelicals + catholics are growing in much of the world
the LGBT courting churches are not, though as you note

>> No.22635148

>their main weak point is their unearned pride and if you poke at their (entirely self-perceived) intelligence they become reactive and break down
Like you're doing? Yahweh is going to fucking wreck you if you are trying to cheat him. Ever hear of the Holocaust? He is seriously mean

>> No.22635182

The Evangelicals/Catholics are growing in Africa, but Latin America and South Korea, there is a growing amount of nonpracticing Christians /atheists (Argentina legalized abortion), and Christians in LA/SK are quite secularized compared to average Muslims and old school Christians.
Practicing Christianity is dying in Eastern Europe (thanks to communism) much like the West (only a minority of Hungarian and Russian Christians are practicing, and Poland is secularizing fast)
Christianity is far more vulnerable to liberalization than Islam because the main power core of Christians for centuries was the West even as the West secularized. Some Muslim countries are secularizing (Iran and Shia countries,Turkey,most ex-Soviet/Yugoslav Muslim states,Lebanon) but the Islamic revival was far more effective than parallels like Evangelicalism.

>> No.22635192

I also forgot to mention South Korea's collapsing birth rates (it is not just economic reasons but social ones) and feminist movements

>> No.22635193

>Christianity is far more vulnerable to liberalization than Islam because the main power core of Christians for centuries was the West even as the West secularized.
We'll see. Many Islamic countries are embracing economic liberalism, and I think they will be able to reject much of the social liberalism that has developed in the west. The only thing that I do not think they will be able to avoid is the advancement of women's rights, which post-industrial liberal economies more or less require.

>> No.22635207

The Islamic world will modernize (like giving women more rights) and Islamism will fail, but Islamic social conservatism will remain extremely popular outside aforementioned countries (and maybe some places in the Gulf).
We have to remember that Islam in politics predates modernist movements like Islamism (as Wael Hallaq and other scholars demonstrate). Islam in politics will likely enter another form.

>> No.22635234

The problem is when I see people claim that Islam is somehow capable of resisting liberalism, it seems to me that they generally mean that it would create a society. in which fags and trannies aren't present, which I believe it's capable of doing. They also seem to assert that it will someone restrain women, which I think it can do to some extent but entirely. Other than that it would likely ban certain kinds of financial speculation.
As far as I'm concerned, those only resist liberalism the the most superficial of ways. Many of the abuses of liberal society would still be present, and I think some would even exacerbated, for instance the Islamic world already seems like it is entirely capable of justifying some pretty horrific labor standards. I have no idea what the future holds for this or any religion/ideology as I believe ecological collapse will cause shifts in everything so drastic that it will make specifics of the future impossible to predict, but from what I can see in the present, I have no reason to believe that Islam provides a meaningful alternative to liberalism.

>> No.22635253

You and I generally agree. Most of the Islamic world will be stuck between Western modernization (whether it be good or bad) and Islamic religiosity. It won't degenerate into full blown liberalization like the West (atheism,alphabet freaks, and porn industries) and whatnot but it won't be a strong alternative to the (also deeply flawed and rotting) Western system.

>> No.22635296

Weirdly enough, much to the disappointment of all the "trad" people here, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being something similar to the idealized 50s America with Islamic cultural characteristics, and that those characteristics allow for it to prevent the kind of counter-cultural movements that developed out of it in the west. That being said, it would come iwth a different set of cultural tensions, and whether it could handle them, I don't know.
That being said, what I think is more likely is that the only true threat to liberalism is the impact of our continued destruction of the environment. I believe it will eventually force us to organize our society in a way that is truly different from what we have now in order for our species to survive. That being said, if the right people are in charge,they may choose to end it all.

>> No.22635323

The current way of life in much of the world (especially in the West) is unsustainable and built off cheap labor, greedy and shortsighted elites and mismanagement of our biosphere. Enlightenment capitalist liberal democracy will go the way of communism and monarchism but I don't know what will replace it.
50's America was a product of the post-war conditions (most of the industrialized world being razed which meant Americans could live off single incomes), modernization will take a different form in most Muslim countries.
If space colonization does ever happen, I think human civilization will have its life cycle extended. But environmental degradation for now and even nuclear war won't be enough to get rid of human civilization.

>> No.22635338

>But environmental degradation for now and even nuclear war won't be enough to get rid of human civilization.
At the very least I hope you're right, and I also hope that the latter can be avoided at all costs. I used to be deeply saddened by the deaths of civilizations, but I see things as getting so desperate that now I only hope we can persist in some form that allows our nobler instincts to continue. I do wonder what will replace what we have today, but like you I just don't know what it could be.

