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22615851 No.22615851 [Reply] [Original]

Best books for self-improoooooooving? I picked up Book of Pook and I'm looking for more stuff like that

>> No.22615860

Winning friends and influencing people.

>> No.22615863

baltasar gracian, weininger, lord chesterfield, leopardi, lifting and sexual transmutation.

>> No.22615871

forgot to add Ezra Pound's translation of Confucius and the many social-climbing novels of the french realists. there you go. you are set. seriously, you needn't more.

>> No.22615925
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>> No.22615932

>just wallow in self pity

>> No.22615934

fuck off blackpiller

>> No.22615937
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Atomic Habits. Very practical.

>> No.22616008

still has never been refuted

>> No.22616012

All normal people had to adapt to fit in at some point in their lives, usually at childhood or early teens, chuds just do it later so they do it self-consciously and with more effort

>> No.22616022

There's so much retardation in that one post where do you even begin?

>> No.22616032

>Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
>A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool's back.
>Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
>He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.
>The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.
>As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
>As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

>> No.22616065

dangerously based

>> No.22616071

Nah the amount of normies simps and "nice guy" betas that exist is crazy. The guy who wrote this is clearly an incel himself with no real life experiences

>> No.22616160

Deep Work by Cal Newport.

>> No.22616177

Miserable rats having sex with young ladies in school
If I had a daughter and found out some lad from school is sleeping with her I'd break his teeth and legs and crush his impetuous son of a bitch face

>> No.22616379

>the self-improver is 24 years old
>I'm 25 almost 26
It's so over bros, I'll never catch up.

>> No.22616443

If this was true why is self improvement the best selling book genre?

>> No.22616478

This is kinda based.

And if there anybody who feels they are in a similar position I hope you know I believe in you fully(reddit moment)

>> No.22616481

Peaked in high school isnt just a meme

>> No.22616485

Wish someone would bridle my ass

>> No.22617382

The mistake here is believing that such self improvement is to “fit into society.” I can’t blame that anon for that particular mistake though, many people make it even some self-fashioned improvers themselves. I don’t cast pearls before swine though.

>> No.22617385

It's normal because it's natural meme

>> No.22617395

I’ve worked out that I absolutely despise most self-improvement because it is morally disastrous. Book of Pook, to take an extreme example, is morally abysmal. It’s obvious that a book for pick-up artists would be morally questionable but for some people it is genuinely rather indistinguishable from self-improvement, and that is because at a base level it is. When people engage in self-improvement as a means towards the selfish ends of greater competence and more sex, more power and more money (the trinity that modern materialism adores) then it’s not really self-improvement at all. The bullshit self-improvement you see on those infographics on Instagram are all dedicated towards these ends, they are all about “more competence for ME”, they are merely delayed tactics of attaining materialistic desires. Now I actually don’t believe materialistic desires are ALL bad, they are surely a necessary aspect of being human, for they spark a certain degree of ambition. But it’s not all there is to life, and self-improvement bullshit like this gets one in the headspace that it is, that life is simply a massive Darwinian competition across several domains, that all that matters in life is competence hierarchies, which is a childish, inhuman and repulsive mindset. There are things which escape such hierarchies, the things which we feel are essential to the human spirit: sensitivity, vulnerability, enthusiasm, emotion, creativity, imagination, love. These are not things which we can “improve” about ourselves, they cannot be measured via hierarchies, but they are essential to being human, and which any bullshit “productive” routine and any vision of the human as merely a “constant self-improver” inevitably forgets. It is a childish vision of human beings as we were not built for infinite linear growth, we are finite and human, which means erring. As humans we need moderation in almost all aspects of our lives and one of the things we must also moderate is our own delusion in our capacity to improve ourselves. Often we find out that too much of anything, no matter how good, is counter-productive to our original intentions: too much working out injures us, too much reading makes us dull, even too much goodness makes us Pharisees. Which is why I find the OP picture abhorrent as well because, while it has “good” intentions, it portrays a vision of the human that simply does not exist because it has only positive attributes. A truly evil human would be one who believed they were all good and capable of no wrong, who had no accurate estimations of their faults, and so too is a inaccurate conviction in the power of self-improvement a kind of evil. Everyone is made of positive and negative qualities, but there is even a value in the negative, which that picture ignores. There are two sides to everything: self-improvement goes hand-in-hand with self-destruction, and I mean that in two senses. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.22617398

That's a long winded way to say "I get no pussy" anon.

