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/lit/ - Literature

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22618588 No.22618588 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22618598
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>> No.22618609

Death is bad
Mom will be sad
Life can be rad
Cheer up lad

>> No.22618610


Please, contribute to the thread's premise sir

>> No.22618612

embrace the suffering

>> No.22618615


Who wrote this?

>> No.22618618

if you work 40 hours exactly a week, everyone hates you, you will probably get sick, you have expenses, etc, you s-still shouldn't commit suicide because... because you can have epic wins on 4chan

>> No.22618619

It was a pictoral representation of saying just do it.

>> No.22618626
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Fuck yeah!

>> No.22618627


Not a masoquist, also suffering for the sake of it without a purpose, thats just slave mentality

>> No.22618632

no, it's not. You're making stuff out of your ass, change your mindset. Faggot.

>> No.22618634


The premise of the thread is arguments against suicide sirs

>> No.22618642

Coffee is better.

>> No.22618644
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>> No.22618650


The finnish are happy because of coffee

>> No.22618655
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When I am dead I cannot conquer. I cannot break my enemy, see him driven before me, and hear the lamentations of his women.

>> No.22618658

Just don't, ok? uwu

>> No.22618665

take the road, walk to the east, until you find the light or the eternal sleep.

>> No.22618668


Why the east though?

>> No.22618671

Well they’re choosing it over killing themselves.

>> No.22618682

As long there is hope, it’s worth pursuing.

>> No.22618683


I thought of living
out of spite
Yet i always remember
Im maggot-like

>> No.22618688


Is this catholicism?

>> No.22618690

mom will be sad

>> No.22618691

don't you want to see the mother of the suns?

>> No.22618692


They do have a high suicide rate, but probably better than third world

>> No.22618699


My mom has my sister

>> No.22618706

Merely the universal.

>> No.22618738


Why would trivial pain without purpose be embraced, when there people who are blessed with meritless pleasure?

>> No.22618741
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Really ?

Well, consider we are created from slices of God, the all-there-is type. She was just bored, since you know there was her and only her, she was after all the concept of existence.

She decided to play a game : shall I stop to exist ? To answer this question, she made the world. It will be there that the answer will be found. If a majority of conscious souls want to end it, that’s it, the game stops and we become nothing. Not dead, we cease to be.

The problem is that we’ve been hijacked, so the world becomes shittier and shittier, at the same time as we improve on a lot of aspects. Capitalism in a nutshell.

But yeah, don’t make any mistake anon, we are at war. Against whom ? Some will say Jews, some will say aliens, others will say sociopaths, I won’t dare to answer this one. The only thing I know is that as a superior species, as the alpha predator, the apex of the earth, I have a duty to protect her, and for that I need to be alive. So yeah, fuck suicide, fuck every one who suggests it even as a joke, we fight and we thrive in the rain that’s pouring !

>> No.22618760


Ok man, im grateful because you made me laugh

>> No.22618819

You instantly go to hell because murder is a mortal sin and you’ll be too dead to repent
Even if you don’t believe in hell I’d argue that entering the great beyond on your own terms, against nature, in a state of turmoil and pain and suffering (suicidal people generally aren’t happy) is probably not a good idea.

>> No.22618831

The world is an interesting place to be, and I'd be missing out on so much if I wasn't here. I look forward to reading a book, talking with friends, seeing family, enjoying the weather. I can even enjoy the comfort of resting in bed if I'm tired.

>> No.22618840

It would be very painful
It would be a lot of work
It would make a lot of other people sad

>> No.22618858
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The duality of men, kek

>> No.22618865

Mom would definitely be sad, wait until she's gone at the very least.

>> No.22618880
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>Why would trivial pain without purpose be embraced, when there people who are blessed with meritless pleasure?

>> No.22618906


What if confronting the fear of dead is the true test, the ultimate strenght demostration?

>> No.22618912


You are not a serious person

>> No.22618919


But what if you are deprived of enjoying such things

>> No.22618926


The swiss already solved 2 of those 3 with the suicide pod

>> No.22618971

You are dead forever if you do it. You will grow out of your 20s in a finite amount of time if you don’t.

>> No.22619006

Can't post here when you're dead

>> No.22619043


Few years ago I got really fucking sick. I thought I was on my death bed. That day I kept thinking about 4chan and anons. I was crying like a bitch and was constantly thinking about making that gay goodbye thread. 4chan is home, unfortunately.

>> No.22619053


I should play vidya again. Its been 10 years since i dont play a videogame

>> No.22619077

If you're still able to take your own life yourself, then it's not worth doing it.

