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22616893 No.22616893 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the myth of blood would have been a suitable substitute for religion? Science failed, communism failed, liberalism failed, class struggle failed, consumerism failed, art failed. The myth of blood (i.e. fascism) is the only one that never ran its course. Could it have worked to restore absolute purpose and the sublime to the world?

>> No.22616906

Fascism is not the myth of blood.

>> No.22616908

myth of the nation, the people whatever you want to call it, myth of blood is just the most extreme and powerful form of it

>> No.22617388

You’ll only find yourself disappointed if you continue to make Rosenberg threads here, OP. This knowledge is not for everyone.
>in answer to your question: yes, I do believe that.

>> No.22617436

The majority of the nation does not have cosmic glows in their blood (Blutleuchte); they are worthless.

>> No.22617614
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Didn't run its course? It got its face punched in by the combined arms of allied forces and then hung for crimes against humanity at Nuremberg. It got its course run for it. Cope harder nazi.

>> No.22617642

The idea that it didn’t run its course laughable, but if you want a rigorous position that implies why it wouldn’t have ever worked, read Oswald Spengler.

>> No.22617671

Op may be immature and cringe but the obvious leftypol spam whenever Nazism has been mentioned recently is a thousand times worse because there's no reason in it and it is simply blind ideological venom. No one likes faggot crybabies like you. "Oh noooo someone's praising the big bad man," LOL, where do you think you are? The Op is at least being reasonable, or sincerely trying to find the truth, from his limited position.

>> No.22617716

The reason is 20 million dead in Europe all for a delusional psychopath to put a bullet in his brain. Call me whatever I want at least I'm not some sort of dark side lurker who thinks giving nazism a chance is some sort of intellectual honesty. Get rotated clown.

>> No.22617726
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esoteric fascism combines pseudo-science and pseudo-religion, both molded to fit the degenerate narrative. Also fascism failed too kek

>> No.22617727

>LOL, where do you think you are?
The literature board. Not /pol/.

>> No.22617735

So like modern judaism? I had the misfortune to work with a Russian jew who was religiously illiterate but celebrated passover on ethnic grounds, i.e. the belief that there was a genetic line stretching all the way back to an exodus from Egypt. So it was about blood… and it was a myth.

>> No.22617743
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>LOL, where do you think you are?
/lit/ lol. The whole point of this post is to discuss OPs take, that involves criticizing the ideology as a whole too

>> No.22617751
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If your ideology is that you are the supreme race but then you lose the first war you fight...you might just be a dum dum

>> No.22617806

If anything, Rosenberg fills the gaps in Spengler's work. Spengler doesn't consider demographic shifts at all in his analysis of the life cycle and ultimate decline of a civilization. Egypt is always just Egypt and the Magians are always just Magian, etc.

>> No.22617810

Wow bro you didn't (you) me, that really made a point. Nevertheless your worldview is infantile. You presume that I conceive of Nazism as some dark force and in spite of that still give it a chance. No, retard, I don't think every individual or intellectual who supported or was connected with Fascism is the embodiment of evil. Only YOU think that. You cannot judge others as if they are bound by your own (extraordinarily simplistic and ideologically motivated) assumptions. And the question of whose assumptions are right is obviously beside the point. Fascism was a serious historical movement with a serious intellectual history to be treated just as much a matter of fact as Communism. Whether it committed genocides or was a failure or was evil does not necessitate this tantrum of seethe. You are incapable of imagining anyone seeing a world different to yourself. You're either supremely stupid or supremely narcissistic

Yes, the literature board of 4chan. You can discuss any book you want.

"it got punched in the face" yeah totally literature worthy discussion and not just a left wing slogan.

Again, toddler-tier historical analysis. No one older than 14 is going to read a post like this and think "this is so true and funny, I now hate fascism". Take your ideological war to /pol/, lefty/pol/, or reddit.

>> No.22617819

“Spengler doesn’t consider demographic shifts” is probably the single biggest giveaway that you’re not familiar with anything Spengler wrote that you could’ve possibly said. Egypt is also a funny one to point out because Egypt was ruled by Semitic foreigners during one of the phases and Spengler talks about this.

>> No.22617821

So what exactly about my reply did you think was “blind ideological venom”?

>> No.22617829

It’s actually the lefty retards that made this thread political by just seething about how the mean nazis lost. You could have just ignored the post if you didn’t have a substantive answer, but you chose to post political bait because you are ideologically opposed.

>> No.22617833

Didn't realise I linked you, sorry anon.