>> No.22617583

always makes me laugh when this is posted.
>nobody who has ever worked hard or endured suffering has been successful

>> No.22617605
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>> No.22617616

me too bro ;_;

>> No.22617621

careful anon the /lit/ roasties are going to have a conniption

>> No.22617664
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doesn't change much
only 6% difference

>> No.22617667

yes theres typos, phoneposting

>> No.22617703
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gullible ngmi retard

>> No.22617737


Rather, no one who ever worked hard or endured suffering has been successful because of it.

>> No.22617978

God I wish I was like this

>> No.22618471

Does the thought of introspection make you feel threatened?

>> No.22618506

that post is a classic in the study of mental retardation

>> No.22618720

ah yes. baby's first blackpill

>> No.22618729

Same reason the Bible has the most translations.

>> No.22619046

And why is that?

>> No.22619149

Hey man, have fun on this journey.
Get yourself a copy of The Blueprint Decoded should be easy to find a torrent of it- it's a video seminar. If you want to invest money look for RSD Hotseat - it'll change your paradigm. Also field experience is king. Take care.

>> No.22619258

for that exact reason, because retarded people think there's a recipe for life when normal people just exist. Most self help/self improvement literature is a bunch of empty infantile platitudes that anyone with a brain can find out for themselves without enriching some kike that paid a pinoy to ghost write a book

>> No.22619288

Do you know a single thing about Buddhism?

>> No.22621077

Will I gmi if I read enough self-help book?

>> No.22621128

you don't need meditation for that

>> No.22621475


>> No.22621480

Normal people don't just exist. What does that even mean? Did you ever have a girlfriend, retarded faggot?

>> No.22621482

>never tried to do anything and blames it on everyone else
le keke

>> No.22621613

>Normal people don't just exist
But it's true. 90% of people just go with the flow and don't put any effort into their work, their studies, or their relationships. If you have to put in a lot of effort to get something that others just get on their own, then I have bad news for you.

>> No.22621628

could you go into more detail?

>> No.22621633

The single most important thing is to start lifting.

Dont even attempt to get into books until you have consitently gone to the gym for 6 months.

It builds discipline and habit. It will improve how you look which will increase your confidence and also the increased looks and confidence will help you in social situations, not just with girls but even other guys will respect you more.

You can also make friends at the gym who will be like you are in some way.

>> No.22622021
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Benching 120kg is way harder than a 20 minute 4k. Whomever made this has no concept of exercise

>> No.22622026

It depends on your genetics. I was always rather strong and could bench pressed 120kg after a few months. But I have literally zero endurance and gas out from walking, I've never been able to run more than a few hundred meters at best. I'm not even fat.

>> No.22622029
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I'm picking books from pic rel I find interesting, the descriptions help

>> No.22622036

Are you exaggerating? I have never seen someone so unbalanced before

>> No.22622063

you have a leaky heart

>> No.22622164

No, I've been trying to improve my endurance for a decade, but the best I could achieve is being able to walk without pain and fatigue. Anything that raises my heart rate above a certain level, just immediately shuts me down. I'm thinking about going full on powerlifting, because I do have sheer strength, but that would likely just worsen my issue.
I have actually been struggling with random chest pains for more than two years now, but I went to multiple doctors and they found nothing. Apparently I'm healthy, but it's hard to believe when the pain gets more severe and appears more frequently.

>> No.22622183

My problem with self-help books is that most of them are literally just common sense. I've read several of this list, and all of them were a waste of time. Not because they're wrong, but because they said nothing I didn't know anyway.

>> No.22622193

I went to a 90% white high school in a rich zip code, and this image is so false its not even funny.

Every guy who was getting girls was extremely premeditated in everything they did. The clothes, what to say, what sports and extracurriculars to sign up for, hitting the gym, etc. You can't just "let life happen" when you're playing a varsity sport, and studying your ass off so you can go to a good college. And you absolutely can't "be yourself" when you're trying to bag or lock down a gorgeous girl who has every guy trying to get at her. Your game has to be on point which doesn't come naturally to most guys. The reason why the person who made this image thinks that it just happens for these "normies" is that they do a good job making it appear effortless. They dont go around ruining the vibe and telling people how hard they work and how much you've struggled because it makes the person you're talking to feel uncomfortable.

