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22619361 No.22619361 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to me Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein. Every large chunk I throw at the Gender Analyzer says its writing is masculine. Indeed, the themes of Faustian striving and disposability are usually unrelatable to females. Given her lack of other significant work, it seems more likely it was written by her husband, Percy Shelly.

>> No.22619392

You are a nigger.

>> No.22619397

>he thinks he's important enough we will conduct literary research for him
>he thinks a "Gender Analyzer" is a valid source

>> No.22619421

It's an interesting premise. I usually subscribe to the prevailing wisdom that women aren't good writers. Alright anon, I can accept this theory without further evidence.

>> No.22619444

>Prove to me Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein
Her name is on the book retard

>> No.22619464

The same person who wrote Frankenstein is the same person who wrote Shakespeare

>> No.22619485

>conceived at a party throwing around story ideas
>Byron comes up with modern conception of the romantic vampire and hands the story off to Polidori
>[i.e. it's clear things are a group effort]
>Percy admits he was the driving force to put the story to page and then expand it into a novel
>it's known he was actively editing the novel as it was written and one of the main experts went from saying his influence was minimal to admitting it was substantial (i.e. he not only guided/edited but directly wrote at least 10% of the book)
Remember when you were in grade school learning to print and the teacher would draw letters for you to trace and sometimes even actively guide your hand?

>> No.22619488

Another Frankenstein bot thread, don't reply

>> No.22619489

Dude, if Percy wrote the book his name would be on the cover. He didnt write it.

>> No.22619490

>seething foids/cuck fetishists

>> No.22619500

you can put any name you want on the book

>> No.22619507

They originally put Byron's name on The Vampyre and it created a massive scandal that ruined Polidori's reputation/career. (Remember: same party).

>> No.22619508

No you cant. If I put my name on Ulysses that doesnt mean I wrote it, because Joyce’s name was already there first

>> No.22619519

History is a long line of men simp cucking, it’s best you leave this alone. For your own sanity.

>> No.22619523

It was her. She was a unique fem-cel goth gf and I wholeheartedly believed that she lost her virginity in a graveyard.

>> No.22619536

He wrote it through dictation and she put it down on paper. He probably made it a gift to her to allow her to say she wrote it.

>> No.22619585

Fuck, I never considered this. I dont think the Percy authorship conspiracy can ever recover now

>> No.22619589

Literally "It's not my job to educate you".
Gender Analyzer is 70% accurate. Thus it is more logical to assume it was written by a man than a woman.

>> No.22619595

I will take back my statement if someone can confirm Mary was autistic.

>> No.22619608

I'm reading it now. It's a woman
>we derail a letter to Victor to talk about someone else's family that we haven't seen (and I suspect shall not)
>talking about how awful colonialism was in a period where colonialism was still ongoing
>the Arab wife of Felix desiring to be an intellectual and free from her dad and Islam
Those are some dead giveaways. That's not to say it's bad. But it's clearly written by a woman

>> No.22619618

>>talking about how awful colonialism was in a period where colonialism was still ongoing
Does that mean Voltaire was a woman as well???

>> No.22619631

Definitely an effeminate boy.

>> No.22619714

Chad response. Thanks.

>> No.22620890

>Indeed, the themes of Faustian striving and disposability are usually unrelatable to females.
the infamous Girlboss is literally just a female Faust

>> No.22620907

>This analyzer says that a writer who's been dead since fucking 1851 wrote with a masculine voice

Bro who fucking cares?

>> No.22620912

>margin of error is 30%
>op claims that the burden of proof is on us
Your theory is uninteresting and unlikely

>> No.22620924

>who cares
The hundred or more people who have written thousands of articles about Mary Shelley being the girlboss who invented SciFi. It sucks because that one get-together resulted in two of the most famous monster archetypes of all time and what happened with Byron/Pollidori is more interesting than the fact Frankenstein was attributed to a woman.

>> No.22620942

How would you ever prove it? Unless someone comes forward with ledgers, correspondence, or testimony that's been hidden away for 200 years, it's just your interpretation

>> No.22620959

It works if you look as it as her dunking on romantic writers. She's saying yes her husband can create better works of art than her but he can't create life just donate materials so she wins because life is more beautiful than art no matter how much the romantics put art on a pedestal.

>> No.22620961

anon, you are the one making an outrageous claim here, so the burden of proof lies on you. You need to prove why you think Percy Shelley would have allowed his wife to take all the credit for his work. In an environment where many women couldn't even publish their work unless they took up a male pen name. And how do you think this became a secret that all involved parties at that infamous get-together were willing to take to their grave without anyone ever slipping up? Especially when considering there was already resentment on Byron's part due to plagiarism. Why would Lord Byron of all people defend and cover for another plagiarist?

Also, I have never seen anyone call Mary Shelley a "girlboss", that is something that exists purely in your own deranged mind.

>> No.22621748

>who fucking cares
Revisionists are saying that Frankenstein is the first science fiction book. Ergo, scifi was invented by a woman

>> No.22622395

A coin flip is 50% accurate.

>> No.22622440

No, people are saying it's the first sci fi book of the modern era to reach the popularity that it did and is the most likely candidate to have been the influence of everything after it. What's wrong with sci fi being invented by a woman?

>> No.22623086

Science fiction being invented by a women explains a lot. Is there anything more characteristically pedantic than science fiction?

>> No.22623095


>> No.22623443

>What's wrong with sci fi being invented by a woman?
It wasn't

>> No.22623520

Why are you coming up with these mental gymnastics?

Is it really that hard to accept that a woman wrote a good book?