>> No.22619086

Also, you'll be outlived by people like Nikocado Avocado. And Trump.

>> No.22619145


Come on guys i was waiting for my mind to get blown away, you are supposedly the intellectual elite of 4chan, give me some kant level arguments

>> No.22619159

enjoy your meaningless hedonism while it lasts

>> No.22619171

Have sex

>> No.22619177

at least try drugs and whores.

>> No.22619179

If life is so bad that you must kill yourself, first consider that if reincarnation is real, suicide will be seen as a massive failure, and you will have to live life again (but even harder) so you will learn the lesson that you were supposed to learn by not killing yourself.

>> No.22619192


Im le ugly

>> No.22619199
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There is a non-zero chance that things could suddenly get much, much better.
There's also a non-zero chance that things could suddenly get much, much worse, so maybe suicide is worth it.

>> No.22619203


If reincarnation is real, it doesnt need to follow those moralistic rules. You may reincarnate as a god.

>> No.22619218

>muh reddit
>muh hedonism
this is a literature board, find new words faggot christranny kys

>> No.22619235

1: You're gonna die anyway.
2: It's too soon, you can still turn everything around.
3: It's too late to salvage anything, you should have killed yourself before becoming so embarassing. Suicide would only make it worse.

>> No.22619271

It's funny that Nike's "Just Do It" slogan was inspired by death row inmate Gary Gilmore's last words right before he was executed by firing squad.

>> No.22619282

I would wait until I can enjoy life. I have hope that there are good things waiting for me in the future. And if I still can't reach the good in life by waiting, I would do what I could in my effort to try to make a good life my reality. I would keep trying to make life worth something.

But say if I was bedridden and had no family to visit me. The most I would like to say about this is I would do my best to take care of my health and social relationships to prevent this from happening. Consequences are a reality after all. And I would hope I at least have memories of the past, of the good in my life, both the tangible and the good of my consciousness, to hold onto to comfort me while I remain awake.

>> No.22619287

yea, but you won't just incarnate as a god if you are not worthy, killing yourself entails you can't cope with reality

>> No.22619294

what is also funny is that when I was in psychosis, everytime i saw a Nike sign the voices in my head told me to kill myself "just do it" -- in order to "win" the game.

>> No.22619303

Suicide should be a last resort option if you know you're going to be tortured or you have crippling and constant inescapable pain and you don't see yourself as having the strength to go through it. But in all other cases (which is 99% of all cases), you can literally do anything else. You can go anywhere, if you're in North Korea you can at least die trying. It just does not make sense to me that you would choose suicide when, if your current situation is unbearable, you can just pack up and leave.

>> No.22619305

I call you what you are and you get mad for it. Fuck off and die, retard

>> No.22619320

a better question is what's a good argument for sucide barring anything obvious like terminal disease or old age

>> No.22619345


>Suicide would make it worse


>> No.22619362


This reminds me of the end of wild strawberries


You should see this film

>> No.22619370


What about the social pressure of current modern civilization that condemns every outcast with unbearable anxiety? Like a jap hikikkomori

>> No.22619373
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>> No.22619376


I wouldnt say being "worthy" is relevant, i would say being strong willed is more apropiate

>> No.22619378


>> No.22619380


Also dont watch the clip if you aee going to watch the movie, as it spoils the perfect ending

>> No.22619384

That's still actionable to improve upon if out outright fix completely, and it's giving up early to throw in the towel on life like that

>> No.22619422

If you care about people who care about you, you should know it will (probably) hurt them more than your naturally dying.
It will hurt if you do it wrong.
You are guaranteed death anyway, you might as well let nature take its course rather than get your hands dirty.

>> No.22619435

I did

>> No.22619451
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>this is a literature board
No it isnt, this board is quasi-literate, you dunces read the most banal and uninspiring trash thats been floated to the top of the garbage heap.

>You are not a serious person
Case in point, you cant extrapolate the need for suffering because youre expecting life to be a pleasure-cube like experience. A doomed direction in life, because it fucks with the development of your pysche and produces what are know as "man-children".

>faggot christranny
Its a Developmental Psychology book, telling people througout history that himans have certain proclivities that lead them to develope into specific, and predictable, mentalities, as a warning to the future "You fuck up and make this or that mistake and this will happen."

You seem to confuse competency and aithority with oppression....is your hair blue by chance? Hate your dad, he "Was an asshole, mom was always nice, fuck him though?

Learn some humility you demon-possessed and fatherless asshat.