The ultimate red pill is realizing that women and employers actually prioritize your personality and confidence over your skills and physical traits, and that your personality and confidence can be built over time through a positive outlook on life.

>> No.22622202
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>> No.22622205

Wow you're so smart, say something smart smart boy
Smart boy show us how many IQs you have

>> No.22622208

>Book of Pook
I know I've read that one because of the title, but I couldn't even tell you what it's about.

>> No.22622217

Don't need to be smart to have common sense anon
Any normal person should be able to, with just a little bit of thinking, figure out by themselves what the vast majority of what most self-help books take a 100 pages to say

>> No.22622222

Big brain big brain. now show us how your body improvement is going with timestamp

>> No.22622228

Definitely smarter than someone who pays money for books that essentially say "don't use too much social media, exercise, and just be a normal person"

>> No.22622231

That's smart

>> No.22622234

i don't know shit but i have a weightlifting friend who had the same symptoms for years and he had a leaky heart

>> No.22622401

Self improvement without talent is really hard. Burnout is a real thing. No matter what I'm willing to do, I will never become Chad before my body breaks down.

>> No.22623424

Talent is overrated but I agree that (you) specifically will never become chad and the only one to blame is yourself

>> No.22623454

>personality and confidence can be built over time through a positive outlook on life.
it's hard to be positive...

>> No.22623698

This isn't your run-of-the-mill self-help list of mediocre écrivons spouting materialistic and base "takes" on "grinding" and "making it"
These will change your outlook on life. Maybe not Lord Chesterfield but someone like Baltasar Gracian is a portal to greatness.

>> No.22623780

it's over

>> No.22624137
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What is?

>> No.22624355



>> No.22624360

>eat less than 2000
>body starts burning less than 2000 to save energy
physicists btfo

>> No.22624597

>"forget" every homework assignment for 4 years
>skip practice and drink
>play call of duty until 5 am every night, wake up at 6:30
>0-16 record C's in every class
>granted duke football scholarship because uh well apparently some pompous blowhard on 4chan said reddit calvinism and /r9k/ lore are real several years after i graduated
it's just that easy
feels good to be Da Elect (wholesome secular)

>> No.22624635

Nice essay, didn't read. However you're a fag attacking a strawman based on your resentment for the strong confident and beautiful people in society. You reek adolescent communism. When we stop self improving we fall into hedonism and debauched behaviour.

>> No.22624644

funny how most self help recommended here is just some social stuff (there's like 5 books recommended in the whole thread as it is)
>no business
>no freedom
>no stocks
>no politics
>no psychology (learning not to care is a big one)

>> No.22625189

Pairs extremely well with nichomachean ethics. Read aristotle for the theory and clear for the more practical side.

>> No.22625228

Proverbs is the biblical book of wisdom. Even an atheist can learn something from it

>> No.22625235

Not how it works. Quit trying to blackpill people

>> No.22625246

>blames the body for being too lazy to move
Fatty fat fat oink oink oink

>> No.22625258

>the unexamined life is most worth living: the post

>> No.22625335

>started improoooving
>felt really good
>for some reason one day i completely spiralled back into my old bad habits
>back to where i was
>my laziness and greed even caused me to be scammed
>never felt as low as I do now
How do I get that improoooove spark back and realise life is worth trying for? I feel like death

>> No.22625351

>As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
What is this meant to mean?

>> No.22625374

If you bind a stone to a sling you can't sling it. Likewise giving honor to a fool is equally useless.

>> No.22625397

This kind of swinging is a form of regression to the mean. You'll eventually swing back the other way. To actually change the baseline you need to modify the mean very slightly and then use that as your floor. This the central premise of books like atomic habits, tiny habits etc. and summarized well by the proverb "if you would move mountains, begin with small stones".

