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22618339 No.22618339 [Reply] [Original]

"Architecture" edition

Previous: >>22617780

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHdzv1NfZRM [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whPnobbck9s [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAKcbvioxFk [Embed]

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/IB1URcYIaOE?feature=shared

>> No.22618472

Multiple threads, we are doing this again ...

Fine, here! I tried quite hard to have this done by the 14’th, on the anniversary of his death, but life got in the way.

Probably the most obscure thing i've ever written.


>> No.22618951

Do you get banned for posting sexually explicit, violent fiction here?

I’ve an excerpt or two I’d like to share.

>> No.22619098

thanks for trying

>> No.22619125

Include link to /wg/ NaNoWriMo next thread please.


>> No.22619142

I have invented a new alphabet, I call it lakrit.

>> No.22619206

Eh... I think I appreciate this more than I like it. Feels raw and personal.

>> No.22619226

Okay I read it again and I think it's actually quite good. There's stuff right at the end that's kind of kills the flow for me but it's a really good effort.

>> No.22619386

I wrote so much and i'm very tempted to end it there and call it part one, just to get it out there and in the open. I know I shouldn't, that's not a complete story yet and I want it to be a long read but damn it am I tempted.

>> No.22619537

Who cares if it is? Just post it.

>> No.22620202

Well I gotta verify. I don’t wanna get banned as I need this account for research as my mother wants to boost my bro and I must prevent it

>> No.22620354
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Can I get an emo gf like picture related by writing horror fiction?

>> No.22620688 [DELETED] 

It is Sunday morning. John leans against the counter from behind the register at the cafe where he works and sees a young woman about his age walk in. She is pretty in an understated, somewhat tomboyish way, not far beyond her college years, with hair glossed probably from having just left the spa across the street like many other customers. She smiles, studies the menu, and asks for a Milk Tea bubble tea and a Nutella crepe. He tells her how long she will have to wait, and then comments on the shirt she is wearing as he rings her up. It's a shirt with a Kill Bill design on it, featuring a helmet clad Uma Thurman racing down the freeway in a motorcycle.

"Are you into Kill Bill?"

"Oh yeah, both Volume I and II are great— but I got it mainly cause I thought this shirt looks super sick".

"I like it. Uma Thurman is awesome".

He makes the drink and calls it out and she comes up to the counter. Before she heads back to where she had been sitting he says that he would like to recommend her a song which he thinks she would like given her appreciation for Kill Bill.

"It's called Spring by Kim Jungmi. One of my favorites".

"Cool, thanks, I'll check it out". She walks back to her seat and he strides over and checks to see if the green light on the crepe machine has come on.

When it is ready he calls her and she comes up and she says in a slightly embarrassed way that she had earbuds in and so maybe didn't hear him and he says no worries he only called once. She says she liked the song and wow, how did you find that song, wasn't it made in the 70s? And he says that he is a musician and likes to listen to a lot of different kinds of music. He tells her the name of the one song he has published, released earlier this year, and she says she will listen to it.

She comes back and the plate is empty save for small trails of chocolate residue. She thanks him and says his song is really, really good, and that he needs to make more. He feels it is good to hear because it is nice to be validated but also because most people say 'keep it up' which rings hollow after a while. Her name is Rachel and she comes here from time to time, and the semiweekly trips to the spa are a much needed break from life in the city. He says he knows what she means, that the city overstimulates him whenever he visits. He asks her what she does for work and she avoids the question but they talk about other things. When he asks if he can follow her on Instagram he discovers that they have a mutual friend, a classmate from high school, and she says that she knew her from college up in Boston. They talk for a little while longer.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you around."

"Yeah, it was a real pleasure talking to you!"

>> No.22620695 [DELETED] 

She follows him and waits a few hours to accept his follow request but even before she does so he cringes instinctively at the link in the bio to a spreadsheet on resources on how to be antiracist. He is not racist and a minority himself but his immersion into fringe online communities over the years has resulted in a kneejerk disdain for 'wokeness' in all forms. He wonders lightheartedly what would have been if he had gone to school and met other girls like this. If he had attended lectures and seminars instead of shitposts. If he had let his heart become filled with compassion instead of cold idiosyncrasy and self-absorbed pretensions of creative greatness.

He considers reaching out to say thank you for the kind words and hope to see you again soon and maybe we can hang out some time I know a great Korean place in town– then he thinks. Thinks about the last time he had taken an interest in someone who had come in while he had been working and how badly that particular encounter had ended, and how much he still felt its effects. How in the end he had only been driven further into his seclusion and, worse, was left unable to create anything for months. He checks to see if the light is on and decides this time to not be burnt.

>> No.22621385

I now have a potential publisher who want me to sign a sort of pledge of elegance type thing about core values. They dont call it a code of conduct but thats what it is.

ill do it since it a better deal then im likely to get elsewhere else but i have started looking for a replacement already

>> No.22621466
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>noble lady laughs off a man's proposal
>they eventually have to marry as a way to unite their two warring factions
>noble lady hopes they can learn to love one another, but the man is extremely cold to her
>doesn't hold her hand, doesn't ever kiss or hug her even when expected, passionless during sex
>when she announces she is pregnant he immediately moves to sleep in a different room, away from her
>she desires passion and romance again, but he will not offer any to her
What are some ways one might try to reignite the flames of passion that they themselves snuffed out?

>> No.22621569


Add to the next general please. This will be the biggest NaNoWriMo in /wg/ history!

>> No.22621608

You have an editor yet?

>> No.22621637

Do you think it's possible to successfully combine so called "classic" horror (vampires, werewolves, etc) with elements of cosmic horror?

>> No.22621862

Yes, from the publisher.
They've offered me a few months worth of work with some lady who's done some reasonably big stuff. It was however dispiriting to look her up on twitter and find a she/her account with pride flags retweeting clowns i only know from occasionally seeing their kiwifarms threads.
She is otherwise not active though so i can only hope she is going out of politeness .

Oh well, such is life.

>> No.22621990

Looks like OP forgot to include the /wg/ NaNo info so here’s a spin-off thread for it. Almost 100 members for NaNo!