>> No.22619458

kant be done, sorry

>> No.22619486
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>i was waiting for my mind to get blown away
Your supposed to do that yourself...by doing something instead of waiting for soneone to give you a magic pill.

Burn down your old life and start over if yure seriously wanting to die...otherwise youre simply seeking sympathy to which youre training yourself to seek by being ij a state of depression, hence yo remainnin a state of depression to get what you want; Sympathy, not solutions to end of depression.


After I toured other countries I become reawoken to life and found new meaning in everything...I also couldnt hang around my friends anymore...they were seen as loser with nothing worth living for in their lives. 15 years later and theyre still junkies and losers...Ive seen the whole world since then.

>> No.22619577

It's fucking gay

>> No.22619578


>> No.22619687

The best argument I heard was in some Yale professor's talk on suicide https://youtu.be/MajfZIyHP8U?si=vaHjd1vEMUX9GgGg&t=2260 . Grading the amount of good things that happen to you or good feelings you have against all the bad things, and that for as long as the good outweighs the bad there's still a reason to live.
Disinterest in life. Realizing that you either hate or look down on everyone, especially people that like you, and that as a result you won't be able to hold friends or a relationship, so the only future is one in which you're alone with your habits and daily schedule, which while comfortable is certainly not fulfilling. And any obstacle that from then on comes up, like car problems or issues at work, immediately gets recognized as a potential stopping point, like "Might as well end it now, rather than deal with this." When that's your daily mindset, suicide doesn't seem so outlandish.

>> No.22619698

Imagine being the product of billions of years of evolution with a hundred trillion cells filled with mechanisms too complex for you to ever understand, all working together in harmony to keep you alive every second, only to end it all yourself. But I guess suicidal ideation in itself is a malfunction of neurons. You only get one chance at life, why end it when you can keep going? Even pain is better than nothing.

>> No.22619717
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>Even pain is better than nothing.
Forced nothingness will turn your own body and mind against itself in an attempt to take control over you to get you out of the silent hell it found itself in.

>> No.22619727

You have an opportunity to give meaning to your life.

>> No.22619735

This universe of ours has spent an eternity to create you and in creating you it has bestowed upon you gifts so plentiful that it would take you centuries to fully enjoy. There are few reason to throw those gifts away.

>> No.22619743

Life is a conscious experiment furnished to humans by the cosmic ethos.

You can either accept the experiment or refuse it. Accepting it would be living your life and seeing how it plays out. Refusing it would be killing yourself.

Make your choice.

>> No.22619748

The Bible

>> No.22619775
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>It would be very painful
For who?

>> No.22619794

depends on your chosen method, I suppose

>> No.22619826

Here's two for whatever they're worth.
1. To kill yourself because you think life is unbearable is a contradiction. In every moment up until you're dead you were able to bear it. The simple fact that you're still alive means that life is bearable. If it was truly unbearable you'd just die from that, you wouldn't have to do it yourself.
2. People usually kill themselves because fundamentally they want relief from suffering, but once they're dead they can't experience that relief that they wanted. Death doesn't satisfy the desire to die. The only way to find relief from suffering is to find it before you die. If relief will be impossible then perhaps suicide could be argued for, but that's very rare.

>> No.22619830

it's permanent

>> No.22619925

Most humans don't suffer, you faggots probably don't even know what that word means.

>> No.22620027

>Realizing that you either hate or look down on everyone, especially people that like you, and that as a result you won't be able to hold friends or a relationship, so the only future is one in which you're alone with your habits and daily schedule, which while comfortable is certainly not fulfilling. And any obstacle that from then on comes up, like car problems or issues at work, immediately gets recognized as a potential stopping point, like "Might as well end it now, rather than deal with this."
What the fuck that's me
Should I kms immediatly?

>> No.22620032
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>muh mom will be sad
The same moms that subjected the majority of American anons to pic related?

>> No.22620037

That's not that humorous desu. Work on your material.

>> No.22620049

good post

>> No.22620052

Who gives a shit about suffering? What's with you tards? In other threads you can provide pages upon pages on theology and esoterica, but here all you have is "uhh maybe feel good later." I don't want to die because the pain is just so bad, and I don't want to live because I might get some pleasure out of it. Who the fuck thinks this way? American hours, I swear

>> No.22620059

Kys monkey

>> No.22620060

Aight you tryna hop in my torture dungeon for some fun then?

>> No.22620065

coping faggot

>> No.22620079
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I would crack it in half and you would know suffering for the first time in your life.
>The Latin root of the word passion is patior, which means to suffer or endure.