>> No.22617835

I don’t think it is like modern Judaism because Judaism is in practice highly ethnic but I don’t think there are any religious grounds for that and in so far as any exist, it’s not taking ethnicity as the central mythology. There’s no denying that in general a Jew is both a religious Jew and an ethnic Jew at the same time, but it’s not quite right to say being an ethnic Jew is the same as being a religious Jew. But that’s what the myth of the blood would be. The ethnicity is the religion.

>> No.22617861

That is how judaism works though. The myths are taken by the Rabbis and spun into ethnic survival practices through the talmud.

>> No.22617870

Maybe "demographic shifts" was the wrong term. Spengler attributes changes due to migration as being due to the incoming civilization being at an "older" or "younger" stage rather than considering the racial aspect. Spengler barely even acknowledged race exists in Decline of the West.

>> No.22617884

Do you have any idea how national socialism actually worked of have you had a look of any of Hitlers speeches? Delusional psychopath, kek. He was a man with lots of love and courage who tried to save Europe.

>> No.22617896

>judging politicians by their speeches
kek the absolute state of wignats

>> No.22617901

It is not some "dark side lurking", it is realizing that it is an extremely beautiful ideology full of hope and love, only destroying the evil of the world.

>> No.22617904

Yeah but that’s the inverse then. The myth of the blood is taking ethnicity as the basis for religious affinity while Judaism takes religion as the basis for ethnic affiliation.

>> No.22617907

Stop it. There are multiple chapters dedicated entirely to the concept of race. You have not even read the book.

>> No.22617929

Cite them, then. Telling me I haven't read a book that I have read does nothing.

>> No.22617951

Just read the book.

>> No.22617954

The lower classes of Europe were never much concerned about the purity of their blood. It is only among the true nobilities that anything close to eugenics breeding can be discovered, and the highly prohibitive marriage laws to keep the 'noble blood' away from the 'ignoble blood' were abolished with the social Revolutions of the 18th, 19th and 20th Century. To me, it is clear: if the nobles were so concerned about not breeding with the lower classes, it is because they were made of a whiter strain than what came after them. Generally speaking. In isolation, for from mixture with any degenerated elements, especially in the countrysides, under very special thermo-geographic circumstances, pure whites can have preserved themselves until this day, without owning a 'title of nobility' because of that.

>> No.22617994

I just find it difficult to believe that I felt like the racial aspect was ignored and was only barely recognized towards the end of Volume 2, but apparently there were multiple chapters dedicated solely to race.

>> No.22618000

Supremely beautiful ideology, kek. Don’t find crematoriums or kleptocracies particularly beautiful myself but we all have our kinks I suppose.

Anyway, enjoy your wallowing in the mud pit. You are a sad strange little man, and you have my sympathy.

>> No.22618011

Produces “Triumph of the Will”

Shoots self in head.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.22618024

>The myth of blood (i.e. fascism) is the only one that never ran its course.
it did run its course, not only in the form of fascism but in every society where "family (clan) is everything" and unending blood fueds are fought over it. Never has anything of value been produced by them, they usually were predatory barbarians living off looting actually productive societies and descending into inbred subhumanity. OP might well be one of the results.

>> No.22618038

Who cares

>> No.22618042

Are those numbers really even accurate? And besides it’s kind of hard to feel sorry for people who have a birthright to pervert the fabric of any nation they enter.

>> No.22618052


>> No.22618073

Apparently it’s a concept from Alfred Schuler who died in 1923 and was openly gay lol

>> No.22618075

15-20 million estimated total dead including 6-7 million of your precious aryans all because a failed artist and homeless tweaker got off from spewing the same sort of hateful nonsense you pretend intellectuals hold so near and dear as the reason why your lives haven’t turned out the way you wanted. Turn off the galaxy brain for a second and face facts.

>> No.22618234

i dont think u make the rules here

>> No.22618251

My remark was based on what I’ve seen of contemporary secular jews. Also OP said “substitute for religion,” not “basis for religion.”
This russian jew was raised in an atheist environment, even after coming to America as a kid. Her understanding of passover and the story of exodus was rooted entirely in genetics.
This completely ignores that one of the only two Israelites who entered the promised land was an Egyptian convert. It also ignores the switch from patrilineal to matrilineal that the talmud says is due to hebrew bloodlines being raped into oblivion.
As a *substitute* for religion, blood and all of the things that OP mentioned as failures could work to varying degrees—they provide a mental framework for navigating life and the basis for building a culture and society. But if you think there is a real, non-material presence behind the religion then anything purely man made, like a blood ideology, will be an imperfect substitute.