>> No.22625427

Relapses are very common in this life. You should never underestimate the fragility of human resolve, as many people who first begin on the path of "self-improvement" do. I might encourage you to read 'The Vision of Theodore, the Hermit of Teneriffe' by Samuel Johnson, which has an exceedingly moving depiction of the power of 'habit' (which probably now would be labelled addiction) to compel us. Here are some extracts of the relevant parts, but again I would encourage to find the whole thing and read it (it is very short) if you can.:
>"I soon found that the great danger to the followers of Religion was only from Habit [...] Of some of those, the condition was justly to be pitied, who turned at every call of Conscience, and tried, but without effect, to burst the chains of Habit: saw Religion walking forward at a distance, saw her with reverence, and longed to join her; but were, whenever they approached her, withheld by Habit, and languished in sordid bondage, which they could not escape, though they scorned and hated it.
>"[...] The manner in which those who were weary of their tyranny endeavoured to escape from them appeared by the event to be generally wrong; they tried to loose their chains one by one, and to retreat by the same degrees as they advanced; but before the deliverance was completed, Habit always threw new chains upon her fugitive; nor did nay escape her but those who, by an effort sudden and violent, burst their shackles at once, and left her at a distance; and even of these, many, rushing too precipitately forward, and hindered by their terrors from stopping where they were safe, were fatigued with their own vehemence, and resigned themselves again to that power from whom an escape must be so dearly bought, and whose tyranny was little felt, except when it was resisted.
>"Some however there always were, who, when they found Habit prevailing over them, called upon Reason or Religion for assistance; each of them willingly came to the succour of her suppliant, but neither with the same strength, nor the same success. Habit, insolent with her power, would often presume to parley with Reason, and offer to loose some of her chains if the rest might remain. To this Reason, who was never certain of victory, frequently consented, but always found her concession destructive, and saw the captive led away by Habit to his former slavery. Religion never submitted to treaty, but held out her hand with certainty of conquest; and if the captive to whom she gave it did not quit his hold, always led him away in triumph [...]"
Please do read more of it if it inspires you. It was published in the great man's late 30's, which should act as encouragement that a man even as great, virtuous and productive as him was also not insensible to the difficulties of habits and relapse.

>> No.22625570

NTA but I don't see how this inspiring or even informative. He's basically stating obvious truths which have been more succinctly expressed by others like Melville: "And if we obey God, we must disobey ourselves; and it is in disobeying ourselves, wherein the hardness of obeying God consists. "

>> No.22625684

Who is the fool but you? I make you out to be a fool but have provided no evidence... Isn't that what you're doing?

>> No.22627075

I realise now the extracts I have chosen will perhaps not readily produce on others quite the same effect it has one me, but I believe there is something genuinely important in the work of Johnson that is sometimes underappreciated. It is perhaps impossible and was foolish of me to try to convey Johnson's grandeur with any short extract from his work because the effect is in the whole, both in the context of his life and work, and without that appreciation of context I agree Johnson can sound like mere moral truisms. As the arch-advocate for common sense, the arguments of some of his essays can seem obvious. But one of the important aspects of this passage which is representative of Johnson's moral vision is firstly precisely that it is not enough to say what is "obviously true" in one way (not that I personally find many so-called obvious truths at all obvious), it needs constant repetition for its effect to begin to take hold. There is a repetitive movement of relapse and recovery in the allegory, it is not enough for anyone to choose the path of Religion once, as Hercules made the choice of the path of Virtue, he must continually make it, his life is at a near-continual crossroads. So what has been said by others still bears repeating because although we think we know it, we often lose sight of it. Johnson has a deeply pessimistic view of human nature, and an ambivalent relationship with reason, as in this which he wrote 22 years later: "Every man naturally persuades himself that he can keep his resolutions, nor is he convinced of his imbecility but by length of time and frequency of experiment." The fact that Johnson felt this way about life to me is astounding but also comforting, especially given the virtue with which he lived. And with the deepest respect for that Melville quotation, of course what Johnson is saying in the allegory is somewhat different because it is not a choice of religion or human desire, whale vs. Ahab, but man against himself, for Johnson sees us as frequently incapable of even obeying ourselves.

>> No.22627191

>this is obvious
>self help books are stating things I already KNOOOOW
will you shut up man? This thread is obviously not for you mr. Perfect. Why are you even here?

