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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 620x775, Holden_John_D_Salvador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22617404 No.22617404 [Reply] [Original]

>he is so evil because he is uhh... le devil incarnate!

>> No.22617412

/lit/ is a brainrot hellscape to trap young men with potential
Most posts you see are reposts from a weekly based
They all follow the same pattern to generate engagement and make you waste your time

>> No.22617425

>implying magical realism

>> No.22617447

Man what's with all the filtered plotfags lately?

>> No.22617468

honestly at this point I have no idea why I keep coming back here

>> No.22617559

Can we just shut this board down already?

>> No.22617602
File: 246 KB, 1600x900, IMG_6773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say you need to… Break the Habit

>> No.22617607

he's not the devil incarnate. He's a demiurge

>> No.22617910

I think I've seen this very same thread at least six times.

>> No.22617950

People just do this because it gets them replies. Make a better thread.

>> No.22618624

kek. every board has a sacred cow. on /tv/ its norm, on /v/ its persona. /lit/ just has one of the dumber deified bovines.

>> No.22618653

You are completely out of touch if you think /lit cares about this pleb holden shit. It is probably one single guy, or a bot, that keeps spamming the board with it

>> No.22618740

Nah, it's babbies first big boy book, and you know full well that half the kids reading it take the judge at face value and think he's based

>> No.22618751

nah the last one was me and was my first post on lit. I had seen a lot of BM threads and decided to try it and was really unimpressed.
you are correct. I think I was misled in that I conflated serious posters with ppl from /pol/ who just like him because he drops n bombs.

>> No.22618761

You are just corroborating that /lit despises this shit. Just read the threads.

>> No.22619551

Cry more faggot, you’ll never post anything of value though. You’ll just keep making shit threads/posts like this whining like a little pussy, kys.

>> No.22619914

He's evil because he kills, rapes, tortures, lies, and manipulates, while crafting a maniacal yet impenetrable lie around his reasons for doing so -- the same way the devil would.

You've got the causal order backwards. Did you read the book?

>> No.22620136

Stick to video games retard.
Stick to video games

>> No.22620140

>one of the dumber deified bovines.
Esl retard? There is no chance you have read this book.

>> No.22620163

It's always funny when manchildren from /v/ give their opinion on anything outside of their manchild's hobby. The single most retarded people on this site who are also the most delusional.
>persona and reddit macdonald
Lol. What trash. Only dumb people think these are good. Go spam more catchphrases on r/norm.

>> No.22620269
File: 214 KB, 828x820, IMG_2245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Blood Meridian last night. What happened to the kid in the jakes?

>> No.22620276

Saw this nigga on benedryl once

>> No.22620585

Holden would love Goku

>> No.22621874

lol go back