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22614384 No.22614384 [Reply] [Original]

>the west has been declining ever since the knights templar have been abolished
What did he mean by this?

>> No.22614393

Why do frogs fellate muzzoid cock so readily and openly?

>> No.22614394

Just another one of his random and undefended assertions that you wouldn't understand because you didn't move to Egypt to suck off a moslem. I did enjoy the two books of his I read though

>> No.22614400

the "enlightenment" freemasons destroyed christianity, its a dead religion that nobody takes seriously

>> No.22614402
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Guenon was a freemason, ie an atheist who loves judaism and the ''grand architect''.
Those ''people'' created the french revolution and the religion called ''the religion of reason''

>The Cult of Reason (French: Culte de la Raison)[note 1] was France's first established state-sponsored atheistic religion, intended as a replacement for Catholicism during the French Revolution. After holding sway for barely a year, in 1794 it was officially replaced by the rival Cult of the Supreme Being,

>Victims of revolutionary violence, whether religious or not, were popularly treated as Christian martyrs, and the places where they were killed became pilgrimage destinations.[1] Catechising in the home, folk religion, syncretic and heterodox practices all became more common.[1] The long-term effects on religious practice in France were significant. Many who were dissuaded from their traditional religious practices never resumed them.[1]

>> No.22614455

He was a Rosicrucian. He was convinced that the Templar’s had encountered the religion of Christian Rosenkreutz in the Middle East and had been practicing it back at home, where they had some sort of spiritual-political influence. He basically believes there’s a hidden perennial core that lurks beneath all Eastern religions (coincidentally lmao) and only at certain times in certain ways in Western ones (shocker). He believed the Templars had access to that esoteric “truth” and the Catholic Church more or less accepted until they decided to destroy the Templars in pursuit of power.

He is really a generic off-brand occultist who wised up to the fact that if occultists don’t speak in the language of traditional religions then they’ll be outed as delusional drug addicts. That’s it really.

>> No.22614516

How could you destroy something that is literally true, has always been literally true, and will always be literally true?

>> No.22614596

christcuck seethe

>> No.22614606

He defended Freemasonry in his books and letters, retard.

>> No.22614657

All these religions have so much extra baggage, I don’t get why we can’t just ditch them all together. Do I really need some “godly” letter to assert my dominance over women?

>> No.22614810

>an atheist who loves judaism
You clearly know nothing about Freemasonry

>> No.22614824

Because Europe was based during the Middle Ages, more based than ever again and the most based place and time in the history of mankind and everything went to shit afterwards, but this is a redpill no one wants to accept.

>> No.22615780
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Guénon writes in Symbols of Sacred Science:
>These considerations make it clear, on the other hand, why the destruction of the Order of the Temple should have entailed for the West the rupture of regular relations with the ‘Centre of the World’; and it is precisely from the fourteenth century that the deviation inevitably resulting from this rupture must be dated, a deviation which has gone on gradually becoming more and more accentuated down to our own time. This is not to say, however, that all ties were broken with a single blow; it was possible to maintain some degree of relations for quite some time, but only in a hidden way, and by the intermediary of organisations such as the F ede Santa or the Fedeli d'Amore or the Massenie du Saint-Graal and doubtless many others as well, all inheritors of the spirit of the Order of the Temple, and for the most part attached to it by a more or less direct filiation.

Of the Sabbath of the Adepts

>In the black hours of earth, when the Christian superstition with fell blight withered most malignantly the peoples of Europe, when our own Holy Order was dispersed and the sanctity of its preceptories lay violate, there were yet found certain to hold Truth in their hearts, and, loving Light, to bear the Lamp of Virtue beneath the Cloak of Secrecy. And these at certain seasons went at night by ways open or hidden to heaths and mountains, and there dancing together, and with strange suppers and spells diverse, did call forth Him, whom the enemy called ignorantly Satan, and was in truth the Great God Pan, or Bacchus, or even that Baphomet whom the Templars worshipped secretly

>A black two-headed Eagle is GOD; even a Black Triangle is He. In His claws He beareth a sword; yea, a sharp sword is held therein.
>This Eagle is burnt up in the Great Fire; yet not a feather is scorched. This Eagle is swallowed up in the Great Sea; yet not a feather is wetted. so flieth He in the air, and lighteth upon the earth at His pleasure.
>So spake IACOBUS BURGUNDUS MOLENSIS the Grand Master of the Temple; and of the GOD that is ASS-HEADED did he dare not speak.