>> No.22627204

Depends on your build and starting point. For a skelly, even a 20 min 5k would likely be easier than a 120kg bench press. But for a lot of butter golems, strength exercises come way easier than cardio.

>> No.22627219

Improve in what way? I’ve posted my long list of “bloomer” books before, but if you’re reading the book of Pook, I don’t think we want to improve in the same way

>> No.22627274

I'm not the other anon that was complaining about self-help books, nor am I condemning them necessarily. Books like Atomic Habits or Tiny Habits can be useful the first time you read their kind, if only because they collect that "common sense" into one place and offer a coherent plan of implementation.

But it seems paradoxical to me we can fail to "obey ourselves" and that we need such books or the psychological tricks therein to somehow coerce ourselves into some set of preferred behaviors. I would question why those behaviors are preferred in the first place because I think in many cases its just out of ignorance. People want money, fame, sex, prestige, gratification of the senses and jump immediately to books that explain how to change yourself to achieve these things without actually considering whether these things are worth that effort in the first place. OP wants more books like Book of Pook, which already shows where his mind is at.

So I'm not saying that self-help is bad, I'm just saying one should have a clear understanding why one "self" needs to be helped over another.

>> No.22627280

Do you have any good recommendations for those things? Specifically stocks and psych. "Freedom" as well, just to see what you mean by it.

Also, most politics stuff is the antithesis of self-improvement. Most anons will never be politically active beyond seething online and voting. The few who do get beyond that will likely limit themselves to canvassing for their local elections or volunteering for a single-issue non-profit. Obsessing over state or federal policy is a waste of time.

>> No.22627437

>Have all this knowledge about how to improve myself after child abuse, isolation, depression, anxiety etc.
>Can't apply any of it

It feels like the knowledge and performance parts of my brain are completely separate. Like the information has no importance to me despite me needing it to escape this situation I'm in.

>> No.22627495

Never cared for self help

>> No.22627510
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This is a good one. The overall message is that pragmatism is much better tool when understanding life and is inherently less limiting as opposed to idealism. It is framed through the perspective of Buddhism but even if you aren't Buddhist there is still something to gain from that.

>> No.22627920

I agree with you to some extent; the self-improvement stuff you see on Instagram and other places is pretty abhorrent, and this kind of self-improvement is typically only undertaken to try to get more food, money, sex, power, social status, etc.

And you are right, all that is really depressingly Darwinian.

However I think lately I have managed to beat the blackpill a little bit by making the realization that not all self-improvement needs to be undertaken in order to fulfill some disgustingly hedonistic urge. You can still undertake actual self-improvement in some areas in your life in order to live a genuinely more joyful life, not necessarily to climb the social hierarchy and become this hollow Patrick Bateman fuck that every normie wants to become now.

So I would still encourage people to improve if they feel the urge to. Having a joyful life does not have to be some disgusting hedonistic indulgence.

>> No.22628250

He described someone without social skills and then proceded to call it "genetic shit" or genetic dead end mentally freak. He is good at using manipulative language by saying that your genes must be shit if you're stupid therefore you're unrepairable, that's false.
>if youre stupid or socially disabled, you will always be that way
That sounds like an opinion not a fact, plenty of people crawl out of loserdom

>> No.22628330

>self improvement in a universe governed by entropy

>> No.22628379
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Unironically decent reads.

>> No.22628656


book of pook has been touted as a good resource for dating shit but all i got out of it is thinking that pook is a retarded stupid faggot redditor and that if you're to listen to his advice about literally anything you better just end it now. his persona reminds me of bap actually, just with no erudition, wit, charm or anything, just pure faggotry.

>> No.22628669

I read it years ago but I remember it being about the protagonist accepting the emotional, sensual carefree side of himself..
In his case he considered himself at the beginning above it all to cope with his inability to accept explore be open / vulnerable about it.

>> No.22628670

They also never achieve greatness

>> No.22628675

nobody said it will be easy, but it must be done

>> No.22628679

Greatness = 90% money + 10% effort.

>> No.22629049

>this book is redit because I said so and you're poopycringe loser nerd faggot nigger if you read it

>> No.22629063

That is the dumbest cope ever. No great person has ever had to consciously focus on "working hard" or "self-improving".

