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2260936 No.2260936 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? It sounds... different. Intriguing, even. A book written by an autistic/OCD/whatever guy would be an interesting change of pace, methinks.

>> No.2260949

New Autism. XD XD

>> No.2260948

I think it would for you too. A good break from science fiction, fantasy and philosophy.

>> No.2260958

It's really weird to read. Everything is described in feet and cardinal directions (not "It was far away and tall" but "it was to the west and 18 feet tall"). And all the colors are specified with their hex code. "It was a light teal color (33FFFF)."

>> No.2260962
File: 492 KB, 1146x800, ulillilliabook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2260970

He has a new video out in all his glory:


>> No.2261377

>"AP stands for "ability points". Ability Points are a common element in RPGs used to learn abilities."
Haha oh wow

>> No.2261381

Yeah I would not have the patience for this shit.

>> No.2261386

Maybe in the future this will be seen as a masterpiece of "outsider literature" if I'm using the term correctly.

>> No.2261387


What the fuck did I just watch

>> No.2261390

not to be that guy, but implying that these conditions are even similar demonstrates a very poor understanding of abnormal psychology

>> No.2261396

We should send this to Harold Bloom.

>> No.2261401

congrats, your taht guy, and you've jut outed yourself as a sufferer of said disease/s

>> No.2261431

Actually, if anything, ulillillia is probably "Old Autism."

>> No.2261443


He is neither. He has OCD, you fucking retard.

>> No.2261450

it already is an incredible piece of outsider literature

>> No.2261454

I know that. I was making a joke. You are really disproportionately mad right now.

>> No.2261455


Yes but it does not have all the recognition and praise it deserves.

>> No.2261457

Well that's no excuse for writing this bullshit. look at Samuel Johnson!

>> No.2261477

Author is spamming his crappy book again.

>> No.2261479

That's.... terrible!

Did Chris-Chan write this?

>> No.2261478


You're obviously not an Uli fan. You can spot his writing from a mile away. This isn't it.

>> No.2261485


I don't think you have ever read anything by Chris-chan if you think this sounds even remotely like him.

>> No.2261540

ullillia is absolutely batshit, I've checked up on his site every few years since... god knows when, and he is fucking off his rails.

I've already spent hours and hours reading through his website, reading the book by him I think would be a lot less rewarding than reading about his fucked up life and habits.

Going by the two pages posted above, his book is a continuation of his website, the same obsessing about the same things, but made into a story format.

To the guy saying this guy is not an autist but just has OCD, you're wrong. This fella definitely has some sort of autism. If you're in doubt, read his website.

>> No.2261546

4chan picking on the mentally ill again? Why am I not surprised.

>> No.2261570

>has a narrator who is called "narrator"
>main character is from sonic
>"sensing something going on"
>breaks the flow to set up the rest of the book - e.g., I HAVE TO GIVE THREE HUMANS SOME ABILITIES GOD KNOWS WHY
>ability points
>A T-shape is used for braking

No publisher in their right mind would publish this overly detailed crappy fanfiction.

>> No.2261591


it's comforting to imagine there are people less valuable than ourselves.

Look at /v/'s seething hatred for the pony guys.

>> No.2261593


Just because he's named Knuckles doesn't mean he's from Sonic.

>> No.2261596


We don't usually pick on him. He's like a nega-chris-chan. In every way that Chris-chan is creepy and rude and mean and just gross, Uli is interesting, cute, and creative. Uli is the good kind of weird, awkward autist. Chris is the bad.

Chris is the villain we have. Uli is the hero we don't deserve.

>> No.2261605
File: 259 KB, 446x600, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


having said that...

>2 - Middle School
>2.4.7 - The "honking" toilet
> I flush a toilet and just after the water settles down, it gives a "honking" sound. It's a vibration of a medium-low frequency (about 200 Hz and 120 Hz mixed together) and it lasts for about one second. I, quite literally, brought my tape player in to record this sound as I loved it so much. The janitor said that something in the toilet was broken or loose and needed repair. This was one of those floor toilets with a seat and a stall around it. As far as I know, I have no traces of this on tape (and with 50+ tapes to sort though....), but if I hear a related sound, I should almost immediately recognize it.

>> No.2261617

This thread is ulillillia same-fagging all over the place, outta here

>> No.2262122

i dont think ulli is capable of that

>> No.2262130

>This was one of those floor toilets with a seat and a stall around it.
Fuckin rich bitches over at /v/.

>> No.2263606

check out these interesting psychoanalytical posts about uli and the book, you may find them enlightening:

>> No.2263617


>Mark my words, if this kid isn’t on medication, we will watch his webpage become increasingly bizarre, and then utterly vanish.
>Posted in 2001

Well, seeing as nothing of the kind actually happened, I think we can safely dismiss this online diagnosis.

>> No.2263624

Yeah, I considered that, but the second post is still pretty interesting and even relevant to the book itself (which was only published like a year or two ago)

>> No.2263735


it never felt like uli's "condition" escalated, he's always been on a constant level when it comes to recording dreams, memorizing minute details and overvaluing his ability to measure things (like weight and colour hue) by simply seeing/holding them. in fact, he might even have gotten better considering all those fobias he has overcome

also this thing also stood out in my mind when discussing ulillillia

>#24 If I were to donate money, I'd put it...: Let's say I won a sweepstakes, but there were strings attached. I won $250 and was to donate 20% of that (which is $50). The guidelines state that the donation can go to whatever charity or the related I wanted, as long as it was donated, otherwise, I don't get any of the money. Above all, I'd put that $50 toward the environment and to fight global warming, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it. $50 toward the environment, in the long run, is like $200 toward Red Cross (and that's without inflation) or even $1000 for a coastal metro area. I get this for one reason. With continued global warming due to things like CO2 (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane), deforestation, etc., the polar ice caps and Antarctica's ice sheets would melt and raise sea level. It's already happening and it seems to be getting worse. With sea level rise, coastal cities, where most live, will frequently be flooded (or even be permanently flooded and cost a huge amount. With flooded cities, the residents would have to move elsewhere and it would cause chaos all over. If Katrina was bad, think about it happening along every coastline around the entire planet. While $50 toward environmental protection may not seem like much at first, it'll amount to a few hundred in the long run. What about the Red Cross? With a lot of climate refugees, they'll easily get overwhelmed. I, thus, would think that tackling the global warming issue should be next to the top for priorities, almost tied with that of fixing the economy.

>> No.2263807

Yeah, I've seen that, and I do think it's enough to dispel any notion that there is any significant disconnect from reality or that he, say, lacks any kind of sympathy (though his creation of the superpowerful and benevolent character of Knuckles should be evidence enough against that).

I was more interested in the Freudian psychoanalytic angle brought up in the second post

>> No.2265318

Bump. This guy rules.

>> No.2265897

Uli's book is actually on sale right now, something like 25% with another bonus percentage until New Years.

>> No.2265903


He seems like he was given some words and put in a box without lights.