Guénon also did not take out the more sinister element of of the equation. For the Templar idol Baphomet and Mithraic cults (This is because the Mithraic cults used Caverns for their initiations, consider also the Dome of the Rock's 'underground' bedrock/cavern. That is, Bafomet as Arimanius/Chnoubis/Xnoubis and Baphomet not as corruption of Mahomet/Muhammad, but that of Baphometr (Baphomithras), The Baptism of Wisdom.

Guénon writes:
>In any case, one of the darkest aspects of the ‘typhonian’ mysteries was the cult of the ‘god with the ass’s
head', to which, as is known, the first Christians were sometimes falsely accused of belonging. We have some reasons for believing that, under one form or another, it has persisted until our own times, and some assert that it is bound to endure until the end of the current cycle.

>> No.22615798
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Guénon writes in Symbols of Sacred Science:
>"The 'festival of the ass' wherein this animal, of which the properly satanic symbolism is well known in all traditions into the very chancel of the church, where it occupied the place of honor and received the most extraordinary tokens of veneration; and also the 'festival of fools', where in the lesser clergy indulged in the worst improprieties, parodying both the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the liturgy itself. (These 'fools' moreover wore a headdress with long ears, obviously meant to evoke the idea of an ass's head, and this feature is not the least significant from our point of view)

>How is it possible to explain that in such a period of things of which the most evident characteristic is incontestably parody and even sacrilege (the author of the theory to which we have alluded recognized well enough the existence of this parody and sacrilege, but, in linking them to his general conception of ‘festival’, he attempts to make them characteristic elements of the ‘sacred’ itself, which is not only a rather far-fetched paradox but, let it be said plainly, a contradiction pure and simple) were not only tolerated but in a way even given official sanction?

>We will also mention the Saturnalia of the Ancient Romans, from which the modern carnival seems to have been directly derived, although it is in truth no longer anything but a very diminished vestige of it: during these festival, the slaves ordered the masters about, and the masters served the slaves. (In many different countries, festival of this same kind are encountered that would go so far as to temporarily confer on a slave or criminal the insignia of royalty, with all the power that goes with it, only to put him to death once the festival was ended.)

>One then had the image of a truly ‘upside down’ world, wherein everything was done contrary to the normal order. (In this connection, the same author also speak of ‘backwards acts’ and even of a ‘return to chaos’, which contains at least a partial truth: but by an astonishing confusion of ideas, he wants to assimilate this chaos to the ‘golden age’.)

>Although it is commonly claimed that these festival were a reminder of the ‘golden age’, this interpretation is manifestly false, for there is no question here of any sort of ‘equality’ that could if necessary be regarded as representing the primordial indifferentiation of social functions, insofar as is possible in present conditions. (We here reference to the conditions of the Kali-Yuga or ‘iron age’, of which the Roman period, as well as our, is a part)

>It is a question of the reversal of hierarchial relationships, which is altogether different; and such a reversal constitutes in a general way one of the plainest characteristics of ‘satanism’.

"Satan enthroned as the pope", from Pierre Boaistuau's Histoires prodigieuses, 1597.

>> No.22615825
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The thing is that Guénon implies and assumes if this theory is correct, some Crusaders may have come to the Holy Land as Christian conquerors and, after coming across the Covenants of the Prophet at the Dome of the Rock, were so moved by the protections that the Prophet granted Christians that they embraced Islām and certain mystical tendencies, The Knights Templar would thus have become the Keepers of the Covenants of the Prophet, committed to protecting the true teachings of the Messenger of Allāh until the end of ages.

But the problem arises that Guénon also did not take out the more sinister element of of the equation. That is, what concerns the Templar idol Baphomet, Mithraic cults (This is because the Mithraic cults used Caverns for their initiations, consider also the Dome of the Rock's 'underground' bedrock/cavern. That is, Bafomet as Arimanius/Chnoubis/Xnoubis and Baphomet not as corruption of Mahomet/Muhammad, but that of Baphometr (Baphomithras), The Baptism of Wisdom.