>> No.22618266

Well, if you want to be pedantic, it’s not strictly speaking true that entire chapters were dedicated solely to race. It’s rather that much of the chapters expounds on a conception of race and its implications very heavily albeit not exclusively. But that’s actually better for this topic so if you were to debate it on that basis you’d just be a pedantic faggot.

>> No.22618291

>was openly gay

>> No.22618321
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>Majority opinion on /lit/ (that everything should be approached with a civil discussion and argument) disappears overnight
>44 posts, 20 IPs
Wow this seems organic

>> No.22618372

You don’t have to engage with everyone who gives your thread a free bump, free advice from someone who comes here for the Christian threads.

>> No.22618377

You got several serious and civil answers.

>> No.22618388

Where's the myth about blood when genealogies and family relationships and descendance are very real things, if not the only conceivably objective measure one can make on any human individual or ethnicity.?

>> No.22618393

national-socialism is a religion. Germany was slowly but surely heading towards neopaganism, Tradition, etc.

>> No.22618427

Wikipedia article says he was openly gay

>> No.22618455

Germany was heading to the point were it is now, although I can't tell wether the national-socialistic process slowed, weakened, or accelerated this inevitable process, by halting and reversing it for a while. Nevertheless, if it hadn't been for national socialism, Germany wouldn't have gone through a period of actual social conservatism until roughly the 1980s, just steadily but surely, and much more early than it did in our timeline, plummeted into the degeneracy where it is situated now.

>> No.22618462

judge him by his deeds then, by statistics during his govt. just kidding I know you won't. plus YWNBAW

>> No.22618485

>He was a man with lots of love and courage who tried to save Europe.
Save Europe? From what?

>> No.22618487

Ahistorical lies.

>> No.22618656
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It was heading towards a version of Christianity removed from the semetic and negative aspects such as sin, the need for redemption and scapegoating.

Read a fucking book.

>> No.22618701

.t jew

>> No.22619014

>put a bullet in his brain
The skull the soviets recovered was later found to be that of a woman. Hitler fled to either Argentina or possibly Antarctica via U-boat.

>> No.22619050

Yes, but it isn't a substitute for religion it is the natural and proper extension of it.

>> No.22619083

>judge him by his deeds then
out of control aggressive expansion, starting the bloodiest war in recorded history and putting east germany under the bolshevik heel for almost 50 years? yeah great job adolf

>> No.22619094


>> No.22619399

Pretty much this, as Rosenberg explains in his book. Rosenberg wants to reclaim Christianity as a Nordic religion, eliminating the Old Testament and Saul's books of the New Testament. He does not wish to replace religion with his Myth, but rather extend it.

>> No.22619432

>eliminating the Old Testament
Could see the argument for this, but
>and Saul's books of the New Testament.
what's his argument for this?

>> No.22619460

Germanics took Christianity as their new faith mainly because of political reasons, but this is a red-pill no one wants to accept.

>> No.22619752

No, the religion formed to keep the ethnic affiliation intact. Most of the Jewish origin myths were fleshed out and forged during the Babylonian exile with the express purpose of keeping together the ethnic group and prevent assimilation into a foreign people and culture.

>> No.22619770

The funniest thing about leftoids getting asshurt about hitler is that they're just playing out their pavlovian conditioning from a life time of hollywood movies depicting him as le worst evil ever!

>> No.22619807

Wikipedia article says the Holocaust happened.

>> No.22619825

>what's his argument for this?
Rosenberg believed that foreign influence was incompatible with the Aryan racial soul, that a Germanic church should be based on Germanic values rather than Roman or jewish ones. He believed that the Roman church and Judaism were responsible for the corruption of Christianity and were in violation of God's covenant. Rosenberg argues that even if Saul's conversion were legitimate, his jewish nature influenced his writings, portraying a passive and meek Christ who supported the ways of the Old Testament. Instead, Rosenberg wanted a Christianity fashioned after the gospel of John and the teachings of Meister Eckhart.
He also talks about the values of love an honor throughout the life of a civilization. Honor is that value which has preserved Germanic races and nations, while love is that value which represents humanitarianism, democracy, and the decaying Roman church. He said jews had no concept of honor, needing their God to carve morality into stone for them, and therefore had to preach love and sympathy to spread racial and national disintegration.
Even if you disagree with his ideas, I recommend giving his "Myth of the Twentieth Century" a read because you won't find the subjects he covers anywhere else. Of course, he assumes the reader already has a solid background in Germanic literature and philosophy, so you should prepare yourself appropriately before reading.

>> No.22620733

>t. ranny

>> No.22621323
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