Greatness is found through consciously and willingly accepted suffering for a purpose greater than (You) that has actualized results.

>> No.22620090
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>tfw I see a name/trip in the name field of a response to my post and I get the luxury of not even having to read it

>> No.22620096
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Damn right you dont look me in the eyes.

You illiterate faggots read trash and say dumb ass shit, I would say read a book but you dunces all just read tbe same fucking books to circle jerk about them.

>> No.22620108

>Even pain is better than nothing.
Manifestly untrue.
How little you know of pain.

>> No.22620118


Pain is better than nothing. Suffering. Absolute suffering, is better than nothing. Feed me agony, mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, let me taste fire, and I will forge hope.

>> No.22620122

What is this, Warhammer role play hour?

>> No.22620139
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>Manifestly untrue.
Objectively false on the fundamental cognition level. Lack of stimuli will drive beings into into pain OR pleasure.

Cats who dont get enough attention will do things that get it punished because being hit is better than being ignored.

Battered wives stay because its better than being alone.

You know nothing of nothingness, isolation and solitude. I know physical pain more, I know emotional pain more, I know betrayal more, I know loss more.

>I would crack it in half
Because I would, with a flex...that faggot's sad excuse for anti-pleasure would be turned into active death if he entered my pain-cube. Literal kill himself if he did.

>But I thought you said pain is better than nothing.
He has never experienced it and now has a completely warped view of reality and himself, his baseline in +50%, meaning "neutral" (0%) is his pain. -X% is beyond his comprehension of reality and he has made himself need constant support in the form of food, drugs, entertainment and other pleasures.

An addict, like virtually all people...junkies of their own narcotic.

>> No.22620142

go to mexico than faggot funky town intensifies

>> No.22620143


Why it seems that travelling is fundamental to rebirth?

Now is the time when travelling is the least revealling as we have technological connections to learn other cultures, and the most difficult because of the state of survilliance

>> No.22620148

Tell me more about this "hell"? What's it like exactly, and how do you know it exists? Be specific, no need to sacrifice details for brevity.

>> No.22620154

>Why it seems that travelling is fundamental to rebirth?
Because without you realizing it you are putting up a front, a mask, to all the people around you...its subconscious, muscle memory at this point, happens before and without you thinking about it and if you keep hanging around them you will keep slipping back into that cycle.

They expect a certain you, you know they expect it and so you deliver, even if you are not longer than person (or never were)...you do it for all of them. People can spend their whole lives making NPCs feel comforted for 10 minutes each every day but requires their whole lifes to do so

>> No.22620162

Coffee makes me want to even worse once it wears off..

>> No.22620198

I understood that reference.

>> No.22620201


>> No.22620214

Desu therapy might help you out. It's all perspective which is the one thing a good therapist can fix.

>> No.22620218


How do you defide where to go and what kind of trip you do?

>> No.22620223
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There are none. Don’t let me stop ya.

>> No.22620229

>Battered wives stay because its better than being alone.
Battered wive stay because they INCORRECTLY BELIEVE it is better than being alone.
Suffering apology is an utterly repulsive sickness.

>> No.22620230

YOU need to kill yourself. Don't let anyone in this thread tell you otherwise buddy.

>> No.22620231

Suffering is good. Suffering is necessary.

To deny this, you are denying centuries of human experience and human literature.

>> No.22620232

y u mad doh

>> No.22620236

Not the same guy, moron.

>> No.22620239

>inb4 trickery

>> No.22620240
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Then? Because it was cheap, exotic and not as well traveled as now, SE Asia in 2007. I visited all kinds of temples, jungle treks, archeological sites. I came back with a new purpose, I saw that I did not know the world and neither did any of the people around me...nor did they care or desire to know.

I died, so did they, the world reborne.

You? Thats a (You) questions only (You) can answer, its a different world everyday. Ive been a lot of places, what are you into? Cheap since I doubt you have money and it needs to be long, months minimum, otherwise youre just come back the same. You need to absorb the culture and mentality, shapeshift into one of them...you have to die.

>> No.22620247

Yet in their isolation they return...time and again.

Odd how you affirm me while denying them their only pleasure...truly you are a demon in an angel's mask.

>> No.22620252

how can you prove their belief is incorrect

>> No.22620273


Im in argentina. I cant fly because i dont have money and even if i got it, its still too expensive

How far are the distance one should reach?

>> No.22620325

>How far are the distance one should reach?
Thats not the point. The point is that you changed everything about your life for a while, simply moving to a new city and not see your own life again (at least for a time) is enough because usually the same country will just lead to the same habits, same types of bars/social events, types of peoples, youre not having to take in a new culture or way of life, it would simoly be a handicap to your normal routine.

