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File: 44 KB, 550x438, IMG_0969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22621052 No.22621052 [Reply] [Original]

There is not a single person left in the western world who believes that christian God of the bible actually exists and is the creator of the universe. Literally not one. It is impossible to actually believe that as a modern western man unless you are actually psychotic and schizophrenic. I don’t have a problem with “cultural” christians but please stop pretending on an anonymous image board that you actually believe in the bible. We can be racist and conservative and all that shit without believing some desert tale.

>> No.22621076

Wish we could have conversations about the Bible, the beautiful intertextual piece of literature that it is, because they're worth having, but the retarded foodfights between screeching athiests and dullard christians are getting really bad yeah.

>> No.22621080

>Christian God
>Western thinking man
They aren't even incompatible

>> No.22621104
File: 66 KB, 810x450, 2019-11-15_Eucharistic_Miracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you are actually psychotic and schizophrenic

That's a funny way of dodging the reality of the miraculous and the Divine, Anon.

What's the matter? Does the thought of physical proof of the Power of God bug you? Because it would mean you'd actually have to change your behavior, yes?

>> No.22621135

Speak for yourself faggot

>> No.22621145

>There is not a single person

>> No.22621153

Christianity as a business is entrenched enough for at least another century or 2. Some baptist organizations still attract the true believer types but idk how many of them would actually consider 4chan to be worth their time. The trend is towards larger churches with inclusivity and more deistic thought, naturally the contrarians will gravitate towards what we refer to as tradlarping and 4chan is basically their home. Most normies rarely skew atheistic though, at least in my experiences, the convenience of being able to point to a made up deity to explain something is just too convenient for them and deism will probably become more popular over atheism if I had to speculate.

>> No.22621171

Nobody has believed in your strawman on a cloud type thing for centuries.

>> No.22621216
File: 123 KB, 500x550, christcuck posters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of christcuck who posts deus vult on here

>> No.22621227

Why don't you make such threads about Judaism or Islam? Because you are a mindless drone who thinks you come across as an intellectual by bashing Xtianity. Fact is that atheist societies are very depressing and need constant stimulation (entertainment, drugs) for people to survive it. They lack mystique. Nothing even comes close to Xmas time in a Xtian society.

>> No.22621234

Even Christian outlier sects like the Mormons are outbreeding your type. Your ancestors will have to post anonymously on the internet due to lack of family and friends.

>> No.22621239

Based. Sandshit tradLARP faggotry is beyond cringe at this point.

>> No.22621246


>> No.22621258

Nope, just too old for any of that shit anymore.

>> No.22621259

Jews are on the same boat as well. Muslims still blindly believe.

>> No.22621283

Two types of people believe in God: morons and smart people.
Morons believe all that biblical stuff, you know these morons exist, don't pretend they don't.
Smart people know their Augustine and Anselm and Aquinas, and believe in that God, rather than the simple parable stuff given to the morons

>> No.22621289
File: 709 KB, 2048x1280, jesusspeech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's what you didn't consider, fedora tipper. All brothers in Christ should know this simple clear argument to BTFO atheists:

>> No.22621291

>What's the matter? Does the thought of physical proof of the Power of God bug you? Because it would mean you'd actually have to change your behavior, yes?

Is that why you reject Islam?

>> No.22621294

>Why don't you make such threads about Judaism or Islam?

Spend 5 seconds googling "Dawkins vs Islam", "Hitchens vs. Islam", "Sam Harris vs. Islam", "Aaron Ra vs. Islam" or "Pat Condell vs. Islam"

>> No.22621296

Op tells a lie-the thread.
Any response to ops lie is in of itself pointless as you are starting from a lie.

>> No.22621297
File: 176 KB, 675x507, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smart people know their Augustine and Anselm and Aquinas, and believe in that God

>He thinks Anselm and Aquinas were smart

>He thinks there is a defensible form of sand religion

>"I'm not like those other Scientologists, my Scientology is sophisticated, thetans are metaphorical"

>> No.22621298

There is plenty of mystery in this world without worshipping an obviously false and made up God that didn’t even originate from your people. I don’t talk about islam because muslims aren’t human and I don’t care about their beliefs, judaism is irrelevant

>> No.22621299
File: 389 KB, 720x437, riddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22621302

>Any response to ops lie is in of itself pointless as you are starting from a lie.

Now apply this to your own presuppositional apologetics

>> No.22621317


I hope you applied it to your reply.

>> No.22621328

Christianity's future is in Africa

>> No.22621329


That only works if I actually employed presuppositional reasoning in the post. You can't just do a blind fire "NO U" unless you're just a shitposting teenager in which case bravo, you've wasted both your time and mine

>> No.22621330

>t. 25 year old zoomer who had a tradlarper phase because his friends influenced him and now believes anyone who is religious must also be a larper like him

>> No.22621348

You’ll grow out of that too
>t. 41 year old theist former atheist

>> No.22621357


How do you grow out of correct reasoning? Do you mean succumb to the need for emotional refuge in delusion? I see this posturing all the time, framing whatever religion you believe in as masculine and mature, and atheism as immature rebellion, but never accompanied by sound reasoning. It just seems like an attempt to embarrass/deter disagreement and reinforce the self image of anyone prepared to accept your claims without substantiation.

>> No.22621363

You appplied it in both of your replies.

>> No.22621365


How so? This is gonna be some intellectually dishonest stretch like "you presupposed any of Christian apologetics are presuppositional" or some slanted nonsense isn't it

>> No.22621367


>> No.22621369

Well the thing is, mortal beings actually have zero clue about what’s right or wrong in any case because of original sin. So man wanders aimlessly in search of reason and only ends up following his navel into darkness. By admit your powerlessness instead of being a vain faggot who gets off on trying to prove how “correct” he is, humility might actually bring you closer to the correct answer. But I wager you think too highly of yourself to ever admit that.

>> No.22621379
File: 29 KB, 600x491, wowitsnothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Search post for evidence or sound argument
>None found, only more posturing and some insults

>> No.22621383

This is the truth, schizophrenics mad

>> No.22621389

Ahh, did someone say santa isn't real and it got you all worked up?

>> No.22621391

>t. 25 year old still on his tradlarp-phase

>> No.22621396

Kek did you get mad when someone called your delusions delusions? Your holier-than-thou isn't humble you schizophrenic.

>> No.22621397

We believe in nothing Lebowski. Nothing!!!

>> No.22621408

>small town church ladies are schizophrenics
Go outside

>> No.22621410


>> No.22621418

>>small town church ladies are schizophrenics
There is no one more schizophrenic than small town church ladies...

>> No.22621424

I bet you got boner when you typed that didn’t you?

>> No.22621427

Kek religious fags selectively appealing to skepticism when it suits them will never not be funny to me
>these mythologies are actually true cause we can't know anything
Breathtaking, I'm blown away

>> No.22621430

Duly noted. It must suck not having a father.

>> No.22621431

Not really my type, but I guess there's a certain attraction to crazy. You'd know better than me

>> No.22621534

I hope you find God Anon. Nothing is better.

>> No.22621579

>Nothing is better
the only reason christcucks believe in god is because they get a high from it is a well documented fact, and once you stop getting a high from god is when you will stop believing in it