>> No.22629067

>and that your personality and confidence can be built over time through a positive outlook on life.
Everything is really just a big
>just be confident bro!
God I wish I was a female to not worry about this shit

>> No.22629078

>No great person has ever had to consciously focus on "working hard" or "self-improving".
I don't even know how to respond to this. Where to even start?

>> No.22629215
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There is a truth to this, emotionally healthy people don't have to "improve" as some people say, to get friends or a grildfriend, more often than not it's emotionally scared people that think there's something wrong with them and that they fail in life because of that, then they try to get better by doing whatever their self-help guru or book of choice tells them but when they get the gym body, the friends, the jod, the girl they will slowly realize that they still hate themselves

(It is a pretty nasty place to be in, getting what you wanted and then realizing everything's the same, the void is still there and it worst now because it's almost as it is laughing in your face for thinking you could fill it with something)

In reality, chances are that wathever's in your life that makes you feel "less-worthy" (or makes you hate yourself) ain't your fault, if you were short, ugly and with acne in highschool and the girl you liked wated to be with someone else that sucks but is not a good enough reason to hate yourself for it the only reason you would if is you somehow think that all those thigs that make you unatracttive are your fault, then you take a ride on the self-hate carousel and end up either obsesing over self-improvement trying to fill a void that can't be filled or on an incel forum swiming on a pool of self-hate

I guess what I'm trying to say with this is that yes life is unfair but no that ain't your fault, and if you are in any way blaming yourself for your "problems" (you didn't kill anybody bro you just short) you will never get into a healthy relantionship with anybody, you can't love someone that hates himself, I'm not saying wake up every day and say "I love you" to the mirror I'm saying find out way you hate yourself so much and forgive yourself for it because chances are it really ain't your fault

>> No.22629234

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.22629254

>and forgive yourself for it because chances are it really ain't your fault
I hate myself because I'm a procrastinator at everything I try to do. How's that not my fault? I've been thinking so much about this

>> No.22629264

Procrastination has a huge genetic component though. Have you read Procrastination Formula? The advice is actually pretty good.

>> No.22629279
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I'm sorry anon, that means you have black genetics.

>> No.22629287

it was a different time...

>> No.22629288


yeah if you genuinely believe you're getting anything out of reading the book of fucking pook then there's just no hope for you

>> No.22629299

Yeah but why are you a procrastinator? I don't know how old you are but if you're around my age you grew up with too much tv and videogames, and if you're younger add social media to the cauldron, would you really blame a kid that grew up with tiktok (and parents that let him/her be on their phone as much as they wanted) for having a poor attention spam? Thereain't much they could do about

I'm not saying don't try to overcome or learn to work around your procrastination but hating yourself for it won't make it go away any faster, actually, in my experience it just makes it harder

>> No.22629301

re: procrastination there are places and times people don't procrastinate and some where they do

>> No.22629387

still has never been refuted lol

>> No.22629410
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>> No.22630260
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>> No.22630356

>dude abandon your family lmao
>dude just run until your knees are ruined beyond repair, enjoy the pain lmao

>> No.22630960

I also think you can improve your life, just find one thing you want to accomplish by next month that’s manageable and let it snowball from there

>> No.22630978


>> No.22631196
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I would recommend any lazybones to follow this chart. For my peabrain at least, a clearly defined schedule is what i needed. Creatine 45 minutes or so before starting helped as well, i can expand on the process for that if need be but the infos online

>> No.22631278

>book of pook
Is it really that good?

>> No.22631408

After spending a year in a mental hospital for schizophrenia I've developed some new perspectives on life. There are dirty smelly people in those places talking to young nurses on a daily basis.

I never realized, before spending a year in the ward, where I got my social skills from. The social hierarchy doesn't make any sense.

>> No.22631432

My experience makes me agree with the poster though, there is no need to improve. The problem most people have in here is that they are too socially aware. Even homeless people are able to walk up to someone and talk to them. You don't need any particular hobbies, social skills or expensive shampoo to do that.

You just have to swallow your pride and know that you get new chances all the time. Once you stop caring so much about yourself and what others might think of you, and start caring about other people, you become a better person without so much conscious thought being put into it.

Perhaps the normie playing high school football is just a nicer person than you are?