The point is to be around people you wouldnt normally be around, do things you wouldnt normally do, experience new everything.

Its not about numbers or distance...its about allowing yourself to be who you really are without the people around you pointing out "youre changing" because then you'll stop changing and mold to what They want from you, not what you would become yourself.

>> No.22620329

>simply moving to a new city and not see your old* life again (at least for a time) is not* enough because

>> No.22620357
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>Pain-cube enjoyer.
>Pleasure-cube endurer.
One incorporates the suffering, returning as tempered steel. The intense suffer calls for a time of relaxations, minor ones feel like bliss. Only the insane pick up the pain-cube and never let it go, like David Goggins or me. Dont...its not for you.

The other held on to the pleasure-cube and didnt let go, and like a daily addict, had to up the dose to maintain center. The degeneracy ups and the need for a higher center does too. Eventually the pleasure goes away...it has turned into an anti-pleasure-cube. The center is above what can be maintained or even attainted at all.
"Its not enough to feel pleasure, I demand eurphoria!"

>> No.22620361

>be around people you wouldnt normally be around
What does it matter to be around people if you don't interact with them? I know several languages and yet even in my own country I hardly get a chance to use my own language because people don't interact with me and I don't get a chance to interact with them! Even if I do interact with them and maybe get to know them, it is not fun and then I will eventually go away and never see them again.
>do things you wouldnt normally do
Such as? There are bars, there are restaurants, and there are sidewalks. None of these are particularly interesting.
>Its not about numbers or distance...
Then there must be a way to know how other people affect you without going with far away? That is not really an issue for me because I spend a lot of time isolated. I'm not the anon you replied to btw.

>> No.22620369


Telll me your literary influences and inspirations

>> No.22620384

>The same moms that subjected the majority of American anons to pic related?

>yur mom cut yo skeen so keell yoself to make er sad

>> No.22620395
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>What does it matter to be around people if you don't interact with them?
I stayed in SE Asia until I subconscioussly looked the opposite direction for cars than I would in the west. You keep thinking your conscious mind is in control...youre not, you just get to steer most of the time, learning that there is a subconscious mind that can override you (and you can alter how it operates) is what will awaken you. You act a certain way in your society, they expect certain cultural customs, you naturally do them. In a far off land they expect other things, you will have to adapt or stick out and feel out of place, usually thats embarrassing to people.

Youre not really getting what Im saying, youre stepping ahead of me and looking back instead of venturing into the unknown.

>and never see them again.
Look at this map. I will never see any of them again. Theyre not objects to put on display in your house, theyre moments with people unlike you.

I used to do a lot of community work, volunteering etc, but Ive traveled so much Im burned out and forced to keep going at the moment, but for years I did it and miss it. I mostly cant do a lot of it because of the places I am, just not an option, but I will again in 2024.

>None of these are particularly interesting.
Youre starting to sound like someone that didnt put the pleasure-cube down. You need a "up" from everything or else "why bother".
"Everything is shit, I just want my two hits and go to bed."

Lame...if you dont look for the good you will only the bad, which everything has...so every will become...

>Then there must be a way to know how other people affect you without going with far away?
Its literally everyone in your country.

All of them. The CULTure expects, you COMPLY whether you know it or not. By removing yourself from that expectation you will find out what was really you and what was you simply submitting to the collective's soft (but unyielding) expectations.

>> No.22620411
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My own life and research in Psychology, Cognition, Cultures, Theologies, Politics and Genetics...how they all relate and incorporate with each other.

Where one begins or ends, upstream or downstream, differenciating the human experience and its extremes. Outcomes, their dangers, and any lessons learned along the way.

Ive attended several thousand hours of Psychology lectures, psychoanalyze everyone I meet, met with many homeless, addicted schizos on the street, as well as the well off and middle class people.

>> No.22620422

something retarded might happen

>> No.22620434
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I guess I could say this book. Was the first time I read anything philosophical. I was 12 years old in 1996. I read Brief History of Time a year later. Around the same time The Hobbit, though I have read very little "fiction".

Before all of that I used to look at Animal Fact Files. Thousands, all types of living beings, and studies their metrics and data, for hours on end.

>> No.22620445
File: 25 KB, 300x364, The_Da_Vinci_Code - 3 - Paul_Bettany Audrey_Tautou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for reference...this is what happens when you were not meant to hold onto the pain-cube. The antagonist from The Da Vinci Code. Embittered at a world enjoying what they cannot...a dangerous ticking timebomb.

