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22618645 No.22618645 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm reading on Just War theory and there's a segment where the writer talks about modern secular, probably atheist, 'theoreticians' use Thomas Aquinas' ethics to 'develop their own ideas' and even have to chutzpah to justify Republican Spain's suppression of their Catholic opposition.

So wait a minute, how do any of these 'theoreticians' use Christian or any kind of theistic thinkers' works to "DEVELOP THEIR OWN IDEAS" if they categorically deny the essence of a good/God in their own premises? What is this phenomenon of 'system building' using abstruse strains of reasoning but without believing any of the fundamentals that underly them? Is this a hobby for people? How are they writing for geopolitical journals and directing the course of modern day wars as nominalist libtarded idiots? Moreover, how do secular states justify their ethical decisions at all knowing this?


>Uhm.. I just make theories based on.. I just do it ok sweaty?? human rights!

>> No.22618666

>op discovers people can twist truth to their own ends while pretending to believe
welcome to politics and hypocrisy.