One theory of the name Baphomet is that it represents the corruption of the Greek words βαφὴ μήτεος, the baptism of wisdom; and another theory assumes, that it is a corruption of a title meaning "Father Mithras". So the Templars seemingly may have had esoteric and exoteric symbolism concealed regarding their true nature as the "Guardians of the Holy Land"

Either way, the symbolism of Ahrimanius and Arimanius implies Ahriman as being "destructive/evil spirit" and the main adversary in of Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism, that served as the advent for 'Monotheistic' religions where from Judaism, Christianity and Islam are derived ultimately from. It does imply certain quite sinister Satanism in this way.

In the Eastern symbolism, Rahu is the same as the lion headed serpent (Leo and Teth in the Tarot); the Gnostic Chnoubis, from the lust of the Leonine Beast which comes forth from the descent into matter of Tiamat.

Even Guénon implies that both Christ and Antichrist will have the Lion as their symbol.

This Double-Headed Eagle (Chaos of Thaumiel and its Qliphoth) is associated with the 33rd/32nd Degree of the Scottish Rite and the 33rd degree is also associated with that of Baphomet.

Even in the Systems of Abramelin, The Task of the Magician is to invoke the Four Evil Princes so as to negate and subjugate their influence under one's control. Otherwise the three Delusions that proceed from the Crown will deceive one and one mistakes Kether proceeding from itself, when it is truly a Light manifest from the Negatives of Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur.

The apparent Trinity must be ultimately reduced to Unity (that is Kether), but if one fails to do so, He will regard the apparent of Duality of Kether, God and Satan, The Kether's Shell is Thaumiel that means Duality of God.

>> No.22615834

What does the Heirophant have to do with Baphomet?

Your post was way over my head, but why are people saying the Guenon refuted Hegel?

>> No.22615858

Yeah, everybody says that about their specific religion.

>> No.22615862
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In the mysteries of Eleusis, the Hierophant is dressed as the Demiurge.

The sinister implications is that it is actually anti-Cosmic doctrine from the Monotheistic perspective (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity)

That's not the case if you view it from Gnostic/Ophite viewpoint for it is also the The Demiurge in the Apocryphon of John

>For He is Wisdom, and by Wisdom hath he made the Worlds, and from that wisdom issue judgements 70 by 4, that are the 4 eyes of the double-headed one; that are the 4 devils, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belial, that are the great princes of the evil of the world

>And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus; and Lucifer is worshipped by men under the name of Brahma; and Leviathan is worshipped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshipped by men under the name of Buddha.

This Double-Headed Eagle (Chaos of Thaumiel and its Qliphoth) is associated with the 33rd/32nd Degree of the Scottish Rite and the 33rd degree is also associated with that of Baphomet.

>For he is Wisdom, and by Wisdom hath he made the Worlds, and from that wisdom issue judgements 70 by 4, that are the 4 eyes of the double-headed one; that are the 4 devils, Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, Belial, that are the great princes of the evil of the world

The Baptism of Wisdom. βαφὴ μήτεος - Baphometr - Baphomet

>Now at last He appears in the gloom. He is a mighty King (This is the Jehovah-god of the Aeon of Osiris, on whose existence (as an offended and vengeful deity) the whole theory of Atonement depends), with crown and orb and sceptre, and his robes are of purple and gold. And he casts down the orb and sceptre to the earth, and he tears off his crown, and throws it on the ground, and tramples it. And he tears out his hair, that is of ruddy gold tinged with silver, and he plucks at his beard, and cries with as terrible voice: Woe unto me that am cast down from my place by the might of the new Aeon. For the ten palaces are broken, and the ten kings are carried away into bondage, and they are set to fight as the gladiators in the circus of him that hath laid his hand upon eleven. For the ancient tower is shattered by the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning. And they that walk upon their hands shall build the holy place. Blessed are they who have turned the Eye of Hoor unto the zenith, for they shall be filled with the Vigour of the Goat

But as it said, it is a true Gnostic Heresy, and like it is written concerning Jacques de Molay, the last grand master of the Knights Templar.
>So spake IACOBUS BURGUNDUS MOLENSIS the Grand Master of the Temple; and of the GOD that is ASS-HEADED did he dare not speak.

So it was, and must have been, veiled and esoteric doctrine, even among the Templars themselves. For it was a Gnostic heresy by implications.

>> No.22615912

>t. retard who seethes at any mention of christianity in literally any thread