>> No.22620459

>Tell me more about this "hell"?
Sure. A lot of people think hell is a literal place. It’s not. The way to think of it is as a state of mind or a state of being. The way your soul, or spirit, or consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, is in when you die. The Bible describes it as a pit of fire, with weeping and gnashing of teeth. A “place” of deep suffering, to say the least.
What's it like exactly,
>It is complete separation from God by one’s own choice. That is, separation from goodness and love. It’s like when you regect going to a party and end up spending the night lonely and bitter, only that night is forever. If a man’s soul is deeply sinful, cruel, rageful, and evil in life, that is, in the confines of time, then imagine that how that rage and hate would be festered in eternity. Because death basically is one’s sealed eternity. The present moment is the single point between the eternity of the past and the eternity of the future.
and how do you know it exists?
>Because I believe in the Bible and particularly the teachings of Jesus Christ. And personally I was many years ago close to death due to a car accident. I can’t explain at all how I knew there was an afterlife when I woke up, but there was an overwhelming feeling that there was going to be something coming. I honestly couldn’t explain it in words. I have no idea if there’s heaven or hell, or which I would have gone to, but I believe there is something. I think this was a personal revelation from God. I have no proof, and I rarely will listen to people who claimed to have come back from death. They’re usually trying to sell something. Aside from Jesus Christ, who by God’s will, beat death to prove the defeat of sin, there is no coming back from death.
>Be specific, no need to sacrifice details for brevity.
If you’d like some of the best explainations of hell I’ve ever read, then “The Great Divorce” and “The Screwtape Letters” by CS Lewis are not only excellent and compelling pieces of writing but easy for both the theist and atheist to understand.

>> No.22620470

i’m also pretty sure all suicides go to hell because every time i watch suicide videos on wpd i feel a crazy huge sense of dread for the victim that i don’t feel with accident or even murder videos

>> No.22620474

I used to spend a lot more time isolated. There I wasn't subject to any cultural customs or politics. I had to think consciously about everything, things that seemed natural and obvious for others I had to learn.
>youre not, you just get to steer most of the time, learning that there is a subconscious mind that can overrid
You are retarded. It is funny that you claim to not have read much fiction and have "attended several thousand hours of Psychology lectures" but you are unable to write clearly and concisely, and have to resort to similies and parables(it is fine for me because I am retarded) but for you, all of that reading seems to have been wasted. You are a simple boomer, and all of your advice is for other simple boomers. Your "psychoanalysis" of people is probanly just annoying homeless people on the street and talking to male prostitutes after sex in Thailand and you know nothing more about the human mind than is already immediately obvious to more competent people.
>Youre starting to sound like someone that didnt put the pleasure-cube down.
Bars and restaurants and maybe coffee shops, that is what my city is like.

>> No.22620476

Your posts are so fucking cringe

>> No.22620497

>eternal pain and suffering
Right I get that, but where in your opinion is hell in relation to earth and heaven, geographically speaking? Does the soul have to travel far to get there after death? Would someone condemmed to hell be aware of his own existence? Seeing as the brain dies and all, and the soul clearly lives on, it makes sense that the human condemmed to death would have no awareness or understanding of this condemnation.

>> No.22620500

>but you are unable to write clearly and concisely
Cool, youre not a Professor of Biology are you?....so swallow your pride and accept Im not going to speak in scientific terms to some lost pseudo-normie who is unable to comprehend themselves in society because they have detached themselves from it.

Otherwise I can just dunk on you...
>similies and parables

Youre not a doctor and fiction is for faggots and children.

>Your "psychoanalysis" of people is probanly...blah blah blah
Youre fucking stupid as shit and everything you believe is a lie, your time alone has left you deluded and jaded, you picked up the pain-cube and didnt put it down.

Congrats...you burned yourself...

>you know nothing more
Im literally one of the, if not THE, leading psychoanalyst in the world, I DO OTHER SHIT THAN LECTURE PSYCHOLOGY.

Im the guy that would school Jordan Peterson, I have other duties than lecture an auditorium of bluepilled normies, I am busy with my own research in BioPhysics and Cognition, professors are my students, not YOU or reyards like you (Normies).

