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22613767 No.22613767 [Reply] [Original]

I've read 500 pages, about half of the book, and I feel like I'm being kidded.

>> No.22613772

Drop it.

>> No.22613778

That book is unreadable... The coprophagy scene is fine.

>> No.22613782

Now that I've come this far... I think I'll make it to the end.

>> No.22613789

I only read the wiki of the plot and it's nonsense pissed me off

>> No.22613797

To be honest, I read a reading guide to know what the hell is going on.

>> No.22613865

Same, it felt like the perfect book for me as a pseud but I just don't like it

>> No.22613914

The followup is Bloom's desert island novel, you know, the author of Flight to Lucifer. Crying Lot shitposts are his level, and his Cornell chum Vonnegut did it better and more honestly

>> No.22614287

I think it's incredible. And everyone talks about how complex it is narratively, but it didn't feel it to me. A lot of characters and threads, sure, but the overarching narrative is easy enough to follow. Keep reading, the ending literally took my breath away

>> No.22614375

after oxen of the sun, GR feels relatively comprehensible.

>> No.22614461


>inb4 FiLtEreD posters

>> No.22614777

It's like madoka, gets better on reread

>> No.22614787

How so?

>> No.22614851

erections and missile strikes and an octopus named who gives a fuck and a jaunt to a mountain and someone with a funny name does this for some reason and then some dude who doesnt matter gets castrated for some other reason and subplot on subplot on subplot on subplot ad nauseam.

It's like some dude took a 4 year long giant acid trip and wrote down all the shit that he saw, I already don't care about anyone in the book and I'm not going to pretend to understand it for clout.

>> No.22614861

>captcha: a4a4v2

>> No.22614869

Ok, what's the book about?

>> No.22614886

Read it. You should know that books are more than bare plot events. Pynchon has some of the best prose of his contemporaries when he wants to be profound which is not uncommon. Read the section with the dodo hunter, you can likely find it online, and tell me it isn’t genius

>> No.22614895

>reading novels for aesthetics
ew just read poetry at that point or go to a museum and look at paintings instead
not waspy 70s dudeweed crap

>> No.22614898

Another plotfag filtered

>> No.22614904

>He left the dodoes to rot, he couldn’t endure to eat their flesh. Usually, he hunted alone. But often, after months of it, the isolation would begin to change him, change his very perceptions—the jagged mountains in full daylight flaring as he watched into freak saffrons, streaming indigos, the sky his glass house, all the island his tulipomania. The voices—he insomniac, southern stars too thick for constellations teeming in faces and creatures of fable less likely than the dodo—spoke the words of sleepers, singly, coupled, in chorus. The rhythms and timbres were Dutch, but made no waking sense.

What in the absolute fuck is this pretentious block of nothing? Is this the whole book? Fuck that

>> No.22614908

Yep that's the whole book right there

>> No.22614911


>> No.22614913


*is it like this

>> No.22614936

No its usually more than a greentext

>> No.22614940

It's like a Jackson Pollack in text form and everybody got scammed

>> No.22614941

What a fucking stupid question

>> No.22614943

You've been PYNCHED, happens to the best of us at one time or another

>> No.22614946

It's really not

>> No.22614947

For me? It's Byron the Bulb. His story was a microcosm of everything Pynchmeister talks about.

>> No.22614948

Ok, why read the book except to feel big brain and call people stupid?

>> No.22614956

Imagine asking what a huge dense novel is about. You read it for the experience and the way it makes you feel and the ideas and all those things that make a book worth reading, not so you can toss off some synopsis on 4chan.

>> No.22614965

Because it's the best movie ever made

>> No.22614990


So you arent meant to understand anything you're meant to give yourself to the words on the page.

Why the fuck dont people just say that instead of huffing their own fumes and parroting "filtered"?

>> No.22614993

What do you mean, it’s about a rocket.

>> No.22614998


"It's a book about nothing and reading it is an excercise in masturbatory time wasting"

Good god someone make this the fucking synopsis on the back of the god damn thing

>> No.22615007

I like the first 2-3 pages. Pynchon is great at describing scenes in a really beautiful and dramatic way. But I hate his writing when he gets into the characters and dialogue. He kind of sucks at it. That's when his writing turns into a boring, juvenile, slapstick joke. Reading this book is like reading a few pages of beautiful writing, then having to wade through a bunch of crap before you can get to the next great passage. I can see why people think Pynchon is an amazing writer, because he often is, but the book as a whole is annoying.

>> No.22615013

This but for literally every piece of fiction ever written. The only book a man should read is his bible and his Ford Escort repair manual.

>> No.22615014 [DELETED] 

Give us your personal thematic/symbolic analysis and interpretation. Don’t say you can’t because I and many others have effort posted in GR threads.

>> No.22615070

>I feel like I'm being kidded

You never did.
t. The Kenosha Kid

>> No.22615077

You really can't cuz the book does it for you

>> No.22615099
File: 105 KB, 601x768, rethh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you moron

It's about a boy and his rocket, come on.

>> No.22615123

The more I hear about this book the more I think it's just an elaborate inside joke to highlight the circlejerking snobbery of the literature world.

>> No.22615127

I don't have one, I'm not an academic reader, I don't think about books like that. It just made me feel more powerfully than most anything I've ever read. I will say there's something about the totality of war tearing apart ideas of personal identity, or making them untenable and unsustainable, and of war as an expression of sexuality and perverse sexual gratification, and perversity equating death. They're probably not very novel ideas.

>> No.22615134

You shouldn't think that, it's a stunning novel

>> No.22615144


>He hunted alone
>Isolation gets to him
>The mountains appear more colorful
>He feels trapped on the island
>He hears voices
>The night sky is too dense with stars to make out western constellations
>He sees monsters instead
>The voices he hears are familiar but not intelligible

Makes perfect sense. If you can't appreciate good prose its on you.