>> No.22635344

Nowhere. It won. Atheism and agnosticism are the status quo

>> No.22635365

piss scared of muzzies

>> No.22635374

>unironically using the word "scientism"
Imagine being so insecure about your mysticism that you need to label the empirical observation of reality as "scientism" to make yourself feel better

>> No.22635386

When people stopped studying at all what they are arguing against.

>> No.22635497

>No you
Every time. See >>22624727.

>> No.22635521

Empirical science is not the only source of knowledge. And thinking such thing is scientism.

>> No.22635588

I never quite understood the kind of people who claimed that le based islam will save them from modernity when islamic societies are just about to enter their industrial revolutions, that is to say it's not that islam is modernity-proof as much it is simply pre-modern. Western historians and philologists have already tore the basic narratives of islam to shreds decades ago like they did so with judaism and christianity in the nineteenth century, it is practically unavoidable that islamic societies will experience a secular bourgeois revolution of their own too when they arrive at the right moment in their socioeconomic development for it to happen.

>> No.22635600

This isn't helped by the fact that as much as they seethe about the west, the majority of the MENA elite still sees the west as the ideal that ought to be emulated either directly or indirectly, their leaders dress in suits like westerners do, think about their history through the methods of western historiography, they think about their philosophy in western tems, create governments in the manner of western bureacuracies, etc.

>> No.22635641

Name another reliable source of knowledge which does not involve observing reality and controlling for one's own bias. I'll save you time, you can't.

>> No.22635671

Have luck finding with your senses the law of noncontradiction running there and standing at its four legs.

>> No.22635705

with youtube

>> No.22635707

Revelation, you infinite tool.
Revelations, prophecies, and holy men who preach Truth. The Son of God. Jesus fucking Christ, how dense can you be?

>> No.22635958

>they think about their philosophy in western tems,
I don't know if this is entirely wrong. There's a certain overlap between the western and Islamic philosophical traditions that can't be ignored.

>> No.22636131

Islamic philosophy is a footnote to Aristotle.

>> No.22636147

>my source is i made it the fuck up
except only i get to do that, not you

>> No.22637058

>fedora tippers don't know their ideology has a label
It's also funny how quickly they'll appeal to it when they're mathlets who can't even take a derivative.


>> No.22637163

>old skepticism:
Question everything even sensory experience
Question trannies
Question disease model of psychiatry
Question God
Question moral realism
Question the basis of political authority
Question racial intelligence
Question the holocaust

>new skepticism
Anti Christian God
Pro tranny
Pro Pfizer
"The state should lock people up for questioning holocaust"
Scientism - physicalism is the only valid metaphysics everything else is unproven nonsense
Create new cringe naturalistic objective morality (eg Sam harris)

Essentially it started with a general skepticism and being counter culture and then just turned into "its objectively immoral to Question gender ideology and anyone who doesn't hate the Christian God is a deluded moron, also consciousness doesn't exist"

>> No.22637225

Funniest part of this cringe was its focus on Christianity

Of course if some white just starts dunking on the thais and the Burmese or even the dalits and their retarded beliefs about samsara and mystical moral forces that determine rebirth, what would happen?


This whole thing has always been whites tearing each other down, or jews pretending to be whites doing it. That's all that's allowed nowadays, and who produced this cultural norm? Who engineered a society where everyone can critisize whites but only whites can criticise each other? Who do you think.

It was engineered by the jews to destabilize and atomize our culture and it has succeeded. Now we have an entire society of whites entirely divorced from their race and culture doing nothing but snorting fentanyl and dying.

There is no God!
No morals!
But for some reason racism is wrong!
Unless it's against whites!
Who are responsible for all bad in the world!
So just live an atomized life of drug use and die!

Whites need to realize how jews engineered this social collapse and new atheism was part of the strategy. WAKE THE FUCK UP

>> No.22637235
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>lol at that image
JK Rowling did.

>> No.22637240

Sam Harris at least had the balls to call out muzzies as disgusting desert savages who should not be allowed to have or develop nuclear capabilities for fucking obvious reasons, and yep the media dogpiled him for being le racist.

>> No.22637249

Iran having nuclear weapons would lead to more stability. Pakistan is far more dangerous than Iran, yet they already have nukes.
If it weren't for Iran, ISIS and Sunni radicalism would have grown even more.

>> No.22637258

It’s weird that in this point in my generation being Christian outside of rural areas is the biggest red flag I can think of
I’ve watched the “person does completely unforgivably evil thing, his mind snaps and he becomes super religious while doubling down on being a piece of shit” cycle play out like six times in my peer group

>> No.22637261

>It was engineered by the jews
It was the boomers, anon.