>> No.22620531

suicide is gay

>> No.22620536

>Right I get that, but where in your opinion is hell in relation to earth and heaven, geographically speaking?
Hell is separation from Earth and heaven. We call darkness, “darkness”. But really there is no darkness. Darkness is just the abscence of light. Hell is the abscence of God.
Does the soul have to travel far to get there after death?
I don’t know what you mean by this.
Would someone condemmed to hell be aware of his own existence?
Unlikely in my opinion.
Seeing as the brain dies and all, and the soul clearly lives on, it makes sense that the human condemmed to death would have no awareness or understanding of this condemnation.
I agree. If one regects God throughout their life then God cannot accept them into heaven, because there is nothing to accept.

>> No.22620538
File: 62 KB, 709x709, f04b432125a4a1a4d0f0fa70e6f58368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..fucking jaded teenager mentality pseudo-adult failures rejecting anything "uncool" and become rejects of society.

Youre not smart.
You dont know shit.
You havnt done shit in life.
You have no thoughts except emotions.
You failed to mature yourself.
You cant differentiate men from boys, because you dont know what the difference is and treat men like boys and see boys as men (because theyre like you and you need to know youre not alone).

>Someone should have let go of the pain-cube...its probably too late now since he rejects the very things he needs.

>> No.22620550

So aggressive... maybe you are insecure about some of the points I brought up? When you tried to psychoanalyze that prositute from cambodia and asked him to come back to america with you after one of your "sessions", did you really think he would say yes?
>You have no thoughts except emotions.
You are one to talk

>> No.22620566
File: 542 KB, 250x150, hugh-laurile-dr-house.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading you garbage emotional drivel. YOU FUCKED UP YOUR LIFE....die alone in your personal Hell, you earned it...


>> No.22620570
File: 62 KB, 590x386, 10431670_10152610187231343_69022266256032171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help me.
>Fuck you!
>Help me.
>Fuck you!
>Help me.
>Fuck you!

>> No.22620572

You seem to be the one in pain. Care to talk about it friend?

>> No.22620583
File: 37 KB, 531x710, 1-s2.0-S0024379522000994-gr001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"lol no u r"

Every move you make will be broken over my knee and you know it now.

Not....very well read for a "literature" board...

>> No.22620597

Hows the home life? Any wife yet? No friends either huh? You will probably not respond because all of this is true but know that the reason you don't have these things is not due to your Towering I tellect, but your lack of stability as a human.
>Not....very well read for a "literature" board...
I never claimed to be,

>> No.22620606

suicide is for pussies. If ur really want to die, atleast die doing something.

Like protecting your country in war, saving someones life, or so

>> No.22620630
File: 887 KB, 916x711, 2023-03-05_01.06.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore every post and post back emotional clawing like a fatherless child that cant accept how badly they failed to ignite in their life...a rocket that never left the launch pad...

>My own life and research in Psychology, Cognition, Cultures, Theologies, Politics and Genetics...how they all relate and incorporate with each other.

>Hows the home life?
Which one?

>No friends either huh?

>because all of this is true
"And you have a small penis and smell."

FATHERLESS...you reek of failure.

>> No.22620670

Sorry I didn't think that you wouldn't be able to understand euphemisms. It makes sense now. By "home life" I meant romantic relationship with women or relationships with your parents. By "friends" I mean people that care about you right now, and with whom you spend a regular amount of time having fun and bantering with. I assume you don't have these or a relationship with a woman. Don't worry, it is still not hopeless for you.
>"And you have a small penis and smell."
I'm sorry? Are you quoting something I might say in this post and are calling that infantile? Why, I haven't even said that, but maybe that's what the male prostitute in Laos said to you as he was rejecting you.

>> No.22620747

No, youre feigning ignorance to LARP like youre sophisticated and deep.

Sorry, kiddo, you burned that bridge here;
>have to resort to similies and parables
No, I am educating you on the latest on Cognitive science, as a Doctor, you fucking retarded.

That does go both ways..."no u dum", cool, let me know when you get a PhD so I can actually know you understand how fucking outclassed you are, right now youre just LARPing as smart and educated and experienced.


>> No.22620760

>That doesnt* go both ways
Heh, cracked screen. Cant expect you to not jump on something like that for a cheap laugh and faux-win.

Remember, boy...its not about winning in life...its about them thinking youre winning! MUCH easier to do. Easy=Good.

>> No.22620771


You are most certainly one of the smartest people to ever live. But although you are so wise, let me just correct one little thing.

LARP = Live Action Role Play. Dressing up in real life and acting out scenes.
ERP = Erotic Role Play. Generally done online via text or in MMOs, it's basically roleplay, but sex.
RP = Role Play. Writing out a scene as if you were a character in a book.

