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/lit/ - Literature

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22614651 No.22614651 [Reply] [Original]

A critic can never be a good artist. Being a critic requires an inherently more close-minded perspective than an artist has in regards to art. A critic is too obsessed with making art fall into neat categories with nothing being allowed to mesh because of arbitrary and narrow-minded criteria or reasoning, whereas an artist can take contradictory elements and mesh them together in a greater whole. An artist can look beyond bias and make great things, whereas critics can't.

>> No.22614697


>> No.22614715

I accept your concession.

>> No.22614723

This isn't /tv/

>> No.22614737

Imo most of what keeps critics from necessarily being good artists is that 99% of the time they don’t really have a grasp of the granular parts of art. It’s pretty easy to point out that a book’s plot lags at certain points but how to construct a scene paragraph by paragraph isn’t something many critics understand

>> No.22614828

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

- Teddy Roosevelt

>> No.22614842
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obviously you never watched space cop

>> No.22614856

He was so fucking based.
His book on naval warfare in the War of 1812 is unironically great, especially for the time. Funny enough, Teddy's book inspired Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power on History." Which in-turn inspired Teddy's expansion of the US Navy and the worldwide tour of the Great White Fleet.

>> No.22614877

Critics read Anxiety of Influence and it sent them spiraling into a pit of self-doubt and extreme self-awareness that they can never crawl out of. As much as I love Mike, his critic brain couldn't possibly allow him to be actually vulnerable to other critics, and his drunken nihilism limited what he could actually do as an actor, forcing him to play his Space Cop character with such irony that it just comes off as lazy. Compare him to Rich Evans's earnestness, despite also played a 'joke' character.

>> No.22616042

Wrong. Read what Nick Cave had to say about Red Hot Chile Peppers

>> No.22616972

I personally believe in the motto: to be a good critic one must be a good artist, to be a good artist, one must be a good critic.

how can you give art advice if you never made art? and how can you make truly great art if you can't tell shit from shine?

>> No.22616986
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The critic to the artist
Is the incel to the chad

Only the Incel can see where Chad is not perfect

Chad can see where Incel is coming from and shouldn't take it personally, but will, because you can't be an artist or a chad without an inflated ego
>he's using ghetto ai canva.com because Microsoft asks for a phone number and I don't have a plan

>> No.22616990

If everyone's a critic then does that mean there are no good artists?

>> No.22617063

I have had a thought quite different actually.Writers, when engaging literary criticism, often present a theory of aesthetics that works well for understanding and appreciating their own work. For that reason it can be valuable. But their critical edifice often fails to account for literature that is very good but very different in purpose or style from their own. Example: Nabokov' s aesthetic bliss concept is very helpful in understanding what is valuable about his work (what his work succeeds at doing) but it not very useful for understanding a writer like Dostoevsky, whose greatness he questioned. The purposes and usefulness of literature is too multifaceted to have one all encompassing form of criticism.

>> No.22617107

Red letter media is the lowest form of content

>> No.22617110

RLM is great.

>> No.22617111

You appear to believe the only kind of critic is the random guy who gets angry about women existing in children's media and thinks everyone needs to know how angry he is, or else the vapid consumers of corporations sewage who love women existing in children's media and thinks everyone needs to know it. This is a deeply stupid belief, and I doubt I can break you from it, because it's just fundamentally foolish.

>> No.22617113

its just low t dudes who've never made anything being critics as if they know what they're talking about

>> No.22617410

The emergence of higher quality art is a process. You need a "warrior" class close to the level of the commoners to poo poo on the status quo and create the soil conditions so that a better quality piece of art can find resonance with a larger audience. Attention is a limited resource and the stewardship of attention is a vital role in culture creation. Even if it is not a glorious or respectable position it is a necesary one.

Not really making an argument for RLM, I haven't consumed anything by them for many years now. My point is more about the broader ecosystem of creativity that extends beyond just art and the artist.

>> No.22617610

What is a critic? What is an artist? It seems like OP is establishing these two groups as epistemoligically distinct elements arbitrarily, as if we are talking about Carbon and Argon lol.

I think every artist is a critic, at least of themselves. Also if you want to be a good critic, you should start by trying out art creation for yourself.

>> No.22617771

>Also if you want to be a good critic, you should start by trying out art creation for yourself.
This kills the critic

>> No.22618491

Garbage musician calls a garbage band garbage, so? what's your point?

>> No.22618554

I thought it was generally accepted that most critics are just failed artists. It's why they're so bitter and resentful.

>> No.22618556

>I think every artist is a critic, at least of themselves
This is true. The difference is that artists don't expect to get paid for it.

>> No.22619675

Artist comes after the philosopher.

>> No.22621205

/// I'd love to come to Hawaii with you, but I'm a little strapped /// Expect a breeze to allay the heat /// We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk /// He used his speech to sound a clarion call for affordable health care /// That is the fundamental perversity of dog whistle politics, whereby political parties send coded messages that will be heard one way by their core supporters and another way altogether by others /// The sound of the telephone was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner /// That's the spot where Sara and I used to while away the hours between lectures /// She scrawled her signature on the receipt /// The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road /// They were in constant contact, conferring about every aspect of the construction project /// How are we ever going to scrape enough people up to form a team by this weekend? /// You can count on him to ham it up for the camera /// The fat man loudly prattled unctuous apologies /// Some respondents who renewed contact with children or siblings had positive responses, but others were rebuffed /// Everything seemed to go wrong. For one, we had a flat tire /// Retailers are moving into high gear as the holiday season approaches /// She wrote several vignettes of small-town life /// Market sentiment can turn on a dime /// Symptoms include a wobbly gait, stumbling or a droopy lip /// We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel /// Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to cross-tolerance to other drugs, for example the barbiturates, so that the effectiveness of these compounds is reduced /// I came home laden with cardboard boxes /// However, as anyone who has experienced the bad egg smell will know, the unpleasant, putrid odour can make people feel sick, to the extent, sometimes, that they become sick /// I am not endeavouring to be difficult or in any way obstreperous /// Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis /// Ability and hard work cinched her success /// They recruited the paralegals in the local area, and not surprisingly, these seemed primarily to be part of the district coordinator's political network /// Plangent organ music filled the church /// For a moment, Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson /// Eating too many of the kernels causes distressing dyspeptic symptoms because of the large amount of oil which they contain /// He liked to fulminate over moral depravity and the decline of traditional family life /// She claimed to have had an affair with the candidate, which produced a huge media flap ////

>> No.22621220

scaruffi's antithesis approaches

>> No.22621271

literally me

>> No.22621288


Wtf is a critic, name one famous critic?
They dont exist and haven’t since the internet allowed people to review things.
Who the fuck is ever going to google to find a single critics review when every book movie song etc has sites with aggregated scores and reviews from millions of people.
A critic is something from ancient history like a horse drawn cart. Fully replaced by the upvote button and the click to rate from 1-10 button.

>> No.22622326

They've made movies and have insider knowledge of Hollywood thanks to some of their contacts.

>> No.22622369

Imo they are pretty average as critics anyway. They are funny and entertaining if you like that kind of humour but I don't remember many very original insights.