>> No.22637271
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Today I will remind them

>> No.22637275

>my friends are pieces of shit
You're judged by the company you keep but my guess is they're probably more successful than you and you're just bitter.

>> No.22637283
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>> No.22637289

Same but I think FtMs are real from (a) it making since logically that testosterone is unidirectional and (b) I’ve met some of both and they were just guys while every “woman” of them I’ve met has had 100% male behavior and temperament

>> No.22637292

Less people believe in jewish god, what's your problem with this?

>> No.22637296

All of those sandniggers should be kept in a pit and shot when they try to climb out

>> No.22637298

Literally proves that trans people are real if you have any capacity for logical thought at all

>> No.22637301

testosterone doesn't determine sex
behavior doesn't determine sex
gender is a concept invented by an American pedophile
stop giving ground in your mental real estate to subversives and maladaptive freaks

>> No.22637302

There are a couple of Jews pretending to be white supremacists here in order to turn the far right more kosher. A few have already been exposed.

>> No.22637306

I am jazz is a right-wing show

>> No.22637308

You're not fooling anyone, Shlomo.
Iran is a rational actor unlike Israel. In fact, you Jews wouldn't even exist without Cyrus' mistake in sparing your lives.
The only country Iran is a threat to is Israel, which is full of insentient garbage like you.

>> No.22637310

>still majority schizophrenics

>> No.22637314

It went wrong from the start because God is real

>> No.22637315

>anyone who thinks muzzies as a whole are savages must be a jew
>nobody started hating mudslimes until 5 minutes ago when the jews and muzzies started blowing each other up for the 487th time
You have the mental capacity of a flea

>> No.22637316

Discouraging parenthood is eugenic retard
Source: literally the map you gave lol

>> No.22637319

Godless degenerates started nu atheism to defend gay marriage

>> No.22637320

>I am the good guy and everyone else is a piece of shit
Average atheist

>> No.22637323

I don't like Islam, but Iran having nukes would undeniably lead to more regional stability and less refugees for Europe. Period. The only people against Iran having nukes are Zionists.
Kys, Jew.

>> No.22637325

He is obviously atheist. He’s a Canadian teacher ffs.
He’s just some soft provincial dude that hates trannies.

>> No.22637329

Yes, because Iran is always going to remain a stable and trustworthy nation. There's no history of muzzie shitholes devolving into extremist shitholes and carrying out international attacks of terror or anything like that.

>> No.22637332

And you're one of them, shlomo.

>> No.22637341

Yeah it basically died when it became obvious that you didn’t need to replace religion with something else at all. They mistakenly had the idea that there needed to be something else to fill that slot.
One of the relics of that era that still thinks like that is Bill Maher and he’s nearly a republican at this point.

>> No.22637345

>Yes, because Iran is always going to remain a stable and trustworthy nation
Israel already has illegal nukes and is far more dangerous than Iran. Ever heard of Samson Option? Again, you're not fooling anyone, Shlomo. Stop being a deceptive fuck and kys already.
Also, the only two real countries in that region, not carved up by Anglos, are Turkey and Iran, so I would say they have a good track record of stability when compared to fake nations like Israel, which has illegal nukes.
>international attacks of terror
There is increasing evidence Mossad carried out 9/11. Iran fought against Isis, Israel, and Sunni radical sheningans. Iran having nukes would stabilize the region and minimize international terrorist attacks.
Iran has never really done an international attack of terror.

>> No.22637347

Calling a medical treatment “genital mutilation” when they literally do infant genital mutilation on 50% of their children is the most heinous of the “every accusation is a confession” trope.

>> No.22637350

How do? A Jew would never argue Iran having nukes would stabilize the region. It would literally benefit the whole region but Israel. It would also benefit Europe.

>> No.22637354
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>posting that pic here

>> No.22637363

Wtf was that really the wording they used? Because I’m a tranny and
>whether a person's gender is determined at birth.
Is literally correct even allowing for transsexuals

>> No.22637368

>Utah #1
Graph discarded

>> No.22637388

>guy that tried to create a new religion because not having one “left a void”.
Yeah coming up with new athiesm is itself basically prodromal schizophrenia.
The replacement for religion is nothing. A replacement is not necessary for something that is fundamentally delusion and psychosis.

>> No.22637402

I haven’t talked to my catholic zealot father in forever but I’m sure he hates him. He basically thinks the pope is a meaningless political figure and that he has a direct connection to god like a Protestant does and 99% of Catholics I’ve met are like this
Catholicism is a joke

>> No.22637413

Nah theres a Great Awakening in the works right now.