Now that I have explained this, anyone who reads this and still uses LARP incorrectly will have dreams where all of their teeth fall out in horrifically painful ways more often than ever before. The warning has been made. Don't use LARP incorrectly, ok? You mean "RP." That's what you actually mean.

>> No.22620813

I never pretended to be sophisticated and deep
>No, I am educating you on the latest on Cognitive science, as a Doctor, you fucking retarded.
You haven't given me anything that I don't already know. For example your post now is not helpful at all.
>right now youre just LARPing as smart and educated and experienced.
No, I only claim to have modest education and intelligence. You seem to be incredibly butthurt and insecure over something, desperate to win the non-existant argument and prove your superiority.

>> No.22620833


I think you're essentially right in this debate.
I didn't read through every reply, but if you are against suicide, and this weird "cult of passion" is trying to convince you to die, then please do not listen to him.

You are clearly a person who is actually cognizant and thus you hold an inherent value in being able to sort good ideas from bad. Please do not let this "doctor" trick you into suicide or something. If I ever met you, I believe we could be friends. And if anyone like me ever met you, then perhaps you two would be inherent friends for the same reason.

Please do not listen to that illogical fake doctor. Your life has inherent value for the simple fact that you are alive, rather than dead rock or star.

And there is the inescapable fact that life is a mere blip through the billions of years of cosmic time. You've already been non-existent for billions of years. And you will be non-existent for billions of years after you die. You have only this very brief period to exist as yourself, so please do not waste it. I had a brother once who did. He took bad drugs and then killed himself. He's gone now and all he had to have done is make literally ONE different choice: Just stop the drugs and stop the bad thoughts. Just literally use the ultimate power of will and demand life. Force your desire to live become the ultimate reality of your mind, and deny suicide.


>> No.22620844
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This isn't really about suicide specifically, but when you die the necrophiliacs down at the morgue and funeral home will have their way with your naked body as you lie naked on the slab. So if you're going to die, die out in nature so your body will never be found. Don't give the necrophiliacs what they want.

>> No.22620859
File: 200 KB, 685x485, 491108_1_En_8_Fig8_HTML.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you're essentially right in this debate.
Shut the fuck up....."Im gunna make an emotional judgement based on who sounds the most certain of themselves."

Youre psychologically primed from a forked tongue used car salemen to swindle you, dumbass....Good Lord, this board is fucking retarded.....



Children...adult children that needed fathers but had males in the house or not at allninstead.

>> No.22620867

The words in your post made my brain hemorrhage but your pic said I am a mage which is cool so thanks anon

>> No.22620987

There are no logical “arguments” against suicide because suicide is concerned with the ‘meaning of life,’ which is to say it’s at least partially transcendental. Ultimately, only faith can be the reason for living on, which is unfalsifiable.

>> No.22621017

If you kill yourself now you will have been outlived by nickokado avocado, bert kreischer and jeffrey epstein.
>is that the legacy you wanna leave behind

>> No.22621091

Can someone give me the rundown on this trip-fag, what is his problem?

>> No.22621241

Most people are wastes of air, including me. Even though eugenics is a pseudo science. Practically speaking, the population should be drastically reduced, both for what I mentioned and for various much worse reasons. There is nothing wrong with suicide

>> No.22621361

to want is the only valid reason not to commit suicide.

>> No.22621368

we dont know what comes afterwards
we dont know if what comes afterwards is unfathomably worse
most likely it is since you left all your problems behind without facing or resolving them

>> No.22621377

Without irony I don't care what they do with my dead body.

>> No.22621416

Ah yes another antinatalist LARP thread

>> No.22621542
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I think Tacitus said about Agricola that only a weakling would try to find an (supposed) easy way out to (supposed) life problems, while a real G would just face life whatever it throws at him

>> No.22621562
File: 167 KB, 535x464, 1694735578193129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still butthurt for antinatalism

>> No.22621610

>save someone's life
>he DIES anyways after returning home
Yeah that's fucking LAME

>> No.22621620

things only ever get better in the short term, then they get much, much, worse.

>> No.22621658

Existence > Non-existence
It's that simple.

But the problem isn't a rational one. Suicidal people are suicidal due to their emotions.

>> No.22621794

the idea of suicide in itself is liberating if you free yourself from slave morality, and can make the suffering that is inherent to this existence more bearable, you don't necessarily have to commit suicide unless you encounter inescapable conditions of unbearable pain, looking for arguments for living is ironically healthier than opposing death instead of accepting it
a few arguments are that death is inevitable, existence is temporary, non-existence is infinite, your life is an interruption of non-existence and now is the only time to experience things that you will never be able to experience for the rest of eternity etc.