>> No.22631477

I have been giving it my all the last 6 months or so and I feel like I am going to die lol. I have been taking on more responsibility at work and then after work I spend all my time working on my own buisiness or studying my target lang. My brain is completely fried.

>> No.22631494

>By pleasing her whims, I lost track of mine. A servant you’ll be, a friend she’ll see.
>What shy people need to realize is that you could walk in front of a bus, get *thwumped!*, and no one would really notice.
>But women are obsessed about beauty because of us. It is our fault. After all, if a woman could cure all of the diseases, compose symphonies, and write literature, we would only remember her for how she looked. We, on the other hand, are obsessed with our jobs, our status, and our brains. For us, looks usually translates into working out = building our muscles = appearing to have more 'protection power' to the chicks.
It's just a bunch of generic cliches by a pseud you've heard many times already.

>> No.22631512
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This is a good guide. I started on week 1 last year and I'm doing 26 minute 5Ks today

>> No.22631948

Cute anime girl never fail to give me motivation.

>> No.22631949


She's not just any anime girl. She's from Katawa Shoujo, which is the visual novel that 4chan created. I only played part 1, but the entire thing exists and you can play it for free.

But don't do that! You need to read books and exercise, sir!

>> No.22631950
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>> No.22632509

do you mean Procrastination Equation?

>> No.22632515

Why did you assume you don't need to rest?

>> No.22632523

holy trvth nvkerald

>> No.22632623

If you can't reach the normie baseline you sure as shit aren't going to reach greatness

>> No.22632645

so the body doesn't burn less when you don't eat?

>> No.22632719
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>> No.22632727

>works with a team of trainers x2
not the counter blackpill you think it is, to be in that position you have to either be alabama rich or be a thoroughbred buck.

>> No.22632739

>>works with
they still have to make a choice to be better. Just because you have a team of trainers doesn't inherently mean you're going to do better. you could very easily still slack off and go nowhere even though there's people rooting for you. It starts with you deciding to be better and work for something regardless of 'genetics' or whatever

>> No.22632750

The literal point of the original image is that they don't do that consciously. They just do it, because that is their natural state. You will succeed in things you love doing. If you have to force yourself, it's already over. Self-improvement is practically just trying to go against your nature (in vain). The difference isn't fate or whatever, you simply just happen to enjoy useless things.

>> No.22632770

Habits are learned, not ingrained for all time. Even as a more introverted person, doesn't mean you have to wallow in misery because.

>> No.22632818

Are you retarder? They both chose to enter in a team and have social interaction.

>> No.22632999

The problem with self help is that it tends to add layers of extra cognition for people who's problem is already that they're thinking too much. The older I get the more I realize that life is about "getting shots up." Like, I stress endlessly about making the right major decision -singular- when really what I should be doing is making MORE little decisions and letting the percentages play.

>> No.22633019

this is not buddhism, but made me kek

>> No.22633051

Finally a containment thread for improover books
Now what a some decent recs that are helpful when dealing with procrastination and focus related issues. I was a self loathing neet of inaction that managed to somehow get a code monkey joberino but still suffer from my fried brain due to my past neet habits

>> No.22633142

This. Honestly that new Fabelmans movie nailed it when baby Spielberg films his bully like he's Indiana Jones and the bully comes to him crying because he's spent his whole life working so hard to be the biggest and fastest and has to smoke weed to feel any relief from the pressure and then Spielbergs movie made him look like some kind of natural God to whom everything came easy and he can't handle the dissonance between how he looks and how he feels.

>> No.22633214

>in vain
How so? To be alive is to go against nature. The natural state of things is decay

>> No.22633544

You're right. You can't trick your way to alphadom. No one can dispute this.

>> No.22633782

Yep, that's the one.

>> No.22634895

Is there any book about coping with dying alone and penniless

>> No.22635247

This meme is literally me WTF

>> No.22635487

>believing that "problems" can be "solved"
>believing in "reward"
>believing in "motivation"
>self-serving zany journal entry

Anglos are a cursed lifeform.

>> No.22635498

>>believing that "problems" can be "solved"
my life improved a lot when i finally overcame this idea

>> No.22635534

Seconding this

>> No.22635867

it made me realise how awful dating is, the man is just expected to do everything, and you have to do it because MASCULINE, muh high TEST.