>> No.22637426

Which two?
I got baptist and catholic and the only real takeaway is that baptists are white trash and Catholics are sociopaths.

>> No.22637428

What a retarded conclusion. Religions are not all uniform and plenty of people settle on one religion as an adult. I was raised secular and exposed to a ton of different religions and converted to christianity.

>> No.22637438

More religious areas have highrt rates of teen pregnancy because the bible belt is full of blacks who make up a disproportionate amount of teen pregnancies.

>> No.22637444

>t. Cant read maps

>> No.22637451
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Agnostic Gnostic.
“There probably isn’t a god, but if there is it is evil.”

>> No.22637465

Christschizos think not shooting up heroin and raping one’s children is inherently Christian since that’s what they’d be doing if they weren’t afraid of hell

>> No.22637490

1) it’s family so no choice to know them originally; I don’t associate with schizophrenics voluntarily
2) I’m probably the most successful person I know irl
Keep projecting though

>> No.22637494

The idea that intersex conditions can’t affect the brain is just retarded sorry

>> No.22637503

I’m a piece of shit but I’m not “abandoning my family to poverty”, “raping my own kid”, or “stealing from my own brother for drugs” level shitty — I’ve only seen behaviors like that from people about to snap and go Christian or already Christian.
They are an evil people.

>> No.22637506

I'm legitimately starting to think The Amazing Atheist is a psyop to make atheists look retarded.

His dad literally went to prison for operating fake diploma mill colleges btw.

>> No.22637509

based dad

>> No.22637760

JK Rowling thinks that TERFs are oppressed when her nation's own court system defends them from all criticism (i.e. that one time people expressed their opinion on how Rowling was transphobic, she sued for libel, and won). why should you ever care about what that irrational Karen thinks?

>> No.22637788

skeptics never started from those positions in significant numbers, you're ascribing your own moral beliefs to them to try to set up a gotcha

>> No.22637793

>>[but expect you to be impressed they don't believe in Santa]
this is what christians think passes for incisive and accurate commentary. the straw from building their strawmen itches inside their ass cracks

>> No.22637903

except theists were the ones who started making the claim of their god's existence, so the burden of proof on that claim still lies on them, much like atheists would be asked to prove their claims if they said "there's an invisible intangible unsmellable untasteable unicorn behind you, and it'll torture your balls in hell forever after you die if you don't give it hay right now"

burden of proof isn't a hard concept to grasp, which is why theists have to misrepresent it rather than actually adhere to it

>> No.22637915

What the heck is this pic

>> No.22637934

>overly defensive for the sake of a stranger on the internet
Yeah, you seem like a real winner!

>> No.22637942

A negative proposition is still a proposition. You're just conceding that you have no explanation for a godless universe

>> No.22637949

The thing that makes fedoras seem retarded, other than the fact they are, is the intelligence LARP. They don't realize condescension is clownish when it's unearned.
>why would you care
Because people, and I'm using that term as loosely as you use "female," like you do. For you it hurts and for me it's funny.

>> No.22637962

It is accurate. The faggot I'm replying to below sperged randomly about unicorns and you'll find many other examples ITT. Truth hurts.
>no you
See >>22624727. Talk to a fedora long enough and eventually they all fall back to that one. It's the intellectual laziness and complete lack of creativity.

>> No.22638072

Does the law of noncontradiction hold true of observable phenomenon? Even setting that aside, how do you discover that it's true? Why would you believe that law to be true and not it's inverse? What actual mechanism do you use to arrive at this "knowledge"? Don't worry though, based on this shallow response, I don't have high expectations of your next reply.

>> No.22638080

>It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.22638252

Empircism was used by both Berkeley and Aquinas for proofs of God. Empiricism doesnt mean materialism

>> No.22638270

When it forgot we didn't create this world or ourselves.

>> No.22638283

>Dawkins refused to say shit because he didn’t want to be beheaded.
this is genuinely not the case. dawkins has been incredibly consistent with his views and never shies from repeating them

>> No.22638320

He was pointing out that a tautology is necessitated by definition and not by physical law, brainlet. Have you ever seen i number of apples? Hint: I'm not referring to roman numerals, faggot.

>> No.22638326
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He literally went on some show a few months ago and refused to criticize Muslims because he was afraid.

>> No.22638333

all blown way out of proportion

>> No.22638335
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Throwing Transcendental Argumentation on atheistic arguments destroys the same presuppositions they use to deconstruct their sophistic line of argumentation.
Their only option is to dip into Schizophrenic Philosophy (Solipsism + "Pragmatism") to avoid having to admit they are sophists.

>> No.22638427

The kids?

>> No.22638452

The kids were blown proportionally

>> No.22638556
