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22608369 No.22608369 [Reply] [Original]

I recently bought this book on a sale, it was the only one by Nietzsche.
I've heard that before reading this one you should read basically everything else from mr Ubermensch if you're just starting out with nihilism.
Is this true? I wouldn't want to start reading it only to leave it because I need to understand the other stuff first.
I studied most of what stoicism had to offer, if that helps.

>> No.22608399

why don't you read it and tell us?

>> No.22608411

Just read it. Most anons that compile large lists of books to read as a prerequisite don’t ever get around to the book they actually wanted to read. If you don’t understand a book 100% on the first read, that is fine. You can always fill in the blanks or reread. It isn’t a one and done type of situation

>> No.22608472
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It's the most pseud book i've read

>> No.22608483

If you think he is a nihilist, you definetly need to read a basic book by him. Try Geneology or Beyond Good & Evil

>> No.22608519

Nietzsche was explicitly anti-nihilist, retard

>> No.22608588

I tried reading it in college and couldn't get through the first 20 pages or so. It just happened to be the only Nietzsche book in the library, and I had never read any Nietzsche before that. I think there's something to the idea of reading his other books first. I'm reading Beyond Good and Evil right now, and it's a breeze compared to Zarathustra (though to be fair, that was over a decade ago).

>> No.22608659

He was nihilist and anti-nihilist in the usual definition and anti-nihilist in his retarded definition

>> No.22608708

noun: nihilism

> the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
> "they condemned the show for its cynicism and nihilism"

By the usual definition he was anti-nihilist. You have not read Nietzsche and you should commit suicide as soon as possible.

>> No.22608974

You're right, thanks for clearing it up. >>22608519

>> No.22608981

Well, it's not that I "think" he's a nihilist, it's just what people that supposedly read his works told me.
What can his train of thought be defined as then?

>> No.22609389

It is an attempted response to nihillism while nihillism is still in it's infancy as an idea. He saw the majority of western philosophy as a series of attempts at making secular heavons( so-called perfect worlds). It is a situation of shooting the messanger. Who smelt it dealt it, and he was one of the first major philosophers to address the concept of nihillism.

N is notorious for being easily taken out of context, so I wouldn't go off of like a youtube video or something.

He wants us to create our own values in the absence of God since we can't really unring the bell on how religion is used to keep people subservient to those in power. He definetly is against us just giving up. If this is a fool's errand or not is open to interpretation.

His whole thing is a "now what?" to our various disillusionments. He wants a workable soultion that isn't just pretending that Christianity is without it's contradictions.

>> No.22610503

That makes much more sense, thank you :)
I see people using nihilism as an excuse to do crazy stuff (like taking drugs, living a life without morals and values) and feel protected by the name Nietzsche, but I knew that wasn't what Nietzsche was about, so that's why I wanted to start reading him.

Thanks to everyone for your answers, I'll start reading it right away. :)

>> No.22610603

Nietzsche is a duplicitous little atheist bitch who changed the definition of nihilism to match chirstianity

>> No.22610606

>>I see people using nihilism as an excuse to do crazy stuff (like taking drugs, living a life without morals and values) and feel protected by the name Nietzsche, but I knew that wasn't what Nietzsche was about,
It was exactly what Nietzsche is about. Nietzsche's idea is just making nihilism cool by turning hedonism into self aggrandizing narrative and having orgasms like his gay guru Dionysus.

>> No.22610643

>I tried reading it in college and couldn't get through the first 20 pages or so
"It is no easy task to understand unfamiliar blood; I hate the reading idlers.
He who knoweth the reader, doeth nothing more for the reader. Another century of readers—and spirit itself will stink.
Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking.
Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it even becometh populace.
He that writeth in blood and proverbs doth not want to be read, but learnt by heart.
In the mountains the shortest way is from peak to peak, but for that route thou must have long legs. Proverbs should be peaks, and those spoken to should be big and tall"

>> No.22610708

Don't listen, you would understand nothing from this book without previous knowledge in philosophy, especially considering your believe that Nietzsche was a nihilist. Philosophy is not a self-help literature, you must study it to understand. If you really want to start with Nietzsche read antichrist, it's the one without any metaphors and with very easy subject. Otherwise start with Greeks and climb the ladder, everything else is larping.