Every PUA guy is just about larping as an Alpha Male, I get second hand embarrasment from it,
truly living as a man is a clown's job. There's no dignity in dating.

>> No.22636140

The job waiting for you is a hard and tedious job. The wife waiting for you will be fat a few years into the marriage and will abuse your kids. You're likely to get divorced. Suburban life is filled with addictions and infidelity.

There you go: refuted.

>> No.22636161

Logan Paul married a whore. Someone's gotta marry them.

>> No.22636438

Best philosophical works that touch the subject of improoving?

>> No.22636484


>> No.22636534

You'll miss a lot of experiences in life anon.
But that's alright, you can always enjoy the experiences you did have.
If you get the fuck out of your room and touch grass you nerdrRvJ

>> No.22637097

I didn't miss it because I went after it. You have to act; that's the only way you get things.

>> No.22637573

>poster never was a pretty boy

>> No.22637599

Next cope: the 56 yo self improover

>> No.22637886



>> No.22639019

I am going to make it

>> No.22639453
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Over time I slowly started sabotaging everything I do. Imo, if you can't succeed despite my best efforts, then you don't deserve to succeed.
For example, yesterday I gave a work presentation which was half-assed because three different groups of people imposed themselves on me on Friday and over the weekend, so I couldn't polish it. So, I got two questions I wasn't prepared to answer. Several people told me it went well but I don't believe them. When they came up to me and told me "good job", I told them how rushed it was and how shitty I felt giving that talk. Fucking normies, I hate them all and I hate their lies and two-faced natures,
I hate the confidence grift and I hate people who can live with themselves doing that shit. Thankfully, they'll all burn and starve in the climate apocalypse

>> No.22639458

>despite my best efforts
Despite your* best efforts, my brain leaked out a bit more than usual at this part

>> No.22639462

that's true but only for the guy. females can get all that as long as they don't become fat before marriage.

>> No.22639476

Something I never got about this, so we should all aim to be hunky jocks embracing our cheerleader gf on the field after a successful game?
What about the losing teams? What about people who don't like playing sports?
And what about happy-ever-afters for the sportsball chad which devolve into a failed marriage, alcoholism, and an incel son? That happens. I'm literally a neurotic sperg and my dad was a DJ and my mom was Stacy, meanwhile my brother is a skater chad.
Anyways if anything speaks to how retarded 4chan is in general, it's that this pic still gets 30 (You)s whenever it's posted

>> No.22639495

I self-improoooove to forget that i am ngmi. I just hope self-improving will keep me occupied until I finally die.

>> No.22639538

>Should I do the dishes?
>Not right now, I'm reading a book on how to do the dishes
>Maybe when I finish this one I'll get a book on advanced dishwashing
Just turn the water on and put the plates in, anon. There isn't anything more to it.

>> No.22639987

Reading Dune unironically helped me with self improvement a little.
Mostly because of the hole "mind over matter" theme it has going, about how the human mind is the most powerful thing in the universe and is capable of achieving anything.
Also reciting the Litany against fear in my head when I'm having a panic attack helps

>> No.22640184

'Fucking normies, I hate them all and I hate their lies and two-faced natures,' - Bro, you need to work on your neuroticism, people generally want whats best for others if theyre in a relaxed enough environment (watching presentations at work is basically just an break). Your comment about hating normies sounds like the rationalisation setup for you to 'self-sabotage' your work relationships. Unironically read Crime and Punishment, good insight into neurotic attrition can cause someone to rationalise prideful delusions / destructive tendencies

>> No.22640659

Life is trash

>> No.22641362

It has been, there's a counter-post to it that is often posted. Surprised you haven't seen it.
tl;dr the high school football actually does work hard, football is a pretty huge commitment.
My high school had a dominant football team and I they'd practice before and after school every single day plus whatever additional shit they'd do, if you slacked off you were cut
Its partly why everyone should do sports, ideally they teach you to work hard

>> No.22641667
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> Genealogy of morals
> Beyond good and evil
> Thus spoke Zarathustra
in that order

>> No.22641745

That is exactly how it works, actually. Read the Minnesota Starvation experiment. Muh laws of physics? lol the conservation of energy applies in a closed system, which the human body is not. we get our energy externally, from food, for one thing.