>> No.22610714

Nietzsche was an existentialist. You can read Zarathustra first, or as a standalone and not be left in the dark, he stated, albeit rather erroneously, that Zarathustra contained all his other philosophy. That aside you may enjoy Zarathustra more if you read it last, you definitely don't need to read everything else he wrote though. If you wanted the bare minimum reading list to get more out of it I would say: twighlight of the idols, beyond good and evil, genealogy of morality, anti-christ, gay science, and ecce homo would suffice, none of those are particularly long book either.

>> No.22611536

Why did he hate Christianity so much? Was it a symptom of his daddy issues?

>> No.22611564

I never said Nietzsche was a nihilist. One can really only understand his thought when you’ve fully read him. Gotta get your food in the door somewhere. Anons act like you will never have a chance to reread or add to your knowledge. Many people, myself included have started with Zarathustra and been fine. Maybe not everything will completely make sense but you will clearly get the gist.

>> No.22611758

The problem is that you can't understand Zarathustra without prior knowledge. You might seem that you did, but that would be false conclusions. It is more destructive that way, and bears no meaning.

>> No.22611789

Christianity held viewing life as meaningless suffering and waiting to die and go to an afterlife as a value. This is nihilism no matter how you spin it with wordcel sophism.

>> No.22611806

Christianity can be anything if you strawman it

>> No.22612817

>Christianity can be anything
well obviously, protties wouldn't be a thing otherwise, every prottie is a walking one member cult at this point

>> No.22612857

Obviously you don’t have to but reading some of his other stuff makes it make more sense. Human all too human, beyond good and evil. These you can get all free tool

>> No.22612859
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Anyways, Nietzsche was wrong about life and suffering. Schopy and christchads were right

>> No.22612923

I listened to an audio version of it many years ago, I remember it as an uplifting story of greatness. I dont know what nihilism has to do with it.

>> No.22613934

>Nietzsche was wrong
never has happened, Nietzsche was so right about christcucks that you still seethe about him, god is dead and christcucks killed him

>> No.22614115

Nah, even his sister was right but not him

>> No.22614406

>Cathlocultist calls others cultists
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.22614517
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>Was it a symptom of his daddy issues?
This is precisely it. Daddy Wagner thought that there was worth in the Christian spirit so Nietzsche sperged out and (literally) got mad.

>> No.22615828

whatever helps you cope with your dead god and dead cult, you don't even believe in your own made up nonsense

>> No.22616473

>I've heard that before reading this one you should read basically everything else from mr Ubermensch if you're just starting out with nihilism
lol no. Thus spoke is supposed to be Nietzsche's really, not really religious text that encapsulates his work.

>> No.22616596

Death is... LE BAD
You didn't understand Nietzsche

>> No.22616642

Christians were vampires who ransacked ancient Rome, the greatest civilization ever created.

>> No.22617914
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>Nietzsche was HECKIN right
>Nietzsche was HECKIN wrong

The world is not black and white, retards. Its gray. Its the embodiment of chaos. The very fact that we are arguing over some refuted philosophy 200 years later goes to show how low humanity has fallen in general. The books that you read are easily tampered with. You will never understand what really was going on in this guy's head.

But there is one thing I admire about Nietzsche that is his version of Dionysian hedonism.

>> No.22618221
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>The world is not black and white, retards. Its gray.
No, the world is only black
Being right is knowing the nigger nature of the universe

>> No.22618283

Nietzsche thoroughly BTFO your semitic Judeo-Mithraist cult, it's over
Pick a real religion next time

>> No.22619221

cool post anon that paper made my afternoon a lot less boring and a bit more cozy :)

>> No.22619526

definitely not Nietzsche

>> No.22619975

Why don't you read A Genealogy of Morals and find out?

>> No.22620574

You're kind of a sad dork